| | 48-=Rasl Rstote Vor Sele 45---Reol Rstete For Sele (50--Asticles For Sole 50--Asticles For Sole er AB oems For Bem frst ms tia EE , Very Th Album from oor corners, Win hos | go ophansl, BA [£7 Sud hr North, Sooo down, we dows En on a hows, fd, bh 4 Resity Oshawa 144, in SB sel Estote For Sele Whitby 8 different styles Solid brick, Py Lslaic Down payments os low os $333 one NHA mortgage only, carrying for $70.72 MONTHLY Estates to choose from, wx Eh Sade be i, tk 1d, Er ALA ed Se + Biznss or Bh #428. iy TBs Rid wy Ard ed 4rd U0 SO Whitty, NORTHVIEW CONSTRUCTION CO, Broker: H, D. Birk, MO B-8734 - AM 1.8520 pes Woh, Eo , A F8 | lodided ungriow in this NE as Se P poid for! Wi loved roads, curs, sidewsivs, Horm ond soritery sewers in ond atch for the sign on Bundes 55, § blocks sest of Brock 51, LTD. ; (Tom Wetogor spenca Mr. and Mrs, Cectl Mills poy 1 Re 52--Aegel ing yA] yn. family were weekend guests Vic Howe gave bis Mr. snd Mrs. E4 Jenwng A Hh a rev so hcl Ee a dell ud igpin Mrs, Dawson Crd we A DUNBARTON [hss 4 Mrs, " ww, iA viee - Mr. i id (A | DUNB, , and Mrs, Jack ) Secretary : Crores Dowgias. Willis fomily and Mrs, Austin Leavitt; 2 ow James Harris ot Tovomie\ Ms. and Mrs, Avge Mr, DEAR Mrs, Waller Wilks , Mrs. Willis Yrs im Veniound, Wr, ond rs) 7d re A Migr Brg Behe Mrs, Lior Down; im en ord rman, Mr, and Mrs |fomily, yy a dk Fred as Kon Cra, i Wit OL. oot Wr a i Ha "The guest speaker, Dr, W and eve spécialin rom Oshows 742 (47 -- Automobiles Por Sele [1% pen Woe EE engi BR EE Ne Joy A Gr se bm 8 Woasas iy 54278, pp re Separate on weil heated comiortable. Wiam Breet East, BA S27), ophciom, bed-sitting room | is moders Timi Sewn, bors, seilities W red, one min! ,| 8 Ff oh vf faa lomo only A £7095, AN, bright double furnished | room, beds; sso single al. RA #8402. WISHED foom, clean apd cominrt CORVERIENCES, REMY , 46 Fern Bergh Wiva Hh $109, IN WED | gentleman three iii 8 from four cor. me tlephone RA ho i I, information, WISHED room | a onl, I | privete FOR RENT OR SALE NEW STORE IN MODERN NEW SHOPPING PLAZA For Information apply-- 374 WILSON RD, SOUTH A "on po Bimeos ow (upstairs) JuavisnzD "front thea "ntl Fee JOHN A, J, EE sr BA 597 Yor "Porth 2 bedroom, vacant BOLAHOOD or near Kiag and BA Hiss, Ab LIMITED TR REALTOR INSURANCE iar ol ni Howl] 167 SIMCOE §, fein" VATE FT nk ot AAA Felionine BA bow | Scena rom, sso Swble Homi, ni r Shopping Ci foe on, j fit minutes §0 = olors, Jerking fails, A ly Toi RA 5-6544 WANT A HOME IN THE COUNTRY? koapest call Antheny Siblock, RA 5-6544 or 5:4362, Member of Oshawe end District Reol Estate Boerd, ~hedreom meals Tovely furnished i WO BUNGALOWS One with attached garage, clay brick, storms ond screens, two storm doors, double kitchen sinks, meny other extras, priced 10 sll of $10,400 ond $10,900, CASH TO MORTGAGE MO 8-5366 ay oom wo ela ie ee 0 Jround et {tn an Ritson Road He > Close ta. South net 7 PPINY Centre, feleph one FOR REAL ESTATE PHONE DON SMITH Bubinens Res, RA Member O.D.RE, Ly WHITBY CLASSIFIED R. VICKERY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE $6,500 CURRIE AVE, 2- bedroom insul brick bunge- flow, convenient to bus, Low roxes, $13,500 -- CENTRAL PK, WORTH -- Modern &-room | Va-storey brick, oil heot- ing, storms, screens, rotor oengl, landscaped reer yard, i Std il fl oTepnane nemo hb a bhi pdiion, on i OWEVEOLET Wel Air, four door ul a hy sie, One local owner i new, Joon he Ariven 4 hbrtsiaied ah RL or term lehals rs, MO 40 Ll is worth tira ay ad your an liens paid of or don ie ced. Will |irhgt up oars, Ear rms, RA § { win. NTIAD, four door Laurentian, i oh a iL tomate transmis arlow Motors, 428 ine 1 WILLYR on a lop Motars, KA § Fk 2) CORY wie nis "coups, Milly ailevie. itor M. red trim, Jorme ators, HA 86801 iit i CHRYROLEY, | $125, RA BA, oUsTOM (in , fan) transistor oar radios , Try wiominien Fire a Wes AA | Birest ast! '88 Meteor sedan, iq) So hardtop, $146; 8) Pon 0 Chevrolet, $50; pe ed tian kl Cash, 'trade 4 terms, Nigols Motors, MOhawk 8.8001, '5 METEOR Rides two-door, smart: est looking ear - our wheels, cash, heh 8300 gr Jerme, cols Motors, MO: 10 -- -- ochevrolel, "four doer hardtop eight, miles, automatic, radio, two Hone. Sehliewals. RA 3.3800, 1h PONTIAC "sedan, very good wun: extra wheels, snow tires, AMLE lad dy | for yer an, Wavy lily MO 4800 Mo wi Fail Td AVY ki High 84 wi Sell-con PI te a SEE yriment, MO aa 0 Fi ariment {i w 5, two int TL Ll 1 ki) TERT ENT ~ A onl, two in ie hd a i Private WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 4s Dundes E MO 8.3224 1} Hog tad diy AC i) Hoe it san) WA tral, 110 i. LE EE 15 ay i pn Ea la 4 TY Bf 4) throughout. Apply 98 Agnes ina i Tl om M, [Arte ad or, Er) "5. plies, (3h for 3 isms oi Lad omy wo A» I ewiometic, hort Ly terior Ay miles, Many od MO 82163, ' POhGE Regent vs, 1 ped w dio and wi te walls, Can Limanced, { Prone MO B-4198 aller § 8 DODGE DODGE Foverible, , VE ® semi wond rr pepe, Telephone WO FORD A door, § evinder, and shit, radio, white-walls, arm Fi lies, $2200 or oilers, RA 4 1086 FORD station wagon, four doer, p44 automatic Shree Went ig Be R ie ALLSTATE Aut Insurance. Save " lo months to a i a Vio i yilont ----eme--r er i yo sedan, Vilas up 19 i, Conyas. lh le, olny Ga, do LL Harry Westgate i ih Mar. ry Congratulations lion McClement who celeb [gd EY Tornioure Jr = Joi birthday on ry ar ny re pecs Kroehier chesterfield , Washed 19 84 i| The January meeting of the fone with sever, EE il, Ch 0 AE pe on Jan a im f ponies, sealer Si of Rey, and Mrs, 4, W, Wilk whe had contribuied to oon "hak \inson. Mrs. H. Juedwine is in Ajax H ital and is progressing sat- Mrs, iri A a Viresing Ron Brooks, M saver dave two only, #97. fa PROFLE, v, ¥ v A i hats, oF) of halt tA | +4 Hund rads yards [duced to ie # font ng ited maiiresses 8, limited 89 ine, | $15. Uppal urpiture, re y re duced, Five piece rome suites, $29 Hudreds fabuin ange | Kireei Vison Furniture, 8 KNITTING 3 machine, BAe "he In leather case, $80; Uplyersel | Woria reference Encyclopaedia 15 vel , $50. BA "Sahih, F for use, poles, 3 order ii BOW, ch hotly umes, walpit | Now Foch ne Bi nth BGIVE A... "problems with ly after surgery. Plans A in progress to hold ria masquerade Valentine dance at Vaughan Willard vy yh " os dy February 19 at 9 7 Fhe evening will he AA the "| capable direction of Mr, Terry co #s Master of Ceremonies, | WIC" gin. OC) meeting on {There will be door and spot prizes, refreshments will be on The gi bat Ee a Golda) Like, with wa ook (sale, Tickets are $1.50 7 ment" ite worke finished kl end visitors with Tamil Et it ey Mr hl 7 Sr ing on January 11, plans oF called on Mr, rs. following eaptains; Mrs. Fi, P of be made for Achievement Day,|Jim Laverty on y eve ham, Glendale area, Mrs, Parker, Pine Ridge road, | T, Ryan, Pine Drive. Mrs, Adamson, Fairport Rd. N. ny Donald James, ta pi Mrs. M. Bedall, Dixie Rd,, Mrs. | io O'Connor, 'No, 2 Highway 4 ana Mrs, Donald Lynde, Dun | barton. Come and join your Ar parign, in an enjoyable #vening| me sion is now livin 48---Automobiles Wanted moto, ea L, LAKESHORE ik el for A pind LT prices bro HL i ear, GM or Ford pi i lone others considered, SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Vid y d off, 7 pF eel i school and shop | 20 nt idghing : liad youx home 6a WA ads helio Dehua = or et C |business rates, M. LL WW BUICK, mile ol PH METTLE wy pr i Ralph Vickery... 5:6342 i Aldi aR wr ree 04 CHE ROKEY hardiap f 58 Chevr: ! , A OFFICE Wo de A6--Reol (el Estate Wanted (ide 8 indow rs "ee bid 1 oleh free ry ivery, ms shies." wuriding. oth of wi IL Wl | 0 Vacant. land a: R A bon or RA S88 mate, radio, ui Til di Ft Ln, Walimark Chih x Aris DWELLING, | 2 4 bedrooms HO iy og rn fl Bin Rukh hy by oa on pe '| oNE 0 sceondion, 120 reed, medium ip VAVEWALY Juwer, Th a plane end J 47--Automebiles For Sole one lal Aon, Batts ae, or oo her ROLE Ale, 400s for vind ENCYOTa i OE Fou Rly BERTIE oo GREVROLET peiart 4 he ri yey Ay id 1] e ELIT ats poi. A prove i png EE i a Shani Ki A Ai endin, on LL fusrant Mg i RW LT oY Rd Xo RA 33183. Lf Sd 0 ONFIAC whan. eves lent runing | ELEC ELE ONE" § 5 MERCURY eosch, §-ions on a Avenue or RB. vie oi 1 Wl fit 4 oh dls let y "new, wer = k to fv, Lf for » mare deta INTERN anon Harvester deep ane MOY for hi, very Fensenable, Tele: ong | aiising machine, Horie, in new I} Reh automatic fer 4 bi oF. slephine RA 30000. #2 ve AVERUS, ONE spa tase heater w of With Food Hr one with fond Kron a Nassau br HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALIATS, COM» PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR = TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST, W, RA 3.7822 CASH For any choice clean car Trade up or down, MACKIE'S MOTORS KING ST. E, VARCOE'S RD, RA 5.5743 fod Bie Tomy AEvEN lve Tp 5S ae Apbly 0 Buenas Vielh or CASH FOR f You FE LEN a MP FL Rr {ig ity a" ot raion | WILBAK MOTORS | he sanitary way, fa ND hardtop, Al shape, will 137 KING ST. W, } n Bo siie Telephone MA RA 5. 32 a, apa ie eri oo 50--Articles for Sale ing, DATKIng Moises. \ - -~ Iehals UNF Ammunition Jing [TA YY bi = af Pi A | For clean cars we deal up or down ohn VA a automate, load. dawn st tupned wi aver, 1000 hy terms, lealy " Mor: Motors, By "M4 - Me OWEVROLEY ap [ Cash, trade oF wi EEE vy Mohawk 88001, BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, = OSHAWA Uust East of Wilien Road) RA 3.4494 Res. 5.5874 $ALL CASH$ deluxe, Liens paid off, NICOL'S MOTOR SALES §12 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-800) FEMALE HELP WANTED LADY FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK Typing necessary, permanent position, "full time, benefits, start immediately, WRITE BOX 904 OSHAWA TIMES, WHITBY { SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STURERAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, NUTR OSHAWA, O minion Tire Sor 000 Street Wem, RA Bobit m0 ® BANKRUPT gi \ felling at any a # enlidron'y a , Savage Wal i, ele, Midi i li "orth, Whig ie NUSKEAT con, Taian on, reasonabl i for further Pariieutrs. , SNYDER hesterfiold its calor brows, in storm windows, sectional, Ha ine ww wi 0) Apply 75 Rurkingha ¥ ' OFFICE, store ni FT] Sa r waed. ment. We buy Jui Easy term Hamiitin, Rner Ww oll Eda Ki iy "Phone Hampion, Ah Sh 5 aeeardion, est alfer RA wad), TYPEWRITERS, yo new Simeone TYPEWN lke new, SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE . Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 sell be {Trae hat ding oa Lehn Weel South. RA 4d i or Soro,' ET Yel: RAneth \ LP ANDY NAGY'S : BODY SHOP MERCEDES - BENZ DKW SALES AN DSERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 5.7132 BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS BOATS FIBRE GLASS BOAY COVERING KITS Brass screws, anchor fost nails, Boats repaired, painting and varnishing, obi age. HANNAN MARINE SAL 20 RAY §T, RA 8-835) pPORD MOTOR SALES 1550 METEOR conch, good my ning con 314 PARK RD, § Be RE iA a RA 3.9421 anlindn a DU TR be p oa "refrigerator, vieetric stove, beds, ¢ , ele. Bacrifice, mov: ing, Call at 48 Rosehill, evenings onl 7 fa 890 bid ALTO saxophone, eompiele with new ad Inserts, case and hooks, trievele, ear sept anil eambination roeker, sxcel: lent RA 8-048, GET THAT FREE ESTIMATE On thet warn eut bathroom today, phene; Guscott Plumbing RA 5.5132 207 Simcoe §. SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT or FOR SALE Hospital beds, wheel chairs, invalid walkers, bedsides, commodes, crutches and canes, alse roll-away beds, Phone Aid Rentals RA 5.1644 Mrs, B, A(home from bohawa Hospital 'Ifor the annual meeting on Jan: ned | Police cadet training. Ya from the Pickering Ajax| v.| Hospital where she underwent surgery, we hope for a moely' recovery. Hannah retumed| § last week and Is recuperating ot home after a long hospital stay, Darlene Harris celebrated her 10th birthday on January 8rd and her sister Margaret had her 7th birthday on the same day. The Circle Group of the WA is catering to the Kiwanis din ners for January, An executive meeting for the Pickering Horticultural Society was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, E, J, Annis on Jan uary 4th, Final plans were made wary 17th at the Christian Edu cational Centre In Pickering, Mr, Jon Cropley of Deep River was a guest of the E, J. Annis family over the heli: days, Mr, and Mrs, Murray Brown and family have returned from a motor trip te the sunny south, Mr. and Mrs, J. C, Parker are to he congratulated on the recent arrival of their hahy son. The Dunbarton United Church 5 1, Ch om Was in harmony, gram. don Beech, ar meeting will be held February 2 ot reh, [1 Fe 0 CIUB MEETING Eight lead: {to be held on January 21, Meet: ning, in To-| Supervisor of Music for Lake|M ronto where he is. taking his shore Schools, Miss Clark gave {a very interesting talk on music Lydia Kononow has veturned and showed films, Miss Clay: Carol Hill on the birth of a Toronto, visited Nir, [] haby boy at the East General| Charles McNeil on Saturday. son for Mrs. Helen Hill and for|ice in Mr. and Mrs, Pat Balson, surgery, are Ly to h Mrs, Allister Grant on the of a daughter at Alix Hospital, ham County Conservative Rally Anuary L] Allister, Adam, John and David.| Monday evening. home with measles, Hurry and get well Dianne, er Bowling Club along with thelr © HE OSHAWA TIMES, Setanbey, Jensery 18, 196) 1.) J Country Couples Club Meets ME 90 We held 4 the een} i [Sinenses ip, rom Weep Lunch was served by Mr. and Harry Locke, Mr, and VA and Mrs. Gor: 14 her son Mr, J Laverty re Laverty gh family for the, Wr, and M Jack Beige, i" ! were week 'H-S Group Holds Meeting FRENCHMAN'S BAY~"There|lamilies and friends niversary on January Oth, omgrautions 4 to wh an brated thelr Wray edding An -------- BIRTHS TE I ,. LOCKES FLORIST Forel arenes for "oh % A a OSHAWA SHOPP) CENTRE hi GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond yet within reach of all, RA B-6226 390 KING STREET WEST and support your Ho was a good Allendante " the Shatin arty on the Xs Scand AOEIOR i Ma EAT TY Th day Witermoon, Mrs hay on LOCKE'S FLORIST Mr. John Dey of Shilo, Manl-| prenchman's Bay uid anelda her eahin for the use the Funerol arrengemen 7 \toba spent & months leave a School Association Monday eve:| skaters and also served ott ar or his home on Glendale Dr, with (ning, The President, Mrs, Mar:| coffee which was greatly his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ro-| garet Brown o ned the the meting precited on such » cold windy "5H HAW, pod 5 bert Dey, and introduce: he sient speak: da NTA Steve Schwets of the 2ndier, Miss Fileen Clark, Asst, 0 vous mien man's room won the attendance ba oo of the month, general resting 3 PONTYPOOL pil OF Yacht C A Avening ot Moore's nora 4 i de <a Wiinalrom i with Commodore Dennis alld I" Presbyterian hurch Furnis Eo Plans were on lay fiemoon Was direoaed for the activities for the summer which include their ar or Hiehed from Guelph th i hi aie ie rt annual cruise to Olcott, N, has also been planned fo Oak- ville and Niagara Falls In| williamso I i U {and July first weekend, A cruise Joy awa, petro, Messrs, Dalton and Clayton" and Mr, Cain, won i August and several other ronto, vis cruises, Open class sailing races will be held during the season. noon, Congratiations to Jack and] Mr, and Mrs, Willi Hamaon, Mrs Sunday was Communion 8 0 United Church aR here was a ver, Larry Beamish is in the Ajax|ance in spite of theo cold rll Hospital last Tuesday, A grand: Hospital here he underwent|er. There were two new mem eedy fet well wishes her joined by confession mf Congratulations i Mr, pnd Bob Brown and H, M, birth| ardson attended the Annual Duy: th, A little sister for/in the otwn hall Dianne Wiseman 15 confined Mahvers Township Counell met in the township hall, Beth: nn on Monday afternoon, len ny id es eh week with his sister, Mrs, Rl lie my feveral members of the WA group held their January meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, F. White on Thursday afternoon, Jan, Sth at 2 pm, The devotional was in charge of Mrs, White of the Village Group, The yearly reports were given and showed a very shu breeds within eight degrees of the North Pole, spends the win: ter on the Antarctic coast after jan 11,000-mile migration flight, Richardson, aahgregational esting In | the church basement on Tuesday avening was very well attended, All reports were read and ap: proved and a new slate of offi: CErs Was a pointed for the com: LONG FLIGHT The Aretic Tern, a hird that year for 1960, Following are a SPECIAL NEW YEAR TUNE-UP ONLY $3.95 Regulor $6.50 values, Clean lubricate machine, Ad: just stitch and tension, Free needles and oil, air SINGER SEWING CENTER 16 ONTARIO STREET SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best pices, fully guaranteed, uble hung windows enly $18, Call now, Lymer Aluminum Co, RA 8.5385 ALUMINUM DOOR AND WINDCWS! Special Reduced Price, or We Sell, Cash and Carry. CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAJDA 481 DREW ST. RA 3.985) BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL STOVE OIL EXPERT SERVICE DIXON'S RA 3.4463 All aluminum products w= Doors, windows, shower doors, Qeaings, TV towers, paving, Pe fanvrach nothing down, ee sitimates coll -- Fou Seal Co, RA 5.9365 ANYTIME list of officers for 1061:- Presi: dent, Mrs. ©, I, Fletcher; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. W, McKay, 2nd Vice President, Mps, H, Pearce; Secretary, Mrs, H, Car- ey; Treasurer, Mrs, H, Cross; |; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs, Mrs, C, Risk; Pianist, Mrs, J, Wilkinson, Press Convenor, Mrs, { I. Hollinger; Official Roard Re: presentative, Mrs, ¥, White, Dr, MeKay installed the of fi ¢ ers with an installation service, The business meeting followed and plans were made for an execu tive meeting at the home of Mrs. H, Pearce on Jan. 11th, In February the WA will cele brate its 95th birthday and plans were made for this special ae casion. Dr. McKay closed the meeting with praver and the Village Group served refresh ments, The Circle Group of the Dun: barton United Church will hold their January meeting at the Altona Rd, on Wednesday Jan. 16th at 2 pm. Anyone who would like 'ta come and Join home of Mrs, Harry Pearce of is welcome to attend, POSTAL PRACTICE Britain's Rowland Hill intro: duced the penny post, a system of postal charge of ane penny v ha'f aunce regardless of dis. tance carried, in 1840, OLD BOAT BRANDON, Man. (CP) = An old paddle wheel found on the banks of the Assiniboine River near here may have heen of the Empress of Ireland, The boat, built 'in 1910 with paddle wheels driven by a gasoline en: gine, later was enlarged and fitted with a steam engine, A mysterious grey metal, dis covered near here lwo years ago| still defies analysis, Assayings gg vg Ba aR hd have determined 18 of its| jy confusing experts because, al: of iron, it has a low averall snecifie gravity, is a nen-con: ducter and can mark glass and hard steel easily, MERRY MENAGERIE ing year, The ladies served at fee, a es and conkies. meetin €loned with the hea i i was conducte: Rev, Nesting Richardson, Beth: A angratulations to Kenneth Mah Br oe Ta rogram, ke: wartha. Junction." TY," borough, Tu Tuesday night a px §econ MYSTERY METAL KIRKLAND LAKE, Ont, (OP) n the United States and in Tor lements, But the metal still is hough it has a high percentage Payne goes to Civic Hospital, Peterborough, Thursday morn: ing for surgery, ANA de 14 ducrores) ted with Mr, Loul Willismson on pis ter, Rich: one on Sorry iy port that John fish fe #8 7 Ce kd 8 ned FW ih he dearest father and AE sion 23 fd oh iv i) Gr tone mined By ou ovine oe, Tua! nk i = R. h, loving ii Pan Jini nh 18, gy I fie ny Die {Es bi Lk or, "lind pA Cl Ae ha CARD OF THANKS delaras hi fete aid ¢ ps LL ie Son & ht "Pardon me, strangendo you shave your tall 1* masnSs