The Oshawa Times, 14 Jan 1961, p. 14

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14 TVE OANA TIMES, Serurdey, Jenvery 16, 1961 | THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS SI N ESS he CT 1 Ha OFFICE HOURS BAM, 103 P.M " AY STRAY "101: Coll The Dieser Humber RA 3.3492 18--Loon Wanted MONEY | WANTED N -\W BU i} Accountant Ez PEWAR a C8, Racminiantys Asdilory, Lanes fren Bag, ii (im | 18--Household Regain | CHESTER TEA Io ua sew. W | #8 Fras on tue bedssom speitiment, 86 Have BRA PREF LETHGF, A A - ad Fa, g wan eves TE ----------" e He re SR AR ahah p VRE, Gil Relais, An enient "te we : | emigre Agpiy 15 King Mest Fant Ew Failing [prem padenows wises for vans, #8 Lying ad a Hails #6 Brine, (ews, (Biers aan ER -- witeny Burrows, Cheviernd ie, Pe Sm iinet Sock, nh & Hiro, A 6 Butions, Ch, BE E20 HONTEITR HOSTER, BIEN, y Rare ASK ARTY Re hoy Ii rih AE mikGig ARIE ETE AEN ik nsiaass. 44 - Ross fies BA S060) Cy » a Bereripicy E Oesawes B. 1, fas idodisiacd ® cn ¥. BOVEINE psf ( SIAR, Fun ALERT E " (nave, Orisris a | w (RGAE Goal IRE SRT icRs [07 WIRE] NB RESIRE, WEES TRORERT OF #6 Rass. Bialemepls ie LAE Elune MW. - 2--Barristers ony A CAMERON, berries, wile wary Fu $n Bing Blige bie. BHA wed pies hind Ke el dd hors, vy Lage EROMAE HW. REBWILE or #58 Rots Steal Fast. Fh EIOWION FRASER URDOCH, Birr tary Fuk Bank § Simone Sireet ! Creighion, Ren, 6. | agss prranged RUSSELL J Barvisier sud Eagt, Oshawa JAMES A M oie Wh B1T06, FRENAN al] PHILCO-BENDIX EQUIPPED COIN OPERA ED LAUNDERETTE ULRrAY BA suit Bikg Biree Onis cDONALD,. BA € § Not Vest WARNING, ¥ ityry Snileiig yay iale, Brice Block, W'4 K Remdence, dls DONALD BLAKE DODDR snd Ballet vs King M Telephone; Business RA dence, KA B45) INSEFPH oF JANoAN sal ieite 0 King trees East Hasldanee RA 6540 E. 7 BALMERE BA, b INMErcia Do ible-L Double-Piof Washers and Dryers Coin Operated aE Bu RA Bai ree a op, Of BA plus Dr Oshaws Cleaning srrisier, wl S| oF, #t Simeone Sires ' ehines Offies BA 587411 Residence, RA 5:55 d L., Barrister, Bolic 8 Simeos Jon RA 56560 Kes denge, RA BU MeGIRBON snd BASTEDO Solicitors 14 Barriers, | for oe ithy Jan 3A-~Chiropractors WE W RROWNLEE, Docier of Ohir. | apractic Moved to B68 Park. Road South, Oshawa, HA 37448 MO 8078 S--~Nursing Services MEDARE Con hour and Nursing PUrsng wor wirroundings ent ¥ ate beautiful OL 84841 SUNNYBRAE, of Oshawa. Care for eld ofly people. RN supervised, inquiries ! invited, reasonable rales LE LLL] 6-Optometrists | WIEWARD WEAK, Tr the examination of » fon os, 136 Bimens North at Colk evenings hy appointment, RA 34101 { PW, TUCK, RO, oplameteist, Please | BAY as at downtown Dominios Hank or rh Street. Invalides ex amined a Dipl RA 54087 RA 13--Gardening |x L Supplies of Oplaw ean! t ICE MELTER G T. HORTON and Assos yin Land Surveyors, Prof meaning Dundas Sires Whithy, MO 5.5081, AJ DONEVAN AND FLEICHMAN Wrio Land Supveyur, eoir vinking, 18 Blears A £419 14--Household i Repain lant NH FEIM and Trad and [stalled IVeyars f | au 1 P ates, RA FURNITURS stared, Bee y so Building Trades : 1 MBING and healing "A PAINTING and PHOFESRION AL Free 348 Simoue Alves WwW. WARD WELL DIGGING MACHIN ALIZIN : Writes MO DODD & SOUTER ONTARI " THNRESHING bus od, S000 de ll priee of Havry Milena John Field FATAL IWHED " i show ing go i = Bronmetion KUNERATIONS of aU Winds for mer women and children. Formal dresses severable skirts & speeially. RA 3.5486 SEVERSINLE skirts & specialty Mine asilbrations on ladies th Als dren's RA \ AvBRue, Paik TiGurianing. ns & Supplies ANY Sind of garden wars ap swear | ho chan ats RA &) | SNOW REMOVAL st JOHNS SIDEWALKS CLEANED FAST OSHAWA HOME SHAMPOOING LANDSCAPING | Gite" RA 8-6366 | 4 RA 8.2795 AJAX THAT FURNACE SERVICE SERVIC fields sivas 7 ' 4 aL dL ialidat | Fras agitisitas. RBA wah FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE RA®S.5054 UNLISTED ANN'S FABRIC SHOP - 4 EYE v ¥ ---- " 4 HiTEY 0 881% 19--Personal SPECIAL THIS MMOMTH 15--~Instruction LEARN ty dance, # ands] was ¥V Sppontnert, AR BA BARVEY WANCE Pop, Boys Aswde nd, Hegisie FRIVATE ta £ JERR Ast Kow etal ap ihg 16~~Insurance HAVA SY ® ALERT RTE 4 v2) per en nd RETREIIE TUNES hes Fin MONEY HOLIDAY CASH A LOAN PHONE FOR £50 to RA 'Y Bie 5.0 8-6283 AEAREWT 17 Money to Loon siness Cpportunities ,, WE WAVE cients wis " ro LOAN |! KIWERS wanted MEW SPRING PRINTS i» Fs of a # EG. 65¢c NOY 4%c per (RAT 4 BA 48 NUMBERS LANG'S MEAT MARKET VOY KES TAURANT] ELECTROLYSIS OME OF CHICKEM IN THE ROUGH 25---Pets ond Livestock BEAUTIF GL Goby udgies resty fo ed Apply Wis 21 --Personal Service FrIER ile were ar chad ip prom tan, COWax 26--Farmer BEAD tarp Fuone soliect, Ha dd Se Farm, Tyrone ook p 37 --Male Helo, Wanted KEAS Katate wiles £5 . sessury. B A woe 864 vp Wi ACTEAL 27 Fuel & Wood RY Rude, oud As 31--Articles For Rent pieces, els ne BA BUBLE WATCH REPAIRS J, Cornish J-404. CHAPELHOL MAN 32--Arricies Wanted ANTED J TRE! ONT Leh USL IEHAWA RA 5.9 22--TV - Radio Repairs 3 WFERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE all 5.2311 B89 BLOOR | JAMESON T.V. TOWERS RA B-8)8( OSHAWA T.V, GIBBONS ST 35--Employment Wanted widow wee gentleman £00k, NED middie aged good prefeired) Rel preferred HA 58540 | EXPERIENCED | sires work in home, RA 80365 EXPERIENCED Sarpenier requires TV TOWERS [nash Sa 2 P20 2 066 after § p.m [YOUNG man, 84 of work, Telep erences 1) all types Heo elary Telephone 161 " ears old, wants any et MO 84122 LAU geeks position f f A Varin onist iq two vears' ' a. in Seaboard Finance Of co CA! 29 OJ) SIMCOI HAWA ADA 1 18a~--~Mortgages IMMEDIATE MONEY BORROW »1,600 REPAY $35.00 MONT HI ALLIED INVESTMENTS 19- Persone WANTED | HM A he 5 in pec RM hei Wasiann LTI wn HOME OWNERS LOW AS mind children in own home by day o eek, Close to Rossland Telephone HA 8.1008 WiLL ou | Plaza are elder desires any kind Mr, B, Reller Mie HANK Luek, YU 5788 TV Enterprises Dre t Lal Black of wor LL EXPERIENCED man for farm (prefer ¢ red beet married, Box 416, The Osh 4 TOWER awa Times ROOF ANTEN RO AN $45 : NAS $30 SECRETARY. with 11 years' experience AS Rep etar to the mans 1) desires TENNAS $22! position path manual and elect tive typewriter, et olled | hand and dictaphone, HA 3.4606 : | 36--Female Help Wanted | EN & LOU'S Vito MONTHLY able person foi domestic pasition ¢ In, private room 1Y 1.V Must be fond of ehiidren, Telephone KA RA 5-7844 7704 [93 WEEKLY for IMCOE S51 ¢ Ca $ )} wearing lovely dress 4 Fiven 8 honus, Just show North evican Fashion Frooks to friends canvassing, Investment, experience North American - Fashion Lid, M85 Industrial Blvd, u Hi Monties! 20 EXPERIENCED oashlers ager, Bassin's Food Market ping Centre Apply Man Alix Slop Y Ql EE \LL GALVAL} QU HZE( OUR personal department requires sav eral ladles for part time Pleas working condition wvestinent Married woman prefe RADESS EN FORO ao Spat JWERS [pie AR ER wark lenge ne Mis AppalRtnent RESPONSIALE person ook K \iher Times REGISTERED AUTH \ pe r time y wi ned. W y WW For full particulars and free de teation, phone Risener Service HA VELIARLE oom 1) wo ohil . RA A-3474 after take TELEVISION i hartge Live | BONI I. EA ole 37--Male Help Wanted TO $10,000 oo OSHAWA YQ ELECTRONIC Ar 23-- Women's Column SPENLER ¥ i" in 4 . Va | Reg +1] * 25--Pots and Livestock twa MINIATL RY * 8 late Seginte ce ba ped gree sae 153, 1 {HOARD and roo YOU'LL NEVER KNOW Till You This Iry well, moss (4 Bont Generel We FD, RERVY WINE, BL Weer, evely wane, esl foy oii #X bom bn WONERLY wavnom houses, is fag sane, 97 Bassas Sieet. Toiepione BA $008 or RA 96 HOWERE rick oes ih BERRIES, BFE ELE Faage, $115 484 F exw ad acide handy ARIE RGY red with appr inant T#ievime oeth 4 68. aie Z. Ed hy 4445, E AOWERN (va ow th Kenbsiwi sop, 9 Cd % OFFICE goact, on "grvind Foo 0 CHTRRE, Ea eslple prot Write 0 AFARTHED i #iipie # Ok AFORTARLE slate "Reans ATIRACTIVE nERIow, Telephone | Koow | 5 08 Bir exe 711, Ferth t 38--Male or Femole Help| Wo Wante women ull or past ti |onp, Write Rawlelgh | 4005 Richelieu, Montreal 41---~Room & Board 'lwo gentiemen to ab {home privileges hone [lansing packed RA 5.704 ROOM and d for gentlemen, nutes from fo corners, Apply havies Street | GIRL boarders w lleges, close to Fittings lle Avenue or telephone Re Interesting eo Ake fo | Dept, ASLO Winkie beds ooked meals, M" th rooms ne ply Apply i Eula HA 804! m, #8 to North Gen Motors and ioaplt al, he sek to bus eral [ed meals Lelophone RA 5430 ROOM and board, home privileges [Street South or GENTLEMAN home goud he ing, bus at doer [ROOM and hoard, Joo central, close to t {tars and Hospital 240 Division Street ROOM and boa | ber, excellent water in - every space and TV RA 8438) ROOM and od, good for gentlemen, Apply 966 telephone RA clean, ie Road. (h home cooking Usher al Mo | bus at fo Apply | unlimited num: | Hot and gold | Free parking | information, call! d for meals 0am Foy hoard, neal private rates gentleman prefer: | ar beds inches packed entrance, pavking, | reasonable RA BARE ROOM and hoard for fentlen nan, ole to downto Apply 3% Elgin § ne RA 3.784 ROOM and hoard in private he me 0 gentlemen, class to a Mutors and uptown Ay ROOM and meals, lung ix or seven days Avenue, HA ROOM and board beds inches pac continuous glose. to Sout) J YEH) 43---~Wanted To Rent SMALL fived Led ot Water Genera Oshawa Adan Scarbore, | Oshawa Times alle for tv cooking paivil Harmony \Al ile Hox 418 WANTED one gentlemen w cies distriet |44-~MHouses For Rent LARGE aix - room duplex vo families or ane large fa avaliable mow. 866 Cre room, lonart OAR't exceed $0 RA 33403 Five Grave Ne 3-80 | opm hause naar school, Map | oll furnace, inside and water bathroom fixtures. Telephone | FIVE . room bungalow, Cadillac nue South, all heated, recreation NOR mM Antena a Josie: 0, RA mo {garage ll hed ranm Modern AG monthly imediate possession Close 10 schools and shopping. RA 6 80 CLEAN, aly garage. close W {Occupancy Fe S08 NASH Road dam Ritson way 4 douse doub Ro $ Tel Phone RA ree roam oat {THREE furs) BIORE © [Hent, lig Prince Stree 4,900 SQUARE FEET PLUS OFFICES J OND FLOOF | Al RA 5-4612 | (M4A--Aptr, & F & Flots For Rent ARF buildin Hione MO 83008 afte 01 Cyaydon Hosd, Ap TWO re ENG Fahie Ves bus, Apply 148 60 MONTHLY hath, hea ale parking oii pile irance RA 8 Htreet three |g | with | J pe | ONE MONTH FREE RENT $85 ¢ Telephon RA 8. 8676 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS @ ¢ 4 Ne Wg wit 50 LLOYD REALTY RA 85128 BEDROOM APARTMENT ailable no if 9) {1 facilities, a I paid u i Re mm LOGUE APARTMEN TS RA 3.92 KING § 92 APARTMENTS AT BL STOP SIMCOE AT RC RA 5-3302 Oshawa's Finest = PARK LANE APTS BACH PARTME DON To RA 5.7732 &7 KING A. L deen. Phone ; FERNISRED Satng iw a hansaanna, wise wt Wieon Raed osth, Lal WU 67988 ov write 24h bowie ond, Foromis, | "me mow fueniehed, hou (BE Dsante pectiment, fepes) pis shower, cose Ls ie snd Faseilent tox tenainy, # apartment, farnigked inf Fiows, som aniangss, Rest snd lghts edad, capiini 4h "i peruing, "lo we Belk, newly prio A Lanter. Telephone | hier 4 paw bets of wm BROOKLYN, AA Nir Ly Py 1 Pos. " festa Edy hawt i Ff ot mates, a La ie ior fers, init. bint ddd Howe, Hitann BA 5 ia BRT eR, a Hessonabie 27 soariment, Welding pele gereior, are floes, REE SRE PRIKING, VHF) G6R- we BA 56064 for y vile are Clase rd Frsensslon, ", 5-455, 1% wid sek for Gerry Geborae Fogiloiad gate #ili ee, Levtial, VagEnt, ab ' 4, a » eG WILLTE PT Phe wilehare x, puss 1 |B RGWR. Apity ia? A . 4 ah , FRBSORATAR TER, Rend couple MOWERN foiz von apartment, Rear King Strest East or ay 4 i a Macey - - ivi ve, ld 4 i Lo IWRBE room spwsiment, ui fomiss ih +4076 pr Bh B01 Ath via ¥ ., CL wiz, APY 1 Waiey Avense HP" REE ow isitAR Seprogrds, Reavy ety wi 44d # ry 1% vikawie for sled, ate pression' Tian Hine East sitter 6 BA +251 AERIAL, (RERE EOOmE BEG BRR, | adults, every conveniences barimert eve Hove, TRIVERTMOE BH or and sli pe A evs. RA $4676 SELF . . contained LRERR-YOOFS, HL on FRGIRe, sompiaiely pri ¢ rones. Adults. Apply 156 Pal apd downtown birest Simeone Brest North relrigeraion, But ewipie 0 large Eloret, FERBISHED ~ Upstaies apart, Love 16 r YasAdy Biree wny for #ideviy wide A pay ' 4 by 7 v4 Fond dpi genias, x a5: BL RGR ETRE E auf Th swmnent sopra ent, IRREE - room Te TT TV outlet soe Atask fm hh ste possession, Telaghsse CENTRAL RL eel contained woe Foun Ine hed . 8 J IF , Witahen oink and caphoncds, #9: \izal. BA 5.4460 plop Fh A wi ( ¥ Wd #ined spaviment, private Wath, "i eliilies, aveliabie now LL iA #rtient 2108 afte; fou sie Z| hn RA oh ! 1ho-Room fi EAFURNISHED 4 went, private bath Entrance, A es paid, 865 nin} * Telephone "A (X] t ment, seif contained, « TV siutist, WI6, Avalk Apply B67 Park al Fath ros ve ed park wh ut King BA $4500 MODERN wre BEE) roomed hase private bath and water, Rest, and parking ar seen evenings. Vacant Fe iv Apartment EPPER dupes ple sniranas Its, ahetainers ak * ECIAL Epartimer stove Ing PATE 445 deey 6 Wis, Brin end. RA 8-185; GRE AF H Wis, LL] yok Bt, Reavy 4 dhoRiGs, Bear Bh Private OLERICE, COT perEing renmed apartment, off + BErhge and gavden In vilege 6 Osligwn, Telephone CO 3-4864 j Hor further pasticuisrs pasts Hels Wy Cluie ad treet three rooms 8 CERLYRL, OB F 197 Waren oi meron t 06d loestl mA CENTRALLY | ment, private |ghone BA 8-318 F { 7 0 FOR RENT (re Bolg * Soo LOWER DUPLEX |siontais: of 'Eless West 8 ORthlY, 8 Elgin West, B yi ns, Morth Mery St, | THREE five-room and enirance ochted Tu bedroom kitchen with #loy, "y ar room modern aplstment Jigh ' Fob ) / frig and stove Apply i] Centre Biveet, & --. AP {NEW modern two bedroom shbrimest, 50 fin pew apartment building, refrigers RA 8- 24 ] 8 | bor, stove, paved parking, One biock te |8chool or shopping, $9 8 monthly, 18 pS ------------ ~ | Westmount Avenue, RA 8.6183, a B " UPSTAIRE (wo-room apartment, fide T FF T ' pi MO T™ FREF REN | nisived, malt conpie, private bath, soe TERRACE ple parking, oll heated. No children New Mod. |Please, Telephone BA 5-8313 for infor lunurious 2 | mation BELY. contained four-rdom ¥part ment, | Bot water, heavy Outy wiring, Yee | Yelephone RA 5:8704 od Ho [THRE E room unfurnished spartm | adults, Very central, parking oe, Telephone RA B-5880 THREE room Apartnisht, OM bik large, warn ome, "ebih pletely furnished for MHght houseseping, in {eluding electric refrigerator and stove, | neat, light and continuous hot wate ise of washing machine and drys centzal to down nd Shoppt Centre, Sult one op "two working girls, RA 5.5287 APARTMENT = forge TOOmE rT tained, on bus stop, lsrge Uv voor, Telephone RA 80134 for more Informa tion APARTMENTS cpartments, near entre, electrically Available Feb, 1st TRAVE AVE APT, 8 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT elevator se Centrally own lease TWO apartments, seven and four ro in country house, modem, 15 minutes {to Oshawa, Telephone Orono 84RIZ tor {further information [THREF unfurnished rooms, ground | floor, heavy wiring separste entyance | newly decorated, ¥io every two weeks | includes everything. RA |8 7797, | THREE ce 1 ares Telephone large reoin apartment, ho valer, ol heated, Fivale entiange and | bath, elose to bus step, Available now 782 Ritson Road South THE TIMES : A Jou ang "orivais mAh BUILDING 231 Savenen Hoag North Centre parking IHREF room kitehenetie, ale Private | yard, ¥60 monthly | THREE ann {second floor teleph ne. Parking, THREE ground | onthly FIVE upstalrs fll bath, continuous entrance, fonos J RA 5-208 nice big apartment kitchen, two-piece bat ioe! child welcome, Ample leplione HA §-8439 room apartment for flogr, private entrance, Telephone RA 8.0660 with separate entrance edie 0 Ld 6 pun (THREE self-contained apart nt, eentral, garag also available Phone RA 5:1776 between 8 and & pn; [APARTMENT building SAGUENAY AVENUE { washe er, aerial, parking Contre, avatiabile January Stevenson South. & KING ST ICT) ATTRACTIVE thiee seif-cany t tial Apart with | hot A rd PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS rent "e roams sh | RA aller room three near 18 roams, Shopping Apply 812 PARK alned apartment, hea duty wiring, futomatic washer, oll haaling, Sult bus | tness couple, 865, Available Febraoary RA 8.0708 after B, Mn ROOM, completely | Wpartment, TV putiet, fle floors, p vate Bath, eniva and parking Water, Wights inelued, adults only, RA 353 1 furnished THREE - room basement furnished. Apply 173 Hibbert GROUND floor, four « voom apartment laundry vom, private bath and en trance, parking, 185 Verdun Road. RA $3089 0 MONTIEY, (90 unfuinished rooms, sink, cupboards, gas stave, upsta suitable for couple, ladies or gent men, RA §7783, 138 Barrie Avenue BACHELOR Rees unfurnished, round floor, self-contained, west-end RA 5.3815 or RA 8-6485 [Ten 0'k Jatt init, pee COV ONTROLLED RENTALS 2-BEDROOM APTS. - $65.50 J3-BEDROOM APTS. - $72.50 It you earn under $3,800 per vear you can y Qualify for a Govt.-controlled Apartment, " Far send vour address to Oshawa Post Office, Bax 82 Ne Obligation Apsriment, tree! 1.8787 APARTMENTS et, electrically equipped large, and one small information calle One For information and forms

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