The Oshawa Times, 14 Jan 1961, p. 10

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a Yougloop (Busy Weekend Berd Tid Minor Puck Teams 8 Plans Fo By Hungry |Having Keen Race i Expansion | E OF Major Royal Team zoe compen sm og ome iories in the Oshawa Mimo 1 Oweck i Daye Smales . , a key Association Winer eq nny Werman Bf "ITN Tex. (A) hme ] eams ihe eI Ah Morel toc aoe pared Thursday ond Tn Korck oad fo ae ican Foothall League owners 3 Fridey might tied o IH546 Tes might wm the Ehidren's Arend Cleaners Friday amended a bylaw wn or ord set by Gel for most Navy Vels winged Cong Cole FIBEFIGHTERS --~ goal fier 1a Lid fo Rg TT By THE CANADIAN PRESS (nadiers in Monies and the CORBEEHIVE Eames ht #41 Firelighians honded Samog ©avireia Sel ense Homes, The «i i sidents met, National League Boeke y Maple Leas host Chicagn basi When they Sowhed, Peler: heoners 4 Fig "A : 7 wards : gigion The sight. ch pi F / pos' PR enter one of the busiest! Stan Milita of the Hawks bas koh. Petes 04 WM A | medion ws A Morrison, Sirens Chappel] To. gis ii . Chonge| weekends wf the sesson today |SoTeR IB ACh of is Hs bask i fom Samide 1 We dolont seh, Fines. Aldred, Milan he a a Irom] A SE leams gn ole action "ih games and p Son piv The win gave the Royals # Me 1 yun by Log nd Marca » EANERS 7 WRARIMONS YORE 18 two-thirds. | 191" real s Mawrice Richard and SORE of 14 victories and fowr Dingman fired three gosls SCUGOG CLF § or Six instead of eight vores pow! Hew York Rangers will be Home) ag A pA os ties. They lead the sey ep-eam and picked wp ne Rene 19 zon) Reid Acfense Nichol, Are needed (or expansion stronger than they have Ween Walon cers Bernie Geolirion, 1690 with a (sal of 46 points [pace Wavy Vets 19 B 50 OVE Gault, Mckmght; forwards; There was no immediate indi-| the Vast three games in Deron ™ sion ony as Detron Sundey. Hamillon Red Wings beat Wi- the "Cokes" Jimmie Mornson Trewin, Norman, MeCullonzh, planned 115-acre sports cen 8 I | ) Wi ONE heen "taken, Bam must have known what he EON ned for al least two al contract, Now if this 18 the case The Rifle wis Cardinals and Montreal, "not too dumhb ; : fa g A Amaya ¥a 2 : Bd Ar "Cameron were he Smales, Stuart, Ma %, Bink. cation whether the change was ley wien Ihe lace he el pichs Toromn at Boston snd wars Folle Fiyers #4 before sand bob Ca Sales, Stuart, Masters, I signed tn facilities immediate] Wings. Gordie Bowe was 19 Feuer sy ory of Opicagy crowd of 3974 at Niagara Falls, other ug 4 ownon, and Norman Aesiined 1o rn for the first time mpce soll ro niroal oads inte the action, The Flyers hold second spot! Teddy Kemp and Denny Henry AN ; Expansion or 1or the addition of g 5 Forontn' 1d : pe sidig 4 / (47 ed the Cokes gos, | CANADIANS ~ LEAVS new cbs in 1992 fering # CONCUSSION In TOFOMS. "55 points, followed by Tor with 3 points, while Torna a Wi A I Yareoe:! A0hRRY Melamars nd p ; 51 Chica ith 45 wel' s Majors pre third w ANCA COLA -- godd, Varco, © y ct Kh Foss said three applications 7% 3 2 0.100 With 51, Chicage with # Michael's Maiors ah h det, Kes "Shei Brown, George Fenbing fired singe He will be sporting a protec: aod Detroit with 41. New York 31. The Petes pre fowrth wit lense. Keary, wm, Br A for new [Fan ehises were on Pld 4 Rif hii BB id ho #4 a Boston 6 d 794 Begg, forwards: Hans, Skelton, 8041s 10 help the Canadian che hand. The aties were nok iden: 8 oe switched de. "2% 74 nd Boson 7h Guelph took # 3-1 first period Flewry, Kemp, Scatiergood a FA Nu banls for the ¢ y 4 2 o ' § 2 Ik sa L EAL'S NEW SPORTS STADIUM ied ceipts of the New TEncemen. Mac Beaume was lead on singles hy Barry Jake {Kerwin Perkins, Rolle and faalr M ion re ps A 444 sent 10 Hershey Bears of the Plante Watches man, Jean Ratelle wd Al Le- Payiner Bi or tana KADIANS ~ k Bosc wile ia eal pletion on several indive | tion is expected to begin soon YERES Diy league chamy American league Friday and brwn, while the Petes' Dougl DAVY VETS -- gos): Cassidy; 4 ' RORY: yf This Is » model of Montreats Som iletion i a me | on the mein 76,112seat star Sp game between the Houston wou io "young was called wp Senior scored for the losers. defense: MeEvers, Harding, Di ik Aelonse Furns, lk IF i slects ine ing swim: | © ems #112560 F R ola 4 ' 4 x ia bivid : Gl 4 Lakrow, Hurst, 0 Mua projects | " lin aymna- | dium (forearound) Tor lomhall ONers and the 14s Angeles oon" we Bears Is Win Senior later injured his knee man; forwards Persil, Morr war fi dond wish, Wilhams, tre, expected to he the most | 7% The 5000-seal Maurice | and & 5000-seat basehall star CHRTEERS were announced #5 Now York meanwhile farmed oya 'and had (a he carried from the son, Wallace, Mills, Cameron J ord \axansb i | Mum. The sep Shi) off $105 4, out Ken Shinkel to Springhield| . nL Hooper, Hopper, Hurding, FV ; ! modern and largest in Canada | Richard Arena (upper right) | dium (upper left) : " SUDBURY (CP) -- Montreal oul d Gre (ense Donn, Comme, 4 t finished, Construce (LF Phat) © Each player on the champion indians of the ABIL, and recalled Psi ens former goalie SPINY SCORING Dales, Bishop and Greg, wards: Holmes, Peleshik and when completed, Work Is near | is almost finishes id Houston team will receive $1, Floyd Smith from the Indians, CRARBLER § did 18 lay Fri SPLIT p [ ring . is SCUGOG Hiking : 016, Each Charger will receive Both are forward Jacques Plante didn't play ¥ Both teams split the scoring, FIREFIGHTERS ~ SCUGOG Shaw . ¢ 1% "Womabt Boston meets the Ca 85 might but Montreal Boyals with two goals each in the see Backed wp by Jackie Borg: Officials Vinee Gene and » EN b els y 2 in need him anyway. Pane ond frame, Peterhorouehi's mar gion two goal performance Fire Gordie Wilson, Scorer, Jim 4 y 0 5 alehed from the press box #8 Lors coming from Wayne Boddy fighters scored a 53 win over Shaw ' , SPORTS M I ™ Royals edged the Nilth Place and Sty Muirhead, Guelph's Hi h P i 4 R h ' Sudhury Wolves i " ly Fast from Bi Taylor and Marcel D i] . ern Professional Hockey Lage 1 ohelle CANA AQ TDOORS i H AS | B Geo H Campbell 1g raise air £ 1C Lame The Royals never looked hack : i y hy Jumping Aacqnes, fi e fim after the second period. : . ' ' 4a q : rT] FI winner of the Vezina Trophy, In the third session, two more SPORTS ENTOR At Cal . / 3 was sent down al his OWR 1 gocle were added by Ratelle,| | To Nuts' gary N tmin ers quest from the Canadiens. He ypiie Rob Cunningham scored a Everything From Soup 0 hu CALGARY (CP) --'"Dobbs hs was ready hut his Jon tending single and another was added » » A i he equipment arrived by plane I pu "Bod Githert everything a good coach needs, oo TON Gamble moved up to Bruins CHEER | 2 game y ' pi atche ¢ rac 15 wn reac mn pp } thing especiphly for a Canadian Fool KINGSTON i AR I Kingron and stil i the regular net minites plier the game. 4 ni A crowd of "i Walt Jeg tn SAM ETCHEVERRY may not have done anyihi il hall Leag chub," Calgary" Fontenis oy hey o ips minding post 3 fe Plante sai fone, uw" dk ins else--hut he has done one thing--he's pushed footbal tamnpeders manager Jim Fink Hered the services of gos Ai 4 ANYWAY file sd, | petes Bad : EDMONTON (CP) -- Bertie River and other walerways | f $ 8 tly. Reds are tly consider vals 1 42 lead in th ; , A lead wl J i ual Be.7g ih nto the top lines of the country's sport pages, Fight in lsaid Friday after Bobby Dobbs © A Bon Simmons, curry nh) Mig Lud Phare Inder ovat oh A a Ror op amiiton ded» bi long Beaver, the cartoon conserva wo ast as 147 #0 Montana. Admitted al hes ines CORE wi dat it RHPRIS SHS 4 Hh ; : e £ 3 orld : vincial fores olfie the midst of the hockey season, and it must be admitted |h bn n ha a to fi h the American Hockey League, Wimin to a pro contract and may! goalie Claude Pronovest had to aad" "on ore goals. within Hon symbol of the Aherta En: an' netal lor WA oficial hat that takes a bit of doing, On the face of it--it looks # 4g ul FREavInCIaL EON cimmons becomes available use him in place of Simmons. he good in the third 10 preserve! oion™ minutes in the second of the least en some aggravation in most of the f the Montreal Alouettes, Ted Workman and Co, have Rtas ata ix oh has , The Eastern Professional With Chevrefils and Donia £4 Montreal lead Bob Dillahough and Larry 7320 Fo (E00 the provincial men: farming areas of the province i ' thi ach League Frontenacs now are us: Blackburn, oul with a dislocated!" wayne Connelly, with Aw litte scored twice for Hamil-|* erie hut only where the combination : kept auiet when Montreal th (al fs : INE A we goaltender system shoulder, missing from their Glen Cressman and Guy Black ton, Singles went to Iyle Por: age IL Bp ii y do this next season and he kept qui i en WM : {With Calgary after ii fl with John Henderson playing regular left wing posts, Kings: scored for Montreal, Tom Mi er, Wayne Rivers, Larry Jef: The smiling Bertie LL match Ti any ater soups traded him to Hamilton, According to Bam-----that broke Fain buddha vORE OF THIER ost of the home games and £4 ton will not be able to send Carthy got two and defenceman oo. cod Dennis Ribant dean: hooks stamps out fire with a onment id ta | Toh Cg exponent of Babiuk filling in on road trips | Winnipeg help until one or both Jack Price had the other for So oo sooved twice for the smack of his broad tl but his And the farmers seem not yet | J fro Bi ERIORORE OFS anager Wren Blair says he's! of them return to action Sudbury losers, Ron Hergott got the realdife counterpart has heen, ANG 1 4 2 t i ' he flankertype offence, a pal / 4 em husil ull off necessary Aggravated to the point of ac Ww s H Iton Tiger-Cal salisifed with his goaltending at, Blair visited Winnipeg gen other goal usily cutting 0 a / pd ! f al least gol Palo y, What ha mij m ; 4 : Y rn mueh used hy the Stam the present time hut will giveleral manager Jack Perrin NHL LEADERS {water supplies with his dam fiom he province has dhiered ot out of this deal"? IL all bolls down, In the Hnal ana [peders 4 J A " y . huildi URE arme ) p k ; iil Simmons some thought early this week and they di # ilding £ } Is to the fact that the Canadian professional fosthall Lian " 4 wiled Tn wen In another development, BIair cided Chevrefils will go to Win : Some 10,000 Bertie posters in irapping " pel Preparation. elul of really ready to "huck" the National Foot. [Hurricanes compiled a 1 Frid confirmed that winger pipeg as part of the move thal THE 788 ovincial camp grounds, inl" ONE ETOUD, @ Pmbe., lubs are not really ready i {record that included a 7-2. Friday confi lated Tor, Reg a8 pan of Ihe m Kinus.| BY THE CANADIAN PRESS provincial camp FOURS, Wook ihe' course, Lacombe still hall League, so if the NFL, Commissioner tells Alouette {mark in 1956 and a 7-3 finish in Beal Cheyrefls is slated [or sept Ory Tessier back to Kings Standings--Montreal, won 25 lumber yards and store winger Ge" pouoy problem, Hamilton and Canadian Commissioner Halter, that the [1658 Last fall's chib wis Bu Winnipu ' War is of She We fm recently from the parent Wat 1. ted 5. minty 53 I, d St dows advise foi Alberta's Last year, 206 "damage pers am " Rw in aving ] 4 2 of arn nckey Rue CVICINS| Boston Bruins ; IS Forests Green," canwhile, #& Ad i deal stands---what are they going to do shout it? H 8 | The exact length of th Me fered @ skate wound on his "We won't get anyone in re. Points = Geoffrion, Montreal ea a \arawing nomber of henver have miss issued to farmers wha A Alouette "brass" operate for the [tract and the salary, were nol id y Lib aie 61 { 4 # can prove heaver damage, ae watched the Montreal ouette "bra mp fuk LBA foot in a game al Sault Ble! turn for Chevvy," said Blair Goal Mahoviich: Torantn t dan 260. Calif. (CP) -- heen doing their best a destroy" Jigs Damier dai i Past few seasons, we are convinced that they are eithe) Dobbs veplaces Bleve Owen, Marie Tuesday 'Lynn Patrick (Boston general! (nals -- Mahovlich, Toron SAN DIEGO, Calf. (C f forest resources mide " int 0 yi 3 Il out their elub=-or that they were "taken" his id va "Aa Simmons, in his fifth season manager) told us we'd have fo 36 Stan Leonard and Al Balding, ! "ua: tha {nlders of registers rap ready to sell oul ih bal Who came 10 Calgary last Au with the National Hockey league send Winnipeg a lefiwinger| Assists -- Geoffrion, Beliveau, (wo veteran Canadians in vir: Respile the damage (hey 40, lines, al least BM per cent of ond the later case~--~we do not believe ust after the resignation of Boston Bruins earlier this year, when they sent Tess hack." |Montreal, #4 tual golf ohseurity for months (Alberta's Berties are themsithem Indians and most in the Otis Dougla Owen has heen y ) bi hf bid 0s the province's most ue : 58,826 ) : ; mee re: ) ave wards. Shutonts--Hall, Chicago, 8. blasted their way into promin:|selves I (northern areas, took ' WEEK-END HASH Ontario Jockey Club has a ianed 1 the Saskatchewan was demoted to Providence re Frontenacs have 11 forwards ) i [erntive fur resource, Last year 4 4 0 Tessie 0 p ilote, Chicago, ence ¥ P f ] d | wineed that the Queen's Plate will be run on June 17 {Fou hrider cently on their roster including Tessier Penalties Pilots CABO ence Friday hy grabbing i] Ji \ rt ht 11 ol The government Foqiles ha i i are s BEC / ead [thelr pelts hrough il Alieach pelt, worth as much as $29 Providence goaliender Bruce) Chevrefils and Blackburn 00, share of the second-round lead| ) bro 8h 3 Al | pelt, we y li oach ier Dol | in the 820,000 San Diego Open the oF ods er § Markel evel: lon last year's market, he care dian Oaks classic be run on the Batirday before, | jie Tulsa, als han hoon signed in against a star-studded field of Muskrat, tn & 6c 00 @& PACE, fully tagged and reported, hu n this means two hig gates for the Jockey Club insteac ¥ ' | pa (brought only $147,000, i, 8, Huestis, provincial direc ol just one PAUL PENDER co-holder of the world's Hi ay iy y nn i ti ia hl Jumper ee 8 | Pender Favored Leonard, 46-year-old ace rom gEAVER PLENTIFUL, tor of fish and wildlife admits 4 Pus i aldi ' ws in. 80me bootlegging escapes de: middleweight boxing erown meets England's Terry quested hy Dobbs, Thompson Vancouver, and Balding, from = Neither of these figures in|! Lv eng ; 0 as des il as i (Tavante, were seven wader PA¥| cludes trapping Income in the | eo ~ddownes tonight and there is a lot of speeulation, was _dessrined as a defensive Another Mark as they headed into $00aY's| itera FADING Wood Buffalo Downes fights like a two-fisted, swinging American | H 9) 4 Thoms (®) ed ownes third vound deadlocked at 185 National Park, the richest nat: fighter while Pender is a Marquis de Queen yg exXpon» " RUSTON (AP) fol Tiamat with Bric Monti of Los Angeles RN ent, Pendor is favored but since he never has been ton B tG t nr od hy his / } on TE a kas: al ¥ os al Close behind were sueh nob: Norn America. The park is ade IF highly rated == this ene could be an upset STAN | igges a e ethack, will he out to crack inl HATTON (AF) Paul Ponder hones shiltulh a features 4 ables as South Africa's Gary ministered hy the Aud gv: MIKITA, the current red-hot ace of Chicago Black Hawks . own meet and indoor high NMP Enghshman, Friday was a 0:5 handpicked the 24 - year old Player, Arnold Palmer, who an ernment ' | quoted as saying he's going after the scoring records Seen In Fight records fanight at the #6thifavorite to repel the challenge Downes as an opponent after wild with tournament Vietories Alberta's drought years in the YOU DON TY in the NHL hook, presently held hy "Rocket" Richard Knights of Columbus games atl of Terry Downes, the Briton who watching him fight in London last year, Billy asper Jv, Boh gee. dlotated a government ' "(1 IS MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) Boston Garden [fights like a Yank, in their title! last yoar [Goalhy, winner of the recent wlicy of beaver population PRINK and "Boom Boom" Geoffrion (GGUS BODNAR, fédrmer . A) | id : fight tonight Los Angeles Open, and Dow h restricted Toronto Maple Leafs star, has been named the new Promoters sald Prida) they Lda Ihe Boston University Julian eh migh DOWNES 18 AGPRESSIVE hid ald 3. i {ste { money wid up through restricte 3 m ALT TR ) pect the Floyd Patterson Inge: has a meet mark. of seven feel.) The twa clash in @ television Finstorwald, a consisten [trapping, 1ive trapping and coach of Bt, Catharines Teepees GALT TERRIERS mar Johansson fight here March 145 inch and an indoor record of [15 rounder at Boston Arena! Downes fan aggressive, go winner, [transplantation of beaver al LL pay less have served warning that they are about ready to quit Li to produce "the higgest fi- 7.015 to shoot at. The only other(for Pon ders share of the #el 'em type like the American, conard, whose last tourna: government expense. f 4 : the Inter=County Senior Baseball circuit, hecause they na ial retum over and put defencing champions are Vales' world middleweight champion | chub Jeter, eamed the dite ment vie Lo ry on the United Trouble hogan in the 104s or your avie ) ) N SIMMONS, ex-goalie [he gross al aver §4,000,000 Tom Carroll and Jim Stack in{ghip, The 80-year-old ex-fireman| 8h / healing high « ranking Sates trail was th 0,000 when Bertie and his relatives Ras! 16 Hit IPOE tile + ig RIMMONS, ok fake Bill Fugaey, president of Fea| fhe 1,000: and 00 yard runs from Brookline, is recognized as|Joey (ilardello of Philadelphia Western Open at Detroit IN Aimultiplied with a growing water insurance! 18, As, ture Bports Ine, and Roy Cohn, paspectively and Paul Winder in| king of the 160 + pounders hy|in 8 tensrounder in London last dden-death playoff against Artigupply, One of the higgest build: » " the Kingston Frontenacs and if this happens, the EPHL Joounsel for the' firm, said at 8 the 100.vard dash New York, Massachusetts and Oct. 11 Wall Jr, shot a sensational 8i%:\yps took place between Hed] Insure with ARSTAINERS' ni to have quite a goal-keeping status, with Plante press. luncheon that Miami Thomas. 10, whose only defeat! Europe, The fight will be ear This was the eight straight pie 00 Friday, canning a Deer and Rocky Mountain INSURANCE IOMPANY, playing for Royals, Simmons for Kingston, et Beach Convention Hall has. peoofon os Cocchi the gold vied in the Toronto area 'hy victory far the British champion go-foot chip shot for an eagle! House. an ideal heaver envIFON:| the ane insurance company GORDIE HOWE, out for about 10 days with the head |heen sealed to 7.000 'seats at) oa FP ponte ™ ie on ta the CPTO-TV {Wha developed his boxing (alent (vee on the 408-yard 10th hole. | ment of water, willow and pop: in Canada that issues polis injury he suffered when in eollision with Eddie Shack of | $i eae ha " "$e nd kid] fastest start of his career, With) Gene Fullmer of West Jordan, [While ferhing With fhe U8 Ma He had a 70 Thursday, lar, but right on the doorstep cies aniy te nnd rinkerk Faronto Maple Leafs, is going to be hack in the linue=up [51 100 000 i , ! {1 jumps of seven feet or more Ugh, is hailed as champion hy|rines in 1084:5:6, A pro less than of many disgruntled farmers y one week later than usual, Thpe reasons to let the Can Phompson, formerly & Kingston Boudreaus, top basketball team in Eastern Ont vision, motion pictures and ra , y already haslihe Americs p al RB gl four years, the confident Cock:|ENDS AT DUSK | These heaver have followed I ) TR tonight against N, ¥Y, Ranger A REMINDER Ancillary rights (theatre, tele hehind him, he already hasi(he American National Boxing Thes N V We will he glad to five You / i Wc i winter This is Pender's fivst/including 20 knockouts, in Eng: [triumph with the touring hres full Infusion, without rio, plays an exhibition game here tonight against Oshe |H0) Will 0°10 TeleRyampTor) Moti © on 10 of moranta [start singe he boat Sugar Ray [land since 1087, finished his round in obligation, iwa Genosha Hawks, at Donevan Collegiate CARL these ta excood ha 2 000. He who has heen wooed hy a hall: Robinson for the second time on| The record Is against the the dusk with a #4 #366 aver Edmonton-Sudbury ING'S annual Viee-Skip Bonspiel is the big attractic reported ANC had hought radio dozen US. colleges, will com: a split decision in Boston, last young invader, No Briton has'the Mission Valley Country 1.8. since welterweight Ted Kic . ti added a 69 to his {2-111 k ready to compete for the loot NCAA (Nat LLL [owt dihraned weight Tod Kid found. Moni aid 48 4 event, EDMONTON (COP) = General INSURANCE AGENCY anal Collegiate Athletic Association) of United States, HOCKEY SCORES AND STANDINGS this same city 43 years ago. | Player, winner of the 1089 anager Bud Poile of Edmon: TOOLEY'S RD, NORTH British Open, Was only one wivars of the Western R. 3, BOWMANVILLE the ir sports curriculum Th feat of Charles Mon of Soccer Battle By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Poterhaia 1218 4117 120 28 BANKS GETS RAISE stroke hack with 136, He 0A lackey League announced RR 3, BOWM \ iseonsin last year, was the "final straw" in a decision srlean League Yan Ais American A pir St Cath 717 2 04120 16 BatucAtio { 0 Al h © and Casper were Within good cont" dotoncomoen Jack Price to 4 4 ; 29 15! Banks, ) WEO 5 slug: ) IQ Vd i asta nas also started an investigation inte the importation of Springfield a1 #2 Mariboros P17 6 HL 128 15 Hanks, the eH \ fa tubing distance at WT With guahury Wolves of the Easter done 7-114 twice in meets this Association ney has racked up a 26:6 record, Balding, 46, whe hasn't had a/the course of the Red Deer and Fugazy said Oxpeets today at the local curling elub, with a full entry-list of |vights for approximately $300,. pete in the twa-mile event [dune 10, The rangy stylist, wholwon a world title fight in the|/Club. He had a 60 in the first Trade Defencemen JOHN RIEGER has definitely decided to wipe out boxing as any part of [Hamilton A A A CHICAG ) wn with 4 60 Friday, Paimerimpursday night Flyers have] PHONE RA 8.334) hat was already leaning to elimination THE NCAA 'Peace Sought AGO (AR) = | ' r ha ee : Representing the LONDON (Reuters)=Britain's Cleveland 20 & 26 198 40 Friday's results ging shortstop, signed his 10611 0e other men, Goalby and Professional Hockey League in an Ha agara ontraet Thursday for an esti: Bi ; ¥ . labor ministry said Friday night Ruffalo 52 #7| Hamilton § Niagara Falls 3 contract Thursday for an PSHE pinsterwald were in a five-way oxehange for defenceman Nick nove could be the beginning of the end for topZlight [a conciliation meeting will he Lah 18 20 47 Guelph 8 Peterborough § mated $55,000, Banks, the Cubs tie § \ y 2 AF AF Clie at 138, Palano, UN, College hockey teams SKI REPORTS for this [held Wednesday aimed at avert Quebec 18 93 H 152 A? Tonight's Eames |idbeime home Jun h dey > hose The cutoff was 143 and 681° 'price 97. was with Hershey week-end, indicate that the conditions are not good In NE a strike of professional soc Rochester 17 18 i Mavibarts LR Sutharies iid Me We ve " ER pros made it, Canadians who Bears of the American Hockey host | pee Baste / 7 players that is sche yp ines 97 | 40 Sunday's \ { 1 ! h y onl. : \ 1 . 4 ast Ontario ski centres, especially in Eastern Ontario oo uy tit | heduled to Pravidones 1 WONT WN Guelph at St. Michel's league history, was given an in din 5 A ouneton ¥ Muntrenl League last year and came to Psd OSHAWA TENNIS CLUB memberi--"the ardinary |", Hieoting bi ul Friday's results 86, Cathavines al Mavihavos (erease aver his 1061 contract, WhO HA 4 4 BAIQAAY [Flyers in a trade for Warren] REHEARSE AN ITA fet=and a host of others who in past years have done [club owners will hh Avery and providence § Rochester § Western League He was the National League's Wilt Homenuik of Winnipeg, a Hyndes, Polano, 20, was with i lot of work as the club was forced ta move from Mac chairmanship of Thor ih Today's games Seattle 8 Victoria 2 most valuable player in 1958 79 for 1, and Jack Bisseges Louisville of the Bastern Millian Drive to Bond St.--Patric ia Ave and then [conciliation affiecer Thomas brovidence al Clevelam Vimeouver 8 Fduantan 4 AR ARAN In 1900 of Val Morin, Que, 7 for 13, | Hockey League last year, ( Iv ta their 4 y h "Clare Rochester at Hershey Eastern League - ally to their new ideal site on Ritson Road. had bette Phe chiot abatacie. in the. m Buffale at Springfield Now Haven 1 Greenshara § W ake up", It looks as if an open meeting of the members sotiations 15' the Professional Sunday's games Clinton § Haddonfield 4 | ould be called immediately--if not sooner eems as if |Loague's "vetain and transfer Providence al Buffalo Johnstown 3 Now York § the current members do not assert their rights--they are [system under Which a player Hershey at Cleveland International League gol Springfield at Rochester l'aleda 4 Minneapolis § ' 8 10 find their club property sold from un lerneath cannot join a new oluh without : \ ) sastern Professional : "- them--and what will that do te tennis in Oshawa® Fram I" kg Bi a, PN aii N ) k Fo A PM pring Ri nal : THIS SUNDAY } tance. it looks ' " : eague prosident Joe Rich RAR 4 8 aha § § 3 i 4 tanee, it looks as if "somebody" had better be very ards suid Pridas Hu uh: Hull Ottawa 26 § 3162 BH &8 Northern Ontario Senior A OPEN THIS SUNDAY Weiul---ar they are going ta find they have been sold Heague is determined ta retain 8 Marie 20 16 1 Hi 10 H Rouyn-Noranda 4 Kapuskasing 1 aul far a pot of parvidge the system Riteheney 117 a1 1M Saskatchewan Senior Kingston 3 7 4 16 6 padicine Hat 3 Moose Jaw § | Ran A Li Mag Har 12:00 AM. to 8:00PM 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m SPORTS IN BRIEF Th Hh None 68105030 Rr tot bai sind {00 44. $9 9:00 a. | Ihnen, Lard hia way RAS Montreal 4 Sudbury 3 Lava § Meal | MEADE'S SUNOCO STATION O elon University of Tor Tonight's game i p | A Senin orpravineia 2 588 KING ST. § ante, 15:4, 1113, 144, 15.11, Mg Sentar ntery bs hi . . x Wi] Sudbury at Kingston Pembroke 7 Ottawa 4 Basilio Draws hbulla El Shiminated John Wak SWAN'S EAWOS " HN AROS Junior Thveeh ONTARIO MOTOR SALES id 0 aroento aH a4 13 Subury at Kitchener Estevan § Regina 4 Sault Sto Marie at Montreal hevan MH WHITE ROSE STATION TUDOR ERA DIES Melville 3 Saskatoon © ao : LEXINGTON Ky MER ru. Kingston at Hull-Ottawa Satarie Junior B 177 BOND STV. W - a (0) 1 Q dor Era, one of the tan runner OHA Senior .. Fart Erie 4 Welland & LAWLESS SHELL STATION OVOr Brass: courses since 1956 Ww \ 4 y a RA Walla Shur 1 Chatham f 237° SIMCOE ST. §. died Frida t Spondtheify Wiser a a as Riverside vesden (aver NEW YORK (AR) Farmer 4's aver the limit. This extra i Te he a arhchiuwie Stratford 1 110106 bl) Re) 241 KING ST, EAST RA 5.1169 E GATCHELL'S WHITE ROSE A lishohred horse was vetived to Cham 12 E48 TOW aiaie Intermediate A MTT SIMCOE & WENTWORTH Apion Carmen Rasilia Fri factor in his unanimous decision stud here last voar and svadi. Galt f WM hi 3 Dundas 4 Rarvie 3 : day drew a Shday suspension over Ortega in the 18 - round ated hy Leslie Combs 11. The Woodstock WAT 1 871M 3 aaarsetawn 4 Oakville . Or weighing im aver his con bout at Madison Square Garden qe al da nh hy yy " Wh Strathray THAWING NAGATA District Intermediate CLEMENT'S SUPERTEST STATION Canadian hockey talent by various U8. call 8 Pheir terwelght and middleweight woight undoubtedly proved nat iracted 155-pound limit for Ms! Ortega weighed 148% she Friday's veswh Part Colborne 7 Fort Brie § | 102 SIMCOE ST, N, HEM. WIN Gaspar Ortega Jan 4 : Wed Stratford 7 Woodstock 4 yn, 3513 SIMCOE ST. N, RA 5.4704 | B. SKITCH'S TEXACO STATION WON SQUASH MATCH WON SIX STRAWGHT Tonight's game \ 1 ' TORONTO (CP) Roshan ARCADIA, Calif (APR) Galt at Strathroy "WAIT 83 RITSON RD. §, OC AMSPONSION was an \ : : Kahn of the Pakistan Navy and Jockey Willie Shoemaker ey Sunday's game wil y u Melvin RN WS cousin Mahidulla ol Whe fonda A Vielary streak ta six Chatham at Windsor WATCH FOR North Simcoe Pharmacy STATHAM'S ESSO STATION Yark Stat \thiet RH ® hy Pakistan Air Force, defeated mounts in a raw' as he wan the OHA JUNIOR A RUG SALE LTD CORNER KING & CENTRE AY Glen wh 2 + Vag hen Toranta apponents Friday night second, thisd and fourth rac R¥LY F A RM T a IN STATION he dav of the fight WUin the preliminary round of the at Sama Anita Frrday. He had Guelnh M3 R161 106 AR hg bo 209 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3.3418 SYBLOCKS FINA hs di oi SIXTh annual Canadian procama- won the ast three races Thurs: N. Falls W220 108 0 WM NU.WAY \ 427 SIMCOE ST. § Hastie weighed 138; pounds, teur squash racguels champion: day None was the favorite, (S1 Michael's 14 8 3-8 23 ©

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