TRIUMPHANT Oshawa curl er are unable In contam their smiles after winning the District No. 168 Ladies' Tank | AND LOBING | ¢ hands after the 15 playdowns al | | Winners | | WINNING skips shake District No Whithy Curling Club THREE TIMES IN RO nam fle ard Yuwie Ontario Tankard winners gals are looking making threedn-a- row forward A mn the right Mrs (front) and fezzelwond (hack) the Peterborough ¥ Mrs w Oshawa strong rinks from the Club ousted entry 15 Ladies al the I'hursday Two Curling Peterborough the Distriel ard playdown Curling Club The a tn capture Fank- Whith twin rinks from Oshawa skipped hy Mrs. N. Hezzelwood and Mrs. F. Fordham defeal ed rinks from the Peterborough Golf and Curling Club, 25:15 under Total played system for unted for 1} (Tankard the double aggregate | from one was rink mt ut twn rink win ) kips fo were and Mi I'he fime ladies District defending farin having hefore r Peterborough GG and Mrs. Russell Morg Adam Sands win marked the a raw that the have copped the two-da Tankard. They also ar champions for On won that title tw in mn fishawa will gn ont the On tario Ladi Tankard which heing held in Welland on January 30.41 I'he Hezzelwood combo were given a Wed 'nesday in the preliminary round ¢ when HRyeroft's entry failed to show. Thay then pitted agamst Cobourg in after neon. Cobourg nipped in the prelim round After defeating Nshawa went nt finals agamst the Pe Ladies' Curling Club scalped them 24.11 Losers in the final round Peterharough Gald and Curling Club received a bye into the semi-finals when Lakefield with drew fram the District Tank ard Peterhorough then ousted Keene 18:10 to enter the final against. Oshawa final AI Fardham hye were the Rancroft Cobourg 334 the terhorough semi Nshawa BROOK (Whitby) E ELIA KAZANS Wild INEMAS COPE colon by DE LUXE COBOURG COBOURG HEEME f KEENE M DIMAWA OSHAWA PRELIMINARY ROUND 900 sm. Wednesday RANCROKY Allg A Fuller 1 BANCROFT 11.00 Wadneiday AM FETERENRN LADIE pr BY PERBY third perersere Oshawa LADIES PORT PERRY ¥ A. Holde * WHITRY F NHITRY M F He Vg f 100 PM Wadnatday COBOURG \ COBOURG ke Henk ICK SVAN FLEET River | Tat ELIA KAZAN wow » PAUL DIRORN Pus Bugs Bunny Cartoon Comedy Spon SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS 1.30 | adies the Oshawa in Ford N congraty losers elimmated a Pelerborongh team a Whiths's Curling Clb Thursday, 10 take the District They | title for the third time. Front on the lel Mrs. Adam Sands (front) and Mrs. Rus sell Morgan (hack). The win ning combo of Mrs. Hegel { SEMIFINALS Thursday Merming PETERBORD LADIES OSHAWA . A commitiees PETERRORD DIHAWA LADIES | 1 PETERBOROUGH GOLF & CURLING KEENE Ele PETERBOROUGH GOLF E CURLING KEEME 3 Kes #1 FINALS Thursday Afternoon PETERBOROUGH GOLF PETERBOROUGH OSHAWA Fardl A i Tankard fale & CURLING GOLF & CURLING [oo Ford farm Mi Bark (f ham (skip) Mis. Ges Hezrelwaond i) F 1] fC ampmel) (skip) ad Fru , wond and Mrs. Fordham are fram the Oshawa Club Curling Oshawa Times Photo H he fenkin Mrs Eg J Phots Mr f Holland and My {Oshawa Times ye Ww. A Reed Install Officers All Saints' Guild Alters monthl Tuesday al the Hall in the form of a laneleon. After hot luncheon the called and the new the year 1061 elected Armstrong presided over stallation of offirers Honorary president Armstrong president, My I ¥. Smith, vice president, Mi Fastwood: recording se eretary, Mrs. T. Henstock, cor ponding secretar Mr 0 treasnrer. Miss 1, Mas social convener. Mrs. A | ad Fxecutive mem Mrs W My (ren 1 Samm inn held Wo Hm meet oF Sunday ou Schon! uct A very flasty meeting was officers for fis hl the I follny Mrs. § (Genre Ve 3ealnn Intnsh f nny her Seal Loma Dates far the far the were decided upon Valentine Art in water eolor. hy M. Greene| Mitchell an Tuesday, Feb 14; Spring tea and hake sale Wed | nesda April 26. Rummage sale tn the parsh hall Saturday morn ing. Mav 6b in new Sun dav Bchonl A Members annual activitie ear fea and display of haraar Tuesday | were reminded that the net meeting will he held Tuesday. Feb 7. instead of the regnlar meeting date Nov. 7 27TH YEAR nnauncer Dan Wilson hrates his 27th year with The! Tack Benny Program Jan. 15 on CRBS TV rele Name Committees | Oshawa Gals Grab whitby Township Dist. Curling Title BROOKLIN (Staff) Whith Township Council's eommitiees were reshuffled for 1961 at the Council's inaugura meeting, recently | One mato merging of Ihe treet changéd wa three in one ecommities Brooklin, North Area and South Area street eommities we rouped under the Road mittee farmer re Com Fallowing the Landin Committers 1061: Finance ind Council and Council if memhbe) fay Deputy Hoads Reeve Puhlic Welfare Council Town Rrant 1 | Dryden and Brooks (rep of fTohn MeKinne I nfthonse Wesle William Manning and Viek; Heeve (appointee of Plan Hoard. Dy Heeve Reps) and Hepve Thompson and hip Propert Fi Water Council Counc! wine) Genrge Demnse (ienrge metery Council) ning den and (Council nid Pur Iahn Hall Other committees formed member peetal fohn Diy Communit ther poses den and fwin ating and culos 35° Mrs. R, Saunders 'FRIDAY 13 LUCKY DAY FOR ALFREDA Vvouthful Alfreda 06 Cochrane 13 perplexed todas Although net normally perstitinng, she touching wand, throwing salt aver hey shoulders and frantically lnoking for four leaf elovers Friday the 13th has no spe cial meaning for Alfreda usually except that this year t will he her hirthday What birthday will she he celebrating? You guessed it Alfreda Quesnelle is cele hrating her 13th birthday this Friday the 13th Her grandmother, Mrs. | ofdlTCachrane treet, and her parents. My and Mrs. Mark Quesnelle, wish her a happy birthday Ques street nelle su Collins DANGEROUS OPERETTAS ¢ VIENNA (Reuters) Thg main Bulgarian Communist newspa per has called on Bulgarians to curh their "dangerous enthy stasm" far traditional aperettas It said in part that there are na suitable contemporary apes nd that the ald anes ay ampatihle with (om demands for the Communist a ---- education of the masses." Unity Club Pres. Unity Club Past (Rebekah) of Whithy held i nual meeting at the hame Mrs William Pellow Preceding the meeting a turk dinner wa enjaved hy the members pres ent Miss the meeting Lord's praver Noble Grand in of sided and with lanes pre opened Mrs Sally standing man), A the saryy Wilham all Mason (chan | lames, A. McCulloch | A. Ferren, W. A Bulley, Coun cillors F. Thompson and 1 Dry den (trustees) | Community Athletic Field and Memorial Arena, Bronklin and] for all other Public Parks in W hithy Township Deputy Reeve J. Goodwin, Councillor J Brooks, J MaeDuff, Mi M Fovelack, W. Mittler, F. Clarke and Russ Weatherall Health es Hos he paid #4 for each! attended | A Richard | Hollida ¥ Puckrin | Maw, ( lee F Drmi | WF Smith All wll] he paid 85 per day when services| required Pound Keepers fi. Hunter Halliday, f Harrison, R W. Hapkins, I. lee Burton and B. Luthrie tiame reserve F. Ashton I. Vale, J Lynde, M Agar, 1 Hall A Hannam and ( Broughton schon! I Kivell Myrtle I Hoard of will mee Hing wha Fence Viewers on. ¥ AR tan and 3] Rannettn i H Attendance Officer term, Mrs. William Hewis ye tained her position as vice presi dent, Mrs, William Pellow will continue as secretary treasurer another term while Mps Tames Brough will eantinue hey duties as press correspondent A tea and hake sale is plan ned, a tentative date was pro posed for, March 14 Mrs. Pal In hehalf of the club was thanked for the use of her home for this meeting The group was that for various reasons members eonld not at foy on the Hewis gave the sick repart and tend annual Saunders submitted hey report Mrs Russell After the close af the meeting was a very enjoyable social hour was elected president for the ensuing spent O.H.A. Junior "B" Hockey SATURDAY, J rr ---- anuary 14th 8:30 p.m. KINGSTON FRONTENACS vs Whitby Nillerests Whitby Community Arena + Adults 75¢; Students with cards and Children $0¢ ! i WHITBY SPORTS p PARADE By GERRY BLAIR Pp wry make their coneligng ext Monday might. Jar third place Inter mediate Part Hope Redme pearance on Whithy I8, #8 B20 pm Oshawa Majors in kil er when they OHA ENEREE The #i | Mor pre veh the main gmx F g WRAYE OF i g Wey 7 The Majors re f £ / day night in Whithy downing the Trenton RCAF Fiye 7-5 Al marksman fo Majo ! hie hest output of ihe Last night, Oshawa their third meeting with the Majors still seeking their ini Bow manville, Both meetings between these two rubs have been close, 4-2 and 2-1, and the rivalry Increases each time out. Monday's con with the Port Hope Redmen will send the Majors into their final half of the 1060-61 Lakeshore schedie, Unofficial standings the Majors in third place six points back of fhe e-leading Tr M 9-4 Git f vastly Carrerd was the ng home lo ad ad ville for WEE Fermi mia with the BRamroes gl vieto AYES rE Pr » claimed the Orono Orphan OHA Intermediate anville hold tandings rontn $600 wr # ~EHIE on at ear "ee s KE ( champio Shamrorks down seconn fa 28 hres Un games 0 p.m, with twe locsl Ther 0 excel antam d t All Mike club, and Pee Wee g eontests comes Iw Siar clubs fron B00 Whith the gnt hantams entertal e final BAME idgel AERINE! aNaing Mid College are of outst riub the 8 y I's College ihe from Lhe well ieresting hockey enjoyable Whit siipport CcOoRcCnen ga ep) neki fans opportunity hockey / fn ou youth-minded nt h and IL also BIVE the hard Whith who devole hours / Ok Ia fino association grat and leen-agel Wire ¥ to hunds« Town men many guarantee yOLUNEsIers in the County nf thelr in eds plenty ale nt hoeke Although these dedicated 101 pare time free of charge, i still requires put n 0 we tensive n hockey mike nvel nos suggest thres their ¢ that financing | speci Hockey Yous of the Taronin tn officiate formation along he obtained nf Mina NINEra yi A nf seeing point these EAMES 0 Minor ) Janual B, while for salurda nowing fn Might the mith nf mm hand pase the n Tickets Ing hocks sible that chibh will will received appreciating ha Whith I Maple Leaf If develop po a member hneke he thi VE non as il ma player executive membel the ne from ny noecke any as gtinn Hillerests the Whit ! rommunit BIENA farting B40 pov 1 their last meeting in Kingston on Decem ber 21 was indication there should he plenly of goal scoring Fd Westfall selected once again to the OHA Junior "A" first All-Ktar team, continues his splendid hockey on defence for the Niagara Vly- Fd spearheaded the Flyers in their come-from stalemate with the powerful Guelph Roy als an night in the Falls, hy scoring one goal, and assisting on three others. Al his rate, Il appears that Eddie will hecome an important prospect in the Boston Bruin Mr, and Mrs, Wesifall must e proud of their three hockey playing son Fd and Stan perform with Niagara Falls, and George 1 a memher of Majors Bun Conk has heen doing a creditable joh enaching the Kingston Frontenacs the manager Wren Blair, from Canada, scouting play Aa close 2-1 verdiet tn Marie Thunderbirds on night in the Bon. Last time these two elubs Rirds whalloped Kingston 11-3 However Kingston gained revenge the next time Sault Ste. Marie the Limestone city, whipping them 10-2 last Saturday night, 71 With things heing plenty shaky in Boston, per haps Bruins will raiding their minor clubs again for plavers Oder of Rruing, like Horvath and Stasiul getting less ce time hope aunger wilh stronger. legs develop for SRARON City Hall Comets, riding a win ning streak including five shutouts in the United Union Hockey League, hope (no tonight in Part Perry they meet the Plumbers in the opening weekly twin-hill TOWN AND COUNTRY Whithy host the Kingston Frontenae Juniors here ight #l nn Baturday 1 an ers hehind A+h I'uesda nrganization the Oshawa ahsence of returned Weslern I'he Frontenaes dropped eeond place 5 in Just ers the 'u mel Sault Sie sda up north, the 1 sweel Wee in and BRAIN the start pre the to bs guys next members are going n that the can in time enntinue when game of the At CWL The frst meeting of 7 nes of favre wn Puble Speaking and Feadersing' was held last Wed nesday evening # the 8. John The Esangehst Church meeting room under the anspiers of the cw, Mise V. Packer of Pickering the inet ructress, was introduced in the ladies present by Father 1, 4. Austin whe nspened the meeting with prayer #nd then said ® few words on Is course mn "Public Speaking', thanking Ruth WA Group 'Names Officers Buth WA of 8. Job's Angh can Chureh, Port Whithy, held ie Nirst meeting of the new year on Aen. 11, The meeting wis opened with the WA prayer, This was [ollowed by vanows reports ean and approved Nomination and election of of ficers was held with the follow ng wn office. honorary presi dent, Mrs. George Nicholson president. Mrs. Stan Atkinson vice president, Mrs. Peter Bird recording secretary, Mrs George Page and also press cor respondent Ireasurer Mrs Herman Parish, corresponding ecrelary and Little Helpers see retary, Mrs, Norman Bradley social convener, Mrs. William Fonk educational secretary Mrs. KE. LaTrohe: dorcas secre tary, Mrs. B. Bangwin;, social swerretary, Mrs, GG. Kyle Tentative plans were made (or the annual "Pancake supper' to he held Feb. 14 on Shrove Tues Ay. Al the next daytime meet Ing further arrangements will he made for The next Religious Education evening meeting will he held Tan. 23. The ladies decided to gn a group to the "Vestry Meeting' on Jan. 30. The meet ing closed with the Lord's pray er and tea was served hy My Giearge Page and Mrs. Herman Parish, Eleven children were present and were supervised by Mrs, 6G. Nicholson san ] YHE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Jeswery 19, 1966 § ublic Speaking Meeting Mise Packer and wishing al la Mies & seeassfnl conse Each lady spoke for twa min wes in front of the grow ving fier (utl mame. address her type of work, hobbies and reasons for taking tis conrse, Miss Packer tactiully pointed owt. to each one ways of improving their speech, she wisn mentioned how impor tant is to hecome a good reader. W improves the everyfay speech and in mist RB PIEDRIR tion for pwilie speaking. Abra: ham Lincoln taught Wimesell 1a be 2 public speaker hy oral reaming Miss Packer spoke on the Ca thohie Women's Leagues of Can de, as pant of a world wide movement of Catholic women tinder the banner of the World Umion of Catholic Women's Or ganization representing 89 coun tries and 120 nrganizations with # rombined membership of 37 mithon women. Canada's mem bership 1s. over 120.000. These slatistics point oul the impor tance of the CWO in Canada The "Aims" and Ideals" of the CWI, of Canada are simply and well expressed in the league's motto "For God and Canadas The group will meet again next Wednesday, Jan. 18, al the church meeting roam at B15 pm. i more ladies are inter ested wn taking this very inter eding course, they could con tact the CWE, president, Mrs, GG Carter ' he prayer DODD & SOUTER PAINT end WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON §7. 5., WHITHY MO 8-5231 YOUR C.I.L, Paint Dealer Painting & Decorating Contracton Gypres, Paperhanging wil Well Murals meeting closed with USED CAR CLEARANCE SALE CUSTOM 4 door Sedan One awner, low § mileage, radio 1968 DODGE REGENT 2dr Hardtop, One owner, automatic transmission, | 696 radio 1956 DODGE SUBURBAN == 2.4; molar MAYFAIR A-dv. Sedan, One nas low 1 196 1966 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER --4.dr, Se dan, One owner, power reli} 1056 PLYMOUTH PLAZA 2dr. Sedan Bey! owner, a quality '806 One 1954 FORD 1953 METEOR 1963 DODGE 1961 CNEV, 1961 PONTIAC 2 or McMAHON & ELMS Lid, Valiant « Simea - Dodge Trucks Chrysler - Dogdge 916 BROCK ST. N, 4 Dr, Sedan 4 Dy, 4 Dy, Only $376 Only $3905 Only $240 Only $178 Only $128 Sedan Sedan Hardtop WHITBY Tomareaw is the last doy te get in an the Storewide Paint & Wallpaper Sale ot Dodd & Souter Paint & Wallpaper Stare 107 Byron St. 5. Whithy MO 8.5200 > er