The Oshawa Times, 13 Jan 1961, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT V.veryhody talks about aging Alternately eold and mild weath. / Ald " > RB "a ging - snd evervhody is doing some. er is foreseen for the next few th ng af H = days, Sunny, with some cloud, RYH. price Het Ova OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 196) heen vagrant, ovens on SIXTEEN PAGES Be rien MOTHER WAS EAD BEFORE FIRE Air Attack | 3 Move To Cancel In Laos For y 4 Vosburgh's Bail v 4 MONTREAL (CP) An and Meanwhile, pathologists were ird d / 4 lopsy has shown that Mrs, Mar {still examining a blackened a jorie Voshurgh, 43, died before! torso found Thursday a few feet TENTIA (AP)="The 140 A the ig Which ar the from the ruins of the shack, 'N i 4 i g amily shanty at Noyan e.,! Wher oy Lio in Love ANE: nt four newly ? # Dee, 29, Eleven YVoshurgh chil hy Wire were, Foporis 1 fo TANKER BREAKS Up ON BEACH acquired planes from the United hi dren were also found dead in thejpuon children, mistakenly States pounded the pro-Comun 4 ruins thrown aside hy a fireman who Phe 200-Lon tanks Fuxl- ( West Indies, lust September | | how and stern fing i cargo of oil from Port [ist rebels' artillery positions 70 Provincial police Director To-l(aoi™is for the body of 8 family 1 1, has broken into three parts, | tio hown here, The I's Arthur, Texas, to Kingston miles north of Vientiane today } saphat Brunet said examination io 4 | ran aground while carry AP Wirephote for the third straight day of Mrs. Voshurgh's hody showed pet However, a lahoratory spokes: cenrte section sank, lea LF] i Af y f' A No reports were avallahle §0 v no smoke had been breathed man said a partial examination far on the damage inflicted in u : into her lungs He said experts at the provin-{indicated the re malng were : he first three days of air af Two Boats Sinlk [DECEASED ATE Lawyer Moves "i, wii. "il vi eps of the proin (nce the rem a1 the Laotian pilofs--trained in 2 here are trying to reconstitute. The torso was found ahout 25 hat-tfeet from the ruins by a bakery : ance and Thaila wohahly p woman's sk shi HEARTY MEAL To Readmit Fides and A A pad fhe d an fo eult, Jong, tiny delivery man would need hack Fire Chief William Beerwort Six Men Missing |, ik: seis Har he ac 4 iam by red McTavish sent her hu ey of fhe ir aim Steps were being taken to can- of Clarenceville, Que., near No- Negro Students of cel the $200 iil set for the re- van, 2miles south of here, sald # fa" which ran aground neat Kingston, Jamaica n the The band off to 01 Wednesday far there was no Sign IAC ( (AP | retaliation from the hoviel lease of Abel Voshurgh, 63, head he had found the body of what orm capsized two coast guard Searching ships and planes to. T¢R0 J ApHEE COMA hing dy gx | i bol ¢ Union, Comumist China of b of the family and the only sur- he thought was an animal and th her on Wis death and ask: (MOVE Seeking Feadimission OFingpy viet Nam, which support vivor of the tragedy thrown it into the snow, ( k f( ol | LI Chief Beerwort was one of the Columbian River Thursday paris of the vessel southwest of keen up his $80-a-month med yer iy o Ji a Yan Planno Western intelligence sources re . " coroner's warrant, He was!/first tn reach the scene, but hy Hight. The coast guard sald six Oslo, Noting had been heard 1" d To gi " ! lat : Wii "ported an old model Soviet spol i AW 4 picked up last Saturday, the day the time he arrived only the eRIALUG BERGE SEI" or plane, an AN-2, was observed i after the investigation into the smoking ruins of the shanty nT or w Gen i Men are: missin from Ihe hip since a distre mia ho | FEI ' k 0 i } Aare al { n a message sent Thursday night dinner to at noon arale investigation into th directing rebel artillery fire on 4 k fire opened were left Three of them had heen re h hot I Ic'Tavish id, rioting on the University cam: monda the day hefore the cued once, and were hein WIEST PAIM BEACH Va He looked alive enough then pu United States delivered the four "GAS PLANT BURNS towed (0 seeming safety When (Apy--An ocean going harg I'he consoling note was from The students were suspended propeller-driven TH trainer-at : : : mountainous wave napped A proke un in hes as and a Toronto medical insurance [following an anti « integration! jek planes the government ! men are silhouetted | North Bay, Ont., Jan, 12. The Whites Pi ofing | workshop and garage section | KTORIA Ove 3] A Norway coast during the with a square meal then easels al the mouth of the day spotted empty lifeboats and hether she: would like ta [two Negro students to the Upi- Pathet Lao rebel But i Vosburgh is being held on a tow line and they drifted off conk 10 miles off share in the firm. Mi McTavish belongs demonstration in which stone forces are using - against the against the Aames of a burn into darkness in the disabled speniie today. Seven men were 10 Hs group insurance plan on and firecrackers were thrown yehel ing gas truck as they work to | Ff the plant were gutted in the | pre-dawn hlaze which caused | crab hoat, the Mermaid missin tara Li orks depart: and police used fear gas; They extinguish a fire at the Chau : Four men survived One man, picked up hy a tug en vere taken from the campus al | 1 , f : ¥ an estimated $20,000 Aamage on () Aircra t Che const Bamsd: suid: it feat i, Ploy ie mistake is believed to Athens early Thursday and re iti h N dane Gas Company plant in CP Wirephoto c iid the 400-foot barge broke uj ive arisen over the death of [turned to their homes in Il 18 avy | the Mermaid sank under the yo" cuddonty he had no time to / HY hifainn vorks department em: [lanta FLISABETHVIMLE (Reuters) |its attacks to roving hands of huge breakers at the river ennui on a lifejacket, He y ) f ¥ oyee W. PF, MacMillan six Mi Constance Molle coun i 4 af " h 4 o Hance by rE aD : ( : Offi Mi J Kenne 5 ortune Forces loyal to jailed Premier anti Katanga Baluba tribesmen, RUDDER BROKY porthol pi ¥ 4 | 1e'Tavish tol for Charlayne Hunt AM icer issin Patrice Lumumba today opened, The raiders appear to have ' i he tug Bally R ¢ finished his Christmas tree [the federal court in Macon to, LONDON (Reuters)--A Royal| fire. on United Nations troop avoided pounding the invading i planes fying inte north Katanga foree of about 600 troops ene The coast guard | p | ; aunt sulphur-bearing barge about 1) disposal assignment and reverse the suspension Vavy officer who had access to! Ik Hi is tren hed at M w. Sl hs on tt vs wn. OUI DAS ClOB@ fie mina" sil fy toto here, The troops are loyal to One N § [ ir al ne Moroccan soldier al iiied Promior Patrice Lis I i loot |} 1 f i | f i tached to the UN force was in mumba resident » elec sennedy ap-jelosed value of investments I 3 A " [ jured a wo-Laumumba troops y Ada a pears 10 have investment assets has converted into government yo Br Katanga Tiexdas The invaders seem (0 have » * made a lightning advance from started waves rising off the \ iver mauth i convene this afternoon munications officer al Royal valued |! erhaps up to $10,: hond on' u Attorney + General William Navy headquarters in Pitreavie, V3 at perhaj | ' By fired on a UN plane at the peichh'a ving Kiva province A 40do00t const guard boat Rogers disclosed in Washington gootland 000,000 | "His home in Washinglon's town of Manono across 150 miles of territory left the justice department was "In| mye admiralty spokesman This was indicated Thursday fashionable Georgetown area is pp plane was reported founder UN control und:r an from Cape Di wat Rais gol [1 the Mermaid in tow, hut could ating a preliminary investiga: a opis officer would have Might when it was disclosed that valued at about §100,000, The jave landed about 80 Moree agreement between the world not make it acro the huge tion of reported moh action al > ' Rae Kennedy has converted all of Hyannis Port place is an addi h A , " p $ y waves In the river entrance Canadian Planes the University of Georgia 10 hdd aeRos i ooret naval hig investments over, which he tional asset 3 cans and then tumed back te hody and the Ketanga #ovem: certain whether or not federal documents 4 wildly Elisabethville with the wounded ment Out to help came the BLL00L ou omon (op) Wha Narili. Amerioan. air delence: oki law Violalions Suen red He added; "Phe officer would ad control inte government! Ralinger refused to give fig:|man SUMES ACT VARIA ' ' Dy hi: 4 Si ai : know about signals and codes Ponds--federdl, state and muni- yres on Kennedy's holdings he:| Other troop transports were Ris MES ACTION e Aatanga government, coust guard lifeboat, the Tn Tl ( H fi , i a y 3 y e Georgia House o op umph, from Point Adams, Iu Fisenhower administration has expressed by the Canadian Lib. COL SERIE SEAR G0 man hut we have no reason to think ¢ipil yond the income realized from unable to touch down at Maneno Rich broke Away Th had the Mermaid in tow when decided to reject any proposed eral pari md Opposition' cen to bewin hearings there is any question of defer Pierre Salinger, Kennedy's the trust funds because of the gunfire, the res Ihe h broke away from the cen: waves snapped the line purchase of Canadian CL air dor Later Peaysan I dy hil BHATIREAY on Pr ooretary, told reporters] These three trusts ave ikve- port said bra kovernment uly 11, Thurs " " p L . " ah au) or alec 3] p { 1H Aw the Triumph and the 40 FVM ih i id i Hall i [ manths of discussions, ficting reports and rumors of The spokesman sald Dream: in response to questions that the vocable, which means the presi: The pro-Lumumba troops were Ray iii wit Deutraliza, foot coast guard boat mas A i 9 gHer Anu PERT he Canadian government last ecent happenings at the uni-/mond, his wife and twa children president-clect's total holdings dent elect has no control over reported angry following Wa Nations and "resumed military noeuvred to try to save the Y00doo fighter aircraft lo iy Sontam ta versil left Pitreavie Dec, 80 now consist of such bonds, plus investment of the principal, His days of air tacks hy the treedom: of action aver all He Mermaid, waves capsized both i " tu h erms, Informan 3 'm I Wu a firm hi the houses he owns in Washing: mother is one of the trustees, [embryo Katanga air force territory," i posal which Wi } J g m 1 1 rsday | 5 reportec {tan and at Hyannis Port, Mass A The $300,000 before taxes Ken: against Baluba (ribesmen in A UN apakesman Thursday coast guard hoat \ youl | I I'his, they said, is the crux of uld include Canada buying DEAN RUSK and three trust funds set up forinedy is understood to receive porth Katanga, allies of the Lu described the situation as OSLO (Reuters) ight men a highly-confidential letter U8, Some if Voodoo jet fighters to om AM : Phd ally ap \ : A Belottt A ror etary Thoma him and his brothers and sisters annually as his shave from the mumba force grave." He: said a clash be: aa i 17 eplace the old CP-100 fighters ) : f "hh A oy 3 Woimdn_ ab ard Y : i polenee pC relRTY FROMM Tonal. providing the UR | y by Uh ir father, Joseph P, Ken dust finds 14 "iy four of the Observers here said the airitween the Katanga Army and Muensterland were feared to dian Defence Minister Douglas defence department purchased ' ey aid {he re dont and | wre, our si stor f force made up of ahout § a doze nithe invading 'national Congo: dian plane swap proposal made A988 Limdiea of Montrea A ans, § 1 § 38, Hi last Neptember As discussed at that time el iis in I fi, 10 0 and 1040- Gates declined to divulge of Canada would pay for the Voo amounts to a oul $100,000 Anni 4 _ : na ally, after taxe I'he income \ fn doo 1h 1y king ver) hd ' Duranie Gunmen tents of the letter until the Ca. 400 fighters hy taking 0 of hefore taxes is about $500,000 al nadian cabinet ha had a Maintenance costs of an Amer oo 1 1 ] a voar hanoe to discuss it but his of. can defence project in Canada \ Rob Ottawa Motel fice suid he feels his counter. particularly the Pinetree radar HAS OTHER HOLDINGS | hain, Canada currently pays) WASHINGTON (CP) = Dean] The likely demand hy Red M08 Toten Ht he ate at the 1 . } proposal will improve North a | | i OTTAWA (C1) TWO men, American air defences with mil: #bout one-third of the Pinetree Rusk wha steps in as state sec: China that the A ihandon| ahout four to five per cent wearing false noses as disguises i H cost nd the 1 twao-third retary in the John Kennedy ad: Formosa noorecognizing the | tary and economic adyvantag A NO ( y the funds could have a principal robbed a westend motel of 81.700 16 both countrie ministration, has cave fully mainland ; at gunpoint early today WOULDN'T MIND avoided slamming the door This the U.S. will not do, But Value of close to §10,000,000 he men=one of thom armed MAY BE DIFFICULT Informants said that Gatos against United States recog: it seemed possible from the ve.[And certainly more than §, ti. wouldn't mind Canada paying ton of Red China marks made by Rusk and the 000,000, And Kennedy has other walked into the Bruce Mat Canadian tnformants int Donald motor hotel about 4 a.m. mated 11 may he difficult for known views of his new state 04 Toot - long Mermaid, /&m. HLL) by Bert and Stanley 90Wn In a blast of wind and With his workmale UR, distriet court Judge W, A, ing since Jan, 1, the admiral i y y fle Walsh Bootle suggested a written mo: said today A & ¢ Bergman of Hwaco, Wash tion be filed, The judge said He is Subdt. Harry Drum PALM BEACH, Via, (AP) holdings, including the undi oke its rudder when the gale! hroke Its rudd en the gale later that the court would ve:|mond. 85, assistant staff com sank In the Skagervak off far the Voodoos hy taking over While saving that he sees no the entire Pinetree maintenance of department, associates, that the and ordered night clerks Harpy the Canadian government ta a . X \ prospect at the present time Dowey and Yves Lon i i the offer because of wha Jy NIA OF som ou IT AMOTICAN gorantishing "normal" relations hennedy administration might rau uspects the floor hey called anti-American pub ! nditure in Canada, with poking, the Rockefeller/"® prepared to reconsider the | One man scooped up tl le sentiment in Canada and be. bul for various reasons the UR g gid American anti-Red policy : Sevaped Wi aston | tne Foundation o hie fl emphasizes if 1h Nand ted its of voceipts and both fled in Peau of vising opposition to the onee department doesn't nat the force of Red China is 10 mainland ended its claims vant the Cl. J von Formosa d 0 ress something we cannot ignore Rn \ fl { n | x \ Gates aide td they have In touching on this pelitically tusk Hew ta tlm Reach (1 0x ' : Fla, Thursday night to confer WINNIPEG (CP)--Two Tar | n IT been under heavy: pressure by hot issue in his appearance he Da A Swe S American plane manufacturers fore the Senate foreign relations ith Kennedy on foreign policy Mie businessmen fue ng roorders and this and other committee Thu vs day, Rusk Problems and organization mat Shurhen Wf Sunspiouey (ode prevent the department made another veference that tors: He indicitod before the frind arrived in Winnipeg by ommitiee the new re. plane Thursday night to talk] mn placing any major orders may throw light on his think. Yenate plans no immediate sharp freely with reporters and Model gimme or the Canadian ca a carriers,.'in . departures in dealing with trou. for photographers ble spots around the globe { Hugh Paton and D Hubert | of G | Chester Bowles, wha will he Cox are principals Great UNITED NATIONS NY. from Ruanda:-Uprundi Jan, 1 LATE undersecretary of stato, has at) West Saddlery Limited, reported] (AM) = UN Secretary-General against troops holding the Con times expressed support of allo be 07-ner-cent awner of Bran: S0 don Packers Limited, The Bran. Dag Hammarskiol flew back go's Kiva province for Mobutu called two-China poliey=-reg from Africa today to answer prisoner, doposed promior P ognizing the mainland and For. don meat-packing "plant last countries, [Year was the scene of a six- Soviet ohare that he helped vice Lumumba, The ni Khrushchev Meets Indian Ambassador MOSH AN 1a separate di " month strike, subject of a judi Felium or Janine { Ria "a L rebels repelled the attack LONDON (Reuters) Soviet Promier Nikita Khrushohey cial maquiry ro-Lamuint ore if A Diplomatic sources said they mel with the Indian ambassador in Moscow today a H i & neigh : an 4 ASK } AY as con Paton and Cox, through vari: Congo Ny on th , n hy Noxpocted Ceylon, Liberia and ultations on the Laotian situation continued among Eastern unt n or ous holding companies, are al trust territory of RuandivcUr jhe United Arab Republic ta Western and neutral countries leged to have withdrawn $400, undi whmit a resolution opt | B k R bb ' i ol : V 1 « 000 from Brandon Packers since \fler visits to 1 (Cs on and i WW wahah A i the Belgian action, probably 10. Laos Red Leader Would Talk Peace an obDers |. gained control in 1956, wiion South Arie a Hammar old \ dhandened pla y 20 On to " VIENTIANE (Reuters) Capt, Kong Le, leader of the BUFFALO, (AP) City po the charges. arose from an India and hurried back for the SEE AS MILDER mmunist + backed forces in the Laotian civil war. said ha and FRI agents pressed a ROMP and provincial investiga ontinuation of council debate They said the resolution w Wn interview today he is willing to talk peace terms |Search today for twa men wha tion into financial dealings eons| an The Congo this moran ho drawn to attract the large with the pro-West regime in Vientiane, but only if rightist ("ed up a south side bank and nected with the purchase and he council hesan dehate possible vols Rd therefers Premier Roun Oum resigns first escaped with more than $87.000. operation of the plant ! Thursday on a Soviet complaint would he mild than the de . Fhe two quietly dressed me h I'he arves oy lived hy Diheyd | i] oul Tron nas avi Ww Ory \ 3 i Ale OF whom camied a sawed. Gays a court o ween's bene at. Bolaium helbed trons of mands Soviet Dowty. Foreign Macmillan Will Go To Japan ol shottum, held Nine employ. TWAS Which adjourned 8 heave av ohief. mount a Kk the coun Ww LONDON (AP) Prime Minister Macmillan | weepnted 'oes and five customers at gun. ing of minority shareholders! forin sald the council shou Lothicral invitation to visit Japan, it was announced today point Thuy d Win a Manufae: wha netitioned to have Paton condemn Belgium as an agave a Th ig : statement said the British leader is uplikely |twrers and Traders Trust Com: and Cox removed from control w able to make the long journey before next autumn at (pany branch office while they!of Brandon Packers CITY EMERGENCY nid Wilks Withdraw ali Bel the vavliest, dios y " hilled twa shopping bags with The twa men were arrested in| baci d ------ ---- PHONE NUMBERS Ihe hills from three tellers drawers! Toronto after warrants were HUMAN CELLS IN TEST.TUBE sonnel fram p Conga and \ anne q a and re Columbus Woman Cleared In Accident and the bank's vault swarn before a Manitoba magis depriving Belmium of its tw M Marion of Columbus, a hamlet in the Oshawa \ FIRE DEPT \ Hated A SOHO parka ol oer | have achieved human fertil: | search on problems of paten (2) granting the territory | { v ') N tier A } hu d : or, 48. Mrs, Detler, died Nav. 11, twa transferved ot a station wagon complete surpy Paton told, Assistant in his Bologna, aly, | ty and 10 have Kept ane om: | of & child before its hirth quest the General pmbly to The men escaped in a rented trate, They were accompanied Haan scientist Daniele 1 othe mbe 3 % we 2 111s give urgent consideration to (1) PORONTO (CP) A coroner's jury Thursday absaly : dh : CROMP of ib hb RA aniele | and other members of his | group sald their experiments POLICE RA 5.1133 day absolved automobile and abandoned it in on the flight by twa RCMP offi: poirucei. 38 adjusts a film | team of scientists claim to | would prove helpful in ves I W68AT4 teeship over Ruanada-Urand ( i 4 tl atamobile ac Ww \ A \ \ \ projector with the 4 of an ROSPITAL RA 3.2311 \ dent which took the Mocks \ alice sa hoy | I did nol came as a \ ization in a test tube repeated nity and determining the sox N R id N Ae a } idiate independence after sb atruek by the car driven by Mrs. Gras 1 (reporters di id not elaborate daratory yesterday, Petrucel | bryva alive for lays, The | AW W ) i ¢ 3, dy e =AP Wirephote v

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