Installed Oshawa Tones ai | The he Westmonit Kiwanis Chub was SECOND installed at the club meeting -- | Thursday at Adelaide House, {Lieut Gov. Wilson Gemmill, of Peterborough, installed the new | | officers, which saw Henry Reed take over the gavel from Cy. Powell and conduct his first meeting LAA, Gemmill outlined the duties of each Kiwanis office (and, in particular, charged the members of the Club with the resy bility of 1 the club during the year. "Officers of the Kiwanis Club| are only as good as the support given them hy the members, and I charge the members of Westmount Kiwanis to give their | wholehearted support 10 the newly elected officers of this club," said Kiwanian Gemmill, Kiwanian Darren Michael and Jules Fihier were installed as first and second vice-presidents, | while Darcy Bell was installed | as club (reasurer and Bob Branch as secretary | The 1961 board of directors ; ; p p OBE. ¥ (ral |8re Harold Davidson, Roy Row:| DSO, commanding officer of | OBE, ED, CD, of the Central sell. Don Ormiston, A Rundle, 5 2 ¢ +.) Onta ( j 3 the 15th Militia Group; TA mntario Command and Major Rav Holland, Gord Adair. John Col, J. BR, Warnica, command: | BR, Cummings, CD : ing officer of the Ontario Regi Howson and Peter Simpson SECTION ONTARIO REGIMENT HOST TO DISTINGUISHED OFFICERS by the camera in the officers' mess, from left, are Major William C. Paynter, second in command of the regimen The officers of the 1th Armored (Ontario) Regiment were hosts Thursday night to two distinguished officers from OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1961 PAGE NINE the Ontario Command, Caught | Brigadier J. Neil Gordon, | ment; Brigadier H, ¥.. Brown Oshawa Times Photo Mr. Gemmill stressed the ob Ep jovtives of Kiwanis aid 100d. the WESTMOUNT KIWANIS CLUB OFFICERS INSTALLED i » members of the Westmount j FIF TH TERM 11 Club that they all have a duty] The executive of the West: | ing held Thursday at Adelaide | stalled officers of the club, | Powell, past president and H 1J a to their community as a mem: mount Kiwanis Club for the | House, Kiwanian Gemmel is | from left, are Darren Michael, | Jules Ethier, second vice-prese ! | her of Kiwanis ensuing year was installed by i charge of Division 6B of | first vice - president; lieut | ident, 3 | Following the installation the Lieut, - Gov, Wilson Gemmell, | the Ontario - Quebec - Mari- | Gov, Gemmell; BR, Henry H Trustee Sa well Chosen Cc [2] u e newly elected president, Henry of Peterborough, at a meet: | time District, The newly in| Reed president; Cynl A ~Oshawa Times Photo } y Reed, presented Past President 3 . ' Cy Powell with a plague in ap-| [] yl t preciation for his hard work and| rf n WwW v hd B H d For Ci Y time given the Westmount Ki-| i ucation oar ed | Phe Oshawa congregation of WANS club during the past year { Jehovah's Witnesses will be host » Stephen CG, Baywell set an. posed of Trustees Rev, P, Col l(ee Convener, Rev. P. Cof- to delegates from 10 Witness P28 other precedent when he was fey, Dr. A, KE, O'Neill, 160 fey and Trustees Baywell, Arm. congregations at their annual | Firm Is Placed ep ore Y airman l elected chairman of the Oshawa Glover, and 8, G, Saywell drew|girong, Shaw, Bassett, Greer: convention which will he held § ' 4 Board of Education for the fifth up the various working commit ly from 1ahor Ww ( the UAW Hall, Bond street In Receivership . . ' 5 time Thursday night, He last tees of the hoard and made ap Wilkins and E. H. Wagner Rep. east, Jan, 13, 14 and 15 George A, Fletcher, retiring additions to Cedardale and Ade:(ply to call attention to some: held office in 1050 pointments to other hoards by tal y from management,. Harvey A, Finney, presiding] TORONTO (CP) = Norman chairman of the Oshawa Board laide McLaughlin Pub liec|thing that should not he, for: Trustees Dr, A, E, O'Neill and COMMITTEES NAMED Harry Brook and Arnold minister, says that the high Beal Limited, a men's and boys' of Education for 1060-60, cited Schools tunately it does not represent Harold B, Armstrong were also I} heii Tai Stapleton, and one to be appoint: light of the conference will be clothing chain of three stores, ' the achievements of the board Plans have been completely!' any way the opinions or nominated for the chair, Trustee Eh committees appointed od ' a public address at 3 p.m, Sun- has heen put into receivership # noted its failures, and criticized prepared and approved, both hy [8ctions of the majority of our O'Nelll requested that his name Wl committee Appointments Committee day hy Thomas Jones on the|on petition of the Utex Corpora-| | an Oshawa alderman and an this hoard and the department/councilmen.'" Chairman Fletehe he withdrawn, as he said, "I feel Management Committee Raa O'Neill. Lee and subject "Is God Interested in/tion of Montreal which claims Oshawa Times columnist of educatio d tenders have °F Identified Alderman Finlay the office would be better taken Chairman Trustee Khaw, Dr |BSaywell, Shaw V'Neill, | " I Inte; $20,817 85 outstand n, and tenders hay | Dafoe after the meeti care of hy someone else O'Neill, Bassett, Lee, Murphy, | Rev. Coffey the Affairs of Men? na W on J wn ng t sald The chairman made the state. been approved hy the hoard for| eting. pl A and Btroud Trust Fund Chairman fr, Jones is district repre.| Norman Beal, president, sal | 'ments as his term of office drew the erection of the new R. 8 |pury 10 SPEAK Frustee Harold B. Armstrong "pronerty Committee -- Chair: George Drynan, and Trustees sentative for the Watch Tower|his company owed more than to @ close prior to the dissolu- McLaughlin Collegiate and Vo:| Alderman Finlay 'Dafoe, whe a a ce-ch rman of (5 man, "Dr. AT, O'Neill; vice| Saywell and Murphy Bible and Tract Saciety in Can F0.0M By ha" phi nfo tion of the old hoard, and the cational Institute, It is on this was -coniected by The Oshawa i rs £ # Ne ' i H one it Ly ho i ' oc | Chairman for secondary schools) Educational Commities ada, He is a careful Bible stu. PANIES h pd fall a Regain to inauguration of the new hoard, point the board has failed or|Times after the meeting had o el Ai yaorge Giynal a R. Murphy; vice chairman for| Chairman 8G, Saywell and dent and well qualified to speak 1 Ad are, ott Jeawa Thursday evening at the new Nas been prevented in telling its this to say; "I have nothing to position. Dr, O'Neill declined to public ae hools, T Bataets and Trustees Rs o, Oley, 2 on the Sibject 0 tak All Dee stares have. bash board of education administra story and completing its work," comment w I had my say at : \ stees Armstrong, Shaw, and|(0'Ne i f f Most of the sessions will take 2% ? hlaed J tion buildin aan election time, As a citizen of . stand for office Glover, 3 : and Stroud ewe ti the form of ministerial training lose. W. M. Brace, Toromo, THEME SPEAKER | 8 PUBLIC IFORMATION " this city, I feel it my duty to RELUCTANT TO STAND Building and Planning Com Appointments to the LDrary gor the attending delegates in ; | Aitken. pastor of PRAISED FOR WORK True tee Fletcher noted Te speak out at any time against Newly elected Chairman mittee = Chairman, H. B, Arm- hoard Mrs, H Hart three order to increase their effici Mg id) Baptist pagiop ni He praised the board mem. @re many things about which|those who 1 feel are not doing Stephen Baywell stated thal he Strong yi e h hatrman, for Ni years 7 4 havery IWO YeRaYS, anoy in preaching from house 2 AMBULANCE CALLS will be the preacher for the bers for the amount of work he Public should be fully in<|a proper job." re ondary schools, Rey ey; | and MeDuff, one year ' =, . ' h me | conce 8 0 " Was very reluctant to take the nd wee pa for public "Representaitve from the hoard| 1? Mouse There have heen no fire final service of the Week of they did on the hoard, and gc : on a oy thery| 0 the Question of taxes, the chair, He said there had heen no 8 NR JEAN, | ie! io " Ra Copa miiee On Saturday an address on the alarms at the Oshawa Fire De:| Prayer meetings, The service stated that a trustee spends of educational affairs by theirichairman stated (hat Oshawa P 8 h nis, J ee I J J] L y , ' 3 150) Er Ih pt! J thought n his mind to, and fol Trustees Glover, Basselt, and|John Greer importance and significance of partment since the Tuesday| is in the Salvation Army Cita: more than one quarter of his Fépresantatives this deal i he nays 85 less for every $100 of isi bon hy a few mem. Drynan Representative to the CRA ht aptism will be geen night alarm that launched 120 del, Simcoe street south at ® (working life on the hoard as A any nEs ne Mg ii their tax bill than the average B f A Tey / ' pig s P , 1e facilities of the U/ alll firefighters in an all-night war today, The service will | im . ! B amount paid hy eit i : " . a i v { lanni pm, today 2 hoi 4 y citizens in 75 bers that afternoon to allow his I Inance Committee w ( hair Robert Slroud. 10 the | o i will be used for the preparation against a $500,000 blaze, There he conducted by the president Tt The hoard be at @ Ught, th. future (per cent of growing cities in On. name fo he nominated, He sald man, George Drynan, vice Oshawa Safety League. 1, Gloy- and serving of hot meals three have been twn routine ambu:| of the Oshawa Ministerial Ag. 'here were ! ol He lauded the supervisory and tavio. He said, education is the he was confident that Trustee chairman Robert Stroud, and Oshawa Rafety League, 1, h BRS. Bf / ; hoard, The minimum hours : hg ) Armstrong would be elected as Trustees Greer, Coffey, Lee, er; to the traffic council, F. A times daily lance calls during that time, sociation, Rev, R, B, Milroy, spent & meeting were two, Some teaching staffs of the schools, host investment, both from the ' np X i , Bassett; and to the janitor In commenting on the ar Nr : ao. as . The chairman called for the Selfish return fo parents and Chatman, ang Prajied She work ¥ Net. a (tea BFIEVANCE committee, O'Neill, rangement Mr, Vianney said i sted J h longer. J oh his hoard to consider making avail-|'axpayers and from the views done for the hoard : CF in i" I Mrs, C oo poor Saywell, and Coffey Groups of 10 to 3 congrega a oF gy I able more great hooks with Point of the children themselves, ¢ Saywell' recounted Fo aan Mur hy "Glover Hons meet lofotiey every oly e ar eop e Mr. Fleicl er personally attend. eI" great thought for the "It is a proven fact in the 'hairman Saywell' recount ! phy, G months for conferences, such as mr, er personally school libraries, his memories as he began his| Stroud, Greer, and Drynan CELEBRATING this one to be held here, all over 25th year on the Oshawa Board, Advisory Vocational Commit . * . the earth, There are 21,008 con of Education, He was first elect:| reg hovah' Official Retires ed chairman in 1043, In 1051 he| , ' BIRTHDAYS gregations of Jehovah's Wit. ; ' nesses throughout the world, was again chairman during (he Hospital Appoints Congratulations and: bast IE oes first year of annexation when NGPA AIIONS HIN 1e ARl John A, Morphy, vicepresi five schools were added hy the| J dun ini Wished 10 the following vesk dent and factory manager of hoard, He was chairman again ministrator dents of Oshawa an¢ 1H J the Pedlar People Limited, ve: in 1050 when it was the first Who are celebrating thelr Butter Make [tired recently after 42 vears' time that a chairman succeeded Bernard Holden, 28, adminis birthdays today d. 011 service with the company, himself, Also it was the first trator of the Deep River Hospi:| Mrs, Elsie Shepherd 4 Recently a group of associ year of ® larger hoard, This 'al since April '1, 1057, willl Ritson road north; Ronnie p n ur am (ates in the company held a election to the board was a pre. move to Bowmanville March 1) Jarvis, 218 Wilson Roa ~ buffet dinner and reception at cedent as no one has ever heen 85 administrator of the Row: south; Mrs. Joyce Smith, The statistics branch of the ihe home of John G. Geikie, elected chairman of the hoard Manville Memorial Hospital 1538 Lakemount St. Mrs, Ontario Department of Agricul [company president, at which five times Prior to his Deep River posi:| Mary Hambly, 1614 Lake: ture reports the make of cream: time Mr, Morphy was presented The chairman noted that tion, Mr, Holden was adminis; Side; Nancy MeGrogon, 16} ery butter in Durham County inlith a gift of crystal, # chairman spends at least 40 trator at the Chronic Convales Buen vista Hi: Mos. Trane (November last topped that in "my Morphy is leaving shortly per cent of his waking time on cent Hospital in Montreal, Mr, E80 bi 4 Clonbnea gt; the same month of the previous| fara' naliday in Arizona, On his hoard matters, and, as a result, Holden worked for six. years) SeECHOn B45 HISAAIAE Bot year, The make in Ontario varypn he will continue to reside his business usually suffers Ander Je British nor bional on Lo Bail pi County _ was down compared a; 38 Rr auitug Io rie 1 J 0 ) J J " i! ¢ 1 P CALLS FOR UNITY diploma of the Institute of Hos: Thornton's road na'rth The report states the make in|® : . A called for the hoard to HA Administrators in Grea | Louise Rolahood, # Bond niurham y ft Stance fhe make in The Aon of the late H Fl, and work together in unity for the Britain, and completed the Ca.| street west; Ronald Ruther was 46,000 pounds compared Miriam Morphy, Mr. Morphy shaping of the destiny of Osh: nadian Hospital Asseciation's| ford, 180 Winona Ave. Mrs, io qa daa pounds in November was born in Oshawa in 1801, awa's boys and girls Hospital Organization and Man:| J. Boland, 208 Church Sti | jos0 "fhe make in the county arter elementary schooling in A striking committee com: agement course in June, 1060, | Dennis Bertin, 228 Conant during the first 11 anti of Oshawa and secondary educa: [ St: Riehard Carpenter 1 RE . ton at St, Andrew's College, J Courtice: Judy Drumm. 109 [1900 was 456,842 pounds, This Ayrara, he attended the Univer. Rastiigven § Mrs. Lilian compared with 501.483 pounds! sity of Toronto where he grad armony C 00 Hartley, 603 Emerson ave ih the sing period of the pre: uated in engineering with the nue; Annie Toms, #7 Queen Us yeq class of 1911 JOHN A. MPHY Cre St: Mrs. Cora Gardiner. 111 I'he make of creamery butter|. He worked for a shart time on N A. MORPHY .. Park road north; Cyril Gal. In Ontario County in November, engineering projects in Western] Over the. years Mr Morphy loway, 43 Adelaide St, West 1960, was 55.742 pounds, This|Canada before joining the Royal made a tremendous contribution arniva uccess and Lynne Hamilton, 104 (compared with 50,241 pounds inl anadian Engineers at the out:[te the progress of Pedlar's and Kingsdale the same month of the previous hreak of the First World War. |also to the community of Osh The skating carnival held at Brawn, Ross Cheesman, Gary The ht five persons 10-in year. 'he Make during the firs! Mr Marphy served with distine: awa, He was a life member of Harmony Public School Thurs: Rushford form The Oshawa Times of 1 months of 1960 in the county tion in France, Belgium and|Lebanon Lodge, No, 130, i day afternoon was an unquali their birthdays each day will Was L132 417 pounds, The total Germany, and was decorated and AM, Oshawa; a charter fied success from beginning to BACKWARD receive double tickets to The make for the same period of the with the Distinguished Service! member of the Rotary Club of end. The weather was fine, the Boys, 10:11 John Krantz Regent Theatre good for a [previous year was 1,064,353 Order. He was discharged in| Oshawa; a member of the Osh: Linterest high and the pleasure John Neill, Alan Have four-week period The eur pounds 1919 with the rank of lieutenant:(awa Chamber of Commerce, and participation was evident on Girls, 10:11 Angela Otvos, rent attraction is "Under The government states cream-! colonel [for many years has been keenly faces of the voung skaters, Jane Markland, Sharron Ormis Ten Flags eres in Ontario reported their, Mr, Morphy joined Pedlar's/ interested in the growth of the ith the opening number, the 'on Reports on birthdays will 'make of creamery butter durin 1910 to take charge of the|Oshawa General Hospital of parade of costumes came Boys, 13-11 -- Roger Saponski he received only between ing November at 5,004,000 production of motor car stamp: which he was president from the hours of 8 am. and 10 Phone RA 3.3474 | h many different charac ing portrayed were awarded to the pupils in the various firess Mackie Peter Wayne Ormiston, Rickey Regg Girls, 12:13 Linda Ogden Donna Huxtable Boys, 14 and over Brown, Ross Rushford KGG AND SPOON Girls, 6.7 « Geraldine Sapron: pounds a8 against 4.016.500) ings, He subsequently became) 1045 to 1050, He is now an hon: hn am pounds during November, 1050, factory manager; a director inlorary vice-president of the hos. for an increase of 4.6 per cent, (1930 and a vice-president in 1941, | pital hoard \ - Dennis Cheesman, Gary Joanne Hos Daniels sm Laurie McKay, SK, Kathy Begg, Kathy Ham: ustine Rose mond = ] Boys, 6.7 Claude Jonah, w= Barbara Craw David Hart, Peter Morris Relay race, 12 and over Donna Huxtable, Linda Ogden Roys' relay race, 12 and over Gary Rushford, Keith Robin son, Rick Gatehell, Wayne Orm: {ston Roys' champion Wayne Ormiston Girls' champion Donna +1 Huxtable and Linda Ogden The teaching staff, with the 1 of Constable Tane, officer in ge of safety in the Oshawa known incomes and standard of "The world will need a higher VINE of people who graduate standard or morals and a high: [79m our schools, On the other | er degree of simple virtues lilg|919€ of the picture, it is also vention possible, as trustee con: honor, honesty and the good life Known that of all the unemploys ventions are "vitally important 11 is possible that our school li: BY and unemployables in Cans schools of training" for hoard praries ave deficient in the num: [194 only less than § per cent members, He said, "never make her and quality of books avail: ave I completed their high any apology for Jearning about able," he commented, Shvaal edybation n tal hoard work, and I refer specific: § been much ta ally to attendance at conven. NEED CHALLENGE about frills that simply do oh tions." The best way other than| "I hope the board will even: oxist in our system compared {work is to acquire the education|tually assume more and more toa ther he pare for the job {the responsibility for the educa:|'® #NY a ner similar school sys. Dts w aE tion of our unusual children, '®™m in Canada, To say that edu The retiring chairman said ihoth those who are unfortunate | cation in Oshawa is expensive, (Would be a good thing for the laud' (hase wha are exceptionally|When you consider it by this sity 4 more opie would fend talented, The Mental Health As. /standard, is simply a lie [OL Siocon, evel BEL 8 sociation and the Cerebral Palsy| a AR eb [He king at fe ells. He sald: Group should not be allowed to COLUMNIST ATTACKED (have stood and taken a licking, suffer for the lack of any help|.. . : n the habit of past chairmen in their closin {remarks to compliment the loca ed 132 meetings in 1060, The chairman advised new Imembers to attend every con and i you fot oh icking for that can come from our Public standing up to what you believe gona Board of Education, Ex: - ] wess for their eos ¥ a this is honor ceptionally talented children|{ eq for 4 oF coanoration, and [UNIQUE POSITION need a program to challenge!da this without serious qualifiogs Trustee Fletcher said, it has|their intelligence, lest it be tue: (tions. This columnist {long heen the custom of the|®d in the wrong direction," he|writing authoritatively board that the chairman make continued, [board matters but has never a statement of objectives, prob:| The chairman decried the ten: attended a single hoard meets lems, and failures during the dency to belittle officials and de: (Ing during his brief history in [time of his administration, "I/precate their opinions and judg. |this eity, The Oshawa Times has find myself in the unique posi-|/ment as professional men, He/at least two good competent tion among all in the hoard's said "These actions, are dam. editorial writers, but apparently history in that, although some aging beyond our power to eval|Civie affairs have been abandons real achievements can he ve: uate." {ed to the nat too tender mercies corded, the board has not sue (of a columnist who rarely hoths coeded in one of its most im. RELATIONS STRAINED ers even to check his facts," portant and urgent projects.) Our relations with the city - has been ahout Since there has heen what could council have been strained, and be termed an 'upset' in the com. this is a situation that can be position of the board, it becomes Understood but it should not be necessary to provide some ex. condoned, It can be understood the because taxes are involved planation in defence of | board's actions," However, it is the duty of the S X eC e = board of education to stand up The chairman cited the for its vights and to insist that board's list of achievements Inadequate funds are available cluding the new Hoard of Edw: for investment in the education cation Building, the R. T. Me: of aur children. (Ewen Senior Public School and At Dinner "Whenever a city council About 300 peaple are expected meddles politically with the af. |!0 attend the 14th Annual Burns' [fairs of the board of education Supper which is to be held at it is a general rule that our the UAW Hall on Jan, 21, children are bound to suffer The supper will he sponsored "Although the majority of our PY the Oshawa St, Andrew's So» council members refuse to he {IetY In tribte to one of Scots involved in a school hoard elec. \nd's best knawn poets, Robert tion, some of them, least quali: BUMS. Robert Burns was born fied in my opinion, have done ON Jan. 25, 178, and died at great damage to the cause and Ne ase of 37, He is considered prestige of education for the BY many as the greatest Seat. city, 1 can only vefer pavticular- {18h poet. His poetry expressed Iv to one councilman who open. he desive af freedom far man. Iv declared himself to be out to Mind. He attacked intolerance get the chairman and several #0 bigotry during his time and [members of the hoard of educa: ed a cripple in 1794 (tion, Apparently he had na ree. | The Oshawa St, Andrew's So. ord of his own to run on {ciaty has a membership of about { {150, Robert Crawford is presi: GLOATED OPENLY dent of the society "This same councilman open: | | pp. Entertainment will be pros Schools, had a busy HE [ly gloated over the fact that! vided by two singers, Mrs. Elsie 'we' got them. 1 do not know DPrygala, of Oshawa and Doug. Peacock and Mrs, J MEMBERS AND OFFICIALS OF THE SHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR 1961-62 + all were meant by the las Cambel, a Scottish . tenor ough, members of the "we nor do I wish to, be. fram Toronto: the Raval Scot gp Massey Home and The Oshawa Board of Edu: from left, are: seated: Trustee | Board, and Trustee John | R. J. Murphy, representative | stitute; H, E. Murphy, Prinei: | cause the thought is beyond dis. [lish Country Dance team from ssociation, acted. as! cation for 1961.62 held its ine Mrs. William Shaw. Trustee | Greer Standing, from left, | of the Separate School Board; | pal of Central Collegiate Insti- (gust, It should be noted that Toronte and a Scottish accor the costume events augural meeting in the board: Dr. A, E. O'Neill, Vice-chair- | are: R, H. Lunny, supervisor | J. R. Backus, business admin: | tute and G. L. Roberts, Prin- [this particular councilman has 'dionist, Roy McKay, alse from pony Home and room of the new Board man Harold B. Armstrong, | of buildings and maintenance istrator and secretary-treasurs | cipal of Dr. A. E. O'Neill perhaps the worst record in the | Taranto tion with Mrs, C.' of Education Administration Chairman Stephen G. Say T. J. Heath, inspector of pub | er; Dr. C, M. Elliott, superin: = Collegiate and Vocational In. [city's history of voting against! Guest speaker will be George ident, and other. Building, Thursday evening. well, Trustee Mrs. C. C. Lee lie schools; W. J. MacDonald tendent of Public Schoeals stitute the board of education's inter- King of Winchburgh, Scotland, 5, served re. Elected members of the Trustee Rev. P. Coffey, repre: | inspector of Public Scheels N. A. Sisco, Principal of Dy est, While this situation 'is de: who now makes his. home in { board, and board officials, sentative of Separate School | Trustee EB, A. Bassett, Trustee | F. J. Donevan Collegiate In { Oshawa Times Photo plorable, and 1 mention it sim: | Toronto,