Rundle Park Is Awarded Bathe Memorial Trophy . Four Runners-Up Are The Os hawon Times Named By Committee The Rundle Park Neighbor Runners-up this year were vey of the physical fitness of » hood Association Wednesday Eastview Fark $0.8 points, the residents of Omang $33,678 RAISED Brid e Club might was awarded the coveted Woodview Fark, with 66.5 points. He said while working with ¥., E. "Ted" Bathe Memorial Bathe Park with #7 points and the Ontario Recreation Associa . {Shield for outstanding achieve: Fernhill Fark with 86.5 points. tion studying the leisure time High Scores tment with its park during the The Rundle Fark total was 705 habits of people in the province, urc epor £ VERT pans the commitiee he was serving ; Following are the high scores. Before a gathering of nearly CIC GREETINGS mn noted Ms study was pointing of the games played on Tues: un neighborhond association re Mi By ( in hy Th s nlp to the fact that people must t Y day, dan. W, hy members of presentatives from all the city Ria hid eivie We learn to live with themselves Xce en ear the Oshawa Piishiéate brid KE \ parks, Rundle. Neighhorhond| euery year at "this time her, According (0 Mr. Brewster, { [Rat fhe wodview Park Association chairman, 4 € FF y Yithoughts gn hack te the late me of the reasons for the over: The congregation of Albert $1,061.75 and the Missionary and SECTION "A? Iackman, accepted he shield imped' Bathe and the work he crowding of the mental. institu Street United Church gathered Maintenance Fund 83.500 00 nN Mai Kellar G. EB. Clark from the widow of the late parks carried on during his years as Hons 1s not due to mental break. Wednesday night in the Bun The Woman Association re Ws points Al Tames Bon Hen SiperImend mh, 3 Fed parks superintendent. She said downs, but that peame fAon't day: School Hall for its annual ceived B2040.00 and Sunday ver ga: 1 Miller. 4. Patterson Te the parks hoard now has his son know what (a da with their leis j . ee meeting and congregational sup: Behool receipts were 8125.00. 02: William Cox, Mrs, E, Wads: ANNUAL COMPETITION carrying on where Mr, Bathe, re time ONE OF THE YOUNGEST | accepled the F. FE Ted present aft the CRA building per The Sunday School alse gave worth Dr. and Mrs. 8, F The Bathe award i competed 8r., left off Mr. Brewster said in Oshawa for the fourth annual Bathe The many reports showed that $561.70 to the M and M Fund. Kandel § Mrs, N. H. Daniel, for annually hy each neighbor: Mayor Thomas paid tribute to We have the Lonls (a provide Hemonal Award ment. The veh had an excellent year Fhe Young Veaple's Union has Miss i. Higgins 80%; (6. Adams, hood association in the city and the neighborhood associations th ple With something " an in the Rundle Park Neighhorho widow of the late ward Ty Ane And ba Fiip wer with progres reported in all 22 members and ha hown pro- Mi ) { farks Mo 1 warded hy a Bathe Memorial and said one can always (ell a ol oft ive hour it G18 pf * Association, Wednesday nigh imendent Nearl oe were Oshawa Times Pholo departments of the Church gre b during the yea Fh 2 FEL PION "B " Award Commitee composed ol park which has an active neigh make use of these {onl It is life. The highlight of the vear YPU will he conducting a North-South Mrs, William two members of the Central horhood association through the efforts of the Neigh p t, Mrs. H, Cruwys 84 points; Council of Neighborhood Asse was the beginning made on the church service on the radio on Pos f TUWYH pnts nn "NERD | he avor i we he A Eris J 2% Mrs. J. A. Maclean, Mrs. E. H, ciations, one member of the The mayor said hear a horhood Associations that this erection of the new hlding, Jan. 26 great deal about vandalism and } HN 3 ' i 5 3 gement | BIE Al about vandalism ana encouragement is given, he said ENQUIRING the lower hall of which is al The church sold 850.900 00 in Webs I r 74; Mr. and Mrs, Boel Board nf Parks Manage men Snes. Biv said the SHR TReE BON f 4 ¥ y f ' 4 1 J ns 7 id twa memners of he eration has a great deal of en- SHORT ADDRESS ready in operation honds on the new building in ; Kast-West: W, Mathews, H, staff Others. whe spoke briefly in Al the moment extensive ven: 1M and 53.400 has already heen i : ergy to expend and these assoct U 4 bark 76 M. Be x 2 nem lo ment 4 ovations are heing catvied on paid off on that account, Dur er Joints; f, Sebris ¥ Each of these three groups al- ations are providing an outlet, cluded BR, BR. Cornish, chairman A in the church kitchen to adapt ing the year $11,200 was apphed arp lots paints based on the associ: in (heiy parks, for these young of the Central ( nel entertain [SECOND SECTION THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 196] PAGE THIRTEEN neighborhood associat Bathe Memorial Award on he chairmen, Jerry Jackm half of his park from the Morris Th, ) ation's achievement for the Year, folk tn e» i expend that ment commitiee Johnston oth 1 hullding ater to the building and renovation ' lk to exercise and expend that to hoth the Hiding Later ta the h / iE TEROVAROW. On dan. 24 there will he a All points are recorded and the ener vice-president of the CRA hoard » 4 / ] f1 n qar a work will proceed on he Hppey Coun ; alifying round for the club committee decide the winner Hoomaling idwill amin of directors Fred Ellegell | y , floor of the new hall, which willl With all groups report) " eampionship, Those qualifying hy total point I ¢ hh rh i" of the " | newly-elected vice-chairman of # { al "hr f 71 aur CIENNOTS Is One 0 mn be completed around the end to receiphs for HE play on dan. 81 for the entral Council allows 0 per jm us { ing phases of Ife the Board of Parks Managemen! of March The new huilding ments of the chur i 4 championship . i ( s Mas { al Cot Wi Through this neighborly good. A010 Chris Mason, Central Coun By GEOFFREY HUSSEY ill. The Liberals are just steal i cent of the points, the CRA d f heen a need for some years $43 678.99 4 F has heen a ne 4 per cent and the Parks Board, will promation, comes goodwill"! Chatman Unemployment Canada's Ing ideas from the ( part i : to tal { the growtl y The { H CH 0 lake care of the growth pa ie minister f isl FR Prohiem, wis disc {ohn _Cireenw ond J CELEBRATING A A y / Entertainment was supplied first rank problen | ann ; LL Au Ly " : em 1 ticularly in the Sunday School Atkinson, spoke of the spiritual 15 per cent throughout the city, the pro h rp ed Tuesday with seven peony ployee, KK Port Per I vinee, the dominion and the hy the "Ray Tones # quartet : ' | r wriment iehievements and stressed ther NAME RUNNERSALP y . The interviews were conducted would like to see an increase in ; departmen BIRTHD | warld, the mayor said \ Ky : 7d | Reports showed that the church greater importance than the ob Unlike: other years, the run: VE from the Oshawa Chapter, { UIC henefil I think alse that up this year were named STUDY LEISURE HABITS IPRA and a Bagpipe Duo h after publication of si5 major { | f @ Je f Vil ( AsIre received through en: vious material one Hi i {ner points made | he Liberal assisted (rade learnin wild bh . treasurer eived Cangratulations and hest | Party uhcommitiee on unem- # good thing especially to our velape and loose offerings 827, on the people for renew vishes to the following res-i | past years, it has heen the) W. M, Brewster, Oshawa Rel Mark Foster and Brian Pollock ployment, The subcommittee is younger people who need sp . a 476.42. The Radio Pund received votion and lovalty to the dents of Oshawa and district [Practice to name only the win: reation Director, sald during) A short movie, depicting sum working on a program based on Clalized training in this fast from sources outside the chureh of Christ in this place | who are celebrating theip (Mer and the total points that!the summer months he had the mer activities In the CRA supers tax cuts and easier credit to as- moving world of electronic 10] | hirthda todas winner accumulated appartunity to work on a sur vised parl was shown tomation and such, But f fargaret Cormack 9 sist Canada Jani The seven men intervi hould he quite sure 'that em 4 hd Elgin street west: W. Liv » . , | wir hown the following flo ment Ay I avi Jo + ine 19 a) awa snowden, RR 8, Bowman 4 D valim suggestion these people when trained for ile; Mrs. Dan Hatcher, 249 i : "Higher unemployment hene- the only way to combat winter GETS NEW POST . | Fdward avenue Mra Or i y fits, including Suphlementan Unemplo ment is to apen more Charles Henry Richer, man ile Hindman, RR 1, Hamp go | payments (no any unemployed factory i of the Greater H tor 1 ton; Alhert Bmelko, 223 Fina | person undertaking a vocational! Herman Goldstein, real estate fon y of Wh oh iH Gig | treet Gwen and Frank | training course (oo equip him Jraker, 1h Bond street east Ont ince its opening in 1956 Tuesday night's downtown fire seven hours, Bix business place Da ' Wi Albert street; Mi A {| : Mrs y : self for another job, Accelerated woul the lo way thal the inem: yas 'gecepted a position with [has brought fire damaffe totalslon the ground floor were de.) ¢hael Thorndyke, § Oshawa 1 | Adelaide McLaughlin Bchool| Mrs, Ward, Grade 1: Boy depreciation to help business Ploymen uation cannot he (he Del Webb Corpdration at to near 52,000,000 in Oshawa strayed, Five offices on the Blvd, north; Eddie Le | Tunior { arnival was held on the) Stanley Ball, Howard Matinson, firms eager to expand and to hlamed on this government. This: Phoenix. Arizona. Mr. Ric her (since 1026, This was the ninth second floor were burned and veque, 217 Hibbert avenue; school rink, Tuesday, Jan, 10,| Bobby Cumming; Girl = Vickie put In new equipment. Lower hing , world-wide, Of course, 11 oo" he' coneral manager of (maior blaze here since 1928 four families were left home Mrs. I. Dalhy, BR 1, Brook : from 2:40 to 4 p.m. with many|Hayball, Cindy Meyers, Marilyn Interest rates to remove the pre- don't know what it is like behind! coo 2 5on con Boa pr Ihe fires sinoe that year|less after the fire, The Bassett ling Mes, Verdun Rolson, parents in attendance Cross mium on the Canadian dollar, [the tron Curtain, As for this) good" ac the headoffice In (caused # total of 81,485,000 Block is lacated at King and, 1 Lakeshore; Billy Vann, ) rr-- The judges had a difficult time| = Miss dohnao, Slades Land 4 coupled with sound trade poli hy an ol loathin fan 4 Phogni here his. family damage. Damage from {he 8imeoe street Lif Cadillac south: Dwight yg A im JoAnn bit Tastio, film) Were mn 8 rade, you can lead a horse | , [Hg i hod MA 4 : J 3 i! n § H many pupils in costume [ ake; 6 Mare work for the construe water hut you ein ¢ mike i Jill Jake ub residence. My ne ealan age ¢ (Maze. han 5 Ce yh 144 " ig foftery oT a 4 hs ae run off hy the|= Debbie Hillock, Leslie Cor tion Industry with increased fed. AIK. T have heard a fow men Moher will be oy aa $600,000, : Within # half-hour after the fire. avenue; Dianhe Hickey, 458 b school staff and James Hender: neal, Debbie Gould eral development and creation of "® Why should T go fo work| EYOuD of shopping centres lo. ¥ The old Oshawa canning was discovered, the roof fell in Alhert steeet and Jerry Wig " san, supervisor of physical edu Miss Sawyer, Grade 1: Boy a municipal loan fund ta make 60 dollars a week, when factory building, King street and the walls started to col More, 1000 Hortop street i 4 cation in Oshawa schools [Kim Zwicker, Graig Macleod, "Co-operation with province Vel, aceupied hy Merritt lapse, Four pumpers were used The first five persons (no , ; | The school's senior family (ilynn Anthony; Girl Linda and municipalities in providing Rg ll in Ri ny of Paint and Auta Repal wv i By n | baat y i hat am I iw Ties [he Jt 3 he Me hy oh Smith Reron, Dalen, Kathioun 14% | ti I Wrage I f Hw } THU Hy King sl ned determu wi 1] slir J 1 Ays eae ay Hw Ns Hii 5 NE f . Ran Xocate ing hi od VOCRUonal (raining will n ficher of Oshawa and the Vg {Hi el o bet 1 Yi Cae id will receive double tickets to urday from § to 10 p.m Miss Godwin, Grade 8: Boy areas. and easier credit to busi Strict control, 1 will certainly ate Mr, Leonard Richer Fivefighte | N kept the fire from the boiler room The Regent Theatre, good 4 A list of prize winners in the Ronny. French, Donald Bary nexses in these areas, Gearing 80 along with accelerated di spreading ta the rear section of The old canning factory huild-| for a four-week period. The junior carnival follows Richard Branton Girl | Rn Ne antribution nr precigtion in order to help husi p + ing} again, Mi 5. 1064 current attraction is "Under Hh : : nie nlmes, Debbie Sproule 0 ot Jou il von fou He iy ness firms expand and buy new De 1 ion In JH ho loli 8 burned bs A eh 4 y i [ Ten Flags," SPECIAL SPEAKER PONT! ME WINNERS i Anne Mann . Eh ) ) ng and : MAA hb i / astume prizes were won hy § ) , 8 according to the level of unem Suipment, Ald to the con ho C181 od at 875,000. Three firefighters mated at $60,000. Workers from Hoparts on birthdays will Rev, W. A. McMillan, min | he Me pupils yp ui one ode § Roy ~ ployment In a locality apd ttON InQustey 15 a very -fine were injured during the fire, more than half a dozen small] he received only between | joer of (he Oshawa 1 pro e Shirley Horner. Karen Fist J Aa dy Tb tax incentives for extra activity idea, but what happens if a sur They were: KF. M. Ostler. Wal: [industries were forced 10 flee! the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 A I i i : iriey Horner, Raven Fisher, Matthews, David Caley; Girl iy plus of homes 15 created? They {ey a y a.m, Phone RA 4-847 fothadist Church, who is the (Pamela Clarke, Dennis Tate, | Dinah Raine, Barbara Rich, Val in winter ' u e {ter Houghley and William Loge: from the biilding " preacher for the service of | John Bi Kathy Stead, I 4 This survey, heing cro pp. Are letting fewer people into the I Mare than $200,000 damage } V A mh | LOAN BATRUM, Kathy § Leal rie] erie Bleele ! : , Country now you know. But all mil p the Hal the Week of Prayer, The |Recalla, Garfield Ferguson,| Miss Fielding. Grade 8: Boy tonal, did nat indicate any one LB Y Ct wn (Leary Phat fire was Ostler's fivst resulted from the Karn Black and MeLellan warehouse, Bloor) meeting is being held in King | Patsy Shaw, Jacqueline Brown. | Clayton Comeal. Neil Oke. Bills trend of thought. Comment 15 the commen one of trict eserve day with the department, He is fire, April 25, 1086. Nine fires street east, May 5 1060. The! Street Pentecostal Chureh Elaine Campbell Bru e¢ Bart: Drew: Girl Pamela 8kitch were varied and interestin he Fi en now platoon chief, Logeman 1s fghters were treated at the Osh: smoke from this fire could bel King street west, at 8 p.m lett, Dinah Haine Rol 0 : foreign imports in order to pro { Ty if ; awa General Hospital d 2 el inah Haine, Jane Robert:| Noreen Johnson, Gail Crossman (GM employ MOLE the Ante Nove af home rg Yoo Oni 'n now a eaptian wi other mem: aw enera Opal during seen for 18 miles T'wa fire:| today | son Nanoy Gardner, David] Miss Bell, Grade 8: Boy ie Ontario Transport Board, hors of today's five department and after this blaze. The fire fighters were treated at the Osh Gardner, Bandra Langmald, Jef: Wesley Schell. Paul Carroll duced merchandise i a hearing in Toromte Wed: were firefighters at that time farted in the basement al awa General Hospital for hur frey Lawrence, Wesley Schell, | Larry Dart; Girl fanice Car f bh v mn ¥ ue ] 1 ler Tane Langmaid, Kathy I think these things are prob r ' 1k th Tames Oliver, men VERE nesday, reserved its decision in Chief Ray Hobbs, and 1, Bouw:|Karn's Drag Store. Fourteen! Another was treated for \ Chest Donations ably good, hut have the ot the 1 os 1 Lalalle count ithe fate of twa minor service dreau persons fled from upstairs wrenched knee RACE RESULTS en Steg cated in Phoenix and Tucson A Vi Y hi I ean stay at home and pick up Ly ihoas In han Diego, California. Mr. Richer the on of Mi Leonard Charle Tucker of Wl Adelaide avenue west wlesman money tn mil them VOrk can't see that highe | 10y When Mr. Fleming handed di Higher unemploy: extensions undertaken hy the, The Bradley vink, a ware:lapartments. Ninety firefighter Other major fires since 1028 Total $195 219 Miss Masterson, Kindergay ' Eddie 1 there! MONE benefits would accomplish Oshawa Public Utiliti Bus house, .a barn and small build: [fought the fire have included the destruction of ten: Boy Simkins, | down (hat hahy 'hon anything. Tax incentive to en's | | was nn tax relief for the work: on Sot atinias to lontoRged, rviee ings, between William and Rich I'wenty-three firefighters were the Coulter Manufacturing Co.| Contributions totalling $210! Danny Lymer irl Joan| of Just tax relief for igi on do I alan Joa i I'he ino applying far a mond streets, west of Church injured or overcome hy fumes plant, an Simeoe street south; a have heen added to the Greater| Backus, Nancy Gaheen, Beverly| busine \ low cost housing 0d © Nia I yh | licence ta go a number of vards street were hurned in the during the $500,000 ¥, W. Waal: bad blaze at the Jubilee Pavil [Oshawa Community Chest dur. |8ehell " NAHE IAUStEal Cons nao the city limits, on Simcoe $75,000 fire, June 19, 1028, Five worth blaze, Se plo 2, 1068, Kx: ion, Lakeview Park; two bowl: ing the past week. A total ofl Miss Luke, Kindergarten Boy project is the answer hore and y shold he helped by the federal COTS would be nearer the mark seaot "north, ta take children families weve left homeless. It tensive damage was caused toling alley fives. which destroyed | $165,210.00 has now hee Ranny Rabinson, Ricky Drew to get this country rollin \ | 10.90 h nw been eon \ government Russ Murnhy. lawyer Kis (0 the gate of Camp Samac and was believed the fire started seven other stores during the| Mayfair Bowling Lanes, Celina tributed Billy Jeffery: Girl day y i ] g | \ Reverly Gibson. + Lodal te \ | pe id Lb « Ligh | little longer extension on from a cigarette or cigar in the five (hat threatened the entire street, and Mator City Bowling! The list of donations. not pre: Seeley, Carol Anne Gazley, | eel ea ax i re Faunton road to travel as far as arena downtown city hlack, The fire Alley, Si y sireet th k wg Catherine Carey UAW executive. GM employes ! alan ; oy, Nimeoe street north viously acknowledged, follows: | UAW IXeGiiy a aye i " i Wihalaneed Mudge and Wilson road An estimated $125,000 dam: department battled the fire for Another bad fire gutted the!Lea KE. Bloye al S oar \ nan [i { { om \ 3 3 \ / : b; financing, hut it 15 & strenuous SCHOOL, CHILDREN age resulted from the Bassett 18 hour ald Oshawa Winter Garden at! (Can. Pittsburg Ind) 10.00 . are akan tn ort Rent iv \ \ Block fire, 'March 2, 1044, Fire: Damage was estimated atthe same location as the Motor! Dr. KE. J. Rundle 200.00 Ww } HM badd dy HE GEES fave heen ox- fighters battled the blaze for!$50,000 \ + at the Bathe \ 1 | j omema er Ll ¥ | oodview traordinary situation. Also, the tending their service on the . . Bb # In the fire at the Baie City Howling Alley, Yoint tn Date Una, " Ww He Eu Jneint ab by iy oaring of federal contributions' Taunton road to pick up school at & ] 1 and vice chairman elected, at rams is an excellent sugge the afternoon. These extension ar ames ton, and should he the fore-runs infringe on franchises held by Y ner hy any government of an other bus lines in the area over-all increased change In Gearge 1. Shreve. PUC man deral assistance ta the muni [maker Service reported at the chairman for the third term A i § ( ager ald today that no deel Executive ALL ion was made at the (rans | meeting of the Red Cross Soci: and Frederic Bllegett was " i al that | makers ave ele viee « chairman Mi to municipal winter works pros children and take them home in Ke t Bus meeting of the Osh Bn i a meeting « @ Oshawa Boar P y Park Management, Wedne of Mrs, Norma Hinds, supervisor day {of the Oshawa Red Cross Home:| Alfred Brisebois was elected ety, homemakers are elected steadily employed and already lilegett is alse the hoard's rep A substantial number of hook: resentative ta the Community Boddy sttuation to comment, Far the thorough at the hearin " [ings have heen made far the Recreation Association wlure 1 would like to see the fe said the board. chairman pride ff : 7 ; | Spring ou Representatives fram cil sin Ot fi Kids of today educated ta the said every consideration would Wi 5 nan RR ge y A new member, Mrs, J. ©. 00nd ta the Board of Park elected wer paint where this sort of problem ho given to all parties concern ' EEE Stephenson, was welcomed to M ml were traduced i foreseen hy this noxt genera: od with the hearing and the the society. Miss Loran Wightan| TO REement were introdueet ton, and forestalled, Another hoard would make a careful [will be invited to represent the KE. W. Dixon and H Mil IY of tackling this, hy way of study of all the facts presented [tacal welfare department of the len, each for three years. Reg resenting Mayvar Choistine 1 Inereasing our exnort i 100A decision will be given atl a Red Cross committee : butld up the under-developed jater date but no indication of R. de la Franier, treasuver Thomas an the hoard for ane countries of the world. But this when the decision will he hand fof the Ontavia Division of the Year, will be Alderman Walters i§ certainly heyond our lle: od down was given Canadian Red Crass, Tavonta Lane Sidney Burn tare awner, 42 port board hearing Wednesday \i recent mi n ) he Kin treet west I am not Acearding to Ma Shreve, the Pa hharhood sufficiently well versed with this hoard examines were fairly on ih nme ment ¢h ness ih iermond and the | Y a served! brapdet aireraft built in North) Pwo pesidents of the Sher America, is equip ed with Dow wood Park ubdivi on whose No and Main Landi i i ride the buses to and dling i ™ Od & at hear : Hime and Miss Nancy Mellon, dive The 1980 financial statement hhieity of Y i SIR and 1 Nancy Mel Of OSHAWA DELEGATION 3 {tov of Homemaker Serviee for showed that $141290.6) was i M 3 nd A . BS We and V Carnish and My R. HB. Smith and Mr. Shreve 3 Sa 3 {makers and cammitiee mem A rai f athe Fi amd My {. Germond, Cent Qt 3 0 and rental of ather park pray : ] e irpor stanley Richavdson, executive 5 B® i [peas arty was $2300.00. TRIS means tauneil entatiy n 1 the aE ¢ ¥ x Ne ¥ atin Ars, Russel MoNeill, UAW| 0 cast Oshawa taxpayers i \ Fairchild § rer vf 3 x 3 ley and nel ! Pe reralt of conted Camp Samae and the \ k th ipkeen oir Pal | play at Oshawa Alvnart [has arranged for a roam in the(204 WRKeER GF (REIT parks in Falla ) was represented hy its secre [UAW Hall for this meeting, it 1960 he Fairchild 0 ¥ He Ost ministrator, Frank BE. Shine ing will he held Wn Adelaide ment budget will be prepared House, Thursday, Jan. 26. The hy Chairman Brisebais and manu sb Al \ art u 3 m i {dale Manoy to the hoard at their next me Iwas decided to hold fiy NX on Feb 8 summer pl W Progy Wi hibaiauhosad bhai \ \ \ i al Lid h \ fhcials at the General Ma | Vauxhall plant at Dunstall, | carviage. and can be stacked | JL. Dodds, § R. Springstein meetings. A social evening will the Oshawa Parks Bahan Mi " ; ws south plant examine | England, to the south plant | 46 Nn baxes. On th \ \ win. The be held 'at the home af Mys [0 WORAWA TRIES Hoan : ' vay ge ¢ vis par cand TH Coppin. The Amey with the exception of ane. The 1) N k < n nesday A Hes that wore packed m bor COUR wed Canada, 41000 pounds of mer owned hy the Smith Tra Aly Moun wha has public school will be flooded he Wesley Of b \ i y 0 OR cutie foal fou | LTARSPOY handise was transported wri Campany whe arrang 06 i Wer of long stands the Parks Department hecause ' } MVEReT PAN . : \ a Xx Maia LDN ie presenting the PUC were E [the pravinee, will visit the Osh: spent an Oshawa parks admin | 0 W THRE 58 } \ ot Ro 4 0 ow ane : Wl A nen chatrman, Wil , [awa Branch in the near future (vation and upkeep. Revenu tam Boddy, Bus Superintendent : 8 lta confer with lacal home received fram Pavilion rentals anmissiones Oshawa ) } eamiy rivel i Ray Scout Association. vepre | as ADIPOSE x bX latie op {Ladies Auxiliary representative $197. 798.60 far administration Quebecair Airlines will be of ta the homemaker commitiee teas i i$ ! { Oshawa Separate School Roard sunday. Jan, 15 A " > \ 3 ashi : Yada A wry-treasurer and business ad 3 i was announced at the meeting. A financial estimate. a : \ The annual Red Cross meet: [1961 Board of Park Mana speaker will be W. Douglas Park Supervisor Herbert Bathe : \ i . X i | 4 Jahn uperintendent of Hills: The estimate will be presented tion hy Dowiy-Ratal Lid a tion fox Hoence. About! NEW S g \ [R ¢ \ vi hood hd \ » { NO AL iN " hu. il ans mt a Geary Sui HIPPING METHOD IS SEEN HERE amon Mesnit Jou WIP 8 cn ! A : the ona Mee \] AN Al x inhdes . 0. hehe N {ice rinks will not be flooded hy i N ) A i spare parts far Vauxhall auto without recrating. The N \ " A A lobn Burn 62 Connaught next meeting ) { AVAHA Wh MVR \ th Famer is actually twa 20-fo ICWIAT Wave, the fist | can Built Strick-Tainers are street. In February: to honor 100 vink at the Gertrude Colpus Shown examining the ship the shipment m the local od Crass this area is. use As A pablie nen from left to vight: | Oshawa 1 Phot ne (park duiing the Summer, tar of the election