6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Janwery 11, 1969 5% THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE j 2) oP f Servi | 84-~Houses For Rent [A4A-Aohs, & Flats 44A Apts, & Flots 1 -Accountonts SStEIES Af ce | 14--~Housshold Repoirs ersonal service or Rent For Rent -- . H CLASSIFIED AD RATES WESTERFIELIE sed oid shoirs 1# WOWERN two - hehroom brick angst. n y : - Ls p ow LRA AE SRR w Weekes » od oo OTRERELT § BREE Womisekas pin mom, Rear HOWTEITH, WOWTEITH, Bip So 15 worse of evant He Rew, (ot the Has " less CHAPELHOL ion | ew { S| | 1S SS tre 'oy 9 montis Velo hone WA In" vserren "seni, Mansel, LARGE hoisskersin vom oy, 13% Biman Strent Boyin : on Makers . grrr fay Mogg 4 L OMAP ETE BOOKEEPING #191 Rte BRA BROWSE, Fine 1 Tes nd Vin, Waking El OF Belleman. Alex WH 10090 2 SERVICE, INCOME TAX RE | OFFICH. space, on wriwd Bas, promt BA _Bowid BOR CLANCY'S Omtarts Accounting f £7 hid E.R TURRE RERE KopRes, eal Lior FR) BOR nN BEIRIEN hese 1h0m hated Berviars ohiar evmpinin Bekker ng RTI CHERTERFTIELDS (eho at ' ' > Boz is. Oshawi Times AVAKTHENT wmitavis Ir business i Sule ball B Pr. ssevicrs for smal Wsiness, 4 Bond i 4 Wee new. Way poy mors? owe ies 666 OSLER STREET { | | | or tment, 08 sod rider, wae or pond ERs il ht wer, "Gouden god de " Mah bios > ' . 4 anatie. Balisl action gna amtaed 4 FOO, Wie AE Rpartment, O8 sod sieve IBalide aad | Flange . ¥ 4 Btrent Went, Ramm 1 Offies BA $999] w : LB bag aR pa 1 eH OSHAWA, ONT | | IS second Boor, Wkehen. twi-viace Wath, mam, separate eniranae. Telephone 00 Imiediste poseesnion, Of $40 Besidence RA 3 Wy BO ' 9 © Ca 4 Bond Stent West. Tnel BA k 3 Kitson beinnt. Encellent fox anihey RA Sams i A E 6 teiagnane, Behm Lig Racha Ampie BA Si0 FWO Lirnished rome, Wigs closet, ' : 3 : 5 ¥ h A A G9 E. DEWAR 40d £5, Aicowmtont J ei dd R 995 a Ls io dad IWEFE ph se 10 nd o> Andbiore, Cedar Hen Wide. Wh om 3 saris d od " POrIIRg SORE, BAIR ION iE 6 SRopARE centre ; ------------ om how sted rs downiann dorky Pity, Titty Saws, Puiare NAY lniar dele soreii 13--~Instruction 1227 - Radio Repois | ANN"S FABRIC LANG'S Te (a are, eerie ain min | ote, wvniiaivie "immedi iety, Tete, CM nn Apply Bi Tasty ree Telephone BA 5-404 wine RA bmid J id A i sional far airikss listing . N to dn eapert Ine rnation # WILAON 4rd RURROWS, Chartered As Frater nd Busine LEARN (4 Gance, sui SHOP Private eitraties, cemieal, YRcamt, Bb IROTR RYRITIETA, heavy Auty : i Brie wr gentlemen. sos 18 $7.56 par monty for § he /, | rensonsile ruias. Private or class, KOE NY, radio, cor radia repwies. AB 3 E FIVE «oom tongsiow, contratiy loc| [WO Low Iecke beds purines, downiown, 31 Wingeisie Avene, BA KOURERIIE, 4 Hane RArant Diath, (8 id £ nt it Tani BA B50 iw Five " Fiertenmien Ww 3 L ented, A foe, oi henind, Telephone | 2TRE FYIRE oh ' " pwn. Honeld F. 1b. Wisom, CA; 6. £4. | Foch additions SE APPT ; Elliott Avene. BA 34792 (Fras) i13 BYROM 87. § cid BA 58155, 490 pm. 16 § P0 IRBs, EB A reise stis, WB KEE mend Barrows, Ch, RA 829 dar' 3444 ; HARVEY PASCE M an¥ My Halon i Wt TREY etl) B-B152 979 ALBERT 7 gi manly, 1 Elgin West. KA 5908 pi de i cr arian, host " ' J % 1 Vii, Bowel Acader $a ' r CETER ELH AFARTHENTR, stoves, Mupien, Rowse. FWA - roves furnished sppstment, piv po bb ' Y / y | {ay oda i ANDER. Wi nf ad le Ce . ind. Register pow, 44 Ps "e west, HA SAM SOM, SPECIAL THIS MONTH HOME FREEZES IES Lin mediate posse ssiim Frasonally sont. | uate Wath, $50 tu Ret couple. | Mop BA af) a F441 pd Aveiiaie, a, Aecripianis and saditors, Licens ' G 3 x "yg « . arth pasts ya Fas Sima % Bows erhon "78 # oie] Tristee in Eonarapicr, 84 King Heres "a NEW SPRING PRIN Ts I further Ind 5 4 51709 Simeoe Brest bowth. Telephone BA ; A ety, HA 308 ps aa ohn | RIV IHR E FH Rs THEnt BpRrtment, Eost, Oghowns BL, Yois, CA; F nb " "5 RIVAVE (epcher, student cavnselio \ 17 MOY 45 ef /E DEL} 4 ' wold IAA # bil wiphoaits, heavy Ma Friediander, B/eninm., CPA fo ' pt A yh Bins is Bagong i Re vin REG, 4x NO ery Su wand $id N EPEAIRE = apartment, bud - sting To on Wy Neary Suty wiring, > 5 p ' A 51654 3 IY owtiet Fry vale hath. Newly decor ne 7 st now BR 10% 3 y £ p He MONTHLY, mom Bouse, Bi renm pis Eitehenetis nail Sed pw fad pg HOPKINE and Company, Corti heme J 3 wh Ast now RA B.818 EN JOY RESTAURANT] SOM PLAZA . d, immedinte possession, Telephone ¥ ALEmsint ant iz HK yo i o FILLIAN Mas h, As clit 55 # tuinase, 97 Baseay Blrest, Teiephone' 5 couple, Apply Wi King Bi East ' od BA Lik cE BA WE or BA 26208 ¥ telephone BA 34404 OSHAWA T.V., HOME O RECTACAET (Hang om spmwdi i To nt teint 2 i, EATAMEY el Fou - i gina Noor, private net, #4, Bll CORVERIRP IRE, FRAN i, Ee ' 2-- Barristers aSeuriey, Hagens Tp. ; 161 GIBBONS ST "CHICKEN IN ier BO A AR oh. oll comvemierser reasonable, Go WA 8 3iks --_-- ' ne ud Vid] NIRS JITY I J '" featur INREE - bedroom Weick bungalow om BpArtment with wp Fem Seiurpished apart 16~--Insurance . THE ROUGH OLD ENGLISH STYLE" five mines wel team South G88, 675 nese. ial postr nh conte pre Javan our, 19 Foam opr A { wth sniurmished, $95 Biinioned ferred. Tele; hone BA 5971 pH Ase le downtown, ' y DEUARA'S poweet Inpsianie Adel 522 'RITSOMN RD, FISH AND CHIPS | madernly, Availaie now, RA 3-350 1 Felevhone RA 4-08) Hewidenis BES 4 Thinking of In or Hewi Fstate 22 RITSON FUREE - romm unlurmisned spsriment swe © room wiurmihed Sovran BA Sages; Te ! J Think of | A Rents | we Df Rr RA WE DELIVER---RA 8.315) MEW store for rent, Wood location. Ap: wiilahie for couple, Apply 176 Athol 5 periment, BCL BA v2 4 vy wl { 4 y M GREER snd Kelly, Barristers, Bile tons, # . en , y . y J Vi nehe Bireet Bowth oy id iY kan enlencs, TRINgerae ow I : seneril IRsiree : ; 7 et Est plier § p.35 or MEGVE, PAIRING Spies VYEIY sole RALPH JONES. BA ! 6 8 GARIN ' ALISTAYE Autn y i A old thiee - hedivem bun: BOW MARYA Fier rent to Feb | ' I EVERinEs BA B46 : . F ' i 4 J . 7 ph SF ARE onth . g soon p #h Shel for #lght manths WM iriary |. Heated, three rooms, kitchen ain > & King Bireet Kash, KA BHU " od © [ pereansi service of / 32-~Articles Wanted Grind Gardens, Gornge, bo » eile apd Dathronm, washer, lectrie by tained pig nT ons BYRliahis / : f sped; BA # oh iA Apt, 1 or 4 83 pel } : ' ro -- PIANOS ¢ ' nen panded ' : I ne West, B v tne how, Elo THOMAS WM. RENDILE ' nt / f it 2 Hh 9 hos eh. § ' Dents ha Pound] HY " r # ads i knd downiows Rensonsbie, $15 17 Maney fo Loon { ' / Am x - [ ' ' , "sliractive CLEAN pled furnished apartment, Bimeas Bliset Barth Bre ! HA d 4 A ' #hy1ia three » IV outlet, private en CREIGHTON. FRASER. DRY t 8 betwesn 4 snd f Villawiigle WA 10097 L and hath, # : m bg h Hinhek, FRirigeralor, slave, MERDOW X re > " 4 BOWMANYILLE = Heated sore | wills only, Apply. 911 Drew Hired Fv Barnge. Bull couple, Clone ta 3 i 4 4 J Rien y 3 JHE Wo FRO men 1a we ad SLreet decorate il ik FOUR FOO ARATLIMERL, #xirs large 10 hospiisl, BA 52104 aller 4 THEE) Foam apartment, private eine Wo per week, Al . y ' p Low rent. #8 rooms, private Dathroom and entrance | Rox . h. ; pi 2 4 HONEY ov Ga gg . A wm, 4 bit pes pt ¥ vk | King W p WA 35096 beinity of Bray Valley, Teiephone RA A pd Hoo Auptex, a a dour Mur dn mart A ort ths 3 ! A he Hs . downtown location, | V1 on My og Ny . . J 7 ye 4 7 0 . " " Clase 16 BERGHE e-BOOM wom letely furnished apart. vhose HA or furthe ' | J) A, fo 3 { i om ephane | S040 men y I i 4 vile MURPHY . ppfliigd VOID. ac A i 4A) y DUNLOP (CANADA) Lh iden wiley KA Soa nent ible ne fos, ROYOLE EWa-ROOM furnished spariment stove pop : IT poe ' 4 Tt y = ¥ ' y . e " sas' IEIIREIY RGN, parking. KIO weekly. Also pH A I ! ! Be f ICASH FOR SCRAP 11 WHI IBY L TD SEVEN roam BEEK house with Ear. WEPES Included, adie only, RA 54608, 10H roping room, 86. 104 Di 4410 wi J ' a) Yr ADIO . : : ' new decoraied, in good condi. FURNISHED or unigrnished three. [KA 5.08) : es, WE HAVE i did HE BU } # Bowlevard South, Tele: room spartment. Avabiaile 1m medisle FOUR - roam svariment p (y J ' for for Vonns on | wos # L RA B-5286 i METALS, BATTERIES f t for the [phone RA 30084 lv, Telephone WA 80076 or for more i nae Tonknt, ane hedttinn, ¥ 4 i f ! | priv ale FANE ¥ Onla p 4 { ent and ad bl f tum] hed ee) \ Or J PAF RAGS, Et : 7 nent, Ap HOUSE for rent New six-room hun. |HOFMEHGR, coll #4 596 Finueine eo awniown, from bus, Tele se DONALD gh no paved ng, adulls, #75 hone Telephone BA # . ) ¢ teed A wd 3 e Junior Eslow, eampletely fecornied, Hea vy THREE room, self-contained base HA [ry ( further informe Hy SWARTZ Barrister ! Wray y p rienced on ly wiring. Closes (0 hath separate ment spariment, hest snd hydro in dona . HAI OSHAWA M. GREENBERG & SOM 4 Pe 664 of and public sehools, shopping. and bus | cluded, North Geners! Motors, Apply wa bedroom ppariment in new fA APPLICATIONS CLIENTS mane t ECTROM IC 4 ge Ndr I systems with @ service, HA B1296 27 Oshaws Boulevard North fier 8 (hero sree , Mave, PR » | { 1s r # / en p.m " ¥ nF FA N «. Mortgage and afr h LTD wowiedge of cost ec LARGE daubie garage. switable for | P paved parking, $95. Park Rosd prs dial HA Wim nse Lid hased ' H ms ke RA 3.7 : 08 # ¥ ly Po p Marage or cars. Avaliable February | CENTRAL privaie sell-contained King, RA 8.45 vi 8 IN nos, - F 4 rake A pl | programme © It Kitson Rosd South. Fiease telephone apartment, three rooms snd hath, DAA ars Kons Sire ; PE ' SUPERIOR em er Wonted ibhigpu HA 51508 street" level, stove, petrigerior wap. [1OIHRN eo © bedroom Apartment, 4 --_-- bed pre 4 fyid py ny ne dh u " Te Business HA Les , IANMCE SERVICE mp oyment ante . benefits FOUR very \arge rooms, equipped Wi plied, kitchen Hin pnd euphoards, * oom : 1 b hewly decoraied, private aaron " | l YONG are oid, wanis nnel Department hen, WulliAn_ euphoards, hot wa ter) tLAI0eEs. RA B-5676 close to bi, north ond, WA 41000, JOSE PH MANGAN, 60. ba ¢ MONEY [0 | f 1 je kind of work ephone MO 841% : ¥ Whithy. eating, on Highway No. 8, eles 40 SECON Wink from hopping Centre ey in loan, 0 ta AE dad od - . | mr ! ' ) WORKING } hie to' Yawk §-33 . Ajax, Telephone MO 83804 {four "vooms and private hath, parking re ENFELL ireet, Mrs Fer, RING mo am able to loo : | ' K iA #8238 Whit Re ecialiohs iii hie qr oom house, clone to hospiial, | L128 Blevenson Hod North wiring, Puili-in cuphonrds, ness Shop, Residence RA LOAN Denes central 10cation suitable for roomers or hearers, For (ARARTMENT ~ clean (hres rooms, | Ping Centre. Private entrance, contin B A, barrister { / Phone KA 8-176) y A C Ta more inlormation ply 81S aolie sell contained, refrigerator, he sy y tus hot water parking FT SALMERS, BA Baris A Now Being Considered a ot : RATERNAL SOCIETY are duly rape couple preferied, eonvenl: | pup nd children in my heme or | Office ¥ HA y es 107 6 es of ' 288 {ant os enor Any Joma SF bedroom, self-contained apart. (Pt 10 South General Motors, Parking BOWMAN, David | / tor, ¥ Sireet Fast furnished rooms, i" * i |spuee. RA b-370% | Ring hd" Parking, av HA Hope riste Ppl 1 hn A ;) [II r month) VETY eeniTa n i Wl Fernhill Bivd, py Sime Sou WA Joe. Re APPLY 4 d | y FE ( f A, --. " I IA Vi OF Er {IP IG 4 {eluding heating and parking facilities (FOUR room apartment, Including | KA 54373 after § p.n v telephone de RA BOIL 2 } ¢ ( ol i | DID YOU § NIK - { Lloyd Real Oshawa, 10d, RA stove f ralor round floor, Bence, RA 8 BOX 706 4 i » / / Female Help Wanted | oR £5125 and ask for Gerry Okborne private entrance and parking, very cen FRIVATE apartment, four rooms an Me IBRON and BASTEDNN. Barristers | | EW ALL GALVANIZED WEEKLY for wearing love f IR V ral. Telephone RA 56064 for further "*'0. Iwo minutes from sity limits, res: 8: Fh funds ailable far FURNISHED light housekerping rom, | sonable, parking. Available now. Tele: plot Vos Beret OSHAWA TIMES FIVE vou ar bone, Juss shim Ey aren ght housekeeping room, information Kenable, Parking MeGibhan, Qf reer - A ) C 9 [4 RA 51604 for more information. (WEw modern two bedroom apart x D k f Fema 1.) A D EF yo 4 LM nent, § REPRESENTATIVES COMPLETELY larnshed home. Beh [wey In new apartment hullding, re Fotn {Iarue) roomed Basen 12--Dressmaking lle pu | ence ness yor eriean / FauY urmiohed home, wen (rigeraior 'sna 'Mave, prved parking, TE Privele "hth and RAT ¢ A, Swartz, 2 f f FC) WwW f R ( Moh tracks, IM Ji adusirie penile or fame Contd sander Teri ive minutes walk in General Motors, water. heat, wnt parking free op he ATIONS of ' . oh, Goad Monires | i penile or fami on " a 4 , ¥ 5 ean deqd SI hrs f yA M ih Tiel shes i h J wl ; 4 Ce treet, Modern [phone RA 58207 for more particulars | S48 math) M5 Malaga Road, RA Li Avariment 6, $6 Wayne Breet f § Kir Breet Eas oh ' P Hh 3 ' 4 art: ine wark.: Pisp a Dignity ane t 185 Bimeoe Street § ' hanes! aifies WA b1007 Hah," A ha as " rite, Mork, bieas motion, {1st se Spurs | WO. SEAN, HAs ih wach | WO 10s 0 ground for, furigh 604 or Whithy, MO 8.2761; RA i900 REVERSIBLE sk pe Ag) | ¢ : Agi 4 el ws DAR J fi ' i promotion | §imen o " scant middle of January, all gonven: | yp i or f 7 . Mo ake shib | T8a--Mortgages a farvied on TT) ref Family ip he eos Street Bouth ha) day g Yacan furnished or unfurnished. Apply |"? 168 Ritson Koad South ; : - i | J W ) ni G1 TAJAX three bedroom | house de (after § p.m, 137 Rosehill Blvd THREF lL Ll JOIN A CAMERON Earning af tand rigid |ooraled $100 monthly, VL 60818 fn : roam modsrn Spariment, tor & i EE Tr dodo 8, work perio irate 3 i [Bs ArbornuEh (UNFURNISHED (hres voom apari. [718 4nd stove, Apply 79 Centre Must: : ) ¥ ' FY BS We train yi } ation, Mavs | ment, private hath entrance, spd park: [TWO spacious rooms complete! 13-~Gardening & Supplies IMMEDIATE I 3 ) alley at RA 3-2566 for | estigatior |14A--Aph & Floats Ing, utilities 865 monthly, Heavy |nished, close to Bouth General Solar - - " nleryie paint Ent Iwan transpartation, ' duly wiring HOR RA 36108 snd Shopping Centre, Tels A rf nd » on Wo supe NY in re ao | CASWIEN stenographer for inmirance| Above all @ strong desire for For Rent | TWO bedroom apartment in modern | [P0302 South, Ushaws. BA 37403 flee Whithy, Steady position, pen. | \ |apartment building, available pow. | FOUR roam Apri ho ir an clor of Ohi y Wr 3 wo bedroom, upper duplex, sell ¥ m I Shae Moved to " ; on Rand AURORA SAND & MONE Y l i" x 0 Apply Fldelity| Success, Write, stoting full | contained, euthnarde A A kitehen, | Telerhane MOBawk 63082 after § p.m | rking: Muay aoe frit id ALRC ) | ¢ I R | 0 Life Insurance Comuans, Hh aneh Office employment history, age, and | Protestant adults, Parking, Available |9F SPRY 101 Craydon Road Apt by | shies ad Avpiy GRAVE . Professional Building iithy | ital status to Box 313 [immeiaie1y! 0 Charles Bireet, south | THR + voom unfurnished Aariment, [10 yey 6---Oprtometrists Sand 16) ay | INFEREATING career young ladies "3 y | awa Clinle, King Fast {private bath and entrance fn apart (SPECTAL, self-contained hres » Foam df iby AVAILABLE TO ¢ A eel to take training lo beeams | hawe Tim 3 [IMMEDIATE possession, spheifus | ment Wullding, downtown, near Bell apartment, good location, refrigerator AOR De : TELEVISION ane WETS, WUREIVISOTS AR 10: | wees oem res | 108 + 100M APATUMEN ANA MATH, BH: | TEIEBNORE. HARdY (0 everything, Adults |slove Included, TV. euilet, wants of am wal conta ALLEY FARM {ure batween 21 and 3 enen of Bak gentipmen to share, single beds, |!ricity, 762 King Ktreet Eat, THREE room apartment for vent, [LARGE spacious Ri . ' Dancing experience not ne | pn Roo Bo r |vate entrance, ample parking ground only. Available immediately, $60 month parking, Iimmediat » HOM OWN JF RE ) 171 BOND ST. EAST (hop walary for qualified appl) om [ ord floor. Rent includes heal, water, see | RA 37630 +4340 a M IN & ants alte ree Ligining perio you F f ( ( J x ] A + i privileges, home cotwed micas, | THR ann APATLINENt, L[heat, water and lights supplied, $55 a wood kitchen, two TEmple 9 25.41 RA 8.678 Vik mn Reraon. Arthur Murray's Sehol [ocho packed. BA Br7043 Bhi Fan ham spariment, new house, | Sloot, YADRIY 8 Afuany Brest cludes heat, sleotrieity, 1 lv surroundings, Courtiee "RE garde ' {branee, private bath, close to Shop: (ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail hid MELTER BRORRC WW ME i BABY HITT} LJ . experienced, Feliable im haar J 4 wiih rooms, hema FHM | and bus, Available January 38, WA able in private home. 83 Fark Road RA 8.5206 " - A( JERE 84° I oli reference twa children, | Hege oss (0 Fi uy p 4 4 | -- 1 di 40" TOWI Ihre yours and one year. Evenings ie Avenue op telephone HA B-0454 (North, 5 p.m, RA #8671 | Oshawa's Finest wivayar : ROOF AMTENNA £30) and ecosslonal da Sleady position if SELF: contained four-roam spariment, NEW modern two bedroom spariment, Ww HORTON and } q | 600 \ 1 EINTN CAMRY qualified. If interested, and for |WOOM snd board for ene oF (Wo hot water, heavy duty wiring, vacant. [in new apartment building, refrigera r w 0 ROOF ANTENNA L7 turther Information please oall HA |[Hentiemen, separiie beds, RA 54618 Telephone KA 58704 tor, stove, paved parking. Ons block 2 ) mya En ul tha ' 33 North-west ares mare liiormalion [FURNISHED (hres Toor apariment, (1100) or shopping, 89 8 monthly," 7 'PARK LANE APTS MO 88001, A " ahor coal i | REPAY AS LOW AS [RESPONSIBLE persan, days a {BOARD and room, close to North Gen: | utilities paid, in kood location, $80 wei SHIMON! Avenue : AND FLEISCHMAN | to look after children eral Motors and Mowpital, home cook: [month, Telephone RA 8-365 xl 7h AR POSSES / 00 MONTHLY wer works, Write Box 31 vaio ests Block ta bus, Telephone | FRRER room wniurnished aparmenia & 2 BEDROOM EARLY POSSESSION % 35 ) I ! | ne HA hind oy aa re, ELEVATOR SERVICE | f N & { Ol J'S les GISTERED nurses, fll time, per A ia I'e cpions nN fan, ih By WA APARTMENTS PAVED PARKING LARGE furnished room for two to position, and' alsa part' Hie (die: light hosekeening aes 4016-464 AT BUS STOP CONTROLLED ENTRANCE f ¢ f " ! { \ ) day work Please apply 10! orivate bathioom. Apple ol. [THREE mom aparimeni Routh " ny SN OW RE MOVAL ( | | Y [ VY. A trator, Osi AWE Clinie [Fhehone HA LEE Phu" Hl dintriel aM Immeete Sorsnasion "Abby B91 SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND CONTACT \ BBuilding Trades wink Indy tor paptlime sve GENTLEMEN honrdere wanied, good | MeI0 Had Stove, refrigerator, parking I LEANEL [ 78 4 } \ RA B1781 | hams IV, home eooking, lunches | NEW (wo bedroom apartment, ii | SIDEWALK ! sivan laze #474 ia A : Terie ALS nd heating supplies IRDEWALKS ( \! J) Af I= / O)4 V packed, central, near North General monthly, stove and refrigerator, larg i id RS N I to 83.00 an hour demonstral: (Motors and hospital, 8 Colborne East. [living roam and dining room, loguted | RA 5-3302 . i AM + 830 Lansdowne Tirive at Wilkon Road | i AS « WICK ) GIN 3 {bs Girl eosmetion. Write for de: | HA &-7607 4 RENTAL AGE) : f I SERV a0 IMCOI I ter Calhoun, 31 Murrey Sel, GN SEMAN Siena aaron Braves | Norn. CAIL D. "Wadlett,' HU 4.7006 or ENTAL ENT fn in J ws 4 y ut OSHAWA HOME - -- NP pn a ay ta, iad, mess a, Jue ONE MONTH RA 3.7732 per to live in continuous hot waler, park : ---Pe Livestock Must he fond of children. Wharal time |i0&, bus ab door, Bl Park Rod Both 67 KING ST, E 23--Pets and Livest Lol erie Ad or reer | in ot door #1 Park Mond bout | APARTMENTS FREE RENT - -~ female farmatio | LANDSCAPING ro AMER" lB sty A SK] 3 broom aportments, naor | Modem ane and tue bd: (#4B--Roums For Row make Maney at Tom 0: [uous hot Whter, pay 10s A . ---- You | nf Ai "and neighbors, new |General Motors: aad. dawhiown, RA| Shopping Centre, electrically foem pariment Ld pnd [WOOM Tor Tay 45 To 80, Witch an » | y . House Kleening', | B40 | au d. Availal Feb. 1st up, best location elephone washing privileges, central, HA 5.6168 WWARD | RA 8-636 casey i Foe, Sout lack a i t A ou and Dante or ho 5 - . ) {between 7 and 8 pm VELL DIGGING BY | by tered. Phot A 48008 For full particulars and free de: Rotn five ra oe soked 213 MONTRAVE AVE RA 8-8676 TWO roams for mons A ! rent, suitable for hus 2 = tration, phone Kisener Servios H lant. Aw ba Ring Lust APT. B - . " wee | ng eonple, No ohildren Avely wn MAGHINI I 14--Household Repairs ALLIED Ihe, Wanbenn Konno, Ra aie | [ROOM and hoard for wnlimiied wi (Annis Sifest, Telephone RA sdjid Li " a or, excellent meals ot and wold | eamfortahl h useke WHITEY, ONTARIO IRNINE 'bil wt Wall |NVESTMENTS [urate sos on sie ior ag OFFICE CLERK [ti "as fun, fit APARTMENTS | TWO BEDROOM ng oui a sealemant Ts alee ems A ) R. Dalton Cha Aly | g MORAwK B04 . ' ' I ih al uipped ENTS nd hospital, stores, Apply 13 Elgin HA COMPANY } | HA 84301 : let, electrically equippes APARTM - and hoxpita 0 ap r | ) 5 "0 I [ROOM and board, gentlemen, single! One large, and one small PAINTING and a h § " REGISTERED purehr imported long | ONE lovely furnished ron fo antie 4 IN S i rma t 1 puppies, sl ¢ A ih \ and share, lunches packed, parking, 97 For information calle i | ave W m for ¥ > J th i ! 1 KING § a ADTs i] . bles |Albert Bivens, Telopiions HA 8-4437 RA 5. 28 15 Excellent [ cation, New bu d [nwa Bivate Nae ARBIY 444 Po fn f i ¢ $ Wil Biv Business Opportunities Vou 6 pi 0 9 mat dn Tohn \ ane JR : witout sar un ROOM and board, for gentiemen, Wilh] \ or ng, with er witheut lease Mreel, Picks home privileges, Apply 666 Simoos CLEAN bright furnished double reams RTARLISHED hy bonauTa [nash Bult and rendived, Jou Nong kal ! f n i lop! 880 RA 8-6485 with twin hodsi also single roams, fur \ i on i A V ree BEAUTIFUL Ww bh 5 A 0 MO 8.350] treet South or telephone RA 8835) 0 D od; al tela and dow mown InoAt | mates. RA 3200 raining tal in. Apply | Mrs ANTOE Sioen Warm ie yi LLOYD REALTY [heat amtti fern aie gros i TT Mane 1A 8 4 h \th i Broad, \14 Eig \ cluded. mentiemen. an single and| | MONTH FREE RENT FURNISHED © bedroain, in private included in full f " C( TER AFFILIATED ! - v -- shave. Parking. Apply after Saturday, | ADELAIDE TERRACE o Ji suitable for ne antieman, i) i X Ls to 2 00 y 2 i H ACR NY ) 26Farmer's Column SHORT 107 Albert Stree M a 329 Adelaide W., New Mad RA 8 5123 stalner, 'Telephone Lil i Millen | Estate and ask & ---- we TWO unfurnished rooms up b ) M DEAD farm stock picked up promp - ern Apartment; luxurious 2 y v John Field, RA CONTRACT ra Memb BEAD latin sack picked uh promi OF |43---Wanted To Rent bedroom suites, broadieomed ONE MON | H connie, 0 "monty, RA BIR 08 f va, Paperhe ng {TARIQ MOS 1 Fur ¥ \ ne couple, $40 monthly, RA 57783. 138 \ BROKER ASSO) Margw i'n LADY teacher requires small finishe| throughout, drapes, stove Barrie Avenue PHIL COBEN DIX 1 ; a a Hoy ATH IN | ell # y CASH al AbAment, with kite he nN Jed Hing | and refrigerator; allehannel ROOM for ane or ive ehllamen ar | a 4 3 ne hy : > ' ham An Ay hid BL ! TV laundry facilitie and ladies, with or without hoawd, single us Fy Re ! WHITBY | 19mm ~Personal J I0: Mevem, | A Rowing Nork mornings and after [Wher Fi OCC ar NRA 3AM} park a 4 Se or H hil Beds, near South General Motors EQUIPPED i A ( 144 DESIRE transportation te SAT wi 6 } 426 init ny ¥ , na In yaur awn nelghber yy yien ive Toss, sell-coniained, Sion, See Apartment 2 | itiophone RA Sid ¥ ' J ET L) contained N Al \ Y o . 5 TMH BE A 27 Fuel & Wood I with Avon, housewives [fal ar sotinke. Not mare than 318 Wil: | Only twa one-bedroom suites FURNISHED Taree hoi Siig Toy MN WPERA ED bis PRY 1 ferred. No experience nec Ing ta baby sit. Part Perry, Bown an | in a modern, spotiessly kept sult lady or mentlema COIN ( < ETI HIDERN wanted ) ¥ \ ; bop ostred, Telephone HA 3444) ; : I wrd lak and \ ! | \ \ ary, highest commission ah Th vieinity, Write Box 416, | PARKWOOD apartment building, ~ Cens [Xening it desired, Telephone LAUNDERETTE en in Ho \ al ogates alee pe ad ) Wl LE 6.0827, Collect rr -------------- trally located haleonies TWO - bodroam Apartment on Simoes A -------- . } ; acili : - "" AA-Houses For Rent paved parking, laundry faci street North, fully equipped. Telephone 200 R MANOR EXPERIENCED ties, Phone IRA 56343 between Bam. and 8 pm ¥ Ei ARGE six room duplex. Suitable for Featuring ra or rc ELECTROLYSIS [Siar ems ws ier wi | AIRDRESSER [1h familus or sn io mini APARTMENTS [44A--Apts, & Flats Commercial Type 148 : Removal of superfluous hair a " EE at WANTED hos pee _ MO 6 47 For Rent house near sohoal Girave, all lurmace inside And walter Dauble-Load \ Inhale lon Maria Murduff will be { a Nove, ol furnace, inside and w ev | | : ) HR SAGUENAY AVENUE / / Double-Profit ; Osha y dan. 10th @ ho | NDE Vincents | lai Styling bly APATIMERIE, seven and fone vasme, | PARK RD. & KING SY X We 3 ANLIA f \ k 5 § noon Wee, modern, 13 minutes (FARK RD. § NG Washers and Dryers } i) t these dates for a ka RA 1631 Osha I py URIS hd DISTRICT) ; ' PAN plus Coin Operated REPA IF 20--Cartoge EE } LABORATORY SIX roam house far rent, 388 Clarke! Quiet, residential street - f Street, ail heated, convenient far twa . \ ' n Dry Cleaning ARGE OR SMAI ARN Moving and Warage Dakana,| power | TECHNICIAN ones. Ankle 348 Kiny Strest Fase "| 1 & bedroom Apartments i RGE OR SMALL Whithy, Reasonable rates. Fully equip 5 { 4 Stoves, 'rigs, T.V. outlet, M b J A § M1 Y FIVE - roam bungalow, Cadillac Ave achines CALL AJAX-=THAT'S ALL ted and tarred. Phone RA 33 Ri Full Time Permanent Aue South, ail heated, recreation teow,| ropes, parking, ets . 4 § Beas J wx shift work. ABB enetian hilads, TV antenna, possess] Rents from $90 monthly RA 8.5103 f hih ply ) d : (37 . - \ ¥ a February 1, 883. RA A-3113 after ENDIX 6 , MOVING: a--cna-- a -- shih i} BENDIX ¢ 4 ho 2 as W PHONE alles. @ eh | / y } DO-IT-YOURSELF 3% Articles. anted x 0: SHAWA C | INIC WO bedroom brick bungalow, with RA S.7212 RA S.5787 R F N A 5 ERS are dele 1 ¢ : RENT A TRUCK. Vi KING ST. | fants, wisn, canvases. contrat sr | | N | DECC ron nnt erent OFFICE SPACE Toman an wun | FURNACE SERVIC Ss rata WANTED MANAGERESS aa ad ERA * Re 2-BEDROOM APTS. - $65.50 ROW ALN Team house ON A ------------------------ " b | -- - rr --- b ith eption te buy, MH Dovedale Drive ST. JOHN'S | | Gan ING Perwunat Service ul READY TO WEAR i fuky ss on tein nel fo Wang Sie s | 3-BEDROOM APTS, = $72.50 Farag elas Wo Ritson - ated in & VAlown area AOA AY. &.3 p f 2 Occupancy February 4. Telephone RA| SOMES i AA D8 . Moderate. rent, Leases now TWO 1arge. WATT FORME. completely Must be fully experienced availoble If you earn under $3,800 per year you can FURNACE SAL ES | pAR.B.OI HCKI IAW ' cluding seit Bt a THE TIMES qualify. for a Govt. -controlled Apartment AND SERVICE \ Cl \ We i BUILDING For: information' and toms. std. 'vout R A | -5954 ik ; ; \ TR EY L WILSON address to Oshawa Post Office, Box 82, twa bedroams, heated A A RA ne Phone RA 3-3474 No Obliggtion