The Oshawa Times, 11 Jan 1961, p. 15

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E 1 I THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednerdey, Jenvery 11, 1961 § Xp oded n Cottage, : { gone some 16 games in 8 row ne Ropes 10 get shill some other 15st At WHITBY And DISTRICT Honor Li 8 A A Chios io piay here Without # 10% $0 let's give the Henry St. School Waits Sentence In Jail | x huesis's'on'sc vous cass sets or rr ot Guelph Royals, currently the night here in Whithy. Game time : ymin He ¢ § that he SHER GEA Fhe following 1s the honor Ret dames Huxier, James Harow oi SERVEIIN EOL humise at the Beaverton age Pest Lepm In hockey having tonight as weusl 8.36 of the Christmas Examinations Sargaret Smith tage left it } PE #¢ 3 An OF i 4 a j C of the Henry Stree High School rade 18 Michael Eggert ciocion had occurred. wes Ties. ml t In order to qualily the honor (W.7 per cent), Charles Herter day remanded one week i cus. er ype ohonograph records students iad to attain an #ver- Ruth Mitchell, Susan SEWIBBE, (ody (or sentence on a charge of WHacele beads and threes age of 75 per eet binart Evans, Maureen 1iddie, poo, ¢ and entering and a 5000s of thread had heen stolen USED [| Grnde # Kathryn Cuddy Molcolm Fates, David Cross, oharoe of wilful damage. Daniel The cont was 1old that (hi § (90.4 per cont), Margot Hamer, Ruth Kezetman, Dale Lague, David Charatie aoneared before louse bad recently beet on fire Jan Norwood, Susan Pollard, Barry Goode, Ross Gibson, s.cicrs 8 Fibs Whit. #nd was vacant af the time of Virginia Hope Brown Mary Dright Chizen, Robert Bassett notice court the visit by the acensed and two Lorra Pritchard, Victoria Rowe, Susan Glanfield. Daniel "preohin police told the court Jeveniles ? Elizabeth Prive hard, Roger O'Kagan, Scott 1indse that on Jan, § he had inspected Charatie's mother oid the Horg, Hesther Beaton, Anne Grade 1) Robert ORR 2 cottage on Highway 48 just court that her son did pot want Henstock, Robert Allen, Bar (B18 per cent), Leslie Pryce ouside Beaverton and found that to go to work, The sceused said here Breckenridge, Marian Sug- Jones, Mary 1Towise Cuddy, every window in the building had thal bis two companions were YOUR CHOICE den, Angelika Vggert, Merle Digne Stevens, Donne VIaser, heen smashed out, doors' hed running away from home dnd Met onmell, Sharon Missett, Rob. susan King, and Teresa BAF. heen smashed and holes punch. he was going with them, He said ert Rodman, Virginia Fllist, Grade 12 ~ John Cuddy (0.3 ed in the walls with 8 broom that one of the hoys had 8 eof John Parikhe!, Dirk Knoester, per cent), Kathryn Hamer, Cor- handis age near Beaverton, He was un Judy Kurik, Richard Carr, tie Bradiey, Patrick Carmen it looked as i an explosion abie to explain why they had With Terry Anderson, Wilhelming Johanna Flim, Fhizabeth King, had taken place," he said damaged the cottage . i found thet four cylin Verriet, Frederick Koster, David Hoag, John Augnstus : Trade-in David Perry, Josephine Bryant, Marion Price ep ts Sins a dp Niagara Flyers STORE WIDE CLEARANCE OF ALL Turkey Roll Brings To Visit Whitby HOCKEY EQUIPMENT AND TOYS Score Of Charges JL ov THIS THURS., PRL, SAT, ONLY his second place Niagara Falls t y § A i ] ign chance A turkey roll on Seugog Is (that he had bought & Nee. Givers of the dr. A league 10 ( tines he an Bl ppear char i J i . land before hist has land Ite 4 ) Whithy, On their last Appear 4 ' rl vd nearly a stove of persons in buying & lot gre Murra WI ance here the Flyers were yi Hal, 4 r man 4% orner i y . police court after the event was Donald: Dizon, Wallac 3 8 visited by an officer of the On. Morris Cochrane, Fdwa q i #8 105 BYRON STREET SOUTH WHITBY tario Provincial Police who set: ¢ sree Ormiston Red as sleur, i Brown, They eith eae t . ; ed as agent provacateyr, Thon Brown It either ple A 1 no 1 block west of tour corners next to Dodd snd Sevier as Henry Slute RR 3 Port guilt or falled to appear and PIN FOR NEW PRESIDENT Perry, was fined $108 and conls were remanded util next Ties or in, | Open Till 9P.M, Thursday and Friday for disposing yl A game 14 The Kiwanis Club of Whit Wilson Gemmill, of Peterhor ! ping the president's pin of chance, Bome 18 others were wy on Thursday night got is | ough, who performed the in on the new club president, hailed into court for ta Ry, ' official start into 1961 i Ki stallation of the new exe Vie Evan chance in the game Install Officers wanis Liewtenant - Governor | tive Ahnve Mr. Gemmill Oshawa Times Photo PC Douglas Robinson, of the . + "a ® Whithy Detachment of the OPP Fireside Auxiliary said that at 1 a.m. on Dee, 10 ] h M 5th Scout Mothers acting on instruetions, he ed: United Church Fireside Eve 5] ep one anners M the Blute home ning Auxiliary WMS held it Regular Meeting | rere, ne said, ve found a first meeting of the year with | score of men around the dining the annual meeting and installa. E { the th Whith Reouts Bnd Loom table rolling dice, at $1. tion of officers, The meeting own 0 d Cubs Mother's Auxiliary held its ,c, chance, for turkeys, chick- was opened by the resident I 1) re ili monthi meeting 2 Mien and duck Roller of the Mrs, A. Archibald, who thanked onda even i Bl er { i o ¢ vif 4 weekly lunch | wold pe nf 4 ih dice received the fowl the members of her executive pos a : gH the Wi th Com nit Mi u Age that wer ieted yg Ay eho) The president He said that he paid his $1 8nd all members for their co JEANNOT GILBERT i tohert opened the and joined the game, Later, he eon Arena auditorium the Whith y the film are a operation durin her n oof meeting with a prayer and the off crests but drew the eve of L AY Was en p ol low cers Oopplor : . y Rotary Club on Tuesday wa 1, Answer promptly, 2, Ve mother's promise. Mrs. Roh. 581d, fellow officers of the OP} be ill h Emms and his men for his rugg A 0 T A 8 § P Mrs. D i" 11 tertained bh a mavie pre on 8 pif ourselt. 3 isfer calls erts expressed good wishes to eided the house Hes 4 I i Fé 4) A i Hh STAN WESTFALL ed type of play, He has played sh | i cel ror & adopt oster A ' tion hy Don Welsh of the Bell oC i, lea a message all members of the auxiliary for. PC Erie Trowell said that he Shild of Hong Xon go IB Ker hoth forward and defence since , 4 Be W » v N 0 making the jur 0 the ' The movie, entitled "A Man Pl i Conver tl { unporch, ¥ d, he fo The annual reports were given| torious as they downed the Hil) I ah 8 ump Jo. th A I ie » § 1 nee ane rei our own Onveners 4 F HF Teporis ded ld t £ ' "n f | : hy the secrets and treas y # close hard fought ner of Speaking", sparkied with ogils. 6, Keep a pad and pencil Plans were made by the group chickens, six ¢ and 100 yg? peroing ; nd {0 iret Aes a Another fellow who has heen fh randon, rea f d We 1 game going great guns for the Flyers humor and took the Rotarians handy, 7. Don't say "Who's call-'to eater edding on Feb, duck : A behind the scenes of a business jpg it 1s hetter to sa May/11, also to the Fathér and Son. W, Thomas Harri of Port port for Mrs, K. Clark My Com The Hillcrests have added ais centre Jeannot Gilbert also organization where the BAW] tell him who is calling banquet which will he held on Perry, counsel for Klute, said muni } riendshi re couple of new faces to their line: pictured shove. Gilbert is a how misuse of the etlephont| please?" 8, If vou leave the line Feb. 18 instead of Veb. 11 that the aceused, the village Rreckenrid ge read the report ono since the last appearance of (free wheeling siyle of player ould shatter office efficiency axplain why. 6. List frequent] If is suggested and passed! garbage collector, was father of { hh Ha he ard ue r the he Flyers in Daye Nicholishen who can bring the fans to their imith presided ove } entually lose customers. [oalled number fi ndicate that e Mothe A y children and sought to raise df om Tushingham. The Fly:ifeet with h tyle ay ani $veniva a ; Term y hey Siar four . or Christm election of officers and mem. *" Fon A ip al Ives of pla REG, PRICE Telephone Company of Canada "hen You leave ir telephone a successful yeas eized $26 on the table In & nd four | rst / i p mis { ( and have add The Flyers drew one of the Ihe film showed some practi-|that you understand, 11. Termin urchase a crucifix for ex A Bad 5 p ers on the other han i ers dy me o i hers of the executive for 1061 a ed a former Hillcrest to their! largest crowds of the season on x ving t ale cal ourteous! 12. Tele e of 1 f n ( St. through the turkey roll eal ways of achieving telephone al i I 1] on ( he classroon of t, th gh : follows Honovar nrasident 8 on'd he tele: Theresa's new haol. The meet Bruce Affleck assistant line up in the name o an their last Jppeart ance here and ourtes and how this resulted phone other i | ress 0] A hill gpa and happler eustomers.! phoned yourself ng closed with prayer Crown Attorney, said that there M b : ¢ b ! hillioy pre joan Westfall pictured above. Stan isiwe fully expect (0 see a near SPORT SHIRTS had been complaints that this i of M wa - aid a brother of the Flyers hig de: full house y's this game tonight \ ' . : ' ort of thing was going on in g 4 ! My i niey Moisi fence star Bd Westfall who 18 Manager Ivan Davie has gone £ 0 Nurses Alumnae | {the county and he asked that a M H H i rel ys ATY, also captain of the Flyers. Stanlte considerable work to get 20 % OFF re rien oy al, penalty be imposed which would M18 ewl supp BETE| started the season with the Hill | these games with the Flyers and b tary, Mrs, Fells; corresponding ) Prepare For ! "he #100 fine followed sqcreary, Mes. Meendey | f ; SWEATERS Graduation Remand For Sentence | againat Shute. and James Wott, Richardson, Family Monuments Whithy Ontario Hospital vere withdrawn at the request of Mrs, Archibald th Sumned DODD & SOUTER 1 10 to 50% OFF Nurses' Alumnae held its first wo Oshawa men who ad McQueen and had, in fact, heen Mr. Affleck the meeting over meeting of 1961 on Monday eve. mitted taking a friend's car drinking beer in a hotel with him resident, Mrs. Brandon, Mi WALLPAPER STORE H v v ning at the Sr. nurses' resi Without his permission and later the night the car was taken FINE OTHERS Caine was in charge of the de dence, The president, Mrs, Mary setting fire to it have heen re ZT Balmers, counsel for the, Pleading guilty to buying a ve tional and gave 8 reading on] 107 BYRON ST, §., WHITBY Dean Samanski, opened the manded one week in custody for two accused, said that since then! lot and taking a chance in the thoughts for the new vear. Mrs d ' Ab . ] meeting with the minutes of the sentence on two charge Tames McQueen has heen given a 1063 game were Mark McKee, George J, Breckenridge gave the serip MO 8.5231 Requirements MEN s last meeting. All reports were Wilhut Peehle 2, of 151 KI model car hy the two accused, Crozier, Ivan Woodrow, Robert ture reading WEAR read and approved hott street, and Herbert Bould, [He said that the car was taken Holliday, Bud Scero,. Harold I'he members were reminded YOUR The members of the Alumnae! 24, of 307 Pacific avenue, ap: followin i family squabble, | Collin Thomas Duff, Harry of the blood donors' clinic at &.l.L Paint Dealer STAFFORD BROS, 103 DUNDAS ST, Ww, MO 8:32 1 received an invitation from the peared before Magistrate ¥. 8 I'he er hildishly and fool. Brown, James Farmer and Whithy United Church on Wed M il) { ] superintendent of nurse Miss! [bbs in Whithy police court onlishly took the car he said. Donald Leslie, Each was fined nesday afternoon from 2 to 4.50 Fainting & Decorating onumental Works (FOUR CORNERS WHITBY) Helen Whitman, te attend the Tuesday to answer charges of "Then they stupidly set fire to 810 and costs of 10 days ind evening from 8.80 to § n.m a Contracton 318 DUNDAS EAST i dedication service for the Jr. taking a car without the own. it, It i heer tunidit or Acquitied of the charge was At the close of the meeting re vptex, Fanerhanging + SAVE S$ nurses on Wednesday, Jan. 11. ers consenl and wilful damage, drankenne Edwin Cochrane of Raglan, | freshments were served hy My Full Wall Murals MO 8-3552 Yori A, 2 Bh. 8% Miss Whitman announced the! Charges of car theft and ar H Worship remanded the when the Crown failed fo prove Breckenridge and Mrs, Hatch, | appointment of Miss Picking, of son were withdrawn at the re. pair in custody until next week Whithy Ontario Hospital, who|quest of Assistant Crown Attor- far sentence will in early February start ney Bruce Affleck her duties in Port Arthur a PC Morley Nicholson, of the superintendent of nurses at the Whithy Police Departmen WHITBY -- Ontario Hospital sald that Patrick MeQueen, of A Games Night will be held Whithy, had reported his 16 i DAY-BY-DAY aces! n February instead of the regu: model car stolen on the night o lar meeting to he held at the Sv. Nov, 16. On the following da nurses' residence, It was decid: he ud, the car was found by SUSPEND SENTENCE ad to held a bake sale In the Bowmanville Ontario Provincial tahn William Leveridge 16 I latter part of February Police office it terior eom- | ° F'ador street, Ajax vis | 0 0 p Preparations were started hy pletely burned out ced on uspended entence) ay he Alumnae for the annual The two accused wer fue far six months for damaging a # ew w graduation dinner and dance inl tioned, he said, and both admit. Pack-hoe and theft of a tool hox 6 gal n Evidence in th I . Mav. further arrangements will ted takin MoQueen's car if 1X CANE itd hefore New Year's he made at later meetin he Whithy and ate wittin program for the evening consist teh ta the front seat, H ad of a film on "Schizophrenia the. pair were acquainted listed of hi brother-in-law vhich proved to he most in ho will take him te Havelock he h ones formative. Tea hostesse were 3 ; yd wis Crave and Mrs, ovens. | Passenger Fell, Vat TED WIPE ud ; I Ltd bad nneth Lennox Suache, of Are. Accept Members | Driver Fined, hin, an suspended sentence for| ane year on a charge of assault At United Church Under Suspension ue us wile. No waa tid tad of Ihe Sacrament of the Lod An Uxbrid , ha witht ¢ ¢ liable to] Supper was celebrated in the p ie ) A ty | mn 15 ordered Whithy United Church on Sun: when a : f leahal day morning Tues 4 ; \ \ 1 of probation Prior to the Sacrament the fo ; 4 a : drivin | { { ll Inwing new membey vere res go \ i INI h 144 ' | uel VV Hlam Fa wa ned cost oy impaired ridge wa ven over to the ived inte fu AIMUnion; ge ; fined $10 Aliss Diane Smith, M and Myps ing LOX od in pub charge reduced fron R. Spee, Mrs. W. F, Rrown, Mv. when he appeared before Magi : why Ne. Tatas ind Mrs, Anton Kozak, Mrs. J (rat Ebbhs in Whithy pa ited. Eviden he case wa Wallis, Mr. Phill Simpson, lice of hoard some time ago, Arnold Me and Mrs, Alex Ingram, My ™ \. Bole if the Whithy was charged when polio and Mrs. J. Lynn, Mr. and Mrs, Detachment of the OPP, said found his car parked on the lot! I. Penfound, Mr, and Mrs. I that he had questioned! Steward at Rav Ridges. in Pickering : al RA CC a Edwards, Miss Eleanor Da ind the accused had admitted Townshiy WR cn 0 0 Miss Mabel Bouck, Miss Luella driving & trick an Dee ® WH b a Sb Be the first 1 J wid control while nloxi Bouck, Mr, and Mrs. C.F Prin: said that a passenge in the Fa Satara ont Rav "ht 'enact ke cour J01€ PhoRE Out, pAILY SERVICES ON FEBRUARY 1st! | day: Jan. 39. "and the "ammu to the dental + +" "**" Fined $25, Costs STARTING Regina-GaIROIY Se ygnge ver TGA J// hn p p } held on Wednesday, Jan. 23 il on Jan. § N telephone receiver out ¢ hooth w Tuesday congregational meeting will be The intoxication charge wa A Whithy man who admitted i iy man who admittes a Winnipeg s Mantreol-Toronte Winnip \Saskatoon Edmonton yoand oost Orville BROCK (Whitby) Now Playing dane Lockman, 33 athe i Sr en Built by Vickers... trate F. S. Ebbs in Whithy po daily sevice livin ed by Rolls- Royce [3] CANADA AIR LINES (&) AIR dissin lice court " ahah anasale CABIN ¢ " TRANS" DARRYL F. ZANUCK N i. William Middleton, of th or 4 patie h a0 more fo go + VANGUA I SEE YOUR TRAVEL AOR? § i pook ark Whithy Police Department. said \ ir: | L CRACK IN 1 h \ hs had qu oned | ackwood Compare the fore = yo! " 4 by oir: 1 60 THE MIRROR re sua wt bockwnd] wene ORSON WELLES + RLETTE GRECO nt tolephane the . a NN FRADVORD DLA Bl | TI Craton BOR. [os eae] FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL LTD. DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE | THOMAS MEADOWS & CO. \ ag OSHAWA WHITBY CANADA LTD, SID THE BANK OF INGLAND® Rithdrawn at the request of as 57 KING ST, EAST tA 8.6201 300 DUNDAS ST. EASY A TRAVEL AGENCY . sistar ow Atlarney, uee ° ' Ae Be livabeth Setar Natant Crown Atlorn Rr 8-304 2 SIMCOE S.,. OSHAWA RA 3.944)

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