The Oshawa Times, 10 Jan 1961, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Jenvery 19, 198) Chills Don't Canadian Purge Of Drunks sins Poetry Sweeps Russia Other newspe nines hegan 16 rs snd maga their lead Churches Drop Older Hymns Arnis, juveniie delinquents and (eves, especially these whe had come wader the spelt of "eon i bmn genis idnelogy."' I A ftypiesl example was 20 Cause Colds By THE. ASSOCIATED PRESS Does » chit set you wp lor getting » cold? And can hid. Mer crabs provide # test for pregnancy' RESISTANCE TO COLDS Getting chilled does nok make you more likely to cateh R coid This #udies me finding from which volunteers I» n were injected with one vies | responsible (or commen rods Persons subjected to chills or to fatigue beforehand didn't | get significantly, more colds Most resistant, researchers found, were people whe didn't think they would get a cold who didn't think emotions in fluenced physical wellbeing and whe didn't have any par fiewlar worry oF coneren in their lives al the time PREGNANCY TENT Fiddler crabs, the lithe mals that skitler beaches, may provide a cheap and simple Lest for pregnancy The color of their shell is eontrolled by a gland in the slalks which support the crah's protruding eyes, If the stalks are remaved, the hormone is removed and the shell eolor changes The crabs color hormone is similar to » hormone pro duced early in human preg am along and present in Bone samples. Experiments so far indicate the human hormone can change the color in stalk fim y {less crabs, and thus provide a PIRENANCY 151, FRECRICTETS Pb the Medical College of South Carolina report | BLOATING ANTIDOTE A chemicnl made from sili he ahndant In Common SARA--A00KS ProTRIsIRE Wi OVEr- CINE £ x ¢ e § sive intestingl gis and Wopting, judging from M0 patients tested this far The product, methyl pty: siloxane, hrought excellent re- suis in 73%, good in 78, some improvement in #8, and had no effect in 13, Drs. J, Alred Rider and Huo €, Moeller of San Francisen report OUT AY 657 Compulsory retirement at #3 is apparently dechning More liberal rules seem 16 be favored now hy some com panies and the general publi ays an editorial in the ournal of the American Medical Asso craon that more now at IH And, it adds One worker than formerly "There 15 no scientific rhyme or reason for selecting % #s the maggie number separating the productive from the non productye, the healthy from the unhealthy." TEAS are healthy Italian Movies Make Comeback | BY ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Stall Writer LONDON (OF)-=Italian films are making a comehack + Suddenly, the Lalins have re discovered the magic that pro duced such early post-war clas sles as Opne Cily Bicycle Thief Back in the old 1845-48 groove are three monumental movies of the present day Visconti's focen and his Brothers, Fed erien Fellini's La Dolce Vita and Michaelangelo Antonioni's 1,'A ventura Rocen is a three-hour account of a Sicilian peasant family transplanted to industrial Milan, I.a Dolee Vita--the title means sweet life and has become A catchphrase--is a rowdy, excil ing, kaleidoscopic record of life at various levels, showing what eoild be called the decline fall of Roman society L'Ayventura is elusive, Tt | slow-moving, uncluttered, cumu lative in effect, It lingers in the mind, At one festival, spectators gave it the slow handelap; al another, it received a special award YEAR'S BEAT Thoughtful eritics tuke It ; lously. Bome say it was the best film of 1060 from any country The apposite view was exem plified by a reporter at a London press showing, who sald wear Hy "Pwo and half hours, and we never do find out what happened to the girl" The "girl soured hy an un satisfactory love affair, disap: pears on a photogenic island off| Sieily. Her lover and her girl friend, drawn into the search reluctantly fall in love them selves. The missing girl 1s never found A complex, difficult, splen did film," sums up Dilys Powell in The Sunday Times, "One of the most satisfactory films aver saw," says Isabel Quigly in The Spectator Just a hore xpress Whatever the disagreement L'Avventura is a financial su ceas--the first Antonioni has achieved in 14 years of film making SEES NO HOPE A slender, serious man with a melancholy look, Antonioni told a reporter his abject is to stress the "fragility" of human senti ments He has just finished his sey enth feature film, La Notle which makes the same point, A hushand and wife suddenly wake up to the faet that they are no longer in love, They are dese lated at the discovery, but there is nothing they can do. That the whale story, Made in Milan, La Notte stars France's Jeanne Mareau and Haly's Monica Vitti, a beautiful hlonde who plays the givl friend says The Daily Paisan and | AIRaN AB Hand and replacements did not Ins compeittion thetic Slates Union development of so-called in L'Avventura., Wits call her La Dolce Vitti." Difficulties in filming 1 Avynetura, The Bi cilian island grows no food and The film's affords little shelter financial angel withdrew after a week. The workers left the Is arrive, so performers had to lug heavy equipment over rough ter rain And 'that's how a film Guardian calls "heautiful hatahle. and Intriguing The de was horn Malaya Fights Synthetic Rubber KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) Malaya, moving into the position and of the world's largest producer { of natural rubber, 18 organizing resources to fight off the of the latest syn Processes intensive An replanting scheme, the development of new high-yielding trees and stringent economy in plamation manage ment, all are being used to sale guard the rubber industry of perity hasis the country's present pros United hoviel on the 'stern regular rubbers" which are wholly or in part true substi tutes for natural rubber In prac Heally all applications hese synthetics could, in fu Ture give manufacturers, on technical grounds, a free choice of using either natural or syn thetie rubber Ixperts believe that while the synthetics have no ad aver natural rubber he, In some respects Malayan planters must economize, huild up high-yield ing plantations and pay more attention to research if they are to stay competitive With natural rubber hovering around one Malayan dollar (about 82 cents) a pound, many experts have expressed doubt whether natural rubber can con tinue to be marketed profitably at the prices at which the new cyntheties are expected to sell It is hoped new strains of natural rubber will increase the annual output per acre to 2,000 pounds weight shortly New and cheaper methods of processing are in the experimental stage Germany, lal the Britain and the all are working new VARLAgOS and will inferior CATCHES RICH FISH TAMPA, Fla, (AP) A 40 year-old cafeteria worker from Winter Haven, is $10,000 vichey today because of an 1%inch fish Mrs. Louise Sheridan caught the i fish and found a tag attached saving the bass had been re leased in a fishing contest, More than 2000 fish were released, all tagged fram $23 or mare, Four were tagged for $10,000 Science Now Shrinks Piles Without Pain Or Discomfort Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids Taranto, Oat (Special) = Far | the first time science has found a new healing substance with the | ability to shrink homorrhoids and | to relieve pain and itehing, | Thousands have been relieved with this inexpensive substance pight in The-privacy of their awn | home without any discomfort or | moeanvenience | In ene hemorrhoid ease after another, "very striking improves ment" was reported and verified | hy doctors' observations Pain was promptly relieved. And | while gently relieving pa i reduction Or retyaction (s wok place And most amasing of all improvement was maintained in cases where doctors' phsarvations were continued over a period of | many months! { Tn fact, resulta were so thorough hrinking | | 1 this | that suff such stad eeased ta ors were able ta make nents as 'Piles have he a problem 1" And O18 Wore A Very morrhoid eon even 1010 20 vears AWMOng these 8 wide va val ke ditions, samé o slandang his how COLIOS, Ahes 1 any kind ing subs | dis 2, Aotual | Preparation H o SPeCIal a 5 108 OF men Wilh Preparation H 1a sald at all drug stores, Satisfaction guaran 1 ar money cater were experienced [a Plentiful MOSCOW (Rewters) -- A cam and purge i of idlers, thieves PARIS (CP) ~ The holiday inl is spelatons seasons gel - logether of the parasites is wider way Canadian colony in Pars a 16. The campaign Ba 5 maison Canadingpe (himed ou * fo be a "soiree de poesie.! | Anyone whe thinks Canadian poetry is scarce wold have changed Wis mind had he walked ie the place that evening Main item on the program was readings (rom comemporary French-language (Canadian po Wek "a Bolin, Michele Rossignol Francots Tasse, Andre Sirois and Roland Laroche, The read ngs were selected and arranged by Gaston Miron Judging from the gathering of several hundred persons, the etry Canadian colony In Fars this Only puthor present was Rol- winter is a Wg one, Many are and Giguere Wit several Cana students, some are here on Can dian actors now studying in ada Council grants, some on Fars became interpreters of Quehes ENVETIIment hia poetry for the evemng, They in- ships and some by their own cluded Marthe Mercure, Valyi- means paign 16 clean wp Soviet society ganas laimehied wnaer the #4 Tv tionary slogan "he whe docs Rt W work. nether shall he eat almost Baily the nation's adtst" (Russian for perasiles) # are being Wasted by the Soviet ©ventuahy them at their hotel where he was GIVER RB TRgred shin "As professional beggar tensity of the present drive re- speculating with foreign clothes, press and radio These people ofien have heen attacked in the past but the in| fleets to some extent the con 8 temporary, rapidly changing So yt society with & Witle more leisure, a little more money wt still chromic shortages Xs ' And with servile smiles tuney- 19 ORE REWSPRDET, yepe-ma Alexander dog after the towrist CHEWIng gum, an empty whisky The newspaper Pravda com: hottie, 2 ballpoint wy and 1% ed catehing wp with wy Officially 7 ke, for instance "number, The Od Bugged g Cross, It has heen abandoned by mast major US, denominations except for southern Shepelenkn was arresied," the check shows newspaper said. He was show . 10 leave for a holiday in Odessa Soviet conscience and sold his MEH ally and testually better and had with Wim 18 boxes of honor for an English raineomt A third youth, Yiae hoi, mrvesied for plained that some remnants of AMENCRR MARAIINES "(0 PONE (oid the police that the oid ethics and ideology" still Mrt on the Soviet motherland." that he brought shame upon #Ppeal while "many of the great persist in the conscience of the Another youth, Yiadimir Voro- Soviet youth but whenever he andard Christian hymns are Soviet people and these must he hye, asked Brifish tourists 16 saw & foreigner he shivered with Yeveral centuries md." resolutely eradicated, call Wim "Bobby --and lost his' the desire 19 beg for something NEW YORK (AFP)~Some of he {otflowed English towrists North Amenca's most popwier the Garden. i's missing from According Wymms don't show wp today nn the latest hymnals of the lerger he ran like United States church songhooks. Christian bodies they've been cluded Says the Bey that Wiley ord In Baptists, Ox, pnether gospel Ly ore president of the ciety of Americas gener! heen to ehminate a god many gospiet songs, 1a sift out the poor In Baptists in Pr. Deane Va Hymn the trend has ones and keep these that are He noted that what many pes ni Kalyu- Die ofien loosely call "the good Speculation old gospel songs" are, in fact, realized TECent compositions of passing Canes came oi in 1913 in the Vanden wn 1512 Fut Asepite their Acietions, they re rReRsvent winners wn fa varie hymn surveys. The pres: ent bone of Chnstian Herpld says a poll in which 9 chmreh-goers named thelr most loved hymns showed the foliow: ng five topped the Bist, in this order I. The Od Rugered Cross. 2, What = Friend We Have in Jesus. 3. In the Garden, 4. How Great Thow An. 5. Sweet Hower of Prayer In the latest UB. church hym- nals, however. only What » Friend is incwied by mow. prin: cipal wrches, A new Lutheran hook omits i. Sweet Howr gets varied treatment, in @ lew Byme nals Others in the top 19, Abide With Me, Rock of Ages, Nearer My God to Thee, and Jesus Laver of My Soul Fale a hae 74 no nearly Aik Ade |} For instance, The Old Rugged hymnpals, | SAVE! BROWNIE FLASHMITE 20 OUTFIT SMARTLY STYLED CAMERA 27 Built-in Flash Helder snd EYE LEVEL FINDER 1s OFF PRICE 12.50 Complete Quttit Includes: Bulbs, Batteries and Film Vehes Indowr and Quidosy Pictures, Color or Bask and White SAVE 3 ON FILMS KODAK VERICHROME PAN BLACK and WHITE 127, 620 and 120 ry 1 1.20 "Time" on your HOT WATER BOTTLES with see JA FIN FEATURES Caf To rRobUeE FAST Pr \ UNIFORM HEAT (: WITHOUT |. BURNING FINE Sau | REG, ; 1.98 \/ vs OFF PRICE 1.32 ATTACHMENT SETS Strang Bakelite Fittings REG, 1.09 et 18 PRICE HAT SEPPRHPHIRAEARI LANOLIN SKIN CREAM "TT ALL-PURPOSE CLEANSER Belisntely Perlumed, Keops Skin Saft and Smosth 1/001, Reg, 89% >) 39° hands? Take the look away with , ,, Helena Rubinstein's ESTROGENIC HORMONE HAND LOTION Makes your hands te f Maganic Hom Hand Lotion munther, iter younger looking wd being wndenikin rotwin weeded melshun 400 YALUE 1.95 15 OFF PRICK 15.05 Reg, 98¢ 65° PRO-PHY.LAC-TIC FEATHERWEIGHT HAIR BRUSHES Sturdy Plastic Handle With Nylon Bristles CHOICE OF COLORS Reg, 1.19 19 LiQuie KN SACHET - §AU DF TOILETTE SAVE 13 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY N| pe Wine av eae -- REG. 2.75 OTH 250 FOR 6 KING ST. E. HANDY HANNAH ELECTRIC HAIR DRYER WITH REMOY ABLE STAND HOT Ok COLD AR SWITEN COMPACT MODEL FOR MANY BRYING VES REG, 9.95 Li OF Price 6.63 CHANTICLEER ALARM CLOCKS Made By A Leading Manulasturer VACUUM BOTTLES SUR-YAC Sturdy Construction Keeps Liquids Hot Coffee =~ Soups -- Use In Lunchkit or For Winter Outing Va OFF PRICE 59c¢ Reg, 89% REG, 298 Vs OFF PRICE 1.98 ANNU HO BATHROOM SCALES PRECISE WORKMANSHIP ® Mew modern design with carrying handles ® Magnified dig) ® Pleasing pastel colors ® Large platiorm ESSEX Ya OFF PRICE REG, 5.98 3.98 WITH STRONG ZIPPER ASSORTER BOWLING BAG A STURDY WELL CONSTRUCTED BAG NEAT APPEARANCE LE Reg, 1.98 1.32 Vs OFF "PRICE SAVE Vs LUCKY WRITING PADS THREE SIZES REG iw 10° ENVELOPES "iv 10° SAVE Vs IRONING BOARD COVERS Cuts Ironing Tims in Half SILICONE INSULATED Resist scorching Save Electricity Reg [J fic TRANSCO RUBBER BOOT TRAY Waterpraef Polyethylene Plastic Rain or snow, it's ready inn jitly to protect your Hoors or rigs, 101 Other Uses Reg, 79¢ 14 OFF PRICE 52° SAVE 3 REVERY HEATING PAD Fully Guaranteed Heat Switsh Attractive Colon Pome Fasteners WASHABLE COVER Reg, 495 330 SAVE Vs WONDER SOFT BABY PANTS Completely Heat Sealed White, Pink, Bus Medium, Large, Fxtra-Largs Reg, 3 for 89¢ 3 ot §9° ~ STOCK UP NOW AND SAVE '/s NEW STYLE=PLAIR SHOPPER'S BAG Swag Type With Zipper Sturdy and Spacious 99° FLASHLIGT BATTERIES Reg, 2 for 25¢ 2 16" Mads in England Hollow Ground Blades Stainless Steel Reg 1.49 Reg, Sic TAMBLYN BRONCHIAL SYRUP For Stubborn Coughs LECT) REG, &0¢ BOBBY PINS Black or Brown Reg, 266 16' WITH PLASTIC BRISTLES AND SCRAPER " 22 ie SACCHARIN TABLETS hy, Ge 39° 14:91, 500's Card SHOELET SLIPPERS ASSORTED COLORS For Lounging, TV, ete, Reg. 19% 26' Pair COSMETIC BAG MORERN STYLING ASSORTED COLORS For All Make-up Needs 32' Reg, 4% NAIL FILES Triple Cut tie 13¢ Seingh, La 16° . 20* Rey 38 -------- ALL-IN-ONE COMPLETE GIFT WRAP Wraps 2 large and 1 Small Gift Packages Reg, 19° Reg. 5% Pocket LITRE] Brawin LLU] HA Curl Comb Reg: 336 16° 16° 16° RUBBER GLOVES Vieeray Firm Grip Reg, ¢ wh 46 AL ale FIGHTING A WEIGHT PROBLEM? , , , low Gea pipucin CALORIE LJ COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO For Hair Cleanliness Gives on Abundant DIET AID nlite daily 4 " jo Contains al Shotalone, bitterseon Fog 1 49 A-5-A Headache, Weight Control Plow A vingls tin supplies your may bs wisi oe Br mers mess ad Hh J 8 vanille, $08 TIN ¢ Ls Off Prise 29 SALOTYN TABLETS Relieve Neuralgia § Grain Lather Large 16-08, Bottle Reg, §9¢ 4 OFF PRICE 39° 100s Reg, 33¢ Va Off Price 22° 500 s=Reg, 98s 1 off 65' Price TAMBLYN FLOOR WAX Giver w Hard Glassy Finish Ta Floors wid Wandwerk 1 lb==Reg, 59 1; Off 39° Price PARFINOL Medicinal, High Quality Mineral oil HUMAN BORY URRIGANT 16:05, Reg. 4% 14 011 Prise 39° 40:05, Reg. 1.09 15 0H Price 86' WIN-SUM LOTION Containg banslin 100THIS ANB PROTECTS AGAINIT ROUGHNESS ANB EHARRING LETH Reg. 4% 15 0H Prise FISHER LIGHTERS In a Variety of Artistic Resigns and Finish DUFFLE BAG MERIUM S18 Sturdy Canstrustion with Zipper, Assorted Colors 1.32 Reg, 1.98 TAMBLYN MOTH-KIL Paradishlorhentone MOTH CRYSTALS 39° | pound Reg, 5% PLASTIC SHOWER HATS Keep Hair Bry Pratect Permanents i 32° TAMBLYN MILK OF MAGNESIA Antacid-Laxative 20-01, 35° Reg, Sic 40' % CLINICAL THERMOMETERS MONOGRAM | MINUTE HH) 1 00 1.50 ENGLISH STYLE NEALTH SALTS Sparkling Filervascent Mildly Laxative Thon, 46° Reg, 6% FOUNTAIN SYRINGES YiCEROY 1.32 HALLMARK BATH SALTS BLE BATH For Betraahing Bath va] Bu Si Theos Frag Phiotim Bag Reg, 13 OFF 46¢ ee 6% PRICE Helena Rubinstein's ESTROGENIC HORMONE CREAM HELENA RUBINSTEIN shows how to , , , KEEP A YOUTHFUL LOOKING SKIN, and at a fabulous SAVINGS 1 YOU! Save $3, on Helens Rubinawein's world-famous beauty Sonam the most elective for aw naw by al i FH now akin, Take advantage of this | ances your pry ob) sant for 4 LIMITED TIME ONLY apaTAlion Eswagenic Hormones --= beauty aid known off telltale signs of wie 4 lavelior, years Retail Prce "430 ROXBURY ABSORBENT Balanced Pressure Bar For Fay Operation leg, 1.98 13 OFF PRICE 1.32 of Excellent Workmanship SAVE Ys Hudnut creme shampoo PTY Ll SHARE! x 058 gen? wie LAH Wh abtainable for ¢ dey or ally hai special 2° value for COTTON Ideal For Household or Fit Aid Good Quality Soft Texture 1 1b, Reg, 98e 13 OFF PRICE 6 5c 3 3% ON THESE ADVERTISED ITEMS AT ALL TAMBLYN DRUG STORES 2 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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