The Oshawa Times, 9 Jan 1961, p. 7

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Li THE CALD Children of Mr. and Mrs, | years old, Lynda, two, Ricky, Paul Caldwell, North Oshawa | one, and Darlene, five, are the are Robert Alan, Lynda Jo- | grandchildren of Mr, and Mrs Anne, Richard Wayne and | Lewis Johnston, Ashburn, and Darlene Gayle, Bobby, three | Mr, and Mrs, Frank Caldwell, Alice Jackson Evening Auxiliary Installs Officers For 1%] At the January meeting of secretary, Mrs. Meredith Mof the Alice Jackson Fvening Auk: fall; corresponding secretary iliary, held in the King Street Mrs. Fimer Randall; treasurer United Church parlor, the Mrs, KE, D, Bhreve; associate president, Miss Mary Maclean, helpers secretary, Mrs. Leshe welcomed the members and Booth, community friendship guests and offered prayer secretary, Mrs. William Brad The minutes of the last meet: bury; temperance and Chris ing were read by the secretary, lian citizenship secretary Miss Mrs. A. E. Hatfield, and an an- Isla Barker; Literature and nouncement - made that the Missionary Monthly secretary 1961 membership fees were due, Mrs, Robert Brown; Christian Mrs. Douglas Redpath's reports stewardship and supply secre on the catering last month and lary, Miss Beth Miller; press the sale of cards for the pest secretary, Miss Muriel Wilson year were very favorable The following appointments Miss Maclean thanked the were made for 1061; Pianist members for their co-nperation Mrs, ¥. R. Ayers; auditors in the past year, which had Mrs. G, G, Pirie, Mrs. Anthony made her job so much easier, Beotl; nominating commitiee and annual reports were given Mrs, C, A. Powell, Mrs, H hy the following officers: Mrs. Keys, Mrs, Frank Hunter; host A. E. Hatfield, secretary; Mrs. ess, Mrs. Bryce Brown; card Eimer Randall, corresponding convener, Mrs, Douglas Red secretary; Mrs. Leslie Booth, path Associate Helpers secretary The recommendations of the Mrs, William Bradbury, Com- executive were read and adopt munity Friendship secretary; ed hy the group Mrs. Robert Brown, Literature! Miss Maclean commented and Missionary Monthly secre- that as this was the last year tary; Miss Beth Miller Chris-|of the Women's Missionary So tian Stewardship and Supply ciety, as such, members should secretary; Mrs, G. G press secretary and Mys. EE. D. [striving (0 exc eed the fine re Shreve, treasurer, reporied that cord that the society has had in $902.00 had heen forwarded to the past the Preshyterial treasurer A few dates for the group io Mrs. W. Harris, president of remember were noted, the Af the Afternoon Auxiliary, con-'ternoon Auxiliary Valentine Ten ducted (he installation cere: February 15; World Day of mony for the 1061 officers Prayer, V¥eburary WMS The officers installed were: Thankoffering service, a joint President, Miss Mary Mae: meeting with the Afternoon lean; first vice-president, Mrs, |Auxiliary, April 4 Murton Walter; second vice-| The Inspiring devotional was president, Miss Muriel Wilson; presented by Mrs, Hobert vice » president for younger Brown on the New Year theme groups, Miss Rae Howell; re-/Miss Wilson assisted cording secretary, Mrs. Albert| Refreshments were served hy) Hatfield; assistant recording'the members of the executiv GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES NUPSKE Leonard Goldsmith if they have The Ladies' Auxiliary of Local goods for this sale 50, National Union of Public] The conner contest pot luck Service Employees, held its 1ast supper will be held Tuesday meeting of 1060 recently in Bim: january 81, at & p.m, followed cos Hall hy a short business meeting Reports were This meeting will take the place secretary, Mrs of the February meeting ford, and the Robert Corneal LAWN BOWLING CLUB The new slate of officers for Prior to the social evening of 1061 is as follow president, the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club Mrs, Harry Norton; vice « presi: wold in the recreation hall of dent, Mrs, Leonard Crawford; (he Children's Skating Rink on rener. Mra. Vernon Craw. | Vturday evening, 8 busines A apecial meeting ei Meating was held, The presi planned with the Local, with a Rant Mie Jack Junie asked speaker from the Ontario Fed ieorge Read of the Finan eration of Labor Women's Com. "181 Committee, to outline the mittee plans for the club's new lights A pot luck supper is planned oF the greens. An almost unan for. next month to celebrate the MOUs vole approved of same first anniversary of the Auxil and also the method of raising iary the funds The next meeting will be held The so ial committee on Tuesday, January 24 at Khad arranged for a very pleas p.m, in Bimeoe Hall ant evening of ecards for the members and their friends, and LOUIE HOGARTH GROUP approximately 78 were in at The Louie Hogarth Women's tendance. The prices were Missionary Society of Abert drawn and the lucky ones were Street United Church held it Mes Arthur Jackson, Mi first meeting of the New Year piohardson, Mrs. Jack recently, Mrs. Lawson Parks aioe" Ohester Robinson vice president, opened the | Goarge Twiddy, Mrs, Jack meeting with prayer Piatt, Mrs, Edward Bradley The devotional period Was hp. a dion Rive. Mrs, W held by Mrs, Albert Chilatt and pete, HOE J trie, Vrs | hor tonic was "The Now Year is el ion and Mr, Everett Jack but @ step from God Mus. "Eo William Graham was the pian 6 Next sacial evening will he held Saturday, February | as a Valentine Party 17 | given hy the Leonard Craw treasurer, Mrs 18 again Cook My sl ! The minutes were read. Mrs Samuel Gibbs gave the yearly) treasurer's report "and My Frank Sullivan gave her yearly report as supply secretary SIMCOE STREET WA (Group 1) Group 3 of the Woman's Asso \ letter of thanks for the clation of Simeoe Street United Christmas plant was re wd from Church met on Friday after Mis. Henry Hogarth noon at the hame of Mrs. Uriah The Study Book, "Into All the Janes, Simeoe street north, for World Together," was narrated the first meeting of 1061. Mrs hy Mrs. Samuel Gibbs assisted Kdear Rradiey group leader by Mrs. Lea Gray and Mrs presided Creswell Rassingey : Ns, Tao Yours Tencited for Refreshments were he Tr Crk Fesasieet foe Mrs, Lawson Parks id LR gh Creswell Rassingel calendars, which is now com CENTRE STREET WA pleted The first 1861 meeting of Plans were made for the next Centre Street WA West group meeting which will be at the was held in the chapel hame of Mrs. A. A, Crawle. Di Group leader Mrs Leonard vision street, Mrs, W. A. Dew Goldsmith presided Mrs. Fred land assisted the hostess in Graham read the minutes Mrs, serving réfreshments Ww. G. Dickson led in the deve tional period Mrs. Donald Me Cann read the Scripture. Mrs I. Rateman was at the plane Various items of business were discussed in luding plans for a Valentine tea and home haking sale to be held Tuesday February 14. Tentative plans were made for the annual vStrawherry Supper '1a he held Wednesday, June 28 Thursday November §, is the date set for the annual fall hazaar A rummage sale will he held Friday, January & at 10.30 am Members wel Mrs, William Badge served hy and Mrs Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED ¥ flestralyals ana he newest, fasten, Kies Contury Series thartwave, revealing your tue self, hee of wary and amber amen) 4 FREE Commultation MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa ob the Genmaha Hotel, January 10 PHONE RA 2.464) for appointment an these dalton \ oF Mrs Pirie, make this the best year of all, | | Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dial BA 3-374 TAHE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Jenwery 9, 196) 7 WELL QUARTETTE New wick « grandchildren of Caldwell, RR 7, New Brunswick Lakeville un and Mrs, Busen Woodstock great | CONVENER Mrs, Donald A, Brown is convening a committee for the Golden Jubilee Chapter, 10D to organize a Night of Cards to he held in the UAW hall, January 18, Proceeds will be devoted to the charitable work of the order, LODGES AND | SOCIETIES SUNSHINE REBEKAH No, 222 Sunshine Rebekah Lodge No 222 held its regular meeting in the lodge hall with Noble Grand Sister Greta Dyrinkle presiding assisted by Vice Margaret Gray on the members Brother Arthur ported: that delivery i re the who were Phillips of hampers of groceries had heen! e (made to the needy families on 1 I have alse been sent to the shut in members of the lodge, | pehalf of Sunshine Lodge, Gifts Blister Victoria Magee the minutes of the meeting also the correspon dence including thanks for a do nation where the lodge made to the retarded children Arrangements were the official visit of the hly President Sister Louise Clark for joint meeting with Pickering, January 16, when all officers were requested to wear white | THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA | previous made for Assem FOR TOMORROW I'he stars emphasize ships with those surrounding You, especial! Mone ters, Orderline I he word, but thi hould he ¢ because you are the stay FOR THE BIRTHDAY Take advantage of partunitie you have a keen mind and the stars' favor to advance in your job and finan olal matters. Your most encour aging periods are now and for hrief periods in April, May and October, The stars don't do it for you; they tell you when you ean do it most easily Domestic and sentimental in terests will come to a peak and are favored between mid-May fand late July; fall will also be a good time with another upsurge A child horn on this day will have a fair mind and a Hair for writing plays or in other arts relation mn mal ke Hh encouraged hy vour op We 9 Grand Sister be called back for many an en who reported core at your table 1 ready Mothers Guests At Encampment Of Pioneer Girls, Calvary Church Mrs Mills, Mrs, C, Westlake Nature: Mrs, W. Mills, Mrs C, Westlake, Anne Watson, Bon nie Anderson, Beverley West: lake, Margaret Mills, Sandra Blacey Bible Phyllis Woodcock Patsy Pallant, Marguerite Clement Shortly before Christmas, the Garden Badgs Ww Pilgrim Division of Pioneer Girls, Calvary Baptist Church held an Encampment meeting at the church, After the Opemng exercises Mrs, Carman Westlake; the Pil grim Guide, welcomed the moth ers of the Pilgrims, whe were the guests of their daughters for the evening Games Badge During the encampment cere- Anne Watson mony, Mrs, Westlake presented Jake ---- the "First Rank' to Mrs, Wal-l Handeraft: Bonnie Anderson, ter Mills, Guide of the Colonist Sandra Stacey, Marguerite Cle division, and Mrs, John Hooper ment, Brenda Westlake, Maike Junior . Smits, Clarabella Zeibin, "Second Rank" was presented, Kitchen Badge: Mrs, John to: Phyllis Woodcock, Marguer- Hooper, Anne Henkelman ite Clement, and Patsy Pallant.) Outdoor Badge: Mrs, W. Mills ; The following badges were Mrs. ( Westlake, Elisabeth wesented: Joyalty: Mrs, WW. Mills 4 iis, Mrs Westlake, Bonnie, Mission Anderson, Anne Henkelman, Clement Margarte Mills, Mrs, Robert Henkelman Watson, Anne Watson, Beverley. Vor perfect attendance for 40 Westlake meetings, gold stripes were pre sented Nancy Cook, Anne Hot Buttered Rice Henpetman and Margaret Man A Lucky Choice For Winter Menus For missing only four meet ings or less out of 40, red stripes were presented to: Mrs, ( it's well known that rice brings the legendary luck al weddings! And rice brings luck Westlake, Anne Watson Gail Babcock, Malke Smits, Margaret all through a marriage to any cook who makes good use of i Mills, Valerie Peters, Kathleen Seeley, Bonnie Anderson, Clara hella Zeibin, Linda MeDigrmid Beverley Westlake, Joan Sar geant After the encampment, # in dishes that can be simple, make-believe campfire was huilt| versatile, and at times exotic! [and the Pilgrims and their Try the New Orleans Rice and guests gathered around it for & Shrimp for a buttered rice dish! sing-song, Diving Bible Fxplora that is a banquet in itself, This tion which 1s the devotional part is & gourmet dish that definite. of the evening, Mrs, Victor Iv doesn't take hours to pre Henkelman, the president of the pare, In fact, i's so simple, if Pioneer Girls' Commitiee, spoke makes a perfect recipe for buf fet supper entertaining! And you start with good, melting butter, Then you add green pep ners, mushrooms, tomatoes, on ion, celery all combining fo to the girls Mrs, Robert Watson give an aroma of the delicious taste to come, Last of all, you [ Sandra Macey, Beverley West 1 Marguerite Eadge: Anne Badge Bong { Charlotte Frances Press prich of Oshawa and Torquato Korerynski of Whithy were married recently ' at North minster United Church, The bride is the daughter of Mr Arno Pressprich of Akron CHILD GUIDANCE in By GG, CLEVELAND MYERS I've heen getting a number of letters about the child in the first, segond, or even third grade who is having trouble learning the names of the lel and ters of the alphabet One mother tells of her child coming home from the kinder garten with a sheet on which he was to fill in blanks like this: ahd, The lity ware in seript The mother reported that her little child eried over the exer cise, as he got all confused members of the commitiee, then served refreshments after which the meeting closed with prayer add your fluffy rice and the shrimps. All of which makes New Orleans Rice and Shrimp an unforgettable feast, And we guarantee it to he one that will what most parents do the child try to learn the in order, Not only ¢hild then learn the name of BUTTERED | RICE. AND SHRIMP (Makes 6 Bervings) two-thirds cup veg, raw rice cup butter | 10-0unce tin button mush: | rooms, drained or pound fresh mushrooms | large green pepper, seeded and cut into thin strips large onion, thinly-sliced | cup sliced celery | (20-ounce) tin tomatoes | comes next, next and so an, WHY MAKE IT HARD? for him? No matter what alphabet in order until he be [gins the use of a dictionary, | | | 14 tap, salt 1 tsp, granulated sugar ! Tabasco sauce 2 (approx, H:ounce) Lins Shr, drained, cloned PLANNING BRIDGE but helps him learn to name the Cook rice according to pack 3 age directions; rain thorough | Mus, Charles M, Tlliolt 15 jottors on sight as he learned the ly. Melt butter in large sauce: convening the Soroptimist Des: names of foods, pets or other pan, Add mushrooms, green ert Bridge to he held on Jan-| things around him pepper, anion and celery; fry|"ArY #1 in the UAW Hall ai Suppose you find until vegetables are just tender, slated hy Mrs, Matthew Gould: ehild in the first, second, or but not hrowned, Stir in toma: Pun. Mrs, Don Black is inisecond, or even third grade salt, sugar and Tabasco Charge of favors and Mrs, Wil: can't identify the letters of the Cover and simmer gent liam Payor i5 looking after alphabet (there are only 26 of Iv 1% hour, Stir in rice and|Prizes. This annual event is one|them) and you want fo help shrimp, Simmer, uncovered, 109" which the club depends to him do so minutes longer replenish service funds whieh! Print large and plainly on a are used for the Glenholme| card or stiff sheet of paper any fchool for Retarded Children, lone of these letters help for senior citizens, to fur-| Heginning with a § ip if the mother doesn't make it a that your Ines sauce MENDING NICELY consonant Tackle your mending target by sorting wool eolors or types the new wing of the Oshawa | this letter as he looks carefully into plastic bags for easy find: |General Hospital and for educa. at it, If he can print, have him ing and certain mothproofing. [tion af & ward of the Children's | print it and say it If you darn hy night, slip a Ald Society | Then have him see how many lighted flashlight into the toe of a sock. Another evening idea cut old felt hats into insoles for outdoor footwear wearing thin in the linings , , , and if you stick adhesive strips on overs | shoe soles, the entire family) "| SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Rd, S., Open Daily to 10 P.M, Drapes Wed. «VENETIAN BLINDS 66° DRAPERY TRACKS "RUGS SPR ADS, id 95° Specials! Mon., Tues, FIRST GRADE BUTTER CHRISTIE'S SLICED LB, 2 FOR LB FRESH GROUND COFFEE GRADE "A" MEDIUM WIFE PRESERVERS)| Save the mesh bags from potatoes and orange 10 use as tote bags for shopping, carrying hooks and other small items A FINER BLEND YOU'LL BE PRO 37° 15° 49° 39° DOZEN FRESH PORK SHOULDER SPARE RIBS . FRESH SLICED SIDE PORK BURN'S SAUERKRAUT 2. CABBAGE 3 .. 29° POTATOES | ". 39° Shop and Save at GLECOFF'S ® OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10 PM, * LA, UD TO SERVE! I see no objection to having | kindergarten children learn tof identify some or all the letters) rience that no such excuse willlcalled palyglobulism, can occur of the alphabet, even to having Have him from deserved punish:(but the condition is rather rare, them learn these letters at home| ment; that he must he respon: The lack of pep and general earlier, The old alphabet blocks 8ible for his own acts, are wonderful for this purpose, | WED IN CANDLELIGHT CEREMONY | Practical Ways To Help Child Learn Letters Of Alphabet That kindergarten teacher did|!hree, have him practice finding p, She had each of them on a page ARCs ways help him to hold fast to must the what he has each letter but also what letler your own to make his learning untold of thelr condition, must Why make the task so hard| him attack too many at a sitting his age is, he won't have any need for learning the letters of the painful chore for the youngster, | nish one of the waiting rooms in{like "k" or "1, have him say| Savory Dough Surprise Topping On Economical Chicken Pie This time of year we lke (0 bine flour, paprika and salt. Mix buy food that conlorms 10 shim to & smooth paste with a Wile of pocket books and hearty family the milk. In large sancepan (appetites, Kor ower money, that combines Mowe mixture with re Mood is a meaty fowl (slewing maiming milk and broth. Bring ehicken) to 2 hol, sthrring constantly | Plump bodied Canada Grade until thickened. Add frozen: pes A fowl may be cooked in moist and bring to & boll. Add envied heat until tender and then oven vegetables and thicken. Heat browned; or it may be used for until mixture bubbles, stirning stews and soup; bul best of all occasionally. Torn into greased are a 12 kings; ples, fricassess, 12-cup casserole, Mix lopping salads, # We and casser: (see recipe below) and drop hy soles that can be made from this spoonfuls on top of casserole, adaptable, low cost bird Bake in very hot oven (425 deg (ollowing recipe, recently ¥.) until lightly browned--abot tested in the kitchens of the Con- 25 minutes, § servings sumer Section, Canada Depart: Variation = 2 1L-0unce pigck- ment of Agriculture, is a won ages of frozen mixed vegetables derful family supper or dinner may be used in place of fresh dish using cooked fowl onions, carrots and potatoes CHICKEN PIV TOPPING 4 small carrots, eut inte I ieaspoon salt chunks cup shortening tablespoons chicken fat Vs cup finely minced parsley Ya pound mushrooms, sliced Vs cup finely shredded carrots drained and sliced | ut in shortening until mixture cup flour } 4 resembles fine crumbs, Stir in cup milk cups chicken hroth time; mix only enough to com hine ingredients Meat from cooked 4% lo HOUSEHOLD HINT A pound fowl, cut in large Lightweight off - the - flogr ed water until barely tender, that have easyAo-wash zippered about 10 minutes, Meanwhile fabric covers are comforiahle dical Mirror (80: €aICal MITTOr (puis - probably Is nothing more thon ® Thick Blood ® Psoriasis cut. into New York, and the late Mrs Pressprich and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. Ronald Kor caynski of Whithy and the late Mrs, Korczynski, The couple will live in Oshawa Photo hy Ireland rr ---------------- I --------------r P------pel -------------------- small cooking onions, left 1 cups flour Ww teaspoons baking powder 4 medium potatoes teaspoon paprika (optional) eighths | V4 teaspoon savory (ophiongl) oR cup milk 10-ounce can mushrooms, Mix and sift dry ingredients, teaspoon paprika fe ; ey seasonings and carrots, Make a CAEPOON $A well, pour in all milk at one 12-0unce package froen peas pieces (about 4 cups) {ehairs and sofa with exposed Cook vegetables in boiling salt arms and reversible cushions saute mushrooms in fat, Com- attractive and easy to live with KARN'S Telling Th times he can find (his leiter on e ing é spring fever a page of large print, his fa-| H forite story, for example, or on ancer Patient a food package Don't have him learn and capital letters together After he is wholly familiar with this one letter, have him|Q: She attack another letter, not com: »* ing next to it in the alphabet, A. This is a difficult question end which looks least like the, first, [certainly one thet con net be Don't have him Rie ihn Bra answered with @ flat yes or ne, than one or two letters an eve- What to do would seem fo der ning pend entirgly en the circum: or 'he ha hg stances, Perhaps a certain Mer he has learned two or amount ef beating around the A is desirable or essential, "|depending upon the Individuel, (but it weuld very often seem unwise ta resort to outright uns Many sufferers, though , Please amwer the felleving questi obout peorigsis, Is MH coused by somes intemal dis order? Could allergy ploy » part? Would vitaming help? Ars there any new discoveries? When one dostor speaks of psoriasis and onother of fungus are they beth referring te the sama thing? A. To answer your questions briefly: the cause of psoriasis isn't known: Toking vitamins might improve the general health (if there is a vitamin defigiency) but would have ne direct effect on the psoriasis, Fungus infer tions of the skin and psoriasis are twa entirely different conditions, Important advances have recently been Mads in the threat t of us Infections but, or '0% wa Low, na startling erie 'about psoriasis have en. ported, Questions submitted by readers are appreciated and enswers 10 those of general interest will be incorporated in these columns when possible Dispensing prescribed medigine is what we do best do promptly + , , and do at ressem able cost, Trust your health te your destor----=trust his prescrip tions to ws, Answers do not necessarily reflect the epinions of all doctors, The diagnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's personal physician, Questions directed ta Science Editors, P.O, Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario will be incorporated In these | columns when possible: Af A ns / Nini 4 {IN {) 40 King E RA 3.4 RA 5:0151 i small wid the concer patient ' You can find many ways of truths, of the letters of the alphabet/'® bie 10 Wks shrewd Guaties easy 80 long as you don't havelmens. They really need ne telling ~they already know, INTER! RN yo FARENTS' QUESTIONS Q V have often heard older After I saw our son, five, men and women sey thet they da something he knew he should have "thigh bleed' A it astuslly not do, he said, "Bobby told me pessible for the blood te hesoms to do it" too thick? A, Let him learn from expe: A, True thickening of the bleed, "ua feeling of tiredness that eld. timers attribute to "thick bleed" FOR BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS | y a (G1 i King St | Oshawa CLOTHES CARE RULES To Look Your Best, Mave It Cleaned and Pressed. -- BRUSH AND AIR CLOTHES OFTEN Hang them carefully, Dust and soil hardens, becomes imbedded in fabrics, cutting delicate fibres. Regular quality dry cleaning protects fabrics. : Satisfaction Guaranteed by the following members of DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS INSTITUTE- (ONTARIO) and CANADIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERSSAND CLEANERS ALDSWORTH CLEANERS, Oshawa BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS LTD, BOWMANVILLE CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD., Whitby HARWOOR CLEANERS, Ajax PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS, Oshawa WHITBY CLEANERS, Whitby

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