WEATHER REPORT Wel AUGHLIM Relief fuom The present ood There are still optimists. | ~uaile LIBRARY spell is in sight as warmer winds the producers of a ten-vearisl LaLiG LIBH epproach from the south, to ar- endar, LL rive here Tuesday, rice et Orgy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 196) or ee" Dagarmens, Overs SRE 1. K. SPY SUSPECTS | BE CANADIANS I g greene' Scotland Yard | Arrests Five 4 5 ; 4 ' LONDON (CP) = Scotland] He said he asked them for Fl n Sa 4 ! : Yard obtained a court order to-!"the name and address of the emi g 1 s day to take the fingerprints of gentleman that comes and stays . 25% three mysterious persons -- he- with you each weekend," wa hRONTO op Finance Vy lieved fo be Canadinns--aceubed Mrs, Kroger looked at her i L . i _-_ Minister Fleming, callin OF | & of stealing top research secrets hushand, neither made any re- VIEW OF PHILADELPHIA PENITENTIARY WHERE JAILBREAK WAS AVERTED Ihor Management peace, wid I of the British Navy for a foreign ply," Smith eontinued, y aday thal Imes ood ] (power. "They did not mention Mr, Vili Jo hl igh of {| The three were hookseller [onsdale"s name," Smith added, current economic problems, Peter John Kroger, 00, his wife, | apparently indicating that Lons H T 00 The prosperity of Canadian Helen Joyce Kroger, 47, and dale was believed by the police u © U. S. Navy Force I pers producers depends on keeping o Gordon Arnold Lonsdale, 37, (9 he the visitor in question, costs down and remaining eom- 1 lwho described himself 8s a com- SIXTEEN PAGES sitive at home and abroad, he 444 All five defendants are 4 Put Down Bend in luncheon speech to the pany director charged with violating & section Canadian Club of Toronto The court order was obtained of the British Official Secrets Xerc 1S ear u a Mr. Fleming also denied that | (at a hearing at which the three Act covering espionage. After : 4 his budget moves to increase 1 #Ppenred iy y Sodetond the 20-minute hearing 8 magis- |] nr A "rate J HAVANA (AP) -- U8, Atlan: ships and men to the fact that rounded up suspects throughout al 10t withholding taxes on earnings of 7 a Ry ", ih pt fate ordered hair Hituni lo il tic Fleet units headed toward guided-missile vessels are tak: Pinar del Rio province, Military foreign Investors are anti-Amer: | employees of the naval research cused entered no plea, : P 2 g Di s firs y telligence headquarters an PHILADELPHIA (AP)--8hot- can | Yo 4 Guantanamo Bay and the Car. ing part for the first time n 4 4 AP / )=Bhot- IEA, " 4 hin station near Portland Bill on the : 5 ibbean today on annual manoeu- The UR J irships, from oy ound ed Ri Smashing LE. gun Carrying | State policemen, oni hin is not an anti-American | English channel const WhIsT PANDAGED i vres certain to draw strong crit- ery major base on the Atlantic homb-ma : i A 1 " advancing behind a barrage o 4 : George th, a detective si roger appeared in the prison. icism from Fidel Castro's prop: coast, will he joined as in the Ranch in Cotorro, five Mes oar gas hombs, quickly quelled He emphasized that the budget y | & orge smi h 3 dt ay y ers' doc wearing m bandage st by Canadis British and below Havana. It said the ring ; 4 AR 1 . moves were not intended "as a : perintendent at Bcotlan ard, { i sganda outlets past by Canadian, British an it Central an attempted escape at the | viet § i told the magistrate the Krogers around his right wrist. No ref. A flotilla of 150 naval units, Dutch units, UB manos will was linked y the UR, Central pasiern state penitentiary Sun-|prelude io a on to restrict for {and Lonsdale had refused to let erence to the nature of his in. 5 ) tice amphibious landings on Intelligence Agency day night eign investmen | ' jury was made at the hearin including the $00,000,000 45,000 DIAt ' os east of 7 y Phe ster' 9 rine the police take their fringer-|JVI g ton super-carrier Franklin D.| Vieques Island, 20 miles east of The government said the 10) yg guards were stabbed with i The minis BF § Appeal Jn id B98 | rints and there is a "question! There have heen rumors that Roosevelt, three-guided missile Puerto Rico oon or (MAN arrested were led hy for makeshift knives, but neither 4% oF ane 2 of their nationality." the United States may ask Brit: cruisers and two nuclear sub.| The US, fleet movements, bl mer public works minister Man: was seriously injured, A convict wine yA yf Ws Spsech, 'ol / Smith did not disclose the for- 8in for permission to establish marines, will take part in the ready labelled "provocative" Br yel Hay, Under a new 1aw they received u skull fracture, but it| 11 He vy j, industrial ] i Bl (eign country for which (he ® Polaris missile submarine sta- Caribbean exercise that starts|the Havana newspaper Kl gre gil subject to execution. (was not clear how he was hurt Homie 1.1 8 ati 8, Industria) y BR | roun was believed to be spying tion near Portland Bill today and runs until the end of Mundo appeared to offer An €X- wp 0 goiaiizonce agents oF If he was one of those trying fitrile RI wo! i IPAs ul Wa nor did he give any details of The charges apparently stem: March, A toatl of 140,000 offi-lcuse for the Castro regime 10) iu" 0i00c0d six American to break out 0 Supron id be Ai hout the stolen secrets, med from an investigation by cers and men will participate, whip up (he invasion hysteria) oo co cer men--four from the Fourteen convicts engineered There should be no fear Abou ' v future ) the British secret service into A navy spokesman in Puertoinow lagging after 10 days of Gop pbie" grodeasitng System the a LEem pied break, state he ceonome fu [HANDED OVER BASKET [the use of cameras to obiain Rico said the ships will go iniwarnings, The navy show of Soa" wo from Life magazine troopers said, The convicts "Strong and sustaining forces y |NANDED OVER, BASKET ithe use of tamevas and out of the LN. Navy pase strength 1s the only enemy in| gpg arently ordered them opened the cell doors of hup.|8ird the Canadian economy. In DE GAULLE CASTS HIS VOTE Houghton, Miss Gee and Lons:| The Krogers live st Rulsli at Guantanamo Bay, the last|yasion" that Castro can point a al dreds of others in the maximum 1981 we may expect further ' ie dale near the Old Vic Theatre| where the headquarters of the major foothold on Cuban 1ervi-i¢g despite his complaint to the ™ RR daa kik we four CBS men, picked up security block, apparently in a 8rowth in personal incomes, an Saturday after seeing the U8, Third Air Force i" ma g 4 i ; hui iy: : . tory, "in the normal run of inited Nations Security Council F : ay (Move Lo create confusion, But/Upturn In house-building ac woman pass Lonsdale a : " eur 'riday on undisclosed charges, Ey ity, and the maintenance of a in ; ] things [that American forces are going go" Bernard Eismann of Chi-|anly 18 others loft their cells and lv, 488 Whe MATIN spending oe au e =] ah tre "ht Li 3h ' | eels contain e navy stressed that the ok ( . [they milled around in the cell-| MEN ule navy ee ianned long|'® Mack Cuba cago, Robert Achakne, of Now| ook until. the nd in, the. sell business and governmen . y arrepiad Kins ENS, . ago and have na connection MINE HIGHWAYS ork a er of Washington, (In: | "Wext of his speech was ised » oy Later in the day Smith Ar-'SH seientists convicted of trans. with the U.S. break in diplo-| Invasion preparations have 4rew Wilione OM: "he 14 surrendered meekly in td the press before delivery, | on 1 ence ote rested Mr. and Mrs, Kroger at/mitling afomie secrets, to the matic relations with Cuba, gone to the extreme of mining Frank Beatty, United Presta prison garage, giving up thelr] Mr. Fleming said the "high their home 'Soviet Union in 1050, [the network of major highways International newspictures but, oe So le. Mote or the hos. cost of production' develéped in| - rr ---- REINFORCES BASE leading out of the capita, This reau chief at Miami, Fla, was tages was wounded, Canada in the last 15 years has| PARIS (CP) = President de|defermination when the fighting But the Flotilla 18 bringing woo ooeaied Sunday by friendly arrested Sunday while taking [a bearing on the employment Galle. stranathe ends, . A ips y A , ' 4 : : ' sngthened by a solid | twice many men And Ships {yi ian militiamen digging pictures of Cuban troops near | situation, Algeria voted 60 pér cent in 1 Tr | vote of confidence in his Alger gera vote I U.S. MARINES | to the Caribbean as there were oo ony new bridges and at the Capitol building. Whether "I cannot overemphasize the p ) re denbite & Cam. in last year's manoeuvres, And other strategic lin any specific charge has been [need for establishing and main:|ian policy, prepared today ol nh Dy a gr A it carries enough fire POWEN | Gag gis agents arrested 10|placed against Bealty is not SHOOT BULL [taining a proper relationship be-| push ahead with his program fr] tg reject his program and & call . 4 [1] hd ' missiles and ig Pines (0 Kive mare accused terrorists and known Iween prices, Wages and produe:| gvantual self - determination in by Moslem rebel leaders to boy ( settin To h strong support to i GUANTANAMO BAY. Cuba (tivity, This is an issue of the {he battletorn North African|cott the referendum, o hase if needed 18 fk 4 : am (AT) U.K, Marine sentries territory, De Gaulle added to his total The navy spokesman allrib hd today repelled an invasion of ELS ted the increased number of aay Yepel'ec J Invasion © K p ures from a referen. With overwhelming vetes in his] BRUSSELS (Reuters)=Police|ing the night with road bars uted this naval base by three é ga aserer adinal fees rom u Teieren favor from all of France's over: fired into the air and hurled tear | cades after reports that huns . { scrawny red chickens, They gerian program gave the presi | seas territories, (gan bombs in the southwestern dreds of strikers from the Bor. said "sho." M B I [i] S T Belg trike centre of Mons |i b | eo dent the massive triumph hel The count in Algeria was|Belgium strike centre of Mons/inage coal « mining region The incident did not com ay ein uv.n. had do are] hoth in Metres 1,747,520 votes in favor of deltoday when hundreds of demon: planned to attack it and take all | pare with the storming of the | ] indi { a. nR% OF 4 | ' b ied to bre: to the! public i . . | t rts ! oda narthenst gate. two months | TORONTO (CP)=The search| politan France and in Algeria [Gaulle and TH 066 against him halos trie lo break i { |p buildings gy! jorce. 1 e ear months ago hy a Cuban bull, [for 13.year-old Helga Kaserer,| Algerian Affairs Minister The capital city of Algiers, a telep 10ne ex( Ange HAIN, bl he Asal Lon he elephone Since the bull declined to |missing from her Toronto home| Louis Joxe said that with the| Stronghold of the white national Troops also occupied all pub: (exchange building came after v nN = Tha " al divie walsomel wah he bull ceoined U0 |Miasig id Hy phar a + of annroval the gov. | 1618, was one of the few centres|lic buildings in the city under|police broke up an attempt by OTTAWA (CP) The Liberal with a traditional civic welecome| poturn to Cuba proper and [for 11 days, moved Sunday solid vote of approval the gov \ ad i Hp od strikers 1 ol ewcas e speech | 1 1 fr srnment will "renew our efforts 0 #0 against de Gaulle, There, [new 'get tough orders aimed strikers to march on the Mons party, mobilizing for the next!S! was not considered a legit [rast to Brockville, and rom ora n Oe A ron] the vole was 220.440 against delat ending the crippling 20-day railroad station, A similar i lig . . p 4 mE mate political refugee, the (there to Ogdensburg, 4 award peace, 1000 i 4 J %) ni 1 : A > ' Ron . HO hari rnest Jackson, 61, of Lind: election, launches it hig nas WORKS ON PLATFORM Marines shot him. That cost Taxi driver Wilbert Jackson icy of self-determination (hat Giaulle's proposals and 146,810 old strike in this country | march was broken up at Charle sav was killed in a two-car tional rally today, The goal Then the rally gets down to ' dM in favor The town was surrounded by (roi, also in Belgium's southern crash, on Highway 115 at Taun-[To polish its policies and its main job of shaping -- and| he U.S. government §200, but (reported carrying a girl of the country has approved [Complete returns in Metropol: hundreds of police and troops in|" Red belt." a Ea I. a aadan [18 pedicles fis Sa Joh Mn Liberal the Marines thought it great |Helga's desc ription from Brock More than 75 per cent of those tan: France gave the president [battle order, Many public build:| In Brussels, Gaston Eyskens He was @ DPASSENger in a Carl Party officials are expecting policy platform, Some 400 reso: "Port (ville's Union Station to a locallwho voted in Metropolitan ioyog aie ooias" (76 95 per cent), lings bore notices put up by thelsald the strikers appeared te driven hy Andrew McKay, 30 . il : } 000 A " 8 lutions on topics ranging from| TWO nights ago a marine [teen-age haunt, A waitress later| France backed de Gaullo's ab Gly" 000,607 (24.74 per cent)|army reading: "No entry=--Mill: have drawn up "a well-con bs Homan an 2 persons to a J Hea Yang 8Q PY 2 A soalle a Np " M 4 a Bi var war! LLL ' ) 3 v of 10 Lindsay street, Lindsay, tend the three-day convention unemployment to national inde: ™ ney aha 9 thought he Yecalied hi : Lg " Wearing A tempt to end the RA against him, Mora than 77 per|tary occupation--We will open|certed and systematic plan" of SAW, someone moving inside grey checked cocoa ¥ i with ¢ | cent of the eligible voters went fire," Yoriminal acts of sabotage and Ont which, it's hoped, will give the pendence have heen submitted th p p y greate A : . \ i mange 1e six-foot fence surrounding [pointed snow hoots=--and said | His program calls for greater : mn ' . ® botage," The other aulomobile in: Liberals a strong push toward hy the party's grass roots across the base, He ordered the [she had mentioned going to|Algerian autonomy at once an 10 the polls . The town Was sealed oft dur. [attempt d sabotage." volved in the collision was regaining the government power the country shadow to halt, When it didn't, [Ogdensburg a step toward a vote on selfs) driven. hy James King, 3, of they lost in 1057 This is the first: big Liberal po fired 84 rounds of .80-cals 2388 Gerrard street, Toronto Party leader Lester B, Pear. get-together since the conven:| ihre ammunition 4 : Treated as out-patients al the son and Bruce Matthews of Tor- tion three years ago this month The orders to the marines hd hd Howmanville Memorial Hospital onto president of the National Which chose Mr, Pearson #8) gn outpost here are, in es Co um 14 lver for cuts and abrasions were! Liberal Federation, were to leader to succeed former prime; conee "Poll 'em to halt and : Robert Spratt, 12, of §& King sound keynote speeches at open. Minister Louis 8t, Laurent it they do not. shoot." street, Lindsay; Hugene Little ing coremonies this morning at. As a convention dealing only . : 25, a 4 Cothourne atic! | the Coliseum in Lansdowne Ex. with policy and not the leader A reement Seen Lindsay ndrew McKay: How: hibition Park hip, this rally is the first of its Y th Sh t ard Gengrich, #4, of 7 Mel A Progressive Conservative kind for the Liberals since the ou 0 bourne St. FB. Lindsay, James was scheduled to share the 1808 meeting called by Sir Wil OTTAWA (CP)==The tortuous; For Canada and British Cos ------ King, and his wife, Eileen, 32 stage, briefly, with them=0t: frid Laurier three vears before Manhunt On course of Columbia River nego: lumbia, it means a §458,000,000 from Toronto tawa Mayor Charlotte Whitton, 'he hecame prime minister [tiations broke another logjam! program invelving three Col LETHRRIDGE, Alta, (CP)-- Sunday as Canadian and United /lumbia system storage dams by rifle bullets while on a shoot | agreement, climaxing some 15 CANADA GETS POWER | ing trip Sunday |years of off-and-on discussion, 1.C. will operate the system, | Nearly 30 RCMP were search| can be tossed speedily into the #et back half the extra power) ew PP roac ing for Blair Rothwell, 18, of legislative mills of Parliament #enerated in the US, by Ca : he| the bord MON : . ha . . : and Ron Russell, 13, walked will be made public after the the border WASHINGTON (Al )=In is not he avoidable because the grand design of his foreign pol from the city together to shoot [signing but the draft is based| The province's total added ea! irst months in office President: Soviet leader can set off a icy and the challenges and bird the nearby banks of those principles set out last pacity cpecte elect Kennedy intends to build new Berlin crises any time he crises he must handle from day! ni ON the nearby hanks afjon those principles set ol fast hacily 1s expected to he about | the Oldman Rivey {October in a progress report, | 1.675.600 horsepower, or more! | wrest the cold war IniHAlYe neady in the global struggle with for speedy action, Foremost " | bt from Russia communism ranges from in. among these are | E The costliest of three Ca ) Until he has these projects creasing aid for Latin America, 1, Negotiations with Russia on Nadian dams would be at Mica) i well advanced, Kennedy and! Africa and Asia to rebuilding a treaty banning nuclear weap Creek, 310 air miles north of the| State Secretary-designate Deanithe North Atlantic Alliance, ans tests. Kennedy is on record . " " uU 8 Canadian border where the ' Rusk hope to postpone pressures; opening new channels of contact as favoring "one more" big 17 Killed By Train Crash In Spain Columbia turns to plunge south, | - ) remier Khrushchey sloping \ wpwroach"™ By re with he Boviet { Dow URpIOAC'! 1 2. The dollar orisis. Kennedy, plowed into the rear of a freight train near Rarcelona, $277,000,000, with little disloca allie rade pear inescap " s reported convinced that hel Spain, today and provincial authorities veported 17 persons [tion of population allied leaders appea Ml In connection with the Rus Killed \ yA} 0 injured. The engineers of both | able; both Prime Minister Mac: cane Kennedy said during the. M3 take steps promptly to ted and mare than 70 injures he engine of Next largest project will be a A manhunt was on in the Leth: States teams announced agrees| changing the fluctuating nature| Lethbridge and Congress for ratification, |hadian storage plus some 863, J States military power wishes up United States military powe she to day {than one-third of B.C.'s total hy Cost for construction and trans millan of Rritain and West campaign that one thing Red strengthen the US. dollar as an! trains were killed storage dam at the outlet of the LJ | bridge area today for a com: ment on a 60-year draft treaty, of the river to boost hydro ca 1 i 1 16 1 a Se |panion of Pat Masson, 15, of! Signing this. week was indi: pacity and curb flood damage AE wounded six times cated so that the proposed/ | Police said Bothwell, Masson! The complicated treaty detail 000,000 for flood control across and devise new strategy 10) Now action promised by Ken Critical problems ave piling up dro capacity at the end of 1958. | , conference with ¢ a a ' phd " for a summit with Communist China, and de: attempt to reach agreement BARCELONA (AP) The crowded Valencia Kxpress mission line assessment will be international currency, which elongated Arrow Lakes, about German Chancellor Adenauerijoaders understand is power ! tnt { H anxiously desire to talk with the 2 a™ TLC Ral concern as MEANS cutting the country's loss Minister Dies At Council Inaugural 30 miles from the border near new president president would be to enhance ol fold " Sou oh Meares PETROLIA (CP) Rev, Charles Gower, 68, collapsed Trail 1 would cost §153,000,000 Even a meeting with Kheush: Aon on "armed streneth in 'aken by the Eisenhower admin {including transmission line as istration should become effec {sossment, and push back Co chev in the first six months May yok nuclear and conventions tive but oth \ amt i N N HN You i i p ¥ p' t A Ar AVA will on hr WL other action) ural meeting. Mr. Gower collapsed as clerk Harry Kerby wh AT b water Mig Revel , was administering the oath of office to the 1961 council, He |}"M MES north, causing CITY EMERGENCY RESTORE US, PRESTIGE 1. The orisis in Laos. State! has been minister of Petrolia Baptist Church for 30 years dislocation of some. 1,600 per > . - ay ee a A lt Kennedy's broad commitment department experts consider the sons, It has been opposed lo Lk . and died at Petrolia council chambers today minutes before he was to give the invocation at the town council's inaug weapons ERS on taking office Jan. 20 is fo conflict between pro. Weste 3 3 cally SW 4 a PHONE NUMB gel America moving again and pros eka TA Secretary-General Flies To South Rtrica A RR000.000 dam would alse| PHOTO FROM FRONT LINE IN LAOS rot ICE RA 5.1133 and to restore its "prestige little southeast Asian kingdom CAPE TOWN (Reuters) Secrvetary-"eneral Dag Ham he built at Duncan Lake outlet 4 i Saki That will require long-range apable of expansion inte a marskjold of the United Nations left by air today for Um: 80 miles north of the houndary Artillery: crew of Laotian | gun and empty shell casings, | forces are reportedly some FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6374 Running Sn etine dv's first larger war involving Western tata, ane af the chief tawns of troubled Pondaland, a South and 140 air mlies southwest of foreground, in vicinity of | where beyond hill in back HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 Het oO Pi Bowen the Risks ng Sy ihege si) aansan Ne Sd reserve in eastern Cape province bordering | Cal ary where the. river flows : Phon Hong, a village 8 miles | ground : 4 \ sis, an Ocean {into the Kootenay River Slpphed with their 105mm | north of Vientaine, Rebel (AP Wirephoto) ] : government forces is photo