14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monier, Semery 9, 1961 Vickers Viscount BIRTHS _ Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange Wings Inspected Prose » Sales Nigh Low p.m C0 go Wark Baler Nigh fow p.m CW ge Mark Boies Wigh law p.m Ege a pains Wogh Low p.m EW ge By The Eanedion " " ! "Won F ange A P . 4 x 4g ¥57% * 4 studded oe fr. #9 " - - LONDON (AP vThiricen wiv made by the wireraft manuiner vy $779 5 9 i Farne iy i : . 2 tev The defect in the second Vis ermunt was discovered by » Vick INDUSTRIALS Err iE 8 I rsh, mts foe feo w EE Vm TW | 6 8 Bh owet the wing janis of Vickers or techmical expers who few 19 yy wy 1 4 ; Back Fe ' 4 g fines in various paris of the # varia are Heng AAvised 16 W ds § turbine - pre Salishury, Southern Rhodesia, A r the siriine reporied Ms ewvery of a flaw in one Viscount wing in Montreal. a TCA spokes man said 14 of the company's 49 Viscounts are affected by the recommendation They were the first Viscounts to be delivered here. Others are nodified types made later Alf 14 would he routed to Win alae nipeg for checking at TCAs Vis The recommendation 18 WW count-repair hase spect the wing joints and, in the TOA said the spotting and re- L meantime, to restnet the crafts porting of flaws in aircraft is A {Indicated air speed 10 100 knots yandard co-operative practice L220 miles an hour), was Made petween girlines and manufac with the approval of the. British g | Registration Board it doesn't mean we'll find the same sort of things here that [BACKS FOUND are found in other places," ® bM follows the discovery of comuany spokesman said, "But ' ' minute cracks in two Visgoumts ool certainly check." : : , Bre ' ' " did es 4 . ' . of Central African Airways and - a " -- i . 4 ¢ 41% ; 7 J hs f SH A ; ; A 4 the consequent suspension from DEATHS Bal. Bw 7 4 ' pa H sienm Lenn ie : : wr bh f t i 2 {service by CAA of its two other . : I 0h » thea on ih s 10 + A , " Viscounts," the Vickers » Arm trongs Company announced Fork Sales Wigh bow p.m. C5 go "Nf » ' i i id ¥tf ¥ " ds 4 #4 ¢ pelier mireraft used By hem be & * Wait on $2 A tA vs rs Camp COW 8 4 50 » W he manufacturers said Sunday 5 Armstrongs (on RUT OEImately MW of 50 Viscounts in world {wide serviee are affected hy the FROME NGaLION The Viscounts used hy Trans Canada Air Lines are of the 720 ° pose. iA Special ultra-some equipment § reauired to detect ang meas Ire SuCh cracks, In many cases the necessary equipment is not BOBBY. Joseph B locally available and arrange ments to supply it are being Se : 4 i oo + , ; i ' , THE LOSES $1,000,000 I. ds I. Me Suddenty ' 4 ; Asad 0 f " : "id 4 ' h : A pd . NEWARK, NJ. (AP) Mrs IS SENSATIONAL, Fasidence 4 $13 : + ¢ J " ; HAP Wi : 2 lorence Chadwick has lost her [es ' | oshand of A ¥ ' ya an Ihe " al ma i ! Alin 3 million-dollar glow. She had 10 AND | MEAN ] 4 : " ' ' return a $ cheque to fons 3 ' i ; 2 ' as ; / 444 yeaa on ' 4 ' " a 1 1 Write ; " = the Howard Savings Institution SENSATIONAL! ®® nd the | ! fiat ' ' Ca ' ¢ * by Sm Re 4 / given her by mistake Tuesday W.. Macionsid of | ba Wy 13 $62's § iaras 0 we Wiltsey 2 nin when she asked for a 870.27 whew York Dolly Wows wid 5 A ¥ A fo 4 cheque to pay an instalment due ast Hosting ab ' | ' Fp 47% 1's h 44 4 ; oi on her car. Bank officials said eh : ' A a mechanical defect in the the chapel' ' 5 Frans A 4 3 . I Ba " a" " 4 y y 00 8 RR, Interment Craver e ie or b # Wis Ae bb a y nRuf A f u Aids oh cheque-writing machine caused mans sary rid a M vice Mand BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT useful purpose, Tt is necessa fhe error - however, tn realize that diverse . Tas and far-reaching programs of Marthe Bells Fu 4 Feadiymen : nn 4 Wo i Wine AIR Readjustment dl? Cin 1S ONE OF THE Bite FE ' fa TIMID? MOST BRILLIANT he For Business {Wr Libro DISPLAYS OF ' Lemus of person you could aver wl, Whitby, fH 3 n By FORBES RHUDE The Mercantile Bank of Can 4 . ¥ imaging until \earnad ta ACTING EVER Canadian Press Business Editor ada. in its current issue of Spoil dance at Arthur Murray's, Current business uncertain: ight on Canada, expresses 1 P Whint a difference that WITNESSED! ®® ties are regarded by many somewhat the same view wher 4 J J made in me, Now, friends sa : thoughtful observers as part of if savs ' Y ~New York Times ; a readju tment toward a new The unemployment problem Cl AME . { economic era which can reason: does nol lend itself to any £4 3 ¥ kip STANLEY KRAMER GERROW FU! IERAL A nnn ng ahly he expected to he one of simple solution, It consists of a CHAPEL A 4 continuing growth group of problems, some short A 4 1 ¥ The post-war era, with iis ex- term and some long sianding ess beyond pr i he py , ve plosive expansion arising out of which all, unfortunately, seem thin reach of . 4 war-time destruction and distor: to have come 10 a he ad al about It doesn't take long for shy peas tions, now .may he considered to the same lime I'n discuss : RA 8-6226 | 47 . 4 have ended vheti™¥ this situation could | / ple tn Miscover themaelyes" at | TREET WES g A bg B For Canada this was a time have been prevented hy timely : Arthur Murray's, For learning i of relatively easy sales which, Action in the past serves no ; | to dance his easy "Magic Step LOCKE'S FLORIS a | y 4 BE in the nature of such periods . WAY gives you poise and new cone f yngement ¢ y Ll ' 4 -- . led to situations which now re A fidence, You'll have lots of fun, Weionsnd thru UNITED ARTISTE f ite p | / { Gt ait » ' quire adjustment make hosts of new friends, too, | y i CHOPPIN( ; a {One of our more remarkable OSHAWA SHOPPING g aberrations in the pos! War CENTRE £1 : Yili vears was a feeling that the 24 4 Pr k ' 2 western economy belonged 1o Young, dear mother * Hon I'm the "life of the party' I 2 | MLIED ARTISTS mopunion | \ ' ad _. 1 pom, to 10 pm, w= 6G ct ETL RL Be Rohr ony OFFER AIA ) \ pA = P 6 PRIVATE LESSONS A North America and thal all " § AYDEN GEN H ONLY Era renee 15.00 ROW PLAYING others were danpendenes We 7 MEWS BIG ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOL OF DANCING power and historic rele of W. MARKS, LICENSEE FEATURE TIMES Furope, and the dynamic quali: You are invited to accept a HITS (1 11v4 SIMCOE ST, §, RA 8.168) 1:00 .-2:55 » 5:00 . 7:20 ties of Japan trial privates hr 1 00 Lest Completa Show 9:20 LJ BREAK IN ECONOMY lesson for n We A..T. Lambert, president of Yes foi a limited lime A ir Mir AT IC Paronto-Dominion Bank, mn & sirospective look at statistics, ay is alfering a y . oily indications. that the hreak| half - hour trial SUBMARINE wd ) Vi sling Y x yA he post-war era came in lesson for or ) SOPHIA ' from the po War era me . ly o STARRING ARTHUR FRANZ * THE SPARKLING SHOW bib o : # 5 1056 or 1057 $1.00 Here's BR AT Bei [AIR wir THAT 6161 Glow! 2 gL [OREN break In most economic Series qo how quickly ELIA KAZAN'S Ao MAURICE Fifteen ear old Larry | with § injuries. Of his either in Canada or expert dancer, A | fy hel vers, Dacek said; "All [emenium hance, fag, to M8 il ' ; CHEVAL ER yacek of Reno (wearing he rescue ace a Q " ressing | SHON ac 0 4 ' the United States, Fxpressing : : iver: OR met) Va pulled from an those guys did a wonderful |air tha aay his views in a recent speech p § : abiindoned mine shaft (at ja) i, don't know how to po 2qded group of popular ERG wih \ ( ght afl an 10u1 an em . . y " ( vd \ He 4 hospita fod 4 AP Wirephoto I think it is no accident that partners wha al ar RY wdeal Was ital Virep 4 this period of readjustment in wavs have good ANGE North America coincides with times. But don't wait come in wiv Fc Hard To Quit Decimal Money the restoration at the compels now and get started Clr 4 \ LANSBURY « ViTALE . RI tive position 0 Furope ant " HNI R other overseas countries, To pul ARTHUR MURRAY "PECK YOUR TEC COLO! m | » bluntly, | think we are] " 4 . T S.A it more Ww OWN HOUSE FEATURE: MP Finds Co es 0 bili going through a period of SLC 0 Pig Yeemee Naw Calor Cartoon 1:30.3:30.5:3% J stme 1 1 think pen Ua ta 10 pm 0-3:30. JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- A iWral readjustment, and & th Air-Conditioned TRAVELOGUE IN COLOR 7:45. 9:50 we have been in it for three m CAMPRELLTON, NB. (CM) deem currency J replace the four VOArs 1114 Simeon St. 5. RA 8.168) Resigning his seat in the Came Norn em which served Ry this 1 mean we are hay . 5 LL this country 68 vears, will bg ions is a much tous ( i i South Af Fob, NE to reallocate our productive than he dreamed it would he 14 fluced 1h dauth rea Teh esources and change the em . in wick's Progressive phasis in our lines of output Conserviitive MP for Rest Fhe new monetary unit will be what 1 think is primarily in| ouche-Madawaska, J, C, Van ¢@alled a rand and will be worth (glved is a shifting of our pro Horne, said Sunda SEAL exactly hall the present quer mix, cutting out the un fhe Campbellton barrister Pound Fhe name rand derives eafitable lines and concentral caid he has bean swamped with from South Africa's famous {ng on the profitable ones.' old-mining region the Wit him 'to reconsider Watersvand SEES NEW COMPETITION intention to quit The changeover is already in Mr. Lambert sees the new He estimated evidence ce a vast publicity competitive position in world e number at close to 2:000 drive is under wa Posters in markets, and the vestaration of 1 I two Furepean and four African the prosperity of other coun \ tries, as in Canada's long-term dd Mr. Van Horne. langua wre explaining to peo ame from all aver Can: ple the difference between the good, and he expects thal this e Vancouver ta Halifax. old and the new mone will start to show by the end of des Se sues RESCUED FROM § meni dont (he sranomy haa O04 sesly you have st ean not since regained it s former RA rams and telephont Va amazed al from ' i Is We this year of m ) uen Vere I'he main problme a Me. Lambert also emphasizes ) t «x : » Y 14 h 3 that "quick cure such as shiv J, quick expansion of money sup the ae 10 in ar : ' ply, will not replace the need future contain 10 pennie mind and continue instead of 12 { them, A lot ¢ the same thing 0 i ¢ . bh vithdrawn from ciroulation Please Note [1% VL yo fhe ete bhi NET EARNINGS | CEE rm BR Saicty Deposit Box for readjustment to the facts of x world economic life Fhree old coins will gradually y in effect for ended Nov. 2: 1960, $191 633 nis a shave; 1958, $386 861, 88 E BNE fom FIRST-RUN SCIENCE-HORROR SHOW ! To pe, Sa. IMPERIAL WRGH iM } Ww { S WR Z% BAN KK el wwe fet DOGS INHERIT £25,000 OUISVILLY | (AM 11 Cap-A-ple sult of MaximMian armour: Maly, 1528 Royal! Ontario Museum. Toronto. *\ . s Changed M praise fommunism, be cared for by ae