DISTINGUISHED GUESTS ATTEND HOME LEAGUE SUPPER ba ~ y [] Am Nid IN THE top picture, left to right, Mrs, William James, Home League secretary, and Mrs; Major Rankin, Oshawa Corps officer, welcome Mrs, Commissioner Wyeliffe Booth, Territorial Home League presi: Reports Given at Annual Supper Show Progress of SA Home Leag. through Lt dent; 14, Col, Ethel Burnell, Territorial Ho m e League sec. retary, and Mrs, 14, Col, Btan- ley Gemnery, In the lower group are Lt, Col, Stanley Gennery, Divisional Commander; 14, Col, Ethel Burnell; Mrs, Commis The annual' supper meeting of|and give us strength the Salvation Army Home League 1061 was held on Wednesday evening She then introduced Mrs, Com January 4 missioner Booth Head {ahle guests included Mrs. Booth spoke of some of PERSONALS Tess, birthdays, parties, wed- ding SORIVEISATION. CONIRG nd : siways of Inter , Write, (ie depart iphone BA 30474 ! s of the home of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Keith, Haig street were. Miss Ada Pascoe, Port Credit; Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Moore som, Keith, Enniskillen; Mr, snd Mrs, Frank Pascoe and , Mary, and the Misses Pearl and FY ton; Mr Dickson, A New Year's {Margaret Pascoe, il of Ronald David Rickerd snd Mr. David (McCullough, Neweastle; Mr, John Broome spd children, 1 18s, Richard and Karen, snd Mr, Lorne Pascoe, sll of Tyrone, Mrs. J. A, Marshall, president of Ritson School Association, will entertain the Honorable Dr. M, B, Dy. mond, prior to the association 3 'meeting at which Dr. Dymond § will be the guest speaker, Mr, snd Mrs, W, J, Lormer re. [ turned home recently siter spend. I ing the Christmas season with b their son, Dr, John Lorimer, Mrs, Lorimer and family in Dart mouth, Nova Scotia, Mr, Hans Hasgmans who has been spending the Christmas and New Year vacation st Zandvoort, the Netherlands, at his parents' home, is expected back in Osh awa today, former and Several mebmers of the Whithy Theatre Guild and Mr, and Mrs, Henry Chapman of Oshawa, at tended the Twelfth Night party 7# arranged by the Central Ontario Drama League and held at the Arts and Letters Club, Toronto, last night, President Blanche Hogg brought greetings and nar rated a seasonal story, Mr, James Dean acted as compere for the | original entertainment and actors Albert Dekker (Death of a Bales man) and Nell McCallum each contributed informally Mr, and Mrs, I, § Glencairn street, have "| spending a few days st the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal | McNab heen! constantly chang The Friendly Doubles Club of jae yles in clothing, styles Albert Street United Church and in automobiles, styles in decor friends welcomed 1961 at a wateh-| aiing Tn home furnishings, the night service in the church, The trend swings from Colonial to Reverend 8. C, MH, AMKkinson| Modern, and crochet keeps brought 8 message on New Year'| pign up with the time No resolutions, Earlier in the eve: naiier what decor you have ining in the lower hall 36 couples chosen, no matter if you live danced, Square dancing was call-l googly or informally, this | ed by Mr, Earl Brown, Mr, and) (ahiecioth of handmade lace | Mrs, Kelvin Leslie won the door| will bestow an alr of especial prize, Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Searle and Mr, and Mrs Richard Moses Ti .; were winners of the spot dances Mig! gest pa oderalos a and Mr, and 'Mrs, Ernest Jones neglag e Lombined| w., (he elimination dance, Vice Nursing Associations of Oshawa Presidents. Mr. and Mrs, Eric and the L ounty of Ontario will Jacklin, thanked the conveners be Miss Fi, Marie Sewell, Assist-|¢,. making the evening a success sioner Booth; Mrs, IA, Co es Are Gennery of Belleville M Melville Smith, Oshawa Home treasurer, and Major Rankin, ( League Marsland officer 01 Oshawa Times Photos Nurses To Partake In Panel Debate | MODERN ELEG | send Mrs. Commissioner Wy elif fe the Home Leagues in other lands, tion at New Mount Sinal Hos Booth, Li.Colonel Ethel Burnelllespecially Brazil; how small the pital, Toronto and Lieut, Roy Calvert of Toron Leagues, and of the great poverty, a . ol in to, Li-Colonel and Mrs, Stanley and hardship among the people le. Wostion 10 be Sachs 5 i a ellavite, Malor and|"The things we take for granted | on: oare7 and the meeting will Major George Earle, Mrs. Wil- said, liam James and Mrs, Melville Smith of Oshawa, Mrs, Major Rankin was chair She 'spoke of three things she| Oshawa General Hospital staff wished for those present: First, arses, i she wished for health; then Jove,| The panel members who will man for the program that follow-|love of family and friends, "The enlarge upon the topic are Miss ed the supper, She called on Mrs, imore we love, the greater will Josephine Burns, Clinical In William James, Home League he the reward," Then "peace of structor in Obstetrical Nursing, | " Mrs, (are luxuries over there," she be under the chairmanship of the| secretary, who welcomed every: mind and heart," "If your heart Miss Mary MacKay, Head Nurse one, and then called on the varl:|is set on the things of God, then ous groups for their reports, peace of heart and mind will he The Rainbow Group: Leader, yours, Mrs. Thomas Myers; report given| Though now it Is winter, hy the treasurer, Mrs, Walter know that spring will surely Reid, come, and though we sometimes| he Cheerio Group: Leader, are discouraged, we can always Mrs. Thomas Salisbury; treasur- turn to God and ask Him to re Mrs. William Stubbings, {vive us again." | Sunsine Group: Leader, Miss] She closed by giving a motto Maude Sargeant; treasurer, Mrs, [for 1061; "Others,'" That each Fdward Kitchen, | member would resolve and prom-| Fellowship Group: Leader, Mrs, [ise to think of others in 1061, | Chris Oshourn; tréasurer, Mrs, and in so doing will be helped and William Short, Sr, blessed themselves, Missionary Group: Leader,| Mrs, Marsland Rankin thanked Mrs. Charles Langfield; treasur- Mrs, Booth and the other speak-| er, Mrs, Willlam MeCarthey, lers, and led in the singing of Mrs, William Saunders gave|'Give to Jesus Glory," . the Building Fund report Major Earle closed in prayer, Mrs. Melville Smith gave the Next week the usual meetings Home League report, These reports were all out: day afternoon, January 9 standing, showing the improve Dr. C.F. Cannon ment made, and things accom lished during: the past year Mrs. Major Rankin also spoke of the new Home League Group that has just been organized in Halliday Manor with Mrs, Charles Brown as leader Mrs, Lt, Colonel Gennery spoke briefly, saying how pleased she was to be present and left a though, "As thy days, so shalt thy strength be." The January meeting of the Dr, C, F, Cannon Home and School Association was held on Tuesday, January 3, in the school, with Mrs, George Peters Gennery Presiding Lt, Colonel Stanley Tl : : thanked the Home League for the ie minutes were read by rs, Harry Hutcheon and Mrs invitation, and said how pleased 2 : he was with all the reports, Walter Paterson read treasurer's Lt, Colonel Ethel Burnell said repost bina ned " now Rice it was to see Such alan meeting opened with "0 Taree crowd and to hear of thejyanadas, with Mm, Vincent oh the Home League was Montgomery at the plano, It Profs she asked the hlessin ¢ was announced that family skat. a ok gh paid argh Be ing night is to be held on Feb Yruary 18, 8.00 am, to 10.00 them to remember what Jesus nw" at the children's arena, said; "So, 1 am with youl" Dye to the small atendance a always," and He will go With us discussion to hold a night of cards has heen posted to the next meet {ing, Anyone with suggestions was GROUPS, CLUBS urged to deposit them in the sug gestion box in the main hall, AUXILIARIES Miss Beverley Pine's kinder gation tan won the attendance banner, The next meeting of Osh DOURLES' CLUR awa and Distriet Home and (St, Mark's) {School Council is January 24 at Sr. Mark's Anglican Church which time the guest speaker will Doubles' Club closed a very sue- be Mr. Daniel Coughlin, direc cessful year with the annual turstor of probation services, Toron key supper. Thirty members were to present, Guest speaker for the evening, The new slate of officers for Dr, D. Bowerman, eye specialist, 1961 was read as follows: Hom. 'was introduced by the principal orary presidents, The Reverend Mr, Arthur Korry, and was and Mrs. Alfred Woolcock; presi: thanked hy Mrs, Peters, Dr dents, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Win-| Bowerman came to Canada from ter: vice-presidents, Mr, and England two years ago and in his Mrs. Donald MeGlashan: secre. address compared eye practice taries, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence with English methods He also Keith: treasurers, Mr, and Mrs. spoke of the different phases of Gordon Rae: entertainment, Mr eve disease in hoth adults and and Mrs, Ernest Dabney; re children freshments, Mr, and Mrs, Wil. Children should have eye exam fred Nell; press, Mr. and Mrs, inations before they are nine Philip Lawrence years old, he said, These tests Plans were discussed for the are given as soon as they are able annual Snow Ball to be held Fri. to read the alphabet by the school day, January 27 at the Airport medical staff Further examina drill hall, An executive meeting tions are necessary hy a special is to be held Saturday evening 'ist they do not always reveal January *, to finalize these plans, any trouble, since at the initial The meeting closed with games/test the child may have been and dancing. tired, in the Emergency Department, Miss Dorothy Redpath, Clinical Insturetor in Paediatric Nursing we and Mrs, Wendy Woolcolt, Assist-| Gertrude Colpus H and § ant Head Nurse in the Paedia tric Department, All graduate nurses are invited to attend this meeting in Me Laughlin Hall, 338 Simcoe street; north, Monday pm There will be a social hour and refreshments, January 9, at 7.4 HOUSEHOLD HINT Loop a of cardboard over a hanger rod to prevent creases in hanging trousers Don't fold or bend eardhoard piece will resume at 2.30 p.m, on Tues. Just let it eurve and fasten the|pythian Sisters ends together with paper eclips,/Kate Laurin Aux, H&S Assn, 'Hears Talk On Eye Diseases In England similar tests are given before the youngsters start school as they can usually read the alphabet before entering school, If a person has one weak eye and the other strong, the strong one is covered so that the weak one has to work to develop bet ter muscles, Surgery is quite helpful in cataracts, Eye washes only give temporary relief in in fected eyes, Eye baths are not recommended as they ean contain foreign matter, For the treat. ment of a sty hot tea bags are recommended as they are steriliz. ed and are free from germs Following his address Dr, Bowerman answered questions, A lively sing-song was led hy Mrs, Vincent Montgomery, as sisted by Mr, Swain Van Camp, Refreshments were served hy Mrs, Harry Hutcheon and Mrs George Ellis, The next meeting will be held on February 7 when the asso clation's third birthday will be ohserved Grandma Discovers Flair For Painting VANCOUVER (CP) Mrs Kate Collins decided to go look ing for a hobby when her grand daughter started school and she was no longer needed as a baby sitter Nhe past but Hgured that wasn't ton old to take up painting. She attended art school daily and studied for six years Now to 70 hay rea son to helieve it was worthwhile She has had her ex hibited for the first time Her work doesn't give anydclue was 60 at the tinw close she pamiings YI8A Home League tario Flying Club at Oshawa Air ' CLUB CALENDAR | MONDAY Ritson H and 8 Assn, | Air Cadets Auxiliary {Cedardale 1 and 8 Assn, | | Lyceum Club Pleasant Mon, Aft, Club {Harmony HW and 8 Assn, {South Simeoe Hl and § Assn Vincent Massey H and 8 Rundle Park Auxiliary Sunset Heights 1 and 8 |Woodview Park Auxiliary {28rd Scout Mothers' Aux dance on New Year's Fve out and the new year in} Mr. and Mrs, Ron MacKenzie Mr. William Dehosky, Miss Ca thy Bryant, Mr. and Mrs, George | Puckett, Mr, and Mrs Nel | Ayers Mr Adolph Sehlachi Miss Alita Steel, Mr, and Mrs Gus Plitg, Mr, and Mrs Duncombe, Mr, and Mrs Hoare, Mr, and Mrs Miller, Mr, and Mrs, ¥, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Hopps, and Mrs, R Davis, Mi Mrs, U, 8B, Clark | Mr, and Mrs IMr, and Mrs, F Mrs, Alfred Sharp, Mir and? | Mrs, J, Cook, Mr, and Mrs (Lovett, Miss Bonnie Wade, Mr, | Robert Wilson, Mr, Ron Osmak, | # Miss Joan Greer, Miss Nancy |® Gregory, Mr, and Mrs Syd Cowley, Mr, Earl Fielding, land Mrs, Harold Balson, Wes Stetski, Miss Marlene Mac {kie, Mr, Gary McKay, Mis {Sharon Dash Mr. Robert Keeler, MI Wie We Mrs, Ralph Davis {Tony Tryon, Miss IMr, A, 8, Jackson, G, M, Lukow, Mr, John Dart,(! Mi Harold Sharpe, Mr, and|f Mrs, Peter Pearse, Mr, and|! Mrs, Stanley Pilkey, Mr, and Mrs Jack Maxworthy, Brace Rall Mr, and Mrs, Jack Milne, and Mrs, Robert Smales, and Mrs, Keith Smith, Mr, Kdwin|* Thomas Wilson, | * Mr TUESDAY St, Matthew's Guild King Street H and § assn St, Peter's WA Clayton Denby Payle, Mr, and Woodcrest Hl and 8 Assn TOPS Club Christ Church ¥ve WA King Street WA {Canadian Legion Aux Kvelyn Goodwin Group | Court Oshawa, 10F | Calvary Baptist YWMC [West Courtice H and 8 Assn, 8t, George's (Ritson Group) |Reta Sigma Phi t, Stephen's WA Mr, | ¢ ( and |! Mi M ind |€ Mr, and Mrs Audry St, George's WA Nellie Dearborn Group WEDNESDAY University Women's Club | Vietory Lodge, Loba | Rehekah Lodge No Northminster WMS Come Double Club Parent Teacher Ass Centre Street WMS St, Matthew's WA : My Mr and | Barnes, Mr, and Mrs, Morris|} ' Love, Mr, and Mrs, R, Arnold, F Mr. and Mrs, William Alpin, |! Miss Jeanette. Mosienko, Mr, [1 THURSDAY Eva Alexander Group St, Andrew's WMS King Street WA ith Seout Mothers' Aux Calvary Baptist WMS ith Scout Mothers' Aux St, George's Eve, Guild St, George's Aft, WA drd Scout Mothers' Aux, Silver Cross Women Carol Mosienke, Mr, Campbell, Miss Belly Mr, and Mrs, John Carnwith, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Stuart! Mr, and Mrs, Ray Anderson, |! Mr, and Mrs, David Simpson, | The recreation hall of the On. walski, Popek, port. was the setting for a galajter the music of Ron Tomlinson the and Mr following danced the old year| Mrs WwW. D, Perry, Mr G, D, "D, Tahourie, Mr, and Mrs, R.| Gutsole ! | Cireenlaw Starr, man Rohert| MT Mrs, William Mr, and Mrs and and| Mrs Boake, Mi n {Donald, Mr and Mrs Mr. | Branch, Miss Irene «| Buller Mrs guire, Dash, | Smith, My Mr, and Mrs, | Miss Lyn Mr, | Mr {and Mrs Mrs, Mrs, W, G Mrs. Glen McGee, Mr, and Mrs, | William _Boyko, Keith Taggart, Mr, and Mrs, A, |W: A John Roome, Mr, and Mrs, Carl|Burley, Mr, D. Bagg, Miller, Mr, Harold Hergott, Miss| Mrs, Donald |othy Turner, | Miss | Mrs Gay Groups Greet Dawn Of New Year At Flying Dutchman! ow ty] Si, i 3 a oN i ANCE on your joined together this effect room, mo an alle and for aining the magic When tifs for over cloth give petals Vor directions this MODERN ELE. (TABLECLOTH, just a stamped, self-address. ed envelope plus 10 cents for handling, to the Needlecraft Department of this paper, re questing Leaflet No, C-5-874 of Square making GANCE Ont. Flying Club Is Gay Scene As January 1, 1961, Arrives Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Mr, and Mrs, Jack Car. Jr., Mr, Ed, Bennett and Mrs. John Kidd, Mr, R, KE. Flintoff, Mr, and and Mrs and Mrs, and Mrs Mr Mr, Mi Beauchemin, Terwillegar, My Dy and and Mrs, J, ( and Mrs, Robert Mrs, Al, Watt and Mrs. R, Baker, Mrs, J, Bell, Mr, and Penny, HH, R, Carnwith, Rn. Walker, Mr, Mrs, J, A, Pegg, Mr, and Kirkland, Mr, and Mrs, H, Mr, and Mrs, R, Knapp, and Mrs, Donald Robinson, Miss Mayrene Branton, Mr, John Valvasori, Miss Pat Mae. Robert Finch, Mr Douglas Harman, Mr and Mrs, W, Richardson, Mr and Mrs, Russell Dodd Miss Jean Stogryn, Mr, John Nielson, Mr Hen Down, Mr, J, Beth, Mr worge Banman, Mr, Douglas and Mrs, Buller, Mr, and K. Clement, Mr, and Mrs Mr, and Mrs, H Mr, and Mrs A. Hoskin, Mi and Mrs, D, Lloyd, Schuerman, Mr, Ted and Mrs, Paul Hen. Wencke, Mr, Mi Mr and Mr, and Mrs i', Sidler, hambers, Mi Dave topley, Mr ess, iss G david Scoll Mr, and Mrs, TT, W, Beddall, and Mrs, Fred Barrvetl, Mr, Ww, Fry, Mr, and Douglas Amey, Mr, and Chant, Mr, and Mrs, ieorge Boychyn, Dr, and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs Mr, and Mrs, D, and Mrs, A, J, Gil and Mrs, Gordon Mr, and Edward Printer, Miss Dor Byrns, Mr, John Porayke, Gail Melsaae, Mr, and Alex Ingram, Mp, Bert Miss Sharon Nor Hillman, {larry Peleshok, *. Bonis, donis, Mr espie, Mr, futeheson, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Barnes, | Miss Shirley Niles, Mr, and Mrs Mann, Mr, and Mrs, L, Me Mr, and Mrs, Edward Ko-| | Court Charlene COF Navy League Auxiliary Valleyview Park Aux J 14th Scout Mothers' Aux, kay, WA a Group) ; | SOCIAL NOTICE Club To See Slides| Of Yugo-Slavia lof their daughter, Myrna Lou, to Mr, David Francis Simpson, son A traveller In many lands, Miss|of Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Simpson, Enid Walker will show slides and all of Oshawa, The marriage will speak on "Yugoslavia, Now and!take place at St. George's Me Then" at the January meeting of {morial Church on Saturday, Jan: FRIDAY {Centre St ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Edward Skinulis wish to announce the engagement Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED By Elestralysh the newest, Kine ntury shartwave, your of warty and ember rassment, FREE Consultation MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Genesha Hotel, January 10, 11, PHONE RA 3.4641 for appointment en these dates the University Women's Club of yary 21, 1961, at 3 p.m, Oshawa and district, Miss Walker travelled in Rus sia prior to 1939 and during the| war years served with the Med. | ical Corps in England, Later she spent 18 months in Africa followed hy a tour in-ndta and Pakistan In 1957 she spent Christmas in the Holy Land and in 1958 visited the Canary Islands A graduate of the University of Toronto and past-president of Uni versity College Alumnae, Miss Walker teaches English at Dan forth Technical School, Toronto, \\ IZAI'D D ALY ) A FINER BLENI age. One called Meditation we a dusky-skinned full-bodied woman; another, Morning, is of a starkly white nude, { to her YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE! R.| noyle | | | | | Series | revealing § true self, tres | Many from Oshawe at tended Fg rh Yesr's Eve fos tivities pt the Flying Dutchman Seen dencing were Mr. and Mes. Gary Morgen, Mr. snd Mrs Peter Robinson, Mr. William Horton, Miss Barbars Greig, Mr,' ~ Bruce Smith, Miss Judy Glover Uomeen, Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3.3474 "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwedey, Jenvery 7, 196) 7 Scott, Mr. apd Mrs dson, Mr. snd Mrs, Ken . 7 Fiwood White, Mr. Gordon Found. Miss nda Lew, Mr, Donald Wels iss Betty Anne Kellett, Mr, and Mrs, Edwerd Stewart, Mr George Murless, Miss Helen Mer- reli, Mr. Charles Bovair, Miss Rosemarie Bovalr, Miss Grace Patterson, Mr, Roman Konorow- ski, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Major, Mr, Dennis Dobbie, Miss Louise Buechler, Mr, snd Mrs, Can fones, Mr, snd Mrs. William Pollock, Parties from Bowmanville fn- cluded Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Rundle, Mr, and Mrs. N. 8 Campbell, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Miller, Mr, and Mrs. David Higgon, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas McKendrick, Mr, and Mrs, Ken neth Nicks, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Childs, Mr. apd Mrs. William Jewett, Dr. and Mrs, Charles Austin, Dr, and Mrs, ¥. 1, Fwert, Mr. and Mrs. ££. A Witherspoon, Mr, and Mrs, Roco Mikolic and Mr, James Bourke Also sitending were Mr. and Mrs, Williem Theishurger, Ty rone; Mr. and Mrs, Charles War: ren, Hampton; Mr, Tibor Ssndor Miss T, Kroon, Mr, and Mrs. M Allison, Miss Betty Knox, Mr. W Murphy, Dr, E, Clarke, sll of Toronto, Say Fear Cheats The Middle Years MONTREAL (CP)--A series of lectures on the "physical and emotional problems of the mid dle years of life"! sibeing offered here by a hushand-snd-wife team Dr, Axel Russell of Montreal's | Mental Hygiene Institute and Mrs, Illa Russell, psychiatric social worker at the Allan Me morial Institute, are giving a series of 10 {(wo-hour lectures with films and group discussions on the integration of psychologi- eal and social aspects of life after GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Rd. S., Open Daily lo 10 P.M, Specials! Mon., Tues., FIRST GRADE Ls, 2 CHRISTIE'S SLICED BREAD FRESH GROUND Wed. 66° 33° 95° GRADE "A" MEDIUM EGG FRESH PORK SHOULDER RIBS . SIDE PORK BURNS SAUERKRAUT 2 .. CABBAGE 3 .. POTATOES DOZEN LB, 37+ 15° 49+ 39° 29° ww 39° Shop and Save at GLECOFF'S ® OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M, * | an, | | | | | | AND In Oshawa! SPORTSWEAR LTD: OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | THE TALK OF THE TOWN . . . | OUR FABULOUS JANUARY J GEAR | SALE A, Mali | REDUCTIONS LESS The Largest Stock . . . The Greatest Values . . . Sweaters Slims Shirts VAN HEUSEN Car Coats Dresses Scarves SILK OR WOOL Cuddle Caps WOOL Skirts Blouses Vests or Jerkins Knit Suits dn Coats CAMEL HAIR « HARRIS TWEED Berets ANGORA Gloves, Mitts ANBORA COME EARLY MONDAY AND ALL NEXT WEEK! ALL SALES FINAL PLEASE - A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD SEIGNE CENTRE URS rescore. -- ¥ OSHAWA SHOPPING RA A trun