Now ~ any MART MAKTIN in ROGGERS & WAMMERS TEINS [HE SOUND of MUSIC Original Broadway Cast 10. Complete score 'Perfectly wonder ful" Ed Sullivan Rhapsody in Blue An American in Paris Hays Gershwin wm 18, A new recording of these 2 ever-pop ular Gershwin scores [HITS perm) FROM ®g® "oJ THE MOVIES d PERCY FAITH i THEME FROM A SUMMER PLACE DORIS DAY BP ys 10 featu 17, Also: Tony Ben nett- Smile; Vie Da mone Gigi; ete Gunfighter Ballads MARTY ROBBING Ei Paso Big ron Cool Water ] More --_ rrr rr pnp seemed 29. Also; Billy the Kid, In the Valley Strawberry Roan, etc DAVE BRUBECK QUARTET GONE WITH 'ae THE re WIND & aan for the first time COLUMBIA RECORD CLUE offers new members best Selling Records rom [TCHAIKOVSKY 1812 Overture (STADE ICTY ALY ANTAL DORATI MIHEARPGLIS STMPRUNT GREK 1. "Most exciting reading I've ever heard' HighFidelity HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD -- 19. Over the Rain bow, Night and Day, Easy to Love, 9 more 12. This brilliant musical painting is an American classic PING PONG PERCUSSION Muskrat Ramble High Sog lely Blus 10 more El 2. Mso; Sheik of Ara: by, When the Saints Go Marching In, ete, BEETHOVEN SYMPHONIES No. 4 and § BRUNO WALTER Columbia Symphony Oighestra EVE UE ERIE REGULAR HIGH-FIDELITY ©¢# STEREO! 8, Also: Let It Rain, Stairway to the Sea, Flame of Love, etc PERCY FAITH STRINGS 4 Tenderly § Laura Speak Low 28, Also: Song from Moulin Rouge, Ebb Tide, ete DONT TAKE YOUR GUNS 10 TOWN RUN SOFTLY BLUE RIVER PLUS 10 OTHERS 61,18til Miss Some one, That's All Over One More Ride, ete 7. "One of the funni est of modern com 18" - WiFi Review "BERNSTEIN NEW YORK FIILHARMONIL THE BUTTON DOWN MIND} ron, PRAYER LE HYMN M THE LORDS PRAYER - 9 mORE Lolumbia and ther great labels! THE PLATTERS Encore of Golden Hits Twilight Time Ad sy 3 A persuasive, sensuous perform ance' Listen On Camara Favariles i: 8 fram Ty AY 7 dl 11. For Sentimental Reasons, When Day is Dene, 10 more - WAGNER: PIE MEISTERSINGER Dye THE FLYING DUTCHMAN Ld de and Goad tiday tram PARSIFA BRUNO WALTER FaTAR 15, "A memorable experience' Ameri can Record Guide i DAVID CARROLL AND HIS ORCHESTRA RAY CONNIFF SINGERS Button ind dow 10 mar 58, Let's Put Out the Lights, Its Been a Long Lang Time, et [ Te NAIKOVEKY NUTCRACKER SUITE Ravel BOLERO LA VALSE Aa w, VAN REN AMLTLRDAM Con 30, Also: Blessed Are They That Mourn, Come Ye Saints, ele, ELLA FITZGERALD sings GERSHWIN vaL i 46, 12 great Gersh- win hits; Man | Love, But Not For Me, ete GOLDEN VIBES LIONEL HAMPTON CUURTTT PRU RUT 26, My Funny Valen tine, Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, 10 more FOLK SONGS 16, Skip to My | Lou, On Top of Old Smoky, Oh Susanna, 12 more Bed digit if} ees 1 PEDALS AND fi LITY AUDDY COLE. Organ Only You ? mes Woicay 20, Also; Great Pre: tender, Magic Touch, Enchanted, ete [THE BROTHERS FOUR] GHEEMFIELDS EOOYSTONE LIGHT « YELLOW BIRD 47. "Lighthearted winning infermality HiFi Review NEW WORLD CLEVELAND ORCH SZELL 87, "Glowing intens iy, snap and brilli ance' High Fidelity GERRY MULLIGAN QUARTET TL i A FRUTTIL) to say? §, et in i My Funny Valentine, 8 numbers in all I ---- -------- REX HARRISON JULIE ANDREWS MY FAIR LADY ORIGINAL Ly CAST RECORDING ma » 24. Swanee River, Lonesome Road, Ra sin Street Blues, ete 39, A popular comedy record, "Side-splitt ing" Billboard LISTENING IN DEPTH ----" AN INTRODUCTION TO COLUMBIA STEREOPHONIC SOUND -- 9. 16 classical and popular selections in STEREO only 33, Walter displays ohh of under standing" N.Y. Trib THE NORMAN LUBOFF CHOIR BUT BEAUTIFUL "14, Blue Moon, Fools Rush In, Don't Worry 'bout Me, 9 mare (BRAHMS: SYMPHONY NO | CLEVELAND ORCH S72FL TCHAIKOVSKY PIANO CONCERTO Pin . 38, Played with "dazzling brilliance" ~ Boston Globe 21, "'Szell interprets it wanderfully,'" Rey, of Recorded Music 1orclan' AR, FRANKIE" LAINE adie] 37. You've Changed, Body and Soul, | Get It Bad, 9 others 34, Pretty Baby, Swamp Fire, Bounc ing Ball, 10 more VERDI OGVERTURES Antal Dorat LONDON SYMPHONY JORCH 25, "A most stirring listening experi ence' High Fidelity TVNTVTNATY JACKSON Great Retin up Moriing CILLA | 35, God Put a Rain bow in the Sky, How Great Thou Art, ete, OFFENBACH: Caite Parisienne BIZEY CARMEN HIGHUGHTS Andre } 32, Melodic scores. "Glittering perform ance" - Billboard 38, Superbly played by one of Europe's finest orchestras 81. Time After Time, My One and Only Love, 10 more 60, Serenade in Blue, Willaw Weep for Me, 8 others LIBEY FIANO " CONCERTOS NO. anc It SET oR PHILIPPE ENTREMONT piane Philadelphia Orehestra Eugene Drmandy 27, Rain in Spain, Could Have Nan. All Night, ete, (41843 ALLL PUCCINI ARIAS MADAME CAVARE LE 8 LA BOHEME TOSCA : | A Many mare Ad 43, "Entremont has afeeling for romantic musie" MeCall's CHOPIN The 24 Preludes 49, Brailowshy is "a poet af the piano" N.Y. Times THE SOUND OF JAZZ COUNT BASIE BILLIE HOLIDAY HMMY RUSHING \ JIMMY GIUFFRE TRIO 10, 53, Wild Man Blues, Fine and Mellow, | Left My Baby, § more 6. You will "find her impressive in sound" Washington Post THE FOUR LADS 40, Come to Me, That 01d Feeling, Long Ago, 9 more Jun lel be tered during the comin 63, Solitude, Where or When, Daneing in the Dark, § more PRINTED IN U.S.A, BY THE GREATER BUFFALO PRESS, INC, ROUMANIAN RHAPSODIES 1 A 2 HUNGARIAN QORCN N ORMANOY \ mee 59, "Superbly played wexeiting listening" -- Amer, Record Guide ANDRE KOSTELANETZ 13, Vales from the Vienna Woods, Blue Danube, 8 others ANY FIVE Regular [0] Stereo FOR ONLY §97 EACH MONTH MEMBERS HAVE A WIDE CHOICE OF RECORDS FROM EVERY FIELD OF MUSIC HERE'S THE MOST EXCITING OFFER EVER MADE 45 new members of the Columbia Record Club! All 4B of the records shown here are now avallahle in both regular high-fidelity OR stereo (except No, 8 -- Listening in Depth stereo AS 8 ne iu may have ANY FIVE of these records in your choice of regular high-fidelity or stereo ALL FIVE for only £1.67! And just look at the from AB records great labels! That's right her yo selection you now have to choose from Columbia and many other you not only have a choice of the hest-selling albums by Columbia's own great artists, hut also the most popular albums by favorite record ing stars from many other record companies! FOR $1.97 mail the couy ate whether you want your and all future sels inregular high-fidelity or Also indicate which Club Division best suits taste; Cla al; Listening and Dancing felevision and | il Comedies: Jazz 0 RECEIVE § RECORDS low. Be sure t bh recor Lions SlETE( YOUr musical Broadway, Movies, HOW THE CLUB OPERATES: Each month the Club's staff music experts selects outstanding récordings from every field of music. These selections are fully described in the Club Magazine, which you receive free each month You may accept the monthly selection for your Division or 1ake any of the variety of other records of feréd in the Magazine, fro all Divisions if take NO record in any parti ont! Your only members elections fro the n g tha fgcord urine the coming mont! Y may ais bership at any time thereaft you neea purchase only tol record membershig FREE BONUS RECORDS GIVEN REGULARLY. If vou wish to continue as a member after purchasing 5 records, you will receive FREE a Bonus record of your choice for avery two sleections vou buy a 50% dividen The records you want are mailed and billed to you at the regular list price of $4.20 (Classical $4.98; occasional Original Cast recordings somewhat higher), plus a small mailing and handling charge, Stereo records are $1 more MAIL THE COUPON TODAY to receive your five records regular high-fidelity or stereo for only $1.97 wie 1p oblig tl on Is to purchase five to be oftered ontinue if vou decide to continue a year to n intain NOTE; Stereo records must be played only on a stereo record player, If you de not new own ong, continue to acquire regular high-fidelity records, They will play with true-to-life fidelity on pout present phone: graph, and will sound even more brilliant on a stereo phonograph if you purchase one in the future, CLASSICAL MUSIK played by artists like Leonard Bernstein POPULAR HITS hy top racording stars like Johnny Mathis HROADWAY HITS with Original Cast stars like Mary Mai tin GREAT JAZZ by stars and combos Like The Dave Brubeck Quartet MORE THAN 120,000 FAMILIES NOW ENJOY THE MUSIC PROGRAM OF Don Mills, Ont, special offer and have oireled at the right the rds | wish to receive for 81.8%, plu wand handling charge | REGULAR | me in the following Divis (¢heck ane Division enly) Classical Listening & Dancing Jazz Browiway, Movies, Yelevision & Musical Comedies and tha leet records from guy Divi tions from the move than 12 month Hg and handling chars WT Peer ayvyeariomamiam WY discontinue menthership at any time if 1 em ni for every Laccept your number a the Hive ree sad mail Send my 3 records and all future selections in (cheek ane) STEREO the Club \ ana enrol on of I May st ARTEE 10 pUrehase fv (SH a0 Fhereatier, I noe membership alter pay 1 repeiy I will WO additio pi mal oy only 1¢ ever. In chasin We Peear bu Mil 8 ord O Hy Chole seleetions 1 bay mal ire Prov, Dealer's Name and Address, yoo NAVARRA NALA ARTETA ARAN AY ATAT ATEN AAA 32¢ | al regular lst prio | Hows a nal | COLUMBIA RECORD CLUB 1111 Leslie St, Don Mills, ©nt. he il ileal Rl eid ER a ---- | COLUMBIA RECORD CLUB, Dept, 748. | 1111 Leslie §t., CIRCLE § NUMBERS BELOW; 1 14 28 @ 2 158 29 4A¢ 16 30 a7 17 32 &9 33 so 34 a8 18 19 20 bi 24 LR LR] Jé 7 Ja l | | l | | | | | l | | | | | i | | | .