THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Jonwory 6, 1961 By RICHARD DAISALLY Canadian Press Stall Wriker QUEBEL (CP) Two hooks he published (his month Are © pecied to stir widespread pilen tion apd comment Ww the prov ~ ince | The first, fo be made pithic Tuesday, dels with the coptior versie) issue of B_progosed new (university in Monlresi to he #5 iablished by the Jesuit Fathers The second, tentatively sched weed 10 appeer Aan. 31, has beep written by Abbes Gerprd Dien Land Lowis O'Neill, whose 1956 es sey on electoral immoran iin Quebec made them known | throughout Canada Diplomats Doubt | 'Fireworks Expected Over Two New Books Bai wines pre lo be pb shed by las Editions de Homme, » Moniresl firm, wt ginchings are 19 be made sneously Bt Quehes and kata HI res hook desbing with the whi- y question is entitled 1/ Uni Dit Non sux Jeswites piversity Says No to the ws have the hacking of profe from #5 French language institutions BACKED A PETITION The Jesuit Fathers have oned the legisisture in » ll 6 authorize them to establish a Laos Invasion BANGKOK (AP) diplomats In Asia doubt the charges of thelr own goves ime (that substantial numbers of out side Communist forces have in tervened in laos, informed and sources seid Thursday d. No one was hurt | Other members of the South ship apparently suf- east Asia Treaty Organiption minor damages here for a council me®ing, have Many US BRITISH LINER AGROUND with erew aho and the fered only after Wocking sll harbor traf 1 fie for more than two The P. and O, Orient } liner to dock here while en routs The 80.00040n British liner Arcadia lists to the starboard after running aground (oday on a reef in Honolulu Harbor passengers ours Was to Auet ant ept the SEATO siatements $0 denounced Soviet arms aid Aotian rebels but have made no mention of outside troop intervention Informed sources in Laos headquariers Communist forees in any e numbers are taking part to ps charg far said U8, dip and at dou 38 ATO fe ok ar entrance, She was pulled free | Australia from West Coast ports Rocket-Spotting Queen Not More Difficult | catspaw im ees Ho Peer Says Canadian Press Slati Writer OTTAWA (CP)"The (ask Lord Al detecting any missile attack outspoken North America is becoming more lashed out and more difficult as ouier a charge becomes cluttered up with man heing used made satellites, officials by Prime Min day 1 "to promote the Be ents of party and enhance search Board t 20 there were around the earth to the United launched Feb Besides the and burned-out Also 8 der "space garbage," left over from since the first Rus Oct. 4, 1957 The U.S, ball ing radars Thule, Greenland, and Fyling dales, England, have "memor drums' built into them to record and keep track of each new ject hurled into space Officials sald that as the TTS B SIN 70 CHA-CHA-CHA ROME (Reuters) Ii 8 sin to dance the cha-chs or thumbs, but rock 'n' roll may be less lustful, accord ing to # Dominican frie wt has made p study of modern dancing The waltz, rurks passed with clean health A summary of Father Regi naldo Fraciseo's inquiry ap pears in the current issue of Vita Pastogale, 8 monthly re view for the clergy published by the Society of Bt, Paul The friar says dances "In dicated as of Bpanish-Ameri ean origin sich the rhumba, the holero, the mambo, samba, swing, cha cha, hoogle and eal ypso, are "not only occasions near to grave fault, but al ready in themselves sinful He says the postures, move ments and swayings of (hese dances are defined as las eivious" hy experts, and "notably offended (he virtue of modesty But "in some people the fa tigue, distant position and aerobatic exercise as In rock 'n' roll-may diminish direct lustfulness and attenu ate in part the sexually ex elting effect her of satellites j out rocket vehicles nerense burner and animals outer pace the of pickin all th more Fark polka and ma nis serutiny bill of of in on! electronic fa from LONDON menam tehdo Thursday Reuter Britain's of k Hl moral m ile i roysl diffieul ing for Defence PACE heeomi pa 7 ain with and more ner $ rth American ommand Th Siemon the "a cal ster Maen Queen Was d 10 Ni ald 10 paw \ i the Defence Re sald that at Des interest of | I autho M-year-old the OG eaded B the 5 OWN Tl 36 object or mmand an Man hased New | i { pee n dale Hack a Ex | They State 1, 1958 regular rockets 1 ihie amount hits and piec various | I atement ne dined rdian of Mac Queen's } p ore )é as fri p ester heer n the Queen's| WOOg IE mderance Altrin thorougt ied con equate ¢ ns a prepe hat f party-po al awards In other Phursda the ' he said degree, recogni (and my ed hefore } ent hie to differentiate WIWEED nn the their id done ally to the is leader Queen, In name honors are he is being used as a cat's| her prime minister to interest of his party and enhance hi n authority," "Phe implications of his un pleasant truth," Altrincham said, Yshould he carefully pondered al Buckin Palace," ol ey | it of lo party and the WE sie Clear i nw li es aimed orth al America n I el laska i al es hn other objects In tio ( i { | Cnser Change Made In ..: Standby Force OTTAWA talion, Royal 22nd Valeartier, Que dnd Battalion Regiment orhit done) o In other word oh num paw bh promote | Liner 'Arcadia' Runs Aground HONOLULU (AP) The 50 000 » ton British liner Arcadia with 1805 persons ahoard, slowed Canada's up in a narrow channel to pick|Unitde up some welcoming hula girls '®arned (CP The 1st Regiment | replace Royal ( London standhy dut Bal al the inadian ivf Oil Train al oe Nation Ihursda RCRS have had this role he fighting in the peighboring ingdom y said other 1 officials this area, apparently includ ng representatives of the Cen tral Intelligence Agency, are equally -convineed that substan tial numbers of Red troops have entered laos REPORTS CONFLICT One western diplomat said i * appears U.S, diplomats and intel dispatching reporis to Washing- the CIA reports have tained credence in the 1.8, cap: ligence Agents are conflietir ton an rl statement Tues. day charged that "substantial numbers of North Vientnamese Communist personnel" were par achuted into Laos In government serted Washinglon's connection Laotian spokesman in Vien Thursday that So plane have hegun flying North Viet Nam troops out Laos to prevent thelr being captured and identified The pokesman, Information Mini toavan Norasing, sald the troops being flown out were prohahl the same ones Para chuted hy Soviet planes late las north of Vientiane A fiane as ef Hed Ley Western ientiane sources In they had reports t were flying oul Vientamese technicians, advisers and other specialists such as ar tillery experts, Bul they said they knew of no combat troops from North Viet Nam ever hav ing heen parachuted into Laos, military \ said iet plane 30) 'Damages Given - eles thet the book Is » continua Patients Die TRENTON iad CAV) Fount Has E thes PRtients ER died of sn move Foer Mscase wer BELIng IRjeltions frosm wim the stale edith QePprriment &6 Thursday it said 70 other prtients jected by Dr. Albert 1, Weiner SHISCTON (AF WAARY WIEN treaty je mined wolversity in Montreal. The re CEPLoR {9 tis proposkl kes heen mixed. Bo the strongest op Position has come from 18Y PIO Giso copiraeted the disease, With lessons In Existing WIWEISIIES, out fatal results, The deaths se ey The hook is said 16 COMBE # curred last 1a, with the Ist one on A mae the ied wi ms. "8 November, 4 ssid wnder U8, contrh ~ estabished ABA gon fii pa Attorney - General David Fur: on independent regime in 199) the oe osal of the Jesuit man said the state hoard of med. the United States and Cubs ne Fathers nen ienl eexaminers suspended WOR goiiated an agreement for the The DionSeil work is le © 8 Weence Dec, 75 08 & Wempo- Guantanamo base, The sgree Chretien of lo Democratic, TREY basis, It has Bol DEER TE: ment, signed by presidents Theo (Democracy and the Christion dore Roosevell of the US, and its contents sre pot known but Furman psseried thet an nT. Estrads Palme of Cubs i» i ; vestigation is being held to see 1995, provided iis Sumised 0 university ete if the suspension should be made "The Republic of Cubs hereby if enmingl pros lesses to the United States, for the time required for the pwr. said the poses of cosiing and navel sta navel base in eastern Cobm tok effect wn the mid 1900s, wt Hs ERE were eany ih the century soon alter Cube became free tion of some of the idess put Permanent and fourth in their hook Elections and ecution should he staried the Christian published shortly The hesith department '" before Iast June's provindal elec. disease was presumably servm tions," certain deseribed press of hepatitis fond oy rg i$ Di ¢ sos. The Uni ales was given A heplih department spokes: oo right to use and occupy Bd: man seid Weiner gave injec. jneent walters stu. | Hons of # variety of drugs, under neent "of Any Brand names, 10 quiet his PROVIDES PASSAGE patients, He seid i Is possible Vessels engaging » Cuban the injection apparatus used by trade were to have free passage Weiner may have been spresd- through these walers yeRrs ing the disease, which is coused. And "while . the Upited iy # virus in the Wood Bintes recognizes the continuance PRACTICES BLASTED A department spokesmen said of the uitimate sovereignty of the Abbes Dion_gnd O'Neill have Weiner is an osteopathic physic Republic of Cubs over the above been strong proponents of # cian specializing in psychiatry, described areas of land and wa mors] eivie code for laymen and Osteopathic physicians are licen. ler " Cubs agreed thet during have Wasted certain electoral sed to practice medicine in New he period of occupation hy the gs corrupting influ Jersey United States of sald areas under tion New thet the books are forth coming hes heen cirewipting by wird of mouth among Laval University professors #nd dents where the question grester self-reliance and inde pendence by Quebec laymen has heen under discussion for severgl eRees The book on the university question will hit the book stores INTERPRETING THE NEWS at a time when the legislature is preparing to study the proposal if 5 Confusion In Algeria sity in Montreal will have to get (together with The Quebec government o Jean Lesage has heen pon-com representatives of the rebel lead: ership mittal so far on the proposal The Jesuits have colleges in Que hee and already have the suthor-| ity to issue degrees in theology! and philosophy fo Jesuit students | They now want the authority fo issue degrees in arts and various Although the Furopean settlers long have insisted that the rebels reflect only a minority of Mos. lem opinion, the demonstrations during de Gaulle's visit showed where the real Arab loyalties lie Exasperated hy repeated tier cries of Algerie Vrancaise other university fields as well the Cashbah finally came out into the open, waved rebel flags and shouted "Abbas to power." ODD BEDFELLOWS The referendum is producing a {range polarization of sentiment Negative votes will be cast hy such odd hedfellows as Pierre Mendes-France on the left and Jacques Boustelle on the extreme right, The French left has always heen hostile to the war in Al geria, but it looks as though it will vote No simply because it feels the referendum blinks al ithe main Issue, namely negolia tions One major exception on (he left is the socialist group led by Most commentators Guy Mollet, which has decided (o By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer The French referendum on Al: geria takes place in an AIMOS phere of confusion and 1s heing written off as irrelevanl Even some of those who Are eager to admire Gen De Gaulle's courage and to applaud his understanding of the issues al stake tend reluctantly to feel that this weekend misses Lhe An Englishman And His Dog PETERBOROUGH (AP An Englishman named John Bull fought to the last against an or der that would have parted him from his dog John Bull mast set. " the vote real point Apart from a minority of gen and right-wing politicians J 1 broadly con vinced that peace in Algeria can he reached only by negotiating with the rebel leaders headed bj Ferhat Abbas Yet the referendum nol address itself to the question of negotiations, It asks electors to approve self-determination for Algeria and the 'provisional in stitutions" needed for self-deter mination COULD RESIGN De Gaulle has hinted that the continuation of his personal lead ership depends on an afirmative was BO. All his eral he lived in the same collage Last year engineers from city hall condemned the house as un fit to live in, and told him to move (0 a municipal apartment project tut dogs are hanned from municipal apartments John Bull petitioned neighbor in his support, and wrote to the legal newspaper saying "Sooner than be parted from dog 1 would shoot the dog , Ad But last week city hall eon firmed that the house would be knocked down John Bull was found dead In § home Tuesday, The room was ARB WET, filed with gas. Police helleve, it| agree that he will gel it, but that| vole Yen, was suicide, There was no sign| nothing much will he changed,| Whatever the result, there of John Bull's dog Ultimately, they say, de Gaulle seems to be a growing feeling In [France that the war may be in WO ils final stages, A holiday four é q from Paris to Brittany convinced Jife ' is opinion does he Ba WH States holds Hs WE Guantanamo § Psychiatrist' Navy Base Treaty arly Origin pe of the agreenien," the - shall Fre ise COR ISLE diction and comers over snd BR RIG Mees i945 treaty Between the twp countries wn oiieet wrsle nie treaty form whet iad been in the 1998 agreement The tresty, on fhe - time Vaid, said the 1993 stipe. tons "shall continue in efieet , , . woth the twa comracting parties saree to the modification or sbre- gation of the stipwiations." REMAING SAME So long #s the Upited Slates of America shall not abandon the said nevel station of Guantanamo or the 1we governments shall not saree to » modification of ts present limits," the (resty fur. ther said, the territorisl pres of the base shall continue 10 be thet #iready existing. The lease has heen eprried ont under provision thet the US, shell pay an eanusl amount of $2000 god dollars US, legal authorities like the view that the treaty cannot broken wnilatersily despite Cu- ban Premier Fidel Casio's re peated threats It is noted thet the (resty language, in a form stronger then most trenties, provides for no ahrogstion except by Rgree- ment hy both of the parties, "Hot House' Turned Down OTTAWA (CP) Agriculture Minister Alvin Hamilton has won his ease against putting up » $6,000,000 department headquar- ters of so-called ""hot-house #r- chitecture" on the park ares of the Dominion Experiments Farm here, Mr, Hamilton, who had ob jected to such a use of the park ares of the 1,200-acre farm, sald Thursday he has reached a eom- promise with the public works department on both site and de- sign Cost and basie construction of the building will remain the same 10 storeys with two one-storey wings, But instead of an ultra modern structure of steel and glass, located in parkland, the new buflding will be tucked away in a "barnyard section of the farm and will be built of brick with smaller windows than origl- pally planned in the modern de- sign, Kinsey Report On Film | TORONTO (CP)=wAreh y controversial movie ph . director-writer, is making a film in Toronto about the Kinsey Re. port and Is using Canadian ac ors Leo G, Carroll, veleran Holly. pn ig 4|this reporter that people are fed wood actor best known for the {up with the fighting but have lit-| Topper series, will play the lead tle clear idea how this week's| and will be supported by Cana vote fits inte the picture, dians Kate Reid, Austin Willis, Thursday and went aground on a The reef Just outside Honolulu har: hor ne ahout three hut have er heen called on hecause the ince 1056 ha asked years Bus Crash Victims | Cosmetic damage is very real Derailed Y always to Tughoats pulled the liner free ! after she had blocked the harbor, 107 two hours A United States Coast inspection officer, Lieut MeQuaid, said TORONTO (CP)---Damages talling $52,262.11 were awarded Thursday to three Wellington {County girls and their fathers for injuries suffered in a collis ion between a school bus and a train at Hillsburgh last Jan. 28 Ahout 25 students were aboard the bus, travelling home from Erin Distriet High School, when it collided with the CPR freight train 18 miles northeast of Guelph, Three girls and hus driver Calvin Leitch, 28, of Frin were killed and 11 students in {jured in the erash and a fire [that followed Canadian administrative and technieal troop: The role means extra work he the designated battalion] undertake pecial exer and the troops must he in oculated at all fimes for any cll male Army headquarters Royal 22nd will (ake on the role in April Still Burns COBALT Guard Charles tradewinds blew directly against the Arcadia's|' starboard side while she slowed in the 480-foot-wide chan nel to take the hula girls ahoard from a tug The P and O-Orient liner aground in 18 feet of waler was drawing 20 Asked if It was unusual for a (op An Ontario Northland Railway frieght train containing tanker cars was deralled Thursday night 14 miles south of Latehford, The spilled oil ignited and till" hlaging Six hours later Mainline traffic as well as tele graph and telephone communica: tion were disrupted, There were| f oil was said the WAS new ran Bhe RC ELECTED TORONTO (CP)--Rohert Brad- no injuries liner to make such a pickup Inlley, 8, appointed to. suburban! Twenty-ses the channel, McQuaid said: "It's North York hoard of education (he darned unusual," hy the Metropolitan Toronto sep The liner, carrying 1182 pag. arate hoard, has sengers and 713 crew members, elected chairman of the was en route from the US, west tion hoard, Mr, Bradley coast to the southwest Pacific believes he is the first and Australia Catholic representative MeQuaid will conduct a hear elected chairman of a ing Into the grounding education in Ontario en of the 81 cars of northhound train left (hel Mr, Justice W, F, Spence of near Owalssa, about 80)" g heme Court of Ontario educa: about South Kirkland Lake, | yanding down judgment in anon \ [jury "action brought at Guelph sald he The fire brigade was called " h ved awards of £16,000 to Roman | from Timagi, a few miles to the] NNOURCE ward 17; $14,000 to '| Dianne MeKinney, to he south along Highway 11, to help | rly 4 000 hoard of fight the fire, whieh Marilyn Baldwin, 10; and $11 spread Cpatriela MeLaren, 16 inte surrounding hush, Special damage awards to the fathers were J, R, Baldwin, %i 172.60; Cyril MeKinney, 47.08 and J, H, McLaren, $1,772 ill, Mr, Justice Spence expressed the opinion that Leiteh's failure to keep a proper lookout was the sole cause of the aceident The action was hrought against A. Leo Lyons and the Krin Dis triet High School Board, Mr, Jus tice Spence found that Lyons and Leitch were servants of the school hoard because of a con tinuous series of directions on driving glven them, and notwith: standing the contract for bus service which Lyons had with the hoard, The judgment noted Miss Me Kinney had heen severely soarred in the aceident Students Ask 'Budget Question TORONTO (CPA group of university students Thursday asked Finance Minister Fleming whether the proposed tax dedu tions for students could be al tered in view of the university fee-paying system Mr. Fleming's "baby budget" Introduced Dee, 20, included a proyision whieh premits students fo arrive at their taxable income for 1061 after first deducting their university fees A letter fram the Canada Law Student Association says that student is given the aption af paying his total fees in Septem her of the scholastic year or pay ing In two instalments The letter says the provision would allow students who paid tuition in two instalments to de duet the second amount from their tax return, but would penal {ize those who paid in full in Sep | tember, 1960 The association suggests solutions: A deduction in the 1961 tax year of the total tuition paid in the seholastie year 1960-61 2 deduction in the tax year of the second instalment for all stu dents, regardless of how tuition was paid, Falls school heen | miles oil two ARSON SUSPECTED IN CHURCH FIRE Smoke pours from Trinity | thousands of dollars damage Anglican Church in Toronto as | Three memorial windows wore fire ruins the chancel causing { smashed, tapestries and recorda or destroyed and he terior scarred Palice ArSOn was suspected said al- damage, and is & major inter: ference with the enjoying of life, | particularly so in the case of a young unmarried girl," | Mr, Justice Spence observed that Miss Baldwin had heen seri:| ously burned and Miss Mel.aren| burned and scarred, Engineers Aid Indian Plan OTTAWA (CP) Two Cana dian university engineering deans will go to India shortly un. der Colombo Plan auspices to help with India's third five-year plan, the external affairs depart ment announced Thursday Bound for India this week are RR, McLaughlin of the Univer. sity of Toronto and H, G, Conn of Queen's, They expeel to stay ahout two months, Their job will he to carry out a survey of re. quirements in connection with In. dia's reglonal engineering insti: tutes which form part of a de velopment program Dr, MeLaughlin, a Toronto na. tive, has been dean of the fae. ulty of applied science and en: gineering since 1064 and is al chemical engineer, Dean Conn was. born in Napanee, and Is a | graduate of Queen's, whose fae. {ulty he joined in 1987, Moral Standards Said Declining LONDON, Ont, (CP)--Twelve Anglican bishops In a joint inter view heve Thursday night agreed that declining moral standards are the greatest problem facing mankind The hishops were heve to attend the consecration today of Bishop: elect Harold ¥, Appleyard Most Rev, William L, Wright, metropolitan of Ontario and arehs bishop of Ontario, described the present age as ane of the "easy moral relativism "Today's moral standards are established hy whatever set one happens (0 move in" He linked his moral With the underlying causes East-West tension I'he general belief in the rela tivity of all morals and the fail: we of moral standards Is eivil igation's major tliness today, said Rt. Rev, BR. 8 M, Emrieh, of Des trait, bishop of Michigan, decline of . ALHERTANS' ORIGINS EDMONTON (CP) The last decennial census of Canada showed 48 per cent of Alberta's! population ave of British origin Seventeen per cent are of Amer an origin, 11 per cent of Ger man and 11 per cent of Ukrain- I For Training EDMONTON (CP) ments to NATO preclude flying| home for field training the Ca Commit: nadian Brigade in West many, Defence Minister gi ness sald Thursday He was commenting on a Ca nadian Press story from Ottawa that reported speculation on the possibility that all or part of the rigade might be flown home each summer for this purpose The story noted that West Ger many Is running out of training areas, and that the RCAN's Air Transport Command will have| | Inereased its capacity nearly fourfold by September "The RCAF certainly has an Increased carry capacity," Mr Harkness said, "However, we/ tare in no position to pull our [troops out of Germany for such # length of time, "We have commitments to [NATO and to withdraw any or| | all of our troops for one or two months would not he in conson-! | ance with our commitments," Ger Hark 'WHERE'S MY MUMMY ?' SCHOFIELD left the haby at her a period of three weeks hefore her disappearance, The mother Is described as about 20 years old (CP Wirephoto) This blue-eyed bahy girl, home for about five months old, was left with a Toronto woman five weeks ago and her mother hasn't returned for the baby, Mrs. Elsa Silee sald the woman WINTER GOLF SCHOOL The C.R,A, is prepared to conduct a 10 week instructional golf school for novices and be- ginners, Before you purchase or renew a special low rate if (1) You are at least the family, purposes, 3 years, (4) You have baen ace For Service Day Schofield Insuranc 6 Simcoe North REG AKER Classes will be held oan Monday evenings and Saturday afternoons Information on registration, fees, times of classes can be obtained by calling the C.R.A, Centre at RA 5-1111, Instructor: Mr, H, R, Trudelle " REGISTRATION I$ LIMITED $O CALL IMMEDIATELY + DON ELL an sleek, Sharon Acker, Toby Tarnow, Garrick Hagon and Maud Whit: [ more Scenes are being shot at the grounds of the Canadian Na: tional Exhibition, Malton Alrport and in Toronto streets, along with a church, The plot takes the form of a symposium on the famed report, chaired by Carroll, The title of the film is One Plus Two, - CHINESE IMPORT VANCOUVER (CP) Walnuts are Canada's largest single im. port from Red China, The freighter Kaethe Jebsen, char: tered hy the Chinese government, is unloading 1,400 tons of nuls here and will load 600 tons of Canadian zine for China, re. FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth ha aiffered real embarrassment heosu thelr plate dropped, Minped or woh Red ab Just the aon 4 ine not ve In fear nf this happe MA I, Just sprinkle a Hitle FRET The alkaline (nan-acld) pawder, J plates Hold false teath m "8 #0 they feel more eomfarts in nob aair. Oheaka on A ture hreath), Gey Mu at any drug esunter, INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. your aute insurance we have 25 years of age and there are no male drivers under 23 in {2) Your car is not used for business {3) You have been accident free for 1, 2, or ident free for 5 years, You may budget your premiums it desired, and Night, Call e Associales Lid, RA 3.2268 JACK MOORE ISON »