ANNUAL POLL TORONTO (CP) ~~ Canada's Olympic athletes have cornered the market fps (he country's disappointment of 1960, | wpe ise and oddity ghty done of the 114 voters in 24% snnusl Canadian Press W | pointrment hellots for the Games | lathietes, particwiarty for the lacklustre ormance of Kitch ener-W oo Dutchmen who si i [lowed 8 pickup team of Ameri |ean eollege players to take the 1 |Olympie hoe title, Result of the poll, announced 1 Thursday, gave the Dutchmen 40 (votes from the country's sports editors and Proadeasters, But Sports Specials Are Remembered {Pro footll provided the yesr's yesr-end poll cagt thelr disap THE OSHAWA TIMES, Frdey, Jonuevy 6, 1961 11 Windsor Bulldogs Showing The Way WINDSOR (CP)~--Members of than tesmmate Walt William, the lesgueleading Windsor Bull. Rawson, however, is also the No, dogs £0nime 17 Somminste the Jo-11 pouCysttel among the loop's Vida Ie PERT BNET Hal Patterson of Montreal Al Ofer disappointment v OLE 5 (ori Sockey Association's semior| Windsor, with 8 157 record, oueties to Hamilton Tiger-Cats went to on Tiger Cats Wo series, unofficial figures come holds down first place, six points for quarter Bernie Faloney and tumbled from & first - 8 10 pied here show, in front of fi them, guard Don Paquette headed the las fimish In the Big Four" Joe 7oricq heads the scoring with 26 points, trafls the Indians surprise voting. The dest hasw't football union, the Grey Cup Il core with 43 points ss Bulldog by one then come Galt Terriers heen clinched yet, but is an and faflure of Winnipeg Bite sieoers necupy five of the top with 29, Woodstock Athletics with nowncerment last November Bombers to the Western six positions, In addition, Ross 19 and Strathroy, twatime OHA rocked Canadian foothall, |Conlerence. The Bombers, never Chis of Windsor with & 3.3% Senior B champions, In the cele The Dutchmen locked up No, 1,00 of the Jed during the Teger| port fn 16 games leads the lar with 17, disappointment position last Feb. schedule, bowed to KAmomon 8 jeooues regular netminders, The leaders: rusry when they were defeated the best-of-three Western nal. | 7oi0s has 16 goals and 27 as 24 by the United States, The Ca SLEEPER' 18 ODDITIES {sists for his 43 points, three bet- Zoriea, Windsor nadian team, & mixture of veter- A it ter than Bobby Brown, 8 seven Boh Br Windsor f Included In the oddity voles ! own, ane and a couple of Juniors, Were ooo we Breheverry trade, the V6 Windsor veteran who hes! Bends, Windsor called Wy the experts 16 WHiID cioener play pulled by Ottawa's $6ored 29 goals and assisted on Power, Chatham through the Found-rohin (Uma gopbe' gimocon in the Big Four 'L for 40 points, Brown has Kiukey, Windsor ment in & breeze but they were roo" cocinst Toronto Argonauts, PWeved his goals total in 22\ Mitchell, Windsor out-skated and owtAought by the 11g oiiuing the Olympie hockey £8Mes, Missing one game Flick, Stratford Americans at the Squaw Valley, ie cod the Americans' Olym. FOUEh injury, | Calif, Games, FRISKY YEARLINGS ROMP IN THE SNOW shown above are ot the new | Peel County. They'll not be do- | end the other two by Gerry [the sidelines in the 100 - metre Just lke Bumsz youngsiers Borses Uke 10 romp 16 the snow 09, The three frisky yearings Horse Haven Farm, established | ing ony racing for purses wotil north of Palgrave, Ontaris, in British Sports Hopes 1962. One is owned hy the farm i , : je y eC LK] (they condn't decide Who showld oot "ull Boe 32 to fin pie Sollicever. Jock MeCantan, tied for third are Windsor's Lou mols, Wi * 4 Vi be awarded the runnerup spot ("coon " cor the silver medal, Kongers th Kitchener of the endo and Ted Power, playing Oliver, Strathroy § 7 in the disappointment FReROEY. | it faliure to take the gold medal Eastern Professions) League, | C0MCh of the defending Allan Cup Malo, 'Chatham . a1 They gave 2 voles eae to was embarrassing, pertiewlarly go. ibe. ballohs went." to champion Chatham Maroons, Mcllwain, Stratford Conadu's team periormance In|, ue Pichmen who Jost out 10, tre Oo tory, the! ndsor playing-conch Joe Ku Lane, Strathroy by summer Gomes ot Rome and| iL "lace Toi ntl tawa's Grey Cup victory, kay is a point behind them at 31,|Serviss, Windsor | Costello, Windsor Fight Jems back of Brown McCreight, Strathroy ad a to the leg injury thet sent Harry", rise of Argonauts from last fo "oo H seroma of Veneowver hinting to) The sommer team made one frst pines, the Winnipeg Vmon- Mitchell, Siratiord items Bily|parash. Woods ( 7 8 owings In (on inal, the dull play in| py | a semifinal, also at Rome Olympic history, apart from the the Grey Cup and the Duteh [PU nds om the top seven Hatt, Woadstosh The oddity and surprise poll *cliArained University of British men's loss at Squaw Valley, |" Ausouch" onitas tends the reg-|a i : ir tford winners were naturals Columbla rowing eight Which| A few gave their voles to Me-| yor petminders, ¥d Lochesd, Wray Stratford The oddity tag went to the un. Averted a shutout in the medal Gill Redmen, Eastern inter-col whom Strathroy Rockets picked 4 Y, " ord inhibited youth who scamplered department by finishing a close lagiate foothall champions for) oo" con inoercolt ne pry Tg awson, Bra Loh between Ottaws and Edmonton Second to a veleran German the first time since 1938, and the their two injured gonlies, has players in the final seconds of Crew world - equalling 10 - second Ume | omuied a brilliant 2.25 average Samia Golden Bears the Grey Cup fingl to swipe the) The (rack and field athletes established by Jerome over 100 i. co. games, two of which were game ball, Hundreds of persons managed only one point in the metres in the Canadian Olympie| cp oes' 4 Lost $3,872 Last Year {had siready taken over the Em- team standings a sixth-place track and field trials Childs has allowed B64 gosls In| SARNIA (CP) ~~ The Golden pire Stadium field st Vancouver finish In the men's B-klomeire, A surprise to others was the 16 games to replace Chatham's Bears 4 the Marnie Ontario Jacobs, of Buffalo CFP Wirephoto RAWSON TOP 'BAD MAN' hd and the ball stealing convinced walk by Alex Oakley, the trans. showing of Chatham Maroons Al Bennett among the regulars, Rughy Football Union lost $3,672 officials they should eall the planted Newfoundlander from Allan Cup champions, In 8 PINE gone ott has given up 65 goals in on thelr 1060 operations, It Was T whole thing off Oshawa, Ont, In the final tally, game exhibition tour of Russia 16 starts for & 3.61 mark | disclosed at the team's annual Forty-one seconds remained to hased on 195-4321 points for and Sweden in November, The | meeting Thursday night, LONDON f Brit Both sports toyed with ideas of an efiective Lineup under ihe heads into 1961 through reorganization ering maze of porients pointing! Many cricketers welcomed the Johnny Heynes and won sll four everywhere from ihe of suggestion of England captain of their autumn internationals achievement to stark 4 y Colin Rowdrey that the present They particularly impr I red. sixday-a-week schedule of the sive letory over Spain IID county conierence shld in whi showed the bene be eul to three, centring on the fits of ly continental train weekend. But some officials were ing snd ying styles ne reluctant to part with midweek Horsera inner rec however sim challenged igiish-bred three k n Bir Victor produced an un im Professions BOCCET WEE CON year-old a on poorer sidering & variety of proposals Bassoon's Bt. Paddy, who re g§ flor designed to reduce the unwieldy pelled the hest of the French and four divisions of the Foothall Irish invader n the Derby and to smaller the 84, Leger. But if was a lack marred hy a and recurrent League, 82 clubs in #8 oupings In order to ew down lustre tong | A £ f nap i crowded fixture list coughing England's pres: doping incident A new dep) BS B&B ¢ fe in both sports 962 World p and To an tige Improved modestly on the 88 promised for Hotspur enthrells r I eld off track enthusiasts with the in soccer crowds With e of the Jespite the summerdong ab troduction of betting shops, én most attractive soccer seen since sence of Peter May, the side's top abling them to make legal cash the Becond World | batsman, the cricketers eomfort- transaction with their book But falling alle nees and gbly d sed of the visiting! makers who previously were per mounting cost enpardize the South Africans without losing a mitted a accept off-thecourse future of the majority of lower: mateh and produced an outstand- wagers only on eredit and by ranking profess clube and a ing run-making prospect in Bus-| telephone or mail strike threat © isfied play. sex amateur Ted Dexter British athletes generally dis ers threatens ravéte thelr The English foothallers, after appointed thelr supporters at the financial troubles an Indifferent spring, settled on'Olympie Games in Rome, al Guelph's Aces College Stars In Setting Pace | 14, )1a Bowl Game | In Ir. Scoring HONOLULU (AP)--Led by six|but I'm it would take a alriad all America linesmen, some of/lot of conehing I'm better the leading U.S, collegiate fool: adapted to the Canadian style of ball stars will clash here Sunday play. in the 16th annual Hula Bow! This year's Hula Bow! has only British 'Columbia Lions of the collegiate stars, In the past, Humphrie o WIFU will have a strong inter many professionals also com National Hoch : e team ©5t In the performance of one of | P hist . Biversitis and. ao) and manager of Guelph Royals|th¢ SX. guard Tom Brown of ~OFYV-SIX UCverstied and eo. wy : Minnesota whom they hope to|leges are represented on the of the Ontarlo Hockey Associa squads, Each line boasts three all tion Junior A loop, predicted be America players, On the Fast are Brown, tackle Ken Rice of Auburn and end Mike Ditka of Pittshurgh, On the West are would have & lot to say Ghout tackle Boh Lilly of Texas Chris where ine Hoya end up this Behloredt voted the outstand tian end Dan Larosse of Mis hotkey term ng player in the Rose Bowl gauri and centre Roy MeKasson! With these player ading the|¥ame Monday, will probably sign|of Washington way and athers hole ip their|t0 PIay with the Lions next sea-| Toronto Argonauts are known end the Royals king away ®on. Dallas Texans of the Amerl ls nave three oflier Hula Row! from the ( { ygue. | 080 Football League are also players on thelr negotiation list ev After him but he said in Los An. (7 hey are guard Tony Polyehronie TORONTO (CP Three play ors Wik gure highly In New York Rangers' plans are making Jack Humphrie out to be & prophe sign The Lions slso have a vested interest in how Washington Hus kies quarterback Bob Sehloredt makes out fore the 1960-61 season Eot un der way that Rod Gilbert, Bob Cunningham and - Jea Ratelle Guelph has a its nearest i geles on the West team and backs "The Texans think I can play Herb Adderley and Tom Weisner offensive quarterback for them,'on the Kast allstar squad | | goals tn ony 3 games. Alon| PAPER DRESSES V1 i As Gilbert, eraft twinger who has all the earmarks of making the Jump from Junior A to the NHL next se wm. has scored 42 goals 0 oly 3 mes, An | Basketball Star «nthe ser POR TENNIS PLAY | Needs Evidence Ratelle, & e on Gilbert's) LONDON (AP) A throw. | NEW YORK (AP)---Jack Mol line, has accounted for 18 goals) 4way paper dress for lady ten. |Inas, former pro basketball star) and 31 assists for 40 points, one| nis players that costs just 70 |of Fort Wayne Pistons, has until] more than teammate Cunning-| sents may well be the brightest | next Monday to gather more wit.| ham, also a centre, who has 19) thing at the Wimbledon tennis | nesses in his $3,000,000 anti-trust goals and 29 assists land reinstatement action against [the National Basketball Assoola:| | tion | Trial of the suit was adjourned until Monday after one session of testimony Wednesday in which | Molinas sald he was told several] v |timse by NHA president Maurice ieveral women tennis stars { Podoloff to "stick to law and for:| were present, including Brit- gat basketball" after he ain's Christine Truman, Their [barred by the league for betting! reactions were not recorded lon Fort Wayne games, Plnling admits it's a gim Molinas, who has been ad:| this department--a-lead he has! mick, but says I see no reason [mitted to the bar as a lawyer maintained since the start of the! why it should not be worn at | since his NBA ban in 1084, now| season---with $.0b-goals-a-game| Wimbledon this year," is player-coach and the leading] : Tinling designed the frilly | Scorer for Hagleton, Pa, of the and recorded skirts and gold panties that so | Eastern Haskethall League shocked Wimbledon officials In Molinas contends he was not} recent years that they wanted | Sully of any crime since he bet A Pts.| to ban them {only on his own team to win and R. Gilbert, Guelph i Lt The waler-repellant, crease. | paid lance on the hy he youl Ratelle, Guelph B31 49! fans F oll.reststant: digas | 108 ans since have heen : ¥ flame, ARd oli ant dre transferred from Fort Wayne to Cunningham, Guelph 45 | now sells for $2.10. Tinling | Detroit NHL BIG SEVEN | Hall, 8. Cathas 70 cents when the special paper Boddy, Petert process Is developed Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS Toronto's big Frank Mahovlich | J, Gilbert N, Fa gained one point Thursday nig Knibbhs, N. Fa 17 'Pop Ivy Wants ! on the National Hockey League's Leclair, N. Fall Cullen, St. Catharine Tessier Returned Sam Etchever scoring leader Hernie rien ony | TY [haesine one goal as Maple Leafs 3 | pleated De Red Wing To Kingston Club CHICAGG (AP) i" defeated Detroit Red Wings 4-1 Cardinals of the National Fool-| 1 was Mahovlich's 33th goal of Louis in Detroit BOSTON (AP) Hoston Bruins | ball League are Interested In ob: the campaign--best in the league of the National Hockey lLeague|taining quarterback Sam Etehe-|_and enabled him to come Thursday night returned forward |Yerry, veteran of Canadian prolwithin five points of Geoffrion Orval Tessier to the Kingston | footha coach Pop Ivy said GA Pls farm elub Thursday night Geoffrion, Montreal 26 30 54 rhe club announced Tessie We have talked with him and Mahovlich, Toronto, 8 18 8 would he an gssistan ach in!he has indicated an Interest in Moore, Montreal 6 NN addition te his playing duties joining us," sald Ivy, "We planipeliveau, Montreal 16 The Rrulns called up Tessier Another talk in the near future."|Uliman, Detroit 12 20 earlier in the season. In 32 games Eicheverry, who played ecol-/ Richard, Mantreal 17 23 with them, Tessier scored three légiate ball at Denver, recently Bathgate, New York 14 19 goals pnd had four assists, Tes. was traded to Hamililon Tiger Howe, Detroit on was bora in Cornwall Cats by Montreal Aloueties {Kelly, Toronto "rn for an 1l-point ing race matches this year A DOTOURN| Designed by Teddy Tinling, Petes' hustling centre Doug 8en-| the creation made from nylons ir with 45 points on 20 goals and wed paper imported from the 5 assists, Murra all of BUI United States was unveiled hes Catharines Teepe HOR WIth | fore a startled audience at a 42 points a TSU Y| fashion show here Tuesday Wayne Hoddy if vith 41 pain RUTLEDGE LEADS GOALIES Hutledge of In fourth place is Pele Goakeeper Wa Niagara Falls Flyers leads in average. Rutl has a ved 72 goals in one shutoul The leaders capipiney of Fulham strategist ¢ [Hie eon enduries to ite resulars, Sol] Soccer Star be played with Otitawas ghead the first six places in each Maroons managed only one vie though over-optimistic press fore. 16-6 event, Canadas was 26th in the tory and one tie in seven games ts were gs much to blame as The trade that sent querter- team standings with only 16 in Russia and won one and tied one in Bweden Among the league's ""hadmen,"| Main reason for the loss was Stratford's BI Rawson is still in on a drop In attendances nt a Class by himself with 68 pen- games, Gates were down 27 per the shortcomings of the compet- back Sam Eicheverry and end) points, alty minutes served, 21 more cent from 1050 y A ONE HOUR OF YOUR TIME An expected swimming tri er wins National League expected vietory hy Don Thomp Rocky Colavito on in the unfashionable Bo-kilo Signs Contract at SE me E ' MIGHT SAVE YOUR LIFE oid medals, although there were DETROIT (AP) Outfielder gallant performances hy sprint ans Xpansion Rocky Colavito, 198 American! 14 5 municipality such as Oshe|winter the ear has customarily ers Péter Radford and Dorothy League home Jun Champion | gs ~ where motorists have been left outside, Every motors Hyman and hurdler Carole Quin: NEW YORK (AP) The Na- for a 10-4eam operation when the Bigted Ns nl nseholl Souitan already realized the dangers of|ist knows, too, how slippery the ton, who just failed 1 top ti 8 i | 1061 66 4 w stroll Tigers y I slippe: eadie ere col-p gar I 150 Vo Wo tt, hk ry uf sta opel Ar | Cova ela 3. mtr Et dr Dvr, Js ain the' Sein § f ¢ two new American clubs, se i of Perhaps th saddest ight was pansion preseribed by baseball 10s Angeles and Washington stasen, Wis fra JR Detrolt, ordinarily numerous, great Inter. forthe first time in several dor rie Years pas HE commissioner or FICK, DAS) drew thelr players from a cash ( pdf haring the lens 081 aliaches to e HELO) ' rime but' stil itain's ost | Set . tee tds y: ¢ A leveland and sharing the league sk fia hing. | i" dt pH e J il Jritain $s best | s6 Ld 2 commit o I nd for-castolfs pool at $75,000 each|erown with Harm Killebrew of iid-defiey Jhactine. Tis wa The "° Siding adiiive ial runner, doggedly churn fea i ) Pt ne pu Vert and in a special, minor league Washington Senators " puis hols : .e ! § oe Hg ® heh A o po wards the finis s fa § Ne ( L] re : i g p LJ hel of iy 4 phish Ly. jor og Wg By year En "10 draft Terms of contract were not hi up bis uh ih a od fhe Be DR hin, th meda nners in 18 a. The pool arrangement, in disclosed, But it is believed Cola ont wheel spin or tract on diffi.|around one and one - quarter mental Burooeane vey Benth] AL ie-same time, major league) yhich {he established clubs) vito received a slight raise from|(2t Whtel front tires also treat. inches apart, When the sitting is na iropeans who had club owners will decide in & mall] ong up with untried young-| his $35,000 salary of last season ed with the slots, the car has done by one of the straight, razor - ' | ' ud valched him break world re- vole whether to allow the new: core" fringe plaver . cords in the mid-'50s patiently comers fo enter into working "Cr fringe players and hang {maximum stopping ability, The|like blades, no rubber is ree ers-on, 18 something the N | heered him home agreements with minor league Fran. baumeiing the National oP MEMBER WHEN? +o ,device has been praised as an moved, The tire remains perfect. clubs this season to develop play-|"", o , important safety measure, ly effective for ordinary driving ers We'll provide major league, By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Cars which have their tires de-lon dry pavement, C di The five-man committee is tol Players for our new clubs," Na-| T Argonauts of the Big|skidded will provide up to 20 per| The de-skidding machine has dana ens en report to the league at its mid. tional League president Warren| Toronto Argonauts .%leent better starting traction and been Installed at several Service | summer meeting. Results of the|Glles sald Wednesday, "But how Four Foothall League signed |, tn 30 per cent stopping abil. Stations and Garages In the Osh. G thi B mail vote, which would give they will be set aside, or how Tobin Tote, 10-year veteran of ity on any type of hazardous rond|awa area, au 1er ac. | Houston and New York a chance much a cash value will be placed | uo 17 8 National Football 1 ~gue surface, The value of this is not| Unlike most snow tires, they M ' ' wr | 10 BIEN free agents and call them on them, stil has to be worked / avham or Only appreciated in traffic on the are not molsy on pavement, Bl MONTREAL (( P) Coach Toe up from the minors at the end| out. "We don't have to hurry into AS their quartérhack one YEAT| vel, hut also in navigating that| Look on the sport page for the ake of Montreal Canadiens of this season, should be known!|!l 88 the American League did, ago today, Rote was given a twor|jast {ittle grade to the home gar« Dealers who de-skid tires. sald Wednesday that defenceman in about two weeks We have until October to de-|year contract, estimated to tots (age where several times each Advi, Jean Gauthier has heen returned That's a relatively leisurely) cide." 1 $50,000, | a, Hulk-Otiaw - a 4 of the pace compared with the Ameri g -- -- ; Teague ional HLoekey can resgue's hurried expansion ' program, whieh burst upon the The 28 - ye fel 1 year - old defenceman scene in October and which ealls vas called up to the parent Na --- tional Hockey League club be! SCOTTY'S BARGAINS at MILLWORK AND Mir Lm x BUILDING SUPPLIES (Qe, Offer QEPR " d | 2 [| Ll hs IW [eo REC ROOM BUILDERS - ik Exceptional ALZTTF, AV § i} | : % § Your b son be # d inte this smert looking . A and practical "Rec Room", Ask Millwork for full details Scotty's Cash and Carry Bargains offer you really oo + they'll tell you how it can be done , , , by yourself, exceptional savings, Visit Millwork today and save. YOU SAVE AND SAVE WITH = SCOTTY'S CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS!! VINYL LINOLEUM FLOOR TILE | FLOOR TILE 9x9". 00 gouge 9 x 9" Standard Gauge Reg. 15¢ Each Reg. 11¢ Each ONLY 13. ea. ONLY i. ea. CASH & CARRY CASH & CARRY MAHOGANY PLYWOOD : w | : "4 HAN Grade a", 4 x 8 , Reg. 20¢ per sq. ft. ¢ per S20 000L Cw ONLY 12 Fy S| HiT CASH & CARRY with MULTI-BLENDING x BRR WALLACR BIRBOTOR, QUALITY CONTRGS. suffered an Injury to his side . during last funday"s game in| For His Own Good foston | He has undergone treatment] TONDON (AP)~The Queen's in Montreal since then and likely| Park Ranger soccer team Wed: | will be ealled up again if there nesday sold its star player, Clive are further injuries to the NHL|Clark, to West Bromwich Albion club's defence corps of the First Division for his "own | Defencemen Doug Harvey and good and protection," Transfer Bob Turner are ready to return|price was $49,000 to regular action next Baturday| George Wodehouse, Ranger when Canadiens are hosts to New president, said that Clark had so York Rangers, Harvey has heen|much ability that other clubs recovering from a shoulder sep-|were putting three men on him) aration and Turner from alin every game with instructions| [to get him | In addition, rightwinger Claude | "For the lad's own safety, we Provost will also he back, An|had to sell his contract to a elub| ankle injury kept him out of sev-|that played a higher brand of eral games |soccer," he sald broken wrist The above are but a few of the tremendous savings you can obtain by pur chasing all your building requirements at Scotty's Cash and Carry Specials + + + Investigate today, find out just how much your savings can be, OPEN DAILY FROM 7:30 TILL 5:30 -- FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M. Millwork & Building Supplies 1279 SIMCOE NORTH LIMITED RA 8-629 EASY BUDGET TERMS ALSO AVAILABLE AT MILLWORK FOR REC, ROOM BUILDERS, Dow blenda the flavor in = to bring out the beat in beer! In every glasaful of Dow you'll find the cool, smooth and friendly flavor that comes from a masterful multi-blending of 00 great individual brews, That's why Dow is always unis form , , , Always perfect , . . the easy-drinking best in beer,