The Oshawa Times, 5 Jan 1961, p. 26

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BD $56 Poe sees wu wow 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Jonvery §, 1961 THE BOOK CORNER All Is Well With The Navy By THE CANADIAN: PRESS Canada's naval veterans of the Second World Wer will be glad! tn know the mavy is shipshape! and in sll respecis ready for section, But there have been some hig ehanges William H. Pugsley tells about the post-war navy in Return to fea (Collins) which also casts a nostalgic eye hack to the adven turous days when the little ships fought the Baitle of the Atlantic Dr, Pugsley, now a lieutenant commander on the reserve 1 tired list, teaches business at MeGill University, The last few summers he has returned to the nayy---io the lower deck which he, joined during the war aller re signing . his commission ss an accounting officer, It was from what experience that he wrote his Yirst book, Saints, Devils andi pioneer seitlers in Alberia Ordinary Seamen His main criticism of the navy in his new hook concerns lack of recreational facilities at the main bases and lack of organization to inform seamen of current events He suggests the navy provide imaginative leadership to offset apathy toward the naval reserve FOUND LUXURIES But he finds tht the culling edge of the "artificial distance" hetween the lower deck and the wardroom has been worn off over the years by the navy's conscious effort (0 eommission worthy men from the mess decks Dr, Pugsley's summers al the hases and al sea (turned up many luxuries the wartime navy lacked, New to him were the re- frigerators and automatic toast ers in the mess decks, The ordinary seamen still paints, scrubs and dumps the sullage but he also has to know about radar plotting, anti . submarine work and naval armament Now the men in the communi eations mess are known as 'com municators" Instead of 'sigs' and "tels,"" Issue clothing is of such fine cloth that today's mate New Symptom The Fast By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A hath soon after surgery, adult histories of childhood ulcers, and the Dodge City syndrome are toples this week of focus on health, DODGE CITY SYNDROME Television westerns have added at least one more hazard to modern life, the American Medical Association reports, More and more young men are turning up with gunshot wounds in the leg and foot, accidentally self-inflicted while practising the fast draw. Doe toré also eall it the "Dodge City syndrome," They point | out that gun eluhbhs have | sprouted across the U8, dedi cated to the fast draw SURGERY TO BATHTUR To get patients hack to nor mal soon after surgery, doctors | now are working at leaving | wounds unbandaged and letling | patients take baths and showers | a5 soon as the day alter their operations In a test of 100 patients, aged 2 to 78, handled in this way after surgery, St, Louis doctors | find no adverse effects on the | healing of clean, well-closed wounds CHILDHOOD ULCERS What happens to the adult who had a duodenal ulcer as a child? A Mayo Clinic study indicates How To Ask For Trouble Ry HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP) Question that only lead to trouble--if you don't watch your answers "Will you have one more for the road?" "My liftle boy tells me (hat. vour little boy has heen bragging that his father can knock the block off my little boy's father Do you believe that yoursell? "Do you want me to see if 1 can fix your television set? I'm no expert, but it's probably just A Tankard Goes Home LONDON (CP)--=More than 50 years ago, a visiting Canadian dropped into a pub in London's dockland area for a quick pint, downed it and departed forever, taking the empty mug with him Today the missing tankard is hack in its rightful spot on the shelf of the California, put there by the landlord, Arthur Germany, alter using it for a toast to the|' culprit Restitution was made by J. W Stewart, manager of the Atlantic division of the Canadian Manu facturers Association Stewart shipped the tankard hack from his home in Moneton, N.B., together with the explana tion that his father had once told him he had a quick one in the California when he worked his passage to Britain in 1906 and forgot to let go the mug" Germany sald he hopes to wfl come Stewart on his next visit to London I shall he delighted to offer him a pint of the very best bitter | | symploms when he becomes an | adult, or an adolescent, The | them, Don't nag, Make a point lot no longer is impelled to buy # "tiddley" uniform which wer- time sailors once wore as thelr best, adorned with gold badges, But some things never change, "Blacklistmen'" still double about with rifles as punishment, The oid language of the mess decks is still spoken--n sailor "flakes out" when he lies down, he Js "filled in" when he is besten up, and he retrieves lost articles from the "seran locker," The fun awd companionship never change either, Mission Among the Buffalo (Ryerson) by JE. Nix is de- voled to the great pert played by the early missionaries in the Canadian West, The au- thor is well qualified for the study, being the grandson of and a minister of the United Church, It includes the story of Rev, George MeDougall, Wesleyan Methodist superin- fendent of missions in the West in 1860, who advanced the church from itinerant and virtually independent missionaries 1o settle par. ishes and missions, BIZARRE, STORY In Mad Shadows (McClelland and Stewart), 21-year-old Marie Claire Blais of Quebee City tells the story of a vain, stupid woman who dotes on hey handsome idiot son and is in constant conflict with her ugly daughter In tracing the family's journey fo inevitable tragedy, Miss Blais manages Lo 'shock occasionally although this reaction is likely to Ihe dulled hy almost continuous emphasis on the grotesque, The book is the English trans lation of La Belle Bete which caused a stir in Quebec literary circles when it was published in French in 1950 The prose has moments of beautiful simplicity and reveals an interesting, if youthful, talent that seems likely to make a lively impact as it develops Draw that the child ulcer sufferer has a 50-50 chance of ulcer Mayo study covered 44 child hood ulcer patients in a follow: up study at ages 15 to 37 FOR PARENTS A doctor's advice to parents perplexed on how to deal with their teen-age offspring Don't ridiewle or deprecate The teen-ager worries enough about how talented, attractive or capable he Is, Don't ignore or he Indifferent, Be interested even if you have to work at it Don't minimize or deride adol escent feelings or emotions Point out realistic factors about firmly and clearly, then drop it Couple liberty with responsi bility, Use of the car should include its washing and polish ing, A party at home means cleaning up afterward, Give the adolescent pralse and reassur ance, space and privacy, When | you criticize, compliment too Follow the threes of child raising: Love, limitations and lgt "em grow up THANKS A LOT Daclors now report something mothers and floorswalking dad dies have long known The age when an infant will start sleeping through the night cannot be predicted with accur acy a loose connection, so If vou'll Just get me a pair of pliers, a hacksaw and A hammer, I'll be gli ad to "Where d'va think you're going to a fire?" "Oh, i's only midnight, Don't you want to stay for just one more hand , o lecoup your losses? KIDS AND CATS "IH your young daughier likes to see Kittens, why don't you bring her by our house this after noon? We have six new-born ones and " | "I you think these martinis aren't quite dry enough, perhaps you'd help me make the next bateh? | "Don't you think if you gave { the wheel a sharp turn to the left, you could squeeze the car in there without tearing off that guy's bumper?" "Are you thie father of the little {boy who has been going around the neighborhood demonstrating his new slingshot?" "If you want a real bargain in a used sports car, how about this one? It was owned by a little old lady who has switched to water skiing." "Otthand, what do you think of the idea of inviting mother to spend the winter with us?" BARYING THE BULLY 'Are you just going to stand the re and let that big bully insult me "Just who do you think you're pushing, Mac?" "Why don't you make a small down payment and let us worry about whehter you can handle the carrying charges?" "Daddy, would you mind show ing me how you used to turn a cartwheel when you were a boy?" | "All right, hig mouth, just tell me what you think your life would have been like if you in the tankard, of course" (hadn't marrjed me." | Serta Ortho De Luxe Ordinarily much higher priced! Why so low a price for a mattress with so much comfort, appear- ance and quality construction? It's a case of co-operation be- tween EATON'S and the manufacturer, We specified the coil count, the type of insulation, the styling, the cover fabric, and, because of a huge quantity purchase, you get this Serta matt- ress at impressive savings, Check the features , , , check the value! Smooth top surface 312 coil springs (in 54" size) ant support, Pre-built borders one of the best antidotes to insomnia_»~ with no buttons, tufts or bumps. all of highly tempered steel, for buoy padded and stitched to add firmness to edges, to avoid sag, and to preserve the neat look when bed is 'made up', Flexolators and sisal padding to prevent shifting of the thick iayers of white cotton felt upholstery, Plastic turning handles when turning the mattress sturdy, strong, durable, for easy handling Cover is a striking stylized stripe in russet tones with white, enhanced by motif in colour of gold, EATON Special Price . Each 9" BOX SPRING specifically designed to give proper support to this 39 50 'es . mattress EAON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 271 EATON Special Price, each SET OF SIX SCREW-IN LEGS to Feamplet te your Set PHONE RA 5.7373 Open your doors to the world of music ,. . Graceful Console Pianos By Mason and Risch . A beautifully crafted piano for family pleasure or party enjoyment Moder~ ately priced, the model illustrated has a responsive touch and fine tone; it combines distinctive design with excellence of workmanship, In gleaming hand-rubbed mahogany veneer, wh $365.00 Your present piano accepted as part payment, EATON'S Budget Charge Terms may be arranged if desired with NO DOWN PAYMENT EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 360 PHONE RA 5.7373 HANDSOME Occasional Tables In French Provincial Style by "Wunder" "Wunder"' - a name synonymous with careful workmanship, Richly fin- ished in colourful 5-ply fruitwood or walnut veneers, with legs and rails in matching tone, A. Step Table, approx. 28 x 18x 25 high, ! Each B. Coffee Table, approx. 40 x 22 x 16 high Each C. Coffee Toble, approx Each D, End Table with lower shelf; approx, 28 x 18 x 22" high EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 470 50x22 x 16" .... 49.95 42.50 40.95 42.50 PHONE RA 5.7373 t I, gr iN. AAHIIRE . . . . Sturdy Metal Ironing Board Adjusts to Desired Height Do your ironing on a board high enough to suit your height ! This beard adjusts up to 35", locks automatically in place. Sturdy steel construction with perforated surface; baked- on turquoise enamel with plastic feet to help prevent sergtehing. Standard 5312 9, i] size. Folds compactly for storage, Each e Ironing Pad and Cover Reg. 2. 99 Thick foam rubber pad provides a soft cushioned surface for ironing, Cover is "Silicone" treated rayon-andscofton, Reflects heat, reduces shing, Wipes. clean with a damp 1. 11 cloth Fits standard, ironing boards Eoch aes EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 254 imited One specials On sale at 6:30 p.m. Friday and only while quantities last PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS UPPER LEVEL WOMEN'S "BAN-LON'" CARDIGANS TO CLEAR ISizes 36 to 40 in the group, Rech. BUDGET "FASHIONS, "DEPT, 348 JUNIOR GARTER BELTS 'SECONDS'---Step-in style; lightly fashioned white mesh elostie 4 00 with four garters. Medium size only, Each CLEARANCE OF MILLINERY--.Hats in velvets and fabrics, , ina good variety of styles 2. 44 and colours. Each ' ' REMNANTS IN PIECE GOODS ! End: of-season elearance'. a tons, rayens; lengths. from V4 yd, to 21% Sil widths from 36" to 54", Rach ..... Vaan AAR TTR Sa CI TEE MALL LEVEL V4 PRICE MEN'S SLACKS -- REG, 8.95 Broken size and colour range; rayon-and- 4. 45 acetate flannel; light grey, brown, medium grey or blue; sizes 32 to 44 in the group. Bach FULL-FASHIONED WALKING SHEER NYLONS---45-gauge, 30-denier; reinforced heel 50 and toe; slim seams. Beige shades; sizes 9 to 11. Pair... i FULL VIEW MIRRORS--Approx. 14 x 48"; sheet glass mirrors in 14" besiwaad frame, 9 69 sanded ready to paint or stain as desired. Each . . LOWER LEVEL QUARTS OF FLOOR ENAMEL TO CLEAR Suitable for cement or wood floors; medium grey and tile red only, Quart 98 WOOD AND FOAMFLEX WEATHERSTRIP SET- Two 7- ft. strips, one 3-ft, stip; 1 59 good for windows or doors, Set 11.95, 29.95 PHONE RA 5.7373 ® andi oh bolts Wools, silks, cots 10.10.00 CLEARANCE OF TRANSISTOR RADIOS Various makes and models some with carrying case. Batteries extra, Bach .... 000 vvensen

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