The Oshawa Times, 5 Jan 1961, p. 23

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voy i ---- FB Sep ansnceas we . Realtor ond General Insurance Newcastle -- Phone 334) 200 Acre DAIRYFARM with machinery end cottle 08 concern, lorge L-shoped drive shed, 44 bulkeooler, otc; 10- roomed house with off mod. em conveniences, Asking $33,000, Terms 200 Acre DAIRYFARM with machinery ond cottle os © | concern, lgrge modem. zed | - sheped mn, rive shed, bulkeooler, ete; roomed home with ell mod- em conveniences, Consider house os down poyment, 150 Acre DAIRYFARM, near Port Perry, L-shoped bonk- born, steel stanchions, weters bowls, | bulkeooler, etc; B+ roomed home with oll mod- mm conveniences, Asking 32,000. Terms erronged, 300 Acre DAIRYFARM with open milk quote, large banks barn with steel stanchions, waterbowls, bulkeooler, silo, elc 10 roomed brick home with gli modern conveniences. Ingluding 60 milk cows, Price ond terms erronged 57 Acre DAIRYFARM with 672 cons quota, bankbarn with woterbowls, drive shed, bulkeooler, etc E-roomed house with furnace, running water, Asking $15,000 with $3,000 down 100 Acre farm near Boncroft, with stream, small barn, gar- oge; S5-roomed house, hydro installed. Price $1,200 92 Acre farm, excellent soil, L-shoped bankbarn, drive shed, garage, water in barn; B-roomed home with running water, heavy wired Asking $16,000, Terms 150 Acre farm, Hope, 100 aocres lorge L-shaped bankbern, drive shed, stream, etc roomed new home with mod- erm conveniences Asking $22,000 silo, west Port workable, 100 Acre farm |ocqted 18 miles from Oshawa, 70 acres workable, 70' x 30' bank. barn, hen house, drive shed, ete; 9-roomed home with furnace Asking $12,000 with $1,500 down 40 Acre farm on 118 high. way, oll workable, 100' x 30' bankbarn, hen house, gar- oge, etc; 12:.roomed brick house with furnace, runnin woter, Asking $11,000 wit $3,000 down 50 Acre farm near Myrtle on paved road, large barn, with running water, stream, hen house, drive shed, ete.[ 14. roomed home with double live ing quarters, All modern conveniences, Price and terms arranged, 10 Acres land on Ne, 2 high- way, [ust east Newtonville, Price $2,300, 7 Lots en Taunton road, just east Darlington-Clarke town. ships townline, Price $650 per lot é:roomed brick home in Osh. awa, all modern econvenls ences. Upstairs rented. Rec. reation room in basement, Asking $14,700 with $3,000 wn 6 Roomed house in Oshawa, all modern conveniences, Up: stairs rented for $70.00 monthly, Asking $11,600 with $1,000 down Frank Hunter RA 5.2974 Donald Mountjoy, MA 3.3950 47 --Automobiles For Sele (47 Automobiles For Sele (50--Asicles for Sele '$2--Legel ( $1500 DOWN Let's not weste time, coll now, see this new | yeer old home located In the north end of Oshowa, three lovely bedrooms, modern kitchen with colored fixtures end ven- ity, wolk-out bosement with lorge bright windows ideo! for large family room, For ntment coll Mr, ro arle Allen, RA 57782, Listings invited JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD LIMITED | REALTOR--INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE §, RA 5-6544 | LOOKING FOR A BUY? Mere it is! Only $12,900, 0 beautiful brick bungelow with ottached garage, only 2 years old, A real borgein, owner leaving for Germany, See this one now, Call Anthony Sib: lock, RA 5:6544 or 5-4362, $500 Full down payment, one mort: goge. 5a rooms, brick bung- glow, Storms end screens plus many extras, a real bargoin, Call now, ask for Bill Swar- brick, RA 5-6544 or 5:8342, ESTABLISHED BUSINESS Quick lunch and variety store with buildings for sale, loc. oted on Bloor 5t, East, Fully equipped store with attached 7 room house in excellent condition plus warehouse ond garages of rear, Property hos o frontage of 53 ft, by a depth of 417 ft. Must be sold. For further information as to price, terms and in~ spection call Jack Appleb now, RA 5.6544 or 3-3398, Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Boord 46--Real Estate Wonted WANTED at once, older home for ex: change, on new five room brick bunge: low, dones Real Estate, KA S-6418 or RA 81566, - WANTED -- Homes in various sections of the city and suburbs, Clients wal: if. Various down poxmenit Call 1, B, nelgrove Company, Ad, RA 5-9810, <3 1998 CREVROLET, con be pen beside Vior 8 Station, King Sixes Bast, Hevoen King. brewery om AL ovons od Lor 58 abuse So, fees for further pasties. 156 FORD ¥Fsiriane, sviomatic lions conch Al wT [761 CREVROLEY (new) two door A ) pg PA iy pio Telephone BA S998 wtier § , , Wi wsi CPC oY Ta a 1 est. : om w toil Beane wl Tord £ Ts I Va J pe, % CHEVROLET BeAr ort ca sve ans, 4b 15 rl tr a Jy BR fi Coens se waste VI _OLDRHORILE, Ons ¢ ¢ bo yate, BA , J DITWNED Chey., show {38586 or Apwiy 199 | WB CRFEROLEY sation wegen, Fad : G5 led = potom atic . , Telophane further k wil 20024 for be BA $298, Gr 5 -~ Private § vd '"w_VoORD " oy or best offer, Telephone [} hone . AVIBVATE Asis Insurance. Bave up io 29 per cept. Six months to poy. For personal service i your home, call RA BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING 87, ~~ OSHAWA Oust Eost of Wilson Road) RA 53-4494 Res, 5-5574 _ USED payments -- 36 months so get here quick FORD Deluxe Fairlaine 6 oon and white, very low clinch this sale white, new motor, power elc car condition throughout MONARCH Tudor Hardt grey and white with mat whitewall tires, ete, You'll be glad you did BUICK 2-door Hardto @ ride in this beauty, FORD Fairlaine Tudor H etc, Beautiful green in drives the way it looks, 47~Automobliles For Sole flan vib " Telaphone © M von for ariner oh orm ation, a 1057 84 JAGUAR, white, Immaculate condition, fii) Has fo be seep to be appreciated RA 6.1886, ) nn wo Hoon, mat + alter" " 3 Ry bf Yon or Sunday, CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS L. A. Perrault Clarke 223) 149 KING ST. W, 1983 Ford; 1953 Plymouth; 19 prices you can't go wrong, WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR SALE - Fireplace wood, sul In ngths of 18" and 24", Free delivery hone MO § 5967 after § p m POR RENT or for sale, new fahoh style bungalow, with garage, ava'lable Row, Telephone MOhawk 8.4182 for fur Wher Information FOR RENT -- ent, with private bath and strane, L Three roomed apart mmediate possession. Apply Apt Dundas Street West FOR RENT = January 1st or before, two + bedroom apartment (apariment buliding) parking. refrigerator, stove) #lso three bedroom house, MO §3391 OR RENT «= Apartmeni, twa nicely rnished roams, hed siting room, Kit ehon, refrigerator and stave heat, light iM water supplied, Private entrance 1 Palace Street FARANCE Sale: Beiween now and ow Year We are clearing our used oN, aL new low prices, Refrigerators uni heavy duly stoves, 819 1d n 9 uni le vision ream suites, like new, $40 up; ohesterfields d Lod $37.98, Ww five pecs chrome suites, 5 % available Midiown Drain: rack Sireet, North. MO #- ARPTIC (anks oleaned he an He tanks installed, Walter inal West. Phone MO 8 Wovinay Special open 3 hou » the driving . Pawney Cab, MO 88131 pos APARTMENT n apartment building, ree rooms, heavy uty ANE, Park 4 ¥o monthly, available December |, lephane NA 83814. RB RENT ~ Furnished room wilh vale enira ioe, In respectable home. all MO #4251 FOR RENT -- Box, boat and cabin trailers, chain saws, skill sows, cement mixers, paint sprayers, shotguns, rifles, ete, WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas EMO 8-3226 HELP US HELP THE NEEDY We need children's clothing, toys, stoves, beds, shoes, fur niture, 137 BROCK ST. 8. SALVATION ARMY WELFARE STORE ww 5 ard, 2563, wi Fo rh. Lat] Quick efficient serv: | FOR RENT «= Furnished light house keeping room, all Sanvenenpes, oon: vl Also garage for vent, Telephone R-5176 for further information. FOR RENT Spacious two-bedroom {apartment, new building, refrigerator, {#tove, TV outlet, individual thermostat, | $9uinped laundry, adults preferred. MO EX] | RinERS wanted "Whithy 10 Toronta, [{nivwing 7:30 a.m. For further informa: flan oall MO 8.3548, DEALER \n live poultey and feathers, Contact Jake Parker, MO 8.3644 collect FOR RENT. -- Holf contained three roomed heated apartment, heavy duly wiring, laundry in basement. #68 month. ly, AR ly 107 Keith, MO 84378, FOR RENT = Large 7 room house all eanveniences, oll heated, good park Ing facilities, quiet street, $85 monthly Telephone MO 8.3220 after §. Rehan ntl ln cos, eeniry ation, Oshawa, RA 37473 hig io FOR WENT = Modern twa hedrodm Arariment, handy to Nahway and shof pat oenire, dearated fo your choice of olor, private entrance, main floor, RA 0 33 --~ i R RENT = Three and four reamed Apartments, clase ta sehoals Far ing space, Apply 300 High Street, Whithy |FOR RENT -- Twa furnished house keeping reams, complete with refriger. ator and stove, near shopping area Telephone MO #4636 after 4 pom, FOR RENT = Three-room apartment, riferaton, slave and private Talk | monthly, 707 Brock Soulh, le. {Rhone MO 38004. EXPERIENCED Ontario County Aue: tlaneer naw available for the Wh area. Call Allen Curtis, at MO 8.8743 EXPERIENCED fine and rough carpen tor. Just moved inte town, Cupboards, floors; ceilings, vge-rooms, ete. No job too small. Al tis 4143, YEAR CLOSE OUT ea OF ALL . , , Better hurry, this special will go fast completely winterized Vietor close to new-car performance, #1, just sitting and waiting to portation, Prices range from $40.00 to § 275% SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, Tel, RAndolgh 3-346) ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES - BENZ DKW SALES AN DSERVICE 408 KING W,, OSHAWA | RA 57132 END CARS AT REDUCED PRICES SAVE UP TO 30% 1960 FORD Demonstrators, V/B's, b-cyl,, automatic transmis sion, Tudors and Fordors to be sold ot cost -- no down Speed is of the essence, (panel baby eribs, hall price $20; spring: to pay |Hundreds of yards floor coverings, re: cyl. tudor, beautiful tutone mar- mileage, The first test drive will $1745.00 FORD Fairline V/B 500 sedan, sharp tutone brown ond steering, automatic transmission, $1345.00 VAUXHALL Victor Sedan, immaculate black finish, new 5.00 op, This sweetheart will deliver Its finish in @ medium ching interior, What a ride you Let it snow, ne worry in this 989 get; ond fo make it even better, there's push-button auto metic transmission, climate control air conditioning heater, Relax behind the wheel of this one, , $1295.00 You won't find a rattle or a squeak In this top-performing car, Its finished in a dark green with whitewall tires end on extra clean metehing twodone green interior, Other equipment includes custom radio, automatic tronsmission, window washers, ete, Try ardtop, Here is a honey; lovely 2-tone green; custom radio, power brakes, whitewall tires, This cor terior just like new, If you ere it's extremely clean, witra-particular about a car, this is the ene to buy, SPECIAL SALE OF CHEAPIES 81 Chevrolet; 1951 Studebakers, ive you oy) 2nd cor transe 5.00 == for those MANY OTHER MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM TERMS 36 MONTHS TO PAY 10% DOWN NO PAYMENTS TILL MARCH SEAWAY MOTORS LIMITED 200 DUNDAS ST, W., WHITBY MO 8-3331 -| Volumes est Siarature, with bookcase, Like new. ! rie Vics AA mn hd == GERAAN Ponies, female, (ownd wom of Oshawa, Owner wey hove Ei) SREP sich ad Fromk| pore only V4 sme ~ Bark: 16 witch Elesetnl, has. a ! ote {WEAvY wel black and ton bond 4 Vio Phone collect Ba 198%, av. HEAT yond Wied, B04 Wed ox Lore in £2 oot a vin, Thr Budgh Vion, RA 546) VACUUM cleaner reptirs ofl makes, a, gehments, brushes, ENRIsR- machines mm, [iemals Beuum Cleaner Repair v , BA B51 anytime, OFFICE; sore and ment, We buy and sell, new | rms. Anyihisg mn vrede, "0 amiiton, Ashburn, Brookibn. $15, ENCYELOPAEDIAS, worth $925, 16 | World Atlas, 12 World's Grast RA 89525, , L, - ad AWNINGS, plain or striped. Prompt! sorvige, free estimates Order now Chair, {ied rentals, Cleve Fox, 42 keen NOM. sm SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re washers, planes, nth offer eon | WE pay highest pricks in the eity for weed furniture. vetty's Used Fund ture Blore, BA 33271, 434 Bimene South LARGE selection of reconditioned tele visions, Must clear now at the lowest prices ever, Parkway Television, 01 Simeoe North, | JANUARY Furniture Bole, Famous {brand names, costs are forgotten {Three piece bedroom suiie, double dresser, bookease hed, ehiffonier, half price $99; two-piece Kroehler chester: field' suite, pir foam cushions, nylon up holstery, half price $138; two-plece chesterfield suite, four seater, foam eushions, smart syiing, one only $144 Space saver davenport, wn only $47 aple nk beds, complete with mat | tresses, $56; continental heds, single | size, $24; spring filled mattresses, all} sizes, limited quantity, $18; large full fled erih mattresses, half price, {duced to 25¢ a foots unpainted furniture greatly reduced, Five-piege chrome kit: chen suite, 825; chrome kitchen chairs, $3.59. Hundreds of fabulous bargaing Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street ONE ONLY SAVE $107.98 10" radial arm saw complete with three drawer cabinet, brand new, for heavy duty service in your home or shop, Many accessories included absolutely free, Was $377.93 now only $269.95 at $14 o month, Call now RA 5-478) or RA 5-6927 or RA 5.9854, ALUMINUM DOOR AND WINDCWS! Special Reduced Price, or We Sell, Cosh end Carry, CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAJDA 4B] DREW ST, RA 3-985) SEWING MACHINES CLEARANCE SALE SAVE UP TO $150.00 ® FLOOR MODELS ® DEMONSTRATORS PORTABLES ~~ CONSOLE MODELS, forward and re. verse stitch, Zig-zeg and fully autematic, INCLUDING CHERNEY'S AND WHITE 20 YEAR GUARANTEE CHERNEY'S WHITE SEWING CENTRE B80 KING ST, E DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH AB-~Automobiles Wanted LAKERHORE Aule Wreckers aars for wrecking, Highest prices paid LILLE SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid off : DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §, | RA 3:9421 AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM: PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR = TUNE.UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W, RA 3.7822 CASH For any choice clean cor-- Trade up or down MACKIE'S MOTORS KING ST. E., VARCOE'S RD, RA 5.5743 WAL WASHING machine space, |80--Articles For Sale Ls ter, all lin good condition, reasonable. Apply 730 Simeoe Street South, Apl, 4, after § pm SIX - plege walnut dining suite $100; new hunk bed gutfit red maple, when wheel style with chair, 880) ler Schhuert special plana $300, Telephone HA 5.0409 after & pm FREE with this ad, rubber heels or litt with every pair of hall soles re: paired mens er ladies, time limited, hoe Hervice, 488 Simcoe Streed South, next ta Rare or Wil makes HOUSTON'S GARAGE ARE ote a AY mate d reganditioned washers Paddy's Market, Hampion, CO 8-314 OMINION Appliances (a di of patty Bros) now sold al y's Market, Hamplon. A sampidte line of Jhahances at hard ta heal prices, CO GET THAT FREE ESTIMATE On that worn out bathreem today, phone: Guscott Plumbing RA 5-5132 207 Simcoe § FEMALE HELP WANTED LADY FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK Typing necessary, permanent position, full time, benefits, start immediately, WRITE BOX 904 OSHAWA TIMES, WHITBY brand new Hurther details. CASH FOR YOUR CAR Trade Up or Down Liens Paid Off WILBAK MOTORS 137 King W RA 5.0732 50---Articles For Sale i MOTORCYOLE 100, BRA 630 (win, Ex. cellent condition. Telephone RA 3.4630 between hours 5:30 ta 8 pom, UNPAINTED chest with five drawers, Telephone RA 8.1584 for Lae Nr. she di coat, med with Persian titted lamb, aise 14, Telephone RA 51341 All aluminum produgts s- Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving, One contract, nothing down, For free estimates call w= Aluma Seal Co. | RA 5:9365 ANYTIME Variety of 15" car wheels $3 each, alse body solder and plastic solder, SHAW AUTO WRECKING | 89 BLOOR EAST ! RA 5.2311 FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS BOATS g FIBRE GLASS BOAT COVERING KITS Brass screws, anchor fast nails, Boats repaired, painting and varnishing, Mater stars age, ANNAN MARINE SALES 20 RAY ST, RA 8.8853 SALE Products of the best quality at the best rices, fully guaranteed, uble hung windews enly $18, Coll now, Lymer Aluminum Co, RA 8.5385 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT or FOR SALE Hospital beds, wheel chairs, invalid walkers, hedsides, commodes, crutches and canes, also roll-away beds. Phone Aid Rentals RA 5.1644 ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS We Sell the Best ond Repair the Rest Replacing Glass, Screens, ete, FOR FAST EFFICIENT 'SERVICE Aluminum JIM ELLIOTT RA 3.2866 52--Legol i. Pos Dousian Girard, wil wif Be ratoon. for any debis iracied In my by my wile, Barbers Arlene Gig on or siter this dete, Jenupry §, ly Without my written consent Signed ~~ Doves Ghrard IN THE COUNTY veslbural sag | COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO HIS HONOUR JUDGE A. R WILMOTT THURSDAY, THE TWENTY-SECOND DAY OF DECEMBER, A. D. 1960 IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 309 OF THE CORPORATIONS ACT STATUTES OF ONT- ARIO 1953 CHAPTER 19 AND AMEN D- MENTS THERETO; AND IN THE MATTER OF THE POLISH SOC- IETY OF OSHAWA, ORDER UPON: the application of Joseph Baran, end upon read ing 'the offidavits of Joseph Boron sworn the 1st doy of October, 1959, filed, and of Gilbert Logan Murdoch, sworn the th day of October, 1959, filed, ond upon reading o true copy of the origina| ree ord of Letters Patent of The Polish Society of Oshawa, certified to be a true copy over the signoture of R, J, Cudney, Popury Provincial Secretary, and doted the 6th doy of November, 1959, and upon hearing counsel for the applicant: 1, IT IS ORDERED that o meeting of the members of the Polish Society of Oshawa be held at 219 Olive Avenue in the City of Oshawa, in the County and Province of On. tario on Friday, the 24th day of February, 1961, ot the hour of 7.5 o'clock in the evening, 2, AND IT 1§ FURTHER ORDERED that this Order be served by personal service upon Wincenty Kolodziej and Jan Goryehi, both of the seid City of Oshawa, 3. AND IT 15 FURTHER ORDERED that this Order be published in the English Lane wage in the Oshawa Daily Imes, a newspaper published in the City of Oshawa, each week for three consecutive weeks, and in the Polish lan- guage In Zwiazkowiee, a newspaper published in the City of Torente in the County of York, each week for three consecutive weeks, 4, AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Joseph Baran of the City of Oshawa shall act as chairman of the said meeting 5 AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the chairmen of the meeting shall deters mine who are members in ood standing of the Polish ociety of Oshawa, and for this purpose consideration shall be given by the chairs man as to what persons were members of the said Polish Society as at the 30th day of March, 1953, and failure by such members to have paid any annual membership fee since that date shall not des prive such persons from being members in goed standing as at the date of such meeting, 6, AND IT IS FURTHE ORDERED that the chairman of the meeting shall conduct the election of five directors of the said Polish Society of Oshawa, 7. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the directors 80 elected shall forthwith pom by«laws for the said olish Society of Oshawa and do all other things which In their opinion are necessary to place the corporate pros ceedings of the sald Polish Society of Oshawa In good standing, 8. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Directors %0 elected do forthwith call @ meeting of the members of the said Polish Society of Oshawa for the purpose of confirming the by-laws passed in accordance with Paragraph Seven hereof, 9. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Directors elected In accordance with Paragraph Six hereof may apply to a Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario for such further order as the Court deems Necaary in the A tion of the said Polish Society of Oshawa. 0.8. Folio 239 Entered 23/12/60 BA Sgd. "A. R, WILMOTT* Judge THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thendey, Jonsery §, 1961 23 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS WN THE ESTATE OF FRED. ERICK JOHN TANTION, der eos ALL persons having cisime sgsingt the estate of the seid Frederick John Tenton, lote of the City of Oshows, in the County of Ontgns, Retired Bsilitf, decensed, who ded on or chout the 30th doy of April, 1958, ore required to file proof of the seme with the undersigned Administra: tor of the estote of the soid dececsed on or before the 19th doy of Jorwery, AD, 1961, ofter which doe the seid Administrator will pro. ceed to distribute the seid estote, having regerd only to the claims of which he shell then hove notice, DATED ot Oshows, Onterio, this 29th dey of December AD, 1960, Albert W. Armstrong, Administrator, By CREIGHTON, FRASER DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, his solicitors herein, EXPY ion of suite and Christmas gift of a turkey, : Mrs, Leith Byers gave the re port of Good er commitiee, Mrs. Carnaghen, president for wnt (1061, asked pew executive THE PUBLIC UTILITIES |[ieht have power to elect group leaders, choose , oe, ~ COMMISSION OF TH granted, -- F 0" I" A minute's silence was ob CITY OF OSHAWA served fn memory of Mrs, James! TENDERS Henry, This was [followed by prayer, i FOR THE SUPPLY OF RU eqll was answered by an! exchange of gifts, After some! COACH OPERATORS UNIFORMS more carols were sung, # delicl! {ous lunch was served snd socis! Sealed tenders oddressed to Mr. G. F, Shreve, General | Manager ond Secretary, The Public Utilities Commission, 100 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario, will be re- ceived until 12 o'clogk noon, EST. on Monday, January 16th, 1961 Specifications as to color, cut, buttons, lining, ete, me be obtained ot the office of the Transportation Superin- tendent, 185 Hillcroft Street, Oshawa, Ontario, The lowest or ony tender |AT MEET not necessarily occepted, Wednesday evening Dee, 28,| G. F. SHREVE, {about 300 citizens of Cartwright! Miss Beth Strong was hostess for a kitchen shower in honor of| Mrs, George Gibbs (Joan Ross) lon Wednesday afternoon i | As their challenge, necessary io} [obtain their Gold Cord, two Girl) Guides from Port Perry -- Mar.| |garet Ann Witherspoon and Don. na Marie Heayn planned and car! {tied out a party for Blackstock) {Brownie Pack No, 2 in the Com- munity Hall Wednesday after. noon, ed these two Guides, General Manager | wd Secret | NC Sey raion Centre sr bers of the 1961 eouneil, | genial MC and started the enter: tainment with all singing O Can. ada, Mrs, Montgomery, Oshawa, then entertained the erowd with many humorous songs for old and young with the audience joining' USE THE OSHAWA TIMES helf hour spent IH imas guest Township enjoyed an evening's surgery in Oshawa hospital, entertainment in the Recreation! ed hy the mem. Reeve Bruce Ashion was the| United Church How) from here cudden Walter Howsam, Tuesday, days, yr, end Mrs, David Romeril snd Paul, Delta, spent Monday to Friday with Rey, and Mrs, P, Romeril and Denn Rey, and Mrs, son, Miriam, Pauline Stratford, soled m wo" i, md erguson n the iA Wrights Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Blinson and family, Yelverton, ASA Thursdgy supper guests r, end Mrs, Walter Wright and iris, oo and Mrs, Ronald Drink. water and family, Ottawa, spent the long weekend with Mrs, W.W. Van Camp. Miss Mable Ven Camp, Toronto, Mr, #8 Mrs, Stephen Saywell and Mar. garet and Miss Helen Yan Camp, nd Joye, , 'Corl Brown Owl Shirley Turner list. | Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Blake Gunter and children were Christ s Glad to report title Tod Mar. tyn Is progressing favorably after Mr, Ted Glover, Oshawa, is nssisting in Martyn's store during the holidays, Mr, and Mrs, Leith Byers, Miss Miriam Swain and Mr, Bob Bennett, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Murray Byers, Jim snd Janice were Saturday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Herb ain, Donald and Ralph, i CLASSIFIED {Lynda Puckrin, Plane accordion| Past Patron James PORT PERRY ~ The regular COLUMNS meeting of Blue Jax Chapler, No, AUDLEY 238, OV.8 was held in the Masonic AUDLEY ~-- About 80 sat down Temple, Queen street, with a to the annual Sunday Bchool pot-| splendid attendance of members, luck supper last week, The super-| The Worthy Matron, Adella Intendent, Fred Puckrin, was White and her staff of officers chairman, Rev, M, Buttars show-| carried out the opening exerelses ed colored slides on the Birth of in fine fashion and all officers Jesus, Plano selections were play:| were in their respective positions ed hy Marilyn Hedge, Peggy| with the exception of two, These Bquire, Busan Wiehards and| offices were capably filled by andison and numbers were played by -Linda Hervey Painter, Izatt and Grace Powell, Mr. Phe minutes were read by the Robin Nicholson was at the plano secretary, Margaret Carnegle, for carol-singing, mw and ahproved. The Benevo- ent Committee Report was pre. SAME TRUSTEES : sented by the convener, Mrs, ro. Bacrament of the Lord's Bupper| sie Robertson, and stated that 16 will be observed next Bunday, |haskets of Christmas Cheer were The trustees of Audley school sent out to the shul-ins and four remain the same, Ronald Cox, families were assisted with cloth dohn Puckrin and Dick Winter, ing, ete, A special thank you was Dick was re-elected at the annual extended to the merchanis of the meeting community who so generously The Baggotsville school trustees | donated articles to this worthy also remain the same following| project, The Associate Matron, the annual meeting, They are Doris Nottingham and Past Ma. Bert Guthrie, Bob Pardon and tron, Margaret Hood had rather Fred Peckover | a lengthy report for the Sick and The community elub will hold| Sunshine, We extend best wishes the first meeting of the new year|to our members who are ill and at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Wm, [hope that their stay in hospital Brown, this Saturday evening, | will be short, Sympathy was ex- Mrs, 8, Sorenson was able to/tended to Past Patron James he home from the hospital for|Sandison and his slster, Sarah Christmas, Kight, In the loss of their brother, Mr, and Mrs, Cyril Richards! The financial report was given by and family, Toronto, were with| the treasurer, Alma Reesor and the Alex Richards family on Bat;| Several invitations were received urday, from™various chapters and held Mrs, Karl Batty, Mr, and Mrs, over until the first meeting In Roh Batty and amily, Mp and vinuary, Mrs, Jim Batty and family of gpypn MATRONS Brooklin, Mr, and Mrs, A, Thomp:| Ma rh Matron, Adella son and family, Dwight, Mr. and| white had the pleasure of wel: Mrs, Bill Guthrie and family, coming seven past matrons Mes, W, H, Guthrie and Mr, Dick| und two past patrons of Blue Ray Guthrie were at Bert Guthrie's) Chapter to the East, these wore on Saturday, Mabel Chapman, Jessie Bsple, Mrs, I". Diederigh, Unionville, Margaret Cornish, Margaret Jol: and her daughter, Mrs, G, Squair,| trey, Marion Bandison, Margaret Oshawa, spent the weekend at the Carnegle, Margaret Hood, James home of Mr, and Mrs, Basil Sandison and Leonard Colbear, A Churchyard, _|apecial welcome was given our Mr, and Mrs, Art Brown, Rioky| only visitor; Allee Barthau, who and Jimmy spent the weekend at is a member of Laurel Chapter, the home of Mr, and Mrs, Keith Toronto and a wonderful worker Blue Ray Chapte Holds Meeting Plans were discussed for a Burns' Supper by the Benevolent Committee and the Refreshment Commitiee are trying to arrange a Variety Night for some evening in the near future, It was announced that the in. spection for the Chapter would be held early In January - special practice will be held for this preparation, The Helo was closed In reg. ular form and the entertainment committee under the leadership of the Conduetress Emma Cook took over for the Christmas Party, Christmas Carols, contests and old Banta himself rounded out the Pogram with the distribution of gifts, Music was supplied by Gor. don Thomas, Guest artists were Judy Manns and Lloyd Mahaffy, who delighted everyone with their Jolly numbres, The Christmas Cake 'Draw, in tharge of Marion Bandison and her a and Means Commiltee, was held with the following win. ners, Barah Kight, Olive Painter and a gentleman from Oshawa, The grocery hamper was won b the Worthy Patron Leonard Col bear, Other lucky winners were Roy Cornish, Margaret Carnegie, Alice Barthau and James Sandi. son who all received fancy short. bread for their prize, Proceeds from the eake draw amounted to $20 and the other draw amounted to $10.65 which was sponsored by the entertainment committee, Proceeds will be used for the welfare of the Chapter work, The banquet table was laden down with goodies and was de. lightfully arranged in the Christ. mas theme with the emblematie star of our Order making a strike Ing centrepiece, The refreshment committee, under the convenres ship of Associate Conduetress Reryl Miller are to be congratus lated on the attractive selting, EARLIER FAILURES The first successful appendix operation recorded was pers formed in 1736 by Claudius Am. Barnett, Scarboro, in our local Chapter, yand, surgeon to George II, OTHER PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, James Rapsey, Brian, David and John spent Christmas week with Mr, Aw MERRY MENAGERIE sey's parents, Mr, and Mra, M, Rapaey of Windsor, re, T. Annan spent Christmas week at the home of her son Jack and Mrs, Annan, Whithy, Mr, and Mrs, Dick Winter and boys were at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Hamer, Brook. lin, for New Year's, Mr, and Mrs, David Cowle Courtice, Mrs, David Mowat and Margaret, Whitey, were at the home of Mrs, J, Cowle, Mr, and Mrs, J, Van den Hurst, Bradford, were with Mr, and Mrs, A, Kampman, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Puckrin and family were at the Hollinger fam. lly gathering at Soarbore, Mr, and Mrs, Art Hedge, Mari: Iyn and Billy, and Mr, and Mra, Mac Hedge were at the home of Mr, and Mrs, James Hedge, Osh awa, Mr, and Mrs, Dick Puckrin and the four bays are moving back to thelr home in Avdley a week from Elliot Lake where Dick's contract has terminated, Mr, and Mrs, C, Martin and | Michael Young of Leskard, and Qk Der! | Mr, Charlie Puckrin were with Mr, and Mrs, Earl Puckrin for New Year's, Tl A Sl

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