The Oshawa Times, 5 Jan 1961, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thersdoy, Jenuery Vd 196 : Furore Over Woods Fairy | RIVIERE . DU » MOULIN, i 7 Que, (CP)--~A mild eontroversy i = & ; bas sprupg up in this smell Paguenasy River community over & fairy of the woods, i No apparition this, but 8 statue ' erected in 8 tiny roadside park | intended to impress people with | the importance of forest conser: ' vation % Named La Fee des Bois the siaiue is the work of sculplor Raoul Hupter, cartoonist for Que- bee Le Soleil, Commissioned by a local forest conservation and protection group, it is made of sluminum, one of the Baguensy's principal | exports, . Publie sentiment since the un' veliing has varied, Some venture the opinion that it is scandalous and indecent, others that it is pretty but should be dressed Rene Bergeron, owner of the Canadian art store in Riviere-du Loup, said: "As 8 work of art} it is very beautiful, 1 can't say 1 would have done it the same way myself, but 1 can say | find i pleasing. Her nudity seems fo me to be subdued enough by the in- distinctness of the oultine," mas Doyle President hymn, 7 Mrs "Doyle; Mills Bradley Mrs, ary PJ, Flint irs monthly pianist munity f Tom Mrs, H 4 Bleve ards; Gro Metcalf, Mr H, Stevens, fery PRIEST DISLIKES IT Mrs Rev Klzea Grenon, parish 4 priest: "My personal opinion is that they should not have erected A statue Lo a non-exisinet person, to a fairy, Evidently my opinion was not asked until the statue was actually erected. 1 want to say that 1 don't like it." 4 Mayor Charles - Ernest Trem blay: "From an artistic point of view, it is certainly very beauti ful, The fact that the body lines | 4 are a little vague reduces for the * most part the impression of nud # wk ity. I think it's a little daring for " PE our region but we must recognize " we are living in the 1960s," FAIRY STATUE Police Chief Charles. - Eugene) Pelletier: "If the status wii Aa accustomed fo its presence in a erste everyone it would be : {nl dors ull by SVeryon oes. not un. few months, Personally, 1 think derstand this work, Some of the|lt Is very well done, but I deplore children make obscene remarks|the feet that the young people shout it, I think everyone will be! ridicule it," Battle On Against Dread Animal Disease By MICHAEL WEIGALL |emergency allocation of $107,000 ROME (Reuters) Govern-|to combat the disease, and other ments and the United Nations funds will be diveried to the are drawing up emergency meas- battle by the UN technical assist ures to combat a disease which ance board, These will help such has killed hundreds of thousands countries as Turkey, India and of horses, mules and donkeys in Pakistan to start producing thelr Asia and now is expected to In-lown vaccine, This already has vade Europe, been done in Iran, one of the The virus, known as African worst-hit countries, where half sickness, last summer spread the equine population, about 100 like wildfire through parts of the 000 horses, so far has perished Middle East and India, The UN's] African horse sickness, which Food and Agriculture Organiza. affects the lungs and intestines, tion, after collating reports from first was discovered outside Af its members, now has warned|rica last October when blood that there is a "serious risk" of specimens from diseased animals the insect-horne disease spread-|in Afghanistan and Pakistan were ing Into Europe, especially East-| studied ern Europe, the Mediterranean = - countries and the Soviet Union STUDENT EXCHANGE It could have very serious con. MEXICO CITY (Reuters) sequences in such countries as new ox seriment in student Bulgaria, Yugeslav and Greece,| periment in student ex (changes involving families here where agriculture relies heavily i oR Animal. {and in the state of Michigan has [Deen organized by Rev, Ricardo APPEAR IN SPRING Reitmer, director of a Roman FAO spokesmen say frosty Catholic school here, The pro weather, by killing the earrier Bram CHRISTMA With Mr Mr . A calls for two.month ex insects, probably will cause a Changes of students between 10 temporary cessation of infection ANd 18 years old, during the winter months, but the disease "almost certainly' will LESS WHEAT appear Again in infected coun.) Australia produced 194,000,000 tries in the spring of 1061 unless bushels of wheat in 1050.60, a mass vaccination {s carried out, drop of 21,000,000 from the pre The FAO already has made an!vious year, ANNUAL JANUARY " LAMPS - FIXTURES POLE LAMPS-CHIMES LAMP SHADES-ROOM DIVIDERS - PLAQUES 0 to 50% REDUCTIONS Why not start the New Year with a Resolution to get new 'Lighting' for your home at savings to make even the most thrifty hoppy? Thousands of lamps in TRADITIONAL « CON. TEMPORARY - ang EARLY CANA. DIAN STYLING, Have our trained Lighting Specialists help you with your selection, Lighting Unlimited CANADA'S LEADING CHAN OF NOME LIGHTING SPECIALISTS SHOPPING CENTRE RA 8.0922 -- OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. FRIDAY e meeting with a reading end} With Mr man on Christmas Day Haneock and Paul Reports of the year's work willl Mrs. Charles and Mrs he made out at $. Doyle on Jan, 4. The fol lowing slate of officers for 1961 / "vas presented hy Mrs, Howard Mantord Goodmurp Bradley; Past presidents, Mrs, $ | Stephen and Doug president, 4 vice-president, J i Bailey; secretary, Mrs, Howard Christmas leave corresponding secre- r, Mrs. W, an Stewardship secretary, Mrs, | sordon Beech; Christian Citizen. ip seqretary, Mrs, Lloyd Spow- Iferature secretary, Mrs Mrs Locke and Mrs ess for Christmas dinner and Mrs = 'Maple Grove WMS Meets MAPLE GROVE -- The Christ {Alan end Paul meeting of Maple Groveland Mrs. Harry WMS Evening Auxilisry was held) and Judy, Oshaw at the home of Mrs, Steve Doyle on Dee [iriver Maple Grove 2 Mrs. Doyle opened the home of| Oakville; Mr he Hindman Janet Ceeil Grove Mrs, Mrs, D| ents, Mr Jack Hurrie, treasur. #nd family, H, Brown; Chris Christmas Mr. and Mrs Mrs, off supply secretary, Ld missionary Bert Snowden Steve Doyle; com secretary, auditors Mel Ed up leaders, Mrs, H s. P. J. Flintoff, Mrs Mrs, Stephen Jef Mills, RN, Mills Mr. and and Gary guests with Jeffery, Mr Doy rienship MeGuirk Mr and Michael day night wit T. Collies Chr and My were his Edgar Malartic bel, Mr,' tre, Mi Worship service was in charge Morley Flintofl's group and opened with a hymn § VISITORS and Mrs, Morley Buy were Glasgow and Harry Bouch Eimer Cox, Shaws Burgess and Mrs, L Diane Hampton. Mr Laird Wilton, Picton with and Mrs DINNER GUESTS dinner Ceell family, were Mr, W. E Carple and Bruce Chester ard Bruce all of Ennis Mrs Mr Doyle and family and Mrs, Roy Colliss, finden, si § mother Erie and and My aa EE a {of Oshaws; Mr, Poul Duble, Que-| bee City ' Mr, and Mrs, Len Good: Oshawa, were weszend Mr, and Mrs, Ron Rogers and Christmas visors were Mr, and | Mrs, Robert Rogers, Sr., Bow: manvilie; Mr, and Mrs, Arjhur | Smith snd family, Whithys Mr ond Mrs Howsed Hagelorn SA By W. MANTYRE WOOD (Market six countries and and Mrs, Bill Davidson, 10 Special to The Oshawa Times [Outer Seven. Bob Goodmurphy and Sandra London -- Much of the specs yup pope var ye Snowden, Kitchener lation as to the future political The meeting which is to be Mr, and Mrs, Walter Doyle Whity of western Europe Js Iikely held in Paris later this month is and family, Richvale, visited Mz [10 Pe cleared away at 8 meet | Lr" Co sive and Mrs, Steve Doyle on Mon ng 94 thie \endérs of the six Com series of discussions Delween day me ! to n iim a kid Richard Mclean arrived home 8 Paris lafer this month, | have misters of the bly ouniries in for the Christmas holidays with learned that this meeting has ooo, Lond belween Presi his mother, Mrs, Wilfred Me heen called specifically to discuss! "0 or 0 one and Lean, after a six month's stay in Proposals for new steps towards oo 0, ToC oC West Saskatchewan with relatives grealer political unity between! crmany, Later, Dr Mr, and Mrs, Ted Foley, Doro ¥ "> "met wit ene! . thy and Don snd Roger Bickers, The question of political unity, ne" h French Prime Minis Bese Lise were Christmas din 's one of the major stumbling ner guests with Mr, and Mrs, blocks in the way of Britain be Lou Hockin and edlers on Christ- coming associated with the Com mas Day were cousin Mr, and mon Market, and in the way of Mrs, Lawrence Staples and fam. integration between the Common fly, Bethany; Mr, and Mrs. Rob " Ee -- 4 ert Wallace and family, Osh Holiday guests with Mr, 80d gicouccod the question of greater ava, Mes, D.C, Bailey were Mr, and potitical unity af iis meeting is Mr, and Mrs, Dawson Beckett Mrs, Russ Hodges and Brion: |giacchurg some six weeks 220, and family were Christmas Mr, and Mrs, Harry Arnold and guests of Mr, Orville Beckett, Noreen; Mr, and Mrs, Ted Ar Tyrone noid and family: Mr, and Mrs Mr. and Mrs James Arnold, all of Oshawa tr David and Jim were Christmas Mr. and Mrs, Ron Pingle, Dow. I dinner zuests of Mr, and Mrs. gas and David attended the Pin. EDGES WORN OFY Bam Snowden and sons gle family gathering at Memorial] Gradusily, the Mr, and Mrs, Brenion Bran. Hall, Bowmanville on Christ- the initial proposals made by the nigan, Bowmanville, visited Mr, mas Day, | French pr y and Mrs, Ron Rogers and dsugh-| Mr, snd Mrs, Lloyd Snowden tical cohesion fo Ful fers on Monday and Betty," Mr. and Mrs, Garry worn off as France's Miss Mildred Snowden spent g Pettit, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sp put their objections one by one couple of days with friends in den and family attended a | Out of the Montreal) gathering at the | vd lent fact has Mr, and Jim Colliss and Mrs, Bill Lew] on the other five countries of the her parent and Mrs, ¥rapk Monday European Economic Community Peter Le. Moore ere mas dinner Mrs. T, Colliss and Ernest were was prepared to agree to apy Mrs, Ted dinner guests of Mr Mrs. | thing would interfere with Fernand Ron fs of Oshaw Jim Colliss on Boxing Day the extensive powers of the al Toronto, Mr Lenore and Mrs and Mrs family, Mr Mr and Hind Mr. and Orville and and Mrs , Shells 5, Maple Dorothy Couve de Murvil there were bilateral talks be- tween statesmen in the various capitals of the Common Market countries, The spent bis his par R. 5, Wilton with and Begley Miss Shirley guests Mills were eritical of the far-reaching genearl agreement on the need Alan Snowden {for some steps in that direction discussions one sa emi None of red Bowmanville, and and whit Jean Lebel all Camp, Introducing A hap Ol] the Vian will "merds meetings iter Debre and Foreign Minister | European pariiament sso "re Although many of the speakers Geo, Leach and boys; harp edges of pupn sident for giving poli- partners ER dh ff Ste bf Ea . Ed a fresdy existing three Eaopcan(TUsraday aflesnomm, communities, the Codl snd Sted ladies sre asked Community, Furstom and the penny bags, [Common Market Miss Catherine Christie is with At" the moment, the future her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. G. form of Europess political er- Christie, Baltimore, Md., for the ganization is something that ean hol'days. Mr, and Mrs. E. W, Crosier, 4 Lake, spent week with sot be seen in #8 erystal ball, It is still doubtful whether a real'% . 2 , to bring politi- kis mother, Mrs, ¥, Crosier, cal unity to Westers Europe. Mrs, Hannah Johnston eslebrat- But the coming meeting in Paris od her 96th birthday last Friday. will go a long way towares dear ing the alr, acd removing much of the mystery from the present situation, land Mrs. Wes Crosier of Sunder. MANCHESTER attended the golden wedding tand MANCHESTER ~ Ainong the suniversary of Mr, and Mrs, Mrs, W, FP. Crosier with Mr, Adenager holidey visitors here were Mr. D, W, Crosier, Stouffville, last ednesday, and Mrs. Harry Jewel and fam w Pinedale, Mr. and Mrs, K80| poses Tounehip Council held In between, Fielding and family and Mrs! ein § al ing on Tues: Piclding, $r.. Utica, with Mr. Linstead. and Mrs. A, Fielding. Miss Hazel 27; Am. 3 prin the in Grego, Port Colborne, with Mr, and Mrs, W, W, Holthy; Mr, ad "598 ceremony, Fspie and children, Port Perry; Mr, and Mrs, Russell! DRIVING PROGRAM Lesch, Columbus, Mrs, Mable PORT ARTHUR, Ont, (CP)-- Leach, Epsom, with Mr, and Mrs, The Bosrd of Education author Mr. and wed expenditure of $3,000 to keep Mrs, Taylor and Brenda, Stoufl- the high school driver training ville, with Mrs. Crosier; M rs, Program in operation after a fuel Schnapp, Bullalo, with Mrs, Bain company which provided free gas nd Karl Mitchell; Mrs, Alex #4 bil withdrew and instructors Hewitt, Carnarvon, Miss Carrie asked for higher pay. About 120 Mr. and Mrs, Cranley students take the course, and girls, Mr. and Mrs. R, Bar foot, John snd Wendy, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, A. Roach and) girls This eommunit LOAN CANVASSES MONTREAL (CP) = Bevel paintings owned by the Montreal y was shocked to museum of Fine Arts have been hear of the sudden passing of the loaned to two art galleries in late Waller Howsam last week Mexico for an exhibition honoring Deepest sympathy is extended to the 150th aniversary of Mexican the bereaved ones independence, The paintings are Mrs, Theo Sle will enter- all oils on canvas by Canadian tain the Women's Association on eriists, ens by Quaker , PLAN y new method of keeping slim | Now you can reduce your weight easily by reducing your regular intake of calories --the usual cause of overweight. The QUOTA Plan by Quaker is a new method of weight control --featuring a delicious food alternate containing wholesome nutrients necessary for proper nourishment, This nutritious meal-in-a-glass helps keep. you happily satisfied without excessive hunger pangs. Under normal gefditions, with the Quora Weight Control Plan you can lose up to 3 poungs a week safely. Or use it to control weight by replacing meals a few days a week, -- The makers of QUOTA recommend that you consult your physician as to the Quota method best suited to your needs. You'll love the happy QUOTA Weight Control Plan way to keep trim! Just add water and mix one of three luscious flavours: Chocolate, Vanilla and Banana. SPECIALLY DEVELOPED FOR THE QUAKER OATS COMPANY by Its BARRINGTON LABORATORIES, Barrington, Ifinols NUTRIENTS PER 0:02, CAN: Calories, 800.0 Protein, 70.0 gm, » Fat, 15.5 gm, » Carbohydrates, 119.0 gm, « Minerals (Ash), 15.0 gm, « Vitamin A, 5000,0 1.U, » Vitamin D, 400.0 1,U, « Vitamin C, 75,0 mg. » Thiamine, 1.6 mg. » Riboflavin, 2.0 mg. « Nincinamide, 20.0 mg. » Pyridoxine, 1.0 mg. » Folic Acid, 0.4 mg, » Calcium d-Panthothenate, 5,0 mg. « Vitamin E, 10.0 .U, « Vitamin B12, 2.0 meg, » Calcium, 1.4 gm, » Phosphorus, 1.4 gm, » lon, 10.0mg, « lodine, 150.0 mcg, » Manganese, 2.0 mg, » Potassium, 1.8 gm. » Sodium , 0.85 gm. » Copper, 0.76 mg, & Magnesium, 250. Omg.» Zinc, 60mg, FOR WEIGHT CONTROL Quota REDUCING PLAN "by QUAKER

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