THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Jonsery 3, 1961 11 'Eastern Bowling |Ezzard Charles | - Far Is Flat Broke Ajax Marlies Make Tourney Is Next (ls FlatBroke | A) Cage Team Major Swit phim is Msconpecied pt the For s hawiers ik a 4 ra B est Avenue Rowse of Fens Local five pik Dawier REE look #6 09 per cent will he ret WIRES (oaries, The Garage 16 empty TORONTO (CP) Foronin ing forveid on the Rex we in the WiRRers in the form of ro. $16000 mortgage i6 due | Marthores ffir | weeks of activity IB the EAME CRsH BWRIGS . ¢ RIEREe Ie fue 16 Fr BAR EIR 1h INERE 25 the prefimnary rownts of Ihe Special award he foreciosed loose from the Ontanie Hockey Eastern Canadian Champonsimg ars wil Be Math yup is the remainder of the Alter one year's abmence from, Jan 1h -- Cones vi Cape Association Junior A Leagie co Sew 4 Div uy i "he rolled of ue pi "ppp BOWHETE lags wy material gems of the former the Oshawa Industri Basket Jon. 7/ su Way ve Alex lor. announced the tradwg of ' FE 1 A am WIRERE (Quihil Ting ROBE oo avyweight, DoEng champion of hell League, Apex, eniered team Jas. A vs Cokes we regular A Devers and one ed by the Bowing Pro- and this Should ERCoNIRge Ihe gop gon again this year and they Pad Feb. 7 y A) junior B ond the promotion of The W-yeerod Charies, who HEME Es leading the pack with, Feb, . mr ohners Sunday 1 | thi hi # terrific record of ne - siegight. Fen | Howie Menard, Jim Wicon Cations, this awed) towrnement, Twenty five per Cent the Wille more then 19 years Reo ' i " i y : i" po regarded as the No. | iota entry will qualify for the 190% the tite from Joe Lois, ERgne victories, without # de: Feb, 4 Cars vs Cokes \Sonwy Joshorne, Jon Weeks, event of the year Tone Eliminstions, based on ola) Row 1 broke ane without # Job, ew lor & perfect 16 ponis } Nu-Way ve Ajex | Terry Olver md Brion Bereen scratch pila His eqrnings ioiatied close lo $1, Cocatoas last year's Indus Cokes vs Bu-Wey. were traded by Marhoros, # W df is a joi Wet hale All entrants whose averages in ata d tril champions, hold Gown seh W. 2 Cays v6 Ajax iform team of the Notions ( A 2 Hi FEN ' : A -~ N - ag 4 - = 1 heen DEON ge PITETEY league competition are wnder 729 He still wants something that ond shat with 10 points made wp Cave vs NuWay {Longue Toronto Miple Leats €AMPEion on the Bowing IERES, i he allowed = handicap of eye the WE money, Turned OL HVE Wins and four losses fok Cokes ve Ajax Promoted to the A wh were Vieg for Sonadian % of the difference between Wrestler this year he's hanker: lowes Wy Ernie Cay Lumber . Cavs ve Cokes Wally Phatr, Nick Harharvk, BPAD $F the Brunswick Pn thelr league average and 709, Ing for a berth with one of the Kings with » thee win and four! Mar. b Ni-Way ve Ajax Grant Moon ny yg Jon Bru 9 wih & mer ' f estling alliances, loss record for six point f -- . al th 2 mexmsm of 4 pins per 1p Wieshng FHIaRces 4 poms whtle nes of the BE a, whose oval and ZERETONS SUP i A 5 5 petit game Nu-Way Rugs hold down the cel . port has made this competition & as pe with one win and eight losses ngs Osborne, & eenire, was traded prictons' Association of Ontario lower average howler 15 compels and Hs affiliaied National Asso IR (Re LR Rey Hh MORES Oshawa's Wigh position in the g Bh ue og : five pin game must be maintain Rafer ohnson Following are the records of . Ho Toros $, Micheel's Chegs yehawa placed (wo bowlers IB od and the greater the entry in games played and Handngs wp Pair Defencemen Majors of the junior A loop and the 1964 All-Canadian Hew 5 the Qualifying Rounds, the more to wd minding games till Janu played in Sunday's 57 lose 16 Championsip cul, BRIBES 170% yopresentatives will advance into H ary | and 5iso the top ten scorers. DETROIY (AP)-~Warren God 8, Catharines Teepees at Maple Ratmoveny ane Bon allaghel the zone elimination round, Bt # am inner compiled wy the official league frey and Mare Resume, Detroit bent Gardens, riaht : hmv ho 9 Pr 127 PI fate at . ¢ (4 a wiih 3 " I Men » | Winger, has A saves; tong and danet Pes) "ier G01 : scorer, Dave Kelly Red Wings vegiiar Aelencemen; yp sent to Hamilton Red Wings were members of the Al I y TEAM STANDINGS " ie of ar - "My are of the seme league, while ar wLF Slt of inpuries received Wh BUA ropcements have complete y Canadian Ladies' Champion hig 1 ehh od these howler 1. Baltimore Colts NEW YORK (AP) Raler Aber " 6 6 412 18 98Y TERE National Hoekey jor" Wileox's trade to Brandon all-around. athlete, won Cokes ""5 431 466 10 league game with fhe Black Wheat Kings of the Maniioha assisied in DOREIRE Ihe fined ' t Johnson Yeu Canadian Championship 10 Sign Tom Matte the 1960 James E. Sullivan Ama CAVE cireriers B 7 9) Hawks at Chicago Junior Lengue Both 8, Wi K teur Athletic Union Memorial Ni-Way B42 68 2 Conch Bid Abel said the pair chael's and Brandon are spon | Surely, with such # cvord. BALTIMORE (AP) Balti- Trophy Saturday TOP TEN SCORERS pagravated old injuries as the sored hy the Leafs, Oshawa has. 4 definite interest in more Cols RRROWN ed Fridey Johnson, world reeord holder PL. PTS, AVE Hawks whipped the Wings 340 Weeks, 8 rookie, will 'report 10 4 ft Lakeshore Bruns and Oliver 16 WASHINGTON'S ALL - AMERICAN MAKES BIG GA - the 1961 f hamplonships and noth Ales! they have signed hack Jom and Olympics champion in the Booth, Cokes 15 193 Abel called up Zyear-old de- Unionville Jets, both of the Metro Boh Scholoredt (No. 15) at | 31-yard gain, Washington's All- | yesierday. He raced Ing short of an all ou effort bs Matte of Ohio Stal , their BO.) decathlon, heat Wilma Rudolph, Jepma, Cays 6 110 183 fenceman Rich Wegly from the gy Screen, who was with heft, is shown going through the | America quarterback was on | sidedine, afler hresking " orecast tor the COMBE. tH ng. drat Dek, 16 ARHONA Mh: iso an Nympic star, by taking Burrows Nu-Way 9 155 17.2 Sudbury Wolves in the Eastern hop, Feen, 1 / A en hall League contract , oY, Jon tan 4 . Weston, wes traded io Lake Minnesota line in the first hat | the injured list for most of this | the centre on this pia 35h ; i ait fifth drafl choice of 233 first places in 635 ballots for Bibeau, Ajax 7 69 141 Professional League to help fll ' of yesterday's Rose Bowl game | season bul he gave the Minne | INglon went on lo win Bil yg Eur, , yg York "it Sl ' he vit P1611 points, Miss Rudolph had Piotrowski Ajax 5 68 156 the gap, Healy will be MAKING] em -- at Pasadens, California, for a | sola Gophers plenty of Lroume 'A photo) | i M ivi A ay Foothill Ld "ps ge 4 106 first places and 1079 points Boivin, Cays 9 110 122 his first NHL appearance i ON PACT Soi urday. JRUBY with two listed to start al QuArLEThHACk for. Sports writers and amateussWatehorn, Ajax 110 122 Godfrey and Reame will miss) ARC REE PAD Unis operating, First shift will the east against the west today sports leaders throughout the Salway Cokes 4 47 118 the homeand-home series with! acing at Bi ts A ite : Y oountry constituted the jury, BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Toronto Wednesday snd Thurs Lerrupled Jading Pat dl HOCKEY SCORES ommence at LA pm. and the in 1) Shrine all-star game al ' Max McNab Is pcond sh will get underway at San Wn Johnson captured the world Jan, 3 ~~ Cays ve Cokes day, Abel said, but sre expected winter meeting was Assured AND STANDINGS 7pm, 1 hifts will also he run Toronto Argonauts of the Ca record in the decathlon with 8, Jan, 6 -- NuWay vs Ajax hack for Sunday's game with Wednesday when negotiators | it on Saturday, January 14, also nadian Big Four. had Matte on 645 points and set an Olympic dan. 10 -- Cokes vi Nu-Way Boston here reached agreement on & New ( at 1.30 pm. and 7 p.m their negotiation list and were record of 89 point Wiss Ru- Jan. 13 ays ve Ajax Abel said Godivey aggravated| contract for pari-mutuel clerks doiph won three Olympic gold] dan, 17 -- Cays vs Nu Way a back injury and Resume an valets, grandstand workers apd » . National League Fach establishment prize fupd considering mim as an under 1 3 oC ey wih 4 Il he governed hy tots) epiries study 10 quarterback Tobin Rote, medals in irack dan. 0 Cokes vs Ajax injured toe | nesistant stariers, Montreal NEW WESTMINSTER, B.( rtland hought the New West: Sorento rw Oh cp fen such as Max M J franchise and the eight Datro 'i 5 ' "10 ho a are the hest advertisement pro vs were subsequently lent Neo York 10 » ; } . TT---- fessional hockey can have 0 Victoria for the 197-60 season Boston 7 120 3 4 From 1946 lo 19%, MeNah was while Portland's new arena wa li known as # leader and a gentle: being built man among active players. Such. Former NHI, defenceman. Ha Saturday's Results Yo I Toran { to Monire a combination in hockey players Laycoe was CORR of the Royals p Chicago 3 In Sunday's Resulls Foronin 4 Ne Y¢ Montreal 2 Bi Detroit 6 Chicage 15 not often found and also went to Vietoria, He McNab retived after 12 seasons, (ried several Limes to persuade two with Detroit Red Wings of McNah to Join the Victoria club he National Hockey League and but Max declined seven with the pow-detunet New Laycoe even offered 10 | Westminster Royals of the West- McNab back and forth (o pia ern League n the club's home games He now is president of the New I'm out of haps ald Westminster Minor Hockey A feNah, "and 1 have a good Jon sociation and spends muh of Ms no It wouldn't he fair to Ihe spare time working with the other players if 1 played onl youngster part of the schedulé , Father of three sons. ages 5 Vancouver Canucks received Rochester : 4 / 4A |] 7 and B, McNab is keenly inter. the same answer late last season Providence * Saturday's ested in teaching hockey to the in asking MNah (0 ois (he Ltt poy once 3 Hershey MORE HEADROOM, MORE LEGROOM, TOO! COMFORTABLE, STRETCH OUT INTERIORS voungsters, One of them is his that eventually Won the WHI, oldest son who plays in the pee: championship \ leveland 3 Bprinkbedl Spade Lo spare -- where the driver can appreciate it. Up top there's Chevrolet for '61 mak | nd parcel of ond vee Ii Ag i 50 ( Hund Ps p pl wp there Thevrolet for '61 makes relaxing part a ¥ ove ip, wee § nk ae ; Join J Wri n La fou Springfield 3 Buffalo 4 the kind of headroom -- and shoulder room, too -- that top hats and or hack seat there's the space need for stretch out pili n for uring h aree MeNah asks Nah to join Portland Cleveland 6. Providence B rughy players need. Chevrolet seats are higher this year more the postu / hest ride : * J re which lets you fully enjoy Chevy's smoot over, nearly chair height s0 that you sit comfortably erect with And there's 8 brand of fabric beauty you'd expest wo find Wn only spent only 142 minute in the Trail Bmoke Eaters of (he Hershey 7 Rochester 4 penalty box less (han some Western International Amateur Eastern Professional "Swinging" mom for legs the highest priced cars. wi, A players serve in a season League now are hoping to have f Pi a American League Springfield Cleveland Quehet Buffalo Hershe mati He won the WHL's most val- McNah line up with them for the wy oi awa 9% 7 3 144 BO 49] - uahle player award in the 1955-56 World Championships in Swiliev- g & Marie 18 3 124 120 9! 3 9 season with New Westminster land in February Kitchener 15 5 122 128 | and. was named. to the WHL all-| But it doesn't appear Max willl Sudbury 13 5 180 156 31] star team on another occasion accep! Kingston i418 2 138 1ak 0 McNab retired when New "I'd like to make the trip but Saati 910 HB B6 108 26 )! Westminster suspended opera: I'm way out of shape " he sald Sunday's Result tions after the 1956-50 season. He "Resides, I've got my Joh 10 galt Ste, Marie 2 Kitchener | . was one of eight players owned think of and I'm pretty hu Tonight's Game by the Royals vith minor hockey Hull-Ottawa al Montreal OHA Senior . WLI f A Pt Shamrocks N war, 8 ) 1p Stratford 1218 1 ) Chatham in 6 4 7 | Galt 7 BB Ah 1 ) | Wood Lock Aid] : Oshawa Majors i... Woodstock 2 Stratford 7 » ' ' BowiaSERREY BLAIR mo hg 8 fap posiien -- hay on gy A You come and go na big way " the new Chevrolet. There § more stretch out v ME Wo ov I 4 I entionanie ' " , ol into nolo Jost ession 5 fist penalties in the last period lo A 131 A pa comfort dre 8 shaved down driveshaft tunnel "hi and more useable trunk space, place in ihe Lakeshore In. Oshawa hampered their chances N Val 4] #7 H - 0 i" lermodiate league, With a Lf omuahing the coun have 8 Mike's 12 7 4 77.7 GCL Yet the exterior measurements are smaller for easier handling! No other car so closely contested erdict over ing to play shorhtanded for the Hamilton B10 6 Oh BE ti he A the third place Oshawa Majors majority of the third frame Peterhoro 12 4 86 100 / . exactly measures up fo your demands like the '61 Chevrolet. last might in the Whithy Com: The Trenton RCAF Flyers, con. 8, Cath 715 2 88 11a munity This was the third siderably improved since thei Marlhoro 16 AB 76 115 straight setback for the Majors. initial appearance In Whithy Sunday's Results 400 enthused fans witnessed the make their final showing against 8 Catharines 5 81, Michael penglty-filled thriller, with 21'the Majors next Monday night Peterborough 8 Marlboros § penalties being meted out by Jan. 9 at the Community Arena Monday's Hesulis referee Stan Boshier, including starting at 8.30 p.m Bowmanvillel Marthoros § Niagara Fall four majors and (wo miseon ere fortunate to edge Trenton, dl Michael | Catharine { 4 duets +4 In Bowmanville last Wed Tonight's Game f A i A Ernie Mills received two majors nesday evening Niagara Falls at Guelph | y . 3 : | i oi. : 5 : for fighting and an automatic 100 BOWMANVILLE (inal Western League ? ; ; 3 3 Ge i: GENERAL MOTORS minute misconduct hile Al Vanstone; defence Preston wi 1 ¥ A Pi ; # VALUE Garrard collected the other mis: Cowle, Abbott, Richards; - for:| } SHEOUVEL 1911 1 #0 9 4 conduet for challenging Boshier wards Roh Ferry. Ted Ferry (algar 141 i 132 106 09 J ) 04 ) for assessing him a tripping pen: Hank Lane, Sheridan, Hamilton Reallle 15 14 3 111 10 } / oh Apakane 16 16 1 18 120 § i alty, In the last 20 minutes, his Masters, Marjerrison, Lyle, Bur I 10 a4 Bd 82 third minor infraction of the gess | | i i : *MIDDLE SEAT" PASSENGER COMFORT night OSHAWA (inal Courtney! | Victoria 1h 1h 0 106 104 | Both goaltenders, Ken Edmonton 13 21 0 104 1 =0 Knees under your chin when you sit in the middie? Not in a Wl Ch Court. defence Delray Edwards W 10 af 118 h - ) 3 n a2 ney of Oshawa and Vince Van. Ashton and Barriage; forwards innipeg 10 38 2 | tunnel has heen decreased by 26% to add footroom for fhe *middle man", In addition, with the new dashboard control cluster all within easy reach of the driver, the man in the middle ad stone for Bowmanville were onl Garrard, Copeland, Romanuk Snob + Seattle p ¢ " ) 8 | MacLean Rennick Westfall, Spokane 4 'eaiiit standing. Vanstone was the dif-| Mackear tenn alle and 4 Edmonton w enjoya the full privileges of rupted § ference in the outcome of the Lawson, Mills, Tran and Tureski game, as the Majors poured sev FIRAT PERIOD Games Monday eral closesin shots at him, but No Scoring Calgary 8 Winnipeg 4 couldn't slip one by until the 14.58 Penalties Ashton 3.22, Mills fpokane § Vancouver mark of the third and final per 12.97, Copeland 15.24, Lyle 17.02 Kdmonton 1 Victoria 6 jod, when Kd Romanuk jammed Lawson and Richards 10.22 SATURDAY a loose puck inte the nel SECOND PERIOD ¥ astern League Oshawa Majors had gone 184 1 Bowmanville; Lyle Greenshore H Ph ladelphin ] minutes without scoring, prior to Masters, Abbott a 44 Charlotte 6 Johnstown ] International League Romanuk's tally, The last time # Rowmanville: Masters the Majors had reglatered was (Sheridan, Hamilton) 19.47 Fort Wayne 6 Muskegon | late in the second period, here Penalties Garrard 8.95, Gay Minne apolis 8 Omaha 0 in Whithy against the Lindsay Re vard 15.11, Westfall 17.42, Mills Toledo 0 Indiananoli | gents, two weeks ago. Last Mon. (high sticking, major) Ri hard SUNDAY day night. the Toronto Macedon. major) and dawson 19.58 Eastern League jans shutout the Majors, a0 THIRD PERIOD Greenshoro 4 New York 7 Ernie Mills had a hreakaway i Oshawa Romanuk Philadelphia 2 New Haven A midway through the middie per (Ashton! 14.58 Charlotte 4 Johnstown a fod, but was checked hy Van Penalties Rarviage 2.53, Ab International League stone while attempting 'o lift the hott 7.28 Westfall 10.21, Lyle Fort Wayne 3 Muskegon puck aver his prostrate form 10.21, Garrard (tripping and 10 Indianapalis 1 Toledo a Dan Tureski hit the post min misconduct) 13.30. Cowle and Paul 3 Minneapol utes later fram 10 feel oul and Lawson 16.50, Mills _tinterier MONDAY Eastern League shortly after had Vanstone at his ence, major, lhmise.! Ted Ferry x, ; yd rey. Now Hiven 3 Now } ork 0 SPACIOUS, EASY-LIFT DEEP-WELL TRUNK STATION WAGONS WITH "TRAVELLING SPACE® mercy, but fired the puck right! (major) 16.33 al him International League 1 ke th h I k aha 4 St. Paul a wo improvements make this new Chevrolet trunk the most ractioal For 1961, Chevrol fF Majors and shamrocks battled . [hai J A i : violet offers station wagons with the emphasis vigorously through a s¢ areless Cit Bantams {Indianapolis 4 Muskegon \ ever. First, the trunk sill has heen lowered as much as 10.5 inches -- roominess. Whether you want to load people, all the ph LL Fu first period, then early in the y Ontarvie Junior B so that it's much easier to load heavy or bulky items. Then the spare « or hoth -- you have space to spare in a Chevrolet Station 4g tire has heen moved to a new position, leaving a deep well that's And there's a new concealed compartment under the rear platform, ne anza, Bill Lyle, alded second stanza, F e, all tailor-made for tall cargo. Result: a trunk with storeroom capacity, 4 i lorangeville 5 Owen Sound 9 Rorder Cities ny Don Masters, and Hob Abbott . | " Saved fo put the Shamrocks in ourney Leamington 2 Wallaceburg 6 L 2 Ee aa ahead to stay. In the dying sec 9 E _--- onds of the second period Don ' Roh Robinson, Don Barnoski and asters tipped in a loose puck! 1) eter oro Darrly Leech netting the goa in passed in front by Lloyd Hamil: In the semi-finals Elwood Brac ton. With enly two second re: Oshawa "City League Ban: ley's squad claimed another Key San in the second period, tam All-Stars were crowned win trouncing Port Hope 72 - maining Ernie Mills and Richards squat fehampions of the Peterborough Doug Sutton was the big goal (1 od off at centre ioe and It look Bantam Iavitational annual tours getter in this tilt with a pau poth officials a few minutes to nament. held Saturday in Peter Singles were vegisteved hy break up the Haseo horough Doug Barr, Doug Balsam, Dareyl MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS + The tourney was a sudden: Leech and Jimmie MeGraw and several fans from the Bowman death affair with the win or else Hob Robinson ville distriot were oR hand for situation facing. the all-stars in The championship fixture. saw flair, and made each game Oshawa once again vietarious \] the hard-hitting a plenty of noise when thelr favor Oshawa were successful, win: winning a narrow 42 triumph ites scored Roth clubs veally ning all three games they played over a tough Lindsay squad. Jim tal It an, and as 8 rgiil-1omeio Win the Til the Matar City mie Met Da 140 BOND ST, WEST, OSHAWA, ONT pers flared anstantly, With Osh: puckehasers won their Hirst game oh viggered two ' \ WHITBY, ONT, awa being deal with rather over Part Perry 43. Bob Taylor, win