The Oshawa Times, 31 Dec 1960, p. 8

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T0 LIVE IN BURLINGTON Pietured softer thelr mar. | the tormer Miss Beverley Anne { the b risge recently at Harmony | MeCshe, Is the daughter of | United Chyrehi sre Mr, snd | Mrs, Leo MeCahe of Oshawa Mrs, George West, The bride gud the late Mr, McCabe and PERSONALS { a Mrs il of B is the son Gegrge Ontario BEEF IH gnd Mrs f Burlingion Nursery Awaits Kennedy Children At White House WASHINGTON (AP pest Jen, 2 Mu will eng Lime BERD House nursery each night For the first time in 28 years gmall children will be dents the White House ue Kennedy, 3, and wiant John F. Kennedy Ji be moving into the execu ive mansion alter Bensator John ¥. Kennedy president They find huge White Rouse south & wonderful safe as Buzzie and Bister 8 when Mrs, Donald Winn, Mr thei White 6), He nry De Mi House father E. Cowan and Fresident Roose McLaren, Mr velt. Buzzie and MacMurdo, Mr his hig sister Paterson Four Aent been mal third ming poo theatre UEnt street, will be Mr. and Year B. L, Guselle-of Arnprior with ' 5, Ro Wait, Reg, N Arlinglon ' ] 4 7 Kingston Gen will spend the New EF parents i. Watl, Mas Hed of } Mrs, Haughton Taror a will & the New SEHENT Barbara he Bennet ELory Whits ft Wing 40, RCAF A gala evening mie Reservations Mr, and Mi Mi with WwW. ( SEASON end Mrs sires! planned Oshawa has in Hels regular Al heen nares al the naye | Ww part made hy Bolton Fvans Brownell, Mir Ba Mr. and Mrs, Ch Mrs, Reg and Mrs. Harold and Mrs, William Vinee Miss Ann-Marie Allen of Winni Peg, home specialist Ww with the exiension service of the William | ¢ Manitoba ) Hewitt holidays with her s Hamilton and Mrs, Lawrence Id Kent, Mr street, Other guests Ramshaw, Mi SLINGS SEASON Were Mr, an of Bow and M Marie snd Mrs ham, Mr, and Don and Kathe Mys, (111 E ana Mrs Mrs Mrs My at M ELONOMILS and Mrs and Mrs Mrs, ( And iam am W0Vernmen ol spending the parent Mi Allen, Law auring the Chr Mrs, H A. Galbraith manville, the Misses Helen Cole of Mark rs, R. L. Hancock and Robert Helen Batt an becomes the lawn and and place toplay Dall did hack in went with to Ihe and Mrs and and ana mother ive ner Franklin D Was three then Wa 1X grandchildren ght D. Eisenhowe frequent M to aia foronte Ralph Wade Bruce of Oshawa Btudents of t} Junior ( of the Oshawa Gegeral Hospita and who | going home for the ang New holiday are; Miss He M and Mrs, | A £ as Pregl nave of and Dw 4 he Lent Charles Cros Mi Howard West, My, and Mrs 1 Hornby, Mr, and Mi Mr, and Mrs, William Cox and Mrs, Donald Rohe and Mrs W. Bowden ai members and thelr guest al the enjoy pm visors Yen Pele will doan Shawero Helen Knox Phillips, 7 Morrison columned houseto a 08 pla and & ax Port or 8s a wim Lure flooy room Perry Toronto Miss Miss Bowmanville godda, Pleton; Miss Brough, See: Wicklund, Port Hope Regiment Mis Ann Kay, Baskatoon; Miss spend the Margaret Copp, Glenarm Miss wi Doneta Smith, Udora Miss Jo Anne MeMahon, Ajax Miss Kathy Milbura Bearborough Miss Donna Bragg, Port Hope Mr, and Mrs, Ira Travell, My Bruce Travell and Mr, and Mrs David Weldon, Centre street and Miss Marle Greer, Ajax, will at tend an annual gathering of the Ashton family in the eommunit hall, Hampton, on New Year's Day Mr, T. D, Thomas, MPP, and Mrs, Thomas, Harris avenue will have as New Year guests Mr, and Mrs. Norman Camphell Jane and Alan, of Don Mills and My, and Mrs, J, C. Prati and Mr, John Pratt of .Whith Jeanne Ams mation nar Field M Mi other § poling TSO, | Bef beth dy Miss Galle Margaret Eisenhower Bar Susan, 8 Mary dean, 4, like the solarium on the third floor loo, A the kitchen where hot dogs and ham burgers for children can he pro duced quick Outside the diplo matic reception on ground floor they had a garage Lo park bikes, trucks, wagons and other toys on one side of a eorrl dor TOYS BACK Caroline Kennedy will bring her nylon bag of favorite hooks dolls and roller skates to the beautiful mansion where her mother, Jacquelin Bouvier Ken nedy, §1, will make an effort to give her and her brother a nor mal, happy childhood while their father occupies the most import ant office In the Western world The Kennedy's son is the first baby born a president-elect but two daughters were born in and Mrs the White House to President| 8nd Mr. John R. Houston, Ma Grover Cleveland during his sec. Street, Mr. and Mrs, Edward ond administration, And Julia| Jones, Glencoe street and Miss Dent Grant was horn there while| Joan will ¥ her grandfather, Cen, Ulysses 8 Grant, was president The six children TheodoreRoosevelt the gayest, most madeap chil) Mr. and Mrs, J dren of all the White House| Arlington avenue years, Their spotted pony rode! heir White House elevators with them [mt They took ducks and dogs and rabhits to David 11 i Rd rone hares and nda special Lieutenant L, J ond Royal ( London, Ontario New Year's vacation Mr. and Mrs, J Shelley avenue anadian y will h room ine parents Gordon Brough Oshawa General Hospital staff nurses who will be going out of town for the holiday are Miss Carmen Hunt, New York: Mrs Helen Feeney, Belleville; Miss Shirley Daley, New York: Mrs Dorothy Gillespie, Alderwood Miss Dorothy Sheets, Toronto Oshawa General Hospital staff who will be going out of town for the holiday are Mrs, Jack ta Glenolden, Pennsylvania Daphne Daley, Guelph Luke, Georgetown; Marks, Georgetown Bruinsma, Holland ton Miss Mis Joan Huth Henry Miss Miss to Mr John Houston Mr. and Mrs berland and ®| street Eve|tion Hotel Lucien family Cham Filion of Trenton Quehee attending a New Year's at the visiting Tiree relatives Rivers, Quebes party at Frontenac of President PeErnaps were Tarot Taranto Holida My | Street east guests Mrs, Fred Lloyd, King will he My Hryce Shipley and and | ter from Elliott and have will as thelr Pointe Vv aah daugh Year guests Mi Claire, Elliott and fami Mr, and Mrs N " Vey Diane Earl Queber cats At| Bearborough | William and bed with them Car nHolida anf} Sydney Hroad Lt RCN Lynda My of guests of Mr, and Mrs Burgess of Courtice were Mrs, Barry J, Burgess Aud daughters, Kelly and of Victoria; B.C Mrs. Rober Vieker least onee a meeting of senator on Peterborough Quentin Roose. | Mr Mrs [ with a hag full of | And family Li broke up when Kenneth and Vell came hr Enaskes and a five-fool king snake New Year's Dy Home and Bue Mrs Oshawa LODGES AND SOCIETIES QUEEN MARY LODGE The regular meeting of Queen Mary Lodge No. 07 was held re cently in the Orange Temple with Worthy Mistress Sister Rvelyn Bilton presiding, assisted hy Dep uty Mistre Sister Dorothy Philip Prayers were read Brank, presented hy Sisters and June Goodman It was reported Sister Isabelle Kerr had fallen and broken her wrist also that Sister Lara Gardner was still in hos {pital on arm and solle by Mister Als were Fiva Gowle Florence that I'he officers 061 stalled tress for were a8 follows warthy mis Sister Darothy Philips deputy WM, Sister Margaret Mar tn; Junior deputy, Sister June Goodman; guardian, Sister Kay Hopkins ecording secretary, Sister Mary Hayes; financial see retary, Sister Isahel Reld; (reas urer, Sister Theresa Cleveland director of ceremonies, Sister Diane Cowle; 1st Sis ter Florence Strank; 2nd lecturer Alster Nettie chaplain alster Gertrude Logan inner guard Margaret Moore outer Mister Elva Cowle minitlee, Sister rd commitiee ith ¢ ath eam mn lecture Fenton Alster guard and ¢ Margaret Phillips Ken Ina Milg Anna Butland Isabelle alist Mister nmi lee er ale mittee, Nister au and Elea Sis ditors, § Ann Derry NE YEAR OLD, JANUARY 1, 1961 |i vic Ma full and Mr, and Mrs. Wi. [458 Yea ol, Andrew's, all of | My All great-grandson Ww and Mrs, John Recalla Mr, J. T. Dodds, Van B.C. and Mrs. John 1 Winnipeg, Manitot Photo by Hornsby igaret Phillips ters Cora Gardner planist, Sister ar degree captain Blake, and ¥ draw pi past a Bilton ¢ mis As . New son of Dodds Michael bi \ #randson of Mp, and N 4s the Stirling Gerald Pid An of is promise Micha Mr donated and The Sisters Gertrude K 0s were Oshawa Ay Awa couver Suilivaa, and hy \ Sis Logan am east ™ let Ambrose and were won hy Ma Mane Cowie Ss 3 celebpating his finst | © s Ha 08 Florey Mar ce thday toi He § Irs anx and J bad A {World 'Canadian Women | Hous: | spent the Christmas vaca: and| | high | inten 4 \ GROUPS, CLUBS. AUXILIARIES p! KNOX PRESBYTERIAN WHS | Mrs. A WH. Descey wes lnstell of pe president of Knox Preshy- terien Women's Missionary $ocl ey ol Ws regular meting held) renently #8 (he meses, Bader da Ene other officers pre; first Jo Aldwinekie, Women's Women Editor isl BA 53-3404 B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwdey, December 39, 1960 vice-president, Mrs, Dorsid Dosg wt, Yrs les; second vice - y Haienim Mo egor; treasurer, secrElpry, welohme Mes. D, M. Polson Mrs, J, Ah. Swindells; end wellere secretory, Wis, 3 Ww. RB. Archer; bale secretary, Mrs. Leste Blair; pianist, Mrs. FV. Sewegombe ; Mrs, Charles Melennen The new exeeutive was install #4 by the Reverend B. B, Yi. ey Mrs, Leslie Beecroft presided, and opened with a poem, "Born £ Baviour" Mrs, Males Me Gregor conducted the devotions] period, The secretory's and tress \§ Wrer's reports were regd ¥ The president spnounced thet the apnuel meeting of Esst To rvnin Preshyterisl wil meet Jon. nary 16, 1961, at Witlowdsle The Dey of Prayer will be held February 17, 19651 Master Dovid Milroy played » piano solo, Mrs, Leslie Blair re ported thet a bale valued pt $97 was sent to Toronto this yesr, The Revmsend R, B, Milroy bros # Christmas messsge The new president, Mss, A. H Dancey, presided for the closing pert of the meeting. Mrs, Dencey 4 Mrs, Leslie Beecroft president, with a life p eertificaie snd pi Womens Mission hss HOLIDAY Quick And Easy Wad sini vi presente ig Mem rs the Society Homemade holiday candles Mrs, Leslie Blair thanked My, Peed Bol be difficult 7 Prepare Wilray for his message, snd his # fact iustrated by the fudge mother, Mrs, John Miisoy, for recipes given here, They use. the Ling the group 1a their home " mmute EVapoTaLen milk method thet eliminates the use of candy thermometers and soft hall tests vel glweys Eive & smooth Kate Melsurin Mission creamy fudge Cirele of the First Baptist Church P CDare veral held ite December meeting at the ud gat hey ir home of Mrs, Frask McLellan, (TOBE; then you'll Tooley's Mills unexpecied guests Mrs, Leslie Parrott, president,| ments, & quick dessert - conducted the routine business. |0Ceasions ou'tl find this Mrs. Mahel Joyce gave a help-| Bnd easy candy method fits bean ful worship service besring on|'0ly inte holiday plans the real meaning of Christmas. | HNN neluded meditations, two INNA ON fis B solos "0 Holy Night! and "Bilent 2.8 a pi 4 diluted Night", by Miss Norma Bowen;| ** CUP 'mall can' undiluie #10 8 hymn and prayer, Mission-|, , o evaporated mit ary highlights were given by|' #8 Ups Sugar Mrs, D, H. Rice Ye teaspoon salt Mrs. C. KE. Eston gave an out 1% eups (16) marshmallow line of the work done in the Bap ced tist Mission Hospital in Petho. 1" cups (1% 6-ounce packages) puram, India, since its begin semi-sweet chocolate plece ning, Many Indian natives would teaspoon vanilla like to become Christian but they| '% teaspoon cinnamon fear being made an outcast by| "* cup chopped walnuts thelr family Combine evaporated milk A short skit depicting a visit sugar and salt In saucepan over fo the hospital was presented by medium heat, Bring to a boll, and Mis, Gordon Besse's group |eonk § minutes, stirring eonstant A social hour was enjoyed to/ly, (Time when mixture to conclude the evening "bubble" around edges of pan.) retin for the meeting KATE MeLAURIN CIRCLE The batches of be ready for party refresh many feck ' 1% starts ness was evidence of self-indul gence, and sald there was nol {truth In the old rhyme which Are Too Fat | began, "Past forty fat is sure to come," Neither wes there any Canadian women! truth in the statement that "fal have hecome too fat, according ness runs in the family," Chil to Dr. E, W, McHenry, Profes:| dren usually heeame heavy est gor of Nutrition at the School of erg in Imitation of their parents Hygiene, University of Toronto, There was no painless method and, what 1s more, one in four| of welght reduction, the doctor has a greater welght problem | pointed out, The deciding factor than her husband | was will power and perseverance! In 8 recent article, he sald (o keep food intake down to need that "people who wish to live &/ and to keep up exercise, Preven long life should not let their| tion was easier than cure, and welght Increase after they have these who were interested fn ap passed their 26th birthday." {pearance and health found it Figures quoted from the Re'| auch easier to stay slim port on Canadian ~~ AVerage|---- J " Weights, Heights and Skinfolds, OUSEROLD HINT you empty run the hot water for, Too many published in the Canadian Bulle tin on Nutrition showed that only n per cent of Canadian women are too thin, but 23 per cent are dishwater, fat, This compared with 12|a few seconds to warm the pipes Just before your Loo al the home of per cent of Canadian men Who his will prevent the grease in WEDNESDAY | are too thin, and 18 per cent whe and Mrs. | are too fat Dr, McHenry warned that fat- them and congealing your dishwasher from sticking to Wife Of London's New Mayor Hates Hats And High Society LONDON, Ont, (CP) election Dee this eity a first lady London's Bhe is equally skilful at curling 12 gave playing seven days a week with who hates the London Ladies' Curling Club heels, hats and housework tennis, badminton and swim Gordon Stronach, wife of ming, She once did a two-year mayor, Is happlest when | stint as a lifeguard al a swim eoaching her peewee ming pool hockey team or building a bed Mrs, Stronach, who sngles side table when she recalls once attending Her new position holds no ter-/a May Court tea in curling garb rors, however, for the woman Says who eloped with a Mountie shel "|. N met on a skating rink when she| People are people regardless of how they I schoolgirl in Humbaldt, | has a responsible position no reason to gel a hig head Just be myself" municipal Mrs the new SNe is dress someone it's I'l Was Sask "1 like said very mueh," it, There's I'm against) the idea she "T'll enjoy only one thing wrong hats, 1 hate hats Mrs, Stronach But i 1 have will," she added This willingness to adapt has| helped Mrs, Stronach through her married life whieh started in| an isolated ROMP outpost in| Saskatehewan, Her frst home| had only oll lamps for lighting, | Water came from a pump and she cooked on a coal stove Until her husband retired and | becam: clilef of London Town. ship police six years ago, Mrs, | Stronach had te adapt te new siroundings constantly. The one hat ane owns to wear | longest period she and her hus hand stayed in one place three years in Yorkton, Sask CONTINUE HORRIES The new first lady doesn't let official duties inter § fere with her hockey or carpen.| try. "She does most of her woodworking In the kitchen of her suburban home hetween cooking for her husband and 12 year-old son Sandy she and Sandy plan to start vork soon en their biggest prod eel to date--a boat |B Mrs. Stronach, a tall, slim hiunetis ho she has not visited hairdresser for six years, took aver coaching of the University Heights Peewee team | Lil. from her husband when © Wirned his attention to his elec. tion CAMPAIEn Hockey wasn't new to her. As 2 schoolgirl in Humboldt she! scene of the wedding recent played & givls team which! ly of Mr. and Mrs. John won its annual mateh! Thomas Van Dried. Formerly members of town, Miss Lois Ethel Robinson, the | bride is the daughter of Mr, and | Was says 1) "HONEYMOON First Baptist Chureh was the on Fine For a Hi-Crowd Party f Good Housewife | Knows How To Use Leftover Foodstuff |8 During the festive sesson we RETR 16 CAML BIBEIONE SRE quantities of food, Here are some suggestions for using some of the Heme which mey we CUIETeg wp the refrigerator : A Wile frat; VL uncovied, $e% wR se Hille waler ss possible, Press (GrowER weve oF puresr, swesien 19 taste snd best inte #8 #Eg white lor # From Fiat des sail. served plain or with wh ped eres. | egg white me ped, with % to | cup of thick {fruit puree sud yieid 3 to 6 | servi This may Hiss be used #5 § dessert 1OpYnE Cake that goes Gry; Crumb snd mix with & Fite brown suger snd cinnamon, Last lightly a werm OVER RRA UE BE B CTURERY 169 Ving wn baked custard, or ens: [tard of fruit ples a ll ls Lo A 5 i CANDY Cream Fudge Remove from heat, Stir in mars cin BOYS maiows, chocolate BEON BRE WEIDULE. Blir y for 1 minute meiiowe mei Square nutiered SYUATES MINUTE FUDGE TURTLES (Makes about 2 pounds) 23 cup 'small con) undiluted evaporated milk or Ww Pour pen 8 Cups sugar % teaspoon sell 1% cups (16) marshmallows ed cups sem cup chopped pecans teaspoon vanilla Pecans ai 17 (1% bounce §wWeel chocolate packages) pleces ni milk ana heat Coir a ne sail on RAT medium evaporated in saucepan ove Bring 8 boll minutes, stirring constantly Time when mixigre starts to "bubble" around edges Remove from heat Add marshmallows, chocolate, Cup pecans ii vigorously 1 mar B-inch square When coo halls; flatten for lengthwise CLUB CALENDAR TUESDAY Knox Preshyterisn WA Dr, C, ¥, Cannon H and Queen Vlizabeth H and § TOPS Club SA Home League Chureh WA woTy Duke of Edinburgh H and 8 Kinette Club Ever Ready Class Centre Street (West Group Alice Jackson Aux th Beout Mothers Vietoria Lodge, LTH 11th Group Commities Daughters of Fngland Bt. Peter's WA Holy Cross WA Onward Group 15th Seout Mothers to of pan and vanilla minute i] Pour nutlered pan shape into tops, 1 until hmallows melt) small half split the head and for legs of turtles pecan VECHIS 5 Assn Aux Northminster Lend-A-Hand ( Queen Mary All Doubles Rundle Park Holy Trinity Harmony WA 10th Group. Committe and Group Committee Albert Street WMS Ukrainian B and P Aux THURSDAY 10:50 Club ath Group Commitiee 12th Seout Mothers' Aux Sunbeam Chapter, OFS St. George's Eve, WA Happy Doubles' Club Pilot Club Calvary Haptist WMS Simeoe Street WMS Christ Chureh Eve, Guild St. George's Aft. WA Challenger Group Street WMN A WA lub Lodge Club Auxilia WA King Christ Nimeog Chureh Aff. Aux Street WA (Group 3) M73 the Ny all FLORIDA Gordon M. Robinson and bridegroom ia the son of and Mrs. A J. Van Drie! Oshawa Photo by Saeyd of ) wo A Wik of Cheeses Grate spd 184d to scrambled eggs or ome elle or sprinkle into the break fest soft cooked egg In the shell or over posched eggs LA Wit of sweet pickle: Chop fine and add to devilled eggs for Juneh or supper salad, Or add to chopped egg sandwich filling An extras Egg yolk; Blip into salted simmering water and hard cook, Press through sieve snd sprinkle over buitered cooked | green or white vegetables or over apy creamed dish An EER Yolk added Crem sauce gives 8 richer texture and flavor Make 8 custard filling for » plein cake with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, 1 tablespoon of sugar I cup of milk and the ege yolk and sepsonin taste, Sprend between cake layers and fee cake with whipped cream. Sliced han anes make a» nice addition to the filling A cup or Awe of mashed po tatoes: Beal one two eggs with & teaspoon or we of weler Form potato into Eroqueties or round patties, dip into hesien egg, then into fine ready-to-est| eres crumbs (corn, wheat, ete) Repeat process to cost well on all sides. Fry in & litle hot fat until golden brown on gl sides ang heated through. Very nl with cold sliced poultry SALE RI / LAST YEAR'S LEADER Bors on New Year's Day lost | at the Oshows Genersl Ros year, Margaret Elizabeth, | pital, She is the granddsughter deughler of Mr, snd Mrs, | of pe nd irs ¥red Brown David C. Conway, Orions av- | #nd Mrs, Christopher Conwey enue, Is celebrating her first | « Oshaws and great-grand- ter of Mrs, Alexander birthday tomorrow, Margie | Peirie, Dundee, Seotland. wes the first baby born in 1660 Institutes' Head Cautions Holiday Party Hostesses There's more to giving & party, To lessen this Asnger, Mrs than merely entertaining one's Roylance Issued the following € guests, The modern hostess should suggestions to holiday party give also concern herself with their ers : Safety Seclares ns J pho Always have food available for 9 lance, Greenwood, 'ry WV your guests not heavy dishes SOCIAL NOTICE dent of the Federated Women's that may make them sluagishi Yostiittes of Canada woh but plenty of Spreads end Alps alling attention in # pre-holl- and cold ents and cheese ENGAGEMENT day statement to dangers Inherent) Should some of your guests are Andrew Vasko of in Christmas and New Year par: vive after having taken sleoholie the engage: ties, Mrs, Royiance cleimed that drinks give them swiftly two Emily, [by taking a little extra care Cans. cups each of coffee, and make It son of dian housewives can help to strong o f | milks AIL Jarvis end Sappite | Ask one of your guests to tune 00 p 4 4 n take place at the Greek Catholic) gots' never veach thelr desting ol ta neshet tepons, If the Church of the Blessed Virgin fig, 1p mounting traffic accel ii may he "ip to vite gap Mary, Ritson road south, Of dents hundreds of Canadians end guests who Fibs a wintg ave, tn the To} [he holldey sash, injured or |at your home overnight, ENGAGEMENT gens wl many Kad these i Help all your guests to stay s Lous Joseph TENLE need not have 0CCUrTed| sie 'on the way home by serve and Mrs nee the had the hostess. shouldered more ine' them coffee around fhe end f Lindsay announce he " g wu | engagement of thelr daughter, responsibility, sald the head of of the evening, : Mary Ellen Tere to Mr, John|™,, : Remember (o place a plastie Andrew Belko, son of Mr, and Famlly reunions and other windshield scraper on the ha¥t Mrs. Andrew John Belko of Osh holiday gatherings are such aliable, lest some of the guests Is, Andrew J6 wf blending of stimulation & nd have forgotten to bring theirs EWA The marriage will take " ce on Saturday, January 21 year-end fatigue, of tension and with them pia 0 all Vi ¢ A Ha i " 9 " 1061, at Bt, Mary's Chureh, Lind. (Telaxation, that the evening often| "With ice and drifts, dense $a to th 01 ' Mr. and Mrs Oshawa ment of BINOUNCE thelr daughter to Mr, Stanley Skotnicki Mr. and Mrs, Bianley Bkotpiek of Toronto, The marriage will Mi Cain 0 58 ends on a note of incaution, snowfall and sleet making driving (Far too late and far too tired, most hazardous, the careful Hosts guests leave the party drowsily ess will do all she can fo keep and in no shape to be alert at the her guests alert and alive," eon: INTED PATTERN | Wheel." I cluded Mrs, Roylance, Piquant Turkey-Rice Salad Nice Filler For Cranberry Ring It 1s a rare family that man: Combine salt, curry powder, ages, at a single sitting, to polish| vvench dressing and sour cream |off all the food, especially the|and fold inte chilled salad jus | turkey, that is set out for a holl:| before serving, Fill centre of day meal cranberry mold with salad, Many homemakers deliberately Serves 4:6 buy a bird larger than Is ne ; 5 ed because what's left can be CRANBERRY MOLD handily stored in the freezer and packages cherry or lemon used at a later date, (Note: Be flavored gelatin cause it tends to dry out, it is/! eup water hest to use freezer-stored lefi-|# cups cranberry over turkey within a month.) 1 cup ginger ale With all its glamor, this excit Combine waler and cranberry ing turkey recipe can be made|Juice, then heat, Add te gelatin conveniently in advance and is| And stir to dissolve completely, ready to serve in minutes, With|Add ginger ale, Pour into meld the aid of prepared French dress. | Chill until firm ing there is no need to spend wiira time making the dressing or risking failure, The exotic| herbs and spices in French dress: | in wood floors, sand them thors Ing will bring out the best flavors ouahly and bleach with oxalie in the salad acld crystals dissolved in water, HOLIDAY TURKEY SALAD cups diced, cooked turkey cups cold cooked rice 0 awa amil Budget to Beat 14.PAGE FEATURE STORY cup sliced celery JANUARY CHATELAINE | cup cooked peas Juice HOUSEHOLD HINT To repair badly discolored spots 2 1 1 1 1 teaspoon salt '2 teaspoon curry powder 1% cup deluxe French dressing 2 cup commerelal sour cream | Place turkey, rice, celery and) peas in a bowl, Chill thoroughly, | wm - FOR LARGE SIZES Ry ANNE ADAMS Amply eut for larger sizes! Handy pockets, button back pre | vents shoulders from slipping. Embroidery adtls gay touch { Printed Pattern 4950; Women's Sizes Small (36, 38); Medium | (40, 42); Large (44, 46); Extra Large (48, 50), Small 2% yards] Sineh, Transfer, [ Send FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) | in coins (stamps cannot be ace cepted) for this pattern, Please! rint plainly SIZE, NAME, AD.| DRESS, STYLE NUMBER l Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat, tern Dept, Oshawa, Ontario, SEND NOW! Rig, beautiful, COLOR IFIC Fall and Winter | Pattern Catalog has over 100 styles to sew school, caveer, half-sizes. Only 85 cents Congratulations to the FIRST BABY of 1961 in Oshawa A RIDE HOME IN STYLE FOR BABY Mummy and Daddy can Come too ! MERCURY $ FOR BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS TAXI 43 KING ST. © RA 54771 40 King £ RA 5.015)

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