} hye Oshawa Times | Published by Canadion Newspopers Limited, 86 King 5t. E,, Oshawa, Ont, Poge 6 . Soturdoy, December 31, 1960 Splendid Achievements And Continuing Failure And so we come to the end of another year in which man found out a grest - desl more sbout simost everything except man, - While some men reached towards the stars, others plumbed the oceans to learn more about the wonderful world of the sea. But the United Nations were still # long way from being united; the world organization, far from moving closer to becoming an effective world parliament, was under the most serious pressures of its young life, New machines were devised to pro- duce goods at a faster rate then ever before, and at the same time were try. ing to work out formulas to reduce the number of unemployed workers, Millions of lives were prolonged by the new skills and knowledge of medical men, but the researchers were still puzzled by the common cold and cancer and a variety of other painful or deadly diseases, Man's greatest achievements during the year were in the physical sciences, So many space vehicles were ip orbit near year's end that wags predicted heavenly traffic jams. Eleven were {aunched in 1960, making a total (st time of writing) of 16 satellites spinning around the earth, three around the sun, On the face of the moon, 8 multi-stage rocket sent up by the Russians late in 1959 had gouged the first man-made crater, The Russians sent a capsule con- taining two dogs and some smaller animals into space and managed to recover it, The U.S, Discoverer satellites dropped capsules which were snatched in mid-air by waiting aircraft, The stage as set for the first space flight by man, A dozen nations, including the United States, Beitain, Australis, France, Japan end Russiy, launched a four-year pro. gram to fish the Indian Ocean for scien. tific data ~~ an ocean with a huge reservoir of seafood within reach of many hungry people, Near the Arctic Circle another international research fleet located an outflow of polar waters into the North Atlantic between Iceland and the Faroes -- a "leak" that interests fishermen, weathermen and students of marine conditions in general; it could deter the dumping of at tes into the Arctic, since the outlet might coll taminate great Atlantic fisheries, Other marine discoveries have been an un. charted bank northeast of Honduras and 1 strong countercurrent beneath the Gulf Stream off Miami, By THE REV. H.G.D, RICHEY, L. TH, Church of the Holy Trinity, Oshawa When the darkest days are over and the light begins to regain strength we wish one another a Happy New Year, The future, as yet non-existent, might well be happier than the past. But how shall our wish come true ? Evefy expressed wish, if it is not thoughtless or hypocritical, involves ack. nowledgment of responsibility, If it meant only that we want other men, or nations, or cosmic powers, to change their ways for our benefit we should be shutting our eyes to reality, When we wish our neighbors happiness the wish must include a pledge that we ourselves will seek to do them good, The sense of responsibility is an essential element in our religion, Jesus Tye Oshawa Times T. L. WILSON, Publisher and Generel Manager € GWYN KINSEY, Bditer The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times sitablished. 1371) ond the Unitow Gazette ond Chronicls (established 1863), a published daily Sundays end statutory holidays excepted). Memb of C Daily P Publishers Association. The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau ef Cirgulation and the Ontaria Provincial Dailies Asse. cation. The Canadian Press ls exclusively entitied ta the use for republication ef all ews despate 7" the poper credited te It or ta The Amoclated Press or Reuters, 'and alse the local news published therein. All rights of special despatches are ale reserved Offices: Thomason Building, 425 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario 640 Cathcart Street, Montreal, PQ. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by corres In Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax Piokering, Bowmanville, Brooklin, fort Perry, Prince Albert, Maple Grove, Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, arpoal, Tounten, Tyrone, Dunbarton, Enniskillen, Grama. Laskard, Brougham, Burketon, Claremont, Columbus, Greenwood, Kinsale, Raglan Manchester, Pontypool and Newcastle, net over 45¢ per week. By mail (in ployinee of Ontaria) outside carriers delivery areas 12.00; elsewhere 15.00 per year Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 Blackstock, ™ Eerly in the year the USS Triton, the world's largest and most powerful submarine sank below the surface of the mid-Atlantic for a globe-girdling voyage slong the 16th century route of Magellan, The ship served by twin nuclear reactors, did not fully surface again for three months, The Navy fired Polaris missiles from s& submerged submarine, end thereby forced a major change in de- fence theory. Private oceanographic institutions in different countries sent out floating laboratories to study seas from the tropics to the Poles, The Scripps Insfi- tution of the University of California alone mounted nine expeditions to report on various areas of the Pacific and In- dian Oceans, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, One research ship returned from a cruise to confirm the existence of a continuous earth crack through North and South Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, The 45,000-mile crack follows the earthquake belt, and is ex- pected to reveal new clues to the world's origin and geological history. Canada began a project to map and study the geology, hydrography, fish and wildlife of the Arctic. Shelf and adja- cent islands, Soviet scientists pursued basic polar research at more than 100 coastal stations, In Greenland, the U.S, army corps of engineers built an under- snow base that is heated, lighted and powered by atomic energy, In Antarctica, technical and geographic discoveries multiplied, Mountain climbers made new tracks to the world's high peaks, Sir Edmund Hillary, co-conqueror of Everest, returned to Nepal to lead the most comprehensive scientific survey yet attempted in 'the Himalayas. One of the lighter conclu. sions reached by Sir Edmund was that the "abominable snowman" was nothing more than a legend, Between the loftiest mountain top and the fringes of space, man set new records in 1960 for airplane speed (15259 miles an hour) and height (103.389 feet), In a long, lonely fall from a balloon over New Mexico, Capt, Joseph W, Kittinger Jr, of the US, Air Force made a record parachute drop of more than 18% miles, And so it went throughout the year, A great deal was done to bolster man's pride in himself, But there could be no false pride ~~ there were too many failures, the bitterest man's inability to cope with one of his oldest problems, his relations with his fellows, * ~ Two Ways Of Wishing assumed that men could make decisions, could use their gifts wisely and to the full, and could discern the difference be- tween right and wrong, They could call God by the name of Father, for they were all His children. Thus He raised men to their true dignity, rich and poor, as the Book of Proverbs puts it, "The rich and poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all" (22:2); He is equalized all without standardizing them, Happi- ness, then, was not attained by accumu- lating wealth, nor by escaping hardship; it came to the humble, the penitent, the thankful, those who gave rather than those who received, If we recognize this, then we need not fear the years to come nor the world to come either, Both may prove better than we dream, wise and simple alike If we reject it, there is no other remedy for human ills, This is what the writer of the Letter to the Hebrew Christians means when he says: "For if we sin wilfully after that we have' received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins" (10:26). Set God aside, and you must find another director, That is why today men so readily surrender their freedom to dictators, in whose hands power replaces justice, truth and love, If this system were to cover the world it would be a bad day for man, But God is not so easily dispossessed, Bible Thought So the Lord scattered them abroad {from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city, ~ Genesis 11:8 Men who build only for themselves and defy God are idolators, As the build. ers of Babel, confusion shall be their lot, MONTREAL SLECTED JAN PRAPGAU WHO SET OUT To CLEAN UPTHE ITY BY' EAR WE HAD A SUMMITALL OUR OWN J OTTAWA REPORT the manufacturer In withholding supplie This poses the question why , manufacturers consider that they Price Amendment Being Criticized By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA~Resale price main tenance is outlawed in Canada under the Combines Investigation Act, In other words, a manufac turer may not lay down the price at which every retailer of his products must retall such arti cles, But after a controversy-ridden debate this summer, Parliament amended the act to provide that a manufacturer may refuse lo supply his goods to any retailer whom he considers to be making a practice of selling those arti- cles at a price which brings him less than a reasonable profit, The purpose of this amendment was to halt "loss leader" selling, But it was attacked bitterly, and not without grounds, hy Liberal Leader Lester Pearson, "I contend that this provision will endanger the independence of retailers," Mr, Pearson (old Parliament, "It will hit low-cost distributors more - heavily than others, and will certainly hurt the consumer," Under this new provision, Mr, Pearson maintained, the manu. facturer will be the judge, To be QUEEN'S PARK entitled to refuse to sell his pro ducts to any retailer, he will not have to prove that the retailer did in fact indulge in lossleader selling, or other below-cost selling for other motives, He will only have to indicate that he and an informer possibly a competitor of the so-called accused, said Mr Pearson had reasonable cause to believe that the retailer was fol lowing such practices Following the passage of the eriticized amendment, several manufacturers adopted a new line towards stores which retail their products, This was specially noticable in the field of electrical appliances, With a remarkable unanimity three manufacturers immediately prepared and eirculated a list of prices; not of resale prices which retailers must observe, for thal would he against the law bul of the minimum prices which an ef ficient retailer could afford to charge in the manufacturer's opinion, And they indicaled thal any retailer selling below these prices would he considered guilty of an offence which would justify No Outstanding Man During Year By DON O'HEARN TORONTO--There will be no "man of the year" nominated by the writer this year The old custom will not be followed because there is not one man here who stands out in memory for any single or mass achievement during the year No man has solved unemploy ment, No man has come. up with the answer fo our finance There has heen no outstanding contrithution in other field Bo, no TWO REASONS This is net against anyone, Rather there is a two-fold rea son for it One was the nature of the past year itself, It was a year more of problems than achievement, And they were a nature of problem that didn't lend to per- sonal distinetion, It would have been hard, for instance, to come up with any action which would merit as oul: standing in the field of municipal affairs considering the great con troversy which centered around it Its answers will more likely come more from evolution than any personal steps NEW MEN The other reason is the chang: ing composition of both the gov. ernment and the legislature really any man" an Indictment A younger group of men have heen slowly moving in to take over And though they have heen growing in importance, they still are under the shadow of thei elders GOOD MEN If rather than picking a man a reassuring thought were tn he taken from 1960 it well could be in the calibre of this new group In the present composition of the House there is assurance that Ontario can have good govern ment for years to come The House now, in fact, Is generally much stronger than it was 10 years ago And the men who have added this strength are generally younger members with hoth ca pacity and the intention of stay. ing in polities In adding Hon, John Robarts and Hon, Leslie Rowntree to his cabinet during the year Premier Frost was able to bring in two men far above usual calibre John White of London South is another young man who has come to the fore on the PC benches during the year On the Liberal side, in addition to Mr. Wintermeyer there have heen Joseph Gould and a few others who have shown they had ability. 'And the addition of Ken neth Bryden to their ranks is the higgest gain the CCF has had on the floor in years, | efficiently, are hetter able than retailers themselves to judge whether any retailer is running his business Le. al a reasonable profit. The figures tend to show that the manufacturers have odd ideas, for their lists show "effi cient retailer prices" standing be. low "manufacturers list prices" by amounts varying from 10 to 25 per cent. Specifically, one such list shows thal this spread is per- mitted on several lems costing around $20 each, namely an "ef. ficiency discount' of only $2 on a steam iron at just under $20, but of $5 on a frying pan at just over 20 Reinforced by the criticized modification to the Combines In- vestigation Act, several manu. facturers now are threatening fo withhold supplies from low-cost, i.e. efficient, retailers, And this, as Mr. Pearson indicated, will harm the consumer, Some low cost retailers in Ot tawa, for example, point out that thelr cash-and-carry. customers are cheaper to serve than the charge account customers who demand home delivery, while some siores, which honour credit cards costing them collection fees of up to 7 per cent, must protect themselves against such fees Enforcement of these threats by the manufacturers is seen here as certain to harm the Ca nadian economy; for retailers eut off by Canadian manufacturers will simply buy cheaper goods from other countries, such as Japan. And that would eost many Canadians their jobs The department of justice has received a number of represen. tations upon this subject, It may eventuate that insistence upon "efficient velailer prices" Is in fact resale price maintenance, BY-GONE DAYS 40 YEARS AGO Mayor John Stacey was re. elected mayor for 1921 hy acs clamation, for a third term _ Oshawa's veteran town clerk, I'homas Morris, was reported seriously 111 E. L. Vickery was elected reeve and James McBrady, dep uty-reeve of Oshawa by acclam ation, but there would be con. tests for aldermen in all four wards, Members of the Board of Education elected by acclama- tion were Mrs, E. Conant Myers, D. M. Hall, James E, Thompson and Frank Chappell R. 8 McLaughlin was appoint. ed Honorary Lieut-Col, of the Ontario County Regiment Dr, D. 8 Hoig, medical officer of health for East Whitby town. ship for several years, tendered his resignation School crowding was a big problem to the ratepayers of School Section 10 in East Whithy township, but hecause of the in dustrial depression, the matter was shelved for another year A local branch of American Federation of Musicians was formed in Oshawa and the offi. cers elected included, BV Bateman, president; 0, 6. Rey. nolds, vice.president; WH Jackson, secretary and 8. Trew, treasurer CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA for 1961, may naw be purchased in Tox Amount 2nd. 16th prepayment pha, ta be p d in poy multiples of $10.00 in accordance with the fellowing schedule: Saat in January 17th.231d 24th-3 150 Cost in February Vaickih Teh. 13th 14th-28th 10.00 50.00 100.00 500.00 1,000.00 900 49.43 90.85 494.25 0.50 ! 9 49.52 99.03 495.13 290.2% 9.90 "a "wa 49.463 ALLEL] The discount allowad above is for the use of money from the periods shown to date af the Hest instalment and in no way aMlects the customary discount appearing on the tax hill entitling « taxpayer to receive an allowance for paying addditional instalments with the. first instalment. Purchase early and obtain the maximum discount 292 49.55 99.10 495.50 91.00 "nm 49.60 9.19 495.95 "i1% 294 H.47 9.33 496.65 293.50 HE TRIPP City Treasurer By M. MeINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng,) SEF s2Eid 3 EET pli Canadians Take Gloomy Look At Unemployment By CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC OPINION Canadians face the New Year In a grim mood on the jobless outlook -- far gloomier than their American neighbors, Today, about seven in ten Canadians look for increased unemployment in their own communities, in the first six months of 1961, In the U.S, little more than three in ten are in this mood, Gallup Poll surveys in the past have shown that the man-in-the-streef, while no economic expert, has proved to be a good guide (0 the na- tion's economy Men and Labo women in More people oul of work Fewer people Ahout the No opinion Thus,in Canada only about one in four (23 per cent) think that the job situation will remain the same, or that there will be fewer people out of work in the Mare people oul of work Fewer people About the same No opinion Apprehension over the jobless outlook in Canada runs at much the same level through the vari ous income brackets, For in stance among those with higher than average incomes, 67 per cent look for an increase in un employment; among those with lower incomes, the proportion is 60 per cent, In a recent report the Gallup - Union families are more fearful about the outlook than those who have no Union affiliation, with eight in ten looking for still more workers without jobs, Affiliated Gallup Polls in Can- ada and the U.S, asked the same question of national eross-section; "DO YOU THINK THERE WILL, BE MORE PEOPLE OUT OF WORK OR FEWER PEOPLE OUT OF WORK IN THIS COM- MUNITY IN THE NEXT SIX MONTHS?" The columns below show the much higher degree of appre: hension existing in Canada than in the US.A U.S, 2% CANADA 72% 7 16 1] 100% next six months, In the U.S, more than twice as many (58 per cent) are of this opinion Here's the way union member. ship affects viewpoints: Union Non-Union Household Household 80% 71% 7 17 5 100% Poll revealed that the public in both Canada and the U.S, shared opinions in much the same de. gree as to whether or not prices will increase In the next six months, In both countries a solid block of ahout half the population think prices will remain at much the same level as they are now for some time, World Copyright Reserved turgl Show, and for and Drama Festival EVENTS IN LONDON There Cup final foothall game , bley, the Lord Mayor's Show, the state opening of Parliament by the Queen stand out as events which have made my year in London a memorsble one, HIGHLIGHT OF YEAR The highlight of 1960, of course, was the month | was able to spend in Canada, 8 month which brought me into contact with many of my readers in various cities, At the Canadian Managing Editors' Conference in Vietoria, BC, I had & reunion with iy former editorial colleagues of other days, and gathered a wealth of new ideas It was a rave privilege to he able to visit Welland, Orillia, Bar- rie, Galt, Guelph, Woodstock and Oshawa, to speak to Rotary, Ki- wanis and Lions Clubs, and to meet old friends and make the acquaintance with many new ones who had come to know me through reading my columns in their local newspapers, VALUABLE CONTACTS As 1 look back over the year, I think that these contacts made with the readers of our news papers, through these visits, eon stituted one of the most worth. while ventures of the year Now we are on the threshold of 1061, 1t is not given fo us to look to the future and know what lies ahead. But my most fervent wish is that it may see the world moving forward towards a new era of understanding and real peace, with an end io all the things which divide nations and people. It will be a difficult year, but it can, if our leaders so will it, be a fruitful year And to all of my readers in this splendid group of newspapers, my sincere good wishes go ont in full measure, in the hope that in 1961 vou may all enjoy a truly happy and prosperous year in which successes may outweigh failure, and the joys of life overcome Aly SOTTOWS, snr It's time to extend our heartfelt wish -- that the New Year will be filled with all good things for you and yours, And we want to thank you for your patronage, AAA CLOSED MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1 961 WADIA CIR CORPN CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE Fred A. Smith Co. Ltd. - 115 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA RA 8.6272 STORE