The Oshawa Times, 31 Dec 1960, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whithy Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Mana ver: Lloyd Roherison ! Tel. MO, 5-370) a NEW FIRE HALL AT BROOKLIN residents in years to come. | trucks thal are capable of Opened in the latter part of | quenching any fire that siart | 1960, the Fire Hall has two | In the Brooklin area. The new 21960 Contentious Year For Town And County | than council learned thal the Cen tral Lake Ontario Conservation Authority was asking for a budget hich would allow them to pur chase a farm near Brooklin and begin a conservation scheme; their first, In the weeks that. fol. lowed, both Whitby and Bowman ville voted to withdraw from the authority, Mayors and reeves of the municipalities involved mel with members of the Ontario gov ernment and finally the chalrman| of the- authority resigned. | The scheme was eventually! A new Fire Hall In Brooklin | will service needs of nearby The year just passed has been vice, now revamped to the Emer anything but & dull year-for the|genty Measures Organization town of Whitby, News highlights! 1 their debate did nothing else, centred around the municipal fy certainly gave the public re field and saw heated debates Ob pewed interest in il de such varying subjects as & NeW fence and emergency measures official plan, equalized assess The new organization Is patently ment as Imposed by Ontario) (he same as the old CD set-up but County 'and 'a real rhubarb when) now local municipalities are tak the Central Lake Ontario Conser-| jue 5 keener interest and some vation Authority brought out its) sotion in the work of EMO first sizeable budget, a debate! The county's third and, as if which almost folded the fledgling] (yrmed out, most heated problem, organization was that of passing an equaliza Over the year, Ontario County tion bylaw, The bylaw, which sels Council eame close to holding the|the assessment on all the mem-| ahandgned but at least municipal Iimelight for the news centre of ber municipalities in June, was| ities learned that they should take this district, After Warden Wil- appealed by the towns of Ajax|a closer look at the copies of the liam J, Heron, of Brock Town-| and Whitby and the Township of | minutes that eame out of the ship, was elected on the first bal-| Pickering, A 14-day hearing be-| authorities nieetings lot, a rare occurrence in itself, gan on Nov, 1, and the results| { members of that body almost came down in mid-December, | INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONER fatled to see eye to eye on any| Pickering. Township and the] Midway through the year, the other subject under discussion for| town of Whitby both found them-| town's first Industrial Commis-| the rest of the yesr, |selves with substantial assens-| loner, Charles Chaytor, resigned | He took office when the county ment hikes, instead of reductions,[to accept the position of Indus.| i Commissioner in the Town.| er out plan eH ihe hash Hospitals | MAY SEC EDE ship of Scarboro, He was able to This proved to he & very tough Reeve Sherman Scott, of Pick-| look back on a successful seven problem for council and a special ®Fi08 Township, has suggested years in Whithy and his succes committee set up by the county| that the 1961 township councll| sor, Larry Cond, appointed late to bring in recommendations sonsider idrawing from Onin 1960 datieipates similar sue 0 I d ario punts cesses In ie future Norkad Raid at Hials problem am Whitby council has taken more, Whithy's Planning Board, term tions only to have other mem. concrete steps, They have asked ed by one member of council as bers of councll tear them apart council headed by lawyer Paul "the meetingest board in town"! later in open council Coath, to study a resolution call-| - ------ ing for a private bill to be brought| ely Fire Ha ith emergency Oshawa i is aleo equipped equipment Times Photo has, in recent months, stolen most municipal imelight with thelr proposed official plan It the beginning of won council's approval in prin. ciple was presented to council at autumn, the planning board held two public meetings y present their plan to the gen ral public. Toial attendance af the two meeting less than 100 and very few mi jection voiced Naturally, the planning board felt that they had struck the righ In ea Le e Was I any jor ob vere SMOKELESS OIL FURNACE IRON FIREMAN CUSTOM Markl | Users report ¥: savings on oil... cuts service costs... gives ideal homes comfort 4 a. Randall br & Sona. Lid. 102A RYRON 5. MO 8299) ADOPTED POLICY before the legislature granting The upshot of all the debate Whitby's secession from the was that the Oshawa General county Hospital would receive $240,000) In this same vein, Whitby coun for its 200-bed addition, One con. clllors are aware that the town) erete result did come of all this/ does not receive city status untfl debate, however; council estab. there Is a population of 15,000, | lished a policy for grants to hos-| The present population hovers pitals, pot F gon ; {around the 13,000 mark, Negotia:| Whitby Baptist Church . v .| tions are presently being under p Y Hey tho es the) ay The new policy authorizes the | taken with the Township of Whit. M. Ward, Ministe /, E. Summers, ATC county to make .a grant of 75 per, hy t t tion cent of hospital additions, after| PY (OF the town to annex a portion federal and provincial grants, | of the township with the 75 per cent heing based None of these negotiations have on the county's actual use of such| been revealed to the public but it Is reported that the town is) h This form Ww ) hospital Lali son x dnd Yep ap considering all of' the township hospitals this yea south of the fourth concession 4 This area might just give Whitby The matter of hospital gran that extra population necessary to came up at the January sesslon|yaie it a ety and almost assure of county council and as an Indl: separation from the county cation of how much it was de bated, the final bylaws for pay-| TOWN PROBLEMS While the county was having ts ments of grants to Oshawa and problems, Whithy town council M 10:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOO! 11:00 AM COMMUNION 7:00 PM REV, THOMAS WEER Whithy Churches EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH GERRIT REZELMAN neesslion Road West of Neo, 12 Highway REV Third ( 0:30 10:30 N 2:130ekr Service, Whi thy day 1 Schoe hithy glish Worship at Bowman. ville 7:00--English Worship at Everyones Heort Lindsay hospitals received thelr fina! readings In the December was also faced with its .own par. session of council tieular set. The new year ushered | County council alse started the In an almost brand new council vear off with another contentions! Mayor Stanley Martin took office problem. What to do about Civil|in his first year of a two-year Defence? term, to succeed Harry Jermyn | Facing him were three members FOR CIVIL DEFENCE of the former council and five In the dying days of 1930 | others who were either members council, a motion was passed of couneil in years past or new which would let the county out of councillors the joint CD agreement with the Their first problem was setting city of Oshawa as of March 31, (a mill-rate, Faced with rising 1960. In the first two sessions of costs of education and other serv 1960, this matter was thoroughly ices, this council had no choice mulled over by council with the but hike the rate 11 mills, the result that the county decided to first hike in recent years remain a member of the joint ser! Hardly had the budget been set 419 Brock St. N., Whitby Pa 1 9 30 PM. DECEMBER 31st te « 15 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM RADIO BROADCAS BIBLE SCHOOL } 7.00 PM ALN WEL and FAITH BAPT stor OUR NEW YEAR'S ALL NIGHT RADIO BROADCAST Rev. F ANUARY y §:00 AM T {OUR OUR PA SERVI OME Ist CKLB BROCK (Whitby) Extends To All "A HAPPY NEW YEAR" STARTS MONDAY HOLIDAY MATINEE 1:30 Rev John M, Smith, BA BD Minister MORNING WORSHI 9.45 AM Girls ond Boys ® years and over Girls under 9 WHITBY UNITED Rev. A. M, Butler, BA, Assistant Minister "ANOTHER CHAPTER" SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM and Boy p 11:00 AM 11:00 AM infant Care year Jur W hip PENTECOSTAL REV. JOHN SCARR, Pasto 9:45 AM ~0QUR GROWING 11:00 AM. & GORDON ATTE - lame Over India' '--in color Kenneth MORE, Louren BACALL LAST TIME "F uy TODAY 307 BROCK 8:45 AM RADIO BROADCAST A HAPPY NEW YEAR TABERNACLE N Phone A N 0 8.5772 r CKLB SUNDAY XC 7:00 P.M R. of Petarh role with thelr plan which hed been three years in the making However, in the weeks tha: fol lowed, all soris of objectors op pesred and at the moment | bord is trying to appesse these objectors without actually shen dowing the plan they originally produced was the opening of the new my wicipal building. The opening was the climax to discussions that began here & decade ago when elect; Bro | [the late Arthur Allin's will Wes warden; Bro, Neil Smith, juslor| warden iain; Wor, Bre, C, 8. Thompson, probated and stowed that he had | council had froned out | problems of sile, what | ments could be included, ele, the Ormiston, senior deacon; | cost had risen to shout 8 quarier Jim | million dollars Staried in 1660, on the sie of | the old Samuel Trees mansion, onl Dundas St, W., the new building bray, lis every bit ss hendsome as James Stark, outer guard, Arthur Allin would have wanted it and was ready flor use by | March of this year, It was opened in the autumn, officially, in cere monies which well marked the occasion, | The old building which served as 8 tows hall for 76 years, but which was built & century ago for a music hall, is now in the pro- cess of demolition and will make way for a parking lot, OCEAN-GOING SHIP | ¥ some in future years will not | recall 1960 as the yesr of the pew town hall opening, they may re call it as the year the first ocesn going cargo ship tied up in Whit by Herbor, The MV Monica Smith, of the Swedish . Chicago Lines, tied up here with a load of steel piling, from England, foi # new retaining wall on the har bor On the occasion of welcoming the skipper and bis crew, Mayoi Stanley Martin forecast that this event was the forerunner of many great things for Whithy harbor and indeed this whole area Maybe 1861 will tell SECTELS those 1960 and later| hers of the Mount Zion lodge {AF and AM No. 9 held their an Probably the highlight of 1960, nual election of officers recently. | The lollowing were elected: i bequeathed $100 600 to Woithy for) | the Sonitiuetios ol 4 nen Sich | Wp , ores building. By trae | treasurer; Wor , W. figures w aod all the ning, secretary; Wor. Bro, Jackinight for the dependants of the All proceeds from the Benefit depart: Patterson, dir, of cer.; Bro, Hughlisle OPP Constable Morley Rich Elect Officers THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Desomber 31, 1960 § Mapleos Coach SNEAD SIGNED . WASHINGTON (AP) ~~ Wash {ington Redskins Friday signed their top draft choice, quarter: 'heck Norman Bnead of Wake Will Referee In Benefit Tilt or «2 ion comes 1 ine *" " , one of the best psssers in rol al cary lege football during his three Wor. Bro. Ken Greer, Master- giants with the Toronte Maple 76578 8t Wake Forest, Is being Louis Jones. senior|Lests, will referee the counted on to help revive the hockey tilt between Whithy fire Redskins, who won only one ighters end police on Jan, 3 at Eome this season, the Whithy Community Arena, The tw hock » ers from the Oshawa Skating Teta a the benefit Club and the Whithy Skating Club, Mount Zion Lodge BROOKLIN (Siaff) Mem Creaied To Family Monuments Individgue) Requirements STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 318 DUNDAS EASY MO 8-3552 Bro. Ewart Leask, chap | Night will go to the family of Bro.|srdson, Const, Richardson died the late Constable Richardson. Sandison, junior deseon;ist the end of a charity hockey Bro. Charlie Wamilion, senlorigame recently, steward; Bro, Robin Wilcox, jun" He is survived by his wife and for steward; Bro, Milton Mow-iiree children, inner guard; Wor. Bro.| The Benefit Night ot the Arenas, beginning at 8 p.m, will feature & game between the local fire fighters and police, On the same program will be 15 figure skat- WEEK of PRAYER The Ministerial Association of Whithy decided to have one combined Prayer Service on Wednesday night, January 4, 1961, ot B p.m. in the WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH leorner Colborne W, end Contre 8) Wor. Bro, Russell Down is the Past Master. Insialling Officer| was Wor. Bro. Jack Patierson, Hots off friends and cus- their continued loyalty fo our tomers for Rev. A. M, Butler will conduct the service. Rev. J, VanHarmelen will preach the sermon "ABOVE THE NATIONS" The Whitby Baptist Church Choir will sing, ond best wishes for 0 happy year. CARDINAL CLEANERS Ltd. CORNER THICKSON'S RD, AND HIGHWAY NO. 2 Offering for the Canadian Bible Society EVERYONE IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND AND TO PRAY FOR THE WORLD. 1 TONI Ee when it's "one for the road"... MEN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW , , Fine whisky, in moderation, plays an important part in the art of gracious living. Knowing when to make a 'gracious refusal"' plays an equally great part in the art of sensible living. This is especially true when the New Year's party is breaking up . . , when you're about to drive home and someone suggests, "How about one for the road?" Tonight, if you are doing the driving, say: 'Yes, I'll have one for the road. But, please make it coffee!' THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM LTD. + PRACTICE MODERATION TODAY

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