'Planning Board Approves THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sotwrdey, December 31, 1960 3 Public Health Program Extensive In Oshawa | By DR. J. E, WATY Supervisor Environmental Sanitation Environmental Sanitatiogreovers the largest portion of an oversli publie health program, and much of the work involved requires fre quent inspections apd samplings, A full staff is thus essential if complete coverage is lo be given to the many facets of a compre hensive program, Unfortunately stati shortages occurred during a greater part of the year, so that some desirable projects were not carried out, or were restricted in scope, The following Is a brief sum mary of the activities of the sec tion, FOOD CONTROL Routine dairy farm Inspections were restricied due to lack of time, but efforts were made to maintsin frequent sampling of the raw milk produced, and the qual ity of the product over the entire milk shed remains high, Frequent sampling was also carried out of the many products processed by the local dairies, of milk product sold from dispensing devices in eating establishments, and of ice cream processed by various out lets in the City ® DR J. E, WATT ises where the clvie supply is not available, and five separate sur veys of the water supply In var areas were carried out dur yea fos the The water pollution program was continued during the pollution of our while ear. BONE 0 waler source courses are ohvious E others obscure and require much ut and time consum ing Investigation, Regular checks of the lakeshore during the sum maintained and vas found al pools re Public eating establishmer well as private and inde caleterias must all be inspected frequently and swabs must be taken of various utensils as @ check on dishwashing procedures Much progress has been made in improving the sanitary standards of esting establishments, Unfor tunately, the proposed food hand lers' training course could not be started due to lack of time Coverage must also be given lo food-serviee food dis peusing machines, and the many types of food relall outlels manufacturing plants, including bakeries, soft drink plants, frost ed locker plants, butcher shops grocery slores, el Almost dally visits are required to one approved local slaughite house, at which all meat killed for sale in Oshawa musi be in spected and approved are patie very the mer ere little pollation 8 iminiin frequent beach aves careful test quire and ing AIR POLLUTION A survey the co-operation of the provincia as carried out ih vehicles department of health of the type amount of pollution occurring i and in in various sincerely of this sur govern and ne atmosphere part the It hoped that the findings Il lead to a byla 5. of city important problem GENERAL SANITATION grouped of the Under th heading a number of activities fuding | and beauty tion ni 1e¢ inspection of barber shops parlors WATER, WATER POLLUTION SWIMMING AREAS Routine weekly sample be collected of the civic supply from many points eity for both bacterial and ical testing, Samples are taken from wells serving prem Many Immunized Against Disease By Dr, C, C, Stewart Medical Officer of Health As the year 1060 draws to af close the Local Board of Health? congratulates the people of Osh." awa on their Intelligent aware | ness of the principles of com munity health and on thelr thoughtful willingness of response | to the various programs ifically designed to further public safety Of the many ways in which disease may be categorized, one broad classification is that of disease that afflicts self alone and Is not spread from one lo the other as opposed to the com yo | muniecable infectious diseases tha can be transmitted from source to coslact, person to person, and family to family The activites and programs of the Local Board of Health and the Oshawa Health Department are primarily direc ted towards the control and pre vention of this latter group of transmissible diseases, The hoard could not be successful in it's en deavour if it were not for the splendid support, assistance, and co-operation {t sives from the private physicians, other health agencies, and, above all, from ¢ the citizens of Oshawa who take upon themselves the responsi bility of safeguarding personal and community health IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM Many Illastrations of remark able response to local public health programs could be cited but nothing serves better than these facts concerning the level of immunization in the eity ong, septic tank nspéct pection and school inspec . [tion must water f section in the from the general public, and from chem other civie departments hich are deemed to be of health nature are Inve ymplaints reach the various anda all v a public also spec the i | A DR, C, C, STEWART mpot of ul standards « ance of avolding complacency in a lowering of any feel that could| the high of community health iblished by the citizens of Osh I'he local Board of Health each and every presod to continue the good work Many Seek Rid From . level of immunization among pre school children is the fact that The City last fall only 4.9 per cent of the | children had not received pr THRE mary immunization before enter My Hl. G, CHESERROUGH WELFARE ADMINISTRATOR ing &chool 2. At least 91 per cent of the) Oshawa's Welfare Department its busiest year since the ing re awa [to the boom years of 1954 to 1958 '(had accumulated over a period of | tigated and action is taken where required, The number of ecom- plaints received increases each year, > COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Due to the generous finsnelsl pesistance of the Ontario County TB Association, the chest wtay program of food handlers, bar bers and bairdressers was eon tinued during the year, The cost of xrays was horne by the asso elation Two confirmed cases of rables in skunks were diagnosed within the city limits during the year, and all reported dog and animal bites were investigated 3s a pre- caution against the possibility of exposure of humans to the dis sige Calls were also made to homes | ' bt L Lal ddd FE tl sity iO a Lr 515 oh wriin 1 "#8 5 i HALLE A. i} Ls A i wiidikdi WEATHER FORECAST to explain quarantine regulations of various eommunicable dis eases Shortage Of SUMMARY OF INSPECTIONS Blood Feared AND INVESTIGATIONS A serious shortage of all types To convey the scope-of work in-| or vied at Red Cross blood hank vowed, 8 brief summary of visits depots the eve of the made in regard to various aspects veep 's Day holiday wee' end has! or hospital and society ittes! TORONTO Total raw milk samples taken, worried. A high accident toll over sued hy the Blk; taken from the next few days could result mam dairie milk sarapiesa complete shut-down of the free dispensing dev trandfusion service with ecomse ream samples quent tragedy and loss of life ken, 146; total visits to eadng| The Oshawa Blood Dime Clinie establishments, 621; total prem scheduled for this coming Thurs 302; total ips (day "will serve to fill a desperate in- shortage and averl a Eilts uation that eould have the most tragic conseauences," declan t 0H. §roud man the elinie eommittee { p BRI e generosity Pty Wl he #eneto Dyer Windsor, Hamilton: Clow and his congregation has made mid but turning much vie water - samples possible the use of the excalient this afternoon a id evening, y #30; total civie facilities at Si Audit. eral hours of light snoy this aft samples taken (chemical), lorium, Simcoe north, for €rnoon and evening, Snowflurries totas private water samples this elinie on Thursday, MMi drifting show Sunday, hui 112 samples sunny inter: Winds taken Stroud revealed today, The hours 0 1 ' p § ve 5 . lakeshore area, 104; total for the clinic are from 1:80 to 4 the ecoming Laken from evenin swimming! p,m, and trom 6 fo 9 p.m easteriy total creek and storm' Bet of volunteer Red Crogs| 1 total sewage workers have just completed Cloudy school in-'gtrong dri fo recrol nteericolder donors with sper emphasis onlhours of Ul during new donors who have nevér given afternoon and evening, Clearipg blood before, In churches and| ; mae, truer 27 Povo Board address 0 wor-| | * Aer ice | Factions Aone In Clash ' mew CPI--Fo veather office Catls at the program is presented anths h total samples 796; Wom total Sor Southern On's but | entreng wee for Fis tit er fario this 2 mild night firm! total ce ¢ no Northern vill reach ower fterncon and temperatures degrees 0 Light the 345 On lakes and centra the swabhed Ewa 1202 ises total food vehi serion pectiong food d ing machine inspections, 30; total sulnples taken, #4; In tons of retall food shops ele, total soft drink samples taken, 24; tot Spens OMpans ¢ cha 4 total eions ly and eo'der Lake Frie, Nlagare of otal el aken yaeterial), Gregory's aler t stree 254; and aken tola also als from to 25 hn amples 25h region, London mild, turning much pools res 166 ' and UH; np amples otal ¢ vol fierncon, Seve 3 Total barber and halrdregser in spections, 34; total septic tank and plumbing Inspections, 80 total housing inspections, 62; tota garbage Inspections, 27; total in-| re Ar 26; | NL Enow the pi |] spections Up Clinle icable diseas 62; total meat the New Year's resolutions carcasses inspected, 863; total Oshawa residents will keep complaints Investigated, 329 600 New shippers to support the elinl | Pollutio Worried medical and Red Cros: i officials will he hoping tha otal miscellaneous inspections, novt of the Blood Donor dl; total anima! bites luvestigated | with its free transfusion B1; total calls re; other commun. will merit top billing A heated nlace at the Fdueation meeting House, Thursday posing factions of the clashed over an 11h how ie | Board of Adelaide two on verbal di Oshawa at when 0 hoard] "apes. . | ome nits g entation of notlee of mation to amend certain hoard of edu ation) bv aws" The admendments to {1aws sugeested by Cieorge Drynan w! g i ir |nital, and read hy Trosiee Savwell tn the ire gular standing comr Nearly 800 new dweHing units fhowtd be Ang Med In Inde fax were constructed in Oshawa dur g [@ oe an Y 0 Nell Wan 1] ing 1960, This figure is rather sur ret Shaw. Rev. P. Coffev and prising considering all the talk Hr 1d ig stp hiected to there has been ahout recessions [Harold hii | t {imposing an order of in the construction trade, espe { ing hoard ctally. when it is compared to the id RCo od he figures for 1950 They were ok H ! Brown a meeting could | ealled hy the ehalrman of f! {hoard to approve these amend:| (ments Trustee GETS NEW POST | mendmens Mr, Jack H, Snyder, a grad. |inc oming hoard. and he uate of the Ontario College of [to the premise that the chalrman) housing units had taken| Pharmacy in 1040, has joined [of the present hoard conld eall af Consideration should also| the staff of Jury and Lovell {meeting in 1961 be given ta the tremendous prob-| Limited in Oshawa, renewing | Triste Bi lems which were created for the| his association with the Lovell [hoard of edn municipality, and the taxpayer by, organizatian in Retall Phar. [peads that the sitting the very rapid and abnormal rate] macy, His extensive training \/man may call a expansion and should realize! In the pharmaceutical field be. [the sitting board that a more natural growth, as is! gan with joining the sales [hoard business un now taking place, Is in the long, department of the manufactur [uration of the new tar. safer and healthier,| ing division of the Lovell organ: | Trustee C. W hoth from a physical and financial| ization in 1840, He became sales od that since the point of view manager in 1030, and has con: [qigeussing bylaws that a bylaw] tinued in that capacity until [ghonld be passed to the effect the present time, His wide ex hat anvone sitting on the board) perience in the sales field will [of education econld not have he of great value In the future { hoa! named after him expansion plans the long The hoard voted on the question established Jury and Lovell lof whether another hoard meeti Limited retail firm, enabling | be called hefore the ine the Erected HENRY CHAPMAN Plumbing Inspector effect By were ng motion n AL he Trustes that It is hardly fair to compare p it One should remember that those years the trade was trying to satisfy a demand In| still that (O'Neill oblected to heing forced on obiected| Years tion of place when hardly any construe n insisted that tion 00 vin hoard ehalr. | meeting, and mny conduet| till the nang of his hoard AMinett hoard | 8 ost hel si view 1960 was also the year in which the regulations governing the i stallation of plumbing in Ontarle vere transferred trom the On tavio Department of Health to the Water Resources Commission and a much revised plumbing code Issued, The previous .code, though first devised hy craftsmen and people knowledgable 'n the trade, had been so rewritten hy : l profession at Queen's Park, that the poor henighted journevman the Job almost needed to consult a lawyer to find out what he was expected to do of vas legal on di Much Colder ' New Year's Day ate tonight, Sunny with elonfy intervals and a w scattered snov flurries Sunday with drifting no alities, South 2, heeoming y this alterno Ontario reglong, Toronto apd wild, turning much this afternoon, A few light snow heginning by and ending this evening eold night, mao=«fly in arifting esi Clondy colder nours ol mid-day Clear and v hut day, South hecoming easterly 25 by midday, Georgian Bay, Haliburton re- gions: Bnow ending this morning, then becoming clear and very cold, Winds easing to north ast 25 this morning, Hight Sun day Kirkland Lake, White River James Bay, Timmins-Kapuskas- ng, North Bay: Sudbury and very cold today and Bunday Chance of few snowflurries Sunday close Lake Superior Wasi 10 to hecom: ing light tonight 1] to «tent Clear! Parks Plan For Oshawa i A further milestone was resch- ed this year in the planning for the Oshawa of tomorrow, The Perks Plan received the ap proval of the planning boord sud heen submitted to city coun pl nates the park (fagliities which will be progressively required until the eity reaches a popula. tion of 100,000 people, The importance of such » plan fo the city cannot he over stresced, Good parks snd open space do as much ps fine snd majestic bufldings to ereale, build up and maintein the individual charac. ter of a city, Central Park is as much 8 part of the specis] char. acter of New York as Times Square, while Hyde Park con. tributes as much to the individual. ity of London as Piccadilly Cir cus, [LONG RANGE PLAN Secondly, as neighborhoods he. 1zome fully buflt up, the need for {open recreations] space hecomes Vintensified, hut the neighborhood which starts ot as a pleasent catieving of horres i with trees and open space, may end up as a monotonous collec tion of dwellings unrelieved by any open space or landsor I feature, I can he preven'ed if a long ronge plen pol to 1} future park requirements of the area Thirdly, while money to acynire it Is not always to which a vill increase the propert of surrounding ves . estate, and preserve it from the menace of {urban blight, The Parks Plan in dicates where it 1s advantageous to acqnive parkland in advance of development, to secure it for the public. hefore speculative pressure has artificially inflated the price There is adequate legislation in the Ontario Planning Aet to pro vide the eify with the parks which it needs, at all futur stages of its development, and with public support this will he. {come a reality Buch a goal can only be attained consistently, surinkd parklands cost and moin'ain realized the e Lheni e pa § CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best ishes to the following res dents of Oshawa and dietriet vho are celebrating birthdays tl veekend hose are Karen Shearer, 7 Alax Mrs, Irma 247 Graburn Ave Johnston, 178 Park Rd. North; Peter Ktryehalski, 834 Pine Ave; Danny Dawe, 216 Park Rd, North; Mrs Tallman, #1 Conant Street; Mrs, Gdo vee, 50 Bruce Street; Doi las Lymer, 234 Rruce Street lane Lavion, 257 Oshawa Blvd Sout Donald Lennox 118 Kingsdale Ave lean Turpin, fd King Street Fast Marvagret Haass Taunton PO Those sunday Miss Arliss liam Street Fast McKnight, 588 TNitson South; Randy Stewart, M7 Somerville Avenue Wm I. Lovelock, 201 Kendalwood Road; Darlene Prybick, 321 (tuelph Street: Wm, Medina #1 Deurey Drive, Scarhoro Those who celebrate on Monday are Donald Johnston Street, Port Perry Tnekson, 161 Bedford A Morin 17 Whithy: Norman ih Oxford 8 Conway who celebrate today York St Selineff Rickie f vho - celebrate are on 126 Wi Darlene Road Gay fohn Randy Avanne Cedar wil Mar 618 Ortono Peter Fxles Wl Avenue Michael King Streel, Whit Mary Richards, 118 P Street; Mrs John Chipliek {17 Bloor Street Fast; Shirley Van Sivke, 384 \litehe!l Avenue Frances MeQuald, 115 Annls Street he first five persons to in form The Oshawa Times their birthdays each day wil receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four « week perioit ~The eur rent attraction "North to Alaska' Reports in he recelved only hours of & am Phone RA 3:04 eet garet Avenue Crevrart Visser, 117 Mrs ince of 1s birthdays will between the and 10 am I think he will find the new code far easier to interpret . | should them to continually improve [anguration of the new hoard ielr service to their 'custom [They decided that the chairman] ore [should call a meeting at "the best time for most of the hoard) N Li members," l | | a es 0 n CLIFTON €, LANG Clifton ( Lang died I | » 218 Burk stre Apprentices to th pare {residence at 218 T still Brands 8 AS al rade (he a e ues a lawa on Dee. 31, He had been in should be, and the hlame for this {falling health for the last five must be st ared hy the trade, the! |years, He was in his 62nd vear unions and the Provincial and! The 1841 vehicle licence plates He .w M hare, i _Hallliehity Federal Departments of La which on sale at the depart pare I P epartments of Labor I B0 on sale at the depar Maragret Lang. Ho Ont, His {Joseph and Ipresented from 10 pom MAYOR-ELECT ON TV Mayvar-eleet Christine Thomas will probably show up in the next few hours on a new television show, "Telethon" Sunday, January 1, to 4 pm. January 2 hy CFTO-TV (Channel 9), Toron. which 1s to be|work BUSY SCHEDULE By ¥, §, WOTTON Co-ordinator Emergency Measures Organ Following 1s a report gf the ac tivities of the Fmergenty Meas |ures Organization In the County {of Ontario and the City of Osha [during 1900; | PUBLIC EDUCATION Ten speaking engagements clubs and organizations; {working days attending three co . which sress should be aequired Siren Locations For County Set County of Ont, City of Oshawa Pital ald insivuction course; fifty A to! approximately 2000 seven 80x working days attending rescue (ake the necessary action, In the however, if & long range parks is not built upon asd which would plan is in existence be ides! to develop for playfieid PLAN pfs DE id Buch s pla has nov bees pre. go i. pared. The plan will set 8s # borticultuwat pork guide to council, to indicate purposes, The linked with a is there, , but the land quired, 2i=Yhe devel, city park of at from developers to ensure residential development is ways accompanied by psrkiond of the right kind in the right location. The plan recommends a variety of different kinds parks, neighborhood playgrounds,' istrict Playtieds, A Sly rs, hortieulinral parks, and landscap- 15 MOR ™ ed sedentary avess for passive TRE PLAYGROUNDS i reerention. The pln also takes thor nelghbhorhocd . Pagrounos into consideration thet Oshawa pine of which will eventually i. has been blessed with natural yolve Surther acquisition of fentures of which full advantage il ishment oy should be iaken, namely the a Tha estab tis play: Oshawa, Harmony snd Favewell |, oon Creeks, and the Lakeshore, The i test points ont, with Mustrations, King i. hetireen Harmony road what should be done to improve) Wf these Ale s and Jroserve them oh Same extension to North for public recreation . si It ins heen the aim of the , i CLORIOR of a sedentary planning hoard that the needs of joo" Re and landsesp- every group of citizens of every go oo St ori es north of age group should be considered, ing, pi i poh ge, ao g7 . Ihe plan is in ended to he more | i A hem a mechanics) application of nity of the Children's standards, hut rather a compre 4 jee nals wilh recommen. HORTICULTURAL PARKS s particulny needs and poten bg, f The devel pment ol " tallies, Por this repeon & BUM: (peak Vali i ia 2 i fad wr of hackgromd studies were wav 401 aed a i Son IN bi made prior to the compilation of Adelaide avenue i he plan. Included among these T REepY background studies is an examin. Thi Te Jiotervation a ha ation of. the history of public Creek Vellevian Arewp ATA Rad aation | & elleylends for parv'and wo oh " a fh obs nop ohio and the establishment of pubis 4 4 ; a feces wherever possible, with hovhoods and age groups, and a hid survey of the EE Suan) needs the. erention of plenle sites in cor " a suitable locations of a large number of eivie and "gq pyc wh youth organizations , preservation of wide ' areas of lakeshore frontage for RECOMMENDATIONS public recreation, the ereation, of Following are some of the rec. 8 Lakeshore driveway with park ommendations in the Parke Plan; 10¢ areas and plone sites, the 1) Perhaps the most important |'MProvement of all the mos recommendation is that land be Promising beach areas,' and the acquired fo establish & playfield e5tablishment of a publie lookout in the Creek Valley Area between" Bonnie Brae Point, King Bt. and Rotary Park, such! These recommendations were a playfield wonld serve that part made in the sincere belief that of the eity which is most heavily 800d parks enrich the human en populated and in the greatest Yrenment and yield immeasur. need of a playfield, There is Ale dividends now and for gen ample land in the valley which erations vet unborn, It is hoped [by the planning board, that pub. lie support will' enable the parks plan fo be implemented as a true expression of the needs and wants of the citizens of Oshawa, Arena ' » uf le L] » mitted for an additional siren at Dunbarton following Dee, 8 tests, Generally there Is an awaken Ing to the municipalities' respon. gihility within the Connty hit. hy has a bylaw, other eounciiy have discussed one with the do odinator, Oshawa has pared bylaw shortly to be aed hefore Coungll, nty council has thelr bylaw awalfing third |and final reading, v MUCH COULD BE DONE | Port Perry; one evening course on orientation, Brooklin; twenty home pursing students given hos evenings of rescue training dur ng year, attendance varying It 15 obvious much more eould from 20 to 60 students -- approx | Pe done in all communities If ad imalely 5000 man hours by volun. Vantage was taken to study the teers; sixty evenings of communi: material now provided the clerks {cation training for advancement) 80d councils hy the eo-ordinater {of radio operators' proficiency --| Eventually T will have time to man hours; Work on each of the eouncils to course by your co-ordinator; |fmeantime it 1s best to ensure [ordinators conferences, Toronto three day CD scheme partici those communities that show In and Kitchener; three tests of county warning system; six meet ngs of county eontrol committee nine meetings . with county councll meetings attend ed; two rescue exercises communications exercises weekly newspaper serialized col all County papers, Published reg ularly hy periodically digested One publieity into He public demonstration, with atiend ance totalling over 2000, Three hundred letters re shelter gram to influential eltizens pro Also letter to all sery personne! chureh men's clubs lee clubs Whithy and Oshawa re the community servie render In the Rescue in Alax, {garding {they can Service ORGANIZATION One hundred coples of a locall y {our County that would he expect led in a CD emergency with sug | gestions as to action that can he | taken now by the ecounell and all by local departments Fifty coples of a draft vylaw|" gent to each counell, their clerks and the county commitiee for { EM, to assist munleipalities in {forming up a local ENO with {whom your po-ordinator eould T'wo meetings attended of | Mutual Ald Fire service as panelist Developments are progressing municipal | fence College attending forum on! tremendous councils or eouneil committees in| (raining methods and equipment; faced with a people that have county areas; five meetings with| [lve elected representatives at.| been able to hire men and women Oshawa EM committees; three tended Mayors and Reeves forum | {0 #0 overseas and do our fightipg two! municipal clerk attended | pal n Oshe Times and The Oshawa Times Ad wy vp cA BE DONE program on hi shelters via radio and press and 9&0! one publielty program on radio and|"'E in press to reccuit rescue service and | available With an operating train fraternal and like organizations produced reference book on the problems of each community in Are Producing key personnel to} one pated in hy your co-ordinator; six| terest get the utmost support, working days hy the chief resoue| It must be realized hy every officer for Oshawa at Civil De. One concerned that defence Is a problem, We re CD one | for us, munie-| In the present defence envision forum, Gravenhurst; one ®d for this country, we are all member of the cogtrol commiitee| Personally involved. We must he | at College, Arnprior umns written and distributed to attended CD College for one weel| Prepared to fight down to and in cluding the confines of our own | homes, because it will be glohal with or without nuclear weapons ; The capability to take whatever In the/blows an aggressor oan give us EMO for this county and fight back as a nation 1s A team of seven instructors is| what will determine whether we available to conduet orientation|have a war or not, tolrses for any community or] If we are weak and do nothing anlzatlon that accepts the of-|te defend ourselves. we are ash. {ters made for a course ¢/ ing to he part of the communist Fifteen Rescue instructors are way of life, If that is our chofee then let's give up the fight, colrse Ihe following is what is avail] to each community 1 5 Ing school to train rescue person-| nel, Some of this instruction can PEFENCE A DETERRENT be done in communities through.) On the other hand, If you wan out the County, If has been re. to Join a "Han the Bomb" organ [quested of each Council to ap lzation I implore you to become [point a Rescue Officer to assisi|®@ Working part of the defences of in recruiting the course eandi-| Canada and participate therein [dates | By a strong defence we offer a The courses deterrent to the use of this dread { ful weapon, provide a county wide communi.| 1 would ask al councils and cation emergency net, This gs he. {he people they represent to step ing handled directly from County looking for other governments or Headquarters and requires no as- the serving members of the de stance from the local councils at Partment of national defence to do all the defending necessary, 1 orlentatine | Would ask you to accept yon general, resoue and communi shave to defend your heritage and {eation training is the direct re. Not tale the negative attitude sponsibility of the co-ordinator @#ainst this necessary work, He and these activities have heen Positive and get something going listed heretofor | tor enfferge ney measures in your | Welfare, police, five, health, en. Community gineering, warden training and the local plans and eo-ordin- {ation of these services ave the re communication resent Puhlie education over-all schoo! population, total: had ling 14,200 students, have received depression when a high percent. Without an adequate and contin. ment of transport building at the|J! oy he fan complete immunization {age of unemployment throughout|ulng supply of properly trained Oshawa Shopping Centre Jan, 3,/\Vas married 2 the a he 8, It is estimated that approx-|the year resulted in many ap-|apprentices the good craftsmen|Will have white letters and num-| Thelma Cruickshank in 182 RN imately 70 per cent of adults have Plications for sistance. The will eventually cease to exist erals on. a black background Terided in Oshawa for the last received or are recelving immuni. year started off with a heavy : ORR | years : sation against poliomyelitis |caseload as the result of the It 1s my opinion that many of Licences must he obtained be-| "He was 'an employee of Fitting : {adverse affects of the United the lads who while away their ey ap 3 hud March 16. {Limited for 83 years and vetived FINE RESPONSE | States steel strike. Construction last two or three years at high!,, oo veal ANS 8 wh, Say in 1955, He was a member of the Another demonstration of the was slow to start In the spring Choo! getting, through ne fault of | (A Tpstance ee ns (First Baptist church and also of responsiveness of the people of owing to wet weather, and when 'NeIr own, little or no benefit from O16: You musi , omplete hein gieel Workers Union Osh where ity health|it did start the volume was far|their-scademic studies, would he chy Rance na ag n eR Al He ts survived bv his wife matters are concerned is to be| below that of 1959 {far better employed learning a MICRYOR, (HACK of BRO Heenced gapahter, Mus, John Paul 'y Lip 4 before obtaining your new plate T m skin |trade, preferably on the job 0 hr RES drained of Toronto: one son, Ron found in the recent mass Early in the summer heavy ] (An Insurance certificate is alsolid 91a Burk street, Oshawh: one Yilayoffs occurred in industry and [required in order to obtatn your|ccter Miss Esther Lang of Oshel many of the men have still not/employment before their unem.|1961 plates without paying $3 into] \ roth re Grand Syq. (Omitted: a daughter Lillian, and evening course on orientation, been recalled to work. As a re-| Ployment insurance expires {the Unsatisfled Judgment Fund jan. al of Osh s ig Willan one son, Jack Neill. Roth ave/Oshawa General Hospital; six sth the Yolue of welfare ap-| For the elderly persons in Osh] During 1900, 20650 passenger|and Carl of Peterborough and od residents evening course on Orientation, the Hoy with ed Shratghout awa 1960 was a4 banner year with{vehicle licence plates were sald Donald of Pantla¢, Alich in assistance needs. As a result] a4 opening of Hillsdale Manor, at the shopping centre hranch off He is resting at the Mottosh of the high caselead, the depart.| gp owas Home for the Aged.|the department of transport, Anderson Funeral Home where ment exceeded its budget Tororo] ne Welfare Department with the| From Jan, 4 to Mar, 18, 1900, Rew N. F, Swackhammer of the a winter works program started oro atan of the Ambulance 15.084 sets of plates were sold.|First Baptist church will eonduet in October to assist the unem- Service, over a period of six| As in 1960, the 1981 Oshawa|the funeral services in the chaps ployed weeks, moved approximately 90|licence plates will start with the|sn Menday. January 2 at 2 p.m 4 {residents from Fairview Lodge to|lettér "A", The first series will] Interment will be at Moun Although Oshawa had a their new home. Another hundred be from AS301 to A999. A staff|Lawn Cemetery sharply increased number of un. Persons were also admitted dur-/of 10 persons will be employed . employed, In comparison with ing the year In addition to many solely for handing new llcence Wher large Tunlelpalities in On interviews and applications {plates at the shopping centre | ario, Its number of welfare] During the year there was a! More than SMO driving tesis Hy IY gH Buble ealth recipients was far from excess-|major staff change, W. D. Johns were supervised by the Oshawa A, ghd [ive. However, in Oshawa there! being appointed superintendent of branch of the department of gratulating the people on their/are still at least several hundred) Hillsdale Manor and W. J. Nay-/ transport in 1960. The depart matihie torts hat Sper person drawing unemployment | lor belng promoted to Mr, Johns' ment also reported no backlog of {insurance who are potential wel. position of deputy w \ opl : ing tes o Boalts "wodkd emphasize the fare recipients unless they Seoul trator W deputy Weliare aqmin Jeople walling for driving tests NEW YEAR'S DAY DINNER SUNDAY, JAN, 1a 4 PM, TO 8 PM SPECIAL TURKEY AND STEAK DINNERS With All The Trifimings RESERVATIONS: = PHONE RA 5.261) NOTEL LANCASTER QEHAWA to's new television outlet which tg establish a fully functional ad: sonsibility of each local conned is due to go on the alr tomorrow | ministration and training oentre! and thein a. A due a Bibs for the first time, Camera erews| far the County whieh will greatly The co-ordinator pi a Lay we nts {Visited Oshawa this week to take improve the training effielency| assist when oatled upon ig oy scenes of Mrs. Thomas at home| and contribute greatly to fhie| Council or tie EMO. commition and at work in the Clty all, overall organization "of EMO| which each Council has Boor 2 throughout the County, Within al ed jo formulate by hylaw, {few months it 1s hoped this will be a reality 10 SIREN LOCATIONS In the capaeily of liaison the army the 10 siren locations for the southern part. of the county have heen investigated! and the details given to the army who are writing specs for ten ders Recommendation has been sub tw | NAMES OMITTED In the obituary notice ofsAfrs William T. Fearn Sr, printed in| TRAINING the edition of December 30, the Six evening course on Orlenta names of two surviving members | tion, Oshawa; six evening course f the deceased's family were on Orientation Uxbridge: four vith on {Lor \ tario County Tuberculosis and Health lamination, and oh notably, a e N untary a eu of Osh awa citizens. It is reported 86.5 per cent of the population of Oshawa responded to the survey, and thus is established a provin- cial record of the highest com: munity participation in these sur.| veys date in Ontario. The citizens of this city can feel proud of thelr responses, endea- vors, and actions where matters We're Bursting Forth , , JAMES A. MacDONALD and RUSSELL J. MURPHY wish to announce that as of December 31st, 1960, the firm of GREER, MURPHY & ° MacDONALD WILL BE DISSOLVED our warmest friends and AREAK.IN REPORTED Lang's Meat Market at 272 bert street reported a at 840 am. Friday mately $40 in meat hars and string was stolen. Entrance was gained through a basement window on 'the north side of the building May the A) break-in Approxi chocolate reported GREETINGS 1961 Oshawa Home Landscaping