The Times W lie Oshawa Times THOUGHT FOR TODAY There are times when one enemy the average person finds espec- fally hard to love himself, | " "In Aa"? f a ishes Its Readers The Best In 1961 Mild, damp weather will con- tinue until late today, when much colder Arctic air will move fn. VOL, 89--NO, 304 'LET'S GIVE 1961 A GOOD SENDOFF' John Devaney, not quite a | come 1861, his first New Year, year: old, gels into the party | JOB: by, 460 Mr ahd Mus, Son | opirl-as ha prepares to wel- | awa, Jus missed being a New | Second Close Department, peat Oca" , Ottows TWENTY PAGES OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1960 Red Arm Invasion x 1 first test of a section of the 1957 been set, © [Civil Rights Act which bars in. ix Year baby this his birthday is Jan. 9 ~Photo by Bruce Jones, Times Staff Photographer, year In Laos : ! VIENTIANE (AP) ~ Premier Southeast Asian kingdom, which Boun Oum's pro-Western govern-'the U.S, su s with military {ment said today porthesst Laos and financial aid, "reserves the hed been invaded by seven Red right to appeal to friendly coun- {North Vietnamese battalions sup-|tries tb defend , , , its national {ported by artillery and thet theterritory" if the invasion is not {town of Nonget was under at- halted, rack. Word of the attack came in in {The Boviet news agency, Tass, telligence reports from the com-| g in a dispatch from Hanoi, quoted meander of the mountainous see-| {the North Viet Nam foreign min- ond military region, the govern- listry mas terming the invasion re- ment said, i port "absolutely false" and sn| In New York, United Nations attempt to camouflage "the in- officials said the Laotian dele-| tervention of American imperial. gate, Sisouk Na Champasak, eall-| ists" in Laos, ed on BSecretary-General Dag Tass quoted paratoop Capt. Hammarskjold to discuss the sit-| Kong Le, leftist leader in Laos, uation, A UN spokesman sald no as threatening to call in "volun. request was made for UN inter-| teer units from Afro-Asian coun. vention, \ | tries" if "intervention" by the In Singapore, a British diplo- United States, South Viet Nam matic source said: "Our informa. and Thailand does not cease, [tion indicates these invasion re-| Prince Boun's office said his ports should be discounted," First Round Won By Sharecroppers SOMERVILLE, Tenn, (AP) -- suits against landowners, mer- Some 700 Negro sharecroppers in chants and bankers in both coun-| this rural area relaxed today be-| ties charging organized economic hind a shield of temporary fed-| pressure against Negroes who eral court orders barring their| register to vote, ] eviction, The effect of the temporary The justice department won the orders is to stay eviction notices preliminary victory in its historic until trial is held. No date has { | | i woercion of potential PROPERTY 18 KEY ISSUE tiagidation YF SORrEOn 99 | Some lawyer fod the bing ? may plow new legal ground, It a vg Jeaders here In_Vayette seems certain that the issue of hailed the fwo court rulings with|Property Fights will loom large delight but cautiously declined to In the arguments. predict the future, The temporary orders against The big legal tests are yet to|€Viction came at the 11th hour bis es pr Mand ol eivif | £7iday, witk the government ap- NO TIMES pesling the sgfusal of a disiriot federal judge in |phis, Most of the sharecropper contracts expire Jan, 1, In Cincinnati, the sixth circuit BRUSSELS (AP) - Mourners Parade Zvi After' Strike Death «= Carrying |gens and ignored the police for differences remain as large as i | States marines will invade Cuba M before Jan, 18, HAVANA (AP) = Pro-govern {ment newspapers claimed tods {Prime Minister Fidel Castro's | regime has been informed United Both the semi-official Revolu. tion and the government-owned El Munda said "reliable sources' had told the government of an! invasion plan which they reported was arranged by the Pentagon (U.8, defence headquarters) and the Central Intelligence Agency, They added that it has already been approved by President Eis- enhower, who will be succeeded by President-elect John Kennedy Jan, 20, reported to have left for New York Friday night on an urgent ission to d the alleged plot before the United Nations, Meanwhile the government sus- pended regulations that long have lowed American tourists to en- r Cuba easily, In almost identical language, ueion and EI Mundo said will live "under imminent {government will {of the change in to bring off the invasion and thus present X Kennedy with a war situr ation before ncoming presi dent can do anything to stop it, CASTRO FEAR U. S. INVASIO 'Marines To Land Before Jan. 18 4 danger of United States attack In coming days," They charged the Eisenhower take advantage The papers sald these iehis support the invasion warn. ng: Peru broke relations with Cuba Friday night, Uruguay said it Is considering a similar break, Venezuela announced it will Cuban not recognize the new a Foreign Minister Raul Roa was fo give them "very important news," The new invasion scare ap- peared to derive principally from a story by the government news agency, Montevideo, The dispatch from the Uruguayan capital quoted a _ « well-informed source as Sayles the U.S, epartmeny + ®t. sent a secret message to American governmenfs" ing U8, preoce at ported bases in Cuba and the United States Prensa Latina, state mis thay ene inf Cubs with troops. Fatalities Holdup Suspect Arrested Francis © Malcolm Simcoe street north, attendant at Peru Breaks Off Cuban Relations By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Shnged the Cuban Embassy with Peru broke off diplomatic rela- revi ot interiors') n Peru's ' Hie ; internal affairs by handing ou Yura vith Cuba 3 move yp Communist revolutionary propa: plomats say may rigger ol ON MONDAY There will be no publication of the Oshawa Times on Mon- day, January 2, The manage- ment wishes all of its readers a happy and prosperous New Year RCMP Checks | court of appeals agreed with the government, The court's tempor. | ary injunction barred eviction of day, black-bordered flags, about 2000 the first time. since the demon- ever, [] grim strikers paraded through|stration began in the Belgian The first week of the new year T icte the main streets of Brussels (o-|capital, There were no incidents. brings several events officials | Police say the man who shot/fear could spark new violence, Fo N 300 sharecroppers in Haywood | Strike leaders called it a van der Strappen came to the] Eyskens goes before Parlia- County, |"mourners' demonstration" for ald of a policeman who was ment Tuesday in an effort to In Memphis, about six hours Francois van der Strappen, 30, being mauled by demonstrators.[ram through the government's later, district Judge M, 8, Boyd who was killed in Friday's fight-/The Socialists blamed Premier| controversial economic reform| OTTAWA (CP) Approx. issued a restraining order bar-/ing between state police and Gaston Eyskens for van der (program of his Roman Catholic-imately 3,200 people will be killed ring eviction of 400 sharecroppers demonstrators in the worst out-|Strappen's death in an apparent| Liberal government over bitter|in street and highway accidents In Canada in 1961, the Canadian Wizhway Safety Council forecast Friday, in Fayette, A hearing for a_tem- break of violence during the 12- attempt to give their campaign a Socialist opposition, porary injunction was scheduled day strike, martyr, Socialist leaders have sched 5 The marchers shouted no slo-| As Belgians uneasily awaited uled huge demonstrations and Lec 1202 ganda among other acts, mass move by Latin American governments to isolate the Castro regime Growing anger among leaders of hemispheric neighbors was evident over the activities of Cu- ban agents charged with spread. ing revolutionary propa ganda among the masses, Uruguayan President Benito Nardone told an interviewer Fr day night that his government may expel the Cuban ambassa dor in Montevideo and cut all There was speculation among diplomats in Lima that Colombia Venezuela and Chile may follow suit and freeze out Castro agents In one of the strongest denun ciations of Castro's regime by a South American government, Peru declared "the foreign af fairs policy of the current Cuban government violates all stand ards of international law." Havana was charged with sub sidizing subversive agents to in cite 'destruction of the legally onstituted authority of public powers, those of the Catholic Church and of the armed forces," The Cuban charge d'affaires was ordered to leave Peru as soon as possible along with all other members of his staff Opposition against Castro was reported hardening inside Cuba itself, A clandestine radio Friday night denounced his regime in a hroadcast the announcer sald was coming from "somewhere in the free territory of Cuba." Underground sources had spread word of the impending Nicaragua, Paraguay and the broadcast and it was delivered Dominican Republic--have with- on schedule at p.m, witha 15; drawn their top diplomats from minute-long manifesto calling for The Peruvian government "unity in the struggle for free Party Night In Canada Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS Day to meet an expected over Canadiaiis kick up their heels flow of traffic, The CNR ran a tonight for one fast fing at 1960 special train out of Edmonton and an early, possibly bleary, Friday night te accommodate 200 look at 1961, Jasper-bound skiers, Revelry will be more or Yess AMALGAMATION PARTY unconfined, The more or less de- Ope of the biggest parties being pends on your pogket book, in- thrown in the Maritimes is by clinations and where you happen the town of Darmouth, N.S. to be across the harbor from Halifax, Most everywhere a couple can to celebrate its amalgamation dance in the new year for $3 but: with nearby suburbs in some Toronto and Vancouver] Family visits are the top fea: night spots the prices run as high!ture of Quebec celebrations as where the weather is predicted Lively Montreal will greet the mild. In Ottawa the mainnsocial new year with empty streets and feature of the weekend is the rero temperatures, The Quebec Governor-General's levee Mon- liquor commission has ordered day morning, In Toronto, hotel night clubs, bars and*Taverns to bookings are normal. The close at 10 p.m weather forecaster says a new Train, bus and air lines are cold spell is expected Increasing schedules New Year's) The CPR and CNR are using all available cars in Manitoba CITY EMERGENCY |i cxpected to be heavy in Sook PHONE NUMBERS "in" Eimenion, private partis POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6374 |are expected to continue in the HOSPITAL RA 32211 |cotver sre reported busied seal A petition was being circulated in Panama appealing Presi dent Roberto Chiari to break dip lomatie and trade relations with PULL OUT ENVOYS Five other Latin countries Guatemala, lo American Haiti, are more popular than public celebrations British Columbia temperatures the municipal lot Athol street west, was robbed on his way the Oshawa Station Friday night Mr, carrying a grey cash box with the parking lot's dally receipts and walking vest on Athol 9.02 parking on to Police Lee was Vas p.m, When he approached the Dominion Store parking lot he noticed a man who started to walk in front of him. When My Lee attempted to pass him: the man said: "Hold It, this is a stick-up"', Mr, Lee tried to swing the cash box around to strike his assallant but the him to the ground The robber succeeded in tak ing the cash box and started run ning east on Athol street west when Mr. Lee's cries for help were answered by PC's Dilla. bough, Attersley and Baker who were returning from point duty PC Dillabough apprehended a man who was identified at the police station as A, R, Lalfin of 138 Summer street, Oshawa Laffin was charged with rob bery, Bail has been set at $2000 Loan Sharks Back Down TORONTO (CP) A Toronto law firm says it has heen able to obtain redress for a dozen vie. tims of high-pressure loan deals without even going to court There were indications that mortgage loan sharks who have victimized householders in On tario and the rest of Canada are anxious to avoid the publicity in- volved in legal proceedings. Officials of the Ontario Mor gage Brokers Association si Friday they hope recent publicity on high-interest loans will en courage more victims to come forward J. R. Denny of a Toronto law firm said he feels there are thon sands of cases where vielims might find relief from heavy debt burdens, Sharp practices are so revealing in some cases that the operators responsible for the deals almost immediately: settle rather than face legal action, he said Recent reports have indicated that sharp mortgage loan prac tices and high-interest loans have bilked householders of millions of dollars in recent years Action by the Ontario govern ment and the Mortgage Brokers Association is aimed at more stringent regulation of such prac tices, man Castro Army | yon0p Lis Recruit Rumor | KIRKLAND LAKE (CP) RCMP have moved into the vestigation of reports that an antl-Castro force was heing re cruited In the Kirkland Lake area There were denials Friday by| the men allegedly recruited for the force, but the fathers of two i = of them indicated they believe] LONDON (Reuters) -- The the reports Queen today bestowed 2,200 New Titles Given In Sport, Art the new year, fearing It would bring new vidlence, Imformants fald Eyskens plans to talk to the country by radio and television, perhaps tonight, Nearly 2000 strikers today be- gan another march through the streets of Brussels As they moved off from Soclal- ist party headquarters, a union official told them: "Make this a silent demonstration, Perhaps si- lence will do more than shouts, slogans and broken windows," The strikes and violence showed signs of easing during the holiday, but the grave political In sport, Godfrey Rowland Bol sover, whose encyclopedia on wrestled! v 1 Year's awards, ranging from a/lawn bowling is known to all de- ) or. fp lorh.: 8 | RCMP officers from this North Companionship of Honor for Ma: | votees of the game, got an OBE, J Intar: Ng community ern Ontario mining community. von "prime Minister Abdul Rah-| Another OBE went to Dorls went to Virginiatown, 30 miles east of here, Friday to interview two men reported to have signed up for the anti-Castro force, Po.! The Queen's honors list gave/tained the British women's team lice declined any comment on the special encouragement to the|in matches in the United States, results of their interview, arts, covered an unusual variety Canada and South Africa, (RCMP here 'said they have nojof sports, hailed the achieve:| A baronetey, hereditary knights knowledge of any anti-Castro ments of scientists and recog hood giving the bearer the pre- agent operating in the area, nized the services of business fix "sir," was conferred on Hugh A Toronto report said earlier men to Britain's export Indus' Fraser, millionaire Scot who the unidentified agent was seek-|tries, {heads a department store em: for a blind miner, courses for the unemployed will start here Jan, 23, the hoard of education and National Employ- The program, financed 75 per cent by the federal government and 25 per cent hy the Ontario government, will teach the job. less of this area new trades such as machine shop work, radio, |television, - welding, commercial, |typing, shorthand and bookkeep- ing Recent amendments to the feds {eral Vocational Training Act ine creased Ottawa's contribution in the re-education scheme to 75| from 50 per cent--provided the number of trainees equals 3% per cent of Iployed. ing unmarried youths to help in Tucked among the big names|pire, for public and charitable 2 Juovement lo Jlrs lhe was that of Stanley Winfield, a services, NhaR; government of Tun Ie Wve d ives whe, stared Among the 31 new kuights m™ Sikh RRA wor ferground at 13 and In bachelor was Alfred Lovell, pro T'wo of the seven men reported n J to ib slined Voed Pi phn 1930 Was, severely injured andifogsor of radio-astronomy and di- nection with the movement. blinded In a mine accident, Heirector of the Jodrell Bank ex- Alec Lucika, 25, and John E1,N0W operates a telephone experimental station, liott, 21, both of Virginiatown, change for the National Coal| ----rrm---- sald they are taking a holiday in Board. : : | the United States and will vigit| In the arts, a knighthood went| California. { to stage producer Tyrone Guth. 0 ess Another two, John Pattersdi¥ rie, a commandership of the Or-| 20, and Leonard Diggles, 22, left der of the British Empire (CBE) .- 0. Thursday for a trip to Mexico, went to .compgser Alan Raws:| They are understood to he wait.|thorne and an officership of the| raining ing in Toronto for Lucika and order (OBE) went to actress Elliott, Margaret Rutherford T St rt . ays . Dies Avoiding Police Check TORONTO (CM) Police said Ralph Currie, 20, was |g riche) killed early today in the crash of a sports car which had |Siatap gree? Ae pacing attempted to avoid a spot road check by traffic officers, | g Officers stopping traffic at an intersection said the car head. lights were switched off as the vehicle approached Youth Unhurt In Niagara Fall NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y, (AP) Wayne Ganesworth, 18, tripped and fell through a guard rail along the Niagara River gorge below Niagara Falls early today and plunged 55 feet straight down inte a snowbank. It took police 90 minutes, using ropes and a basket, to get him back to the top, He suffered only leg scratches Princess Margaret In Ireland SHANNON (Reuters) Princess Margaret landed at security-ringed Shannon airport today for the first visit to the Irish Republic of a member of Britain's Royal Family in 33 years, man to a British Empire Medal Elaine Chambers, former British] 8 women's golf champion, who cap-| | BRANTFORD (CP) -- Training § ment Service announced Friday.| "I'l Spaviel pup. never do it walkouts for Wednesday in Brus. sels and Antwerp, An orderly demonstration Fri. |day turned into a sprawling {brawl with 3000 rioters armed {with stones and clubs pitted against mounted police wielding {sabres, In addition to the one man killed, 12 persons were in. |jured, Strikers and police also clashed throughout the Industrial south- at Mons, Coulllet, Marcinelle, land at the northern port of Ant. |werp, Cobblestones were thrown jot homes of workers who refused to join the strike, a Only cheerful note in this other. wise gloomy prognostication was that the total-if it proves cor. rect straight year without an incregge in fatalities, - would mean a second There were 8,202 motor vehicle deaths Ip 1950, The council ex. pects that final figures will show similar total of around 3,200 this year, No change is expected in the number of injuries, There were 84,445 in 1959 and the council ex: pects the number for both this year and 1961 will be In the 80, 000 bracket, 'IF I EVER GET OVER THIS... agaia™ the registered ungn:| moans Buff, a San Francisco | Bulf was Just hamming it up for the camera. man, in sympathy for the many who will require "the hair of the dog that bit them™ tomon row morning. (AP Wirefhoto)