The Oshawa Times, 31 Dec 1960, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Decomber 31, 1960 94 News Weather TELEVISION LOG WBEN-TY Channel 4--Bufiale CRILYTV Channel 6--Toronle WROCTY Channel 5--Rochester CKVYRAY Channel 3--Barrie ~ WGRTY Channel 2--Bulfale CHCHAY Channel 11--Hamilion WKBW TV Channel 7--Buffale wl FTOTV Channel 3-Toronie 12:15 PM, Your Special Day News b--Bpeaker of the House 12:3 PM , Farm Report Beat The Clock b- Movie Matines 52 Cond Be You 4--Bearch for Tomoriow 12:45 PM, News ' 7 SATURDAY EVE, | 2-Your Chireh [Invitation Out as ! 9:15 AM. ne White Barrier Faith Of Taras) b--Bowling Series 3 NM, #2 East-West Football This Is The Lile A The Bible Answers Tim MeCoy Uncle Jorry"s Chib Public Service 10:00 AM, The Christophers Off To' Adventure ~Christian Beience lamp Unto My Feel Cartpon Playhouses 10:15 AM, What's Your Troubie Industry On Parade ii Star Theatre Speaking French Fiim Feature Jeff's Collie 6:3 PM. Father Knows Best Mr Fiat 2 Highway Patrol 6:45 P.M, or B6-News; Sports heatre 7:00 PM nwes Magic Table and Christmas Journey Christophers Uncle Jerry's Club 2~Follow The Children 1:00 AM, Hour of St. Francis Fhe Great Adventure This Is The Life Morning Worship The Big Rascals 1:5 AM, T-Lhamplonship Bridge 5~0ff Ta Adventure 12:00 NOON Bugs Bunny Matty's Funday Funnies Learn Russisn Rocky Jones News Gene Autry 12:15 P.M, Film Featureiis 12:30 PM, Family Playhouse Bix Gun Theatre Face To Face Film Feature Championship Bowling 12:45 PM, Review 1:00 P.M, Family Playhouse Good Life Theatre Star Bowling Famil Playhouse 1115 PM, Bowling 1:30 P.M, Country Premier Playhouse 4-Bunday Playhouse 2:00 PM, News "60 Junior Magazine 42 Feature Movie 2115 PM, Movie 300 PM, 11-6 New Year Rally 7--Nationa! Pro Highlights 1-NBC Opera 1 HE SL s The Menace . 7=Matty's Funday ' Funnies 5 Highway Patrol 4=L of B Hound Table si Bdohnny Midnight { r 7:30 2.) IL-Sea Hunt T--Expedition a f-Hed River Jamboree " Perry Mason S3~Bonanra K:00 PM, Jamboree Leave It To Beaver The Tall Man - Eheckinnte 9:00 PM, Hockey Night Canada 7 Lawrence Welk 32-The Deput 9:90 PM, Tightrope In 52 eH will Fra I 10:00 1 "Fhe Law and My Tone Calendar King Whyte ' 11:00 P.M, 1 ] News, Weather « Theatre 15 PM H=News and Weather 7--Late Show 8-Night Metro 4+-Guy Lombardo 11:30 ".M, New Year's Fve Toronto 12:30 P.M, 6 New Year's Eve Show Playhoise 2 11.6 Twentieth Century =Film Featuretie "PM Tid 16 Year Book 1060 SUNDAY Film Featurette B00 AM, 5:00 PM, Church Tn The Home 5.2 omnibus 8:15 AM, Amateur Hour 2-Christian Science Ted Mack 8:30 AM, 5:30 PM, rald of The Rifleman Bar5-Ranch Rocky and His n Home and Friends The Nature of Things News: Sports GE College Bowl 6:00 P.M, in Tiny Talent Time §-Disney Presents I 7 [3 9:00 AM, : Rev. Oval Robheris The Christophers BarS-Ranch Popeye Playhouse | | 5 Meet The Press 41 Love Luey 2-Herber Command BPM Danna Reed Show Th-Walt Disney Presents b-Twentiath Cent Walter Cronkite | 2-Peite Smith Dayton Alle Lid Nati =i ansie L 7: PM, 116 World Of Musie T-Maverick 1.8 4--Denni Lawman 52 yi PM, GM Presents A -The Rebel Y2--Chevy Show GE Theatre 9:3 PM, 7--Whston Churehi The Valiant Years Program | dae Benny 10:00 P.M, 11- Ange 9 Ma Telethon 2 4~Canthid Camera 10:50 P.M, Debut This T=Twn Facey West 6 Fighting Word S--Hot OH The Wi 4--What's My Line 2--Lockup 1:0 P.M, HT6542--News Weather Sports 2-Award Theatre 1:15 PM, Late Show S-Night Metro 5-This Week's Wo 2 News 11:30 P.M, Late Show 6 Time To Remember 8 Feature Movie Theatre 2-Award Theatre MONDAY 8:00 AM Popeye Toda ews: Roundup 8:15 AM 4-Captain 9:00 AM Rompet Room Deputy Dawg Cotfee Break 52 4 i 7 ] ' ] 9:90 AM, [~Mavie 7--Romper Room 5 Home Cooking 4-Lite of Riley 2--Busie 10:00 AM, §2.-5av When 4-December Bride 10:30 AM, Dr. Hudson 5:2--Play Your Hun Video Village 11:00 AM, Morning Court Price Is Right LB} 4-1 Love Luey 11: R &The Clear Horizo 12:00 NOON: The Texan Truth or Consequences Bugs Bunny 7 LE 1 I Shirley Temple Show s The Menace 4 Tab Hunter Show ngel mmoth 18 Hour Loretta Young Show Week Kungaro Popeye's Plavhou My Little Margie Orange Bow! Foothall Game 100 P.M, Movie Matines About Faces Feature Movie Meet The Millers y Midday Matinee 1:3 P.M, Diverce Hearing The World Turns 1:45 P.M, The Big Playhaek Bowl Game Day In Court 6L'her Helene Sodan Murray Bhow Drama Series 2-World Championship Foothall 2:15 PM, 11-6 Nursery School Time 2:3 PM, | 11-6-0pen House 7-~Rosd To Reality 52 Lovells Young ¢-House Party 5:00 PM, Reflections Queen For A Day Young Doctor Malone i o- 14 52 ACROSS , Barbed fish Spears Fat noisily , Permit Knife sharpener Smoothing tool Sound part of TV , Hunting dog , Collision mark Btupefy , Norse god , Mandarin tea Bounds 4 , Strict , Again! Neuter pronoun , Road (abbr,) , Streetcar (GB) , Sashes , Bays Hawklike birds French river Fragrant oleoresin Bulifighter's sphere Man's name Goes along with DOWN 1, Hiatuses 3. German river 8. Level A te Ql iL Ce bl 22. A 45, 46, ch 4", 48, 40, { 4, Bs basing 1 6--Millionatre 3:30 PM 15 PM, 9 Sports College 1Publie Service Guide * other Knows Best 7 Whe Do You Trust 5 M, 64 The Verdict Is Yours y 52-From These Roois 4:00 P.M 1--Papeye Andy The Hideawny American Bandstand Eve Arden Show Room 2 Make Daddy & Cotton Bow! | Game 6 Friendly 52 Here's Hollywood 4 Edge of Night s45PM Ron MONDAY ! EVENING 500 PM, Family Theaire Captain Gallant 6 Junior i 7 5--Fopeye + learn About Story w 4:30 P.M. Giant hook Land 2 Rose Bowl Game Bis PM, 4 Mischief Makers Herb Sheldon 5:80 PM, i African Patrol 9 Show 4 Karl Quek 1 Focus News an Playhouse Five Big Mar Show Woody Woodpecker 6:00 PM, 7 Western Highwa | CROSSWORD aptismal confec. tion Shinto mple Amorous Wavy (her,) , Buy stock Again omplaints Skate ades Land east, of Eden I, Oklahoma Indian circular fl yr 2 119 News: Weather: Sporty S42 News 6:45 PM, 19642 Weather News: Sports Humtiey Brinkley Fle, 7:00 PM, The People's Choles Wugon Train Heven-a-One Ivanhoe Death Valiey Days The Vikings 7:15 PM, News: Weather 7:90 PM, 116 Don Messer Show T-Cheyenne 52 Riverboat To Tell The Truth ith Capt For Foothall und up 1146 Danny Thomas Movie Part |} 4 Peie and Gladys B30 PM, Jack Kane Show Buriside Bix 52 Wells Fargo 4 Bringing Up Buddy 9:00 PM, b-My Sister Eileen Movie Part H 2 Klondike MeGraw 4--Danny Thomas 9:30 P.M 14 Festival 8) The Rifleman Adventures In Paradise 52 - Dante 4-Blage 7 win Dane Clark 3. Bow 9. Whether Cebine monkey mucrige Yestorday's Anawer ine 7. Newspaper 40, Bound article 41, Bea Covered eagle with High some flowers, ete, Knight's (her,) title 42 44 y/ pla dir) rr. / 8 VJ a /n MICKEY MOUSE BUT I ALWAYS GET THAT WAY AFTER PLAN FOOTBALL ALL AFTERNOON ommend I JUST NEVER WOULD HAVE MADE IT DOWN ETAIRS THIS NOR - Na ye uF IT WASN'T FOR BANISTER N° 8 ; J OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS EASIWAY MEN'S WPIN LEAGUE rion J. Tyson 496 N. Melanson 450; B nd B. Keensn 193 MEN'S STORE LEAGUE caplains are not doing their duty 0 make sure that y have # full team put each pight and i they can't do this they should see about gels new men that they can depend on 80 let's start the New Year by having every team out with six men, Steve Bulmers wis high with 8 ter ridic B42 (3%, 281); J. Procher 737 (254 260); A Moss 724 (301); 6, Shelenkoff " (265) and W. High Singles Cockerton 255 Noonan 700, J, Ristich 281, BR. Herrison 1 y . Gyurke 2712, RB 1253, A, Mitchell 281, D. Hodgson [Dalton 236, C. Powell 301, C. Carswell 1283 and C, Gray 266 | We are very happy 10 let A. Cocker ton out of the lemon league with his 253, but we have a few more to go in 8 Peter #1, J. Eyre 97, BR, Shortt 90 1 Bailes 99, J. Laviolette #9, E. Lutton Healey 260, G | Points won Goeh's Bupertest Sia {tion 3, Ward's Auto Supply Ii Vern's | Barber Shop 4, Smith's Coffee Bar 0; |Algers 3, Ance Pharmaceuticals 1; Dixon's Conl 2, Ontario Motor Sales 2; {Collis Department Store 4, Tip Tops 0; Coulters 4, Hallidays Grocers 0; Osh. awn Bakery 5, A and 1 Brown's Lumber 3, Bell Telephone 1 (What sre you trying to do, Hank?); Post Office 3, Oshawa 7 Up 1; Powell's Drug Store 14, Padlars 0; Ontario Barbers 3, Bola: hood's Bportshaven 1; Tosstmasiers Bakers 4 and Bilenduke Eoso 0 COLUMBUS Mrs, Norman Legerion, Gale and Karlene, from Toronto visits ed Thursday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs, Walter Dowse Mr, and Mrs, Frank Smith and family had Christmas dinner on Saturday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Bellinger, Toronto, | Mr, and Mvs.Elmer J, Pow: jell, Mr, Roy Powell, Mr, Ernest Wolten, and Mr, Robert Kellar were Sunday dinner guests of | Mr, and Mrs. Allan C McKenzie {and family, Mr. and Mrs. George MeKen- zie of Guelph and Miss Mildred Webber, Simcoe, are visiting re- latives in Columbus, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Heddon, De: {troit, spent the holiday weekend with Mrs, Fred Heddon and Miss Lois Heddon, | Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Scott held Christmas dinner on Mon: day with members of the family present, Guests included Mr, and SEASON'S REETINGS From The . . . CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. | Mrs, Harvey Pascoe, Mr, and | Mrs, Grant Pascoe, and Douglas (Pascoe, all of Kedron, Mr, and Mrs, Wallon Pascoe of Bow {imanville, Master John Morrow, Oshawa and Mrs, Wallace Scott Tand Mrs, H, Pascoe of Columbus, Mr, and Mrs, James Bellinger, (Joan aud Ellen, from Toronto, [visited Sunday afternoon with Mr, (and Mrs, Walter Dowse and Mr, and Mrs, Frank Smith and family Mr. and Mrs, John Hayes and i -- = PRED O | Ed LA \ ah -\ a) ses rese iT' reFerrranss EERE 1 (7) Wikis To J wn a SLE Cy = $l Ee b » he ah 32d 2 AH DASSENTY THAR 'S TRICKY WRIST WORK IN Ly TALK TODAY 16 ENTITLED, THE POWER ELOCUTION BREVITY vee COME AND 60 AS 1 PLEASE |. rr" -- I$ IT HE'S TRYING TO SAY 7 - ~ A g L A WITH ME, STL, ITH NOTA BADR LIVING = YOU CAN DEPEND ON THAT, i IF YOU CAN SELL A GARDEN HOSE, YOU CAN SELL A HOUSE, SON! _/ BESIDES, 7] + 1900, Kang Fawtarer Sedicate. Tae. \ A) a IM RE ) FOR AdY BED, GRAMPS.,,, --~ RS Qua FINE, VICKIE ARE You GOING TO REAP ME TO SLEEP? HOW WoULP You LIKE TO HEAR "THE THREE LITTLE BEARS) er] AGAIN MAKE IT SOMETHING XCITING, GRAMPS,,, THE LAST TIM THAT TO ASLB YOu REAR, ME FELL PH ye 2 | HE GETS f IMARR £0) BACK THERE ? I hy > -- TW Romp Fasten Send MUMBLING AROUT I LARRY BRANNON VV FIRGT. BALES A SAPY PROMOTER WANTS TO BUY MSS DUVAL'S AUNING PROPERTY | NA BIG HURRY 6 | y \ § ™ 3} - WA AND HAS PEALINGS WITH AN HONEST AIR ENGINE MANUFACTURER / WHO 18 NTALLY \ INTERESTED IN JET PROPULSION. ) T MINING CLAIMS UE ENGINES JET PROPULSION family, and Mrs, Harold Hayes, My. and Mrs, Walter Beath and boys had Christmas dinner, Mon day, at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hayes, Toronto, Mr; and Mrs. Cyril Shaw and Mrs, Hugh McCulloch spent Suns day at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Walton Pascoe, Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs, Myers, Toronto, and Mrs, Alice Lapp, Woodville, were Monday diner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Webber and family Mr, and Mrs: Vernon Rate and family, Huntsville, and Miss Nancy Parks, Oshawa, celebrats ed Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, W. E, Sanderson, Miss Ida MeCullogh, Toronto, spent Christmas Day with Mr, and Mrs. Oliver MeCullogh, Mr, John McKinnon and Mr, |and Mrs, Walter Beath and boys were Sunday dinner guests of My, and Mrs, John Hayes and family; The Oddfellows Hall in Brooks lin was the setting for the Christ mas party held by the Grills fam- ily on Monday night, In reality it was a family reunion, The 3 peo. ple attending were from various' places: Columbus, Lindsay, Osh. awa, Brooklin and others. : Mr, and Mrs. Alan Hutcheon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Metro Lueyk and Douglas visited Sun. day evening with Mr, and Mps, Arthur Hepburn, am. CHRISTMAS CRIME EDINBURGH '(CP) -- Police forces throughout Scotland are distributing erime prevention Christmas cards with the follow: ing rhyme: "Al this season of good cheer, we have not the slightest fear, you will do your very best, to bar the uninvited guest; A few precautions will forstall, the burglar's chance te make a haul: Lock your windows {and your doors, this procedure [always goores™ SALLY'S SALLIES TR 0 \ 3 \ : IR NY MIE "I'm here to get a story.on what conviota think of Now Year's

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