The Oshawa Times, 31 Dec 1960, p. 16

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Coll The Direct Clossified Mumber RA 3-3492 19--Personal 22~TY - Radio Repairs [41 Room & Board CLASSIFIED AD RATES EC - . Honsid ¥, D, Wilson, CAs 6, EA. v i pmo Sasrowe, Ch, RA 82571. ALE, Friendlander, Hunter end suditors. ©. 25 words or lew Cosh Chorge 3 CONSECUTIVE IMSERT IONS 225 2148 & CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 375 4.13 i not paid within 7 doys the Charge rote will opply Above rates spply only to original | | orders for consecutive insertions, |i Little Buckaroo Ranch TELEVISION, nn, rain [transistor radio wervies, Flee | tromie Bervies f nih # King Street! West, BA $0211 RESERVE NOW SLEIGHRIDING & DANCE PARTIES | minates fr od meals Sorts 94 THREE - room speriment with partly cluding wove revamp ROOM ana board, Albert Street, Telephone RA §- B44, FOR JAN. AND FEB, SPECIAL permanent waves, $6.50, EA wards a. Beduty Parlor, 5 Celina Street, | For RA Fy Viease RA 5-2737 | 1 insertions ordered of @ later dots constitute a new origingl ore Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily, Each additional line $1.60 per month Each intigh letter, abbreviation, $ ond c si figure, counts os © word Box p. 4s 18¢ additional All Clossified Advertisements must be In by 5 pm. the doy be I 1 pti ory A 24 9, WALD | BLAKE Solicitor, 2% K jephone: Business BR oe 573 fore Ji wxcept Births, | 25--Pets and Livestock OE ry ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous heir Marie Murduft will be "in Oshawa, Jon, 10th and 11th, Phone Hotel on GERMAN Shepherd puppies, six weeks oid, all black, purebred, very resson | hie Felephone RA 30448, CHIRUARUA puppies and pon Jock, 42--Room & Board Wanted | josern |WE are are ooking for Tor or distriet with two children, | where landisdy is willing to core for the children while father works. Apoly single is or ei 91 | copie onky, 955 , BA [FOUR room apartment, tiled [trl Jocsiion, Private Realtor, |7wo a 3 he o Tome in Oshawa [D000 I be a | statners, close to Shopving | downtown. Apply BL Nasseu Jn. tlled bath, con- | iw, Bireet, Box 348 Oshawa Times, 43--Wanted To Rent WANTED furnished apariment, nings while mother works, would eon Sider sharing, Phone RA B-4680 after pm, then, room, good location, ' parking, January Tand- ||. KA 849%, lady to care for two children in eve | Sou ™ gp oy centrally possessim Ferme logated, hot water hesiod, Febru 83605 alter smooth And long conts, Variety enlovs wock Ti « MO 84338, Whithy, these dotes for opp Memoriams, Cords of Thanks which will be occspted wil 9 am, Deadline for Lost and Found ond Conceligtiors 8:30 am Office Hoors: Daily 8-5, Soturdoy 8-12 REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors in advertise. ments submitted otherwise than In writing, nor for mors thon one Incorrect sertion of any adver- QF, barrister Office 18% #2372. | J08E MANGAN, solicitor. Money io loan 0 r ALMERS BA, Darvister, wollel- 13% bimeoe Street North ce yn Saas Residence; HA 5-541 AREER, Murphy snd MacDonsld, Bar risters, Solicitors snd Notaries Public, 6 King Street East, RA 54717, Russell J Murphy » and BOWMAN Davi arrister, y, Bollel: or, 3% Simcoe 5 RA 59592, Resi ce RA 0264 f, nor beyond the charged rr a single insertic the advertisement in which error occurs, And olso reserve the right to classify advertising according to its own classifications in the cose of display advertise ments' The Times will not be held reponsible for more space thon that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability if ony inaccuracies in any form of advertisement are contained therein BRON nd BASTEDO, Barristers, | ors, Clients' funds available for frost morlgeges 20 Simeone Street North, HA 53566, Charles C, MoGibbhon, QC; Edger ¥ Bastedo, QCs WOMPHREYS, Boychyn mand Willman, Barristers, Solicitors; RB. H phreys, QC; G, 8. Boyehyn, BA; W. A Hillman, LLB; 36% King Street East Phones: Office RA 51177; Res, RA 54604 or Whithy, MO 82761; RA 5-520, Money to loan, MEN needed! Turn w the oh Times Classified Ads now to find » betier job JOWN A, CAMERON, barrister, sole tor and notary public, 18% King ri 32269 and private] GREER and Kelly, Barrisiers, Bollat tors, ete, 7% BSimeos Btrest Dial RA 352278, Residence aaah J. M. Greer, BA, Sc, RA 5-3368; Ter ence V, Kelly, FPA, BCL, RA 8.5092 ; BA, and Thomas MH te Barrister and Soli RA 66246 1 3--Gardening & 2 Supplies | OWEN BROTHERS CO, LTD, TREE EXPERTS We specialize in tree prune ing, tree planting, tres re moving, cavity work PHONE RA 5.5287 | 14--Household Repairs [CHESTERFIXLDS and old chairs sovered like new, Get the best for less Modern Upholstering, 142 Bimeoe | Bouth Call RA 56451 for a free esti mate FURNITURE repaired and re-iphol stered. Ses our materials for re-cover (ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street RA § dl OHENTE RFIEL ne rebut, like new, Why pay more? recovered, | Our rates] . (are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed NDLE, Wal soll. OREIGHTON, PRABER, Ls TN "end MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors tary Public Bank of Commerce 8 Simeoe Street North, RA 3.3466; T Creighton, QC; NC. Fraser, QC; G Drynsn, G 4 Murdosh, NHA mo gages wr Bag, ' X | rte " i Solicitor, Notary, ciate, Bruce V, M Block, 26'% King St ¥ Residence, dial RA 3.4029, 5--Nursing | Services ' SUNNYRRAR, (formerly Oshaws., Care for elderly people, RN | supervised, iauiries favited, reason: » H RA 34097, ¥ ae the examination of eyes, contact feifoes, 136 Bimeoe North at Colborne), evenings by appointment, RA 3-419] © H TOOK, ko, aptometrist Plone -) 7~=Surveyors @ TF, WORTON and Associates, On tarlo Land Surveyors, Professional En inpering, 306 Dendas Street West, Hithy, MO 85.5001, Ajax 728 lle BONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On | tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue: | ast i. 12 Bloor Street TM and Trolloy Hay ors, 918 Adelaide Avenue one RA 5.6881 B---Building Trodes , Mimbing and heating supplier" RA 53521, Harpld R or Wark Street, Invalides ex ed at home, Dial RA 5.4587, A P | R1 AT § 253 Himeoe Street South BLLDOZING and excava ing, Dial MO 5.5612. Free estimates, Taylor Bro ers, 26 Hillcourt Drive, Whithy LE types building repairs, roofing, Yestrough, chimneys, fireplaces, side. 5, stoops. RA 80304, Gordon May BRUMBING and healing pipes, fit ima, fixtures, new and used, chang § from septic tank to sewer a spe slaity, Installations at reasonable rates formation and estimates free on any pu of plumbing. Dial RA 5.4241, J LL CR -------------------- *W. WARD ys WELL DIGGING BY bo MACHINE * SPECIALIZING IN 30 TILE LIWHITBY, ONTARIO "MO 8.2563 -- MO 8.3809 S204 CHESTNUT ST, W. 4 P.O. BOX 329 1) Business Opportunities TN ESTORN wanted by local firm, arey needed for business expansion gle Box 301 Oshawa Times BULENT partner, $10,000 needed for erator business, ATlantio 4-120 UNINESSMAN wishes to purchase und husiness or will consider act Ra hrafip Apply Box 346, nes Oshawa 12--Dressmaking ye pes of dresuinaking and alterations phone RA 80853 ERATIONS of all kinds for Women and children. Formal dresses, versible skirts a specialty, RA 5.34860 KVERsSiRLE skirts a specialty. Minor terations on ladies' wear, also eohi) 's RA 5373, corner of Elmgreve phue, Park Road South 13--Gardening & Supplies men, ENN kind of garden work uy expert FIRST and second morigage, sale 20' ROOF ANTENNAS $221 pasonabie rate RA 1 AURORA SAND & GRAVEL * Brick, Sand, Crushed Stone, , Road Gravel, Pit Run VALLEY FARM RD Phone Mobile Operator . TEmple 9.254) SNOW REMOVAL SIDEWALKS CLEANED FAST SERVICE OSHAWA HOME 'LANDSCAPING RA 8-6366 Nor | gu [vimar . | otal heating and bath i e!16~Insurane» Oshaws Upholstery West. Dial RA Mattresses rebuilt seo od Bond Street BEAGLE. puppies, tered field trial siock. Ideal Christmss on H. Stephenson, RR 1, Orono, Phone 15110, POODLES peautitu white ministurs | nd grown stock, registered, lew Kennels, RA 55002 WEAUTIF baby Budgies ready for training. talking strain Mrs Apply Brosd, 114 Elgin Street East 26--Farmer's Column GOOD heavy mined grain, truck nds delivered Telephone Orone 34 R 12 DEAD farm stock picked wp promptly. Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 32721, Margwill Fur Form, Tyrone 27 Fuel & Wood SNOW PLOWIAG, removed, wood for sale | 59727 {DRY hardwood ends, suitable for fur: naces, stoves, fireplaces, ele, 85 large load delivered. Phone RA 80818 32---Articles Wanted COINE wanted, Canadian sliver dollars | 1938, 1945, 1047, 1048, For prices eall RA 5.5227, PHILCO-BENDIX + EQUIPPED ¢ COIN OPERATED LAUNDERETTE Featurin \l Commercial , Double-Load Double-Profit Washers and Dryers plus Coin Operated Dry Cleaning Machines PHILCO-BENDIX coin oper ated lounderettes equipped with COMMERCIAL WASH- ERS AND DRYERS are deliv» ering full-time profits with spare time management, | ' wood culling, trees Telephone RA WANTED SCRAP IRON. POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 (collect) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Wants cars. for wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc bought, Open Saturday all day, Phone RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E, |35----Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED single man desires Complete information on top locations, valuable help in all phases of planning, financing ond promoting a Bendix equipped Lounderette |s ovailable from the leading coin laundry distributor in your aree IF 178 ITs | COMMERCIAL, PHILCO-BENDIX WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE KOIN LAUNDRY SALES, LTD 20 College Street Ontario WA 5.45158 | Toronto, Telephone | PROFESSIONAL | painter, paperhanger, aranteed work and materials, Free estimates, Al Conroy, RA 8.0086. r FRACTICAL gift headquarters in "the Gift Spotter in Classified, Shop it right from your easy chair now. Tints that Please everyone, 4 21--Personal 5¢ rvice ervisor 2604 work on farm, preferably for widow : (With ehildren. Telephone RA 57005 AN Nursery "Behool, "ehil en (EXPERIENCED years, Monday fo Friday 8:30 to work on a farm, very reasonable Write | 0 from $15 monthly, Contact Bup:iBox 249 Oshawa Times. 861 Simeos Street North, RA wirl mind children In my own home, | [New Year's Eve, North east end of city. | PTE mature man desires ry | YO local chimney "cleaner Chim: neys built and repaired, gas linings a stalled, furnaces vacuumed, Free . |mates, RA 32007 cuphour class carpen d, all work | 9 trim, floor tiles h [Roos | Javered, Lo labor | stimates | low prices, RA 57207 Tr. of Orlom. | TURN storage goods nto 1 tant cash, | IT SCHAPELHOUMAN Advertise them for salle In the quic| action Oshawa Times Classified Ads, Call RA 3. ek now to place your Md, FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M, Mackie Co. Ltd Telephone RA 50522 for more Informa | tion FRACTICAL derly or invalid lady in her own home, | live In, Write Box No, 448 Oshawa Times, TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish and chips, homburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER ~~ RA 5.3887 | | 36--Female Help Wanted |i LADIEA Make money at home, intro. | duce to you friends and neighbors, new | method of "Better House Kleening They will be delighted, We show you how, For full particulars and free de monstration, ne Kleener Servigs| HA 31 HOUNEKEEFER wanted for part "time | in home, live out, For information tele phone MO 5.4213 after 12 noon and after § HOUSEKEEPER required for family of four. S80 monthly, Phone OLiver 5.4621 for further information EXPERIENCED ho keopev for COMPLETE BOOKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RE- TURNS 686 OSLER STREET OSHAWA, ONT RA 5.5954 Iz Cleanout Service $7 labor plus parts m lott Aven: ADD A ROOM? KITCHENS? PANEL A WALL? REPAIRS OR REMODELLING LARGE OR SMALL CALL AJAX--THAT'S AL RA 8.5103 110 KING ST, OSHAWA AJAX REPAIRCAND CONSTRUCTION | LIMITED L | | | YS--=Instruction HARVEY DANCE Tap, Royal land. Register now S612 PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, | 16 years' experience, by interview only [Act now. RA 5.1084 SPANISH guitar Instruction, A limited | number of students will be accepted for private individual instruction, Rent al guitar available. Whithy MO 8.3206. {GILLIAN Mae Marsh, dance educator, |dancing school, ballet, tap, baton, ae robatic, pre-school, character, Friday Saturday, Masonie Temple. RA 3.7253 LEARN HAIRDRESSING Women wanted greatest opportunity, better gay, plea sant work, catalogue free Write: Marvel Hairdressing Schools, Branches, 'Hamilton Ottawa, "Canada's National System' ACADEMY Academy Ballet 1234 King Weal Baton High RA | OSHAWA'S newest Insurance Agency "Thinking of Insurance or Real Estate, Think of 8" Joseph Bosco Realtor, General Insurance. RA 5.9870 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save 10 20 per cent, six months to pay personal servies at. your home, A STS call 17-----Money to Loan CLIENTS money to 10an on first mort gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased. NHA mortgage arranged Lreighton, Fraser Drynan and Mur 3 doch agreements purchased and sold, Hen {nick and Hennick, Barristers, 3 King Street East, HA 37232 we HAVE clients' monies available {for loans on first and second mortgages {and alse purchase of mortgages and Affeements of sale. Louis 8 Hyman, 37 King Street East, Oshawa, RA [eos [WoNEY avaliable tor ®oan on second mortgages Wages, Wr for Nrther partic wars. VIONEY 10 LOAN_ Monies for all types yr mort. goges; for first and second mortgages on oll types of real estate including vacant lands; short term mortgage for builders; first ond second mortgages and agreemeunts for sale purchased Apply M, Swartz, 261% King Street Fost, Oshowa, Telephone RA 3.44697, Tw | APPLIANCE SERVICE RA 5-9953 home In country, near Brooklin, friend 2--TV « Radie Repairs ly family of five, private room TV, we | BUNA AY S $100 monthly. OLiver airs, All| 5-3610 187 El SALES ADY position, Opportunity for Apply in person, Cole's Oshawa Shopping Centre STENOGRAPHER the Township of Applications by the signed until noon, January 7th, 1961, for employment as stenographer in the Muni Office, Brooklin, On State experience and qualifications Inimum starting salary $1,800 per annum ATTENTION Do you have an Avon Repres tative calling on you regular ly? If you don't, perhaps it is an open territory, which could offer you a good earning op portunity If you would like to sell Avon, please call LE 6-0627 collect 37---Male Help Wanted [REPRESENTATIVES wanted for Tavke | | stainless steel organization, steady | |wark, '40 to 48 hours Successful appli. | {cunts will be fully trained. Write Box [145 Oshawa Times free, adio, ear radio ve akes Thompson Eleetronies, ptt Avenue, RA 3-0792 (Fred) ~ SUPERIOR required for permanent advancement Book Store, | Television Radio Range Washers - Dryers and Oven Control Repair Specialists. PH. RA B8-4873 49 BURK STREET Service « Sensible Rates wanted by Whithy be will received under Fast SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT DAY OR NIGHT ! TV and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS DID YOU SEE OUR * NEW ALL GALVANIZED RADESS TOWERS w=Expert workmanship -1961 All Wave Anterinae Did You Know That We Have Same Day Service Employ Expert Technicians ---Take Service Calls till 8:30 p.m TRY US T.R.1.O. TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. EAST RA 8-6781 ° 40' TOWERS $45 | 0' ROOF ANTENNAS $30] cipol tario 38---Male or Female Melp Wanted OPPORTUNITY FOR MALE OR FEMALE In display department Apply in person ZELLER'S LTD. 21 Simcoe St. Oshawa, Ontario |41---Room & Board ROOM and beard for gentleman, olean| aulet house, svealient meals, good hed, continuous hot water, parking, bus at| door. 81 Park Road South ROOM and hoard for two {willing to share, included MO 88236 | ROOM and board. for gentlemen. with hone privileges Apply 666 Simone | Street South or telephone RA S885 ACCOMMODATION for two alderly 1a dies, private home, separate rooms, {very central. MORawk 8.4363, Whitby ROOM and board less than five min {utes fram South Geweral Motors, home | privileges, lunches "packed, parking {Telephone RA 84930 for information {ONE "furnished Toom with or withaet | board, for ane gentleman, in new home, Telephone RA 8.3477. s§7 =] li Completely Installed With 2.Year Warranty LEN & LOU'S CITY 1.V, RA 5-7844 802 SIMCOE ST, S. $3.00 gentlemen, | $17 per week, laundry | in private home, Telephone | - V. Service Calls TV TOWERS 40.11. self-supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized. No paint, Complete with new Moringa 61 "all: channel antenna Total price, installed ond guaranteed for year $59.95, Also prompt set service TV Enterprises St | [ood meals a Avenue GENTLEMEN hoarders wanted #o0d {home TV, home 'cooking, lunches [ packed. Central, near North GM and {hospital 31 Colborne East, RA 57687 NICE clean warm rooms, board in cluded, gentlemen only single and share. Parking Apply after Saturday | # Albert Street, a | 253 Drew RA 3.3553 | 264 Broadview Aven CENTRALLY located five-room {newly | plumbing, available immediately |§ nurse will look after of ¥ {Resuekaion, [¥a0 MONTHLY {hot water 44---Houses For Rent "room Wrick yard Bouth RA * oll heat, rent to reliable tenants, Telephone HA |W 137804 14 more detslls. A SIX. mom bungalow for rent 0 schools and bus, immediate possession. Phone RA 53307 Mm alter 4 pom FOR RENT or for sel, close | possession. Telephone RA 8-129] NEW bungalow for rent three rooms, heat and water, In Whithy, telephine Bowmanville MA 35271 |TWO furnished kitehen | bedroom three from {suitable for one or Apply Charles Street after FIVE ne and | rooms minutes two, 6 pm room house ai Columbus, hot and old water, cuphonrds, heavy wir ing. Available Jan, 1. Phone RA 39997 FULLY ow irnished home, Simeone Street Will rent tq group of business chers or nirses, Telephone RA er A COUNTRY house, 15 minutes to Oh AWA, seven rooms, modern Telephone | | Orono WMRIZ for more information WOURE ~ for vent or sale, new, rooms, #85, Phone WA 41652 or wit Toronto ap apart | ment, private bath and entrance, Tele | phone RA 8.2185 |FIVE room, storey and half house, | Bt decorated, new oil furnece and R Apply ™ to |78 Taunton Road Fast | Cony five room house large yard, reasonable rent, 237 Gray burn Avenue, RA 33211 or RA 65-2539 MODERN two - bedroom bungslow on! pi Grierson Street, corner lot, stove, we: uo frigerator, sutomatle washer included, | R {Available January 30, Telephone RA |g 8.0542 afer 3 pn Ir |w 5 A led dition, close to hospital, oil heating, gar sge. Immediate possession, Winse Brad iey Millen Realtors, RA 8.1679 | FOUR room two-hedroom bungalow, hot [MO 84610, water heating, All conveniences, Rea. |g sonable rent, suit small family, Tele phone RA 50848 for more information FIVE Routh General Motors ed, available January 1 after 7 pom FOUR room bungalow, TV nerigl, near hus line now, RA B3044 for further information NISHED house, In excellent condi. | F ton, for about four months, oll heat, very oentir abstainers, Ary 2» Ci Btreet home for rent, a, children Im fr room hrick bungalow, newly decorat Call RA 547365 LJ heated, | ro Available | si oll 5 Ll welcomed, Tele: | hose with gar Clase to Powers store ge, in good condition, Oshawa Boule | 82641 after 6 pm BA S662 (FOUR » "room spariment, wok NORTH Oshaws, four room' "bungalow, 'private epirance and hh, wrage, large lot, reasonable One child welcome, Apply 1 ny rooms, four-piece bath, bath, suit couple, one or two . [SPECIAL two-bedroom | #partment, | bungslow with many extras, immedigte | stove included, TV outlet, parking, A245 LARGE three - 9 | hoards, hot water, heavy duty wiring, ONE lovely room for refrigerator, THREY, large modern rooms and room, Parking, 80369 hd Sho bamboo drapes, CENTRALLY located, and berger ™WO hasement enclosed and hath | poreh, new oll furnsece, air conditioning, suit business couple. apartment | EXGWA-room brick home, excellent eon: | parking, TV aerial, MOhawk 8-502 after close to fly #80 manthly. B18 Grierson Street mediate possession, Adelaide West, RA separate line for references, (be reached hy walking, furnished or un |NECOND block "from Shopping $85 four roams apd private bath, 112 St room y hungrtow heat, hydro included, Raytims, RA x Bi urn two- Plece uth room est before 5, time on | wiehand PARTMENT "iw prt Beco ud frag on Apply 72 Cadilipe Avenue B86 seil-contained three 1956 METEOR sedan, or ne owner opposite brewery 4 King, Just had oomplety valve Only $875 good location, plent, Possession January ad y of AP |ers, & Motors Aig Big ii conv 82472, room fiat, bulitin eup. wily decorated, new linoleums, base | ent, shared shed rooms with large mod n kitchen, sink, three » piece bath, BA Apply 322 Albert ONE lovely furnished room A ,Fenila. man, cuphosrds, ranges, | hill Bivd, RA 3 two gentlemen urnished, single beds, central location, t, RA A 52340 private home, Apply 444 Fern 00, use of washing pply 248 Toronts Avenue 5 minutes bo downtown #75. Avaliable healed, adults, i. w---- : on! four 00 ppg Centre; refrigerator, parking Available "stove, | RA 34579 or RA B019 two . bedroom electrically equipped $60 $95 monthly, A Weinherger Res) HA B5145, Call Mre, Irens Wein: RA 37244 hedroom apariment on Bimeoe fully equipped, Telephone A 56343 between 9 a.m, and 5 p.m ODERN three-room, fully furnished apartment private entrance TV aerial, all conveniences, Phone RA 32903, room apartment, heavy duty butitin euphoards, near shop private entrance, contin. parking Telephone partments r reet North HREE iring, ng centre, is hot water, A B50 WO . bedroom apartment, Lullding, avaliable in modern} now, pm. 101 Craydon Road, Apt, 2. PARTMENT for rent, sili young puple, completely furnished Telephone Whithy EW modern two bedroom Wi pent, in new apartment building, igerator and stove, paved parking, e minites walk to General Motors, 266 Malags Road, RA rt H674 RAND new apartments, two hed: noms, hroadioom throughout, drapes, ove, refrigerator, New building. Im. #923, Apply Janitor, 529 Adelaide West ot W¥rge rooms, bath, hot water, telephone, SGM ean close to bus bas Lorraine treet stop and store 'Road North monthly dint {pi [tion {#45 MONTHLY « In Brooklin room house, two bedrooms, heavy ing, TV outlet, garage, abstainers eant, OL 5-484 at RE ARNARLS rent to responsible ten. |w six large roomed house, available ¥ Sananry 2, modern throughout in new subdivision, Apply 329 Rosedale Drive, | Whitby NEW STORE FOR RENT About 1,500 square feet ample parking, 295 Simcoe St. 5, Phone RA 8. 1296 ) OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT elevator service Centrally lo- areo now of ne ¥ four wir Va | 20 er ne | EF A Passenger New building cated in downtown Moderate rent, Leases available HE TIMES BUILDING Contact T, L, WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 44A--Apts, & Flats For Rent GOOD Heal, second floor three rooms, self contained trance, heavy duly wiring, central Telephone | | apartment, | private en immediate RA | 3.3200 NEW modern two - hedroom apartment, in new apartment building, refrigera | tor, stove, paved parking, One block to school or shopping, #9 § monthly, 73 Westmount Avenue: RA 8.6183 THREE rooms and bath, self-contained, private entrance, on bus line, adults, abstainers, 137 Huron, RA 55260 FOUR room apartment, cupboards in| Kitohen, heated, centrally located, $63] monthly, Apply 358 Verdun Road or RA 8.6020 APARTMENT, four rooms with private bath, $70 monthly, Apply #1 Simeoe North or phone RA 32118 or RA 54462 [GROUND floor, four room apartment, stove and refrigerator, heal, light and water supplied, Also two oar heated garage. Telephone RA 3.7088 FURNISHED two room ase to hospiial, well squippe th refrigerator, rangetie 1 1 Elgin West apartment, | kitehen, 0) three rooms and bath, | basement apartment, off Park Road | South, available now, private entrance, | heavy wiring. Telephone RA 5.307% Five room apartment, tiled floor. | heating, separate entrance | aoross from school in village, on paved road, Oshawa 18 minutes, COlfax | ERA FURNISHED {ren room private hath and entrance, corated, near Power Stare {RA 82 83641 after ha pm. RA PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS Oh SAGUENAY AVENUE ST apartment, | newly de | Telephone | 5 "a. (PARK RD. & KING DISTRICT) hone MO 8-5004 for further informa: | gous jee rooms. FOUR stove snd TWO (large) room apartment, furnish. | od, room, {eouple with one ehild weleomed, Arhly [FOUR room well heated, tained apartment, central, vacant yw. $50 monthly, Phone RA 5.7244 URNISHED two housekeeping kitehen and bedroom, refriger use of lnundry facilities, soft central, Apply 253 Athol Street RA H-0a0e room apartment, including refrigerator, ground floor, Ivate entrance gnd parking, very cen ul. Telephone RA 5.6064 for further formation " [ newly decorated, large storeroom eluded, heated, sink in kitchen, bath win i ACRES, good soll, RA all conveniences, good barn, water, $12,500, Terms, or exchange for nenr | 5-04 dro and iy Jroveny, Tindall Real Estate, KA PRIVATE - MODERN Three-bedroom brick bunga~ low, fireplace, paved drive, close to bus and shopping centre, school, Built 6 years For appointment RA 5-6927 Evenings $395 DOWN DETACHED--OIL. HEAT $66.00 MONTHLY ONE N.H.A, MORTGAGE Don't wait till prices go away up. A limited number of bun galows still left aot $12,095 See our models and have one constructed in your choice of color, WE REPEAT One N.H.A, morigage carries for $66.00 morithly, WE REPEAT These bungalows are detach ed with private drives WE REPEAT These homes are oll heated, six rooms and decorated in oils, Sewers, schools, shop. ping at your doorstep, AND $395 IS THE FULL DOWN PAYMENT RA 5-8831 W, T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD, $60 monthly, girly, boys or Elena Avenue or phone RA 5.2316 room apartment, hath, refrig stove, and cupboards, private Apply 303 King Street Kasi, ator, trance pt. 1 Three room basement apartment, private en- trance, three piece bath, laundry facilities, every thing included, $55 monthly, Telephone RA 8-6522 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS New bulld- lease, Excellent location ing, with or without LLOYD REALTY RA 85123 APARTMENT SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND Five rooms, stove, refrigeras parking, adults $100 MONTHLY RA 53302 BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2-bedroom Apartments, trically equipped, best tion $100 Apply Simcoe St. North, Apt RA 8 8676. tor elec loca- 498 15; DUPLEX -- $1,000 DOWN $1,000 DOWN--7 ROOMS BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. ¥ RA 5.6544 8 rooms, two kitchens, gar age Celina St. Presently tenanted. Asking only $9 900, You must see this one now, Call Jack Appleby, RA 5.6544 or 3.339 LOW DOWN $97.00 monthly includes taxes for this 6-room bunga low Hardwood and tile floors, fully decorated with vanity in bathroom, finished rec, room, storms and screens Full landscaped front and back, only 2 left at this low price, Call now, ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5.6544 or 5.8342, WHITBY -- EAST END 2 five-room brick bungalows. These homes were bullt for builder's. own use, very well constructed, The price 4s right; to inspect call Anthony Siblock, RA 6544 or 5.4362, Good clean home, large rooms, close to Ritson Rd. South, Vacant possession, Asking only $8,900 with easy terms, Call Jack Appleby, RA 5.64544 or 3.3398 of Oshawa Real Estate Member District and Board ONE MONTH FREE RENT Modern one and apartments, $85 and best location. Telephone RA 8-8676 ONE MONTH FREE RENT Only two one-bedroom suites in a modem, spotlessly kept apartment building Cen trally located balconies paved parking, laundry facili ties. Phone MO 8-4770 two bed h room up ' le { Quiet 1 & Stoves drapes Rents residential street 2-bedroom Apartments frigs, T.V outlet parking, ete from 190 HONE RA 5.5787 tw monthly p RA 8.7272 tr 44B---Rooms For Rent NK Fi Y furnished ile. [LARGE roam | -- | Taree atte room. | in beds with sink, housekeeping priv 48 Drew or RA 8.4394 after 4 30 furnished, light housekeeping suitable for one gentleman, cen Telephone RA 3.008% Ee al |a7-- Automobiles For Sale rr ------ |'A% FORD Fairlane | and out, $2000 or best offer Telephone) | Ynae WILLVA Jeep, one ton, four whos | | sonah {Phone YU §-2451 condition, private, Can be financed, $25 only, automatic, in immaculate condition inside 300, adio, 1A S.9087 ood mechanical condition, For more information, rive rea tele 'at NASH Metropolitan hardtop and '54 hev. panel truck, both in excellent per month, RA 3.2963 from ® to 6 pm. | BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST OSHAWA (ust East of Wilton Road) RA 3.4494 Res. 5.5574 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W ANDY NAGY'S, MERCEDES BENZ SALES AND SERVICE o| 408 KING W., OSHAWA |5 RA 5.7132 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH Motors, tact retty's Cry Dries ever. Parkwes, meve North, As A VACUUM cleaner attachments, rebully machines, Rentals, Varuum Cleaner HA 8-051 Anyi. pe new and u changed, Lar Drayton's Cy fot rt OSHAWA, ONT, RAndolph 3-3461 48--Automobiles W Tel sad (of wringer type washe, aie 1 $5 to $10, gusranieed reeomgiionsd Fra and nd "stoves, Paddy's Mi USED parts ond ped a ant 4. | CAKERHORE Auto Wreckers yf for wrecking, Highest prices poh $1181 DOMINION Appliances (a "of Beatty Bros.) Bow i J (] Market, Hampton, 'Jine of wt hard 4 Pen prices, CO WANTED A one-owner, uaderoont ed '51 or 51 GMC; niso Go motor, Dave, RA 5-286, CASH FOR YOUR CAR Trade Up or Down Liens Paid Off WILBAK MOTORS 137 King W. _RAS.0732 HOUSTON'S S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W. RA 3-7822 CASH any choice clean ear, Trade up or down, MACKIE'S MOTORS KING ST, E. VARCOE'S RD, RA 5.5743 |30--~Articles For Sale #5 PER CENT off on all AND For "SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cors, Trade up down, Liens paid. off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §, RA 39421 ALUMINUM DOOR AND WINDCWS! Special Reduced Price, or We Sell, Cash end Carry, CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE ALEX VAJDA 4B) DREW ST, RA. 3.98%) WHITBY CLASSIFIED ranges, refrigerators, washers, freezers, Best trade in allowance, Barons' Radio and Electrie, 426 Simcoe Street South, ELECTRONOME, RCA Victor, Admire], The finest in TV, Hid 'and service, Highest allowances at Parkway Television, 918 Kimeos Street North, Color TV on display, FOR SALE « Fi ofl i» lengthy of 18" a " nd bo A 01 Walnut Kirest, nly oly yom RENT = | noe wood, TAREE ROOMS of furniture, only $209, This includes chesterfield, chrome set, bedroom suite atiress, spring, step and coffee tables, boudoir le lamps, Blows, "Guarantee Bar Home i BL Phy iste Street South, heated, MO 8.8133 after FOR BALE "TH only vad w Mallentie iron and' Kraus Company: Alleable Tron an hy South 4 Brook Street fi FOR WENT or "EE five bedrooms, 5 pm, GUNS, ammunition snd hunting plies, new and used, terms 10 down, Dominion aire Store, Street West, RA § BANKRUPT stock EE ehildren's selling at only io, Name br Savage. Walcot, sup. r cent Bond [ig Telephone MOhawk $4 ther information, DEALER in live poul Contact Jake Park Mo 80 FOR RENT -- Ome # |bedroom: centrally Jopatad Furn| 111 Brook Shy "North, Whithy, MO B-4081 PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, Al colors, Guaranteed, flat, gloss, Osh. a Hardware and Electrie, § Chureh pig RA 57624 All aluminum products Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving, One contract, nothing down, For free estimates call Aluma Seal Co. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS BOATS FIBRE GLASS BOAT COVERING KITS Bross screws, anchor fast nails, Boats repaired, painting and varnishing. Motor stor- age HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 RAY ST RA 8-8853 SALE Aluminum Products best quality at the best prices, fully guaranieed. Double hung windows fonly $18. Call now, Lymer Aluminum Co, RA 8.5385 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT or FOR SALE Hospital beds, wheel chairs, invalid walkers, - bedsides, commodes, crutches and canes, also roll-away beds. Phone Aid Rentals RA 5.1644 ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS We Sell the Best and Repair the Rest Replacing Glass, Screens FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE of the etc JIM ELLIOTT RA 3-2866 Variety of 15" car wheels $3 each, also body solder and plastic solder SHAW AUTO WRECKING 89 BLOOR EAST RA 5.2311 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD 90 SIMCOE SOUTH Band 7 p, tw . ONE «+ bedroom 3 ment building, hea lose to schools, shopping, parking, OLiver 83611, Brook~ lin, for fu further in information, FREE Christmas turkey, $14.0) per week for family rr four meludes West: inghouse Freerer and Sehneider's od plan No down payment, Far furt her niormation, Phone MO 8-538! ne ol gation FOR RENT -- January Isl or betore; two « bedroom apartm (apartment building), parking, pi PR stoves also three-bedroom house, MO 8.3501, FOR RENT Apartment, two nloely furnished rooms, bed si oom, chen, refrigerator and ove, He and water supplied, Private pr Bg 231 Palace Street, CLRARANGE le o elven now a Retrivers stock, Yi hy 2 it $40 up; heavy duty stoves television $49 up; repossessed bedroom a New five piece chrom: Terms available Midtown 11 Brock Street, North, LY furnished Apamine and refri arb, o plex, nice local Yon hithy, MO 3. SEPTIC tanks pri the san new tanks atalied. Walter Chestnut West, HOLIDAY -- -- us de the Foil lok ice, Downey Cab, 08-8181 APARTMENT in fie vind, ow three ms, hea utx, int ing, gy Nall Dever 'Telephone FOR a - ed private, in Call MO 8.4257 a Ea arr Tat rv outside work Me mates on rool ing and vison 4 gi per, To Green, Whitby FOR RENT -- Box, boot and cabin trailers, chain sows, skill sows, cement . mixers, paint sprayers, shotguns, rifles, ete WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas £. MO 8-3226 HELP US we og} ment, with sun room, fridge and stove, Self a 2398 HELP THE NEEDY We need children's clothing, toys, stoves, beds, shoes, fur- niture 137 BROCK ST. §, SALVATION ARMY WELFARE STORE "MO 8-8002 STORM WINDOWS , DOORS, CABINETS Prices on request, tm FOR FRIGIDAIRE WALES AND SERVICE and Commeicial RA 5-5332 Domest Prompt Service JERMYN'S Woodworking Shop Phone MO 8.8554 or 8.3893

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