The Oshawa Times, 31 Dec 1960, p. 15

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THE OOHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, December 31, 1960 15 Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity |=m70 mmc fous ' TORONTO YEAR END STOCKS bast bdo kas Bet Wash He By ROGER C. WHITMAN ® Low Sale Hoek Sale Wigh Low Sale CWge By The Canad " ork Sars Bare Wig : . of 1.1 -- aad oy : - You, En Ex Crasthry wis wn 3 f a 2 ont Bae » 3 A bo - od in. q adh 4 db Crown Trust oss 827 ¥ 5 f 4 . change this year, TB advanied, 746 dechined and 55 i 534 " i b. is 8% 8% % Sri sani Bows wor VA wate wr CTA GY eG, fm th ov 4 9 $e Js On Overia " % umber of shares (raded was diwn meow WII0mE CTeOR In wl . and | , in 9. value foi from 91.960.420077, In 1899, 304 nish pr TH 40h 1 Wh VE Page-Hers L114 » lewses of the 1172 raded showed an advance, TH ELV Wa Sil Wh 2 Bite Peminna ty) wt nd vars nehang. ange is trom } Dom ARE wo $2 12 ii # Pembina pr NSWER: Remove the charred water storage capacity of the . DWI ¥ rt pet ol J ad 3 a vale of M0 unless We mse is OBE first listed in Dom Ass : mm ie Deamans i : wood with ste® wool or care well 560 In thet case the change is from ite first shies BCom 2122 PC Jewel ps " ful scraping with 8 razor blade : je piss 1 sed in cents unless P Duinies Lis : " 4 305 1. Friviv: Tas or sherp knife, Wipe off the dust, WATER IN BOILER . he YERE'S rams ctions. Guo fi vo 4 : . ' marked, § B Dsisies ;m 4 how | 85% 1 w 2 then touch up the bp with a8 QUESTION: 1 have been told Dom KI w 8 3 165 150% Jupiter couple of thin coats of varnish or (hat water in boilers of { WEEKS MONT ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS Com Fab J 1 2 3 25 45 Lie ¥ | fresh white shellse, thi half. systems p be ors By Yen Conntiin F109 B Fab 2 pr ' 2 Es Lien ; = and-half with denatured alcohol, the boiler refilled at the ee WW Wether Wn PIO : i : @ Gas un using & fine pointed artist's ing of the hesting sesson © Birk Sales Wigh Low Close Change Wigh Low Dom Ins 9 3 w aN Gas wis brush. If the burn is sown 10 bare a > Gimiy wood touch up the area with 8% procedure" i f : i ] i : ; 33 | | CIGARETTE BURN [over QUESTION: A cigarette fell off) cover, an ash tray and caused a brn ented gar the 0p. in 8 mahogany table top, wi can this be repaired? pe of rubble thet reduces the A E588: E Fuld 3:38 5.3880 Ee. Bab Sea.bEl ANPUSTRIALA 3 D Mignes wn Ji 2 Seven Aris 24006 S104 is 0h » Dom Seat A "ld of of oy T 7 80% Pn 10% 2 I W431 45 closely matching stain as pos ~ ANSWER: Yes, and fa "a Ja 1% 2% "2 ; Doses or iss $154 i bo Rechaid sible. before hu ing up the lay. refilling of boilers should be ada ¥ iy ii + bs h Jom Stores 7 I . ! iL N ac WER ie be os 190 a apd ion sibs ie We. Regnoras br Sime level 5 the Surrounding pgp Agi d ry y i 18% ' . w % OIL Don Text" 95744 Sm 10% ' ] Yarn A surface This may aot be 2 per. peatedly hested is freed of air " 125808 #s 1 ' 2 0 Text pi 187 $120 I3 i abertson h ir, dt wi ma t 8 es "i Ge AE 1 sis a" di arn lows conspicuous (na bas ite corrouve eiset ml @ REALTOR # #7115 Jover pr "i #5 & 4 , : py 4 so Pow Brew M5. 0% "hn V % 104 2% {causes rust on iron, Water in thell For oll your Real Estate ptt grt : 1 h Ko ® ' ps ic vy By 2 1% A MARBLE, HOLES holler should not be replaced; | PHONE RA 8-4651 am 4 : Kan Wan m oy as Wa ; ? 3 450 238 QUESTION: While on vacation, after the heating season, water N 78 Kady Mater i ¢. %. 8 1 1 bought an inexpensive, second: should be added 4 to hale a a ¢ ki ; ; 13% hand slab of marble. I want to already present, eral pa . Jama pri i Ws +3 fo 105 105° 19 h v 57 000 92 use this as a table top. There are of water from the boiler should p L: Heatn i3tioe bis 4 2 ns 82 12 4 4 k 1 - i 3 3 two holes in the marble, where be drained off to remove rust f lumbing Latin Am 12850 32 43 4 ; 7 ia 15h #6 3 I / Hu tat Perme ou 7 3 pipes ran through, How can that might have accumulated on o 4 5 3 y Peruy » . " 97 1 Bt Maurice % 0» [i these be filled the bottom, Industrials wits sibs Tv IT 47 = ite Bends wir j i + wi : ANSWER: The only material \ uo oo one iy ¥anny § oy A 4 Ba aa phd 10% 10% ; 1425080 / 4 these can be filled with is marble, PAINT ; LORNE GOODMAN TORONTO YEAR-END STOCK Fed Eire wis 3s y ; Beythes 76 $124 1 Whtins 1 of matching color, A marble deal! QUESTION: What kind of PLUMBING & HEATING INDUSTRIALS Ved Grain wr 570 21% a y 4 ¢ ; 2im0008 er may be able to furnish small paint can we use for the mortar A and B ¥ibre 5 Be kik A Lid y W732 Wh sp | pieces of marble to exactly fit| between stones of our fireplace? We ore Experts in off neythes pr A / ) 1 seven Art " his : b Amin ois Sine 41 ; Fibre or 4i5 #64 havin ¥ 3 2 2 ns ¥ into the holes (with luck!), Forl ANSWER: Paint the mortar AD 7 5 . 149 Fittings A # " Shawn A - iis Sls ois M0 : y 148336 4 y marble dealers, consult your clas with a cement paint, coming In RA 5-1044 Acad Atl A y Ww o18 9%, 4 Fieet Mig Ae : ; W505 7 9 os ~1 sified telephone directory, powder form to be mixed with I WO Shawia E ; 2 . i ' h A A . A 2 ' Th 19 Ford U5 sheraton ! Rovaliie py i 7 A water, Be sure all trace of i} 3 [} 5 ir 763420 - ' 11 p Alta Dist ; 18 Ferd Com Sieks. 2 Sapphire Toa420 . BUILDING DRY WELL isi Nl 4 Pl Pg 0 Alta Dist vt 55) i w Foundation ; ! Bs i Sithnlt pr $30 wl La y Sarcee emez 114 | bf | QUESTION: | want to build a moved from. the surface before Sheet Metal t gt 2 ) Frases B44 . . 123 Alta Dis wis 7401 : : Freiman ps 7 be #8 1 Bilvernd A x 1 b Becur Fron i o 2354 . dry well for drainage from rain applying the paint, ; Hyerwe ; Crain ' i Alta Gas pr n > id i Spooner 1739317 . rs, How is this constructed?! p 7 4 + 2 8 Bimpsons odd a 247 1 Als Ne. Go Wi 8) 19% 18 i : 3 Pv SKI) Mfg 7 . wo se Stanwel wm WER: Be sure to locate STAINS ON SHINGLES Mg Con 3929 $16 ; § : } 0 Slater 2 § ' 577457 : ie well at least 10 feet from QUESTION; The walls of our MODERN Alg © oF 73 ? pe Pr 5 00 105% + ate! tnd 7% 7 ) 0 217297 § 3 your house foundation, The hole cottage are green ashestos Alg Cen wis 05 391 Gen Bake Slater Ind pr ie If 4 4 472008 400 410 . 3 for the dry well must be of shingles of good quality, They] SHEET METAL Al Wi . b G Le | & 3 J 106541 110 125 70 Ao in 7 i ' G Dynam sorville pi $ i 344406 184 189 00 11) 86 ample capacity size depending on have hecome rust - stained under 313 OLIVE AVE 3 OSHAWA Algong pr i site ih 8h Gen Clot su ; 13 ig 192585 17 3: Wisi 10 13 sp 1 4 the type of soll, 1 suggest inquir- the windows. How ean we Ye: Algona wie . = } GP Drill Wial 12 Sparian wis 2; 4 Weipa Miley 8 bu j ing from neighbors and local move these unsightly marks? | Alum | pr i GP Dri #04 110 110 . Staltord : y W Cdn OG wis 75240 60 70 22 . builders as to the general size| ou p po remove the rust Alum 2 pr 2 4 + GP 2310 $31 A% 25 J ¢ is . Westburne B52 65 TB A 43 necessary A ; ' X Ana of " 5 31579 86 6% a 7 Wesiales 106748 176 216 ®0 U0 i s With. 2a son, | Stains Dissolve one part Aalon Wis Gs Wares pw i862 Shiny 90 2 Rt Wi W Pecalta 430113 130 185 72 Line ihe hole wilh any Hason. citrate in six parts of commer. Ang Pulp pr 2 ' Wodyear 33 isn BO . H 5 Ye f W Leases M114 350 350 300 | material such as p Br DOCKS, cial gvicerin, Mix part of this d pos Ble 1 y Goodyesr pr Wo $35 4s aig Brock W Naeo 94609 54 85 20 tones or bricks, without any C6 SL ey t Ru Ss an Anthes B J G Mackay A 12065 56% 6% 36402 $67 74 Windfall M78 12 14, # ave the With enough powdered whiting or Anthes B pr 9 8 ; G Mackay B 6110 Shi 8 Bee) Can hw ah A065 6 3 : {mortar between them, Leave the uo. "op hing powder to form) Argus 127600 § m Grafton wz $17 7% ony o 133 82 a | earth bottom bare, Near the top a paste, Cover the marks with a Argus 1.50 pr 11849 " : 4 ' ( 20 $0 Ww " 7 3 Dalhousie 282739 2 u 1 A ring s somewhat to : or ' C An Temple prvi i 3 5198 $42 Mae 38 i Ster Tr Mon Pathaum my aa bring the sides mevial thick layer of the paste; when arpets Ash Tempe A 7 $259 26% ' Swan Of ton To 12) 4 | gether to give the we Pe Maps dry, replace with fresh paste or As Temp, A 4 GL Pow wis 1 12 2 SPropane pr 2s 23 of a jug, The top must be welli nie ™ win" remaining liquid, Ashdown B 9562 i I "GN Gas 5 8 Prop wi il 430 : 1 Mines below the surtact 0 that Sight Complete removal of the stains IF IT'S RUGS , , . CALL Atlan Ace 12660 814) | % GN Gus pr Ruptest of ' to 12 inches of soll can be placed) poe "oonive a week or longer, 94 ! 2 GN Gas 280 ps 10 $395 45 ' Suptest eom 12005 31 5 . 10] " - 4 4 34 id 3 Auptest pr wa A p 8 I ro 4 I] 102983 GN Gas wis Y Switson "io 3 #56265 If the staining is from screens NI A WwW A Y Auto Elec 2416 : GN Gas B wi 5 25 4 : To #16269 THE HOME the screening should be cleaned Auto Fab 3 J43 gy toa A a: 3 98 Tamblyn y i 4 Advocate 622521 0 with turpentine to remove sll Waell4to-Wall Broadioom Rank Mont 209539 Great West 7 ! Tambiyh pr AR . Agnico $7204 a ~-13 trace of grease, soot, ete, Then|| Cerpets «= Stair Runners, ots, 4 7 J Tancord 30 Y Akniteho 188765 w+ Bank NA dd 5 . wok G 4 3 Tayler PC m ; 4 i Alba Expl 189788 h >] WORKSHOP coat with a good quality sparll 171 Mary St RA 8-468) Barcsions 460 25 . 170 500 0 Texaco Com 53650 Am-Larder 24371 2 {varnish thinned with an equal Ba ines Bl 3 Pad : pred Tesseo C pr 1803 y +1 Ama Rare 120063 i 3 amount of half-and-half mixture Bath Pow A . 7 ing TRxs 81 107162 | 152 1 | Am Nephs 240414 y : Bath Pow B 15923 o % Greyhound ; i + Tom Papes 5 2 . fe Bly 9360) 81 3 2 A of linseed oil and turpentine, This R025 Guar 1 } ' BAL A " : § pt 1 Beatty hoot ) Buse Lt 0s 1 5 Thorelf 933 0 Ang 0 Hur 3011 1 eto 02 - 77) WANGING RACKS should be applied with a special Beay Lumb A ib ¢ Gume 7 LE ; ¢ Ang Rouyn ie aR FOR MAGAZINES screen applicaiar or a piece of Beav L pr : a - fuiney pi x 4 : TorDom Bk y / Eo i br Ws gl carpeting tacked around a block ibd i ba Bl | LL 5 ] iw Tor Elev 2 ! ih Area 215432 A) | of wood with the nap side ex- iitmor ; : ; ) Bil more pr 2 I H Cotton ' Tor Thon Aron LA (rr posed: @ brush is likely to clog Riwater pr 343 adil | "Cotton pr : "3 Tor fron A 14 1 All C Cop 210 105 128 {the mesh, Or apply pure fresh, Siig Fad] " 30 $45 + 3 Hanior or i . 1 4 Tor Star pr 3 y A las Yk 70700 kB 5 . white shellac, thinned with one- for Bowater ne ; lard Caron 0" wo" 1 7 Fin hb i : Ama e hin 1 : half as much denatured alcohol. || o FUEL OIL o STOVE OIL Bowes 130 d Hees 3062 597 3 6 31 ! 7 ! in 4 is BW Dauen oon As DAs be TH TO Amor" Hons ann" 32s : QUESTION: We moved to af Prompt Delivery Tank # 17785 " Tower 029 81 10 7 A ris ' ' Bankeno 1044012 " i place with a different sized 104 King W, RA 3.3400 Tank pr - Holden A i65 854 # 5% 8 20 Bris 9 4 Bankfield 33002 Ae 13s Th porch and our rug is now too 2 Hilden B 630 300 260 wis 6 Barnat 1700807 154 195 f + h 3 p of Bright "1 { Holt Ren $17 I T Fin wis $7 ] 3 Bary Expl 152005 53 88 : A long, What type of pany is " Horne Pf 3100 495 500 300 3 Te Can PL 2 ' Base Metals WIA 1817 7 i Vv equipped to eut this down and put " 4 H Smith | $0 Als 3 p I'rans Mt 4 | Baska 1366 Jovy 14 A | the hinding back? IT S DIXON S H Smith pr $37 43 0M Trans Fl, 6 i b Bhug adits yy 2 L PATTERN 206 ANSWER: © it asl For the BEST in FUEL ond Hughes OA Lit} 3 e 2 ian )S 8 v 15 1 y [ . NS IR: onsult your classi- Heal re ng Equipment Bran Brazil pr i $25 A 2 non 'A 1 i Belcher BOTABS 72 " n> Ruud m 02 B00 Te 1 : ' #2 + 1s Belleterre 00 19 / By RUTH W, SPEARS flod. telephone directory under ian v , AA imp Bank Bahl $61 by A 3 B Ack 2 pr : Betalin di3068 a2 I Magazine wall racks are most 'Carpets -- Layers." Sometimes goo A jmp Pio is Wie Mt 3 in " Jovem Heit A It is easy to select the carpet and rug cleaners also do by GENERAL MOTORS 1 / p f | | 8+ J Gas A p i 3 Ribis 111830 9) 3 efficient 0 1638 Sh 1 } imp Invi 3 son n Gas Br 31s | ls 3 Bieroft 150262 69 periodical you want when they |this type of repair, 313 Albert St, RA 3.4663 8334 h Imp Inv 6% sivly 21 1 ns Bp 7260124 | level ¥20981 j 1 17 Imp Inv 1.40 p $2015 24% n 4 orp ' i 012 : 8 i are somewhere near eye level, 21 ; 20% 2 0 956475 'WE DING 69708 ILinv 0.25 p $209 20% 19 Corp B RL LL 30 7 J s ! One of the three racks shown MILDEWED BEDDI! a 7 1] Life 020% S76 WO Corp ™m 930 a Bordulae 00 I WRT 7 Prooke pF ii ah 1 ! imp, Ol WI 8 AT ' Fuel A 0p & fl + Bouzan 1723630 33 oe here may bé hung on the back of, QUESTION: How can I remove 3 we i | N i 290418 58 E . . ve » way, mildew odor from a sofa bed, Bir #872 } Imp Toh SLite 13s 1 Fuel § )d Rralorne 20041 : a door entirely out of the way, ig 4200 k imp Toh pe 5% 6a Un Steel 0RA Broul Reef BIASTL 45 8 i [Mae , » the pillows and mattress that had Bruck A 1 ht for thell ack B 3037 | f ind Aceep Mb 8 , Univer Cont Hah 814i i 4 Brunswick 250755 {The smallest is just right for the PIN A 4 the Das ol Build Prod 20179 3 1 1 Ac 4.50 pr sB3 95 TA% 034 Vanadium 21380 25) 28 j b! Buffad 1230100 1 y {bath room. All three are made been stoi in the basement' Bul ochs A 1345 § 5 = ] Ae 2.25 pr $04 i ' a i Vanes fig Hit 2 Hult nk ior nw 2! . with Pattern 206 which gives ac val 0 Use then how. hould 620 5 2 Ac 295 mr 30 ¥ i " " [hs > ¢ 4 al. " p re ANSWER: he items shou iy 16180 7 1 . I Ac wa 69703 S125 10s B50 19% h Viceroy A Lod w Bunker Hil 331442 7 Hs tual-size cutting guides and direc take 4 outdoors and brushed Burns 159714 81 Ingersoll A 4206 854% 6 5 3% Viceroy B 4076 38 3 A C and D » tions, Price 0c, \ he taken | Burrard A 14361 §6% Inglis 107639 490 iH 400 0 ' Vie 6 Tr sods : ». Cab e . Waues a » ih Address orders to The Homeland vacuumed thoroughly hn NARLEIGH SUPPLI Ingr Bel 100 $10 0 In ) are pr adame: 2] ol Ny Time: ) ES | e Jos Db 6 2% + 8 Tar Hel pi 60 $12 12% 12 12% Walnwr 20050 205 24! E Camp Chih 1037635 630 720 430 Workshop Dept, The Times, Osh. move all surface mold, on al Pow ite Siw 41h 102° + 3 Infand C pr 19746 520% 31% 15 18 Walk GW 932) 838 40 Camp RL 5701 $13 17% 175 awa everything should be aired In the (OSHAWA) LTD 41 Ro 3 ong 390 35 1 Inland Gas 191821 575 6% 960 420 1 it Eauip Jun a 4h b die wo Aton sun for at least a week, If the . 1 Iniond Gas pr 16415 Sidi 16% 13 16% ] ebb Kop L037 395 Bl " §2837 4 ; d Bread B a Ind Gas Wis W975 175 100 80 100 W Mason pr Ty Oy i y 472912 WM 62 28 mold has Jenetrated deeply Into|| OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE an Cen 13017 26 2 Int Bronze 9004 $16 16 11s 13 WAG 812 17% i in 1365718 30 I'M n the mattress and pillows, may an Cem pr aol a 1214 1 Bionze pr 7200 8231s 20 2 . 17428 $32 Be M0145 24 21 B10 be necessary to have them pro RA 5.3012 (Xi Sone 201 §. . ; h Int Util 96206 336% 6% 8 y y 10725 360 1% io J 725637 40 43 18 1 fessionally cleaned; if the mil. Ah Folly p Int Ui mr 19056 S404 43 19) y 20026 5 3 24 Ld 28658 Als 6 ig : : ~ Judny A . ahr : intprov FT West Groc 360 $3315 Me 92 8 + 3 Candore 150444 18 ow [1 \ dew is bad, replacement may be -- ry X 3 Intpr B J0w 7300 120 125 25 West Groce pi 1250 $347 "4 Can Erin M7540 100 | "" L 45 ecessary (ofte: case), I Fndry ' Tone - 7 inter PI 3392 $ORVe 02 5 W Plywood B 6870 814% 0 10% L Captain wy @ a necessary (often the Pon Ea adt IN FLOOR a he 7 3 94 0 & I pYe y 4 nt st P 188A67 385 996 24a Weston A 90184 S34% 0 Cariboo 22 Hi ul me " ING RIFF PROENCE i Mash iv ' Bk Inv Syn B06 Mlle 43 82 Weston B 9238 436 od +] Cassiar $120 13% 10% 13 a REMOVING EFFLORESCENCE an VA 0 i 1h 25% + Inv Syn A 169514 837 3 : West 4a! 1000 882 92 $+ Cayzor 26 46 49 13 3 e QUESTION: Recently 1 in * an Malt pr + 2 Iroq G pi 19759 S14 14% 11 - Weston 6 pr 1336 $1024 107 106 + 4 Cent Pat 133 140 82 108 L hoe WO. patie of yi J . Pack A 3908 5 2 Jamaica PS 9373 831 9 West A wis 119506 816 17% 17% + Cent Pore 1496096 18 17 [ ed my own § colored ce. Pack B rh : : Jefferson 74090 Sle TW 4 Whie | pi 1360 833 33 Bh -- AV Cheskirk 104050 - Alp AL 2h = JH ment blocks, The patio Is laid 80 SIMCOE ST. N. 4 or an Perm 98 2 2 " 4 p : \ t yo Jockey ( $12398 215 7s White Pass 21065 wis (A) 4 Chester 2633604 40 41 2 " "ine Safe 4 pr . Jock C pr 19056 $914 10 [Th Wood Alex #791 470 300 ! Chib Kay 56600 14 15 yy on Aa SiX«n gh Sa base, RA 8.621 SL La. : lock CB pr 2900 SB 9% A Woid GH mr 0 $920 : Chib M 20062 66 AO 42 [ FOR YOUR C &7 SP o |warge amounts of efflorescence 3 at. ah : Jock wis 25500 M45 28 Wood JA 13406 S285 29 244 Chimo 742800 52 67 40 voy HOICE A SPOONS have developed, Is there any S0ls| es emm---- ) 90 : ho . bor Baks 2 4 Johna-M 51 84 60 4 Wood J pr 908 382 i Chrom 131779 900 515 300 i ; ND FA CUPS ution that can be used to ¥ 53 Kelly DA 781 37% TWH A fi Wootwd A a 8 1 Vi 4 Coch Will 770061 288 395 373 ATTERN 2 31 I 1 3 ing th Bank Com . Kelly wis 48905 385 995 195 225 5 Wdwrd A w 34645 82 : ; Coin Lake 0906p 13 10% 13 % ---------------- wees | h18 Without removing the color. B Kelvinator 0733 8 10h 8% Glew 2 Wool Comb i. 1 4 Ww Comb Met 250362" 30 42 19 A planter spoon rack and ing from the blocks? N ' Knit 1800 161 ; : Coniagas 305799 56 85 44 Anter spoon rae nd a SWHR ¥ Kek B wil on Confanrum A72050 56 73 AY pair of racks that hold a cup and ANSWER d etch Cdn Can A 12 1 Lafarge Bide 8 8 6 4 gin y Con Key M0036 23% 28 125 : saucer make an attractive group S0NrY cleaning and etching prepa- Cdn Celan a4 Sih Bi Lafarge A 1460 SBM 94 Bl 6% - oF Sad i € Bellekeno 3022 f$ 1 3 - to fill an important wall space. "ations are now available at most ? Andian Ha 4 Cel 81 p 1] Alarge wis 3 710° 60 70 A b 3 Rela G 353088 Ble 10b% a ; an { TOP Col 175"mr 1 : Lakeland 200 20 180 180 Ang Cdn 10246 dle «© Callinan WO085 A - 12 B | Pattern 231, which gives actual. Masonry supplies dealers; follow QUALITY Chem i . < 3 Lambin L ith un a any, Anglo. Nilg 127630 8 M . 4 : 2 Con CU Cad mans Mp 3 wi? A 14 | Size cutting guides and directions Javet Hirdetions carefully. Uso ARBORIT Ly : i baurs tec CRE HEE yy RE Cbuoovery irda amare TET {for making the racks shown here, On (hat doesn't contain muriatic Colt pr 275 13 L and JB $30 0 = 3 a CD Bug Loot BR ] Con Gillies 133440 7 7 4 [1s 50c, It also is one of four pat- 8°! (Ne. 1119, Slised Walnut Curt W E+] 1 b Levy pi 7h son 3h WHA + Sol Ving 34 329 18s -- 4% CG Arrow 726832 33 52 26 96 {terns in the Early American Re. ™ " "eelor only) . y 22% a r 4 1 h 9 i: ve - 8 3 4 . : in a : I Co A w Ba 000 900 300 823 75 C Bronse py 3 WB Chem nm a ow on i [production Packet No. 19 for, HARDEST SUBSTANCE ideal for Kitchen Cupboards, Dredge 3 Lob Co B ; Nh 2% a ! : Sy Tae © Mares WTAE? 64 103 [$1.75 All adapted from old de. The hardest substance known, gounter Tops, Recreation Fairbks A A 3 lab Lo pr S048 3 M0 3h a 700 §Aily 44) 94 ~ 3 € Migul 760080 120 124 49 Signs diamond, is formed by the crys. oom far, otc Falla 0 a : Yon © 4" HHT i , 63 200 200 €, Morrison Sen ow Address orders to The Home| tallization of carbon under great(PP 2 * ¥ and 4 x 8 sheets Loh GB pr 2542 3% 20% 3 D Gian " a rit 7h Con Negus AI4676 131% 22 1) 2 1 Workshop Dept.; The Times, Osh: pressure, 3 G i y 2 : lob Gro i D Oil Cloth 6 § au --iaia Con Nichal Jig i ¢ 59. Loeb M 3 [5] Lupont : 3 J el I A077 1 - . Lon Hos 6217 90 28 Dupont pt LE 3 Cons Que 14880 2 : 23 Ria (While present stock lasts) { 5 Lon Hos A 12762 300 650 200 680 Haves ; rd © Red Pop 331957 . ; Husky wis I i 0 : Lowney 1010 5260 364 M284 int pap Ba « Regoourt 163000 § 5 i M Hydro Car 4 4 5 Macleods A S61 323 MH AUN Wh + ah [Re Rew 44: b+ 3 C Sanorm 835474 6) ¢ u 4 [1 MB and PR 614321 $19 19 13% Li MacLar A 4 2 V Conwest 173776 380 A ih Magnum #70 $16 16 14 Mac Lat B au, he 2 1 Cop Corp 62205 80. 3 [ERT . : \ LUMBER b Cop Man 97131 11 7 = N\ 4 ----- row Alum CBAL A wis #5003 3 I Concrete and ma. 11] CBAL B wis 5 : Labatt PHBA S27% 31% MM ihe : Ny asi | = Maher G10 $B 2 av a0 Mailman pr 5 BW BS BIW DE vie : : : Coprand 1070307 178 ; \ M Sug pr 3 9 BN ad "3 6 Coulee 1017 31 2 23 1 RA 85-4688 Nana "Ge $18 Courvan 0522 12 1 3 y \ Third CG Inv } IN Cowich 1hana0 67 6 Ea 1270 SIMCOE ST, WN, ' ) 3 3 Craigm 100525 385 3 Zellers We + 18 Goastaur 79700 10 Croiniy 172600 ] *" M Leal Gard 8 2% B M Leal Mill 36092 S186 16% L1W 1% Marconi g 7 M Leal M pr 1090 801% 03% 85 93a oi y : 9 Mass-¥ 1036032 311% 12% 8% 10% Oil pr 5 d : Mass:F pr 959 $108 108 #0 3 Mass F 54 p 20844 S100% 103 le 1000 Criwpat 1205290 AJ McBrine A 12% M12 Cusen Aram 6% McCabe 36 833 MM HX Mm 3 HI 16 Mex LP WM SG 19 TH 1K Aragon 774775 -- 32 1% Mex LP pr 3300 812s 13% 11% 11% 3 p WHE 12 LE) Mid Pac 800. 3164 18 Li 14% Acme Gas 195800 17 214 134 = AW \ 1710100 22 3 nN 0 Mid-Wes 357462 100 205 140 130 AP Cons 102798 47 61 nN -1 T™ET2 14. LE y A : ( Milt Brick 28063 265 20 200 205 All Ros 30 3 BIG 46 AF 7 3 TL MTL TV d ~~ MASTER « 3 6 M Cont A 163% 34 104 1a | Alminex 3 230 30 13 Denison MAL00 S114 1114 830 \ ly C Vickers 3 : } Molson A 247 Wy BW Am Ledue 10 12 Dickenson 1034048 222 370 220 ) , v s PLUMBER Cdn Wall A 4 + 2 th Molson BR 13472 b+ 4 Amurex 2035 200 200 - Dome 203003 $19 20%, 16% 2 { ' Cdn Wall B 1 Molson pr A 2% 39) Anchor & Donalda 836473 1 5 3 CWA Gas A Moly 1528 $32 56 Anglo Am 2 7 Il Duvan 72005 15 20 ] { BY « ( ( --t FS sit jese4es WN Gas pr X 13 Mon Knit 2085 $9 i ¥ Asamera ™ 3 To serve our customers even WN my 1 21 : Mon Katt m We $83 ! ] Balley 8 A 2 3 3 wf E Amphi WAELD 8 10 Al 8 1 etter in 1961 . . | to make new oy ry aL 0 A h Raley § pr 3 19 9 East Mal A11537 80 17R 18 | E 3 hart Trum Sth S14 Mont Lace i : Bai § 3% pr 20% East Sull 470507 190 207 140 ; riends: and hold old ones . . . to 20 2% Mont Trust 2 33% Bang 211 g | 1g 7 Elder 1999374 134 136 89 treat both so well that they will Chrysler 37 LL HY A Moore 7 15h 6% Hal. 3 3 We Eldrieh alee 2 2 10 Cod Bar NE A 1048 1008 71 Bata | Le L. ign A Hy A430 9 1 continue to let us serve them for Cire Bar A y y : Nat Drug 52085 31314 i \ Ri 0 4 ; ; Hult & wad . : Coch-D t Nat Drug pi 9138 Slik 3 Britalta ? . a0 30 Tian a 2b. many a long year ahead Coch-D A 3 s Nat Groce 297 S20 + aday SA30T4 78 148 8 Cockshutt : \ v Nat Groc pe 1364 $260, Bh Calalta : Y Flwest Tung M|gas 0 11 6 oliwood 1 ! | N Hos A 77 360 430 260 35 - Cal Ed n 1% 4 Fatima 2070730 68 8% 27 oliwood pr "| i N Hos B 1aelo 37a Sh 130 tavan top ) A 8 vFrancoeur HW 8 3 4 ol Co i ns N St Car T3556 Sl 19% 8 Laven Frobisher 1320670 191 20 6% 3 Hh ( « ( » . Comb Ent 3 1 7 =2 Nat Trust 726 S31 6 1 Camerina Pete 3H 1 - Gaitwin 313363 3 7 Conduits aw 1 Neon 6200 317% 17 | Coll 1 - Geco Mines 202808 $170 19% 13 Conf Life 3") Nia Wire a7 Site 12 ; oll L wis Hh | 0 3 ; Genex Wid ie Cont Life 0 : 1 Nia Wire B 1190 $11% 12 3 1] {8 Ol wha J 3 "Geo Scien 144830 90 110 3 3 CS Pete 3 deo § Con Baks North Star pr 19032 sa Wwe 4 ) 3 v N 4 Glacier an aw Con Gas J 1 1 NO N Gas 168438. 316% 16% 1) Chieftn Glenn Uran 7 a Con Gas A 4 NQ Pow ATT sila Wl AN « q ¢ « « 1383618 Goldale 8 uhs on Gas B 3 2's 9 NQ Paw 1] 00 Sy 8 9 126413 ' ! N GF Mining 01 01 Homestd 136850 Superior Sr . . 1 <1 NW Ut pr 11 S70 1 0 7 Williston app Clark Nor Phone w EL) 0 30 1} Ly i |! « ont Can Tha Nor Phone 229265 30 578. 20 3 92903 | 2 , 7 0 « ( orhy vi 3 Nihd Uni 1232 S15 IW 1) Ohi Cent Del 323 3 Gu ¢h 8 Bit i ) 3 3 Oak Wood 300 314% 14) Sane on Gul Lead - H " " Crain RL 43993 2 by RA Commoil : 3 = SIRVI \ 3 234 OB Sup 100 60 123 60 - Gunnar mn . 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