| 94 TVE OSHAWA TIMES, Seterbey, December 31, 1960 | NOTHING TOO FANCY - DUKE PREPARES FOR COTTON Duke University coach Bill | San Antosino, Ready to snap Murray is shown emphasizing | the ball for the next play Is # point as he talks with quarter- | centre Ken Thompson (56) and back Den Altman (14) during | right end Bob Spade (87) listens 8 rainy-day workout session in ' in, The Duke Blue Devils moved a ------ SMSPORTS MENU Ab By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' HAPPY NEW YEAR! And that should just about cover everybody and everything, At this season, the sbove phrase is greatly over-worked and Is used in many cases, to serve as a license for carryings-on which would be frowned upon at other times of the year, That's why we say it--and nothing more, After all, one ean not convince somebody else with that statement nor can you create with it=-it's merely a verbal gesture, a wonderful tradition in our way of life, but once you drain it of sentiment, it is actually just a saying--but & nice saying, . 01d folk are apt to get nostalgic at this time of the calandar year, the youngsters don't even recognize it, except it means another big turkey dinner and the in= betweens think only of New Year's Eve with its hilarity, At the risk of being branded an "oldie", we wouldn't mind reviewing the sports highlights of the past year, Such things as the Olympic Games, Pirates winning the World Series, Canada's Harmsworth Trophy victory, $hese and many other sport highlights can readily be fécalled, Here in Canada, we had our various hockey champions, football, ete, Other countries, with their favorite sports, also had their champions, That's sport! But something else is also "sport"~each new year brings dts new records, its new crop of champions, its revised list of "most valuable" and other award winners, That's why it's sensible to look forward, rather than dwell on a review, There's nothing newer than "history" that hasn't yet happened--which is why we all look forward to a "Heppy New Year" rather than look backward, with either regret or longing, at what has been, BRIGHT BITS:~US,, football program for this week-end provides the TV fans, even up here in Canada, with a varlety of choice, starting, actually last night, but continuing today, tomorrow and even on Monday , , . BRUCE SONLEY, the Peterborough school teacher (son of Ward Sonley, High Park) skipped his rink to the Team O'Shanter's schoolmasters' bonspiel top honors yesterday, Oliver Steer, the Liftlock City veteran who was vice-skip for Joe Walsh here on Wednesday to win the annual Oshawa Ontario Teachers' Bonsplel, was mate" for Bruce Sonley, Oliver could well retire after this season~it's been his best , , , "AB" ROBBINS and his Oshawa Central Collegiate entry finished a close third in the Tam-0O'Shanter affair yesterday , , . GUYLE FIELDER scored a goal last night for Seattle Totems, his R13th scoring point (an all-time record) in Western Hockey League , , , WINDSOR BULLDOGS beat Wood gtock last night to hold their OHA Senior "A" group lead at five points, Galt also upset Stratford Indians last fight , . . WINNIPEG MAROONS were tied 2-2 in Brat islava (Czecholovakia) last night on an ice surface that measures 210 x 97--quite a hockey pond, what? . . . HULL-OTTAWA Canadiens are definitely in a slump. They lost another game last night to Sudbury Wolves 7-3, Kingston Frontenac also lost to the K«W Beavers 342, after the Limestone City boys had taken a 2-0 lead earlyen the game to cheer their hometown fans . . . TENNESSEE TECH Eagles lost the Tangerine Bowl game 27-0 last night in Orlando, Florida, to Citadel. This one-sided score would appear to be a reflection on the hosses who made the choice of opponents, Fleming To Play Football In B. C. VANCOUVER (CP)--Halfback|from contract obligations, . Willie Fleming sald Thursday he|ing sald, "but I wouldn't Su expects he'll play foatball in Can: | ing Anything deliberately to get ada for the next four years, | cut" "and probably longer." "I have no intentlo The fouryear duration would my contract," he added, clarity. take him to the end of a contract|ing earlier remarks which had he signed recently with British|indicated he might break Columbia Lions of the Western! Lion contract to Join Philadelphia Interprovincial Football Union. | Eagles, the National Football The contract covers three years League champions, if they made with an option for renewal for a him a better financial offer than fogrth, that contained in his contract 'My three year contract with Lions, doesn't necessarily mean I'll be! The 21-year-old speedster fin. here three years," the former ished second in the WIFU scor- Towa University star told a re- ing and set team records in Jaiter Thursday "1 could get cut pushing and scoring during 1960, ram the team." le came ot the Lions tw s That would release both sides'ago, ym n of Jumping Steve Owen Believes In Basics Of Football By JACK SULLIVAN (six (0 10 basic plays, All the rest) Canadian Press Saf Writer |are variations, Steve Owen once said that "In fact, the most brilliant set| "coaching is ke a monkey on Of Diays won't mean much if 8 /, team cannot gain off , | 8 stick-when you're going wp, 4 ackle. Lime play." : | knowi-| His handing of players and his , knows what he's talking relat NEWSpaper men, about soit he's been in the covering the games undoubtedly game for 0 of his 62 years, |Bve the most relaxed of any i rl oy news {his wosh 2 i ay lobby bull session in Vancouver| ia coaple of days before the Grey Cup final, "I believe," he told a group of reporters, "that football p be bh Shesy's 20 point | nner riving ers to frazzle. a the You've got to have » under. relations," standing of human rt| And e has worked on this They en ork Hants hig and hota riddles sbout compl # , with not more for- "on Destod mal in the way of a contract than important 8 handshake, until 1957, | That year he went to Toronto Argonauls - as defensive coach! {and climbed up the stick to head doesn't bother with this coach as Hamp Pool was going stuff, down in 1959, This year he did "The best offence can be built the same at Calgary when he around 10 basic plays," he said] took over after Otis Douglas re {in his book My Kind of Football, signed as head cosch of the | published nearly 10 years ago. Stampeders. | "Defence ean bullet on two. Now, in the top job with the |All the rest is razzledazzle, ego- Roughriders after the redignation| mania, and box office," of Ken Carpenter, Stout Steve | "Some teams" he wrote, should be one of the most popular claim to use hundreds of plays figures around Regina, Where- lon attack, and that sounds ver he goes, people usually stop impressive and awful him on the street to talk foothall, , But fundamentally ev-| "It shows that people will talk ery football club operates withito me," says Steve. 'Major All-Stars Win Over Ajax "They said it couldn't be done", hustling Ajax 14 to four which was but the Major League All-Stars the difference in the ball game, of the Simcoe Hall League handed Gunn continued to pace the win- Ajax of the Oshawa Industrial{ners receiving help from Bob Basketball League their first set-| Goddard while the whole Star back of the season Friday even- team checked the losers to a ing right in Ajax, snapping a nine! standstill | h ™ {game viclory streak by thump-| The All-Stars continued their| Reach Finals At Owen Sound |ing the Industrial League leaders | gil.court press in the last quarter] 52-40, The All Stars played 8 55 they again outnetted Ajax| Competing in a Midget hockey tremendous team game passing (his time 15-seven to wrap up the tournament, early this week, the well, setting up some fine scoring game in great fashion, Dave Oshawa Midget All-Stars ad.[plays, and pressing all court, to|Kelly and Jim Brady led the vanced fo the finals at Owen well deserve this upset exhibition yiotors fn this stanza while Bound, before suffering defeat, |Win, {Watchorn and Dickson tried in Owen Bound walloped Colling-| Xu AllStar broke out in front vain for the losers, wood 12:1 in their first game and in the opening quarter by edging . Stratford nosed out Kitchener in|Ajax 14-12 in a close checking HIGH SCORERS the third period of overtime, affair, Garnie Gunn and Georgel The Major Btars were led to after tying up the score with only| Fuller shot the victors into their|this fine team victory by Garnie three seconds to play in regula- slim lead dividing seven points Gunn's great 15 point effort along tion time, |with the losers replying from Gay. With George Fuller, Jim Brady Oshawa Midgets were drawninje Watchorn, Jim Barry and|and Dave Kelly who sll had against St. Mary's In thelr first Reg, Daze. |seven points while for Ajax, Gar. round game and came up with| Ajax came right back In the nie Watchorn and Reg. Daze a thrilling 3-1 win, to hand St. °° were best with 14 and 13 points Mary's their first 108s of the sea. "20nd period to take the lead| | Boll" / wb eo, Hoe Dura ors ALLSTARS -- Kelley, 1 Wi Oshawa drew a bye Into the "" * J i lter, 2: Gunn, 15: Goddard, 5; semi - final round, Siratford won|0™™ and playing coach Joe Dick. lef, & Sui, iclitte. 4; Nelson. out 6-1 4 son sunk Ajax's points while Fuller, 7; Tunnicliffe, 4; Nelson, 1 Gunn added four more for the * Brady, 7, Total 53, Fouls 9 : Osh-| victors to leave them (ralling|© d guna, Stratford defentid Dai 20 to 24 at halftime, | AJAX -- Dickson, 7; Elrlek; winners got the first two goals| The Major Leaguers received a Barry, 6; Watchorn, 14; Robert. and then after a scoreless sce. #ood pep talk from coach Jim son; Daze, 13; Told, Total 40. ond stanza, Oshawa made Jt 2-1| Brady at halftime and it payed Fouls 2 out of 8, | in the third period but when they off well as they came storming) Officials: Ed Kolodzie and Bev pulled thelr goalie for an extra back to take the lead by out: Groves, Scorer: Leo Kelly, fie. ei OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS strategy backfired and Stratford added another goal fo clinch their win , n | MOTOR CITY MIXED BUSINESS Clark 220, Carson Heard 220, 200; Max ne p Strik. | Rockert 220, Bert Alexander 219, Ron| orn ans mes and "Huck erika 4 | MoGillls '219, Tielen Pinch 18, Orve| ench, Humdingers 3, Rockets 1, Hope. Dingman 218, Boh Weeks 217, 211; Jim | ful Six, Dukes and Hotshots 0, Baxter 216, 207) Don Harper 215, Carol | Rows Lyford was top howler with Elliott 214, Bob Lymer 2i1, Frances | 1731 (273, 250), Helen Wiggins was next Brash 210. Mary Williamson 210, Fern with 681 (350, 219, 212); Barclay Bate. | Buechler 200, Stew Linton 20, 202; Don man B67 (247, 857)1 Ar Smart 632 (277) Gutsole 208, Sheila Patterson 207, June and. Bill Webster 614 (217, 208), | Lawson 206, 202; Bob Carter 200, Denny High singles were: John Blencowe Linton 206, Art Merrick 205, Tip Buech- 270, Irene Hurtibese 200, Guy Morey ler 204, Chuck Lock 204, Nancy Weeks 246, Wert Trick 226, 203; Jim Norple| 203, Jack fneddon 203, Bd March 203, 219, 2111 With McKee 218, Harpy Billle Trivett 203, Sharon Bown 202 Fayle 217, Murray Lewis and Dave And Ede Nathan 201, McKee 212, Shirey Smart 211, Tom| Dave Michell kept the Lemon | Rae 209, Lily Rae 208, 202; Dorothy League from being Ladies Night, hav. | Giles" and Marilyn Cooper 203, Roy (ing & 95 game, For the girls we have { Mills 201, Mid Clark 70, Jean Lawrence 74, Mary » [Rout 90, Shirley Linton 91, Myrt Alex. CORA LEAGUE | ander 96, Mona Melnichuk 96 and June Standing = Jas Beens ) Bingo Kellar Lu Markers 43 orntons 41 om-Hers . ' ne 97, Button Pushers 36, fun. | LADIES MAJOR "A" 80, Argonauts 35, Abstainers| Standing - Woodlyn Beauty Salon Troubleshooters 34, Spades 34,)12, Horwich Jewellers 12, Gillard C ean. Ing the Dodgers." Storie 33, Apples 30, Rascals 28, Arle: (ers 11, Coon Colas 11, Young Mod: D he 1 woected t t | oorats 27, Sunnyside 20, Hi-Los 25, erns 10, Hayden MacDonald 10, Strouds urocher is expecied to meet goog 24," Characters 23, Outsiders 32,10, Acadian Cleaners 9, Nu-Way Rugs Dodger officials next month, [Bathe No. 8, 20, hiarman ties' 19,0 wd Fashion Village . "WwW. y o [Composites 18 and Sliders 14, | oodlyn and Horwie! remained D! We would be iu iA fo Have There were four shutouts on Tues (tied for (he load, both having 31| urocher, sald odger RS neral|q,y night, the winners being Button wins over Hayden MacDonald and Nu. manager Buizie Bavasl, = "We Pushers, Bingo Markers, Apples and Way. Gil ards and Cokes also ploked know that once he gets back into/ as Beens over Sliders, Bom-Hers, Hi. the game it will not be long Be: | irtnere split points, The other games maining game between Young Mod. | fore he will get offers from other were 3.1 wins for orntens, Jvades, errs and Acadians finished [) a the, n 9 3 ger, Characters, Bathe 0, 9 rEonants, oading the parade Weel was Qube to salve 2 Sanager. At Sunnyside "and Harman's" A me we v + OF course, Deon end were Sports, Outsider only too pleased to release him." |pisites, Storie, Troubleshooters, Aris:| Durocher began his manager. tosrate and Atoma lal carcer with the old Brooklyn| igs. ag), followed by Vie Williamson |Billda 703 (243, 831, 220). 600 rollers Dodgers In 1039 and later be. (a7, 234, 217), George Taylor came manager of New York Gi.[(278, 830), Rich March Jr, 084 ants, He quit the Glants in 1955, Leo has sald big league clubs have lately been giving him the brushoff when screening man. agerial candidates, lw BOWL GAME to Dallas on Thursday night for their final workouts before their clash with the University of Arkansas Razorbacks, in the | anual Cotton Bowl game on January 2. (AP Wirephoto) In the final championship Leo Durocher May Return To Dodgers Club LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Leo Durocher, complaining that he can't get a job In baseball, may get one next season with Los An. geles Dodgers. They want to take him on as a coach, "I'm not signed yet," Durocher sald Thursday. "But I'm tre. mendously Interested and (flat. }: Alor tered by the possibility of join. ss, Janet Peel 705 (202, 232, 211) Russell 630 (268, 208), Gord Rel enderson 641 (202, 228), Len son 637 (250, 231), Zena Mandziuk 637 40 (237, 210, 203), Bette March (206), VI Mason 025 (2 Sackett 623 (228, 220), 023 (216, 200), Fi H Arash 6 638 (203, 216), Boh Beharrell 636 (230, 200), Stan Rout 635 (20), Don Patter: son 631 (233, 218), Bill Clark 038 (249, 20%), Doug Trivett 622 (345, 217), Marg Shemilt 610 (331, 213), Betty Ryrne 614 (238, 200), Herman Hulsman 608 (272), Walt Dixon 607 (280, 200), and Ouxls Weeks 005 (230), Kefauver Would Trim Club Limits | sinsies ware Aarte vavaon au Eve Snow 237, Ed Shemilt 236, Doris WASHINGTON (AP)--Senator|Clark 233, Keith Smith 233, 202; Mavis [Clough 223, Nora Perron 333, Peggy Fstes Kefauver sald Friday on.|Tavior 232, 219; Jean Lawrence 231, Branton 231, Helen Reynolds 220, Con. " . 8 {June Kellar 230, 227; Rene Wahrer me Little 218, Harb Sagar 214, Lor largement of baseball's major 2s, Marg Gutsole 338, G * leagues adds to the need for ajrence 237, 311i Jack Shepp ~|ralne Goodman 213, 211; Greta Tut. {fence TIE hu ton 210, Stella Makarchuk 200, 200; n Byrne 336, i Bea Rui new federal law to require wide jit 'Glai C™ ood ine Maurie Shorten 308, Alle Lanning 207, | 208 y Cal Joan Jackson 206, Isabelle Xing 208, scale annual player drafts, {224, Arlene Marshall 333, Stefen Melni- (904; Helen Pinch 903, Helen Gourlie Congress will reconvene Tues. chuck 233, Mary Hulsman 20, Mid 202, day. -Kefauver, Democrat for| 204 and Merle Poch h Tennessee, said he will introduce a bill to allow any major league to keep not more than 40 players | ERVI E T ATI NS exempt from being drafted to] Mabe Moss Heron 615 (238, 208), Mike Pillatzke 612 (371), Marion Dingman 601 (254) and Millie Cameron 600 (239, 210), 200 singles were rolled by Mavis Taylor 243, Joan Rogers 238, June Grice 237, Bernice Saramak 232, Dud Mills 231, Ede Ryan 228, Marg Me. Grath 225," Georgle Nesbitt 33, Ev his anti-trust and monopoly subeom- | Jack Benny will return to the "ft vo wns] OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. "The advent of new teams in the American and National «vest GLEN'S TEXACO SERVICE ..... 380 SIMCOR ST. S. leagues makes this all the more CROWELL'S SHELL STATION the. Senate mittee investigating underworld infiltration of boxing. He plans more hearings on this In Jan wary. | needed," Kefauver sald in an in| OND ST. E, terview, He added that it would permit weaker clubs to build RUSS BOSWELL'S SUPERTEST STATION CORNER WILSON & OLIVE [their power and thus provide bet. {ter competition, MEADE'S SUNOCO STATION 74 SIMCOE ST. S. | | Kefauver heads DOVE'S FINA STATION 792 SIMCOE ST. S. | ANOTHER NETWORK NBC network for the first time in 12 years as host of the musical variety show Remember How I Great Feb, 9. | | |sm Oshawa League | three-point up 3 points, the one pointers being d Rascals, Sunshiners and Ab. Fashion Village and Strouds, The ve- | 10 Jane and ™, on the Bea Ross with 820 (303, 286, 232), In DArrowly missed taking a clean sweep #, Com: |the 700 class were Mary Mann 734 (203, [from the Halfprints, 248), Alice Northey 732 (259, 253, 230),|moved his team from last to second Vora | Place when he rolled the only 600 score was Ken Johnson 737 Markus 703 (204, 218, 200) and Millie [Of the night with a 640 (216, 218, 200), 095 (were Fairley Houokley 084 (243, 230,| Vera L (258, 221), Nancy MacKay 681 (302), Chris|Feeney 218, Cliff Staples 203, Don Moss | 221), Marg Glecoff 603 (241, 232), Curt Collins 075 (241, 222, 212), Olive Frise 200, d 042/600 (208, 206), Julle Keeler 647 (280,/205, Ray Kirby 216, (248, 218), Cis Rookert 841 (273, 203), 238), Al Hill 630 (204, 205), Edna Hud: | Coles 49, 240), Betty Fay Coles 80, Onda Gunn 618 (269, |b 206), Marg Vice 616 (241, 218), Robbie | ~~ Cay Lumberkings Oshawa Minor Edge Nu-Way Rug pogied Roy Tuesday evening at Simcoe Cays while Nu-Way couldn't , Emile Ci Lumberkings to get untracked. and Nu-Way Rugs booked up in Industrial Basketball Quarter 20-18. Jerry Burrows, NuWays , (high scorer hit for 14 points 8 slimilead his team with help opening from Upshaw, and quarter on the strength of 8 13-10 Lockard while Stevenson, Doi seore, Marcel Boivin commected vin and Appleby kept Cay's out ig with Barry in front, to put the "Kings HIGH SCORERS out in front while playing coach! Frnie Cay were led to their Fred Upshaw for half of his victory by Marcel Boivin whe team's. total to keep the loser's had 2 fine 24 point game along close. with Barry Appleby and Ma NuWay wasted no time at all colm Longley with 17 and 11 this contest up com- points while for Nu-Ways, Jerry ing back to outscore Cays 17-14 Burrows, Fred Upshaw, Bill Kel Ernie C heory since he became coach of in the second stanza, Bill Kel lington and Al Lockard were best! lington, Al Lockard, Paul Wright with 19, 17, 13 and 11 points re- and Jerry Burrows took care of spectively, the Rugmen's scoring while Mal-' CAY'S -- Boivin, 24; Longley, colm Longley and Bolivia divided 11; MacMillan, 4; Campbell, 13 points between them fo leave 4; Campbell, 5; Stevenson, the game even at 27-27 at the Appleby, 17, Total 69, Fouls 9 halfway mark, of 18, Ernie Cay won this contest In, Nu-Way -- Upshaw, 17; Bur- the third quarter, putting on a rows, 19; Wright, 5; Lockard, 11; fine display of shooting to outnet Kellington, 13, Total 65, Fouls 9 the cellar dwellers 24 to nine, out of 17. Appleby, Boivin and Graham Officials -- Dave Kelly and Leo MacMillan were the big guns for Kelly; Scorer -- Bill Miklas, 8; out SPORT FROM BRITAIN British Boxers Back In Fistic Limelight LONDON (CP) -- The sole|24-year-old Irishman who lost a Briton to challenge for a world close decision to world bantam. boxing championship In 1960 weight champion Alphonse Hal didn't quite make it. But there imi last month, remains among are plenty of willing eampaigners the top three challengers. looking for a chance in 1961, Perhaps the most promising For the first time in many young star to emerge was 22 years, British fighters are/yearold Swansea welterweight ranked in the top 10 of every Brian Curvis, In May he out. division, Three or more may get|pointed veteran Australian a shot at the top man within the George Barnes for the Empire next year, crown and in October he won At the head of the queue is a decision over Nottingham's Terry Downes, the London mid- Wally Swift for the British title, dleweight who learned to fight while serving with the Uaited States marines, On the sirengt of a win over Philadelphia vet.| Another young fighter to find eran Joey Glardello last fall, |his feet was 1956 Olympic gold Downes has been signed for a medallist Terry Spinks, In the title bout with Paul Pender in summer he was forced to take Boston next month, a medical examination after run. Two other Britons top the list ning out of steam in an attempt of challengers in their divisions on Bobby Neill's British feather. and are negotiating for title weight title, He came back last shots. month with the necessary stam- Dave Charnley, victim of a|ina and literally smashed the five-round technical knockout at Scotsman into retirement, the hands of lightweight cham. Neil's was the hard luck story pion Joe Brown in 1959, earned of the year, After recovering a second chance by outpointing from two bad car accidents to Italy's Mario Vecchiato for the become British champion, the European title last May, gimpy-legged Scot was carried from the ring after the Spinks THREAT TO ARCHIE fight with a blood clot on the Chle Caldewood, a 24-year-old brain, Scot, emerged as the outstanding| In the heavyweight division challenger for ancient Archie Welshman Dick Richardson went Moore's light heavyweight lau-'to Dortmund and took the Euro- rels when he beat Arthur Howard pean heavyweight title from Ger. for the British title, took the many's Hans Kalbfell, British Empire crown from Tonga's/and Empire champion Henry Johnny Halafibi and disposed of Cooper had a quiet year, but two other opponents in the space outpointed the ranked Argentin. of five months, |lan, Alex Miteff, in London last Freddie Gilroy, the bustling' month, Zion Pee Wees [HOCKEY SCORES Beat Bowmanville AND STANDINGS Zion Pee Wee's played an ex- hibition game on Thursday even.| BY THE CANADIAN PRESS American League Ing at the Newcastle Arena against the Bowmanville Cana- dian Pee Wee's, Final score -- Zion 6, and Bowmanville 2, Zion goals: ~~ Howes, assist Oyler; Taylor, assist March; | BuTal0 March unassisted; Cook, assist po onester 3117 120 81 Fountain; Hircock, assist Oyler; | 4 and Oyler assist Huggett Providence 0 111 155 2 a ------ ata Friday's Results Providence 8 Cleveland 4 BELAFONTE INTERVIEW Buffalo 2 Rochester 4 An interview with singer Harry Tonight's Games Belafonte, videotaped when he|Providence at Hershey was appearing at Toronto's|Cleveland at Springfield O'Keefe Centre, will be seen on Eastern Professional CBC TV Jan, 8, WL T F APls, mr 23 7 3144 80 17 14 3122 119 15 14 5 121 121 13 19 5 130 156 [A STRONG COMEBACK Springfield Cleveland Quebec 38 1 118 146 1133 140 33 1 97101 31 H-Oltawa OSHAWA DAIRY LEAGUE §.8, Marie By the looks of the scores turmed in Kitchener on Wednesday night, that Christmas Sudbury turkey must have been really good Kingston 14 18 2 133 151 800 x ish ye [Montreal 910 8 86 100 several dropped below) Friday's Results their Kitchener 3 Kingston 2 | Hull-Ottawa 3 Sudbury 7 OHA Senior Helen's Halrpine Increased league lead to two points when they €harlle Durno Windsor Chatham Stratford Woodstock Galt Scores of 200 plus were rolled by ymer 237, Coc Durno 212, Bob 208, Bert Keay 242, Dale Soldourne a All this in under 20 paid contests, P er) BANTAM Loesl 2784 IB'Nai B'Rith Local 206 | Houdaille 1817 , Kiwanis Police Assoe, | Duplate (Can, Tire PED ON na NNes [Sus VREE B'Nal B'Rith; 700 p.m, | 1817 vs Police Association; | |TOP TEN SCORERS | G APs. |Soloman, B'Nal B'Rith 9 Greenwood, Local 2784 8 Waters, B'Nai B"Rith Zaporazan, B'Nai B'Rith Dionne, Local 206 Hayes, Houdaille Reman ® MIDGET LEAGUE WL ; Legion Local 222 Kinsmen Rotary Lions Kiwanis FUTURE GAMES | Wednesday, Jan 4 -- Rotary vs Local 222; 7.80 |wanis vs {8.30 p.m. Lions vs Kinsmen, TOP TEN SCORERS Love, Legion {MeGraw, Local 222 {Kitchen, Kinsmen |8eton, Lions Falr, Legion {McNamee, Legion Sandford, Kinsmen T 2 1 2 2 1 SERRE cnn as VISERS |Plews, Rotary Leech, Local 222 Elliott, Local 222 JUVENILE LEAGUE |H, Macdonald Tony's {Oshawa Dairy |Beaton's [FUTURE GAMES ™ Sane SC Ormy vaanS sRE8> | Tuesday, Jan, 3 -- 8,30 pm. airy vs Tony's Re- freshments and 9.30 p,m, Hayden Macdonald vs Beaton's Dairy, Oshawa TOP TEN SCORERS GA Pts, |Dowe, Tony's Wredmark, Macdonald's Cullen, Macdonald's Matthews, O, Dairy Konorowskl, Tony's Lutton, O, Dairy Watt, Tony's udley, Tony's Vernon, 0, Dairy Kemp, 0, Dairy ahah oh oh 32 1) 8 8 © 8 - - » Q Seaamenavns © 2 pened WWD ADRS BEC Listed below sre the weekly team standings and top ten seor- Ki- p.m, Local 2784 vs Local CAMA BRNTEID sve BERS p.m, Canadian Legion and 7 Aa -- = Laat od TN] . : i etplin LPH sig hi nifty baskets, Coca-Cola finally league leaders 21-11 but still fell short as time ran 4 Bob Booth and John Love netted eight and seven points for the Cokes while Jim Barry added six to keep Ajax ahead. - HIGH SCORERS to their victory 'ed Plotrowski, Gary Hill and | Garnle Watchorn with 13, 11 and {12 points respectively while for |CocaCola, Bob Booth and John Love were tops with 13 and 11 points, AJAX -~ Dickson, 2; Plotrow. ski, 13; Hill, 11; Barry, 6; Daze, 9; Daniels; Firick, 7; Watchorn, 12, Total 60, Fouls -- 8 out of 21, COKES -- Booth, 13; Shields, 2; Peters, 4; Sciuk, 2; Salway, 7; Gedge, 4; Forbes; Love, 11; Hill, 4; Carnie, 3; Laddierd, Total Fouls -- 14 out of 25, Officials ~ Dave Kelly and Tim Nelson, Scorer -- Marcel Boivin, REMFEMBER WHEN? , .. By THE CANADIAN PRESS The United States defeated Australia for the first time In four years in the Davis Cup final two |years ago today on a spectacular performance by 22-year-old Alex Olmedo, a Peruvian student in the US, Olmedo defeated Mal Anderson in the singles, teamed with Ham Richardson to win the (doubles, then whipped Ashley Cooper, Wimbledon and U.S, champion, 6-3, 6-4, 8-6, TH cevaned pn SAIN VOoOON -- OW i PLASTIC ORIGIN Synthetic fibres such as nylon are in fact plastics -- made by forcing a plastic substance through tiny holes to harden into threads, SxaseeSH Today's Game Chatham at Strathroy A Junior A 16 13 Peterboro St. Cath, 614 Marlboros 514 Friday's Games .|8t, Catharines 4 Guelph 9 50| Peterborough 2 Niagara Falls 3 | Sunday's Games rough at Marlboros Western League | Portland 8 Seattle § Spokane 2 Victoria 6 dmonton 1 Vancouver 4 Eastern League Philadelphia 3 Charlotte 10 Jersey City 5 Johnstown 3 | Peterbo) \ WLT F APs, 131 88 35/8t. Catharines at St. Michael's EASY STEPS T() BETTER HEARING 0 3 8 DIS Df BOOKLET Hd 2 25 22 21 14 u Ir you have a severe or slight loss, whether you wear a hearing aid or not, this informative new booklet. is guaranteed to help you living through better hearing. coupon, MAICO of Anywhere YOUR ADDRESS Meme, Addran, r | | | | | | | wy, ® s and rold 200, Strathroy Lemon League = Velma Neal 93 and Friday's Results Galt 5 Stratford 3 Windsor 4 Woodstock 3 Team Standing -- Halrpine 8, Screw. als 6, Halfpints 8 and Popsicles 5, DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. | KARNS DRUGS LIMITED 28 KING ST. EAST RA 3.4621 JURY & LOVELL LTD. ROSSLYNN PLAZA RA 8-4668 _ RITSON DRUGS 264 KING ST. EAST RA 5.5370 CUSTOM BREWED to fit the festive mood KINGSBEER Is brewed the careful way, « . brewed longer, for finer flavour, Here's lager beer as It's meant to be «beer the way people like it today, KINGSBEER is so right for these holiday times. So light. So sparkling, So festive. Because KINGSBEER=and only KINGSBEER = Is Custom Browed to fit your taste, INGSBEER 0 light... 00 right... for the Young at Heard