THE COHAWA TIMES, Fidey, Besonber 30, 1960 15 #15 PM, | 5:8 PM. TELEVISION LOG AAV Channel 11~Hamilion BAY Chonnel L-Bulisle WEBW IV Channel T-Bulinle WROC/EY Channel S=Rochesier h-- FRIDAY EV"IIIVG ei 15 AN ¥ 7:09 ) Li Li "Ros , Vays he iPad 1 4 : ye ui $2-Bheri Lewis Show =A ! id : b-smotn Wows ol ed A Copiain Kangaron a Ca Comers i i (ed taking Leonards i b=Film Festure | ! $2 Riad AM, | lane fit 7s Bev ! { Tall 12:45 PM S~Magic Lond ! a " le Ital? Se. io pM. 1:00 PM, ' 52-The Lome amily Pioyhosse ne wre li IH i i ine d eather | emily Pid p 2-Award Theatre nd 1:15 PM, - Reed Show 1:15 PM, hd You Fin To Be! 2 Tairope Sn Bowing An Artist ve Gus, Will 39 Lf. M, 12:00 NOIN | Tre fu I Heboptrs snd Bugs i y grid pisshirite whny 4 Pie R With Sou ones 4-Bundny "Kr " 200 PM, Lad i=News "8 116-Notions) Velvet S-Junior Magerine 41h A=/Thestre ; [118d ulietin BL Vesare Movie | 2-Shiriey Temple Show ' B~Award Theatre Hoy Rogers | 2-Mews | 10 Pa, 10:30 PM, had m Ps |, wars, | epoccwORD o PM. TCI Hanger Club |"S=Fisy of the Week A 3 3 ol Mccoys | S=Bi% Gun Movie A--Biue Angels wrt 7 i : ' ; 2, The maximum wage for the i A a A oo th est wo seasons lo be Hutte a 10:45 PM, BA up to £30 (984) a week and y 3 16-King Wyle 1, Australian imag 41 HH upto &H LP I. us ") Tense 1:00 PM, hailing ery ih : 3 4 in oe H A angers 4b , The sign on 1 wiry Hostows | 4=Eilm Vestursta (116-G3C0ws; Weather | 8, Wrnguments Ce ra a : o R10 oe arenas Kenerrieon and bon' | 3=Mi Will ind B~Awhrd Thesire 3% prise 4 stance TRE 4 3 A 4 pri By Ls ATE LUNE, J 4, Longer contracts up to three oro Miss LC ems na. Webthr 15, Biblical Butter oy Eden & ee. i 1 #6 years, Players now sign on for IbwAdventures of Robin a ht how name maker PES A . gw Ap fa os BE v w-Rotiatn 200 Story | sorte hanes CALLA UAL Prom -- igi X yl ee ¥ / $0 Mother team unless he 52--Movie 1 "MM, { -" A Strip | 2 2:00 PM, 16=New Years Bvg -- hb pt Telephone TITRA 7 | Yesterday's Answer "os PM, 1 T=8ix Gun Thestrs H M, ' 114-Danger Man rT 18=New Year's Eve |) \ / 41, Christmas é=Gar Lund Touch 3 ~The 16th Bowl Game + Phew » | 36, Playing or i a Toe Blue-Gray Foolhs Playhouse | 3 A td ABIES oe Gn | #=Amarica Greets The 19, A Mongoloid 85, Sshars tered : : {AF WA=-Hove Gun Wil) 2 vorihal dd SUNDAY , Mo 20, Wenries watering 43, A shield oe & : ¥ Ass y TORONTO (CP)~The Ontario Vn Detectives Bi PM, $100 AM, | principles 21, Excellent pots 40, Dysprosium ™ \ 6, / - d Workmen's Compensation Board Ene Bo "Roller Derby T=Chureh In The Home | 24. The Great (slang) 87, Incite (abbr,) Jd | Wednesday announced a 70-pe fecha! Shane -Boxi 8:15 AM, | Com po" -_ " - b cent increase In jis contribution nape 30 PM, | 4-Christisn feionce | 26, Noah's 2 La dd ---- SVL - 2 requirements from, construction Pony Express | tenor Bow Gome #30 AM, " refuge . : workers, effective Jan, 1, 0 The Scens | » ine T=Heraid of Truth ver The increase will mean a Jomp =A CEE | 26 Window to #4 from §2.95 for each $100 of 11:00 P,) Buflaln Bondstand Garden | "» Fase a construction worker's payroll, HASSAR- News: Sports jowling 9:00 AM, , Kore The increase is based on el Ha PM, | S=Riooges nd Big =Tey ral Roberts | 88, Conjunction e 7 fuiaris studies by the proc if Intt h L TheMm, | = harnhanen "| 84 Omelets ; : SEE My TATTOG) [1 PUT IT ON WITH AN WA SEE, T NEVER WARSH ll [tion board, =Viewpoint Rov Rogers Show | {Popeye Fiayhouse 86, Pagoda J ed GRANDMA? INDELIBLE PENCIL, THIS ARM SOAS T' ' In the first 11 months of 1980 11°90 PM, Wrestling ) Your Chureh 88, Insect . LAST EN == / SAVE TH TATTOO, ANY, the « 'or Class 2' H-Lale Show SATU RAY EVE, io . Like . 1 pleted uy an additions: &/50,000, Aion wh 11-Outside Brosdeasts | 4--Fal b Of Israel y ig g t the Sxvesy of outlay over income, entre 6-The White Barrier 9:50 | ,, Boonven mbsnsation payments in 1059 12:00 MIDNIGHT 4---Bowling Series 11=This Is The Lite . . 4 7 g wom 000 in Class 24, » S-Wresling M ? ast Wort) | 7=The Bible Answers * 9 y Wy 4 h | | | ; ia i §s HY i i {5 i; iF it jh : i: 3 1} erry Mason oak, Urn Suthep of os than $760,000 over {Hig A 's Club | | #4, A strainer 3--Public Service | 45, Bportsman's " ( 2 oa rhe number of cases settled in 10:00 AM, lure rr d at A wr JAP, 1950 totalled 12,217 ~ 707 more The Christophers 46, Detests / " & than in the previous year, HE To Adventure 47, Btupefies Ne p13 Unexpected 118 Jind £8 SATURDAY 1 Farly Biiow |} 10 AM, aturday Prom Pope 6:00 P.M, i S~Boso's Story Book 1=All Star Theatre 7 &=Captain Kangaroe Speaking French 5 A 2 ok. $~Rumpus Room S=Film Feature Varsn Unto My. Fost ° 4 y 12 NEGROES KI ha dip, | bCerion Farhi DOWN Ae b p PORT BHEPHTONE Routers) STs "riree Stooges [1i-Father. Knows Best read BAM. |B Nentanes 3 {gor / JR yi ; | [At least 12 Negroes were killed aL Dows mi 7B 42 Patrol S~Industry On Parade ' d y in fighting between Mboths and = Thiee Sio0kes id5 P, 10:80 AM, | Koko tribesmen in the Hardin 4~=Cartoons 1=Brave Theatre district of South Africa's Nata! province since Chris From The . . . tren amber f th tv tribes CLIFF MILLS [oo Bi GS MOTORS LTD. [cnn STUAH=BON,,,T WANTED I'M NOT GETTING ANY OTU~AND TVE BEEN WONDERING $4-Newnj Sports YOU KNOW, JOB, CAREER, THAT SORT OF THING, HOPE ™™ NY oi OF LINE} "Now, darling, put me on that Podastal You Always Reomised 5 A , : ie \ i | TE me, Sala ; . Bs r-- ik 80, W ' w-- SKATE EXCHANGE POCTOR, IT'S MY GRANDMA TAKE A DEEP PY NEW AND USED TAKE A mn | [HAS A COLD, 7 J % BAUER AND CCM, fi 0, PocToR =~ hy BREATH Beker STAN'S Cor, Ki d Burk N hase 3 & f : -- CLEANERS RY (> Na rl | 3 RA 5-1191 "The Best In Town" 4 PD IWS Bl MEANWHILE, THE | RY A BOY: AND IN A WOODS NEAR THE IAL HUSBAND [dl i TOM, . - Me EA ATR ASK ou MASTER FEEDS OSHAWA YOUR ONE STOP CENTRE FOR ® WILD BIRD FEED ® WILD BIRD FEEDERS SHE DOESN'T SEEM IC rey TELL YOUR WIFE OH, AR. de INNIS, " ? THEN WHY : ® ICE SALT TO BE AT HOME LEQ nn IM 20 CLAP Youu " \ THE PLANE KEGATRATION | NOT CONTACT © WATER SOFTENER SALT . CAE? I WAS Lp NUMBER THAT THE OTHER | THIS MAN AND = VERY TRYING | TERRIFIED WHEN ' MAN LARRY SAW UP NORTH |! = . FOR YOU, g THAT MAN FORVED NTH BAILEY 16 J.8 HOOPER, || INOW INOVILY HIS WAY IN ¢ AN AIR ENGINE MANUFACTURER, i. \ o RABBIT PELLETS ¥ * MASTER DOG FOODS LET # IRY PUTING © BULK CEREALS THO ANG TWO 54 CHURCH ST, DIAL RA 3.2229 Free Customer Parking is 44 1000