THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thersdey, December 29, 1960 11) MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL : " . LODGES AND SOCIETIES | Auditors: Sisters Winifend Mills] BAW VEGETABLES Husband Resents Wite Asking | DAKLEIGH LODGE, LOWA _ Tigmpson: deputy mires, Bi 1, Sareh Warey, Uae ser, pan, Veusahios vend wo swore be The Fig mesting of Osk Ivy Gibbs; recording secre Following installation cevemo- About His Working Companions leigh Ledge i951, LOBA, wee tary, Sister Dorie McDonald; fi- nies, Lodge resumed with Ki, a " (oh pi ob ior ery liso presided in Witches; and on PEAR MARY WAWORTYH: [band much privacy of mind, You shsence of Worthy Mistress Hastings; chaplain, Sister Sersh plans made for future Jair am married and have two small wouldn't erossquéstion him on Distey Mee Oster, whe wes re Murrey; setivities, Birthday vide wrens, roughage Oren. | woud Ie your Op jects he Base', Wirodueed and ported sick, Brother Milton Bete-| Direcior of ceremonies, Sister weve sung lor Sister Ports she. Yariety ion on my proviem jelly not on irwial topics Lo Man acied ps deputy, C Anne ; senior lest The draw prizes were winter ' months, especially My bushand works in #2 huild- es eh he doesn't respond cations were read hy the secre Sister Winiired Mills; depsy won by Sister Dore Jom ond the h when ing with 15 men and 2% women Vy smart wile would put less tary and reports Even hy the lecturer, Sister Annie PF Sister E, VcLaughiin, Following of the other foods consumed Other workers outside the plant stress on his outside associates various committees, The sick list guardian, Sister Nan Kirkbride. the meeting supper. wis served rich and Hiling, come and gn. Pome weeks he is and give more ptiention 19 mak- report was Even hy Sister Mary mside guard, Sister Olive Harri- to commemorate Wh birth and Nutrition busy; okher weeks he has time ong Wm happy and fortahie Thompson, The report son; outside guard, Sister Beat day of the lodge poh exchange: Macdonald Institute, read 6; jast talk at home, She would radiate wel- was Given hy Sister Winnifred rice Hurst; jumior deputy mis of gifts, | such combinations On days when he bas had time come, register contentment wn Mills, Installation of officers was tress, Sister Elenor Me 5| The next will! shredded eqrrots, to visit, he comes home and says his company and let Bim take conducted with Sister Beatrice 2nd commitiee Women, (be held Trodoy, somaery B, ples and nothing ahowt his conversation the lead, if he wishes, in revesl- Hurst ns installing officer and Ethel Corkerhem; rd nites -- 4 or whom he talked to, i | ask ing the doings of Wis day to her. Sister Ethel Cockerham acting woman, Sister . Harrison; HOUSEHOLD WINY a and with whom he talked thet 887. 4 clever wile doesn't Big for director of ceremonies, Officers 4h committee man, Brother M.| A thin coating of heeswnx onimay he serv he answers: "I don't have to 1], ngences She maintains some installed for 1961 are Bateman; th committee women, the pulley stiles of a sticky win- salad dr you, IE want to, | will and if 1 per cont reserve and concedes! Worthy mistress, Sister Mary, Sister B, Hurst, \ow will make it lide well again, gelatin don't, 1 won her hushand the same privilege, = oy Naturally, | can't @ispule hel, pee recourcetul wile of & tREHUIR but it byris me Ay I feel thet oon ithe Cal Coolidge type) I am not being given the DIOPET Learns (o stock her life with such respect and fair irestment, a diversity of womanly interests have discussed this time and of domestic, neighborly, ewvie AgaIn and cultural sor--that she al He feels my line of questioning ways has fresh food for thought is childish and 1 feel his Way oF 0, ier ow little conversation answering 's childish. Can you he offers her M. H help us see ourselves, in order to solve the problem" Thank you. LOSING SWAIN KW | DEAR MARY HAWORTH: During this last year | met an entertainer, a very nice fellow 4 anestioning indicates tha and we used to have a lot of fun - feel Tone fed di ho Cy M. you Vitogether, Although it was only a A NEW YEAR'S EVE BUFFET the oh OnE hus Shams (op VIERSANL exchange, people began ini nlerests, I suggests also thet io hing of me as his very dear z ' rere ou are vaguely upessy shout es ve prea ym 12e8 ile and vinegar. Gradually beat those 78 women who work in the, | have grown (o really like into meringue, Spread mivingue MIlding with him apd thet you him, but 1 helieve he thinks | am evenly in pie plate, bringing it Are fishing for clues as to interested only in his career Prosp erit in the Year Ahead well up on the sides of the plate, Whether he 1s more than casually Now he brings to the club a girl Bake in reheated oven | to 1% friendly with any of them duringhe formerly deted, How can | hours, Cool completely 1s idle hours convince him that J care ahout For the filing: Disso Your questions aren't so child him. not his career? | am urs he powder in hot water; stir in | + 4s they are symptomatic of ais still interested in me D EMERALD STAR SALAD en raspherries and syrup, lemon AER Ro emotional rapport, or, DEAR D, B; Very likely the (Makes 6 to B Servings) vind and juice. Chill until misture FY MPBaIREL closeness, or easy, entertainer has read your mind is easy to prepare, consider Cre happy Communication between recognizes your hopes of hecom . ar, (6-ounce) ckage lime just begins to sel, Beat half the p FecoRMZEs YO pes ' ole turkey (the men like its zippy} large (6-un package li J 8 4 eal Balt WE vou and your hushand ing dearer lo him and now hrings THIS WESK'S A Tay i owder whipping eream until softly stiff LOMALO Sal with he arsieyed flavored Jelly p d § s Ve resis at 1 fr AMAL Sauce } hot, pa 4 cups hot water Spread a thin layer of cream As for his vexed, resistant al-the old girl friend hack into the \ A 2 4 buttered rice. With it goes Emer 5 © ips cold walter hottom of cold meringue titude, it is an automatic defence picture as An indirect way of Grocery Features at AGP I ald Cheese Ball Salad Blar and i4-punce) package softened Turn partially-se el reaction when he feels the prob letting you know thet he isn'l ior fle} wid? her Re y' Joga Cream cheese Chill at least 2 hou yf {ore IDE, insistent, hungry edge of gygilable on a serious basis Kraft Deluxe Plain Reg, pig Mo--BAVE Bo od addicts { I t what § y 3 butt oy pickles i Ya cup finely-chopped walnuts | serving garnish _ ing Your desire to hea hat he has Don't try fo convince him of and hulle Nek am : i dink / heen saying to whom, or who has gnything. M. H lis d some of your Own (1i-ounee) cap mandarin cream, whipped until soft} } H caine . %.0r phy ¢ FeLishes an 4 hob oil drained wen saying what te him M Haworth counsels fruitcake, short bread and mince oranges, we rai Note: This dessert can hie ary PUNE cup thinly sliced celery well ahead of time and should be. J, YOUF hushand were truly through her column, not hy mailll Special Blend Reg phy Mio--BAVE Be meat tarts, you will have an ex he P i citing spread, Set a pretty table! Dissolve jelly powder in hot made at least 2 hours ahead of : and sufficiently percept) ve or personal interview, Write her ar y ugges ons with veur hest silver and dishes, water; stir in eold water, Chill time in order to hb he omprehemt he non gd y in care of this newspaper), & wo 00) Qe light the ne ear candles and until jelly just begins to sel. meringue soft and mello " 4 done Parker invite your guesis to come and Meanwhile, cream the cheese ois! 01a) Ife Al work he TENDER JELLY Choice Quality Halves help themselves Form into small balls using one HE " oe pi a ly relies Uddin In making gelatin dishes, the POTATO CHIPS 1.00 bow 59. level teaspoonful of cheese for ERBED TOMATO} ~ i, count " Be -- fahs Aim is lo obtain a product that Asp PEACHES 4 worms QQ MeLarons. Plain Whels CREOLE TURKEY each: roll in chopped walnuts Simmer (ogether in a saucep Hg n Bo ans o § £08 a b A hold its shape and he tender DILL PICKLES 2. (Makes § Bervings) Fold cheese balls, well + drained for 5 minutes: | Z-ounce can of fo HONOREES ln ould and not too firm at serving tem-|| Libby's Fancy Quality Rog, tn He--BAVE Te bouior B70 ! a cup butie faa mandarin oranges and celery into Canadas Fancy or Choice grade de i ghar Ya wt he would) oeratures, advises the Food and Goronstion Queen onion, thin oof partially-set jell urn into- a 6 tomatoes, 1'2 tablespoon 114 4 dy Nutrition Department of Maedon TOMATO JUICE 2 ; 5 5 green pepper, cul in thin cup star-shaped mold which has | teaspoon sug it and pepper BE TACTFUL, ald Mostate Guelph. When cut 48-08 fe ' STUFFED ouviEs Worm Be slip heen rinsed with cold water, Chill to taste, | bay leal OR ea. On the other hand, if you were with a spoon, the mold should Dare's Family Pack Reg, phy Me~SAVE 10s dans Parker fup thinly. iced color until set, Unmold for serving spoon sweet hasil or savory, Bix a wise, charming and tactful offer hisle esistance and quiver FRUIT CAKE wht, 39 wl, 6% teaspoon salt | RASPBERRY ANGEL PIE ns vife, you would grant your hus: "like a howlful of jelly +b phy 0 Buy Quality Jor BBs == Gon Jor 00s teaspoon paprika | (Makes 8 Servings) Lm Cs Sultana Res. Jor MoBAVE fe A&P INSTANY com E wl, 39 M-ouncel can lomaloes 3 egg whites (h-ounce) can tomato pasie + teaspoon sall £7 phils as Yukon Glub (Contents Onl £ 30-08 bile Ble (ince) can omalo pase | AOR VOX ime sranieed | ( PEANUT BUTTER tom 33 GINGER ALE wn of 6 os ole 29: sugar cups cul-up cooked turkey hy Leas wal ' 1 (10-ounce can sliced mush RREPOON Wale) \VAV = NW 8 LE FE teaspoon vanilla rooms, drained teaspoon vinegar has Melt butler in large saucepan small (3-0uncel package * [] 4 Add onion, green pepper and cel raspherry-flavored jelly . ery; fry gently until almost ten powder S methin der, Stir in flour, salt and pap cup hot walter 0 9 It 3 i - FRITH H RY ple LR ¥ i fi SHOWS LONELINESS PEAR KE, We Your line hi A midn hu " wonder directions. Mix in maee, parsiey ful Wa 0 i "Happy and butler New Yea If you are looking for, something ditieren 0 serve that Weekend Super-Right Quality Meal Features drained mushrooms. Serve hol cream @ for you . ¢ # with Parsleyed Buttered Rice PARSLEYED BUTTERED RICE 9-inch pie plate with foil; brush | $ aG 2 2.3 cups dehydrated precooked With soft butter Preheal oven lo "™ | i IRLOIN or WIN vice 275 deg. F, (slow). Sprinkle egg iy " vi [J hug-a-bra, For the meringue shell: Line a rika. Gradually stir in tomatoes (10-ounce) package frozen f and tomato paste; cook over me-| rasphervies in syrup SANADAS PINSOT RED BRA dium heat stirving constantly teaspoon grated lemon rind ran new OR ND BESP wntil smoothly thickened. Add and tablespoons lemon juice 1 Ta | | mix in horseradish, turkey and pint (1% eups) whipping | | PORTERHOUSE ib ¢ whites with salt; beat until stiff hut not dry. Beal in sugar, a % taspoon grouml mace Ya cup chopped parsley 1 tablespoon al a (ime, and con Ve eup hutter tinue to heat until meringue forms| rt en BM bh. SLIPS. | Cooked acat te Serve | GROUND CHUCK +39: Super Right, Bmoked, Miced Wishing Yu Ne Ayn | i Guaranteed one full yea | HAM S SAGs a giv P e / 4 . ) uaranteeda one Tu r Pure Pork = Tray Pe rosperous iNew ar N 4 i . SAUSAGE "MEAT v4) I} L E C 0 F F | ¥ hug eu os ou noe var een SHANK PORTION | BUTT PORTION | POLISH SAUSAGE +39: «+. Gsk us to show you why, Cooked and Breaded SUPERMARKET - | is 49 59. SHRIMP 119 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Es e WHITE ONLY AND ONL SIDE BACON wa 59 Sen 78 10 fu Bary 1 aE Ah 3 98 | | SHANKHALF.iz 137: | SCNEIDERS CHUBS 20: Where Your Food Dollars Ge Further AND € CUPS BUTT HALF aie Gentes v67: i HOLIDAY SPECIALS! | | | | CENTRE CUTS o STEAKS +79. | HALIBUT STEAKS +37: SLICED BREAD 8m 2... 33¢ BUTTER "7 Grace . 86° t 3 h y n ib | ' bi ne , - a edi on 30° | eer. "} | Frozen Food Features POPULAR BRAN al Feat Pansy Quality CIGARETTES ®ve 3.00 Lan NR Nl Fruit and Vegetable Features vin TR Won 4 MIXED NUTS coin ies 29° | J ve 8 HN = NT \ \ h) wh A&P Fancy Blised Neg, sash Me--BAVE PEANUTS IN SHELL 2» 20¢ | Shy Wir) || Golden Yellow No.l rede | GrRAWBERRIES 2 mere 69 New Year's CRACKERS 49¢, 79°, 98° al CON 4 AN AN AS Sekar Snevials of ASE TANGERINES '*¢** Bes 49+ | Ri J 4 NN Jane Parker Rog, Me--BAVE We FIRM CABBAGE 2 a 20° | Sed i | 2 i 20 DUTCH APPLE PIE -49: - i a Jan oh i he Y Jans Parker A JEWEL SHORTENING 25¢ i Ib MINCE PIE pS 3 o SKIM MILK a Gal, 25¢ Y oul purr aver the new smoothness "hug: ATOOK UP YOUR FREEEER AT THEGR LOW PRIORS 20h. a-bra' slip will give your dresses and sweat. FROZEN PEAS so. 49+ ! ers , . , the nylon stretch lace tops, moulds Mexican. Fira, Wat No. 1 Grade . FRISCO b g§¢ to smoother appearance than you ever hsb a Thurs, Dec. 29th--=9:00 AM. to 9 P.M, Ti "HUG-A.BRA" Seung passitie | « eI You aniEy @ new TOMATOES worn 19 Fri, Des, 30th--8:30 AM. to 9 P.M . reedom of movement -- it breathes wit : : . 'M. BUTTERBALL TURKEYS woo 1h Sle the newest fashion you and you'll have ne unsightly rE -- Toxan, Gurly Leal, Washed and Trimmed, No. | Grade Sot, Dee, 313t--8:30 AM, to § PM, We also have 10, 12 and 14 |b, and "4 cut Turkeys an % : . ever, wioba 2 Oe CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, JAN, 2nd SCHNEIDER'S FULLY COOKED RINDLESS n Linger You'll like the soft Arnel* and nylen tricot I SPINACH 2 Ne. 4 Open Tues, Jan, 3rd==9:00 AM. to 6 PM, PARTY STYLE HAM R6 a a 79¢ em now } Hrs body it washes so.easily, dries quickly Galifornia, Largs Original Bunches, Ne, | Grade we 2.9 --- Get one today! and needs no ironing . , . white only, 32 to BROCCOLI PRESSWOOD'S READY TO EAT sont _ 40. The sconer you try this '""hug-a-bra" PINEAPPLE HAM A % 89¢ Walkers: Angora Dept slip, the sooner you will enjoy a new smarts Galifarnia, Fresh, Ma. | Grade Nes: and comian with all your clothes . . . . eoflo pho ¢ FRESH eae 98. DATES 4 Meo hd AORN 8 RACIIC TEA COMPANY CELERY 2 Bunches 29¢ f *Reg'd TM enn . EH te Ald PRICES WN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH R Ma, W0 JELLY POWDER {350 3... 25¢ : SATURDAY, DECEMBER SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S nar Nouns WwW A L K 3 Fn ' [3 OSHAWA 9.3 ; SHOPPING CENTRE 0-6 OPEN TO 10 P.M, DAILY Fri Nite to ¥ pin OF OSHAWA RA 8.4624 i --