4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Decomber 38, 1960 DOLL TO HELP HANDICAPPED CHILDREN This lovely doll, a three-year- old life size, was not just a Christmas present, but ¢ valu. able contribution to the new Aldon School for Retarded Chil dren, The doll Is a personal gift of the members of the Ajax Firefighters Auxiliary, and was presented at the De- cember meeting of the Aldon Home and School Association on Wednesday evening, The doll and theft of $13 from a Drivers Gets Waming y ing a ear, which happened to police eruiser, on the wrong Joseph C, Allen, 286 Ballard avenue, Oshaws, told the eourt that # was his first driving offence, He was then let off with a $50 fine, $3 costs and a warning from Magistrate Baxter that im- paired driving was a serious of- fence, punishable by the suspen| sion of the driving licence, Saturday, Dee, 17, Constable Louis Phillj about taking off a telephone pole| | 3 aaa = M Four Youths Plead Guilty the around midnight Seturday, but 8 Mr. Best had things under con- station wagon with a flat tire, | seemed on ed! 1 holiday weekend, proceeded to note thet the! ma-| Deliver Twins wit 4 reluctant to give his proper name, White, on being quest Magistrate R, B, Baxter, told the court that he was staying with relatives in Toronto, was a law student and for other reasons had| not wanted to give his proper name, "That's a grest start," suggest. ed Magistrate Baxter, Testifying further, White said, ps of the Bowmanville|"We were all out of money, we| The mother and children were Police had seen the car driven by had a flat tire and no spare, and Mr. Allen turning & corner just) this is what happened." The four have been remanded - and crossing the sidewalk on the|in custody till Jan, 3 for sentence, loned by other side of the street, Constable Phillips found Allen otited two bottles front sea b SATURN'S MOONS |iIn an impaired condition and had Titan, largest of the nine Smoke Damage Is Considerable BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Fire in a faulty fireplace caused Aneurin Beven, who began his career in Welsh coal mines at 13 and rose to become deputy leader of Britain's Labor party, died cancer during 1960, probably The Bowmanville Wire Depart ment was called to the Best home no. pear from the world scene, This was the only fire call over "Nye" Bevan held a seat in the House of Commons continuous) Policemen cut, sometimes culting, speeches, As health minister from 1945 Lo 1961 during the Labor party's term of power, Bevan helped # socialized system of MONTREAL (CP)-Two police for, med eal care still operating in Brit- ain, constables answered an urgent call on their radio Tuesday night Diner et ip presiding ot the| "to tne field of Wterature, death Maurice Levellle, 30, and Jean|'?" sian Paul Bouvier, 40, were sitting in Doctor their radio ear when an urgent Prize for his Zhivago but call summoned them to east-end| not permitted fo leave his Dante Street where they found country to accept i, [Mrs, Rosario. Pouceia, 30, about THREE AUTHORS DIE {to give birth, Nevil Shute, 60, author of many Deciding that an ambulance] Australian - set novels including would not arrive in time, the two On the Beach, died in Melbourne, constables, with the aid of Mrs,|An auto accident in France killed Pouccia's eight-year-old daugh-| Albert Camus, 46, French novel ter, delivered two baby girls, [ist and playwright. John Phillips Marquand, a 1938 Pulitzer Prize winner, died at his Kent Island, Mass, home, Great talents disappeared from MODERN HIGHWAYS the world of musie, ROME (AP)--Italy's council off Lawrence Tibbett, 63, a star ministers hag approved a pro- of New York's Metropelitan Op- gram to build 2,600 miles of mod-|era, died in New York after brain {taken to hospital where all were Ireported to be "doing fine," of wine on the moons of the planet Saturn, has ern highways .in the next 10 surgery, Jussi Bjoerling, 49, a diameter of 3,500 miles, years, |Bwedish tenor known to opers best-known politician to dissp-| , | long-run hits obel of a heart attack, Many Greats Died In 1960 sudiences around the world, died / of a heart attack, Leonard Wer- ren, iy Baritone wih the Ms site, ropol Opera, ui [1 there March 4, The r music field lost| Oscar Hammerstein, 65, whose61, primate of Yugoslavie, composing genius flood make tenced to 'afl Oklahoma ! and Pacific after the conductor Dim. Wiegedly helping F, Greek ready |itri Mitropoulos, 84, collapsed and served five years died following 8 heart altack at sentence, was released and ended s La Scala Opera house, ywood lost "the king" when # heart sitack ended the career of Clark Gable at 59, The durable dies Jo the star months before birth of his first child, due early in 1961, Ward Bond, 57, a television and movie actor, died in Texas BOXER DIES Luis Angel Firpo, 65, Argentine heavyweight who fought and lost to Jack Dempsey in a 1923 title fight, died in Buenos Alres, In the military field, Air Vice. Marshal Keith L. B, Hodson of the RCAF, deputy chief of stall in the North American Air De. "VENETIAN BLINI "ORAPERY Thick |trainer at Colorado Springs, Colo, | Kesselring, {War commander of German Iai Khan, 48, Pakistan's ambas- fence command, was his neck was broken as he para- chuted from a disabled jet He was #4, Field Marshal Albert 74, Becond World forces in ltely, died in Ger. many, An auto crash killed Prince will be used to help these hand. capped children to learn how to dress themselves, lace shoes, comb hair, and a number of things that some are as yet unable to do for themselves Mrs. B. J. Bevers (right) Is shown presenting the doll to | Mrs, Della Ramsden (left), | principal of the school | --Photo by F. A. Horton Family Big Reunion AJAX ~~ The family of Mrs, George Wiles, 17 Mary street, held a real family reunion this Christmas and 46 members were able to be present This was tHe first time that most of the family had met to- gether since the passing of Mr, Wiles, several years ago, The dinner was held at the Legion Hall, where there was ample reom to accommodate the numer ous grandchildren, Among those attending were: Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur Smalley and family, of Marathon, Ont; Mr, and Mrs, Doug Wiles and Beverley, Whit- by; Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Butler and Scott, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, Earl Heron and family, Picker. ing; Mr. and Mrs, Jack Wiles, May and Eleanor, Ajax; Mr, and Mrs, Walter Wiles and fam. ily, Mr, and Mrs, Wallace Wiles and family, Mr, and Mrs, Alec Yarmie and family, and Miss Shirley Wiles, all of Ajax; Mr, Bob Archer, Oshawa, and Miss Barbara Fagg, of Kingston, Mrs. M, Badgley, Oshawa, spent Boxing-day with her daug- ter and family, Mr, and Mrs, Wallace Wiles and family, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Smalley end family, Marathon, after at. tending the Wiles family reunion on Christmas Day, visited his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Smalley at Bimbrook, near Hamilton, on Monday, They also visited a bro- ther, Mr. and.Mrs. Albert Smal. ley, and family, Stouffville Mr. and Mrs, Ron Parish, University Press Trouble Investigation LONDON, Ont, (CP)--Repre- sentatives of university newspa. pers across Canada will consider a proposal for a special commit. tee to Investigate conflicts be. tween editors of student publica. tions and university administrat. ors The subject will be discussed in closed committee today at the annual conference here of the Ca. nadian University Press, the or. ganization which gathers and dis- seminates news to college papers, The matter will be considered again Thursday in general 'ses- sion, CUP, Vice - President Ted Johnston, of McMaster Univer. sity, Hamilton, said Tuesday the committee would serve to avold any hasty action by the organ. ization He sald the CUP, two years ago supported a student newspa- per editor against whom action had been taken "because we didn't 'have enough information from the university." Also to be considered today is the expulsion from Laval Uni versity, Quebec City, of three stu- Holds Daryl, Randy and Kim, Mary street, and Mr, and Mrs, Jim | Brennan and baby, Glynn yoad, spent Christmas weekend in Hall. burton with Mr, and Mrs, Harry Henderson, Mr, and Mrs, Don Lynch and family, Nelson street, spent the weekend with the former's mo- ther, Mrs, L. Scarse, Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thornback and baby, and Miss Debbie Thornback, Whitby, spent Christ. mas with Mrs. 8, Smith, Beech street, Mr, Earl Krick, Maple street, who has been a patient in the Ajax Hospital since early Sep- tember, was able to spend Christ. mas with his family, Mrs, M. Steer, York street, spent Christmas with her daugh. ter and family, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Day, Brougham, Mr, and Mrs, R, Matsumoto and Nelson, Nelson street, had as guests the latter's sister and fam. lly, Mr. and Mrs, Jinks Miike, Dawn and Jill, and their father, Mr, Kitamura, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, J. E, Johnston, Ridout street, were holida guests of Mr, and Mrs. 8, Hol. royd, Whitby, on Christmas Eve, Mr, and Mrs, Ron Lott and baby Jamie, Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs, Bill Hill of Scarboro, spent Christmas with their par. ents, Mr, and Mrs, J, E. Johnston, Ridout street. Little Miss Peggy Browning, Smith's Falls, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Browning, Burcher road, Mrs. Fred Mashinter, Birch crescent, arrived home from the Ajax Hospital on Friday, with a Christmas box for Daddy, a bahy girl, Kimbherlee-Ann, born on De. gember 17, "Mrs, George Schell, Edward street, 1s home from hospital, for Christmas, but is still under the doctor's care, NEWS IN BRIEF NEW ELEVATOR | VATICAN CITY (AP) = The | 80-year-old elevator to the top of St, Peter's basilica, used by an estimated 20,000 people, will be replaced, It is hoped the new one will be ready for the summer's tourist rush, WALKING TOUR AUCKLAND, New Zealand (CP)--A, H, Hees climbed a 9,000 foot mountain when he was more than 80 years old, Now 84, he is walking the entire length of the country, covering about 15 miles a day on his 2,000-mile trip, DIDN'T Fi22 LONDON (CP)--A champagne party was laid on for Steven {Mueller, 2,000,000th passenger to {leave London on a TWA airliner, There was a hitch when Mueller arrived--he was two years old, LINER SOLD dent editors following publication of an article in Le Carabln, the student newspaper. DISCUSS MAGAZINE Delegates 'will discuss the pro- posed formation of a national student magazine, a brief to the royal commission on publica. tions, and revision of the C.U.P, e of ethies and charter, and A an of news by amateur radio operators. About 85 delegates, represent- tng 26 student publications, at. tended the opening sessions Tues. day. The conference is due to end Thurgday. Ata luncheon Tuesday John P Gore, managing editor of the London Free Press, told dele. gates a free press can best be attained by the skill of the re porter, Urging delegates to enter the newspaper profession, he sald it LIVERPOOL (CP) -- The Ca. |padian Pacific liner Empress of France, which made its last voy. age between Montreal and Liver. {pool this month, has been sold [to the British Iron and Steel |Corporation for scrap. The liner was launched in 1928 as the | Duchess of Bedford, | A "GOOD" ACT KINGSBURY, England (CP) Most boys who deliver morning papers are "unkempt, have putty. {colored faces and dress shahbily" says Rev, Gordon Girling, in his parish magazine, "It would be a good Christian act to collect our {own paper in the morning." | COLLECTING SIGNATURES | | LONDON (CP)--The. 18month. | old Commonwealth Deaf Societ is to send a "Book of Silence] around British towns and cities to collect signatures. It will be THURSDAY, DEC. 29 is possible to find a purpose in sent to the Queen on Common. presenting the truth that is not wealth Day next ygar. By then, it measured in the monetary re is turn. | GRADE "A" PRE-DRESSED YOUNG TOM TURKEYS GRADE "A" PRE-DRESSED YOUNG HEN TURKEYS MAPLE LEAF--SWIFT'S PREMIUM READY TO EAT SHORT SHANK--FULLY SKINNED AND DEFATTED SMOKED HAMS COOKED HA 18 LB, OVER 10 TO 16 LB, WHOLE. OR Variety in the foods you serve Is the spice of enjoyable get-togethers ~ and, right now your friendly DOMINION invites you to stock up on appetizing Party Foods, , , priced for cash savings! Shop DOMINION today ~ save cash for more of the Party Food 'extras' [} HANDY FOR SANDWICHES ONLY AT DOMINION--RICHMELLO CHEESE SLICES GATTUSO----STUFFED P, P, COLOSSAL OLIVES CRISP, ZIPPY, TANGY SWEET MIXED ROSE PICKLES AND SAVE UP TO 61¢ WHITE LF CALIFORNIA NO, 1 RED CRISP EMPEROR GRAPES FLORIDA NO, 1 ZIPPER SKINNED TANGERINES FLORIDA NO. 1 FRESH GREEN ? LBS. L DOZ, McCORMICK'S SNACKERS | SWISS KNIGHT CHEESE cruvere 3 BICKS ARGE SIZE 39- CELERY STALKS 3wus29 HOLIDAY STORE HOURS WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28 -- 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. FRIDAY, DIC. 30 4) AM. to P] PM SATURDAY, DEC. 31 -- 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. fused lo ave Too oe MONDAY, JAN. 2 -- CLOSED ALL DAY A LUXURY TREAT GRAPE, ORANGE OR FLORIDA PUNCH HI-C DRINK 48.02, TINS ECONOMICAL SPREAD SOLO--REGULAR MARGARINE 1-48, PKGS, 47+ MAKES A DELICIOUS "DIP""~LIPTON'S ONION S0UP MIX ECONOMICAL---AVAILABLE ONLY AT DOMINION DOMINION STORES LTD, SPECIAL 27: SPECIAL 78: SPECIAL 29: == PARAMOUNT SLICED SPECIAL SIZE BREAD 7,100 ' SPECIAL 8-0Z, 23: PKG, SPECIAL 29: 35 DOMINO 8¢ 8-0Z, PKG. 24-0Z, JAR 16-0Z, JAR FULL 8.0Z, PKG. 32.02, JAR 2142-0Z, PKG. 6-0Z, JAR 7 8.0Z. € JAR wa VALUES EFFECTIVE AT YOUR DOMINION STORES IN OSHAWA AND WHITBY UNTIL SAT, DEC, 31, 1960