The Oshawa Times, 28 Dec 1960, p. 32

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& CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AT OSHAWA SHOPPING ( 'ENTRE B. C. Hopes High For Gas And Oil By JIM PEACOCK Business Men Thank Public The administrative staff of The Oshawa Shopping Centre to- (comparatively low from day said the shopping public of Cuadian, Yrom Sian Big present Uh Jenerang plants) this district could be well assur- § i 'P)~=The cur- which would benefit from regu-| A tlt . rent decade is referred to herg| lated river flow created by con ed its interests will continue to be as "British Rolumbia's '60s," a struction of three dams in B.C the main concern of the mer slogan adopted by provincial au-| Plans to develop the Peace chants in the centre thorities who expect vast devel- River's power potential also went| J, C, Keon, centre administra. opment of the province's natural|forward, Peace River Power De: oid tho 53 business establish. resources during the next several velopment Company has T ! 4 4 years nounced Avill continue with full ments will continue in 1061 to As the decade began, the slo- plans for the $630,000,000 scheme, bring to the people of this area gan was appropriate at least for aiming at a start on construction the best possible service, top qual one segment of the resources by late spring and first produc field --petroleum, tion in 1068 Natural gas and oil discoveries] The 4,000,000-horsepower pro in the northeastern Peace River|ject grows out of the exploration area sparked widespread inter. and development program under-| urahased est, prompted the spending of|{taken three years ago by the epi " . millions of dollars and gavel interests of Swedish industrialist! "We at the Centre wish each and every one of you, our'patrons, promise of even greater things! Axel Wenner-Gren 4 to come, a Happy and Prosperous New Value &f crude oil output was RAIL WORK HALTED Year, We hope you had a Merry up less than $200,000 from 1959] Another project Christmas and thank you for your at $1,730,000, But value of natural|!® @ proposed 700-mile railway patronage during the four years as production jumped hy near! through northern B.C, to the our centre has heen in opera on 000 to od pee. 4 Y!Yukon border. North of Prince tion," Mr, Keon said, "Our rate of development in|George a small area has been ity merchandise and prices which are competitive regardless of what the shopper wants and where a particular product can Wenner-Gren - {of peaceful unity, to enable The visits of Communist emissaries whe supplied his Mouvement Na- tional Congolais with campaign funds and tactical political ad vice, He won power with pieinthe- Mobutu's Plans Key To Congo Peace, War ji: i= threats: "I I'm not prime minister, blood will flow." This decision of the Assembly publics, It has the best west Af Seis than tne pes, Gen} 9 The strengthened the hold of Kass rican port at Matadi, 90 miles wp| [at spring to elect, by such) vubu and Mobutu on a large part} Congo River from the Alan methods as dropping pebbles in! of The Congo and weakened their| lic, It is rich in copper, industrial colored jars. a new parliament. | opposition inside and outside the! diamonds and other mineral sndiThe MNC had the largest num- country natural resources, many still un- her of seats and Lumumbs, gos And now that UN secretary: tapped, . teed ond proud syear-oid for | general Dag Hammarskjo as . mer beer salesman, is ruled that Lumumba's arrest was LDS HeLYED WMUMES way to DOWEE, legal, thus reversing the stand " ted ih A pir mon" Pita more than a week | taken earlier by his personal rep-|r® y: as €0 wor) eyes op 4 4 i b resentive, Indian Rajeshwar| he ORED, 28 a Dole pre of Daysl, the Kasavubu Mobutu | 9Peronon n h t {team appears stronger than ever! sed arms, vg pT After seizing power in a blood nt Je og #5 Belgians out of the country, less coup last September, Mobutu 4 Us ith sizabl | One of his mistakes was to try Him 25 man Coe of Co 10, 1, 0h Sle vig onenrn ll bntt n J iN missioners General, often called 4 "I strong central go . 3) BERNARD DUPRESNE "student princess," to run the ond Jnines, palm id and £oltet himself as boss, There are 100) LEOPOLDVILLE (CP) -- The €ivil administration, Then he set|P tations, Bo hous y Prepare {many tribal splits and regional | Congn. the country that could ut to oust the Soviet and Creech {10 1 ed ame i. 8s FARE differences to make this possible have heen the gant of black oslovek embassies and later, ap na Sou gels Fae without bloodhed, i i Arica. may be headed for fur- Biter some bloodshed, the Ghana-| Bo y pax M4 yond 0h His anti-white and dictatorial weakening thous vill ian embassy ep it in line, from US. and policies led to secessionist move thet wenliening Sows evi Mobutu, 0-year - old former Belgian sources, ments in minersl-rich Katanga, ar ; 3 it of Hisiy AA and newspaper! , While Russia refused to share where delgian influence and fi ether it can squeak through FER HE ne army chief of 0 the UN's operating costs here,| nance is still considerable and in the next few months without staff at independence last June the U.8, foots a large part of the the so-called Free State of South Trey Jovisud wih Seven 30, is regarded as 8 religious bill, It is thus able to maintain) Kesal, which produces 60 per A id ) fF SUCCess ) tod i d Bernard Duiresne, Cana dian Press reporter in The Congo since mid - August, has just returned to Cannda, In three stories written on the eve of departure from Leopoldville he sels out the eonfused political and social outlook in the troubled coun- try .and reviews .the Car nadian contribution to the UN Force there, In this first of three stories he sees Joseph Mobutu as the key figure in whether the Congo's future is to he one of peace or civil war, after P , who had surrounded himself with MoscowArained advisers, began) his violent campaign to drive all ' f ' ( 509 ent « e world's industrial dia Joseph Mobuty's anti - Commun.|man whose Roman Catholic con 8 Seong. it unobtrusive--say in cont of th id's in list campaign vietions make him shy from vi SL Ww I t & share of the income ro. 7 olence How did this all start? Mhout a share 0 ' The next move is up to Mo ain pu ' from these sources, the rest of buty and the figurehead Congo conproLS ARMY Basteally, The Congo. ied The Congo could carry on only president, Joseph Kasavubii, =a" on Sho knows Mobutu well orion fouahy aon FINES! Lith difficulty, The plantations now that they have Communist (ia we" : which fought one another for cog' yin industries could not leaning Patrice Lumumba be. "70 Me years, wasn't ready for the (on Top ntry, hind bars "Mobutu Is not a politically switeh from primitive jungle life" = Some highly placed United sirong man. 4 he were w Jou to the atomic age | Nations sources say Mobutu may have arrested and € m nate Belgium has occupied the coun make 8 quick armed thrust into Many of his enemies before now try for about 80 years, but. only omer ars Oriental Frovnce, nd is cap ie bales, vii, wad, Dict since the Becond World Wor dd Ital, Stanleyville, last remaining ©? be hg "| its efforts begin to show in large! [] | stronghold of Lumumba's sup. Army-in spite of the jrolated. modern cities, big industries, » Reds Target | porters unorganized cases of Indisclp Ine Lorkable communications com: |" Stanleyville is said to be di by: some troops--is fon alized" plex and a broad, if not high,! BERLIN (AP)~The Commun-| vided with the anti - Lumumbal - When Mob u tu "neutralized" foo of "yiteraey ists are after one of the last! elements of the army marking|both patient, slow-moving Kasa refugees of individual freedom in time until Mobutu moves in vibu and ruthless, fast - moving) KASAVUBU'S DREAM East Berlin the neighborhood | Lumumba last September, hel The independence movement =" i MUST TAKE RISK aid he would dishand the college! started shortly after the war, The cornet har | | The same sources realize that|of commissioners Dec, 31 and) prime mover was Kasavubu, a These bars long have heen aj {if Mobutu sends his army into|turn the country back to the pol member of the Bakongo tribe typicakefenture of Berlin, There 5| |Oriental the hard-core of Lu-liticians who dreamed of a renewal of his! on almost every streci cor-| umba"s followers may head Now, however, he plans a pro- people's former grentness, The er. In the West they continue | for the jungles and wage guer- visional government of the best! Bakongos centuries ago formed alto be bright and cheerful, Neigh-| villa warfare, But they consider commissioners and some minis-| (arge kingdom around the Congolbors meet in them for a friendly it & calculated risk that must be ters named hy Kasavubu's prime| River delta but it was crushed glass and a game of cards, taken to re-establish some sense minister-designate, Joseph leo, |by the slave trade, Now only a few remain in the The top figures likely would "At first Belgium rebuffed the Communist sector--and these are Congo to return to free parlia- include Ileo's proposed foreign independence-seekers, but follow-|being condemned by the East| mentary government and set the minister, Justin Bomhoko, now al ing the riots of 1050 and the al- Berlin newspaper Der Morgen as stage for effective long term member of the college, and com: most unanimous Congolese ery of "out-dated relies of the capital: UN assistance, missioners Albert Ndele, for fi "complete and Immediate inde ist era," The newspaper reported Since Lumumba's arrest early nance, and Jose Nusshaumer, for! pendence" it hacked down early they do nothing but serve beer in December there have beet the interior in Joti. to the surprise of many, and schnapps, without promoting border elashes between his . . a.P including the Congolese, vencinlist ra' | p i forces in Oriental and troops UN FILLED BREACH antip Belgians find it hard to explain a cours" WW Soe lighy loyal to Mobutu in Equator proy.| After the bloody and chaotic] go icctrs sudden change of View,| per Morgen called | the ince. There is fear that such| collapse of The Congo, within] 10" helieve fear of critical world , Morgen called for th : pp y or weeks of attaining independence, . lelimination of these "anachron- clashes may erupt into civil war X of public opinion dissuaded their It would lke ig) {unless Mohutu cracks down the situation in this country 0 [country from hanging on | (sms would like to see them | quickly 14,000,000 Africans became essen-( coo "Another possible reason fs|F¢placed by coffee bars, lending | "It will take years, however, to tially an East-West struggle. Only! fo just prior to independence, libraries (supplied with approved b ' b p e UN'S d srvention kept|me.' A ' . alhooks from state publishing bring about the recovery of The|the UN's quick interventic : {The Congo's economy, based" ; Congo, tragically crippled in its|out both major forces as Ham: largely on exports of raw ma. houses), chess club rooms and first six months of independence) marskjold called on the socalled | iopiors' ang treasury were slip-|television rooms--that can re lhy power - hungry Lumumba's| uncommitted Afro Aslan COW ning into the red , celve only Communist programs anti-white policies, {tries to run this opera Jobb, " A UN report shows that in the| The surviving old - fashioned Much of Mobutu's success willl From the start, UN policy has go. voarg 1956 to 1050 the supply|bars, like the Old Berlin and (depend on the support or, at/ance to The Congo rom member of money in the colony's treas-| Elephant," are shabby and run. (least, non-interference--from the|been to prohibit unilateral asSSC| wy dropped from $20,000,000 to|down in Fast Berlin, That is be UN, Many Afro-Asian countries, | ¢ountries, The unstated Ee Reon $10,000,000, The treasury's posi-|cause they are privately owned whose representatives run the| for this impersonal wig oe bt tion with the central bank of the|and don't get official help in ob UN setup here, lean towards anti-| all assistance through the ible. Belgian Congo and Ruandaliaining scarce materials for re colonialist Lumumba, rather than|to prevent, as mu h as POSSIDIC: | rundi fell from a surplus of pairs and redecoration, They] toward pro-Western middle-of-the| an open race, and possible clash, | gag 000.000 to a deficit of $40,000, have been offered such help if] roader Mobutu, between East and West, 000 last June, : . Phat Yonder A look at the map of Africa they will give up their traditional | y UN VOTE HELPED shows quickly the strategic im-|LUMUMBA MADE THREAT (Ways and become Communist: Among them are India, Ghana,| portance of The Congo, probably] The report adds that gold and style cafes : Guinea, Soudan, Fthiopia, Mo-|the most materially advanced|foreign exchange reserves| 1hus the Fast Berlin beer rocco and the United Arab Re: new stale south of the Sahara, [dropped sharply in spite of heavy drinkers likely will suffer some publie, They have shown opposi-| The Congo covers a large area|horrowings abroad and Belgian/more, Earlier this year the dif- tion to the seating in the UN|about a third the size of Canada,| grants, ferent brands of beer were General Assembly of Kasavubu's|right in the middle of Africa, For months before independ abolished and replaced by one "delegation instead of Lumumba's.\with borders on many new re-'ence Lumumba received weekly"unity brew," etroleum and natural gas has|cleared for the head of the petye quite Mindi said| $00,000,000 line, But there re- Mines Minister Kenneth Kierman,|™ains a question whether the "We have come virtually from a Public Utilities Commission has handful of gas wells--and no oil jurisdiction over the railway and' wells--in 1052 to a point now there has been no recent indica where we have 223 gas wells with tion when work on the right-of potential production of one billion| Way Will resume, cuble feet a day. And now we Other resources are having have 100 oil wells with productive their ups and downs, Iron ore capacity of 68,000,000 barrels," production was a bright spot with increasing demand from Japan DOUBLE INVESTMENT and changes in provincial legis Looking to the future, Frank lation that eased tax burdens McMahon, president of Westcoast] Forestry held its own as de Transmission Company Lid, and creased domestic and US, de a key figure in the development/mand was offset by increased of B.C, petroleum . resources, overseas exports, especially to YOUR CHOICE WHAT EVER ...YOU'LL FIND | said: "It now appears likely thatthe United Kingdom, the $100,000,000 investment of In fishing, the herring fleet WHETHER ALONE... THE BEST A 1960 will be at least doubled in/went out in December to end an 1961." 11-month layoff brought by de grams of the various companies disputes, And 1961 will be the top call for drilling of some 200 new year in the four-year salmon 000,000 was spent on pipeline/run in nearly 50 years during construction and plant expansion, | 1960, more than $100,000,000, . Among projects he envisioned Japs Stealing to carry crude from the north eastern areas to Vancouver, sim. Ph M ilar to the natural gas line of one oney ing Peace River gas to thel 5 Pacific Northwestern states. trouble with the handy, bright red 5 3 public telephones that dot the licity was givem to steps to Hida harness the hydro-electric power|™'re%: The phones, numbering almost the petroleum industry, But while there was progress in power And ledges In easy reach of the progress Ly busy passing public. They also the physical development that/Mave turned out to bo In easy took place in gas and oil reach of persons more interested The Telegraph and Telephone Agreement in principle was Corporation reports thefts keep reached on a He added that the 1961 pro- pressed export prices and labor wells, And where last year $42,- cycle after the poorest salmon the figure next year would be --- for the new year is an oil pipeline Westcoast which now is delivers) ... ... . TOKYO {AP)---Tokyo is having During 1960 much more pub 2 & \ city's sidewalks, shops and potential in the province than to], ! | a \Q 20,000, are on tables, counters negotiations, there was little of {in cash than calls COLUMBIA OKAYED Canada-United| Increasing as more phones are States treaty to open the way for|installed, It has asked police to harnessing the Columbia River in{patrol the phones more closely, B.C., raising hopes that the $430, -- 000,000 projects on the Canadian RIOT VICTIMS side might get under way. in 1981] BEIRUT (AP)--The Lebanese in spite of name-calling outbursts| government has decided to donate between Victoria and Ottawa|$160,%00 to the Algerian rebel over financing. Nationalist movement of Ferhat The agreement provides that/Abbas to help vietims of Algerian} Canada will receive power at|riots | ALL STOR + + + ENJOY LUNCH OR DINNER AT THE RESTAURANT OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 55 KING ST, EAST THREE-DAY CLOSE-OUT | SPORT SHIRTS SPECIAL LOT Reg. to 7.00 3 N 8 2 for 6.00 * 8-M-L in fine washable patterns A FINE SELECTION OF SLACKS IN THE NEWEST CORDS--CHECKS---SOLIDS, Reg. 9.95 Reg. 12.95 Reg. to 17.95 Reg, 16.95 NOW NOW NOW NOW 7.88 9.88 13.88 14.88 ALTERATIONS EXTRA MEN'S Pajamas SIZES B-C-D-E ALL NEW STOCKS Reg. 5.00 Reg. 6.00 w w NO NO 386 4.88 MEN'S WOOL SCARVES A WIDE SELECTION Reg. to 3.95 MEN'S GLOVES 0% orr BIG SAVINGS! ... Watch for our annual January Sale of Made-to- re suits in the newest spring woollens and m designs, SHOPPING CENTRE CLOTHES ES OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 PM

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