The Oshawa Times, 28 Dec 1960, p. 16

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16 THE OIHAWA TIMES, Wetnessey, Besember 39, 1909 Today's St London Rises Like A Phoenix LONDON (CP)~Twenty years| gard modern London as 8 mir have passed since that erisp Sun-| sacle, wan Oo In many of , NBITOw eon woe me Frome lvls hs sma hou ety, ve gs have and came perilously elose 10 de-| restored to their original stroying the City of London, edition In London, in three hellish hours, 10.000 di bombs hed dow a sort of tr Because of this enelent arehites- n on the usre-mile eity--the eom- merelsl rt of London--and 2, ture, it is sometimes hard to be lieve that they were touched in #00 stparate fires turned it .into an inferno, | ithe lost 50 years. It is the new, For four days the grest old buildings crackled and erumbled| amid the greatest concentration for the of flames London has even seen, | i m The city, i seemed for a time, ""*¥®- was finished, Now, 20 years later, it stands as proudly ss ever--siill pock- marked by craters but remark. ably rebuilt, Grest towers of glass and cogerete streieh up- wards; the old demate Guildhall, BIGGEST TUNA London's eity hall, has been com- i , " pletely rebuilt fo its origins ST. JOHN'S, NA4.(CP)-0, L form after being reduced to a Yardy, director of lourist devel blackened shell; more than half opment, has received the Kiwanis of the 28,000,000 square feet of (trophy for boating. the biggest floor space demolished hy theltuna in Newfoundland waters in raid has been restored; the eight|1960, His cailch weighed 784% churches designed by Bir Chris. pounds, Mr. Vardy previously set topher Wren that were destroyed a world record with one LJ] bling London docks, 50 per eent! {of them knocked oul, now are 1 [CITY WAS RECOVERED | NEW | The city has recovered, {haven't all disappeared, and! {probably won't for a long time | Dee, 20, 1940, would certainly re- dag . - oronto MINES ock Mark Exchange Block Beles Nigh Low 1 a.m. OF ge MeWat w w td Midrim "w 6 » Minds 4 4 Min Corp $e 1H Minete "os 6 Murrey M w » New Bid N Hert New Hose Nickel MS Nick Rim Nisto Norands Normetsl Norpex N Goldert N Rank Nadu! Opemisks Osiske Pace Nick Paymast Perron Plek Crow Pitch Ore Placer Pros Mr Que Chib Que Lab et Listings on T 3 i 3 : s ia EL DEES LL §§} Ht if} | ssestistif hs L358 F333 SR § FSET «pial «1 EE J HH; lite) FF §88} 1 = 1 $x : 288 i ] ; & fra d i Beveon Bible Bleroft Bralorne Brunswick won 7% "wy 8 ----- * * 7% J] - ¥ 3 11 sede ifonstululiveit sue ¥3® S¥¥aded) ai 3 ga NY SHH : i. d : Tey $F sapling pa TEESE 4 £8 = 1+ FEF a § Dupont xd Ogilvie 5 PSE wi iy a re HE a HHS be 3.41 a - - Am Leds Asarners Baliey 8 pr Calalta Cel Bd FEI they | Bo far this rel about £75000000, and eit [efals estimate that dou amount will be spent before all the old craters are covered, fH ge 83. EF : F 8% Fa + * * LEE SH BES TES WR TICE sge " TES: sanyo pppapeeisite. SHIH = 3 tS Eidrieh Falcon Faraday 24 Falima Gaitwin Geco Mines randus Guleh Gunnar Headway Hollinger int Moly Int Nickel Jacobus Jonsmith Kerr Add Labrador Langis Latin Am Lorado wis Landhst Muvdon Madsen cE ley FF i 233 »3 - Can Ce C1 ¥nd Can M, C Pack © Bk Com nd 185 Cdn Brew CBAL B wis © Cel 178 pr C Chem wis CF Prod 19000 100 Dynsmie Gr Plaine ¢« Ol B oll 6 3 gegements Weddings. ents are only $1.56, Classified Counter or tei saws Times, RA 3540, DEATHS HOWEAM, Waller Suddenly wt Jo. Ontario, on Tuesday, Deesm boo, Walter of Man , Omi f PHS LH "m " A s § 4 § Sherritt Sleep BR Blurgeon Sud Cont Bullivan Teck-H Temag Territory Thom L Tiara UU Ashestos Un Keno xd Upp Can Vandog Ventures Vinlam Willroy Seep seg zpegspuncuge sees {$38 3 § LL NE 3s 1414 Hi 2 7% i 13% $isks 1 Bik We YEAR'S EVE Cdn Pet Can Spit » Con Gas Corby vt Dist Seay D Pod Dom Dom Ter $4 * 16% + 141 + uit? vo m Ge Feel Expl ire, Dave Richardson) of Toronto, in Beet Ei Wis Sth year. Resting at the chapel of MeDermott Panabaker, Port Perry, for tee on Friday at 3 p.m. Interment al Cemetery, Utica 7 ; PUTHERLAND, pet Angels on] ser A Monday, Decsmbar 8 I ene: El SE J ld i 5 wre: Big Year Seen Teachers Eanes Por Construction [Must Make jae « a waver [ogigions Wouday at 10 a.m. from the Chapt of | "oat is that at least a GAY and Sons, ver | Ste Drive, Bt. Lambert, Quebec, Inter start will made on large scale hydro-electric power devel ment Moubt Royal Cemetery LOR ~ In Oshaws General og Mendy, December ¥, opments In British Columbia-gl gantic engineering jobs In the jelegates at the federation's an- Protestant and Jewish leaders same league as Kitimat, nual assembly Tuesday they will|who defended it during the presi- 20 HO BU Trans Can a] Un Ols 1500 Waburne 2100 = FF ) Ld [1] 17% LL £33 TH SN Fam Play Fleet Mig 800 us 7 10 § i 40,000, Car Production Down For Month TORONTO (CP) Canadian| motor vehicle production last! week Is estimated at 7,100 vehi-|¥ cles compared with 8,064 in the ¥ preceding week says the Cana- dian Automobile Chamber off Commerce, Production consisted of 6,088 cars compared with 6,953, and 1,087 trucks compared with 1,111 Production this year to Dee, |& 24 is estimated al 887,777 vehi eles compared with 361,068 in the corresponding period last year, 1 7 +8 1 19% + W McMar 1700 Stormy Year For Catholics WASHINGTON AP)-The Ro Donaldman Catholic Church reported Thomas of Toronto, president of| Tuesday it enjoyed "a prosper the Ontario Secondary School|0Us, If stormy," 1960 in the | Teachers' Federation, warn e d|United States, It also thanked Kinloch's Men's Weer JUBILEE PAVILIO have been replaced; the ram- pounds, {back in use, Wrecked buildings and eraters | { But anyone who last saw the city) GET MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR! NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE St, Gregory's Auditorium--190 Simcoe N. SATURDAY, DEC, 31st--8 P.M, OTTAWA (CP)-~The Canadian construction industry hopes to Tes maintain a $7,000,000,000 program in 1961, about the same as this year, Jack M. Boules, president of the Canadian Construction As says In a year - end The annual statement of the bishops Nov, 25, 1959 touched off the birth control controversy. It described as "simply not true' | assertions that artificial birth prevention is gradually becom: ing acceptable to the Catholic TORONTO (CP) PRACTICAL USEFUL! HY-SPEED LONGHAND A new ABC system of fost writing, Suitable for taking Dictation, Quick and Easy to Learn, Develop }i speeds up to BO words per minute, New Evening Classes forming at the Oshawa Business College NEW! Tickets are selling foot , , make your reservations now , cell RA 85-5327 or RA 3.2588 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price "yet within reach of all, RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST hd ---- LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements end floral requirements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MAKERS REFRESH. MENTS DOOR PRIZES New Year's Comes Once A Year, So Don't Miss It DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF H. GODFREY and His Orchestra Admission $8.00 Per Couple ~~ LUNCH INCLUDED Sponsored by: Le Club Cenodien Franesls ry Jane Dennis, beloved wile of ( 1), lovin Geert wow. 5 Verpinnn (Aunely (Eve Ty wiry, message I l John, 'sll of Oshaws.| Such & program gives direct| "Roughly 35 per cent of the have to make policy decisions or|dential election campaign, {Church, Is vier fe, rest ome, (employment to an average work annual volume of construction) face the possibility of losing thelr) These were the highlights of a) But the most intense attack on Bt Christ. Memortal "hureh on (force of about 580,000, represents. coustruction by fed: leadership role fo others {report by the National Catholic|the church came, the conference | w i city, governmen Jorsiay wel belo Ju, cube I Gonstruetion program in any year whose training and experience istry underwent the greatest pub-| "Church officials, faced with efficiency will therefore be fur-|is greatly affected by govern-|less than our own---and yet we|lic scrutiny in its history, the decision whether to engage in ther improved because of the ment decisions to Initiate or de: shall have only squatter's rights The 1960 summary sald thelopen controversy to answer the stimulus from exiremely keen/fer public projects, {in this area until we have found|U 8, Catholic population rose to attacks, for the most part, chose competition for contracts." ¥ {answers to the problems which over 40,000,000 -- an increase of silence BETTER CLIMATE NEEDED "The silence proved beneficial ments give prime attention 10| 1. pic address to the opening! The conference said that in ad- Ont., said It is too early to assess| encouraging a business climate| of the four day assembly, |dition to issues raised by the|pudiate the attacks, and re- the effects on the SORMrUCHIon that will escourage Individuals ny Thomas questioned the fed-lcandidacy of John Kennedy, a|peatedly asked that the man and program of the recent 8bY and organizations to invest In eration's hesitancy in coming up|Catholie, for the presidency, the his policy rather than his religion budget. and for the future, with a firm policy regarding Jun-ichurch was under fire for its|be the deciding factor in deter-| WELCOMES INCENTIVE Regarding ¢ ond {tions within|lor high schools, driver educa-\yiews on birth control, mining the vole," "We are very glad to see the mpton, Mrs, D, MacFariand (Olive), ursday, December 30 at 3 pm, In| op industry will, however, be|eral, provincial and municipal] "we dare not abdicate the Welfare Conference which said|statement noted, during Ken-| 4 {are arising in ever - increasing|over 1,000,000 or 3.4 per cent, Mr, Soules, Dresidenior Soules when Protestant and Jewish the industry, Mr, Soules said the tion, "the déveloping Grade 13 introduction of the principle of M . 1 Hamilton, and Mrs atterssll | sociation, serment Mount Lawn Cemetery | ts and the size of the field lest it be occupied by those|the Catholic chureh in this coun-|nedy's presidential campaign, "Also, it is vital that govern-| numbers," he said, [CHURCH UNDER FIRE Construction Ltd, Port Credit, leaders moved forward fo rer scramble for contracts for sales erisis" and summer schools for incentives as 4 means of promot- Hi said even harder questions case of "profitiess prosperity" - y yop will have to be faced orders has led to an extreme secondary school students ing business investment in eon- hi y companies, and & 00D: [24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 ~ IN MEMORIAM struction and machinery, but there is some fear that the effect of the accelerated depreciation will be offset by the measures designed to reduce the amount of | DEAN Treasured memories of & ar husband and father, Bert an, ho passed away suddenly, December | , 1956 A silent thought, a secret lear, | | Keeps his memory ever dear; 'Mime takes away the edge of grief | Bul memory turns back every leat. | or ver remembered by wife Mary and | | ne Bert and Tommy, CARD OF THANKS JENSEN The family of the late during the iliness and sing of & dear wife and mother. cial thanks to the nurses and staff the Oshawa General Hospital: also » » ho A. E King and Dr. R, Rowsell Al y fF LAMBERT « I would like to thank find friends and neighbors, for flowers, *&rds and sympathy, shown me during "Me liness and death of my dear sister; ian the ladies of First Baptist Church, v. M, F, Swackhammer, the pall "Bearers and Molntosh Anderson Fu. *geral Home for their very kind and Sthoughtful services * Pow ~Wesley Lambert VASELESKY 1 wish to thank my relatives, friends and neighbors for the sands, gifts, flowers and their wonder "ful visits to me during my stay at the «Oshawa General Hospital Special sthanks to Dr. Rosell, Dr, Rundle, Dr. «Taylor and nurses of 3A for their kind tgare of me. ~Lena Vaselesky, United States investment in Can. ada, Moreover, the double cap: ital cost allowance (depreciation) may only be applied for one year, A lot will depend upon the government's regulations which will define the scope of the dou- siderable mumber had closed down, Reviewing the outlook by re glons, Mr, Soules sald reports from affiliated construction asso The average Canadian citizen {was alarmed but he wasn't too| sure if it was the cost or the form or the administration thai was making him nervous He was distrustful of politie:| Have Price Tag OTTAWA (CP) -- The charms Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1961 Choise of Bublests -- My Speed Jonghend, Trping, Dlelgpl Machines, Gregg and Pitman Short hand Decision was reserved, Every Year ~ The Best For Less ciations Indicate for the coming year a "modest Increase' in Newfoundland, Quebec, Manitoba and Alberta; a maintenance of this year's rate in Ontario and the Maritimes; and a decrease in Saskatch and British Co- ble depreciation 1 tive, "Another question mark which won't be answered for some time Is the outcome of negotiations for new wage agreements, If a sav. ing of a per cent or two in financing, b of lerated fans guiding education, he was fearful of experts hecause he did not understand their and he was suspicious of the teachers' professional organiza. tion because his main contact with it had been in "arguments d|ernment's over dollar bills.' The aginda Includes a on junior high schools lumbia, However, it would be impossi- ble to make a detalled or author- itative statement on the 1961 con. struction program until the gov- investment forecast report MARKET PRICES | capital cost allowances, is ex pected to encourage construction, then an increase of a similar amount due to higher costs will be equally successful in discourag- ing construction," NHA STIMULUS CITED In regard to specific aspects of the industry, Mr, Soules stated: "The new amendments to the National Housing Act ghould sti. mulate a larger housing program in both the home ownership and rental sectors in 1061, The in- Industry also expects an increase In the amount of urban renewal projects as inferior housing is replaced "Assistance to municipalities Please Note Deadlines now In effect this column: DEATHS 11 AM SAME DAY Births, Memoriams. Cords of Thanks == 9 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 for in the waterworks, sewage dis. posal and anti-pollution fields is expected (o bring about larger Big Spending On Streets This Year OTTAWA (CP)---Federal, pro vincial and municipal govern. ments are spending a record to- tal of $1,268,607,000 on roads and sireets this year, the Canadian Good Roads Association" esti. mates in a yearend statement This makes 18 consecutive yearly Increases "With growing stability, road budget increases will be gradual, not sharp, and the outlook for the CHICAGO (AP)-Grain futures prices were narrowly mixed in slow dealings at the opening of the Board of Trade today Wheat was '& cent a bushel higher to % lower, March §2.07'%, corn % lower to % higher, March| $1.00%; oats ' higher to | lower, March 64%.%; soybeans| 1% higher io % lower, January) 02.04%, TORONTO (CI Churning cream and butter print prices| were reported unchanged today, | The egg market was reported steady with offerings light for a light demand [ Country dealers are quoted hy the federal department of agri culture on Canada grade eggs, | delivered Toronto, iy fibre cases: | A large 40.41; A medium 30.81; A small 20.30; B 30; C | NET EARNINGS Butter prices; Canada, first grade: Ontario tenderable 64; non-tenderahle 64, in light trad. future Is good," the assoclation says, The figures are for the MHscal Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS | Dominion Fabrics Lid,, com: 'Cuba Trade 'Debate Off "OTTAWA (CP)--Both the Ca- nadian and American govern. wWiehts had second thoughts about adding more fuel to the contro versy over trade with Cuba, of ficlals here suggested Tuesday Trade Minister Hees and a rep. resentative of the United States Embassy were invited to appear on a CBC television show Mon. day on Cuban trade along with Stanley Knowles, Canadian Labor Congress vice-president, and Lib eral Senator W, D, Euler, an ex. ponent of normal trade relations with Premier Fidel Castro's na- tion However after accepting the invitation Mr, Hees changed his mind on the ground that Can. ada's position on the question had been made clear in Parlia- ment and there was no further peed to revive the issue Officials here said the US. state department opposed the ap- pearance of a U, 8 Embassy man on the same show. LOW SEA The Dead Sea In Jordan, 1.28632. Giant Yellowknife pulled feet below sea level, is the lowest continental altitude in the world. [at 19%, Feb, 1, 1061, record Jan, 14, 1961, Western Plywood Co. Ltd, class B 7% cents Jan, 16, 1061, record Dec, N, TORONTO (CP) rally near the close of moderate {trade enabled industrials to con: {tinue their pre-Christmas drive lon the stock market Tuesday, On index, industrials gained [162 at 518.31, while golds ad- {vanced 46 at 88.55. Base metals {dropped 77 at 159.06 and Western olls .27 at 80.87 The final volume for the day totalled 1,792,000 shares com: pared with 770000 on Friday when the exchange was open for only one-half day, Canada Malting climbed to a new. high for the year with a 3% point gain at 67%, as did Bank of Commerce with an advance of 1% at 58%. Dominion Stores also reached its highest point for the year, ahead % at 66%. Biggest advance of the day was by Mo- Cabe Grain, up % at 33 Anthes Imperial A moved up 3% at 67% jand Stleo gained 1% at 8% Eddy Paper A was up 1% at | 86% Moore Corp. was dows 1% at [43% and Ford of Canada de clined one point at 133%. BA Oil {dropped % at 38%, as did Alum. inlum at 31%, | Noranda absorbed the t base metal loss, down % at Labrador was off % at 17%, {while Falcon! ained % al mon 15 cents, pfd, 37% cents, {golds ahead wiih a gain of W A strong | ng: western 64 (nominal Canada Asked Feed Hungry Baluba Tribe MONTREAL (CP)-The Afro. | Asian studies group of Sir George Williams University Tuesday sent 826,000, a drop of more than &2 a telegram to 'Prime Minister 000.000, provincial outlays will be/ Diefenbaker requesting that Can $717,171,000, including grants 10) ada send food to Baluba tribes munieipalities of $38,705,000, Amen in The Congo, Text of the drop of more than $1,000,000; telegram, signed hy group Presi- aie dat of musleipalities 2 dent Dennis Chandler, was: "Re. 29,000,000, an increase \*|quest your government send ur 000,000. {gently needed food to 33,000 The statement attributes the starving Baluba tribesmen in The off to completion of Congo." | large road projects during the] The Afro Asian studies group is| last two years, notably the com.|a student organization designed pletion of toll projects ang the|lo Promote knowledge of prob. general progress made in recon. ems of the two continents struction of secondary and farm PI i Toute. Tl wig Sutepiion to wo West Ontario Rir Service eral progress is tf tion of city streets to alleviate traffic congestion. SARNIA (CP)-A regular service between Windsor, Sar nia, London and Toronto will] Provincial road budget for On. tario will total $261,000,000. SEAFOOD SPECIAL | open as scheduled Jan, 2, il was| MONCTON, N.B. (CP) -- New|300ounced Tuesday. but no pas Brunswick hasn't enough eating AEE pL ve Poked! up In Jom} hiay a ' Raa alas a ated, chairman of the operating com.| : Pro-| miittee of Sarnia Airport Limited vinclal tourist bureau told a meel-| (oq the air transport board has ing bere, "Many American and|jified all hut one of the restric. Canadian tourists come fo our tions which nrohibitied Nordair shores mainly for this purpose' pimited of Montres! from ear year ending next March 31 in the cases of the federal and provin. clal governments, and for the | calendar year ip the cases of the municipalities, The 1960 outlay is an increase of $36,000,000, or three per cent, over 1959, the smallest annual percentage gain since the war, {with the increase due entirely to growth in expenditures by mu- nicipal governments, Federal outlays will total $22. | | alr| | \ but do not always get what theyaing passengers between the four fot music were lost Tuesday in a tangled legal battle over how | proposes to apply its copyright language much the musicians should be|fapiffs | paid when their works are broad. cast The battle, staged before the| |eopyright appeal board, revolved around a proposal by the Com- posers, Authors and Publishers Association of Canada to revise its performance fees for so-called "background" music in super. markets, hotel lobbles, restaur- ants and such places, The argument continues today, when officials of the post office and transport departments are expected to protest a CAPAC proposal to apply the perform- ance fees to music piped into airports, post office and railway stations. FEES FOR FAIRS Also a contentious issue at the hearing was a CAPAC proposal to revise the fees for exhibitions, The present formula requifes fairs with attendance under 50, 000 people to pay fees equal to one-tenth of a cent for each fair. goer, Larger exhibitions pay on a graduated scale, according to attendance q4 For the first time, CAPAC| to mon-commercial radio | stations, | Tuesday the board was told there are only six non-commer clal radio stations in Canada, They include CFRC Kingston, TUES. and THURS, EVENINGS 7:00 vo 9:00 p.m, OSHAWA BUSINESS CTLLEGE 10 Simcoe 50, North, Oshawe Diel RA 5.3375 operated by Queen's University, Ugo wien aor = we ff WAYNE {|| mses () 3) PL FOR YOUR HOLIDAY PLEASURE BOB HOPE #¥ LUCILLE BALL TTS FEATURE TIMES ~~ 1:45 - 3:40 - 5:40 « 7:35 . 9:35 ow. FORGET A GIFT? Why Not A BOOK OF TICKETS The CAPAC schedule prop for 1961 calls for all exhibitions, trade shows, motor shows, race meets and ice revues to pay one fifth of a cent multiplied by at: tendance TV Appearances For Backbenchers TORONTO (CP) Ontario's Progressive Conservative party announced Tuesday that party back-henchers in the legislature will he seen more frequently on television Until mow the party's policy has been to restrict television ap- pearances to cabinet ministers, usually in connection with dis cussions of their own depart ments Picked to lead off the new pol joy were Alfred Cowling, mem. - NEW YEAR'S EVE Music by Toronto's Fabulous "Tornados" CALLER -- BOB FOWLER rolic HATS -- NOVELTIES BALLOONS -- HORNS DANCING Modern & Old Time 9 PM. TILL ? Tables for Everyone Accomodation for 800 "THE NEW" RED BARN 3:50 72 server Admission: Lou Bud Costello Abbott FOR RESERVATION PH. 5.0022 or 5.3093 Meet "DR. JEKYLL ao MR. HYDE" Co-Starring BORIS KARLOFF STARTS TODAY ber for Toronto-High Park, and William Davis, member for Peel, They were to appear tonight with Education Minister Robarts on the CBC series Political Af. fairs BAD BUSINESS IN SIBERIA MOSCOW (AP) The peo ple of Kurgan, a city on the Siberian side of the Ural Mountains, are shivering in 22. below-zero weather But the newspaper Soviet Trade complained Tuesday that, Kur gan's department had only men's straw and short-sleeve sports and women's two-piece for sale paper hangs Tore hats shirt uit The that quoted a sign near the store's ALT STEWART WAYNE - GRANGER E KOVACS " Ying Have You evervihin need? Foe vy ot » 1:45.4:15.6:40.9:0% ry } 'FABIAN | FOR Holiday JUST FOR FUNT Meet Captain Kidd In Techni oosTELLO YOUR Pleasure BILTMORE Cc Daily From 2:30 pm ities. \ ----

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