AIA SI mm ») mmm OSHAWA GOLF CLUB GROUNDS MECCA FOR SPORTS-MINDED YOUTH OF Winn hin 5 JENNIFER SMITH, MARILYN WEIR AND SHARON SMITH TRY OUT SKIS 2 un >»; g a LEDDING AND min | ~~ 4 Work Of Kiwanis 7 sharon ames Club R evi ewe d ; : . "SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1960 PAGE ELEVEN I II I y -- - ---- At their (inal meeting of the special service to Simcoe Hall calendar year, members of Osh- program, Red Feather Commun- awa Kiwanis Club heard the an ity Chest, special meetings with nual reports of the various com. Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, eic ttees of the youth and citizen. i gh services group the respec SUMMER CAMP . tive committee chairmen making Reg. Lancaster's comprehen- the reports sive report of the 1960 Kiwanis Summer Camp activities em- The youth and citizen hip Hy "| braced reports of the camp's op- Yieos gommitiees nelude ey eration, numbers of campers at| Club, Vocationa Gildan ¢ Agri both the pay-camp and non-pay| culture and Conservation, Support| oon sions with the various of Churches Boys and Ld problems encountered together : 7 Work, Summer amp, Public vith suggestions for future sea hy hr mp and Business Affair Their re on ; % ah Foye og spective chairmen during the : ! & J 7 phy oy 1960 term, were Kiwanlans, Mur In the absence of chairman ; vay Sparks, Lorne Savery Harold Tonkin, club president George Jackson, Davie Jamie. Jackson gave a brief report of son. Fred Kitchen, Reg Lancas- the activities of the Public and ter and Harold Tonkin Susiness Affairs committee, dur ng the past year, KEY CLUB WORK President Ken then thanked Murray Sparks stressed the (he varfous committee chairmen importance of maintaining the ror their very excellent reports Key Club committee, to keep submitted and commended the! abreast of the latest Improve: ojyh members of these commit. ments of operation of such clubs tees for their Kiwanis effort in throughout Canada and United 4p, past year, He included in his a. States, even though currently, prajge all the other club com. 7 al hare is no Key Club In fh lb mittees of the "administration'| Kr pn 3 Sd, worne Savery reviewed the group : . food AY ' various special speakers which * 1 Ls er 4%. ohh . In conclusion, President Ken ' : "oo ww nt ho R Lr had been obtained through the oped" a1 the members, the Lana ha tm 2 fi, rel 18 eV ply CONSTRUCTION OF NEW CHURCH BUILDING IS PROGRESSING sont Ww 5 jo [during his tenure of office and, mine their future business career expressed his pleasure at having] Despite the cold. weather in | Church is well under way. The | near College Hill Public School, | of the partially completed wally Scholarship donations to Ohavy had the opportunity to service as e , BI | recent weeks the work of erect- | new church, located west of the | will be a fine addition to the | of the auditorium, seconda club president in 1960 . p " . . | ing the new Grace Lutheran | Cromwell avenue cloverleaf, | locality, Seen here is a view ~Oshawa Times Photo viewed Past-president Ken Smyth, on JUNIOR FARMER WORK ball of the, club voiced the ap. Parma 52- <= wd REDORTER'S NOTEBOOK New Zealand Claims od the ACTented Shier audithe leadership given to the Othe CAROL LANGMAID AND ANN McMILLAN PREPARE FOR RIDE membership of Junior Farmers' awa Kiwanis Club, by president activities and various 4-H Clubs, Ken Jackson -- . ' » . in Oshawa's suburban areas and - - Gs gous ark a r ww | INQUIRING REPORTER The Sad Saga Of |First Machine Flight success of the young exhibitors at . . Oshawa Fair, revealed that many| Local Firms . WELLINGTON (Reuters)--Who|chine rose into the air. It was 4 : | did make the world's first flight|airborne for some distance be. of the Kiwanis-sponsored 4-H Club ° PY 6" ° IT} members had achieved honers in in a heavier-than-air machine? [fore striking a gorse hedge grow. other fairs and exhibitions in the Women Believe Private Smiley Was it, as history books re./IDE on top of an earth bank, South Ontario county area 0 erge cord, the Wright brothers at| 'I am sure the honor of have By GEOFFRZY HUSSEY (Joan were childhood sweethearts Kittyhawk in December, 1903? |ing made the first flight in a Dave Jamieson, in his review A : ntivities rocalle the - : avier- o ls Activites, Ji el A group of former employees In Resolutions The day that "Smiley" Melvin/and separation for any length of! Or was it a New Zealand semi- heavior-thatats machine joes 20 f : : s Ni . . i 4 , {time was agony for th both. recluse who was so dis (0 ) r r, can remem od for club meetings, by the Sup of the Nush Aluminim have pus walked in the barrack room for | \rarringe Rony io tem 0Hh.resiise yas 3 Sooppotatid how disheartened he was when, port of Churches committee and bo . f 4 [the first time we were busy pol- he aoastion Ithe fi . p having accomplished so much Also two special church services the company from Ralph Scho- | 3 By PETER OOMEN people don't have enough will {out of the question wunti It 1e first flight went to the Wright the } i held this po yg field. The company moved from} hai power to keep them anyway," Shing and cleaning in uneasy|"Smiley's" two-year compulsory brothers that he declined to make|the honor and the prize of £10,000 i "Kk ry "se ro { of Boys' Oshawa to Lindsay about 18 H P Oshawa women appear to be : hod preparation for the CO's inspec.|army stint was over |public, for fear of becoming a|0lfered by the magazine Scien. Fred ivche ia Tepot o an ox. Months ago " i = more sentimental about New Lorraine Wright, 131 Albert ton that game evening For| Luck had it that "Smiley's" | laughing stock, that he already tifie American went to the jug. Girly) Wor Tid ties. in At the first of the year, For. B 5 " i Year resolutions than men, Of street I believe in them, 1 toma Nel, Melvix te first army camp was located Just had flown in April, 1903? {Wrig ts. cluding the sponsorship of Ki-malum Limited, of 94 Bruce , J {four women Interviewed by an|think they Me a good idea, but 8 feson alvin, lo use {10 miles from their home town so| George Bolt, a veteran Welling. Digory Pearse does not care to Ld ' ! : y Oshawa Times reporter, threelit's so difficult to keep them his full name, was the latest ad-| weekends saw the lovers united|ton pilot believes the first flight/Put a definite date to the flight, vant Softball League, |street, (formerly Kool-Vent Awn-| o { nm a = psy wanls Bantam Softha L tree ory . "| / #3 said they believed in' New Year| Rudi Freitat, Toronto: 'No, I|dition to the 10-man barrack room again, With this convenience plus|was made by a mechanically. €X¢ept that it was early in 1908 assistance to Oshawa Minor{ings) will merge with Nash Alum. 4 psolutions. All four men inter. h ke 1 ornises. M | again, p A y anically. od definite Hockey Association and such oth-linum, and the company will|E [rencigt Hd Tioy idn't Whe don't make any promises. Mostior our Royal Military Police de.|marriage allowance army mar. minded New Zealand farmer in Wrights' nitel y before the or projects as Girls' Day-Camp, manufacture aluminum windows, I we Ja of the time you can't carry out tachment, located deep in the/ lage seemed acceptable, 50 ajthe isolatd Waitohi Valley and \ Li doors and other aluminum prod: | n resolutions your plans anyway wilds of Hampshire. in Southern | Vedding day was set Christ-|has collected a great number of| It has been concdd in th ucts | Elght people were asked wheth-| Joy Cooper, 137 Eastmount av. V8 © ps J ! mas Eve, 1955 facts to support bis claim, Unitd States that Pearse pa. The manufacturing plant at er they believed in New Year enue: "Yes, I belleve in them, England, ty : Evidence, he says, shows that|tented ailerons and tail controls ara O YOLQ |, he, minutacturing ant a Ji| Resolutions and why, Here aro/li's the time of year when you He laboriously detached his| PACKED ON TRAIN learly in 1903 Richard William before the Wright brothers, but i Pill MISS DORIS HANNAH |their replies think of good things to do." astonishingly filthy accoutre.| So yesterday, just one day be. Pearse, who died eight yearshe did not patent his aircraft | Karen Westlake, 104 Albert: Samuel Paine, 206 Saguenay Ments and pottage of MP web- (fore the connubial knot was due|880, flew a home-built aircraft/design until July 19, 1906, {street: "I believe in them but|avenuc I've never gone in for|PINE and packs and sat vacantlyto be tied, and after protestations|/rom the [foundations of a new| Farly settlers in the area claim it's hard to stick to them. I|Now Year's resolutions. I think down on the edge of an empty land solicitations to the CO and road adjoining his home, after to have seen the first flight and employed at the plant depending always make them but I know|you should try to do your best Ped sundry administration staf f, [Hirst having practised fast taxi-'many more say they heard of it BRECHIN Ae chation 'tol loves ut the (rn break them anyway." val "This is the end". he groaned, [28100515 Pte, T, N, Melvin, RMP, [Ing runs in a paddock, shortly afterwards. They tell Mara o unell is assured and elec r : ha . ox » Ronald Silver. 537 Park road sauline Durkin. 871 Windsor 'And why did they send me|Was packed on the train enroute! ; F earse 8s br oth er, Digory slightly varying stories, but they tions for Reeve and Doputy-Reeve I be Juichasing BrOUD, "andl ppoin e south; "No I don't believe in|avenue: "I don't helieve In them, down. here to be confronted by|to his new posting in Hampshire Basse, flow living - in retire. (fit together to fix the date as toe a" Schofield, president, V 4 Bia, belly " " . 3 at Tima ave: "The air. Q g att slur » are still possible following Mon: Charles Watson Lh president them, I never make any New|It's no good making any resolu. you ug'y Yistorted faces | But they're not bloody well | at | I Says: The aH 1903--and early 1903. i hy ! . ' . I ahr and so near Christma dd PRAY inl BB aeinalP as ly cons re -- ---------------- dav's nomination meeting have had a successful history in| The appointment of Miss Doris Year Hops hecs 8 ir to Christmas 00?" {going to get away with it", eried bamboo, with joints of alumi Present councillors Frvie Orr, the manufacture and sale of Nash/ Hannah. Reg. N., to the Peter i inyway CHILI WERT "Smiley'. "I have checked i It had liding se ' \ anufs h § g. N.. : Lanits ae DHOOD SWEE THEARTS A a checked in at/num, had a sliding seat so that James Murphy and Muir D products, They will operate the borough nursing office of the On E. J. Sliver, 214 Kendal ave : 3 po a ; the centr cavity eo ade 4 ey will oper: rang office of the Or nue: "No, I don't, I think It's] For the next 10 minutes we|t® Buard room and I want you he centre of gravity could be ad d oes ac will be opnosed for their three company on an employees "co-/tario Society for Crippled Chil D h IN h 1 justed and it was hoped th he \ y 4 : p > soble 'have ne i iin apg! gs to cover ¥ . a oped that the council seats by James Barn basis dren has heen announced by Ray ur am oC 00 fall_phooey, Lots of people have listened to his tirade in silence, fellows to cover up for me for/p of any crash would be ab. To The Congo tions on January 15, and begin manufacturing on the com . For Council missin Bras Nurse resolutions at all. Most tions because 1 know 1 can't keep op i | ? rs i 3 ven P H 8 J ake res 8 It DN I y J y o ack Frank Davies and Far Jove Nash Aluminum Lid. was animond Auld, executive director o bad habits, then make resolutions|It turned out that up in the north|two days while I go back up sorbed by the movement of the Other nominees Pat Duffy, a for qi choot of Kool-Vent Awnings|the socioty e ixe and stick to them for a week." of Eugleng the Shey os, as is north and get a civil wedding." seat." mer Reeve and John Dean, conld ¥ taka 2% tel - ! D at evening, had aj Tau . alin, INIT 4 IQ > | qualify, All nominees hadi aid: It was chartered in 1932, Iti Miss Hannah comes to the Pe girl to whom he had promised|, NOW sympathy reigned su ypr yppoE ITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) at Be I A Jemt iv. distributes through a Canada terhorough district office from the . a the protection of his name by be.|Pre™Me and this poor little unruly] ™.iye pushed the aircraft out bk) 1, Scneral Dag Hatt until 8 p.m. Tuesday to qualify. ia dealer or J p| slatv® " lon N Ho ) "mess of a guy seemed rg PN 8 Td marskjold is leaving it The Mara townshin election ie it 2 4 by (¥unization, bs vel Sto M . gy oH Saul Survey Rating egion als trothal that very day. He and al. Pad My pall So desper. onto the road. I turned the pro-|for a first hand {ext Witt will be he'd next Manday w 10 oe [AI Vite arie, Untario 88 Hannah lhe Christthas anh cf |peller and, 'after a run, the ma-|Congo proble ! ; 3 to you" business in the area is a graduate of the Peterborough the Christmas spirit of things and i rem---- | vongo problem and for private patie ope from 30 A 44 : ? i rom Cobourg to Toronto and Civie Hospital and obtained her] PORT HOPE Durham Dis CELEBRATING peunite ie Hi-sturred lovers, So jialke on the South African racial hve | mbent Erwin Cowle|,, Jake Simeoe yn hoa wing certificate! trip . " . was done, "Smiley" » i ¢ is the only naminee to qualify north to Lake Simeos Dunlie Juuith Nursing cect ate trict High School hoard = was 0 nsta his civilian clothes pin donned Im > t Hammarskjold was under for the Reeveshin so far. Other The Peterborough office will rated excellent for its attitude BIRTHDAYS to daunt his cap against the sys.| promp u sharp eriticism during the recent nominees are Pat Duffy, who re : [now have two nurses serving toward education and for board . | tem, We faithfully supplied his session of the General Assembly tired in favor of Mr Cowle last a en S Ineedy crivpled chtidren. M 1s sland statf relations. at was put | e name in the four or five roll calls for the UN Congo operation. vear alter serving 11 vears. #s n So med ahi am. Miss sty put| ew 1Cers Congratulations and best [over the Yuletide holiday : He has not been in The Congo reeve. John MacDonald Charles . Hannah will se rve the counties in fourth category for employ. | wishes to the following resi- "Smiley" d oh since last summer. Healey and Ernie Ory of Haliburton, Victoria and On-iment conditions, 'n° a survey The 1961 executive for dents of Oshawa and district _Dmiley™ did not return after \ oy et aay tario. Miss Gloria Akiwenzie will . ¥| The 1061 executive for the (ow ." S00 celebrating birth. ['WO days, or three or four. The| BROWNSVILLE, Ont. (CP) --| fr. Healey and Orr » continue to serve the counties Made by the Ontario Secondary Royal Canadian Legion will be days today situation was dire. He had made! Hundreds of pounds of meat was| St n : Mo mention of a I neymoon to| burned to cinders when fire Tues apanese ar automatically out of the re . ? ; Ra Rein tia iea tt installed : hd + i of Peterborough, Northumber. School Teachers' Federation installed on January 12 i L g alified for council } > RIVAL par a" boy 3 Noe . » . Fao Ore oy aan ity een To Hospital land and Durham, The OSSFT made a confidential Honorary officers ave: Honor. 0 Liven Mason: aig [Poot! Why the man was an irre. day destroved a meat market y reside 3 .. Mrs, Evelyn Mason, 446 |g » ir wi : ) ying i survey last spring. ary president, Col. R. S§. Me: Lok bit, ; ' y sponsible opportunist and we/near this village 18 miles east of! w d d Deputy-Reeveship, a position he! During the week of Dec. 18 to 8 st spring, and mailed yooh n; honorary vice - presi! Vimy: Mrs, Hazel Luke, 168 [would brook no mare of his non.[St. Thomas, ohn Hilchey, of] eas Lana lan 4 a 90: v out the results to members last . ad o N 4 . 4 now holds {. 228 patients were admitted to 1136 Joble Sal 5 Tuite 3 dents, Ewart McLaughlin; T, K,| Central Park Blvd, south: (sense. So on the fifth day after' RR 3, Tillsonburg, owner of the| LONDON (AP) -- Yama Saki, The only other nominee who the Oshawa General' Hosp sy 48 Aa to teachers|. avor «ele .s | Dorothy Como, 114 Chestnut oft. Pte. Moly : Fr " FAL le ig Bi the ave Jonora! Hoapliat, o considering "a change of employ: 1! Eon: Mayor * : lout. Mrs. ok Whitin Bereta hk a Ly Melvin w of dec jared So oS Simated damage at §7,-121.year-old Hawaiian - Japanese ould quali e Deputy. 1} mh s, omas, anc onorar JL 35e Li iirey An tlally to be "absent withou ? said an overheated stove star of the musical Flowe Reeveship is John MacFadven were male and 140 were female. On Lakeshore Padre Archdeacon Cleverdon Wiles, 308 Gilbert St. E, lleave", But since "Smiley" died set the frame structure ablaze.'Song, took time off from em ment Ervie Orr was also nominated ping during the week totalled | Three categories were listed) Tho officers - elect are: Presi.) Whitby; Lynda Weatherup, [just three hours after leaving -- today to marry a young Canadi for this position 19, of which 20 were male. " ys y 8 an There were 308 discharges dur and hoards were rated excellent] RR 2, Taunt road east; : : 4 X bk 'ident, D. Iverson; first vice-presi- 'R32, Taunton road east: the barrack room he couldn't engineer COBOURG - Total number out (78 to 100 per cent): good (86lqent' J H. Brown: second vice. Norman Wood, Taunton road really be expected to be back (ShEinger 1 : ing the week, 100 of which were of Work for the week ending Dec, /!0 74 per cent): fair (80 to 85|,,ecident, M. B. Proctor padre, West: Sharon Hood, 354 Pine | ree ave | She got permission to miss the Chest Total male and 107 female. Fifty-four 33 for Cobourg -and Port Hope Der cent): adequate (30 to 59 Rev. Alfred Woolcock: treasur. avenue: Laurie Edgar, 388 |FATALLY IN: IED | matijee Jeriamance il the y x : listriet was 1136, an increase of Per cent); and unsatisfactory less! .. wl Q Np i Buena Vista, and Mark Gil. We hea or p wedging reception and then pre. wwwhorn babies were discharged. | ' 4 A er, Clifford Smith; secretary to : We : e heard later that the train, : | 147 over the previous week. The/than 50 per cent Ibe ewski, 225 Wilson road south, [which was carrying our | pared to go back on stage to. | be appointed ch was carrying our man to rom ce oe night--and every other night until {Thirty of the new babies were male increase in jobless was due to aj The local high school board! Other executive officers-elect The first five persons to in- [his rendezvous with God, the CINGSV , 9 ? olose Now $194,606 Forty-five major operations and temporary lay-off at a Port Hopelcame in the 50 to 59 per centjare: C. Oke, W. Beaton, A. form The Oshawa Times of [church and his Joan, was in a PRL LLe YF tonad daintily into It was announced this morning minor operations were per Industty Rhout. viark Calicass category for employment condi-| Walker, N Hircock, Jr H.| their birthdays each day will [head-on collision with another|ice floe about a mile southeast Brompton Oratory Roman Cath. that $194,806.90 has been conformed. Eve, ear, nose and on thou dp! ih by hourg Hans Nearly 40 per cent of the Bathe, W. Hungerford, A. Elliot,] receive double tickets to The (train. "Smiley" was fatally in-|of Kingsville Harbor Tuesday. [olic Church in Kensington in a tributed to the Grealer Oshawa throat treatments totalled 20 and akan was A op of eight, high school hoards were rated(A, Cocker and W. Devenish | Regent Theatre, good for a [Jured but Joan was killed, too. It| Rescued were Douglas Rhy white dress for Community Chest. The list of do. other treatments and examina. a 4 £20 and 172 tor Rules, & ekeeliont in al three categories four-week period, The current (Seemed that when she couldn't son, Don Williamson, and Charles her mar iage to Joseph Coyle, 26 nations, not previously acknow- tions totalled 105, Ten casts were niyo nnd 172 females, a re- Among these hoards was East|will be held on Monday, Jan. 2 attraction is "North to Alas. [have "Smiley", she had married peterson of Montreal iT duction of 30 Northumberland. Cobourg board! - The Legion Poppy Fund "Vail ka." somebody else and they were on The three had been fishing| Coyle got leave of absence | The annual Legion "at home" 3 edged, follows ipplied. The total weekly opera. ( A > x { Anonymous a3 00 tions for Dee 18 to M was pe * JTotal for Port Hope Area was was rated good in attitude to-jed in conjunction with other wel Reports on birthdays wiil their way to London on honey: through the ice- and suddenly|from his job to come to London ANJRyHOS) vol Ridnend Sel dl 1 6, and was made up hy W0 ward education, good in rela. fare agencies to ensure that Osh. be received only between the |™oon. They were on the other| found. themselves drifting "for the wedding. He has to return "Hi tr ptaruick % Physiother apy depart in Be fonalos Py RL ie a hetupean board and staffiswa veterans, with limited in| hours of 8 am, and 10 am | Rescuers dragged a boat across/to Canada Jan. 2 leaving his ¥ A 8, 4 tal ate ir y oO J "OO WOSe 4 ~ 3 ap n ArOSS | 3 otal to Date $194,606.90 same week. Rnah, 4 OD . an a adequate in working condi {comes received presents at! Phone RA 33474. I think perhaps it was kinder the ice and paddlg] across open|bride here to finish the Flower pe s 1§ tons in the sd.ools Christmas, [| thas way. {water to take off she men. Drum Song rum. }