The Oshawa Times, 24 Dec 1960, p. 4

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, December 24, 1960 * _whrrey AND DISTRICT Early Budget |: Before House | Guides Music Pupils Xmas Party Give Program Third Wiithy Girl Guides held At St. John's [2 Christmas periy #t 5, John The Evangelist parish hall on Parents Thursiay evening. Caplain Mrs. in # parish hh poe W. Allen was assisted by Liew A rs i inter tenant Mrs, M, Hampson and Phusrsday, | Lieutensit Miss K. Kahn esting and enteriaining The gins played games, sang Pupils are wader the direction of Christmas carols ang Santa dis the Grey Bisters. The stage wa fittingly decorated with a Naty Retarded jiy Beene as a background for tributed gifts to everyone, Money \was collected for the | Children' $5 Fund, Santa also dis the Christmas Story which made tributed hox lunches enjoyed BY up the last hall of the program all The welcome speech givey Mrs, A, Miller, of the Whithy by Gregory Steffler who also an local Girl Guide Association, 818 nounced the numbers of the first tributed candles kindly donated pair which were as follows, Trio, hy Mr. Bandel. Vather Austin sincie Bells, Beth Anne Parise, {and Father Annette also vised jomelie Heffering, Ted MeGee [the growy Duets, Smg We All Merrily Rosemary Vlanagan, Gregory ' ' Kitchener Strike and (rents gainered Aon' s H for an EYEINE Was Steffier; Good |Larry Short, Caryl Al lan Fa thin) Pine, Jane and Ted Me King Wenceslas By MICHAEL SIAKE, Mp Minister of Lahey When the Howse adymned on Jecember 24 Parliament wa wing congideration to be ine m budget brought down by he Aimister of Finagee and neve Muted hy the extensive economie rogram which the rent wd placed before Parliament In order to finance the fir caching measures included in he program, the Minisier of loance was budgetting lor a leicht for the current fises) oA some $20 00 00 The Budget itsell ward the broad ceonomie support already laid down in the legislative program and provided for further aid 10 business and commerce in order to holster the economy and pro (Gow Cay carried for vide for an increased level of 0) employment. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS principles of 7 In the field of umports, there vill be & more rig application "class or kind made in Canada" provision in the anti dumping laws, Ip order to dis iage mporiation of eqmip of and goods whieh are avail whe in Caneds Al these measures are in line with the Government's program of holstering and stimulating Ca the Govern nadia industry, and the Cans pent' s of increasing dian economy: of ERCONIREING Canadian vomtrol and Canadian Canadian investinen and of en Daf 4 4 5 participation in industry: fh 15 couraging Canadian participation tax on profs of Cana in the 4 velopment of non-Fesilent tional resource estinemt om Bepeal of Canadian 4 percem Hila % ny este To earry inte il iin percent Mr ne dian branches of €OFpoTRHION In no sense were the measures Inve companies msl merely nationalistic; they were Aan Th percent of revenues In economic meassores based on the dividends from Canadian corpor- realities of the economic $itua education, fur Bon e has heen provided, The a the form of income tax dedue-| he me for university students in enpect of tuition lees Ime In the held of her assistan anticipaied results would an expansion of Canadian in- crease tn Canadian investment, and a duninution of mmporis from other countries 8 order to further ease the balance A internation payments TO STRENGTHEN FLONOMY Taken in conjunction with the present export drive, the low downy payments on new housing; ihe slum clenrance and urban re newal programs. (he loses (9 small Wiisicess. the tremendously increased traming program calle ng for new vocational and trade schicols, export credits, and othe er measures recently imroduced, fhe budgetary provisions pro- ded tor a further sirengthemng of the Canadian economy in those areas where soft spots had ap peared dustry, an Fo all residents of Ontario Rid ing, | would take this opporinnity of conveying my very hest wishes for Christmas and the New Year, % (10¢ Gee; Deck the Halls, Alfreda and Viargaret Quesnelle Song: | Baw Thre wry Sieffler, Billy Sioffler Close To Endin Wahtighte of the bidget fn g "hu KITCHENER (CP) -- Vlecirs clans striking against 21 contre MeGee with Caryl Allan Fridey started tnekie piano, Christmas march heck to work, and Local #04, In. Bryant Brotherhood of Ele Puring {he alls Wouram waien Workers (CLEC) has ealled RA Te CWH meeting lo and song ably read the 911 Larth Greg As nn further step to assist Ted small business in Canads at the tension of the Boor (ov exces Laurie profits taxes from $2500 fo $35,000, This means that up lo a profil " WM, the 2) percent tax rate would apply rath han the A percent ra meh narrator Te d previously came in at $25,000 tory while The Minister of Finance ¢ Bhp an ex Lore in econd part of the an endeavor tmas Slory in ternstionsi ric a special decide music Melee ynether or nol to canitulale cene fea dio tation in dewniown Cenlire emt wh Holiday Best Wishes We extend to you eur Vari pre Benk of Cuba armed 14 and forces yo lop Overlooking the mu Len Ire Marti. Besides Men are to patronage the past year, aren of un VISSER LTD. AND STAFF WHITBY meaning of Canadian In ing "ima i ae ey { I the first MED he niming of v y AA hy by MAarrvarion vA story pupils made up and (he Lhe part Vor ade 7 Angel" eh from done by OG Hand of girl ang Come an Grade and 8 the aslor mn 0 wi introduced that carol 0 nan who sad Ome idren intended the presen tle Town of ehem Christmas gift to Opening ent Birth 5 # pPATEN!S e Queen' em Night Gloria and Ihe ung hy the girls' day of a Kin welcomed the Merr ho then The Grade B ho work hack and al Mrs, Helen W Hd much aludier ith the Ong wist ma Grade 1 "Bye Lo Land", & aluahle nirers lage a acted an dent Lhe jo ' HEAVEN BLESS YOUR CHRISTMAS # on was plan and inter nelle 11h while Much Grade HALL - BROOKS LTD. OSHAWA RA 3.7952 CARDINAL CLEANERS Ltd. CORNER THICKSON'S RD. AND HWY, No 2 the VET and { yetor 177 KING W,, hoys hostes served asisted hy My Mrs, Detlor production hich gifts the ere for His birthday were ah hijuare display pleasure to Cirade 6 a Christma tors said about 40 of the 200 men were rendered by illie Steff: 62.000 corporate income LAxpay ! SCENE Nations) wer at 25 and Jane MeGee, Gregory and pay on the 21 percent basis #ides as the Three Wise. Men | the face of Cuban national. hero, | forgo demands for a» 44 cent Taurie Bryant, Billy and Neil derive 9 percent of inve » St J y S ] Skating Party cent offer over three year MeGies tax exemption ' . John's Schoo four - cent employer contribu' performance hy Reverend Fal for companies locating in Baptist young people enjoyed To assist the establishment plls « ohn's School, Whithy, the a of the tion took the form of a skating | the Pickering Red Cross, the Ca. Products not previously manu Ey ar i rch ended hyn ple returned to the chureh to hear| Oi Thursday afternoon 180 Whithy Baptist Church Next week the meeting willy. Lodge Red Cross and of Mrs. Knecht as convenor for please meet at the chureh at 7:45," to Montreal The Christmas program was MOVing io tren John Knecht as Fairview Lodge teresting in assuming responsib "iyi, WCTU Hostess on Tuesday afternoon at the home ONE HOUR OF YOUR TIME meeting with a Christmas vhich the children, all wearing played Christmas carols at awn, where motorists hav elbeen left outside, Every motor 11g Mrs, D, J. Kean was in charge : Peggy's Visi The lighting effect liglon- accidents are more than Bummer when it has rained for niece program of Christmas read the stable in Bethlehem {Whithy Theatre Guild, At the end Christmas cards and greetings 10) gkid-defier machine, This Ma: grooves tire treads ahoul one Baby, Grade i -- GUIS 10F fod papents thanked all who had Tunch Quantrilli can start up an icy slope With: ground one and one « quarter taking to des ed with the slots, the car has [ike hiades, no rubber is re y play Y presented hy the pu | important safely measure ing on dry pavement Cirad fade 4 cent better starting traction and| gations and Garages in the Osh CHRISTMAS IN CUBA have reappeared on the job, 'er, John Koss, Anne and Cath- ers 55.000 have income below {mas mange Juan Almeida The special meeting, sel for Christine Steffler, Caryl Allan, ations by 1963 15 subject of mural onywall of | Jose Castro, the package increase over two years Steffler, Alfreda and Margaret income from Canadian The strikers, who have beén Both (eacher and pupils were To aid depressed ares P t P For FBYPA Meet: tion. to a welfare fund, Their ther George Annelt, assistant al where there is a high rate : their regular weekly wit | Give 180 Baskets Red Cross in packing the has. © new industries: Double depre held nas Cone the Christmas, and prepared them party at Winter Wonderland tholic Women's League, the factured In Canada Re Ai , dy aiid Fhe a guest speaker for this week haskets of fruit and cookies were The Chr visit to Fa ke the form of & Progressive). oc anizations of the com. the Red Cross organization, as M » financed and arranged hy (hel The Fairvie Lodge convener Mrs. Whitehurs leonvener, The other organiza- ilities In this capacity can call Bleep H Yale 511 The Christian Temperance uh dont, S171. nun, opened MIGHT SAVE YOUR LIFE poem, Various reports were read i f bed, | clothes, prepared for DEC. mission Father Que nlready realized the dangers of ist knows, too, how slippery the of the worship service, Mrs ariation on the Christmas sLOFY, makenp for the ordinarily numerous, great inter- the first time in several days Cirades 5H and 6 An Betion of the performance Father Aus shuf-in {chine puts slots in the treads of gighth of An inch deep in uh the Christ Child, a recitation In iheiped in the and out wheel spin or traction diffi: inches apart, When the slitting | Grade H maximum stopping ability. The! moved, The tire remains per is and y 0 enjoyed hy ' aad vary. much: enjoyed b L Cars which have their tires de The deskidding machine ha dancing Ld] lively which have! 2 a 4 : up to 80 per cent stopping ahil| hoth dancers| 3 | Wit). aneers [ity on any 4 3 3 great and audience and Doors" | awa areca Unlike not noley Look on the Dealers who de A spokesman for the contrac. pigne numbers and choruses mated that ont of Approximsie Ha Union officials estimate the num. erine Davey, Mary Jane Nettle $35.000 and thus in future would Fidel Castro and | ans is chief Tuesday, will decide whether to Anne Baxter, Marie Keenan Pension plan trustees government-owned TV and ra- | Wise Forme Cue AP Wirephoto,) and accept the contractor's 3. Quesnelle, Glen Davey and Ted hy 1963 in order to qualify. fo thanks for your loyal 3 oul since Nov, 18, also asked for commended for (he excellentiprogram of double depreciation On Tuesday evening the Faith! Present hourly rate is $2.5 Bt, John's Church employment | ] i) Des 0 the pu Lior i galn reminded Thi yeek the recreational por keis were the Ajax Red Cross, |ciation for tax purpose: fon Ps H f 8 oh ie for | ( ng item of the even After the skating the young peo: 'At Fairview Lodge Whithy United Church and the To encourage Fi ' sn I I ofjltem was a striking table Rev. Boomer, from Bowmanville given to the residents of Fair. view Lodge was the final duty Those wishing to attend] oy r. John Knecht will he soon | Whithy Red Cross with Mrs, ship is now vacant and those in Emmanuel "0 | tions which assisted the Whithy Mrs, R, H, Bedell, MO 8.2062 Union held its Christmas meeting 15h Mrs. H. Qauntrill, opened f Christm I 6 n p tie na e Pa st during the pertormance In a municipality such as Osh-| winter the has customarily and approved @ N y : & P 8, njoyed hy the audience. ed the audience in singing slippery gradients and where col-| pavement is during the Spring or Whitehurst had arranged a very showing the visit of a child 0 joked after by members of the ings The members addressed est attaches to the automatic The de kidding machine \ g "'N | mg b and girl tind iin on behalf of the ver alls I'he i dainty| automobile tires sn that 8 Car cases and (he grooves are spaced the children told of the culty, With front tires also treal-| gone hy ane of the straight, razor el ELT EL LUT TT OE Camouflage, a three-act device has heen praised as anlfecily effective for ordinary driv the audience § $ . skidded will provide up to 20 per| een installed al several Service Gates y type of hazardous road mosl snow Lires, they a oh Let 4 surface, The value of this is not : reciia | i! only appreciated in traffic on the on pavement Co-Ed Group i | : " - A i iittle grade to the Sings Carols || {IF nr unto {RY yout this Day For Shut- Ins a King t th born, cae ™ (¥ 1 group of Whitby Baptist] Chyreh, went carolling for shut ns and older members of i chureh on Tuesday evening. They eft a token of Christmas cheer everywhere they visited Later they were entertained at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Donald [¥ Mitchell, of Athol St, The fabled vas tastefully decorated for the yaeasion and the pentre of attrac: | tion was a 'Snowman cake made hy one of the girl Mr Gerald Wigston gave the hie ngs before refreshmen ( served Leader of the group was My E, A. MacMillan and those assist ing in transportation were My Everett Pogson and Don Mitehell sport page for the home kid tires times gar each Advi Sate 1 3S Sh CTT COME LET US ADORE HIM... BEDNAREK HARDWARE »" 450 SIMCOE § OSHAWA 1 BEBE DMBMRIMIBS NNR RN, PAN BORON RN 2 J fo e a XC jrisfuas wo Tiveofings $ TO THE LADIES 9 - § OF OSHAWA Yu ' We have enjoyed the » opportunity of serving you, and we thank you for the privilege BEAUTY CLINIC HAIRSTY LISTS SHOPPING CENTR ONE RA §4702 i ARTISTIC HAIR stv EASY, OSHAWA QONALDA A uty SALON 72 CHURCH STREET, HONE RA ELLEN' BEAUTY SALON' 18 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSM, THE HAIR FASHION SALON SIMCOE STREET NORTH, HUYCK'S HAIRSTYLING STUDIO 8, SIMCOE STREET NORTH PHONE RA JEAN'S BEAUTY SALON 2 RICHMOND STREEY EASY LL UTTA BEAUTY SALON 37 KING STREET EASY HONE RA » GENOSHA BEAUTY SALON #4 KING STREEY BASY ONE MODERN HAIRSTYLING ATRERY PAGE HAIRDRESSING AVINLY PHONE Wa RETA'S BEAUTY SALON KER DRIVE PHONE RA A022 Compliments of the Season TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF LOCAL 222 UAW. FROM eg d i OSHAWA 71 KING 87 ONE RA 3730) ¥ It wouldn't be Christmas if we didn't get in touch and extend our greetings to those we like so | very much...Have an old-fash toned Very Merry Christmas! ERLE] RA 3:35 "5 ERITH The Executive Board ER LAR} ONE RA 3.09) UNITED STEEL WORKERS OF AMERICA Malcolm Russ MeNeil sam RA S000 Beverly Gibson lohn Meagher James | 12 PRINGH ONE RA 8.1132 Attilioted Locals of Oshawa AJAX LUMBER CO, LTD, WHITRY Beverwyck Gardens WHITRY 19% PINE 5.43410 WILE AJAX PICKERING 1198 wit

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