2 THE wo TIMES, Soturdey, December 24, - Londoners 1 Commonwealth Sl Swarming « (Test Ahead | # : LONDON (CP) ~ The bonds 0 oun that Visk the 11 independent coun tries making wp the Common J. N (CP) ~ With noisy wealth of Nations will be se CE NDON (LP parties hing verely tested during the months them, thousands of Londoners ahead swarmed to the countryside ¥ri-l As 1960 ended, the members of day to continue Yuletide cele- the family were giving increased brations with their families siiention to the issues that di The Royal Family wes among vided them and the complex the first to leave London, Crowds! problems that faced them [packed Liverpool Street BLation| ryese problems and issues will lo wish the Queen and members que (he meeting next March of Jo her family a happy Christmas| cop monyesith prime minister as their train left for Sandring| o."or the most important in the | ham Norfolk, group's history, | Prime Minister Macmillan, There were differences ove planned to spend Christmas 48y | yhether South Africa, which en = (with his family and 13 grand-\forces a policy of racial segrega CHILDREN LEFT HOMELESS These four Knoxville, Tenn,, | freezing temperatures are (from left); Tommy, 6, Mary, 10, Bobby Jean, 12, and Geor gina, 3, all the children of Mrs, Robert. Akins AP Wirephoto children were among 18 per. sons left homeless today when fire swept through a lumber yard and nearby homes, Stand ing before the blaze in sub Present Yule Variety Show COLUMBUS On Tuesday Christmas variety program presented by the pupils of Columbus Junior and Senior fehools a Lueyk, A skit entitled "The Fool ish Princess' was introduced by the Miss J, Rutherford, Junior room "Flteacher The was School had many fine numbers, They opened with The master of ceremonies was an accordion trio played by Bar the Rev. R, H, Love, He enter: bara Pereman, Dorothy Davey tained between numbers with and John Lueyk, The pupils then magic tricks much to the enjoy- presented a play entitled "Mars ment of the young fry, A recita- Calling Another accordion solo tion was given by Dwight Part- was played by John Lucyk, fol ridge followed by a chorus ofllowed by a chorus of songs, gongs by the Junior School pupils "White Christmas," "Winter Charles Love favored with a reci-| Wonderland" and "Rudolph the tation and several numbers were| Hed Nosed Reindeer," played by the Junlor Schooll Mr, Grant Webber then thank Rhvihim Band, Following that the) ed the two teachers, Miss Ruther. audience enjoyed a Christmas| ford and Mr. M, Cohen, for the exercise drill also by members work they had gone to in pre of the Junior school, An accor-| senting the program r& dion solo was played by Lesliel No Christmas concert would be nenlor y showed a six-per-cent increase in {children at his family residence! ion, should be allowed to retain at Birch Grove, Bussex membership Ava Bir Winston Churchill left Some on were becomin for Mia country nome ot hav worried about the adverse effec we "the Ar0 trading blocs confined to his home at Hyde Hie sow Eusopbon Radin is Park Gate since he broke a hone kets in bis back Nov, 15, Th ir o 24 vere was a growing realiza A Breen J. oid Doliday, wai tion of the need to strengthen the expert 4 " economies of less - developed 9 Vv § OM with » vhite Christmas In porth members by mobilizing family of Scotland | resources more effectively, This developed not only from a desire SLEET EXPECTED to resist Communist pressures The possibility of snow was not hut also from a genuine urge 10 ruled out hy the weather fore: raise living standards of all Com caster here but showers and monwenlth citizens sleet were more likely ot spending record was set CONGO CAUSES CONCERN two days before Christmas--with' viewed far more seriously bj expenditures £116,000,000 (8263, 511 wag the collapse of the Congo 320,000) higher than on any pre: .qministration and economy and vious year since records began the ensuing outbreak of chaotic In 1926 violence, It was against this Bank of England figures po uiron that attempts are being made to lead the east and central African colonies towards inde pendence Tribal lovsities were hamper ing constitutional progress in the Past African colony of Uganda A search still was being mad for an acceptable formula under which Furopean, Asian and Arab King George III purchased ninopities could live peacefully Buckingham Palace from the) ih overwhelming black African heir of the Duke of Buckingham majorities in 1762 The pattern being developed by Britain is one under which the from Africans would ultimately as Santa Claus, Presents were dis- sume all political power bul tributed from the Christmas tree. which would try to guarantee the The annual Christmas party fundamental rights and freedom and concert of the Columbus|of minorities, United Church Sunday Bchool was| A pright side as the" year end held on Friday evening in thelyas Nigeria's smooth movement Lower Hall of the church, Mr.\i, i,dependence within the Com Elmer Powell, Sunday School monwealth superintendent, acted as master Sierra Leone is to gain self of ceremonies and a variety of government next spring, Tangs numbers were presented by the nvika Is moving toward the same 8 Piplia concert opened with a re goal with undisturbed stability, citation by Scott Webber, follow: URGES FEDERATION ed hy the singing of "Away In A, There were signs in recent Manger" by the pre-schoolers. months of moves towards a Ca They closed their portion with a yadiantype federal system in { hristmas, wish by Heather Bobll wast Africa, Boft-spoken Julius and Brenda Sih A fie AR Nyerere, the moderate chief min A ) ister of Tanganyika, 1s pushing Jor followed by a Jectation by for a federation that would in of Mrs MeKenzie's class favored ¢lude his own territory, Kenya with & number, "Ho Ho, the Uganda and Zanzibar Holly" followed by a piano sole! It is understood that the plan by Jim Stark Is receiving sizable support from spending ever last Christmas | Spending, much of it on ex pensive toys, has heen supple mented hy heavy withdrawals of savings in post offices and frus tee hanks PALACE PURCHASE complete without a visit Attention 'Bargain-Hunters'! Some leaders, notably Tunky ~1Abdyl Rahman of Malays snd rime Minister Nkrumah of ! hens, have fiercely denounces | Verwoerd $ racial policies and demanded that membership as # withheld nave republic be Observers noted, how political leaders in, the territories €V€r, hat denunciations concerned, Britain, now trying to PevE Deen fierce recently ride the tiger loosed by imposed and their demands less forceful création of the Central African Some conclude from this that Vederation, has not, yet indicated they will not take the decisive her feelings towards the plan, step next March to vole for South But it is believed Colonial Sec |Mrica s expulsion retary lain Macleod and Prime! The fecling--in London, at any Minister Macmillan would openly raie--was one of cautious opti pack the Nyerere idea if African mism that the differences would public opinion developed strongly not develop into a major cfisis in favor of i and that none of the bonds would Nyerere has embraced (he idea Pe snapped |With such conviction that he is prepared to postpone Tangan- yika's attainment of independ ence (0 build a federation He fears that once the colo. their i less TRAVELLING STAGE A revolving stage will be sent to Toronto's O'Keefe Centre from ? nala re Me p 1 nial territories achieve nation Exgang for the Metinides hood snd acquire all the (rap BE Eg Dee 0 2 pings of a modern state they will 4 " nave little desire to subordinats Two Children ! Dead In Fire MONTREAL. (CP)~Two child. ren were burned to death Friday in nearby St, Hilaire, bringing to siz the number of fire do=ths in Quebec provinee in the two days preceding Christmas Eve Denis, 12, and Therese, 10 children of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Noiseux, were trapped in their bedroom when fire swept through their $6, Hilaire home Two other Noiseux children suffered burns and the mother was under treatment for shock Krnest, 9, the more seriously burned, and Jacques, 15, whe suffered a fractured skull when he jumped from an upstairs window, were brought to hospital! in Montreal Three other children died in a fire in their home Thursday at Ste, Hedwidge, 130 miles north west ¥ Quebec City: They were any of their interests to a central authority COUNTRY 15 ANXIOUS The Africa experts say (hat Tanganyika, now practically ready for full independence, can walt at most about 18 months, If Nyerere fails in this period, the pressure of African nationalism will be so great that he will have to amccept independent nation hood The birth within the of the new nations Commonwealth and the effect they will have on Commonwealth prime ministers meetings will likely be one of the topics when the family leader; meet in March There are some who believe two-tier system of membership should be established, with the big, older members having sen worny Some authorities feel, however that such idea would be unworkable, Some of the new nations--such as Sierra Leone and possibly Cyprus--will find it difficult to accept a second-class membership when they will en joy full and equal status in organizations such as the United Nations a an A MAJOR PROBLEM Perhaps the hottest topic that will face the prime ministers Is the question of South Africa's membership, South African whites last fall voted in favor of a republican form of govern. ment Prime Minister Verwoerd is to make his first appearance at a prime ministers' meeting to try to win support for continued 28 KING ST, E, To all our many friends and customers may you enjoy the happiest holiday ever! td " DRUGS RA 3-462) Sylvie, 7, Daniel, 8, and Andre,| GOLY STAR five months, children of Mr, and .. Miss Ada Mackenzie of Toronte Mrs Lucien Begiger is the only women golfer in Can Elisce Ssianchette, 50 ada's Sports Hall of Fame, died Thursday in & fire #t her RIPE OLD AGE home In. 81 sev de Sore, 0, J 40 cevhent excepes aera miles northeast of Montréal, Ite tive for 50 to 75 years, We wish you a jolly, rollicking Christmas -- filled with merriment, full as Santa's pack! TORONTO - PETERBOROUGH TRANSPORT CO., LTD. 38 PRINCE ST, OSHAWA RA 3.9521 | membership, and continuing T STARTING MONDAY DEC. 26th. ues., Dec. 27th COLES Fabulous HALF PRICE CLEARANCE of Toys ® Gam Cards © - OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SORRY NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS © NO DEALERS ® NO DELIVERIES CR RE RAR BA RRER RR REN BRR BR es ® Christmas Gift Items Also OPEN TUES. Only the heart of 4 the full fun and excitement of Tue joy and wonder belongs In the well-loved, " Message and we ro.o ho his wo, ; is "WT Own esteemed ang faithfiy) Wherever YOu are 10 the fi) Theand him exclaim asl 1 lappy Christmag to and to a]] 4 g 1@ drove out of sight, all od nigh)" child can ear . Christm , , . of the Christmas spirit 10 all of us, Santa's Breeting familiay Poem expresses the goodwill Iw) rds, To our Customers, staff," Happy Christmas! ++ May you know he wonderfyl jo, OF Christmas HS ------ PRES [Dg Np EATons or CANADA