«© 1" » Published by Conadion Mewspopers Limited, 86 King 5. E, Pose 6 Fridey, Decembsr 23, 1960 - Long-Term Measures Don't Explain Haste The first reaction to Finance Minister Fleming's "baby budget" can only be puzdiement. Why wes it necessary 10 imroduce this interim budget now, when the annus! budget could be presented within two or three months? Whet had been expected measures thet might give business and employment a fairly quick lift, but whet we gt were longtehge measures de- signed to encourage expansion of Cana- dian industry and discourage continued large-scale inflow of foreign capital, The were measures themselves will require careful study before comment can be made on the possible effectiveness, but one is still left wondering about the government's desire to introduce them before Christ mas when they could have been included in the regulsr budget package not long after Christmas Mr, Fleming may provide more in- formation later on the foréign debt policy has are designed to reduce the volume of sketched this week, The measures foreign capital entering the country both for direct investment and through bor- rowing by provinces, municipalities and corporations by raising the withholding tax on the resulting interest and dividend payments abroad from between zero and five per cent to 15 per cent, At the same time. other measures would encourage investment by Canadians, We would have expected some dis tinction between foreign capital used for business expansion in Canada and thet imported in the form of loens for capital works by municipal and provincisl gove ernments, While it is true thet Ameris cans and others own & very large part. of Canadian industry, it is also true thet Canada's development would not have been nesrly so rapid without their ine vestment, The loans are another matter, being direct debt, but here again one would have thought that a more imaging- tive solution to the problem could heave been reached Municipalities and provinces borrowed United States largely obtain in the because they there much more favorable interest rates, Could not some for could means have been devised loans within Canada to such borrowers st rates those in the that with think at least competitive United States? We solution is possible such a Unseemly Divorce Bill The House of Commons, acting with unseemly haste, has moved to divest it- self It has ap- bill that the of its divorce business proved a private member's shift to the Benate entire would responsibility for granting parliamentary divorces This bill is simply a miserable expe. dient to rid the Commons of a distasteful and time-wasting task, No responsible member could feel easy in his conscience about the mass production of divorce bills, but the can in no way ease the pangs of cons measure now approved cience, All that the members have done is to shove the whole dirty mess into the laps of the poor old senators, In other words, Parliament itself a divorce mill, What needs to be done is for Parliament to quit the divorce business entirely, to put that business in the courts, where it belongs remains There are grave doubts about the constitutionality of the bill, What it does, in effect, is give the Senate authority to pass legislation without the approval of the Commons, It thus establishes a violation of Once this principle is embedded in precedent, principle that is in direct the constitution, in our opinion, the Commons could proceed to load the with all itself of the corresponding responsibility, Senate sorts of tasks and rid It is through devices such as this that the constitution comes into disrepute, and once that happens we are on the road to anarchy, Even if doubt there were no constitutional the bill, it violation of parliamentary responsibility about would be a == even when, as in this case, the measure is a convenience to be introduced at the start of each session, This shedding of responsibility is an unfortunate trend in government, with executive and legis. lative branches sll too ready to shift to commissions and decisions boards, similar agencies that have no direct responsibility to the electorate, The divorce business should not be a responsibility of Parliament, But as long as it is, Parliament as a whole must bear it, not just one body or group. Canada Gets A Plug Some pretty harsh things are being said Canada by Americans angered by our willingness to trade with Cuba, One of. the interesting things about most of these outhursts is the the to which even some well-informed Americans have taken Gada for granted and regarded it as something of a large friendly pup about these days revelation of extent that is playful at times but will always obey when his master's voice becomes stern But there are other Americans with quieter voices and more discerning minds, who have a better understanding of the many difficult problems which now face Canadians, There is the follow the St Post. Dispateh, for example; ing comment in Louis "Canada's economy is in trouble , , , , | What can the United States do to help? It een buy mare from Canada, particu: larly of manufactured dhe Oshawa Times ToL WILSON, Publisher and General Manager processed and C. GWYN KINSEY, Bditer . he Oshawa Times Wining The ed 8 and the Whitby v established 1863), © nd slatutary haliays ¢ M e's of Canadian ay F * - The Cana + Bure t 4 the ( wir nities As ¢ Canadian Press is exclusively entitled \ t eiublical ' * edited to it or F Reuters 1a @ Thamson Buide, 425 eivity A s y 640 Cat t Street, M " SUBSCRIPTION RATES Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 enormous trading Our against these products in favor of coms. modities in their natural or semi-finished state, 'which deprives the Canadian of items, present tariffs discriminate the greater income their. country could obtain from CATTYINE Processing and manufacturing farther along, and keeps their country industrially in a kind of colonial relationship to our own "We can try again to work out methods of disposing of our wheat urpluses abroad which will avoid de. priving Canada of its natural markets, Wheat means enough to the United States economy, but it means even more to Canada's, What is more, Canada's glut of it has been relatively still worse than our own , , , ; "It would be encouraging to see the new Administration bring a fresh ferment of genuine interest and practical activity to this subject, taking it up at the cabinet level, in executive departments and in committees of Congress, For if the United States learned anything from the harrows ing experience of the '30's it should have been that it is idle to cope with inter national ills by within national boundaries," economic retreating Other Editor's Views STARTED LONG AGO (Edmonton Journal) What the high tariff not to talk about is the school is careful fact that Canada balance of trade countries such as Japan, Britain and West Germany. Our the United States, the highest-wage country 15 enjoying a favorable with so-called low-wage deficit is with Bible Thought Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him, == Psalm 37:7 Here is the answer to nervous tension, Trust the Lord to work out every cir eumstance for your good and His glory, REPORT FROM U.K. LL WH Argument Stirred By Safety Belts By M, McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON--There is a growing nterest |r United Kingdom in the use of safety belts in auto mohlies as 8 'means of preventing deaths serious injuries in car hecidents, This had grown to such extent that from well informed sources comes a report built-in safely belt anchor certain to be made compulsory In all new cars when INSIDE YOU the and an that Ages Are Childish Tension Affecting Speech BURTON H, FERN, MD "TALK SLOWER," Kathie" Mom ordered, "and vou won't stutter so much." And so Kaile talked slower and stuttered more By Katie loved her new brother! Why should she suddenly start to stutter? After all, she was four years old You may have a Katie in your house. Mast pre-school toddlers stutter, Their thoughts seem to race faster than their speech While the idea is rounding the far turn, the words are still try ing to squeeze through the start ing gate. When they finally break loose, speech explodes, blasting words through sentences CONFUSION SETS IN The hand that holds the on fashions - most speech though Johnny ecrayoned fully, his nursery school teach er forced him to switeh to right handed drawing, Both his speech and his art work grew ragged Perhaps his southpaw speech control centre In the right side of the brain was being forced to move over to the left side, With neither side in control, he might stutter and stammer Cray Even heauti- More likely Johnny tensed nervously when he had to draw with one hand tied behind his back. Anxious tension ean roughs en any child's speech Swing and sand-pile days are filled with tension. Often, a new baby pushes the toddler out of the spotlight, Deep down the new arrival frightens and wor ries the most living child until he explodes into stuttering Meddling 'Nonsense' Ry M, MeINTYRE HOOD Special te The Oshawa Times LONDON A report from Leopoldville, published in some of the London newspapers. to the effect that the United States was prepared to take unilateral action to preserve order in the Congo if the United Nations mission fails to do so is deseribed in official circles here as 'nonsense discussed this report with a elgn Office spokesman, and was his blunt reaction to it Informed opinion here is that the United States, like Rritain would never Intervene unilateral ly in sending lis troops inte the Congo. As far as either country would go would he to offer its ¢ United Nations UN farce becomes 00 badly depleted to render ef fective protection to Europeans in that country JE For that ¢ sel t I the present The British foreign office is very anxious over the fact that several countries are withdraw ng their troops from the United States for the Congo, If that were continued, it was stated there would soon not be enough United Nations personne! there Y pAOtect o medical iffy and administrative person nw he 2OVEernment's new Road Safety Bill, expecied to be intro duced early in the new vear, he comes law It is understood that Tran port Minister Ernest Marp nag already had some (all ith car manufacturers to discus safety belt anchorage These talks are taken to indicate that the minister has some such com sulsory provisions in mind for his new legislation, On the other hand the car manulacturing Katie had Just about had it! Mom wanted Katie to use the toilet, Mom wanted Kalle to eat her meals, even though she wasn't hungry Mom wanted Katie to be "a good girl," STEALS ATTENTION And then Mom brings home a new baby brother who steals all the attention, No wonder anxious Jealousy twisted her tongue whenever she tried to talk! Still, Mam hasn't sinned not until she starts te correct Katie's stammering! This help magnifies Katie's tension. Bhe worries and stutters more Be patient; remember that preschool years are tense time Don't demand perfection. Don't sympathize, either CONSTRUCTIVE PROGRAM Help your child to feel sure of himself, He can draw his stor les with pletures, just like In dians did, He'll enjoy Jig sé puzzles in place of word riddles Let him "do", rather than "talk," until, like Katie, he outgrows this normal stuttering Of course some adults prefer QUEEN'S PARK Federal Matters And Legislature By DON O'HEARN TORONTO Federal questions became more Involved than usual in the proceedings at this session In addition to the everlasting controversy over [ederalsprovin clal finance, there was discussion of freight rates, of development of 'a port at Moosonee and, of course of rallway ' passes for members And outside the House, in a meeting with the annual delega tion from the Ontario Chambers of Commerce, there was discus sion of tolls on the Welland Canal and of the Trent Canal System OLD QUESTIONS Probably these last two are even more intevesting than the questions which did get before the members Mobsonee, of course, now felling to be an old subject though it will carry a lot of atiention for years lo come Freight rates are so involved you would say they have no 'sex appeal," "And rallway passes are ol great interest to the members but of very little to anyone else who has not heen enjoying a pass privilege NO TOLLS? Elimination of tolls on the Welland Canal is one of the Questions very close to the heart of Premier Frost Like most other province he can't people in the soe any point firms are carrying out experi ments to fing the best types of wlders anchorages for belts 05d the best position in which to place them In a passenger car » Marples has a highly op timistic view as to the possible 5A of Iie and serious injury by the use of these belts. He has indicated that in his opinion, they could save 700 lives a year, and protect. 50 000 peonle a yeny from injur If that could be achieved, he believes that to mi the safely belt anchorages comoulsory equipment would he ren Wie THREE MAIN PROBLEMS he motor car industry takes the ew that there are three main problems in connection with this proposal. They are Compulsory belts would raise car prices when the industry is trying desperately to reduce cost It would be difficult to make { people wear the equipment if it were provided Strong belts would be useless unle attached to strong anchor. i ARES There is already a considers able campaign to persuade mos torists to instal satety-belts vol. untarlly, Members of the Royal family are backing this cam paign, Princess Margaret, for had instance, has safety -helts fitted in the four cars, including two Rolls-Royces which she uses. She has chosen for them diagonal cross straps similar to those which have been installed by Transport Minister Marples in his ears I'he British Standards Insti tute has already laid down min imum requirements for belts and harness I'wo other problems are caus. ing Mr, Marple those of vehicle excessive exhaust fumes, He vaiting for reports tests which are now heing and has promised speedy hased on the re sults of tests concern, noise and on made action these | haby talk like Katie's, Grandpa Inging "K-K-K-Katie! Fern's mailbox Is wide open for letters from readers, While he cannot undertake to answer individual letters, he will use readers' questions in his column whenever possible and when they are of general inter: esl, Address your letters to Dr, Fern in care of this newspaper, keeps Dr, to them, and can see them as a drag on the economy There is not too much, how ever, that he can do about them The only real weapon available 18 nressure and publicity He has been using this, And the chamber alse has been doing a joh It surprising some of Mr Frost's supporters have not nos tieed his interest and alse chimed in \ knowledgeable argument on the question would he sure to catch' his eye TRENT DEVELOPMENT Probably even closer to the premier's heart, though in a different way, is the development of the Trent-Severm inland water way . It Is close both because it has a great deal of history behind it and also because it goes through his home territory, In asking that press Ottawa to waterway "so that six foot draught throughout--not actually a very task---they couldn't be asking anything that would please him more In view of the great growth in boating the development would well justified as a tourist promotion It is believed here ually a deal may be whereby the province control of the system good the province develop the there can be hig N be that event worked out takes over her hair, he likes her, OTTAWA REPORT By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA ~~ David Pugh, the rookie Conservative MP from Onanagan-Boundary, Aeserves # special vole of thanks for Wis contrition to the new Wriskpess which is apperemt in this session of Padiament, The Howse of Commons seems determined not 14 repent last sasion's marathon boredom, which dragged on from dan, 14 tn Aug, 19 through THT closely printed pages of the of- ficial report of proceedings David Pugh, & barrisier and insurance agent whose chief in terest has been his Jovely family of eight children, was Bol. #8 active politician or enthusiastic spesker when the Diefenbiker fiod swept Wim to Ottawa. But this session, he hes found his tongue, and found that it is not embarrassingly halting, but sin cere and persuasive There were three reasons for the undue length of ast session First: The Government pow is expected to interfere over such an ever-hroadening range of the citizen's private lie that it is swamped with unpre business, The waste and hu cost of the weliare state, finally halenced owt by tex de. ductions and band-outs, would make the subject for a revealing work most The other two reasons have be n repeatedly mentioned in bis column: The unduly proe tracted "question period" pt the opening of each dey's sitting, and the flagrant bre of the rules ecading of long prepared speeches CHAIR TRIES TO RULE Speaker Michener now is some- times cracking down on MPs who ask orsl questions which are pot true "matters of urgent ne- tionsl importance and which shoudl therefore nol he permitted to take up the time of the House But the reading of speeches is still tolerated In this, I return to the topic of the MP from Oksnagan-Bound ary. David Pugh has made three more than pe § this session he last session, and as many & any other hack-hench member, Each has been a val- uable contribution to the debate each has heen a speech, com: posed ps he spoke--not read Fach brief, since most "speakers" find that they con express all their original thoughts in a8 few minutes whereas If a politician prepares a text which he plans to read, he always aris with the ides of fashioning it to fill the maximum permitted time From the eminence of the Press Gallery, raised high shove the Speaker's chair in the House has been of Commons, we see [ar more of the chamber as look down on Parliament than can any MP on the floor. Thus we can note how, when an MP rises and hegins to drone his words from a prepared text, his colleagues wir to gossip with a nelghbor, or take out their notepaper and begin to pen a letter to "My dear Wife," or send a messenger to BY-GONE DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Matthew Bowman and George Parsons were added to the Osh- awa Police Force Daniel O'Donnell, Thornton's Corners, was appointed inspector of work at the Oshawa harbor which was being done by the Thunder Bay Construction Co W. Richardson, Oshawa, won the R. 8, McLaughlin Cup for the west collection of white wyan. dottes at the poultry show Donald DeMilne represented Oshawa .al the Older Boys' Par: lament held at Queen's Park for the new hydro Whithy to Pickering and alter years o Hydro Elegric finfilly I'he poles line from were erected struggle with the Commission, Plekering gol power Board of Education authorized the property commitiee (0 erect an unclimable wire fence at Al bert St. school, an expenditure of $400 Rev. W. PP, Fletcher, pastor of the Christian Church, and Mrs, Fletcher, who recently arrived in the city, were accorded a recep. tion hy the congregation and ministers of the various eity churches Ontario Regiment Band (34th) under the leadership of Bandmas. ter 0. Ganton, presented a cons cert in the Regent Theatre in aid of the War Memorial Fund Members of the Ladies' Auxils lary, Great War Veterans' Asso ciation, were guests of the To ronto Central Branch annual Christmas entertainment Over #00 employees of the Wil. liams Piano Co. attended the third annual concert. D, B, Car lyle acted as chairman: For the Christmas aT keys were retailing at 45 to &0 cents a pound, geese at 20 cents, ducks, 30 cents, and chickens, 3§ cents PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM "Man Held by Reds Phones His Wife in Bath" Headline in the Bangor (Me.) News, It is wonders ed why it was considerew news that the phone rang when the ringee was taking a bath "When 1Tyear locusts mate, the male dies immediately and the female dies after laying her eggs." -- Nature note. So you think you have troubles, Suppose you had to live underground for IT years as an orphan! A little girl possesses atavistly intuition. She knows if a bay pulls No-Note Orator Gains Attention it ad 33° feteh them the file of thelr home LOWE REV SPRpE! COMMANDS ATTENTION But when sn MP rises to Wis feet and begins to orale, there is # tone of liveliness and sincerity in bis voice which is aways THe absent from & reader. Other MPs are drawn by bis tone, and heads bob up in eliention al over the chamber, as we have noticed wien David Pugh begins to spesk ad Thus he addressed the House iil i t it : i: it =2e isi 5% vg + { il §id (Civil Service of Canada) ASSISTANT CHIEF ECONOMIST (university greduste with speciglization in economics, end nary yecrs' experience in economic enalysis), Mationgt Energy Board, Ottowes. $12,» 500-$13,500, For detoils, write to Civil Service Commis son, Ottows, ond ask for information ciraler 60-661 REGIONAL OFFICER, BILINGUAL (with 6 number of yeers of progressively responsible administrotive experience, 6 good rowledge of the Conadion economy end of geners! business f Supply Planning Bronch, Defence $9,940-%11,200 ces), Emergency Production, Montresl, PQ SUPERVISOR, AIRPORT OPERATIONS AND STANDARDS with meny veers' experience in the operation of sirports er Trans ernmentel or military installations $€,120.59,800 dustrigl, g purt, Otte Jitowe PARLIAMENTARY REPORTER (with severg! vears experience of 6 similer cherecie $6,840.87 B60 Court re OF Work eng ston. dardl, The Ottows BILINGUAL OPERATIONS ENGINEER 10 be responsible for operations and meintenancel, Notions! Defence PO. 56,840-87.860. Apply by letter to ommission, Ottawa, Mtention; Functions! Di- of professional qualifications, re- and oddresses of possible construction Ain, 5, J Civil Service C vision, giving full detgl sume of experience and name reference REFRIGERATION, AIR-CONDITIONING AND VENTILATION SPECIALISY, Directorate of Nations! Defence (Army), Ottawg. $6. 840-87 860 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR or LECTURER IN ECONOMICS (with Works Doctor's or Master's degree in Economics), Royel Military College, Kingston, Ont. Up to $7,860. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawn, and ask for Infor. mation Circular 61-200 AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH -- Positions in Zoology, Chemistry, 'Food Technology, Animal, Plant and Soil Science, Research Branch, Agricul Starting selary up to $7,860, For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottews, end esk fo. Information Circular 61-10 Microbiology ture of various centre SHIP INSPECTORS (HULLS) (possession of certificate of com. pleted course in Maval Architecture end extensive satisfac: tory experience, or graduation in Neve! Architecture from o School of Applied Science and a number of years of re. lated proctical experience), Steamship Inspection Division, Transport, Present vacancies Victoria, B.C., and Saint John, MN.B, $6,660-57,680, TECHNICAL OFFICER (to prepare occupational menographs, pamphlets and filmstrips, and othér related matérial on occupations for vocations! guidance purposes), Manpower Resources Division, Labour, Ottawa, $6,420.87,140, STATISTICS OFFICER, BILINGUAL (with many years of ex: perience in adult and juvenile court administration, end o very good knowledge of legislation, policies, procedures and activities in these fields), Dominion Bureau of Statstics, Ottawa, $6,420-37,140 ELECTRONICS OFFICER (with a number of vears of related experience), National Defence (Army), Ottawa $6,000. $6,660 FIRE AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION OFFICERS (with a num: ber of years of experience in fire-fighting and fire preven: tien work), Transport, Edmonton, Alta, end Mencten, N.B $6,000-56,660 TECHNICAL OFFICER (TRAINING) (several years' experience at officer level in the supervision of ships' persennel), Trans: port, Ottawa. $6,000-56,660 STAFF TRAINING OFFICERS (to assist in creation and re vision af, and 10 plan and conduct training programmes for supervisory and management personnel), Transport, Ottawa 55,460-%6,180 and $6,000-56,660 INDIAN ESTATES OFFICERS (university graduates, to assemble data and collect information required for the settlement of Indian estates), Citizenship and Immigration, Qttawa $4 620.35, 160 DOMINION CUSTOMS APPRAISERS AND EXCISE TAX RUL. ING OFFICERS (with university. graduation ar membership in a recognized professional accounting assoctation), Ne $4,560.%5,880 tional Revenue, Ottawa EDITOR editing manu. scripts, laying out copy and reading proofs), Unemployment Ottawa. $4,080.85,160, (with several years' experience in Insurance Commission ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS (with several years of related experience and/or training, and a sound knowledge of electrical theory), National Defence, Ottawa Wireless Sta. tion, Lietrum, Ont. $4,080.54 800 BILINGUAL SECRETARIES (to act as secretary to a highs ranking official, and take and transcribe dictation in both the English and French languages), Government Depart. ments, Ottawa, $4,050-54,500, ASSISTANT EDITOR (with some experience In editing manu. scripts, laying out copy and reading proofs), Editorial end Information Division, Northern Affairs and National Res sources, Ottawa, $4,050.04,500, TECHNICAL ABSTRACTOR (with several years' experience in reviewing, abstracting and indexing technical data, prefers ably of a medical nature), National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, $3,900.$4,500, ASSISTANT CHEMISTRY TECHNICIAN, Radiation Protection Division, National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, $3,750. $4,200 ' TECHNICAL OFFICER ~~ ACCOMMODATION AND LEASING, Property and Building Management Branch, Public Works, Toronto, Ont, $7,500-$8,700 INSPECTOR OF AIRWORTHINESS (with a number of years of experience in manufacture, repair, inspection or mainten. ance of aircraft, several in a responsible position), Trans. port, Toronto, Ont. $5,640.36,180 MARINE SIGNALS MECHANIC (with a number of years' ex. perience in repair of internal combustion engines), Aids to Navigation Division, Transport, Parry Sound, Ont, $4,380. $4,920 Except where otherwise indicated, details and application forms at main Post Offices, National Employment Offices ohd Civil Service Commission Offices, + Employment Sopris ; k h