16 THE O08) OMAWA Times, Vussdey, Becomber 19, 1960 32 Anictes Wented CONTNR waniah, Canaan over Arias wn, oe, (oi, 8 si WASTER -- grt Guide smitorm i, feos saw 4 tn oh pace Ling roe mie. R, BEANE yoatad -- Biats ation, Bow 11], The Ovens WANTED SCRAP WOM, POULTRY AMD FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 lerhinet) 35--Employment Wanted CAV nidently mendes Rowse ors oF Lah La 5 wr BOGHS snd Maw seven owen. B8 Bing tlrest East, mess. Bi dd all snidenid ed dt Fiamen. Woravs. RA & rant wines wivm Y iothaida sed Parting Ail Brent, pdf wa awER, fm i ed ow la "ROW anh hoard RE ataiaiad Appi WAT Rites Rosa both |acequwan smn 1% two sdariy ia rime Ww nitery Rot waiay re ry Kant mi. Mime WAY ager fon shiidrmm Livprn Prive, Bia air RW, Haritsme Wowie, Ress So Eas hoy ddan tioom & Board iad d 58. Fox prices sell men teal wiih IE tar FIA TRER. » ' gentlemen dd Sadat wi Hin Fave lia fron pus " i wlainay Bs pri iagas WR Nhs witli Hom Fricphone MO 38132 tov faethe inloy Aare mation oo Pithout i WHE nh Biman |b YING "A VIS oy Telephone RA 4-464 or BA #1100 AY wre for child, G4 pests oA wpe 9 Spy IW Petros 5 GrR-eehnet #, Witty, MO # 36---Female Welp Wanted ps Md Ld derk wn fawer rises yg' New Year's. Appt peraon. Reed's Florists in Md 44 Went RELIABLE women 1a id urge A home. Mant be fond of oil dean, Wve 8 gre IRENT BR PART AIME cosbier requived fay Gen noha Hotel Cofien Shay. Apply 19 My Mehrthur aller § pm for interview OFFICE sevintani wih mepervisory snd general otfice experience, hart Band helpful, wood typing eesentisl Heply stating quaiibications tg Box V2 flekama wes NEW showroom Tor fernityre aces waries ani RET IOr AREHTRIBE FRBIIIEY 8 ERP E vOuBRE woman 1a Lake charge of the hooks, management, and wing Aus un person to Howard Toner and Interiors, Highway 12 north of Whithy EXPERIENCED GIRL FRIDAY office oi fake complete #r w In Fe a wiki [i i" " Pi pe tar For professional mn woke) er and wyping Must 78 f tatf Grou mie "ar wy open Make proper application to BOX 337 OSHAWA TIMES ' Ap &F pla SECRETARY [i STENOGRAPHER [ii East Fy nr LL Wanted for executive nificigl of large manutacturing Must have short give ~N mpany retarial dutie I; hay o 4 hour graph ding it Vr pe in handwriting BOX 338 OSHEWA TIMI ent f hi | {mix ) We require a mature wo man for part, or full time phone sales solicitation on a commission basis If you are @ college graduate u have a hockground of sales experience or have worked ne a phone switchboard erator, send brief letter and summary of jobs kald te BOX 436 OSHAWA TIMES } If wr lh while iwi 1 iwe 37 -~Male Help Wanted | SALESMAN wanted, experience neces wary. Telephone RA 55006 39---~Agents Wanted Card agents. Sell selection of personalized | pn, Over 80 eards to choose |)" Fle Hon | NIX No {RA | #78 hi Oan f reetin Yom your free nd lide WEN Plancant outdoor work #60 31 per hour No experiens any Write Hawleigh's, Dept 4005 RWichelien, Montreal vd 41--~Room & BOARD and roam, wniiable eentral, close gentlemen newly decorated nheon Tannery wphone RA 5.0315 383 Annis Stree! ROOM and board for one or two gentle men, with private hath, parking, very gontral, RA 3.0434 for further Informa Hon GENTLEMEN hoarders English apeaking home eall after 4 a'clogk. RA Drew Blrest FOR two men, willing to share, single beds, alse bed - sitting room, private hath, heavy duly rafge, sompletel nell Soniained A two girls, business couple, RA & ROOM and board for gentlemen, in pri vale hams, Central, good home eoaked meals, Lunches packed. Home privil spes. Telephone HA 5.0848 and roam for gentlemen, thiee| fram four earners. Home cook Aver neces sinvv for twal Skinner's Tel Wanled Pelephane 57086 or n or Mi nd roam, slose te North GM |, home Soked Meals hloek bus; Telephone RA 4-3 Lert THREE FRI AREER oy WH conveniences, BA RINE wr 4 Wind Telephone BA LOKI Inv " Form jenene rieetrietty FOR RENT [lr fie [APARTMENTS PLER IFURNISHED irnished droams ROOM to downtown and General Motors sult wih letting dn ROOM brick HhTaue dai whine 14 did rams 67 wale Ary ew ay ¥ Aniline 790m Snel ORE for rent sireet, ssl aniighed Barmy shoR Lu Lu ROM wentially CRB AYER Rk RENT ow, Min » na Fin wl. wh. VP ingle PREM G & . vi twa for rnd single prey ine ating r RARE large ranch hed garage. Dew mth. Phone EVEMAES KH FRI Om ae nl, yale valine das AVERiie BY lie new Shap piel KA bh 1 Bbsahnod In VEN enetion Bb mirror, $16 COLUMBUS oil furnace Telephone oe hing Rlow Hees SHB | an yen HA le ¥ moder Guelph blreet manthly pintment newly Acer fim slo cinherger " RA mam 1 allable in hou Available for 1 foot Sissel East " # King sll eonven sted near hus and in Street | EIGHTY oom hick home dition, close ta hospital TL Immediate po Millen Healtors for vent Phone Aven with 15, #8 Broadview house ¥ ho seanion i eve hung eral Motors, ne Janiary | HOOKLIN fon bedrooms, heavy available ase telephone OF Cal roam house for furnace. #7 $0052 for further MONTHLY sn, attached all heat Immediate Cou oop Alma Street arr men nea Ld wll eonvemencrs wid Wing Blreel BEAUTIFUL rent ie ng alow wp HA nouse hungalnwe WA 41652 Row Nasuu Street [4 --Tiouses For Rent THREE WIRE RIABLE mother will Eve Boy 5818. pints, wilatie Ine cog idewn. Telephone | RA id FHREF i al acai side iri Apply 9 Omtarin Steet, Ovkaws children wei H FL comed gost to shale, Wms #6 dow LL RA BAL. Apwte Tid hive Avene thine i" wilwine " apartment slose Lo Pee FRA auphinaine wr Iee atlwide dani x AITATR | business HA 34048 alter & pm ing low, #il ented 4 hed son "ew ink man # ne RA $4050 FERNISHED room willabie toi CKIRE Mwntiave hor som. (rari HA Bin whive's home with rable HA A log ution Birds Assnciates Jad H-eonmtained nee, lannd ir phone I~ BAS ex, honees Plas ol HA Henin trey paved Arive Irae Jah alte hanise on nil, RA bx rom hon! ie far newly I n Wri 1 k hun bys welenme rated const and threes # 17044 Int Ph large mmediate residential inter months bin fishin in t ences shoo TT Appl all heating KA B.1878 e, Toronto twa baths ise 0 RA ing LR) nw decorated I HA 8ATI6 0 0am wiring fi Stren # Sink am location Frome COVES Apply Wi ent wr pear Park Rowd Avene wn apartment. fo avail "i Ahstainers and hall decorated Heal ehioals Far LLL] ine for Also Apply three heated #1 exeelient gon I'l jon, Winse Bian »l wrile close close to south Avail aftny house IV outlet Ahstainers VABAE for informa rent particulars five ET tice TU ranm three on Appl NEW STORE FOR RENT A ample rice FOR ele 1,500 parking Pa New ited in | Modérate rant available Enger building quare feet 295 Sin Phone RA B-1296 SPACE RENT at Centrally nt Lease wit THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. | WILSON # 850 manthi Telephone hriek hed Highwa 10% Phone RA 3-3474 WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT Large three room furnished sell contained front meni. very central Telephone 18] FOR SALE -- Plano, in good condition, [us reasonable. Telephone MO A 8807 after les IN pm AP FOR RENT Apartment the three roamed self contained he basement, available January | 107 Keith Street. MO 437% FOR RENY two headroom building), parking alsa three bedroom house art heated laundry in Apply apartment velviger Ries MO §3a0) (apartment | (e nN aut me TWO weeks free venl, windern apart ment, twa bedreams, living voam, kit chen bath, near Highway 101. Par ap pointment HA S385 FOR RENT furnished roams. chen, reivigeratar a anil water supplied #1 Palace Sreet THREE bedroom bungalow wice location, Whithy S478 between § a TYPEWRITERS Apartment, we nipely | 108 sitting seam, kit wave heal Private entrance for veal, CA and 5 pm fs arrived New| 0 and usea, $8 Midtown Used Pumiture, [FOR RENT MO Ba Christmas trees Wa Dundas 11 Broek North SCOTCH Fine | Servies me fri Wilde Hh Street Thies Bedroom howe eam and roamy Kitchen dining area, attached gay FOR RENY large with Ade CLEARANCE to: Between now and New Your We ave clearing our used | stack, al new low prices. Retvigerators | $19 ub; heavy duty staves, $19 ap; WN television #89 up: ohesterfields $18 up sepossessed Dedronm witless. lke new. | New five pecs chrome sulles, 337 85 Terma avaliable Aidlown Fumiture, 0 Bish Sheet. North. MO 4) HOLIDAY Special stave {FOR RENT mates an Green ght [Two ment huilding shopping Please phone MO! aratars ticle un: BEPFTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary new MO | Chestnut West tanks installed Phon do the driving Downey Cab, M ARTRENY na 88 Team, heavy Pelephone RA §3314 FOR WENT Apartment January 1st op betare, stare Amn close vale eniraos, i MO § aa winter side work A al reasonable ooling and insulation Whithy, MO ane hed roam heate parking ¢ id boy faves Midtown MO § 48a) Ll] 150 skab Fur ma Larg with N ot nt Age ) Bh piee {FOR SALE = Tilaek am gardens Call MO & FOR RENT cabin tailens skill saws ™ Title nt 1418 Dundes § apar Quiek Apply M8 High Sho Furnished montha during mid OAR be Walter Ward i MO 83863 a ty Pariment duty wiring hours Way a Lat lent serv huilding ark $60 monthly, available December | Thies and Soup roamed Arking om with especiable home done hy ates. Free ding Phi) ren apartments fl clase to Wt val A os niture Harper Hiro furniture almost m * iw 0 Whiihy MO 8.322 henry Aly " RIWIRE saan ty ate da Ja al The hath and entrance hi HA Hh087 nished {mediate | I {a |SELF oontained three room apartment | Btreet [COURTICE | spells, | skilled | PTH savestrough. | EH] DARTS fog apart | sohonly, win |LARALLE Br iy of & Flots [44--Houses For Rem ion WONTRLE for %, saniewiy | atan. newly Aen RE SE fry ARETE E Wl Beth and yi FWO-ROOH Fors eh apa mEnt, ren Rn fn BORETINERL With hath. FF, close to BGM, sore wd ae st) Avaiiatie 156 of Joma y Wermnerges door Gaby welsome. Telephone RA Fapltaor, BA Bois Col Hens #8844 RA $7244 Wah ini WERE tring iinw foe Lone nd 12 LEM rata ante LA apen, Wath, Wove, reirgessimy Wath, svn saati tamity ---- her if Aesived. Besson Font, Tutt Tosement, Renameie rant, 0 BA 83405 for mone Iniormenon | "e300 a 85 WOSTWLY ~ (Rees - room Bint, o0 SPECI, weit contained fas - room Boye Street, west of Centre | contin] RaRrtinent good ination, retegeror, # win fies cups ide save metuded, TY owtint, penty of Telephone KA § Wik ¢ Possssvion - Jum) br BA wong nis lows room nent, post | yl mehed including Hove rr TWH - bedenom fee Sad Borage 1ov frigarator. swiame Toy ioe "re pot ant i Whithy, clase 16 shoe and tsinass copie. Telephone RA 34873 BRapnE Contr. Gined 18 BReky ef Vit many Feleghime RA » FERuisHy Wo a ed gant amt, FIVE a Bits enaiosed PEER, 06 moniing. WA omy, Rew REAR, Wy King y scar yaih, reasmaiie rent. 20 frwy. | POF ERNISHEN ten Avene, BA S211 pr BA S80. HERE, Ki FRABRAINE FOUR room Wngalow mi hasied, Hid 81618, ani y Imig ine wie pre shi THO furnished ov 4B Grarson Street fo y 4 or iene ileus tddlsnadrad REFIHRTRIN 1158 EVE In Lr 4 Centre, Suro0m oad wh Fania fngalon, » Liaise A Li od {19% HEE vor mam mim THkER igre THAARER rong And SER Ait or, Weated, § mimes a A0Rriown Fant wring, adits. #15 4 HA HOWERE sia viom mason, com § vies plete with recreation mom ME Bev . } bre piace hathsnonm, Garage and on WOWERKE lows room sonriment, ner chased patie, . bmedints possession, SHORE ERIE; FRINGE OE, HOVE Teiaghone WA 51608 LL cis d LL) Jerking. Avaliome vel +4979 or $HI9i 5h WONTILY, sone hoes, forth of = af Wewlonviiie, wi modern sonveniences, FOUR room apartment Ble fioors, oi heating. Telephone BA al location Gri ie Bis for more lor mation atl He ulimn HE serme and (CENTEALILY (nested SEFRENS smmetiate BEATLES Rlactiiemily PARE 86) wna 805 mentily A ed tor HA i156 Cal Ld Ld KORYER January | ONE MONTH FREE RENT kept Len "pe hw wiey "past Rad thie Aa ak. TV mile HAV REE sphere Hive Birast wma wn large mod CHI ENE, FARRER oA Washing mucins hia wot ire Al 7 WE tiled hath, con-| entrances My RA 5996 ton hedenmr Fe I Weiniwrier Rey Mrs. rene Wetn Feminn rier Rowae Aer aed Veleimane hn newly on Whithy wanyitie, # wy wil iia Breet room Rouse in Bow ences, close 1a spt Apiy Ti Likesty apartment bath PL wl tii Shopping Centre vate foath, warkin SECOND, Wack fr LU roams #0 Pr) 1112 Stevenson Kowd Fiiey ed 1 waht f Spear Aawn pra bath with p " art "oh ' ay a apart wire ople wilipnes fe hint Ho sekenping mom erirance parsing LU i" ot Albert YHEES able One oy Sire { wi One -tedroom petiesshy ny a fu hed spp fies mw we FO " nent «men Apply r meer . ten ehildres Street East apartment building coed len laundry faci paved MO 8-4770 A4A--~Apts, & Flats For Rent three room Rel EORLaIned dont ent on street level, love and re tar supplied. Central local HA h876 arking tin new br Arver, tele #pErtme # ada retry antenna HIRE ' 4 f py pas ed | nee nntense Aven i" Motors hented four tet we hedronm wanting ta sublet ve, refrigerate Fun het NEW three apartment manth Aviilahie LE why Fann 8 Makars Mulngs Road TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Cony Genern EFTOWN fier i Ca Tela phone THEEE fie P tw snd hall nience distro nd 9 " adits between 11 an fom HA 47808 roam apartment ground fans with fiath duty cable, TV clase ty BGM, one shild welcome rhane HA 80079 FRIVATE » pies A private pr antens Tele in 0 Ll mn, Mew build Git # Ir . or without lease LLOYD REALTY RA 8-5123 Oshawa's Finest 2 Park Lane Apts, stment, three rooms seri Adults, App GROUND Noor four - room apart ment, slave and refrigerator, heat, light | and water supplied. Also two-car Nealed | garage. Telephone RA 5.7088 well furnished raion, lnundry fae suitable far on " Apply 18% FON Apa rtmen ential gentlemen or strael East CENTRAL two rom apartment laisse warm, private, hot water hepled reasonable rent. HA 3.9211 or RA 52556 FIVE spurts heated, good | stion, parking a hus. Appl | CONTACT DON HOWE shartment, pri wie heavy duly wiring | REAL ESTATE 67 KING ST, § RA 5-7732 private hath and entrance, B~Rooms For Rent glecirie range, continuous Ample parking, Telephone ONE large unfurnished room, ahle vent" 26 Vrinee Brest ATTRACTIVE ladies "ath ARGH BEDROOM ARGE 2 BEDROOM BACHELOR THRE nam forth of apartment eavy dut walep ORY hot HA FULLY. furnished apartment, Including slave and refngerstor, elo, In new ir plex, nies location. 808 Colborne West, | Whithy, MO #8378 44 BEARONABLE (hiss entranos, hath wiring, TV Children weleoms apart pentral antenne Vacant mom nent, private arking, heavy NOM clean furnished wed: roam, cents, Kot water, spring mat | trend, parking, 14 Elgin Slrost East RA 5.8007 | BINGLE furnished heated voom furnished room with small kitchen, [of telephone, central. 180 Bruce room apartment, PAMIY Ur |g Gin SHER Taoma, 05 per week (Ten twirroam apartment, ene |g Co hone RA §-gRha girls or couple, 80 Elena BE ya Li WEI ROOMERS go somiartable| reams, single hed i Colborne Est, KA 34882 CENTRAL location, housekeeping roam Telephones. KA 5:0781 for further infor {mation THREE Vile ald wiring THREE oom modern apartment and entrance, newly foe floor, parking, hes NO Motors. HA 59087 hath ground near bus alan use or oon HA room apartment, heavy bulltdn cuphosrds and water supplied, $55 monthly Raval Street or RA 8.1155 Newly decorated (heee-room spat ment, private entrance, hath, eaptin: (CENTRAL location, samfortably fur. | uous hot walter. Two children weleame. |nished single bedroom for clean, ve | 417 Oshawa Boulevard South HA speetahle person Apply ¥7 Omtarie! ETT] Street | avall THREE large roams, newly decorated (ATTRACTIVE. furnished rooms Houd wine Avene THRE wiring heat pl duty sink Ap we velriggrator and stove, clase to hus and (gbie in private home 88 Park Nin ion, HA 88044 or |Novth, 8-7 pm. RA #867] GIFT suggestions vight up "M1 Christ [mas wre made in the Gilt Spobie Classified, Shop through It dally and refrigerator. New hullding. Im |#ave yoursell a lot of running around possession. Adelaide West HA TWO b hirlght single rooms, furnished App i nla West Ply Janitor, 380 Adelaide We housekeeping privileges, near hospital IN BOWMANVILLE three large And hus, continuous het water, 387 room modern heated apartment, hard. | Kingadale Avenue. HA §6387 wond and tile floors, centrally lenated adits, 868 monthly, Telephone RA |WOVSEREERING room 1974 for more (Rfarmatian od, for gentleman aniy CDURY mam 4570 ral sated Sabet: [NICELY firnished single room iH for lady ar #enileman Apply bum Street. HA 3.9970 GROUND floor pr vale furnish rooms, he ated, Oshawn, A and ¥ App View Bivd TWO furnished housekesping roofs hedroam and kitchen with refrigerator parking space. Apply 166 Agnes Sireet SLEEPING room, across fram North er plant, Heal for General Motors work ern, all onnveniences, ample parking Bl} ean h ales RA 403 Alhert | ONE furnished i Apply 333 Arges four-room apart rande, electrielty and ONE Hollywoad Kltehen, twa | man, pri sun a1 monthly, HA BA806, | hill Hiv FURNISHED two roam apartment, ONE single room, close in hospital, Well equipped Kiteh near Hoth End, en with vefrigerator, vankette. RA town. Sultable A548, 135 Figin Wast A-Ra52 THREE rooms, tile floors, self-contain [THREE unfurnished plean rooms, suit eid, private entrance. Apply B67 Park [able for business couple, abhstainers lane Avenue elose to hus slop. feniral Apply #7 APARTMENT [FURNISHED room business girls or laundry Prisiieges Large two-bedroom. alectrl pally equipped, use of washer and dryer free, in new pwntown RA 5.0058 OLE AN comioriable Rousskesping ment building, near Shopping Centre. Apply 3 Mens |roam for gentleman, in nies home, oui trave Ave, Apt. | er 3}, HA H-6008 BRAND new apartments, twe hed hwadloom throughout, drapes, LUTE nleely furnish Apply 548 Bim RA $4478 Three full LE tient allahle Telephone suitable 18 203 Chad trance J lose ta Nonh 2 Orohay With complete bathroom; ane or wo children welcome Ogoupaney November 137 Rosehill Bivd GROUND floor, threesroam unfurnish ed apartment, private entrance and range; alsa two ream furnish tment, Apply 790 Simone, Street MONTHLY eompletely heavy supplied three room private very wiring, hot water ani with i Apply 588 rieity lovely voom for single beds, Albert Street two gentlemen, central loeation HA A308 lovely furnished room for gentle. vale home, Apply 44 Fern RA #1070 good bed, 86 weekly, convenient ta dawn: | for gentleman, RA conking supplied porches sultable nurses close for two refrigerator | to hospital apart tral, near hospital, North General Mo tors and bus Apply at 1 AFIgin Street East ™o bedroom stove, aw Ll furnished housekeeping rooms and Kitchen, refrigerator, PArkLAE space, sential ta down | 136 Agnes Streel ROUND floor furnished roam, eon us hel water Simone Street A, vlase to Houdaille and Werner's [Te Ae phone RA 3 Tear [LARGE clean light housekeeping voon suit gentleman, central Telephone na RL) SINGLE ar double ream. salt ladies or{ gentiomen. Use of Kilohen and washing machine, continues hat walter Tele Phone HA 18% ATTRACTIVE newly od eam. warm and gentleman eoaking sies Parking apace $1000 for information FURNISHED two reams Also furnished single holise ! v gidalve. path oh Apply WW Centre RUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS edroom Apartments trically equipped, best tion $100 Apply Simcoe St. North, Apt RA 8.84746 APARTMENT IMCOE AT ROSSLAND stove yal $100 MONTHLY RA 5.3302 ONE MONTH FREE RENT jern one Aparime $185 hest opr RA 8.8676 elec loca 498 decorated furnish comiortahle Sai and hame privil Telephone RA Five ms refrigera private en Ira Ned Ring a ne We asonabhle Street SINGLE ron far 16 share Willia phone RA S04 {ONE furnisi od Fousekeening Rewly decorated clean, very {Ap AS Awl Siresl Bast ¥ RA 3a FOO A oUTner Tele ane gentleman 0 ingle heads ad Mary Streets Toa stare roam | | central | ar Mo and two i : h General Motors 147 Brook Street {maven gentlemen, sin Ww on parking ast for more hed near Apply infer un location Y oy al » (45--Ras! Esters for Sele Immatiain possession, ILARGH oie ov Feet Maden then IBERGALOW riak iow, Wr mn ow, ng, oi Resting, Reni Ancor plan, ma 416% W Rn of rg Br Ry Drive re wi iui Bi aad anvewny. Tele .oroms dsiasnad sin OWE, C78 month "IROVELY two spurtment hoes ww 8999 5 new home 1% Whitty ng int Saarfics, WA BAHL PRIVATE SALE Bewall, Brower, Pickerng hela MODERM $1500 DOWN Tiree ®edroe ROOM HOUSE large ot ferced E15 shoots, hopping ping, ws service. Meny err filed bam, oloumirnum tras, Completely landecoped ond screens. | Cwrigr translerres fA B $12 TROY RA E5245 LEASE " WW " LLOYD REALTY rnin " IST With LLOYD THEM CALL YOUR MOVER MORTHWEST AREA DOWN $2,000 DOWN Buys this 7 year old aom built home pared Wve "ay y decorgred throughout. BHA. mertgege Corres $BE.00 imerest princion!l and taxes. For more formation call Jim Cruik shanks ot RA B-512 brick ngs lew fir pace storms sar vies lose te Poy rer oe - baying broom | ame time own home Gil service Fo call com mation fp AMOR REAL ESTATE LTD $65 MONTHLY Carnes interest grid 128% prncipel on broom bnck and stone bungalow, Close to wchools, park 45% interest rare. Full price $12, 800 RA 5.02 Two bedroom stone bung for bus YL £9 i LLOYD REALTY LIMITED REALTORS 3123 FAB RA 8.5125 SIMCOE ST EAB 7144 alow, ranch, with big gar- 101 H y Tat vo EW 10 Cher roiet Wacarse, r 1" hi fp 08 whi CREYRMLET Air ABER 17 ROH SEH #8 rng rimdition. For forther 1 PII aTE, (Ha nape WA & 1484 od "an 3 vy tiene, » prim 'or est oles. W9 Figin Speer Wen Winder fai Komatie. Power yaa IR ad terme aveiiiie Aan Wr wwas, how BA pean, YA pron ay Many FI AR # - aoe TWO wrecks, 1997 Chey, WH front, new motor nd Box pew Bens 19% Fond Fuiviane, wader Reritoy, Viruog pone. bow milenge. Prices as 8, Efe , SVT%; Ford, S908. Witiioy Maier! BA So0vi © WASH Wiatropiien Fortin #5 TH fists. gaami 15 # AAT Atlan, priveie. Can be fds 5 per month. WA 400% from § 10 § v.10. ony 10s WONARER (udev heavily, folly PRs epi pah, hE Ret, 1aity thaw BARA AE HIER ie ey a Bast after. WA § joe POSTIM a an # "hs iad, Fada, wheri Maan, boy lone ois, {iow hin, Wow oom Eanaion Co) Had fists LLEs Ve FAGEAR 1.4, white, immecilpte Leondition. Yiu. Was io hw seen 16° be | mpire pled. Apmis #8 Arisston Ave a frshami MW OMERCERY # Hawi priced hel ton g rtytueli Look Freinphtione Whithy {tor further partisan i 148 obiles W {LAKESHORE Aun Wreckers ears for winking. Highest priass a BA 518i (WANTED A He WiEl, Wnder cost led 51 or "M1 GME: wlan Go Bart less [mtorr Dave, RA 31808 trek, wg TRAIAN) MO Bs A ut, age, oll heated. BS by 200, good garden land, Whitby MIERORIVE two dour ust he sid ne repsmaiie offer re ed. Telephone RA 42781 BEAONIITIONED molar and 19 1 he tires, readin, ete 4 wi We Hunter direst EREVYROLEY, twa fans, blue, ier Fadia privale sule MO BS216 Lar mare parley (4 Pickering town of Mame your pa line just north new oF $s I brige on 401 ( down payment full price is for sale oiler thes 1045 Chevrniet aondition. hes $9850 for fur ALIETATE W per went mal BEry 542 La perl oles én Tele phone imbormation Auta Insurance. B Bix months io jee ot your home $12,500. No agents. Call MO B-B734 . wp JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE 167 SIMCOI RA 5-6544 00 DOWN $500 | Nay se raeied mee roby Avs, with new DESEO, VA wn eondition Telephone RA 951 AND it radia, heater diarvis Sirestt |W VOLRSWAGEN sun top, four new tires | #fley HA Bins 54 PLYMOUTH ellen running euslom readin avaliable. Hilllep radia, lly equip 4 VLR witer § po Fonliae, $160 and & RA 06784 or apply Al « LL J 5 Lon wagon wondition, new trade considered pe Motors, RA B69 +] YING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS OSHAWA Wilsen Read) Res ph/4 Bl 4 9 OY forced air oil 3 pc. bath, toze $65.00. Wilson Rd 5 rooms with addition 3 room house at rear; new oll furnace, 4 pc. bath. Both are vacant and open to offer Call Jack Appleby, RA 5.6544 3-3398 HOME with [1] We furnace onl £ YL th 607 KING §1 Gust Eom RA 3.4494 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST W al nr of +] STORY room, two attached with all equipment for but cher shop; oll buildings in ex cellent condition, Why ne pect today; call Anthor RA 5.6544 $2,000 storey brick, ste f in ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES - BENZ DKW ALES AND SERVICE 408 KING W.,, OSHAWA RA 5.7132 Member of Gshawg and District Real Estate Boar 45--Reol Estate for Sole H, GOLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER BOND ST, EAST DOWN $500,00 DOWN 8 rooms In Immaculate condition, A heme you can move night inte and not have to spend any money on repairs or decorat The full price is. only $6,000.00 with lew menthly pay Don't delay, eall for inspection DOWN $500.00 DOWN Soom briek bungolow, with 3 bedrooms, - Li Park Road North, The house Is vacant and vou can have im mediate possession. Asking price $10,800.00 and the house is 2 years old INCOME HOME BROCK STREET FAST i ms, close ta north General Mot plant. A house vou can live in free and have pads of income from roamers. I health forces the present owner to sell. This is a sacrifice sale HIBBERT STREET rooms with garage, A well kept home in @ ner Is leaving Oshawa and wants a quick price $9,500.00 and a low down payment is all aul red $7,500 FULL PRICE Very clean six yearn old bun galow, nicely decorated, with full basement and heating unit. Madern bath and kit chen, Open to offer, Call Bill Ratcliffe, RA 5.6544 RA B.516] ing ments an cated glose to goad wile that legality Asking LUI b VERDUN ROAD Has two self-contained apartments, with new In very ated condition, The house is $10,500 with a low down payment of 2-storey brigk forced alr all furnace vacant and the price Is $1,000.00 Scroom frame house with 31% acres of land 2 miles west of Brooklin. This property is good for V.LA. Asking $6,500.00 LIST WITH US FOR FAST ACTION After 6 P.M RA 5.64782 John Penicka S.SNELCROVE CO. LTD 43 PARK RD. SOUTH V4 STOREY HOME WITH AN INCOME Narth is ection af City culate om brick and stone just @ few vears old, 18 ft living room, ultra modern kitchen with tiled walls, 2 good bediooms on main floor, large complete ly finished 25 ft. room on nd toor for income, forced air with ail heat in torms, TV. antenna, nicely lands aped Asking $15,500, with terms, Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or RA 5.4142 evenings call Mike Dubyk, RA 8.5141 Sam Goldstein RA 8.5690 mn 51 FOR SALE OR RENT Modern stare and apartment, large ior, oil heating, carport, centrally Call Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810 $795.00 DOWN Wing ner South display located on Simcoe St WE, Rew 4 bedroom brick | home rally cated, large musien kitchen: oil heating, garage. Asking $10,900 "Call Keith Peter RA S-R74) or RA 5.4142 svening INCOME BUNGALOW al hee us 3 modern kitchen with he ent amething extra basement kitchen with she it large apartment 1 piece hath L BET b ful Ww brick 1] mained 3 duly ove cable ¥ full price af only $13,000 Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810 Paci ¢ bung Ow y ie room Vy aden al local Whle Wi payment all Le } 1s or Sale Coll Keith Pater four 60 ft, lots, $43.00 pes RA 5.8741) VALUE tout, $1,000 RA 5.4142 PLUS down per 1 svenings aM With a Martyn 9 $ and RA Mad salling inspect a ¢ Dy 13-9810 and ask for Ce 1120 47 Automobiles For Sele | harfiog ! one HARI KA Cash or hest condition, | Velephone | on | tires, | &rma GARAGE STATION i575, COM IN LP HOUSTON'S AND SERVICE BRAKE SPECIAL AAKE SER MOTOR Tirif GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING 57 RA 3.7822 CASH thas AMD HA Ww WW ar cle up MACKIE' A KING 57. E YARCOE'S RD. RA 5-5743 CASH FOR YOUR CAR Trade Up or Down Faid Off ! rode Liens WILBAK MOTORS 137 King W. RA 50732 SPOT CASH PAID FOR 00d clean cars. Trade or down. Liens paid aff RODD MOTOR SALES 114 PARK RD, § RA 3.9421 ---- A -------------- 50-~Articles For Sale AWNINGS, plain enlors or §ay snipes. Prompt service, Free estimates now for early delivery, Chair apd table rentals. Cleve Fox, 418 Simeone North YACTUM repsirs ull m pe parts, all Brushes, gullian teed rebiiit machines. Estimates free Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ber HA BAOB01 anytime Beaver Jigsaw, 18 inch Telephone KA 5-9695 up cleuner shment On dition CHRISTMAR week special, 80 per vent {off on typewriters, new and used; |veginters, adding machines (desks, fling cabinets, RA 81311; {pings RA $4404 RTOCK taking sale [od hath sein, §i0; Jel [show er cabinets, S38; stainless ati) bo and cabinets; Bunhesm Mix (water) piping and fittings (all kinds) vee gilt with every purchase. Chinn's Ht Taide and Park Road, KA 37088 = ORDERS taken for storm anshes, wood or aluminum, free sstlimales, terms {Fhone RA 34686 FREEZER, Westinghouse right, only four years ald #365 or hest offer. Flokering, LRN) APARTMENT size now reduced to $685 for only! These are ow planas hy the makers of Risch, Busy terms, Barons' nishings, 484 Bimeos South FREE with this ad, rubber hesls or {its with syery. pair of hall soles re paired men's or ladies, time limited, | |Bhoe Berviee, 486 Bimeoe Street South next to Barons FUR coat, Mouton, dark brown, length, sige 14 to 16, In good condition Reasonable, Telephone RA 8-80 FOR RENT Television sets sun lamps, de humidifiers, regard player ete, Meugher's, 5 King Street West BARGAINS on new Inglis Abpiiances, washerdryer, two units $585.85, frigeraiors 8180.60; Inglis dryers Ly R166 60; vanges 8150.50 and wp, fully automatics golfer tables $8.80, WH B6410 Alas Bargain Centre, Harwood Avenue, on No. # Highway | Goon refrigeralol furniture all fully guaranteed, ors and parts, vent parts for dryers WH 36410. Ajax Bargain Centre, Har wood Avenues on No. § Highway | SKATES, new and used, sold and ex phanged, Largest selogbion | Dravion's Cyele, 304 Bond Street ¥ $10, ENCYCLOPAEDIAS, worth volumes World Atlas, 12 World's Great Ate, with hookease. Like Al son ove system, LU lar up Hi price TEmple | planos, rel, S798, limited time} full keyboard Mason and Home Fur used SIZE oll space healer, Hx. eellent condition, Telephone MO 84153 after six THREE ROOMS of furniture, only bi-44 This includes chesterfield, chrome 1, bedroom suite, mattress, spring, and ooffes tables, houdoly an HAH lamps, pillows, ele. $85 down felivere "Guaranteed hest value!" IN Home Furnishings, 44 Simoes Press uth TAPE pecorder sale, In perioet phone RA 8-5 BARGAINS Wi mierophone for 60, Tele: with ¥ esondition, orators 830 and up) washing machines $18 up; electri stoves 830 pi hed chesterfield and chair 830; five plece bedroom sulle S60; vacuum cleaner $18; chain saw 864; hrame set $25 heds, single and double, Ti sowing machine, portable, $88. All lapplisnces are In good condition. WA #1181, Community Furniture, 18 Prince Street LARGE visions fitees aver Rimens North selection of reconditioned tele: Must clear now at the law Parkway Telavision, ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS We Sell the Best and Repair the Rest Replacing Glass, Screens FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE JIM ELLIOTT RA 3-2866 Variety of 15" ear wheels $1 each, also body solder ete frder| three-piece klar | | Colonial 45--Real Estate For Jou 147 --Automobiles for Sele (50---Asticles For Sele (50--Articles for Sole vind Farmitian Bindi saa wid; 7: Ws am Naisienarren radi WA 6 BP, wh ke lenan RET RRITATH frig ORD luis, , WE sen. A pe. dng P Tiras Wns East, wet BOHR uu sKRAT sont, wis VAS, % fry ananfiani lope | sieghione Wh IH 74 Fi for Portier | GLE CTYRINONE, REE Vitor, Mowe re finest in TY, Wifi spd service, ol (4adin sf aihow winks ai Vaikn ay ol lt Ve i, 998 Nimans Street Novil, 16. ne sont, sis 18, $15. Color TY on Meghey (BELLING furniture? We'B buy #. Re a sass, 9 and ww. Inger sans js dd A 4 »: Wich "Bones, BA SAN Hes, #a lop Shols plier con i Tet Rioters, iv eral on wosh, 18 10 Pence Sgueh. Phone Wh 4119), goles WE gor Widest prices In the oly lop Pry MAL 's sed Furie dia fe vw Blave, BA 3 i, 444 Somese Sst, BANKRUPT sock of Widens shoes, Gamera Wn foi selling #8 only us Dame brands, [dei wiht rags Wale, WiAtwn A fas Asin RA 1908. | {he or rr North, Withy ihaty esempege, #5 RA 50643 | DP RIGHY wana, KIRA IA FAA How yng wudent MERERAT fur cont, Init length, Banal wR By mies Res. (| og Tener B RA S8048 airy for #h by me ariel a sole, ING 19 of ips atid A must be anid bry Beturdpy bd {hone RA 54998, ZENITH Transtar sadior 0 $15, Alee oes AM for o radios Rowhor | Wesgner's, ' Kine inst West ¥ |£amy Inloder. ater, 9 golion. Yard hare add 3 a SL Charsh Brent, JA 3 oli --- ' Rad oni Hires, hal #ors, lela BA 54548, na anle, Just Hike 1% Chureh machines Fool milton, adding office chiles LU ay terme, Barons' Home Furnishings, Wi Simeone South o PIAND. apartment sles, excellent eon dition, lovely walnut Hnish, price $350 Telephone KA 5-700) for further infurm ation ANSFORMER, n electric traini also movie eamers, we 8-77, 185 walt, for mm Keystone years old | ¥ BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS BOATS FIBRE GLASS BOAT | COVERING KITS | Brass screws, anchor fost | nails, Boats repaired, painting and varnishing, Mater store LEROISE sour Rew warn Wi from Slinsan seinstion of Elestishome, (7A bane ad hes ot Parkway Tolevionm, inhi oi laapacr 11599 0/7 i» wood _Bimeos Both condition. Telephone Mer 59046 tor fur: | ERED jake di Fad ther nine m ation of uA wor J hthers, ELECTRIC sui wopl, Wack i, » sell or He Toiephone RA 39897 Ine mars mioema. tion WEAVY duty Aeluse Mollst range vE&ry Bd KRM On, Bien TRREFIE will sell very rensonalic. Apply TIS Glad shame Avemue Pian Flavor £4 Kaeon Hon and oth $n 1riah y efi Ap pa, (ELECTRIC rau repaies, © ¢ finds, coras, ole. for oil makes of AU ie Firs, (ast service, Mesgher's Kine Syast Nitoh BA 804th TRE OARIST an Soe, y boys, GONE, smimnmiion #04 NT BIL cobpment hunting sappies. Sarre piles, new ond used, Lens Fens apihanees by Bunhesm, The finest w dawn. Dominion Tie Rh Eiectemhome Wik) record players; bie Breet Went RA 54% cycles, barhecues and lawn [FINAL week liawidntion seis, S500 mowers. Budgst terms. Dominion The slack must 8, Backner choles, Hamid Sore, 46 Bond Street West wion price ik; brosdioom sekiier x ts Dow nd sure, $1; tit Nght Moi foviancer ts @ivision of Hiner temp values 16 $10.55, Higridat Market, Hampls 4 bi pion. A romplets ne of HA ofr Hhetts, ey oy PA ot hard lo best priess. €O KIO 88; kindergarien seis $309; broed ina carpet, ThEgs, B = 8 only $35; piel WANDMADE ladies' purses, wallets, fur rockers $29; arboriie lop desks bells, kesvpons, ols deni Chiistings 995; floor eoverings, reduced Grom gifs. Car radia, under Assh type, $00 wi. Jonk rth mattresses " ier RA BAdkh. Varene's Rond Sosth Hoh Hauidation #95. Wilson Furpl ELECTRIC sew 2 ' 3 Ing mach 14) {tare Co, BW Charen Street new eieetent gis possi Magda 4 THis the end! Last week of our cslly new, 144 bass, beautiful tone. Both Hawidstion seie! Fen piece WvIng room ressunashie. BA S297. drm includes davenpurt and miteh artwrite enfiee and sep | F HIRE Morn > {ahies table Temp and shade, hassock \STI68 BE EInELOr Tels {ana magazine rack, two wall §ictures Vision. Thiity Budget P) Places complete $148 ITIEen (OFFICE, store snd restaurant equip on. bedroom ensemble, lovely Mr. lent. We by snd sell, new or veel and Mre Adresses, large chest Daokanss | Easy terms. Anything in trade. BID hed, ribbon springs, spring filed mal Hamiton, Ashinrn, Brookiis tress, two fokm pillows, ten houdelr | Hr ------ lamps wd shades, thige wall Palins fourteen pieces complete $158 any {mare swiles Ad Hronpe Lon Mnisrovs ALUMINUM DOOR Ly eption slashed in price "on | Furniture Co. 80 Church Blrest AND WINDOWS! 7" Li 3udd of "on Jor ipborts A i ppe: plvanized with» . channel hed, instalied spd guaran weciol Reduced Price {teen [A one yest. $97.05, Tre Tele or We Sell, Cath Hin 478) _: a Cc FHKE Chrismas faker THAW and Carry (week tor family of tolir, Includes Wes | inhouse freezer snd Bnider's (00d plan CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE No down hy ment bor further intarme Hon KA 39541. No obligation 2) s for pil makes ALEX VAIDA \0f wringer type was % hp motors 1] Li) wuarenteed reconditioned LL PREW 57 RA 3.988) washers Lr stoves, Paddy's Markel, 5, 1 |umpian, to bit SEE HOME APPLIANCES new. Ides) gift. Apply OSHAWA LTD. i SES 90 SIMCOE SOUTH. ahh registers, FOR FRIGIDAIRE fen, A niaet { Kohburn adi r SALES AND SERVICE FNCYOLORRERIA "Wriianaiin 3 ¢ hie and Commercial edition with Atlas, wor LLTRES 13 " hunk and hank cost $600 wif sell A 5 5332 for 8300 Telephone RA 53018 EE ------ CHERTERFIELDS snd bedroom sulles, clearing at '% price! Limited supply White they last! Terrific savings up to p00 Don't miss these amazing RyRy A0-fr. self-supporting tower Hot dip galvanized, No paint Complete with new Merine 61 all channel antenna Total price, Installed and guaranteed for year $59 95 253 Drew St, -- I I -- 51--Lost & Found LOST = On King Street East Bund morning helween Farewsll Avenue Ritson "Koad, & black round plastie router lid, fell trom piek-up truck, RA BOXER Lost, female, brown, one year old, answers to Skip or Skipper Very shy, Slevenson's Road vielnity, Telephone KA B-5367 GOLD wristwateh, lost vient and York Streets, Ajax graved on hack Walle M ward. Phone RA 34118 BEAGLE Som Jou, male, §re of ue HA 34 Senltpel NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS A Creditors and others havin claim: agains! the estate © GERTRUDE EMILY FOGAL, late of the City af Oshewa, are required to send full par tieulars of such claims to the undersigned, Solicitor for the Executor, en or before the 23rd day of January, 1961, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed hav ing regard enly to claims that have been received ERNEST MARKS, Q.C Saliciter 17 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario WAIT... let us say thanks with a Xmas Gif oge HANNAN MARINE SALES | 20 RAY 57 RA 8 A853 of Mary ame Miller, We: BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS BOATS -- FIBRE GLASS BOAT COVERING KITS, rass screws, anchor « fast nalls, Boats repaired, paint ing ahd varnishing. Mater storage HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 Ray St, == RA 8.8853 shout §.months old, awers lo name "Las hoon "Harmony Road ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS Direct factory prices. Manus factured locally, Free esti mates. No obligation Aluminum Sales RA B.4614 hours RA 5.85378 salt Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices fully guaranteed Double hung windows only $18. Call now, Lymer Aluminum Co RA 8.5385 After r---- Before you leak elsewhere, ABSOLUTELY FREE With purchase of $39.50 ar more, ane aluminum lawn ehalr or door grill value $9.95 With purchase of $100.00 or more # name-brand table radio value $19.95 Selt-storing doors Selt-storing windows from $17.00 TV towers from $59.50 DIAL ALUMA SEAL CO. RA 59365 _ANYT IME from $39.50 MERRY MENAGERIE and plastic solder SHAW AUTO WRECKING BLOOR EASY 5.231 a9 | B SICKROOM EQUIPMENT RENT FOR SALE wheel chairs 4 iaribured by King Peatares yada. 18020 i) wre SNH "I happen to be a BIG toad in a RIG puddliel®