RECTOR HONORED ON SILVER ANNIVERSARY erdon, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his ordins tion to the prieshood To mark the anniversary, Archdeacon Cleverdon was presented with Following the Sunday even ing service the members of Christ ~~ Memorial Anglican Church honored their rector Archdescon Harold D, Clev: REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK Help Reporters Enjoy Holiday By RAE HOPKINS they are caused One of the hardest tasks with often they follow which 8 reporter can be faced Is sions to write this column, We call It. It jsn't Reporter's Notebook it can be host to be notified that one (or ahout anything everything en more of his guests has This may funny, hut heen seriously injured, or killed really what there to write, on his way home from the party ahout this time of year, Every: But it happens every year one is too busy Christmas shop Policemen all across Canada ping, or preparing for will have to sacrifice their time arrival 'even the reporier off to help control traffic, Even know what to xtra officers patrolling the But, thi treets and highways, it 1s not he the you, the molorist to pre Reporters the ent these unnecessary claimers time of year of human life thing to do ¥ery nice It mean and all too festive ocean very nice for a party ow ' sound is ery SAMa's to SAY with unfortunatel situation much longer world over, at | always find some That somethin n't iH ei up to hard to do. All that is neces is to remember the slogan If you drive don't drink." However, the police depart ! run out to accident most of them had one I year around this time people read, or hear on the radio, or see, ments will he making their own on TV where someone has heen|appeals and issuing their own "killed or critically Injured on one! warnings to the public later this of the nation's highwa veek, In this notebook, we are And every year police depart: making our own appeal to our ments In every city, town to he careful and avoid lage and hamlet in the country highway deaths over the make the same appeal to the pub: holiday season lie to lessen the accident rate We (especially the holiday-duty But, the death toll continues (0! peporters on this paper) want to} rise enjoy our own Christmas at oro ary reader tragic In most cases, accidents are|too, We don't want to have to run not really what they are common:| out to take your picture -- lying {ly galled, They don't just happenion the road, OCCI NEWS Staff, Pupils Decorate School many By JO-ANN BARGE this assembly produces During the past week, Central Grade 0 skits at Capers, Collegiate Institute has taken This Wednesday, Dee, 14, hoth on the look of Christmas the juniors and seniors were pre: The Sketching Club, under the sented with excellent assemblies direction of Miss Miocich, has in the junior assembly, slides been busily decorating the gym- taken hy Miss Pellow of past pasium and painting the lobby|Christmas Capers skits, were windows, Miss Helm and her art shown classes made mobiles for the 1. ho Senior Assembly an out cafeteria and Miss Miocioh's ine of the history of Oshawa was elasses made Santa Clauses for! jo. table contre J the shop, under I'he committee in charge of the direction of Mr, Bentley, have|the assembly was Miss Ber, put up Christmas trees, and Mrs, (chairman, Mrs, Waugh, Mr. Car Metrow's Home Economics son and Mr, Farrell classes have heen decorating] The topie was divided into four them. These people have done a sub topics: early settlement, edu wonderful job, and 1 am sure cational develo,ment, industrial all Centralites appreciate development and projected future . a It was delivered to the student CHRISTMAS CAPERS hody hy Larry Oceanus, Pat At this time of year, one of pigs Loita Smith, Angela the hardest working eae hers 1s Minaca. Bob Rankin, Larr) Mr. Carson, the chairman of the Cranicrd. Connie Johnson a hd program committee for our Glen Lee Christmas Capers, He, along with his committee of students and teachers, is busily aver the very informative assembly and skits submitted hy various forms all participants are to be con in the schoo! for the Capers' pro. Eratulated on a fine job, especial gram. | sincerely hope everyone ly Mr, Farrell! gd to come to this dance nih - big dance the VOLLEYRALL TOURNAME year. It will be held on Wed. bast Saturday Dee, 10, fou nesday. Dee. 21 7.15 p.m. See district schools, Bowman ville you there Dovevan, O'Neill and Centra ; participated in a Girls" Valley On Thursday i a ia, To : pm, if one happens to amen oams from past the cafeteria, he will hear "rades 9 and 10 competed in a some very beautiful mu \ lournerobin tournament, In the mixed choir of 100 students, un. Lrade 8 division, the girls from der the direction of Mrs. Stewart, Donevan Collegiate won the has heen practising for some Championship, while in the Grade time for our Christmas Mu 10 division, the O'Neill team came Assembly held - en Thursday, fut on top Dee. 22. This will be the If you attended any football first opportunity for the students cames this fall, your probably at Central to hear this fine choir sate tivo Have. out un the Held ISSUE OF CENTRALITE with the girl cheerleaders, They Another Club at Central has were Ron O'Reilly and Glen Lee, heen working hard this past wo of our new "bay" eheerlead: month. The Centralite staff, di- ars This is another first in Osh rected hy Miss Mogan, will have awa for Central and in order to another edition of the school get this project really under way, paper ready for distribution on our Sindent Council' bought four Wednesday, Dee. 21. This will be maroon sweaters far the bays. In the Christmas issue, so everyone ander to make all of these sweat got out 100, and buy ane ers useful, two more boys are A Camera Club has been form. goodeq S0 come on fellows! ed at Central under the leader: op. ship of Mrs. English, The club meets twice a month on Monday GIRLS SPORTS afternoon at 4 pm. in Room 212 © jy, calor villeball intva The executive is mural) league in the Senior divi President, Ron Smith on, the championship has been ident, John Beamish On Thursday, the yel treasurer, Joan Zuhkavite! team played the Blue team Anyone interested regular schedule the Rlue phy very Cam won every game, but Thurs whether an proved its unlucky day. The not W team, with Marion Ritgie TAKE OFF ON TEACHERS captain Bote = cham IR Naat Week's Ascii over sh Bussanich's T. the Grade 9 classes were giv an insight as to just what pens at Capers The class put on a skit i did a taken! marking examinations it A lot of work was put inte this going of at at wal atternoon Ml eal the as fellows vice. pre s¢ etary: decided mm photogra the t On 15 weltame lo awne of a o proaship blue team The Grade 10 volleyball sched Ale has alse heen completed. The red team. captained hy Heidi! \ hus. won championship i ow team, with Rose | Dex Grade Y on th he We he yo That is not asking much, nor is | } For the first time 5 many years, the official hoard of Cen tre Street Upited Church con Iducied a visiation campaign! | among its members, adherents! and families J At #2 largely atlended official \hosrd meeting Thursday night, Dee, 15, the efficient steward, Norman Welsh, sume marized the resulis of the cam. paign. A total of 214 cards were returned by the church visitors \wheo were kindly received by the leongregation. The increase {amounted to $1913 and $195 cash [wes received, Twentyiwe famil |les indicated they wanled church envelopes. Eleven people said {they wanted to unite with the church and there are two little ones whose parents wanted them baptized It was announced that the Of fering at the 120th Anniversary on Oct, 16 amount lo the fine total of $1110.75 Many of the members spoke of their delight in visiting their fel- low ehurch-men and remarked on the fine resulis of the visita tion, not only from a monetary standpoint but also from an in- creased interest in congrega- tional activities and In larger congregation Ihe minister, Rev. Warren G Dickson, presided and thanked who made the visitation 8 sue cess, During the summer and fall this grand old church, the oldest in our city, has had a com plete "face-lifting" and has heen completely renovated inside and new carpet laid in the sanctuary 4 Members Inducted Four new members ducted into the mount Kiwanis meeting held House The four » Cleverdon Aoyd don; Archdeacon Bishop Snell and Fred warden a wrist watch and a wallet Caught by the camera as the presentations were made, from left are Ed Davies, recior's warden; Mrs, H. D. Clever Thieves Rifle Three Apartments Oshawa Police Chief, Herbert taken from a small box in Mrs Flintoff today repealed his warn dresser drawer. Other ing, that people take their money and jewelry missed with them when leaving their A projecior valued at $100 was home unoccupied, after three taken from a clothes closet, Mr weekend break-ins Lukow was insured against theft Police believe a gang of profes. Arthur Irwin, 329 Adelaide av sional househreakers are operat. Che reporied . Apart ng in Oshawa and home-owner met heen rion ig Pu are asked to report any suspicious '** " and 5.10 p i around their prem. "® was taken from th ises at once, So far only apart. APAriment A 445k dae! n ments have heen broken into, Po- the bed room was Terced open lice believe a plastic or cellulose Entry gained through the cheater" has heen used to gain '™ entry vii Stan Lukow " street, reported had heen entered and 6 pm no signs of r door leading 10 (he cape was unlocked Drawers in the bedroom heen partially searched hut messed up, Seven dollars CLARIFY POSITION Board Chairman Issues Statement Dee peopie ~Oshawa Times Photo Lukow's money was 1] had 7pm Nothing hut we his characlers were in Oshawa West their recent the Adelaide al at Was door Ann reel of 658 Sim reported her heen entered hetween 12.40 p.m and 5 pm, Friday, She said fA hank containing $50 in change and hills, was stolen, She lives in the apartment with two other There was no evi dence of a hreakin, Police helieve used in this Martin north new Kiwanians, Tom Fairbrother, Carl Fleischmann Andy Buwala, and Fred Den-| sham were given an outline of| Kiwanis hy lieutenant governor! for this district, Bill Whyte, of Lindsay | Mr, Whyte told the new mem bers of the objects of Kiwanis, | and added that they were hecom:| ing part of an International or ganization with clubs in every city, town and village in North America Lt. -Gov, Whyte presented each member with a kit from Kiwanis telling of their objects, and what is expected of each member Governor Robert Stroud sented the four new members with their lapel pins, and also added his congratulations, President of the Westmount iwanis, Cy Powell, presented each sponsor of the new mem. hers with their "'Cirele of Distine- 16, Trustees, tion" pin: Those sponsors honor: il Wentworth nis apartment hetween 7.45 Friday. There entry and (he fire es apartment had ometime a ng women had not a Was cheater Was yell CHBE A pre- The following statement was|ing, Friday, | given to The Oshawa Times to-|8, T. Saywell, G, K. Drynan and|ed were Jules Bithier, John How Archie | were | reque and have now the heen compleiely| in final proposal," RECEIVES SETBACK UNITED NATIONS, N.Y drive to win a vote on day hy George A. Fletcher, chair-|J. A, Yanch, have authorized me som, Henry Reed and Dr man of the 1960 Oshawa Board| lo record their position as 'defin:| King of Education | ltely in favor' of the application! "I have been asked hy mem: (0 council for the Immediate ve:| I] bers of the Oshawa Board of Edu. | 1uest for debentures in the rs Of 4 HH amount of $1,600,000 | cation to clarify their position re-| =~ ymyie paves the total vote of garding the voting on the hoard's ; request to city council for the the hoard recorded as nine to {ssue of debentures to build the five, Mrs, C, C, Lee, who was | 0 S alr Y R, 8 McLaughlin Composite peoarded as vofing against the School, It is felt by the board request. advises that she is and The Men's Mess canteen of the that the majority position is not 1 J ' ne HW Ontario Regiment organized a properly understood has heen in foavor of the school, Christmas Dance Party at the Thre off the four members un: put, unfortunately, was of the Oshawa Armaries Friday night avoidably not present at the meet: opinion that eity council had re pm fused to give the request further . od 4 consideration 10.30 pm, The Men's Mess of marie Fusco as captain, came in " lead " i the Ontario Regiment, made up second place b Be ¢ a y v. he : uty of fhe of 76 troopers, corporals, and In the Grade 9 division the vol art tA nt oan, a o Wo yeas dance corporals spent about $100 lleyball championship game has @©!hera oR an yi ; i Hove: jon entertainment and snacks, to yet to be played, It will be held fary appro ala hy the departmen {make the party a success Monday. But it looks as if either|T i t a to Somplete Hs re i Entertainment was provided hy {the "Blue 2'" team, coached hy Spon! pty ny mani this finalla group of Oshawa Central Colle Diane Middleton, or the "'Biye 3" APM cation fo councl giate Institute students called team. coached hy Emily Mitchell, | "The alternatives, such as the/"The Laurentians,' led hy Gary| will walk off with the cham. sloping floor auditorium and Hivat J marimbas Musie pionship swimming pool an addi Jahged From Waltzes 10 Soniempe. é ; y Ja a "CK and roll ang | The Girls Radminton Club tional st when the original | hooame more progressive as the {held its first meeting on Tue ' application to council was madelevening wore on day It will meet wi e a week The evening was the first after Christmas at four o'clock d A fen's Mess Christmas Dance 3 4 y y (roppe | M hike he A ladder tournament will 'he [Party to be held in some vears played, under the leadership of {and members hope it will he 20) | Miss Pellow continued in future years, As The Junior and Senior Girls Cp) well as all the Ontario Regiment | Basketball Teams held their first regulars, members of the Cana practice on Friday: The regular | ; dian Corps, Ontario Regiment schedule starts January 17 with disarmament received a sethack Association, regiment band and Canada's teams from Bowmanville, Done. Saturday when a meeting of the/the Naval Veterans' Club, were van, O'Neill, and Central taking United Nations polit.| Invited a part cummiti William "Bill" Dennis, presi "o | : : {dent of the Ontario Regiment noYs SPORTS But a Canadian/M a's Mess, was master of cere ntramura volleyball has JUSL cookasman said he is sure the Monies at the gathering started in Grades 8 and 10 and he Officers' and Sergeants' won't be completed until after the holidays. Grades 11, 12, and ported hy 13 games will start after Christ mas. New standards have been purchased so two games can be played at aned in the gym has been within the last few weeks is sponsored hy Mr. Mellveen, It meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon hour Central's Senior Basketball team got off to a fine start last Wednesday hy defeating Donevan Seniors 3341, Perhaps we have another COSSA team, Let's hope so! The Senior and Junior teams are coached hy Mr, Mellveen The Senior team is managed hy Tony Saramak and the Junior hy John Korchynski, T and Seniors played in ough (PCVX) The results are CCl Sr. 38 PCVS 40 PCVS @ The first game after the hali days will be at Central on Jan 6 when Peterborough visits us in an exhibition game. Good luck, bays The Bantam Raskethall has played anly ane game Fri day at Peterborough The scare was Central 14, Peterborough 2 The team coached hy Mr Farrell, managed hy Zvonka Truebelo, and has a Public Rela. tions Officer, Ron O leilly. Larey Plancke captain and Larry Horne co-captain. The team will play Jan & at Central against Whithy That's next week f-member ical was suddenly postponed ession will he held today as re the UN secretariat ties Saturday night, formed It gym club follows 4 as CCl Jy team is is Bi SHOR FIRE FIGHTERS Hall, About ceived - candy Sama Claus are Rickey { the Oshawa Fire held their annual their chi} aimcoe | 133 children and gifts from Shown with Santa Morgan, Patty { res epartment mas Pay area Saturday a night at envelope)" PAGE THIRTEEN CANTERBURY SINGERS ENTERTAIN HOSPITAL An Oshawa choral group, the Canterbury Singers 4 afternoon entertained patients in the wards at Oshawa Gen. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and hest wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and dis trict who are celebrating their birthdays today Gerry Blapley awa; Mary Grane, Steve BSalmers street south Balmer 707 Glencairn nue, and Donna Carroll Crerar avenue The first five persons to in form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day wil receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period. The eurrent attraction is "All The Fine Young Cannibals' also "The Last Hunt Reports on birthdays will received only between the and 10 am RR 4, Osh- 126 East Jr, Zen ave Wh mount 159 Bimeos he hours of 8 am PhoneRA 38-3474 Oshawa Youths Are Arrested At Port Perry PORT PERRY (Staff) - service station hreak-ins were re ported by Port Perry police 8a urday, Five suspects were ay prehended in the early morning hours hy Constable Don Williams, who received a call about prowl ers at 445 am A soft staion stolen from William's service sta tion, Three charges of breaking and entering and one charge of wilful damage were laid against Keith Howard, 21, of Conant street, {and Wayne Joseph, 16, Gordon |street, both of Oshawa, Name Officers Officers of the General W Bikorsky Polish War Veterans' Association of Oshawa were in stalled Sunday afternoon at the Polish National Hall, 210 Olive avenue Officers are J, Derkacz, president; 2, Klib. er, viee - president; J. Drygala, secretary; J, Zielinski, treasur er; K. Rynkiewiez, financial see. retary; KE. Krol, program chair man and organizer; # _ Trypue and W. Waottasiak, Standard for the ensuing year A. Kolodziej, sick committee, HOST TO CHILDREN Layng ny Kathy Layng and Dan Stacey Oshawa Times Photo Sunday | Three drink machine was {broken into at Reesor's service Candy and cigarets were The party started quietly at 9 taken from Tripp's service sta- hut was well underway by [tion and money and stamps were ee | JACK Marlowe Polish Veterans {d eral Hospital with the singing of Christmas carols and hymns The choir visits the hospital on the Sunday before Christmas $2045 DAMAGE Six people were injured and an estimated $2045 damage resulted] from five weekend accidents re-| ported hy the Oshawa Police De partment, Two of the accidents occured at Centra Park boule vard south and Olive avenue Four people were injured when {a car glanced off the Grand: | view street south bridge, hit |@ tree and a fence and came lo] {a halt in the field on the north side of the bridge, at midnight | Saturday Damage to the ear | was estimated at $1200, Damage| to the fence was estimated al $45 TWO COUPLES HURT | John Thomas, 20, of 64 Wayne | street, who was driving the ear, (was treated at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital for a lacerated left eyebrow, He was not admitted to the hospital, Mrs, Margaret Thomas, the same address, was admitted) New Sunday School Holds Fine Concert The Christmas program of the ewly « opened Free Methodist Sunday School, Rossland road| near Garrard road, was present ed on Friday night last with over 60 people on hand, | Jim Aldous,who last Septem: her moved into the large farm house on the 6'%-acre property to superintend the new Sunday School, chaired the program which consisted of songs, reeita- tions and a Christmas film, He reported that the average attend: ance for November had been 4, The Erie Street Free Methodist Church, of which this new work is a branch, held its Christmas program under Superintendent about a week |earlier, Attendance was the larg: est in the church's history The new minister, Rev, W, A, McMillan, spoke briefly at each | gathering, Chest Fund Has Passed $194,000 The Greater Oshawa Commun: ity Chest Fund total passed the $184,000 mark during the week end, It was reported this morning Messes held their Christmas par |K, Redzierski, Z, Androloje and /that $241 was added to bring the total to $194,000.80, The list of contributions, not [previously acknowledge, follows: The Great Atlantic and Pacifie Tea Co, Lid | Ontaria © Quebec Conference of Seventh-day Adventists L. M. Mahns Leata H. Botimer |Rrawn's Lumber and Supplies Brown's Lumber Employees: Karl Maskaliuk Wally Bittord Nick Langman RB Reed and Sons Florists Marten's Furs 150.00 2.00 1.00 RUK I) Building Is Inspected By Board The Oshawa Board of Educa tiah met at the new Board of Education Administration Build ing this morning with the build ing contractor. Beard members made a thorough insection of the building prior 10 acceptance The building is complete ex- cept for minor touching up to be completed this week, alsa land seaping and certain painting that must be done during the warmer weather The administration staff is ox pected to move into the building hy the end of the year. The last meeting of the old hoard of ocd ation will proabablf be held in the new second floar board roam $104,008.90 every year (o sing carols, Ope of the singers, partially hidden under the arm of the choir master is Mrs. G, K. Drynan, to the hospital with an injured left knee, ankle, leg and shoulder. She was reported in satisfactory condition at the hos: pital today Albert Billion, 21, of 121 Lor randale, was admitted with facial lacerations and a fractured left shoulder, He also was reported in good condition at the hospital to- day Mrs, Mary Ann Billion, 21, of the same address, was (realed for leg phrasions, She also com. plained of aches in her, legs and hack. Bhe was not admitied lo the hospital, CAR MISSED TURN A driver and his passenger were injured when a car missed the turn onto Central Park Boule. vard South, from Olive avenue 0, of and hit a fire hydrant, Saturday at 7.530 p.m. The driver, William Meikle, 61, of 437 Crear avenue, suffered multiple lacerations and head Injuries, He was reported in falr condition at the Oshawa General Hospital today, Passenged Ethel Allen, of 437 Taylor ¢ PATIENTS Mrs. Drynan was seriously in Jured in an automobile seccident Dec, 3, She toured with the choir in her wheelchair, Six People Injured In Oshawa Accidents to the hospital, She had fractured ribs 'and a broken arm, TWO-CAR CRASH An estimated $185 damage re. sulted from an earlier acciedent at Olive avenue and Central Park boulevard south. At 10.07 a.m, Saturday, a car driven hy David +. Flowers, of 336 Drew streef, was involved in a collision with i car driven by John Czaus, of 482 Central Park boulevard south, No one was injured, At 755 p.m. Saturday, twe cars were involved in a collision on King street west at Thorn. ton's road, One car was driven by Joseph Hogervost, of Burketon, The driver of the other car was Ivan Mervyn Allin, RR 4, Osh awa, Damage (o the cars was es [timated al $275, An estimated $85 damage res sulted from a two-car collision on Simcoe street north, Buaday at 9 pm, One car was driven by Frederick Drinkle, RR 1 Oshawa, The driver of the other car was Walter M, Colleran, 556 Ridgeway avenue, Crerar avenue, was also admitted Concert is Big Event A gally decorated Christmas tree, a very large audience of parents and friends and a visit from jolly old Santa Claus were the features of the annual Sunday School Christmas concert of Cen tre Street United Church which was held in the Chureh Hall on Friday night, Dee. 16, The children from the differant Sunday School classes also from the mission band and from the junior church contributed recita- tions, songs, playlets, ete, The chairman was C,H, Cathmoir, one of the Sunday School teachers and chairman of the property committee of the chureh Santa Claus, in the person of Willlam Frost, arrived, much to the delight of the tiny tots and distributed bags of candy and fruit The superintendent of the Sun- day School which has en enrol: ment of 151, is Mrs, Alyn Elliott, 'Woman Works In The Congo LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters) A 21-year-old woman laboratory assistant was among 52 meme hers of an Austrian medical team who arrived here by aiv tonight after spending 10 hours in the hands of Congolese troops, The Austrians were released after a six-hour battle Friday be. tween thelr captors and outnume bered United Nations Nigerian troops in Kivu province, The fighting killed at least 10 Congo~ lese and one Nigerian, Shaken and exhausted, the Aus strians landed here with only the clothes they wore, Several said they had beed heaten by the Cone golse, \ The girl, Gertrud Pieber, said she was not ill-treated but ad. ded: "1 don't feel very good." She said she never wanted to go back to Bukavu-the scene of the , Banno fighting, One of the doctors, Ma Nusshaumer, sald all their be. longings and 87 tons of medical equipment that they brought Mrs, Fred Taylor is junior su perintendent, | from Vienna had been taken hy the Congelese, ------ COMPLETING TRAINING Completing carps training on heavy engineer equipment at the Royal Canadian School of Military Engineering, Chilli- | wack, BC. is Sapper McDaniel, son of A Daniel, Garrard road, Oshawa, --Natiopa! Defence Photo Murray A. Me