The Oshawa Times, 16 Dec 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, Ducember 16, 1968 al | ernment' s | | and : No pr \ an intercom system to a "talk: | #8 they mailed Nir is ing mailhox'" and children were | patcher on duly in nearby fire tid talk directly Banta ' house doubles as Banta SANTA'S MAILBOX TALKS BACK Alexander Larrabee A, Jooks |» Christma led, Chri | [Don't Dilly Daley' | 'Jobless Picket Asks Jail Strikers Moved Out | 4 wt, Canada in Windsor," he said GUELPH (CP)--About 3) pris oners at the Guelph reformatory part of & group that went on sit-down strike earlier this week have heen transferred (no the These are all models which resent Compete directly with ones man ufactured herve,' The brief also warned a provipeisl income (ax, maximum seewrity reformatory at Millbrook near Peterborough { sald would hit the poor hardest Saperintendent - Charles Bander on Thursda Mr, Sanderson said ASKS FEDERAL MONEY Money for increased assistance hould come from the federal prisoners had refused their outside jobs on Monday overnment which should emt down on itary items such "Some of them felt it was ton eold and didn't want to work the Bomare missile, the brief ald tma fire fo io h, Hamilton, Niagara Bome 500 cars a day enler Hand, Oshawa, Windsor Ontario communities brief I Work a fares 45,000 un Program REHAK Blatt Writer A mem iin th By PETER Canadian Press TORONTO (CP deiegi PEP EH Wi pres Wi other he wii in ment employed £ f catied the program het ition ad unemployed of nine O) om ter 80 munitie Phursda 10 six bri to Ontario's | Worl Ahout 200 leg iti against whieh the ahowt Toronto gn with the OI tn paint on unen meant ah week Min memplo [] J i few some 128 per Mr, Daley replied that this not & Ieir a ment of the onl of employment and for Ons picketed durin Ww pre # the f the Pic ng Johs and i rea Don't d mands n the superintendent said, The group formed the "hugg-gang i.e main work part; at the insti tution Mr Banderson conditions were wok 1s normally der such conditions ent ind program THT £100.000,000 pent on the program [8 We're spending and have | Kets Carried heing ald My as di | sald wealher nell ipa nol severe and carried on un h Ital med mong consider WEN Ontario's $600,000 budget lus should also go towards wogram, the brief said ir, Daley replied that he was not qualified to discuss matlers pertaining to the federal govern ereats inh ment and Ontario was doing its il solve the unemployment reduce the num vilahle problems "About alr ng hi the Ying Is | REQUEST UNREALISTH Commenting on other the hrief, Mr. Daley t for a 40-hour week legi vas unrealistic, Such a plan not new po those ho part ald the fo WORKS M The Ray Peler Hon Young Couple "4 rir os 1. i Shot Dead piped, demand' " 0d would immedia o MONTREAL (CP)--The hodies gram of works, including! ~~ Many of a young eouple, killed hy schools, hospitals and low rental WOTKER f shotgun, were found Thursday housing by the pro govern in thelr home in suburhan and increase ineial a I"Ahoard-a-Plouffe tn under hearing the shotgun 7:80 a.m., called po PUBL hrief ASKS PY la read bh Ie and nly av two-thirds of the time during the last four weeks in the legislature was spent on matters dealing with unemployment sald Mr, Connell Mr, Daley also sald dhe gov ernment was working on an ex tensive program lo increase training of those unemployed | Mr, Daley said the hrief would) receive "very, very serious eon: sideration from the government,' hut he was not able to speak for the entire government and give definite "nswers » Manufacturers Seek Tax Cuts OTTAWA (CPM) Manufacturers lodlay for a and per need skilled overtime publi industries jo ( W in peak 4 he sald Brooks United easons," Charles EL] n president of Auton Workers Windsor, said Chrysler ation of Canada and the Motor Company of Canada recently seheduled 10-hour york days, while workers in the same plants were heing laid off He asked for government regu of imports from the Slates ment Istanee taking 2 I neal C1 muni such project Nelghhors, hiasts about lee Pol Yvan in Corpor pers Ford ase hoth 2. A welfare sons and for others ing relieved of all costs wlations governing the to he avaiable to the 3. An amendment no (he of Work Act to provide maximum 40 W trict limitation { and tes I tions | 4 A plan for the government Ontario ho percent inerease assistance for nui a 25per-cent inere with municipalities he and reg ram couple as his wife, young e identified the & 25, and had two pre lation Car United public Hours Jor a hour m 0 Nd Store Destroyed At Eastview EASTVIEW, Ont, (CP) A pital plan for spectacular four-hour blaze In a for the retall store here Thursday! ment caused an estimated $170,000 damage The entire dian Tipe destroyed done severe pena iw Anfrac cost of the tho duration to eover { ed ol unemplo unemplo The Cana Association corporations to write off In year their capital expendi tures on selentific researeh, and hy removing the five-per-cent of taxable ineome limitation on money expended for seientifie re search ting ine A gram tn equ n the with new sh fi, Provinelal fluence will will provide for a moratorium on for spark from a welder's torch mortgages and debts of those un the training unempk cae pro large A dan f reduction in NeOme tock of the Cana called Corporation store was and heavy damage 600-font long build anrporation onal wernment mn Laxe They the ( lation which whitch to enact leg to the are too high at present long-term development of anadian economy, sald prevent evictions and ing A OPPOSES COLLECTION | said hat more mal Ontario) Ey Canadian Vier OVEAWA (CP SELLIng Wp & Bt eoneht is inching head Commons under a hon opps Aline pronaganisa The ta establish ARCH Mack NIA Stall Writer Levisiatio Ga thy il fhe ho Wr septrh Hi InenaA nem Martin. MH ERLET BIRO) THER jective of the coun MEGUFS OUTPUT HELPS a T-member body ots vingl Mr. Barr noted thet the pre increased efficiency Canp-\#mile soecified this objec! ive of men, materigls and And prgued in addition hat was subiected to (our Trester @eplovinent wold flow opposition ames nd. from increased productivity --or in is plodding ore output per man and ma CHE Initially 5 yard nent We) lon & ges that M bet window dressing fon LAI Wit f the ik mpamnes eal edad ments 1 WA The f ih irsday oware. geceplapes at least, rcoumtered I. W. Pickersgl I--Womavida Ywillingats automation and growth of technology disrupt the abhor structure, nrobably adding unemmoy ment Part of the productivity coun debate often unruly emeraed as a th - for . tat en g eounier hetween Mr, Martin, vet eran Liberal fronthencher, and of the # Zny fob fourth povtion { the re istm making package, ity bill stil hadn't mons approval a hureday wight's 10 p.m. adjournment, 1 hate continues today on third and {fina reading-the Will came wo Tuesday for approval in vrineint since has trudged through the underbrush davseby-dause study in com mithes product yy ga ined Com f in i slow! te Mr. Diefephaker's womises (0 ptiack unemploy ment, Mr. Martin said, the gov Vacades and preten ermment had wailed too long and Paul Martin (T; % then dodged the Issue East), eomolaining that the count The normal sort of ranting and ell offers Ji y direct vem: raving one might expect from for Mr. Martin, said Mr, Starr, I as a ""tossed-un sa gort of erhinge omethine like a dis apnointed child at Christmas "He didn't get his Jittle WaEON feered My Starr, de scribing the Martin attitude 8s ire, The productivity council was "negrtive, ohstrostionist and de nly part of a program designed siructionist Nothing was easier to eure the unemployment prob: then this sort of anprosach lem The government more pre "Inpdegupte oecupied with the dressing than sald CCV Lender {the package, said Mr, Argue, He ing government challenged Mr, Diefenhaker to ment plans say what further measures the The hig Progre country would expect to tackle Parliament At-A-Glance | the Conservatives had heen in of. the unemployment situation worsened By THE CANADIAN PRESS Thursday, Dee, 15, 1960 he Commons continued hate on government le establish a 2 nroduetivity Despi LL LITELE REMEDY ely 420.00 Cs mid November 99.000 more Ca nadians. employed than ever he fore, retoried 1a Minister Sarr, chief pio med ad No Vermeer SA ( red hor of the is hits and pieces Argue in roast anti = unemploy ive Conserva {fice had The government defe ated three tamendmenis in | he committee stage Thursday. One Martin (CCF¥ to enable the council to recommendations to labor try and government, He fot wise the counell's fe gislation to member national eatmeil stidy of Increasing production amendment | Pa Va Fssex Fast) that the hill third and final reading hack to commitiee wa 124 {0 A2 CCV leader Argue de the productivity measure . as "Inadequate bhits-and-pieces" gram, while Mr, Martin seribed gogernment hills to com unemployment as nothing than "facades and preten sions," Lahor Mini Martin 'was sort of A los verhiage WwW. H. MeMillan (L-Welland) was (old hy Prime Minister Dief |enbaker that he -has heard of no suggestion hy Ontario's Premier Frost that the federal-provineial tax-sharing agreements he ter minated in 1061, a year ahead of schedule The prime tn eountrie contingents in sald hands were Lied. The defeated 59 to Mr. Martin (CCF not ment the hill's pudiation of that unemployment licked As Mr. Marlin waxed eriticism, Douglas Fisher Port Arthur) called out mand an election," Mr, Martin said that would he Mr. la successful way to determine 'nor what Canadians think of the gov FAVINE | ernment sort off yA Habel (1, sald Mr, Diefenbaker will be known as the man who promised heaven and earth but eouldn't {even deliver earth to Pn) and Amold means An tin (1, Hp for he sent defeated , Pelers spelling out greater employ:| a council objective in hody was a clear re. government avowals would he erihed an pro de to his (Coy "De: sald his and alad ter Bilary delivering ranting ed-up -- If You're TIRED | ALL THE TIME Now and then averyhady p [1 "irediout" feeli y he hathered by backache: ot # noth ing seriously wrong, just o temporary condition caused hy urinary irritation or bladder discomfort, That's the time te take Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys te relieve this condition which may often cause hacks | ache and tired fo Then you feel hetter, rest hetter, work hetter, Gel Dodd s Kidney Pills now, Look for the blue box with the red hand at all drug | counters, You can depend on Dodd's, " minister with peace fore The Congo not to withdraw their units from united) nations service there Senator William D. Euler (1, ald Canada has no| quarrel with Cuba and should re ist U.K pressures against Can ada developing Cuban markets Friday, Dee, 16 Me Commons meets at EST to discuss national tivity ecounell legislation; ate meets at 3 pom appealed| M, Iam produe the Hen hy Murdo} Timmins) sought | make, indus-| Timiskaming) sald that! Cochrane) | ubmitted to Prime Minis Diefenhaker over the signa I, €. Whitelaw, general manager of the nelation he 40-page for }) Tax reased the lemployed for the full duration of hrief ted unemployment ter ited gas The delegate ture Cars e ervice 'Tepair: section The CMA strongly opposed sep arate collection of eorporation taxes hy each of the provinces he federal government has of fered to allow any province wish ing to da so to collet its own eor poration and income taxes and sucoession duties This would place an intolerable burden on industry, * There should he uniform tax legislation with one central assessment and collection agency," Fhe association expressed oon cern about "the food of com petitive imported goods into Canada, Tt urged that at the 1061 i oline and caused the ex plowion of a car's gas tank and piekets came of hy hi a hrief and from Pelerhor U. S. Election Final Count WASHINGTON official popular dent, including alan ealled incentive capital fNeOurage ment and {ment meluding in allowances develop employ oost in natural inereased Additional 1 capital NWanees inning Cost industries the<fwanufacture of products in Canada for sting industries undertaking manufacture Hoods not ) for new he new ex the form (AP Final \ and vole for presi the state-hy-state vale other far Ixon and and { Toy of each FOR CHRISTMAS FLOWERS NOW TWO STORES TO SIpve YOU KING BLOOR R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS 101% King St, W, 163 Bloor Wi erly 1 exports 4. Greater research in male anada ons nt General Aggrement on Tariffs Tax cones and Trade conference, no further! reductions be made on goods of of a class or kind now produced " permit: Canada " Midway Group Holds Meeting COURTICK 0 Group of Courtice LU) December 13 at the President Mrs the guests Mrs, H. Hey 0.3 the deveti 0.3 busines 0.0 n to stimulate Pet 42.2 10.9 Vole iid, 242 60,763 108, 401 428,508 6,507,082 746,246 1,292,883 196, 683 Wid, 180 TL 40 184,869 100,451 4947.9 J, 135,560 1,272,820 A128 #423 1,124 463 R07 801 421,767 035, 349 460 480 118,087 GIRL 208.171 A344 TAT 13.0858 107 267 Ma, 761 rma i118 T7.201.07% SLUR 278.431 181.850 #03150 5.462 Wa 5 405 AM ARG, RAT 308 AT 051. M2 23116 174.002 a TL in i Rep 247.501 10,054 281.341 Pot Wl { | i i M3 1 1 HH 00 SHR Mabama (A) Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Geargls Hawail Idaho Hino Indiana lowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Mass Michigan Minnesota Miss, (BR) Missouri Montara Nehraska Nevada NH New New New N.C Narth Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Penn Rhocle 80 south Dakota Tennesse Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington encouragement Wa Canada hy nl 0.7 0.4 0h 176,701 13,040 14.006 02 ELH] TERR 06.47 795.476 MAN #2 805 161,507 168,080 175,190 ant M1 AT 02 807 230,980 240. G08 480 534 076.750 A20,424 TAT. 110 63h a7 00, A80 TA8.700 130, 640 048 54.7 W068 1 A 0d he WA home Kinsman Cammingle group for the evening On was in charge mal peri, A short session w followed hy and fun, My winners were Mrs, J. Willis, Mrs. R Stevens, Mrs, O. Robertson, Mrs Bob Johnston and Mes. H, Her Laneh was served hy the Midwa met ) { December Chareh and sinday Sehool will meet together al 1am On of the Mem | Ihe charge party hey Young Poaple will hold their Christmas on Friday evening Decem alt Solina Hall HN of Courtice bers of wor 16 The HReginners elasses of the Sunday School will have a Christmas party an De cember 21 at the Chareh Mrs, 8 Kinsman spent a few days last week visiting with hey in Kingston ai 032 10.400 4,080 36.3 116,248 ni o 170.033 74.5681 108,362 HA2 223 3.101 LIRA 1 14,801 380 35% 122,042 52.307 Wd 880 A812 ron 137.080 137.772 46.4 hos assisted hy Mes R, De 363.34 TL 1 " Coe and Mrs, CO. Simmons 153 748 136.007 he Large group of the WA HA.419 LY wil { at the chureh December A335 Ada 22 for the annual Christmas party 154.010 {With exchange of gifts 2 317 811 White gift servive will AoW on Sunday, December 18 402,080 h¥ 2.439 954 ut 188.358 i 836.377 1,121.48 205.4 LRA 404.521 629.273 304 00% T2R0R2 8S ITS 140.892 TaN 68,833,254 34,100,308 and: My mary | ANes 24] 9 sister Jersey Mexico York (( TEACHER HONORED LONDON, Oat, (CPi-AL an open house held in her honor, | Miss Mildred B, Barons met two) eli oF her Hirst and second genera] grade 1 pupils. She has been 30.2 3 i i ee 123.063 44 } 4 he a 1a Hoa aching al what was formerly Known as Argyle public school nee 1933, The sohool has heen renamed and now called the M Mildred RB, Barons School n A combined service is Accident Kills Welland Driver WELLAND (OP) Raymond H, Pye, 32, was fatally injured early today when a car rough an interseo tion A Tee Ls i planned Island ang is LEN iN ® NEW YEAR'S EVE TICKETS On Sele Kinloeh's Men's Wea JUBILEE PAVILION ¢ went i wl 2 Don't be left out of "Hola Pie! Learn to dance : the new steps now for the party season ahead There's no syrer way of having a happier holiday than by learning toalance at Arthur Murray's For ance you're a good dancer, yOu ean count on being more popular than ever before, Just let an Arthur Murray expert take the responsibility of making vou a soughtatier partner in time for all the festive parties. By coming in NOW you can join in the tun and holiday good times. For at this gala season there are more studio parties than ever before, So don't wait, Studios open daily | PM 10 10 PM ARTHUR MURRAY quor Ad. Productivity Council Dill |INTERPRETING THE NEWS = Meets Stiff Opposition | Paris Conference . Has Big By DAVE OANCIA Canaan Press Stall Writer Sobering second | somewhat dampened outhurst of greeted the Wirth in Paris Organization for Faonomis nperation and Development Cannde apd the United have agreed to hecome hers of the new body in the old organization for Ku FOPERAN ECONO OPRFBEON the two North American powers would agree to he no more thap associate memhers OFEC has an honorable record of wsell work in helping p Euroesn countries hack on their feet, thus freeing them from the need for American aid BOOST FOR WES OECD, is successor asked fo do no less then to make the industrialized nations of the West LYER more prosperous and tn help needy countries of the world he come prosperous for "the first time, Vinance Minister Donald ¥lem ing of Canada hailed OECD ps an entity that wou'd impart "new significance and strength Atlantie bond British Chancellor of the Ex chequer Selwyn Lloyd described the birth as a milestone' and 8, Undersecreipry of Slate Douglas Dillon as the dawn of a new era of international cooper ation Tha economic pundits now are wondering whether some of this language wasn't Just a bi too extravagant : They posed this question "What will OECD do to promote its admirable aims?" The Guardian notes the new organization imposes few obliga tions on Its members "It has no executive powers and even its powers over (rade affairs will he less than those of OF largely . hecause the Americans and the French were unwilling to aceept 'an obligation to co-ordinate their economic polieios with those of other mem ers," says the newspaper { mf ol Ens CoH WET % the dad i "nth at Sais full mem en fo th amendment was CANADA HELD BACK Canada, too, was not In favor of taking on this obligation "Instead," adds the Guardian |"There will he frequent 'con frontations' of the policies of member nations.' Thus, in the final analysis, the success of OECD will depend on vVVvwv ASPHALT SHINGLES (EMMHE Assepled) FIRST GRADE CASH & CARRY 6 bb per square ] (2 golors) INQUIRE ARMY TERMS AND DELIVERY MoCULLOUGH LUMBER 1270 SIMCOE 87, N, RA 8.4688 oass Stand pg motion i of advertising { the (Hohe dew'ed Thorsday A. Thobwrn reown #4 for the srgred thet eBorges 8 the niormadion shegts pflinres in strate Thorhorn Nig e lanoneae in the section Lior Contral Act under charges were aid Is "per. cles The case was adionened wil newt Monday. The magistrate 4 he would set wp a soerisl nations court tg comm ele the hearing n- ving The Glonk and Mall ard to hear six similar charges 1aid aginst The Telegram Only one witness wes hesrd I Thursds Hoss Whicher, 1ib- orl menher of the legisiotire for Brvee Riding, who with Lib. PTR WEP Vernon Singer of York Centre aid the original charges last March Missing Plane 'Returns Home OURIO0K, Bask, (CP) = A in ut plane missing sinck Wed, North Bay from his Toronto run, \nesday morning with three men found a bundle of money amount. |3bosrd on a 350-mile fight from ng to more than $1,100 wrapped {Outlook "to Brandon, COROT) (OP { Job rh Ser own hol ft es ned god of # dey po f i134 Ma Bat as And thi ¥ he Bat 1h of the to be answered when WHRich ho fectly Prim comes Wp American dollar di The Wig question OECD ember take steps Lo help which may coineide with thelr own na or isk interests # FRISER B Question that vill have 7 Lanerets Wh as the fieulties # 50 oad with Hot tema Driver Gives Money Back NORTH BAY (CP)-The hon esty of ag Gray Conch bus driver Robert Fulton of North Bay, will make the Christmas - season brighter for an elderly Huntsville] woman, Mary Clarke Mr, Fulton, upon srrival 84 Aan, row na plece of cloth and held to. rned to Outlook Thursday, The either hy safety pins Men wate win 2d the ase "I had the Dandi ! una ie men spent the -- Jud th indie Jinnta la wight at an ahandoned farm us at Beotin and after the bus, foe Mier the plane had made left 1 noticed (hat the money was Wh reed landing het Me i jeed gone." Miss Clark said up. The as no telephone in In a fire 14 years ago, Miss Clarke's father was hurned to death and she severely burned, She continued to handle the farm at Huntsville nti} the harn burned down a few years later, Bhe had to sell all the cat fle as a result and the money was part of what war left from the sale TALLY-HO ROOM ood Place To Meet and Relax HOTEL LANCASTER was | CANADIAN WELDING GASES LIMITED Announce Effective MONDAY, DEC. 19 We will be located in our New Building at 325 BLOOR ST. WEST PHONE RA 5-3471 Mailing Addres P.O, BOX 131, OSHAWA ® Linde Gases & Supplies ® Airco Electrodes The secret of my dry martinis? W. MARKS, Licences 1113 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH RA 8.168) wherever you go it's the § Extra Dry Vermouth! Bottled in Italy In the USA, it's Martini and Rossi, In the vest of the world it's simply Martink gn ame superb vermouth,

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