The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1960, p. 4

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& TOR OSHAWA TIMES, Therdey, Doconber 18, 1960 WHITBY AND DisTaict _ Hold Party | BOWMABYHALE (Stal) Wednesday might was 8 memo ie one for mors then crippled eiidien of the Bowmar yilie aren whe aiended the wo nal CRisimas party spine by the Botary club at the Flyin ikehman Motor Hotel Christmas crackers 8 land colored hats adorned 1 (heads of the children as they se down to a gala feast i {Ped Bradshew Wrought fangs to the faces of the aliondence ks |ralits were 16nd miles 4 {pulled from empl | Rotarians Dr b Rundi {and Murdock br led fhe i | children In the singing of Chile mas carols as they gathers around the Yulelide lree {anticipation of the arrival Banta The tingle of hells turned head towards Wurst through the door Pride showed on the faces o the adulis as the no-soaifferent eniidren the wrappings from they souls, pkowing that hey thelped io bring an evening gayely plo little people Read Letter From Hong Kong At Fireside United - Chureh ning Auxiliary W Christmas meeting on evening al the home of Mrs Putt, Mrs, A. Archibald - opent the meeting and gave a Chri mas reading, Reports were given by SL the treasirey - Mrs, W. Winter group, con ing of Mrs, Akey Mrs Putt, were in charge of the devo onal and they to of sonia ners Ih fakin pre had Ey Mu side held TRIES NEW SERVICE Walter Church, of 228 1ee ave Whithy, Wednesday mark first day's operation of of the buses on Miss Donna of 21 Hallett street a helping hand company operator, Churen Dundas vii Boarding one # Bus Line street west Luhan, 19, Whithy, gets from the First Day Good Says Bus Owner will he nue ed the Whithy { W hus servies hawa ne 0 Time and her countries, mentioning the $f Tu ad tHmes A report on Ihe hoy from letier also iL Epve ied reading a ref him, She that a letter was received fron the foster hom king ble for the up to inter people in the adoption of oth foster {rrem pecial an in and there fi aled Whithy's newest utility dependent & local man day with three FeRuUIAr routes Walter Chureh the operator of the hu told the Times that bu pod on the first da e added that it would Impia a8 more Whithy her aware of the At the present fare Is 15 cents tickels_may be Have Program At WA Meeting The Evening Group of the of the United Church gathered on| Tuesday for thelr annual Christ mas meeting. The hall was def rated with a heaulifully Hehi Christmas tree and the Nativity scene, which was arranged by members of the group vs. Jovee Cox opened the meeting and the minutes wer sead hy Mrs, Ida Leathers T program, a number of Chri sarols interspersed th Chy mas storie eanpably hand! hy Mrs, | M vi Rosalee Reynolds, Mr 16 MaeDanald, Mys. Helen Crawford and Mrs. Ann Budd and all the members the earal The annual Christmas gift for invalid member of the nin on display, and an offering given for the welfare fund All sat down ta delieions| lunch with the tahles decovated)y with red and green and thi planned by Mrs, Isabel Farn dale. Mrs. Helen Rosehurgh and Mrs. Helen Crawford, The hens diction hrought a most pleasant evening to a elose a el 1 } bus line apes b : commence wedni dad Wm HEH children real the need 1 A. Richapdson meer for the Christmas Winter, Mrs. Akey and Mee tt served delicious Christma shments nm { mentioning} the i Lee eam bust throu ro he husgs travel H mile Al Sl poled B Mr neti Mi Ti retre 4 avenue, | thret Cor als the Fo inery leave (he hird Con lan streel street treet 1 treet an vill the I" Falmer Val Dun! J iness wa for (on avenus penphe ime ohoedule time the nut soon hased Anderson coenrane| Pupils Entertain ik py Brock St. H&S Brock Street South Home held its Christ Mond as dent the and Dus a hu I ivdon road didi Athol stres ana | BITE el and the at mi ial ind hollda Addit Bus 1 the and for service ther Sunda During Veeck Behan! Association chedule [will ini f i meeting on, hi opened anang ompanied Harkne meeting for thi Night i dale |] room eoum fhomson's it the wl | A, Berj the om on the Chureh vill mal Fouts ih "0 a J ehedule com 1 Prayer Mrs: A husines Iplans diseussed fortheoming "Games he held ip February announced later, The won hy Mps Lord's WA mence In the future BOWLING NEWS LADIFE CIGARET LEAGUE and H 01, 234, r00m 146): A.l Alter the Kadwell Eroup. was lehildren who Night Before Christmas M. Me. Were sung and square 00): ND. ( Bi under the direction of Mr Lott 668 (287 tham and Mrs. Thompson #@ a 4 H M, HB the plana h During the Were | aver 700 VAs Fleteher 738 MeConnell 720 (30 M Triples in 14 tH (FRE ri Atl { h f I (i (24 04 business meeting, the entertained bh performed iy, 210 les aver 870 and Singles dancing Haw 118 J 7h, 207 elvn | | i" if! (3. | plana Hackett The winner of the lucky draw #45 | Chivlsimas cake don ated by Mrs Walls 638 5. 207.10, Mage, was won hy Mrs. A vi 30 (287, 224); V,|Bergstram All In atlendanoe 182 Nn. Quanteitl {oined in eaval singing and candy] Hands were distributed to all nig gal I 200 216 i 0) presen ing nks an ( Bro d 19 ) 919 11 { VAS Wi ( 1 Denyer ing HOH mhe (13 canes 124 ehildren "an Metro Police - Force Scored Jordan Hudson 200 The National ed Wednes politan Toronto's only halt as hig and added that aceldents 'ap [1 14 Lalonde 128 208); | n pug Was | 506 Single 238, M 212. B aver Blur H n 8 an to Date Huokin 1 sters Cameos 7 Winstons i, Kent am Hlayers i | TORONTO (CH) afety Council eharg day that Mele | foree 1s das it should he police action in peared weak Olman disteied Pollo k ( Winehe Chie | nn Fleteher Lalonde Central Toronto Slum Conditions TORONTO (CP) dwellin ts in cent are without flush tollet other A200 have no hath or ers These the hy WH GM Kadwe Li, Bl Winners 11 Atkinson, M | rly A. Johnson n Prize Winners Reed, M, Mayne ( reli Dalal Howe ken Ro polio | HY Some l al Toran and an un \ 1] A | Con Heron \ harman, 1 Fouranee, O contained Wed To the \ nd olat Chigago director Commis Toronta force 4462 and not its Ipresent 2388, The eamimission loonsidered stiffer enforcement against law-hreaking pedes land drinking drivers might the only answer to Metro's mounting fatality rate ve Liat'. Norman of the eouneil"s told the Metro sion that the {should number Ww Ww figures were a in report rele the M Hous Auth rpolitan PB B report recomm d spot rede velopment rather than redevel ment on a ma WN in day r a NIGHT Howard and spearean Wo AND DAY Duff of TV's Mr, Ad acted in Ahad at night while as a window trim tn Met ihe nd n Fve p King day ams vd Vs scale mer trafic 600 FRESH, NEW YORK DRESSED TURKEYS ALSO . . . Fresh Geese, Capons, Ducks, Roasting Chickens Place your Christmas Order now for the best selection, Phone Orders Accepted, 114 DUNDAS ST, W, WHITBY MO 8.3669 td ami The mage acts of Marion and 95 bi produced from heis eolored sik wis the eniranee as Banta walehed the wm the lives of these monday q Hone elved ment mentioned | under the direction of Bill Kel | major (Yule Exams Under Way By PAY GHA Tie halls of Bowmanville Wigh Senin) have an wanes Br of y Hie ik REYS The pda J g 0 inhabitants, whe sre gen. TVIAWA (CF) i i frowt oA oy Who poics in 1661 th combs in bond, have. Hand inhess with hh CLessrOIng with CRnada's or games snd examination Wem of more wore specie WRTKEER REELS exams have struck, 1Ederal poiitics ( shih ry wee siriving for Be nn Fay the marily will be sel" alll he r hed with & pass, Luckily for us SEBIIRSLOn TESS BIE BAL Known until slier New Year's. We £80 have & good time over the hoiidays, ot least. for aller our parents receive those 'execution CRI commanly known es report ards, sll our soclal contaets will i be olf for the rest of the y| YEAR i. The student hody will emerge from confinement pest Thursday, Pee, for one of the most ist party of opuinr oecasions of the year. hoves (0 lake the BHE Christmas: Party and! Liberals to lace I dress-up dance \volers with & elesr City Jaycees ihelween the Left and [Fete Students BOWMANYILLE (Biath o'clock eurfew was) al the Bowmanville { debate wl Wednesday nightiversus international ¢ ) Chrisimas party painful period of reaps Frome w the Oshawa Junior! may rock the Can mner n ammerce ment hetore i Is resol The fe got under wey! 2. An effort to unite with the presentation of gifis and Quehee unionists nmenis by the Oshawa Jay: lation of Nations! with the more (dian Labor Congre thundered through the! 8 Overtures to 8 auditorium the hoys of Jury unions expelled from House presented skits of comie/rejoin the parent opera and barbershop song dian labor, which Al} MC for the program, | Powerful Teamsters {eompleted the evenings enter-|@nd the Beafarers $f wesw dd atid pen, Low paper { ay " iinis (run Famed Hn owill #ih ge Wages, Weller wrking mire fringe heneliis arena fighting [or GFE REORGITMIE Dah ger roe Ion CHIBI BAA With is reformist ut Ver The move into signiticant, Is only many faces of the movement, which 1s {look Bl Ms od sell) gims and aspiration The stags i, A I hi The ning eatiom. dren annial verre Tri celle Laughter and eries for more hody Yichols I d-of Christmas| tainment with the introduction of|Union for raiding ether congress | Tt Thi gorean Aani Io an imitation records of | affiliates | 4 A new railway er wal parties are spon'|the federal governmer "Youth Davelop-lin settling the mult) of the Jayeees dollar wage dispute rallways and their workers hefore geney han on a ral pires May 18 §, A new attack leaders against what | as anti-dahor foundiand, British Col Ontario--as well as federal government fi porary withdrawal of { strike hy rallway wn | fi. A vigorous drive Diefenbaker Unions for more hy Caommilies the Ul ' " ngton 'Parliament At A Glance By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Wednesday, Dee, 14 Prime Minister that the from Vionday announced will | HE { Wednesday, Jan, 16, In| adjourn 1, tn Christma fhe Commons opposition sought without success to learn hen the government plans Lo pe last October's federals| |pravinelal fiscal conference within #8 year. The B I. W. Pi (L Bona [to hegin transmitting | ia: ald govern:|60 minutes every un a na-fvemher 3, 1061 wluetivity eouneil eons \ment brought kind of vagueness sition from appeal to mother: retailers of TV sets {the Industry will not | sald the ready with sets to 7 FeNess LONDON The Bri seeking ed that | Ma Ler general's start sereening color nis convene kersgill Hingate) week The immedi ment legislation setting tional tain except hood Coy an Leader Argue produdtivit hill, "exceedingly | polar limited in seope," condemns the| leounell to Yallure even helore I stahlished | avid Croll (LL On:| duced a private hill lenders to dis to customers the LONDON British Alrways 1s finding a pllots capable of one huge Comet jets, With. Benator reintr money tario {reaul Ing {elose in writing t theltotal eost of loans in a lump sun|Jet fleet going up from 10 to 14 maehines, the intake of is not keeping pace glrevalt expansion he Commons meet at 2180) oapvies three pilots pm. EST to discuss BOVErD: needs four erews per ment legislation selting up & pros gq another four Comet ductivity eounell, The Bote equirqmont of 40 pile meets at pm of interest 1h and In term Thursday, Dee H] SPECIAL! XMAS TREE STANDS only 79c¢ ELEOTRIO KETTLES 7.95 GARBAGE OANS Res. ", 6.47 NOW TOOLS FOR DAD BLACK & DECKER 64" aw... 49.9% 18.95" "weap DRILLS [A ™ 6.95 AND UP PROPANE TORCH KI Labor Takes Leap Into Political Field fahpm ated Wg wep 2 New Party is born labor will battle not only #1 the bergaiming teide ut aise ln Par #lier But i will glso he in the publie Ey ernment semi-social the people, IA NEW ASSESSMENT poli tisk an in the ( 1, 106,000-membher Workers ssed out th srotherhood | legislation in against Commons ernment and business to solve CALL FOR COLOR casting Carporation has manufacturers NOT ENOVIGH PILOTS Hach £ Last Fridey tn Torowts Wy, Justice BD, €. Wells of the On tarie Supreme Court ordered # In Feener Case [<n ris i in peoome / miner om the groinds ¥ TIMING (CF) ~Crown. Migr, 733 Bot inked i he wished 19 wey 8. A Caldvick ed CON WHnesses wt the first Wedne sdny thet Jon. 13 has bees BE O61, 16 by Wagistinie W, wt fs the dale lor the new pre Rainer fim nary hesrmg here for Owenl Migistrate Gardiner will TRIO | CAORGIVES, ikias bistory Wa (Mickey) Feener 15, 08 # charge vide pl Ihe new hearing wid the social puiiosophies of murder Caldiek will pppenr for And for the era of slomation,. Feensr wes chergsd Ost Crown, The same &v there will be presewe (oF # with the knile - saying of Kaye Presenied se ot the decade coordmeted Gian wimed #6 Wain Ohouinor, 6, of Timmins, $0 | Deng bt this time Feoner ing new and hd workers In the mulhieied body was found on #98 TeprEsewied by ¢ Know how oh modern vochactogy, bush 2 106d 12 miles from here 8 Be lower a (Oy yy ------ {five days alter whe wes reported] Fesner now 1s ia joi at Halley: mi wing ad New Date Set AIMEE LRRAR TEOUTIRG MET PARE Fhese are some of the psntisl B61 highlights from what SHARE BP ks B SyRemis fox labor in Canade The lace of lahor Is changing The Movemept 18 Browing up like business, HM Is Wig and povieriil, 1 now hae ie specisl ists COONGITIBAE, FRSERIECH #X Perils, maucstionisth, pubic relations oificers--~and all sins point to & rapid growth In this field But lke business, # slso has ts rascals, Lahor will go all out in 1861 tn clean Hs own house before government tries to do i MH the present peaceful islence between the maverick Teamsters and Bealarers sud Aenly dries wp, there may he some hitler sirile within the union movement ss CLO afb #les swoop in on the sulsiders On the economic from, labor with -g0 after mine Thane shorter WOTKIE Bours nighe Nad-nge security henefis and family sllowaneces To mest the vast needs of the people more huying power wm and fre I on Ihe this There mands for wie Hor CCF, oad a 1.06 5h wy Wiassiie Niawa Jy the ghey CRANE new laws ng, # hig in ihe CORE Yahi from the Canadian ut enoiee the Right Lich nik rife while of the WHOn | é new ethics Whsat Lahor in the h i 0 is { for EVRY ONS nations monism wil Biso he 'mare de 8 Buaraniecd smug Closer parity with American pay, for a shoriey work week with the same take home pay, and for hetier pension plans Lahor may also finally achieve # long cherished objective lahor college where young trade URIONISLE CAN Eel Bn Academic grounding wn industrial relations weisel that Han move Jed the 90.000 miedey Un Cana good and strong ile inne EXPO FLATH CIGARETTES in fl Or FILTER TIP CLC Ww of Cana he | I ernattonal 1816 iniess i BUeoaeds million: | elween the 11,000 of | an Emer | strike ex: | hy labor hey regard | New and] the iw is tem: he right to] kers hy hy umhia trade n [0 Tv fish Broad. | Annnnne the post iproval to) television RC wishes] n enlor for from Ni Announce ale oppo Ani wha elaim y then he| eopive In| SPECIALIZING IN , , , Aluminum Siding, Soft Siding, Roofing, Concrete Work, Brick Cleaning and Interior Work, FREET FREE! | | woud uv sous tue to of ve esses 1 Set of Dishes with Every Estimate Would you please have ane of your represenatives soll on us with ne ebligation Name Addrems City Furapean hortage of rating I the Comat] CRANE R PRE RRR RRR RRNA RR FRR ERRREINNY ARR ARRRRR TIAN Town PLEASE MAIL THIS COUPON TO; AL'S ROOFING & SHEET METAL CO, 200 Glebemeunt Ave, == Torente PHONE COLLECT GA 1.5995 SIE] RIEL RT IL] new plints| with the Comet| and BEA alreralt' § Means a 11] NOTHING TO PAY TILL MAY Torms arranged to sult your budget Ema oa ow wm ow ww al ALUMINUM ROASTER SQUARE TYPE WITH TRAY (18:48: FOWL) WE STOCK ROASTERS OF ALL TYPES AND SIZES XMAS SPECIALS! WHEEL GOODS -- TOOLS -- HOUSEWARES ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES THISTLE Doll Carriages 5.35 0.90 11.08 ae 1000 PRAM PELUNE CONVERTIBLE 10.08 FTROLLER SPECIALLY Was 3.49, 4.98 NOW THISTL Toboggans Good Quality Hardwood AR wan 73 7.95 LL 3.98 "wr BABY ALEIGNS aveiie 4 LR [8 6 fr, ALUMINUM A unas: 7:30 0 comme, 3.98 61. "son 10.50 BE BUY QUALITY ay ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR nw 19.95 G.E. ELECTRIC FRY 10K" with cord and saver 18 95 . WHITBY HARDWARE LTD, SHOPPING PLAZA---WHITRY 319 "BROCK ST, SOUTH PHONE MO 8.3540 0.E. ELECTRIC HAND MIXER Regular 24.95 wi NOW 19.95

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