The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1960, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, December 15, 1966 3 (CAPSULE NEWS - 3 ; {| Another Award To Diefenbaker TORONTO (CP)--Prime Min-|tenced Tuesday to a olal of five lister Diefenbaker has bee nlyears in penitentiary after ad named the 1966 winner of thelmiiting they passed $940 Wn FEM ION Capada-lsrael friendship award] worthless cheques. Wetherup re by the state of Israel honds or-| ceived three years and Armour ganization Sp Toronto, it was an- two, hnmced Wednesday PLANS NEW PARTY CROWN WINS APPEAL TORONTO (CP)--Self em: TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario) ployed aecouniapt James Audy, Court of Appeal Wednesday di-(45, says he's forming a new Ca rected that a verdict of guilty belpadian political party that will entered in the case of Ena Bellicure unemployment, encourage of Windsor, acquitied Sept, | onlindustry and end wars. Mr, Audyl bow ivan én charges of having heroin for traf-|said Wednesday he hasn't any 4 Ve ficking, and sentenced thelmembers yet for the new Demo: 50.60 woman .to two years in peniten-| cratic party but he plans public tiary. The erown appealed Mag-| meetings to gain support strate A. W. MacMillan's ver ay diet of acquittal ASK DRIVER TRAINING . a : TORONTO (CP)--Metropolitan NO INCREASE SUGGESTED (Toronto Chairman Frederick TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Gardiner said Wednesday efforis : tak' " School Trustees Sou il Wed-|will be made to institute driver i on -------- BAIN 147 LL) # nesday recommended that see- education and training courses in . ; A FIC 0 expe er ondary teachers' salaries nol he secondary schools. Mr, Gardiner, My STEATHER OFFICE roughest, most of fir a a air Ie oy fo r increased in 1961. In a S4-page|said that the Metro Palice Com-| with "some sunny Intervals | day will remain mild but eocl- Friday, (CP Wirephole) report mailed to all secondary\mission and the Metro Toronto) kT 1 | . school hoards the council, which] Traffic Safety Council will make furnishes the hoards with guid-la combined appeal to the minis WEATHER FORECAST BOWMANVILLE ROTARIANS HOST TO CRIPPLED CHILDREN ance belore sums salary olor of eduction od (sanepor {tia 8, rec ended | eas fn ¢ £5 ¢ Members of the Bowmanville | shown as they awaited the | good things to make sure that | the club who seemed to get as Hation My Sumibuet tie site ar the es shment 91 the pro ASPHALY Rotary Club played the host | arrival of St, Nicholas, who | the children enjoyed themselves | much kick out of the proceed: | ger role Wednesday night at their | was in rare form. There were | to the hilt, The young folks | : 4 . SENT TO JAIL FREED FROM ICE (®) n now SHINGLES { annual Christmas Party for the | plenty of gifts, gaily wrapped | won't soon forget this special | 'ME® 8% did thelr happy guests TORONTO (CP)--Donald Laur:l MONTREAL (CP) -- The #a x Wetherup, 21, and Joseph don's first victim of St, Lay MHEG. Assopied) erippled kiddies of the district, | with special paper, crackers, | outing arranged for them hy Oshawa Times Photo | ENCE ™ 0 Some of the little guests are ' nuts and all of the traditions' hord-working members of ¢ sen- rence River lee was hauled off FIRST GRADE Soy of We 2, tum dane vee wer. 1X) 1G gain Wich J | nesday and sent on her way. The I per " | British frei thier Woldingham Hill 6.65 2 un . 4 : 2 Honors ; ; Iran into the muddy hank at] TORONTO (CP)--Farecasts Is: Northeastern Georgian Bay 4 b | darkness Tuesday and froze in|sued hy the weather office at 5 Haliburton, Kirkland Lake re Por square a.m. ESI gions, North Bay, Sudbury 1.46 14 colors) BEIT {overnight A tug pulled her free 8 " th th | ynopsis--BLrengiening south Cloudy with occasional wel | JAIL MOTORIST westerly winds and occasions) snow m1 freezing dtizele this ih & A LJ etire em ers | TORONTO (CP)---Ronald Bah periods of sunshine will send| morning, Cloudy and colder with bs cock, 30, was jailed for six Southern Ontario's temperaiuresi scattered snowflurries to 6 1 1 | months Tuesday for falling to re-| into the high 80s today, But cold ich and Frida Win { ou U WH Some 365 retired members of H. Dyas, Mr, and Mrs, John : main at the scene of an acei-Lair will return tonight. Snowflur Meh 18 to ¥r dy south LUMBER Loeal 222. UAW, and their wives Whiteoak, Mr, and Mrs, E, Wat dent and sentenced to four|pies, strong northwesterly winds! gece 2 to 80 this afternoon attended the annval Retired Mem. son 5 { manths concurrent on threeland falling temperatures will 7 4 ? Cloud bers' Christmas Party held in the, Mr, and Mrs, D, J, Sleep, My 1 A \eharges of false pretenses, Bah herald the return of winter in|. hdd fe Kapuskasing : fou y 1270 SIMCOE SV, N UAW hall auditorium Wednesday and Mrs, B, Morgan, Mr. end ; / i B® |cock struck twe girls with his| Northern Ontario this morning and eolder with snowflurries to: : MN, afternoon Mrs, George Brunzlow, Mr, and 4 8 car and left the scene without and in souther regions later fo aay Jarly cloudy and contin. Local 222 Secretary - Treasurer, Mrs, George Maule, Mr, and Mrs, | : 2 identifying himself. The girls| day ne fold Fr ay in : nortiwest Russ McNeil, in welcoming the(". G, Mason, Mr. and Mrs, | / 8 | were not seriously injured Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake On| ) to Eu] tod ay, decreasing fo 16 guests, outlined the , progress George Lee, Mr. and Mrs James| : hi taro regions, Windsor Toronin, 1 2) Friday which has heen made hy the/Luke Mr, and Mrs, Ab Hale, Mr, | i i : y f GETS OBE Hamilton; Partly elondy this 7 WASHINGTON (Al MN morning, Cloudy with occasional | union in getting pensions sinceland Mrs, James McNab, Mr, and| 7 A 5 3 a | ho has its formation Mrs. J. W. Watson, Mr. and Mrs ; | Hurok Impre maar Ww if oy Rit (rain or wet snow this afternoon 7, / i ranged man 5, LOUrs TOF B10 or early evening, Mainly cloudy] Mr. MeNell sald although steps FE. O, Phillips, Mr, Cee Hann and| 4 ; | § e 0 have heen made in getting pen: Mother Agnes, J Reid, Mr. and ] J i Ish Afiisis, ha Deth name Bet {and colder with scattered snow: sions for rveticed members Mrs, E, Tumey, Mr, and Mrs. T f 4 : fnanger 4 pr Britis} Ieform {flurries tonight and Friday. | 7 Ish Empire, the : A Winds southwest 15ito 26 today, tthrough organized labor, the H, Campbell and Mrs, Burnie AX ead | ¥ 4 | F i . 2 ; ton Service announced Wednes | northwest 20 to 50 tonight and | | union is still striving to get higher Mr, and Mrs. H. Hopkins, Mi day ve |p | Friday 3 g FIRST HOME GAME AT pensions from both industry and and Mrs. Frank Hall, Mr. snd p Z z i . government for retired workers, Mrs, Frank Freeman, Mr. and Za : 4 % . USES UNICEF CARDS Lake Huron, southwestern| . Season's Greetings were eX-|Mrs. W, A, Smith, A. Nott, Mi b ; OTTAWA (EP Libera || Georgian Bay regions, London: | NJ | WHITBY ARENA tended to the gathering by Mrs. \and Mrs, E. L, Seott, Mr. and / / 7 4d |Leader Pearson and Mrs. Poar-| Partly cloudy this mornigg Alice Reardon, president of the Mrs, Edgar Bone, Mr, and Mrs,| § | son are sending out their holiday! Cloudy with occasional rain or BOWMANYILLE Juveniles greetings on Christmas eards of wet snow this afternoon, Cloudy vs. WHITBY Tuveniles Local 222 Ladies' Auxiliary: |Robert Moase, Mr, and Mrs, F, L James Lowney, Local 222 second! VanNest Mr. and Mrs. Jos the United Nations Association) and colder with snowflurries vice - president, who chaired the puhky, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Tay lof Canada Committee for drifting snow and locally heavier GAME STARTS AT 8 gathering and Jack meagher, lor Mr and Mrs. J. Pickering Elmeroft Inka Jean Olla, | Chicago. At the left is Harold | Friesian 8 ADULTS 50¢ = CHILD! Local 222 first vice - president,| nie Charles Peel, Mr. and Mps | Owned by Dunrobin and Elm-_| Jebson, herd superintendent at | and making the presentation of [Emergency Fund, Proceeds ofl southwest 16 to 25 today, north: : gles of such cards #0 10) west 20 to 30 tonight and Friday, who repmsented President Mal-| Anton Orvae, Mr, and Mrs, Harry| croft Farms, Beaverton, was | Dunrobin and Elmeroft Farms, | first prize trophy is Mrs, C, G UNICR i pI -- baba bh Th hh bh bh [TINICEF the UN Children's| squalls tonight and Friday. Winds Association of Canada | ool Smith, i Crouter the first prize milking two- | while at the halter is D, 8, | Ellis of Wayne, Illinois 4 r. Smith was unable to at Mr, and Mrs. Lang, Mr. and| Year<ld Holstein heifer at the | Dunton, Brampton, second vice The Holstein-Friesian Asso . . tend as he was attending a con: Mpg 8, Moffatt Mr end Mrs International Dairy Show at | president of the Holstein. | lation of Canada CONVICTED OF RONNERY ference in Windsor James E. Sullivan, Mr, G. H.|™ ; ' - PORONTO (EF) Mrs Entertainment was supplied bY rymer and Mrs, K. Guan, Wm McRae, 84, of Niagara Falls, |g [) Toronto comedian Billy Meek Russell. G. Me} . . N.Y., was convicted Tuesday on a) Sse McRae and Winnifred ssault & nd robbery Some of the pensioners, most of RAR d { n T charge of assault an whom are retired GM oe Me Rae, A, H, Dean, Mr, and Mrs, | 1 OBITUARIES and sentenced to eight months in 8 |R. McKinnon, Mr, and Mrs, Bart jail who attended included | Biake, Mr. and M ) : rs, A, Lavender, , " A Mae urine Lr, a is, 2. tows, a. sui) Job scapes In Car in eg ly To oot] oa ClE NAMED ~ Nn ' year Arthur C, Edwards died atl grown, deputy Kent County elerk fi qe ' FINEST ARRAY OF samester, Mr. and Mrs. PUon, Mrs. John "Black Mr, and Mrs, Hillsdale Manor this morning, He Mr, and Mrs © od. Mr. lA Dionne, Mi " | | 1, Wednesday was|g | and Mrs. Easton, Mr, and Mrs Thora Mr Why My ¥ | SULTAN, Wash (AP) Atown of Monroe, seven miles/ was in his fird year alee Tn to succeed W. M. v oil] F, Stureh, Mr, and Mrs Walls, (goo, Joe Jackson. Mr. and Mrs | spunky blonde teen-ager told po-|from Sultan. The man stopped at] A son of the late Mr, and Mrs,| Abraham, who died Oct, 81 fol- : f S ¥ - 2 Mr, McClelland, Mr, and Mrs, A, lw ©; lice she kidn ed at knife-'a busy intersection where there Alexander Edwards, the deceased . y | Calford, M nd M 8. Pre. | ° 1€ Was Kianappeda a 1 5y ersection whey {L lexander Fdwards, the deceased| lowing a car erash Maga, John Hara, Mr. and Mrs 'vot Mi h Wn Bo Fred Boe point Wednesday but managed to/was a phone booth was born Nov, 11, 16888, in Walt 3 3 Chas, Baker, Mr, and Mrs, C, Eo TR McDonough. | KP out on her abduction in his Bl " H Township, - Muskoka, and was DIES AFTER ACCIDENT Jr J All Weal Bulky Knits i Bonlons «+o Cardigans Young, Mr, and Mrs, HarryiMe' and Mrs. Fred Reinkoestor 8%: FORCED INTO BOOTH married at Raymond, Muskoka,| 87, CATHARINES (CP)--Doris| gg HT 11H Pets ullovers == tailored by Jantzen, Tony Day, Rae, wy Martin and Miss Mr, and Mrs, A. Murray, H |, Hazel Irene Oelrich, 17-year-old) He made me i fet in helon Mar, 9, 1006 M. McArter, 50, died Wednesday ; 0) eter Scott, areoe, Mr. 'and Mrs, Albert) gp, AN ; high school senior, said, It was/booth with- him," Hazel said, | side hospital after a Dee, 8 traffic £8 t 3 y 9 Ile Mrs r i é . A resident of Oshawa for 34/10 hospital & i / enor and Mrs. Dingman andi; oh more fun than going to ! He told me to call dad, and Il 0 PES ds farmed H aceldent. She suffered only minor | gi from 8. 8 di Woodward, Mr, and Mrs George | yravion Mr. and Mrs, Bagshaw Brockwell, Mr. and Mrs, P. Dan. i . | sehool," d, We hoth talked to dad N " v8 injuries at the time but doetors Mr, and Mrs, Aylsworth, Mr 00 [the Brighton and Parry Sound| in] New Continental Pole Shirts and Sweaters , o + fels, Miss Sara Mallett, Mr, and p Hazel told polic was trying te tell dad that the said she later contracted pneu- ® § ! hr ' 3 " J man came L iets hefore resis i { / Me.|@0d Mrs, Patten, Mr. and Mrs, "8 ire 4 Some before Man said he was not to call the disthle is he ore ooking A ed monia j 100% Pure Weal , , , Direct fram Italy, A re» 8 plo id A ! RY markably fine range presenting quality and expert Mrs, J. Armstrong, Alex > to the d f her | 8 hefor 0 Wa : Bryck, Mr, and Mrs, 8. Me-| 0 the door of her home helore i A : Kean, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Rich. Millan, Mr. and Mrs. 8 Steven. School, asked if her father was sheriff, The man. told dad if he | Fittings Limited for about 10 ! i craftmanship" X ; any PLES . ards, Mrs, John Smith, Mr. and| home. and when he learned Oel- Wanted to see me again he must vemos nrior to his retireme i a / Mrs, Elmer Herring, Mr and| 0. : : ' a wh ; | aring $25,000 fo the phone booth years prior to his retirement | § | fi 9 05 Mrs Art Jackson Wm, Riding, arate Mis. ©. Alitiargon Mow Hid Jad, gone to work tallowed in the next 20 minutes' | Predes pased hy his wife the FOUR SEASONS fn, | x on . From 14. ] to 17. Mrs. C. O'Donnell and Mrs, V ' and Mrs ' former Annette Hamell, Sept. 8, ey J Livingstone, Mv. and Mrs. W [leave a note Hazel said the man then told 1048 he is survived by & daugh TRAVEL 3 Harman : ! [Cowan, Mr, and Mrs, Kashul, My | Her parents, Mr, sud Mrs her to get in the car and drive|;e, Mrs. George A gang: 2 v po 0 Mark Turner, H, Fitehett, Mr, and Mrs, Smith, Mr, and Mrs. H |George Oelrich, had already left|on west to Everett and he would! (Bdith). of Oshawa and four NE CONFIRMS y and Mrs, Alex MacDonald, Jacki MeLaughlin, Mrs, C. Nichols, Mr, [for the bank where fi work, follow in another car [Charles William and Ross ; of ll YOU ON f i PHA Beamish Mr. and Mrs, W. H.iand Mrs, M. Chute, Mr. and Mrs | He 1s manager She tured around, drove back Oshawa and Donald, of Agin-|l THE s JE aad } 74 SIMCOE N, Scorgie, Mr, and Mrs. M Fgan, Ludlow, Mr. and Mrs Swindells,| Hazel said once the man wasto Monroe, where sie telephoned] oun i j RA 3-360) Edgar Hewson and Mvs. Cam-(A Butler, Mr, and Mrs, G. Froud Inside, "he pulled out a hunting her father she had escaped, and| 4, os . | srov ] . eron, Mr and Mrs Hanson Rich Mr, Whitelaw, Mr. and Mrs. Par. '0ife about six inches long and!|then drove to her father's bank | Mrs My YR An Ne alalare, ALSO A { fy MEN'S WEAR LTD, as, Mr. a ide Ne Branton sis W. Akless, Mr and Mrs [101d me to come with him." ' Meantime her father had left Bracebridge Rowiir 8 Boh ALL C 4 ne aL Hive, Mr. an Mrs : «| They got in an old car and $2,000 in the phone booth, but it| A shatohow on"; rid] 4 { " Eh Mr and Mrs, T Needham fojann Mr RT BoOTE®| rave to the western Washington was not picked up (Mary . of ha katchewan and nine OTHER The House of Style Mr. and Mrs. Manley ¥. Wilson, 1) @PP. Mr. and Mrs, irton, grandchildren TRAVEL For Men and Boys" Wd Mrs, Crocker, Mr. and The memorial service will he ARRANGEMENTS | #8 4 Mr, and Mrs. Herbert R, Hill, Mr and Mrs, F, M. Williams, | Ars B. Blake, Mr, and Mrs, A Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blight, Mr Rimes, Mr and 'Mrs, Roberi| n [hie te Armatros Vwuosa) RA 8 2 1 IN Salt, amilton, Robert Reade ear ar or PY 7 " is : i and Mrs, Nick Lopak, Mr, and # ' I der, 17, followed by interment in Osh. pi, Mrs, Harry Yourkevich, Mr, and Mr. and Mrs, H, John Amey awa Union Cemetery, Rev, M, A EAT AT AT A141 AT A SEAT AT AT AT AT AL 114 Mn : 5 Rutan My Lil | Bu. Muster ou King Street] . EHR. rs, Walter Baluk, Mr, and Mrs " Inite 'hurch, will eonduet the Fam. "dwards, Mr. F, Mornin FORECAST or e one | services ~ and Mrs. Coulson, Mrs, M, Hoy: | : ton, Mrs. Mary Hewitt, Miss] TEMPERATURES By C, [ATES McDANIEL ments, the numbers and the prep FUNERAL OF Grace F. Riddington d Rryee, WASHINGTON: (AP)--~The Jap-|arations of U.S, battleship forces| MISS REATRICE LAMBERT Mr, and Mrs. George Hicks " anese Navy's lone spy in Hawaii simply by walkin", to the end of The funeral service for Miss Mrs. John Wotid, Mr, and Mrs | aw toutgy and Mh Fray: lat the time of Pearl Harbor says| Pearl City peninsula that- juts Beatrice Lambert, of 262° Centre G. A, Johnson, Mr. and Mrs (Si Thomas a5 [his work had "little to do with into Pear! Harbor. There he used siveet, who died at Hillsdale Emil Kapczynski, Mr, and Mrs | London Han 25 mysterious methods of communi-| his eyes Manor on Monday, Dee. 12, was 8. Pethick, Mr, and Mrs, Fred| Kitchener as cation. lush lady spies or single ~He-found out about flights and held at the Melntosh-Anderson Durham, Mr, and Mrs. George Wingham brilliant coups." dispositions of aircraft on army Funeral Home at 2.30 pm, Wed: | | solidly onlalr force fields by hiring a small nesday, Dee, 14 Thomson, Mr, and Mrs, R, Ward, | Hamilton : Instead it was based M. and Mrs. 8. Daley, Mr. and|8t. Catharines .... 23 2 scholarly research, meticulous commercial plane, flying low at| Rev, N. F, Swackhammer, pas: Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. and Mrs.| Toronto , 25 : observation and painstaking at-/times to take pictures tor of First Baptist Chureh, eons A. Tkaczuk, Mr, and Mrs. Orville| Peterborough .., wention to details On the very day hefore the duefed the serviee Intermen faery 8 5 Breaking a silence of 19 years, Pearl Harkor attack, Yoshikawa was in- Oshawa Union Cemetery, | Howie, Mr. and Mrs. R. Branton, retired Ensign Takeo Yoshikawa sent a significant message that] qe pallbearers were L Me: | on Av and Meso R. Heaslip, Mr. B, laloe vere : BE in tells his story dispassionately in|Was relayed promptly to the Jap muptry, J. Merrithew, G. Besse, | Wainwright and Mrs, M, Adame, Eek 40 aes f Mr, and Mrs Wm. Chester, Mp, Ray 20 [the current issue of the U§|anese task force, He had pre's "parrati, H, Audley and D.| and Mrs. McIndless, Mr, and Mrs! ' Naval Institute Proceedings viously reported that the US. Rien : | Sam MeMechan, John Cotting- Sing... | Yoshikawa had spent more than military authorities were plan | ham, Mr, and Mrs. N. Dunford, ver s [four years intensively studying Mné 10 put up a balloon barrage | | George Sloan, Mr. and Mrs, E.[ EE TTT the U.S. Navy, particilarly the ground key points. On Dee, 6, the MARKET PRICES Stubbings, Mr. and Mrs. A, M, . {fleet and the bases in the Pacifio lL Rpanese agent reported no hal $ HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS NO, 1 WHITE Carswell, Mr. and Mrs. R. Zim- Building Plans {Then, at the age of 25, he was Roa it . J ¢ merman, Mr. and Mrs. C. H {sent to Hawaii in 1941 as a spy, he absence of a balloon bar TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale Mushrooms : hy rage p he | PSE Dilnean, Mr, and Mrs, J. M, Mil 1 posing under the cover name of oh ean iat dhe Suna), and vegetable prices atl} THE ARISTOCRAT OF ROASTS : lar, Mr, and Mrs, A, Pearse, Mr ttawa Vice-Consul Morimura 'hombes N ! i PEEK and Mrs, H. Hancock, Mrs. John! . He 4 ombens 11:85 am. today were: Apples, | REAN -- 8-0F, PKG, A Mrs. John e was In Hdnolulu on that| Yoshikawa said he did not know memtosh $8.50-4 a bushel l WA (CP) -- A 20-yéar fateful Dec, 7. As a consulariin advance the exact date of the 50. * hushel, del) . DIGESTIVE COMING EVENTS | #31 building program, officer he eventually was re-pigeattack 0 nPearl Harbor. He clous 44 , Spies +450, RBC Cut From Red Brand Beef ! \ [se fo get under way jp Patriated te Japan without hisiawoke early on the morning of Delicious 5.50-5.75 a case; heans, po i --.------ | ive , was announced toda) om status having been discov: Sunday, Dee. 7, to hear the sound American green 44.50 a bushel, SIRLOIN, T-BONE & WING MESTIC : ingo at the Avalon, hy rsity of Ottawa jered, of explosions from the direction waxed 6.50-6.75 russels axel §; brussels sprouts, | RED BRAND BEEF \& or en ng Thursday, December 15, North Oshawa nb % bas 2 i i a Park, 20 games at $10, and seven Jack it ; the construction off He wrote that he found his joh of the big base, He stil did nat 20-21 a quart; 'bracecli, Amer | Ib pots, 19 ngs, ranging from aleasy in respect to things and know it was the real thing until . pil r-- | $400,000 $.30rts centre to a $2,500,- happenings "he was able to see he tuned in on a regular news/'®4" 4 a case; carrots, 1.1.25 a BLUE RIBEON ~- 100% NOVEL BINGO 000 convovation hall, and renova [for himself. He found it "dis. broadcast from Tokye. The radio. bushel; 'cabbage, 75-1 a crate; | LEAN MEATY FRESH SPARE ' Pk & tions or extensions to three oth appointingly difficult" in that helcast carvied only routine news, cauliflower. American 12s 3.75.4; | Ll ¢ THURSDAY, iin Xe ors gat Mitle or no help from thelexcept that twice within thelcelery. California 3.50-3.75: let! RIBS at EORGE 'S A l | Also provided for in the build: [large Japanese community in broadcast ome phrase was ve-liuce American 30s 3.25-3.50, 24s! (Albert and Jackson Sts.) [ine plan | L000 000 hospital, | Hawall peated 4: looks. 1.1.38 per 1 : hig) Games $6. 312. $20 housing The hospital : by A. ait eoks, 1133 per 1lquart basi LEAN CROSS CUT 8 | F | The Japanese spy used no un East wind, rain was the ket; mushrooms, 2.252.385 per §.| search & _ {relying solely on the regular dip made to order $2.00 and up Door price $15 i Student Sosting hap lomatic codes and message chan. States |1:1.26 a dozen; parsnips, 1.25-1.78 jected, along pels employed by his consulate " -- la bushel; pears, B.C. Anjou & . : CHRISTMAS BINGO A 5%, wh , physios aid nl ayes iia A ANCIENT STONE 16.50 a taki Dah Ai a0 LIAN BONELESS VIN JA: 3c 4 Lh 4 Delivery Service {mathema poring an 4 : SEIT FARK CA] A-tanet 110 per Hl-quart basket: spinach, BRISKET CHIC FRI, DEC. 18-8 P.M arts build hime but a few WORKED ALONE Bs RUSALEM (AP) y STanel American cello 1.75-1.85: squish, | Thep for your $20 and over Free versity's e hired no assistants of any more than 3, years oid has pepper 1.50-a bushel, Hubbard 2 y (comer Bloor and Simcoe) [campus in SRAEEEIRA Ottawa is nationality and al no time did been found In northern Israel} 25. butlernut 1783; tomatoes. |] STANDING 6th & Teh 59 CHOF 39 i! Hyg ya 15 Chickens Given Away expected to oe #4 acres hy he co-ordinate intelligence opera. Experts said it contains the texts hat house No 1 large 33.25 per ; Fon $6 and $10 ihe preity now tions with German and Italian of official documents from the/1o-pound box, small L762: tur PRIME RIB CHOPS anywhere in Under $5 = 340 Ha ig TR he» will be ex- officials in the islands reign of Seleucid, King Antiochus nips, unwaxed 1, waxed 1.25135; | shave - 43¢ A : § He found out about the move. the Great (a1 BC) {vegetable marrown 1 a bushel, | " i | L May "be doubled ¢ ipled , inie N $150 JACKPOT INCLUDED will conee Bn clinical re-|usual methods of communication, phrase. Yoshikawa &new that pound basket; onions, 1-113 per SHORT RIB HALF OR " war had started with the United 50-pound bag; parsley, American WHOLE

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