The Oshawa Times, 15 Dec 1960, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA Times, Vhordey, Docomber 15, 1968 15 Whitby Hillcrests " est: C Lose In Belleville Sova Colas Take By CLIFF GORDON We 910 mage we lie rminded on (ngs they fe ABYWEY Tex Believille Lowbert Rolling Jr. 8 Weave)" passing Pay with actum lor the Hilicrests is ceed Tulbdey evening i Sime ws Ere Cay 's fisdlly dia oviscone B hockey team took the menswre, Wesiall snd Shearer, With lese for the Wikthy arene on Bpturday Hel, nan (sheng Indesrie Comes in the lest queries by 18-17 lof the Wiithy Billeress B74 last|/Ron (hres imines rememng wn mg wien tie Picton Merchanis Waskeihitl Lesgie Batak, Coca iwi ime wes ter trom evgh 15 wight in the Bay of Quinte town, he tal period Forsyihe ag will provide the opposition Liha pueed fry 1am Peery 21 .overcome thelr lead os time van I was #8 very rough and rigaed #90 We thug gost of the pened ist Period pois, moved 'ole few pace ow, Jens, Welker snd Tuscon Pm wd gave the homeners & 41 16s) 1, Belleville: Susith wer the ide Ajax crew, | Mas Woke Cirongh the winners de Forsythe leg the winners it the end of tae Bret WW mwiniies Mest, Weston) 7 have three games I hand) by fence lor sme fine scoring shor tack with # trie of gous with" PRY 2. Belleville: Fowsytive handing Erie Cay |umbnarkings wihe Gord Shields and peters Meliill begging 8 pair and Smith] MeN looked after the sewing, (Kellar) 141® HHA Niciomg : {kept the Clas far shana one, For the losing Wilthy team or he second sid #5 ke . : . i wae Harvey Wore ond Elmer some} both gous % the miadiel ® Batieviie Forsythe AES START FASY HIGH SCORERS Wen with one each, Pie ment Hani The Hirst ose come ot the) wr, Humier) 627) The Refreshment osm om Cochtop were led to their ft mie for the second-place Wiithy| 11.25 Mark am come wile otk] & With: Burke (riled the hhh well 1 the open VIEORy Wf the weet By Den em will be this Saturday might teoms weve at full sirength for] (Weslell, Bhcorer) 4.10 108 perion DeyIng Wendy team Peters who oped al Borers os ot the Whithy Arena, when they\s change, There were siz men tn 5 Believille: Forsythe Weld to move owt in front 146 fhe might's pay 4 : ol host the Picton Merchents |the soeezer when the nest goal] (Kellar, Hunter) i 4p 190 Lave, Dave Crime and Boh ows 71-pobit {This will be the firm meeting of Vis scored and 1 ton wes by the! Penalties Mayity 544, West Both combined to score 10 of nl Love who ithe two chibs this yeag_pnd # Belleville ieam and gave them alell 428, Rumer 1146, 1346 the 9 Viiory thal while Graham ge go a me fiting 4 points wh Lpromises to be a dandy, 6% al) re Commanding 6-1 lead ol the end of Viddielon (mise, 1542. Bole VEeMlan netted held of We Car's, Bl Jepma, Bill (ports say the Picton team are ¥ mines (misk,) 1342, Reed 1501, Mavity "#0 5 points and Chuck Tuscon had mighty fast skaiers Elmer Tran scored the omy 1942 Westiall (major) 174) Cokes ithe we # bon-pokuih po points respectively in | The Belleville team lost no time 80% of the fingl period as the (Shearer 1741, Roberts 1941, fond a 7s 16-17. Dan Peter, gt in getting on the bend wagon se Eome wes Bll hut In the bag for Ethier 17.41 pop # oy oy Ie winners Ge ithey were seeking thelr second the home side. This marker came nd Period ih Fis Lowe tnd Bol Hil Sedge; Hi, 9; 4 / win of the seasan over the Whithy ot the 4.55 mark snd was a solol § Belleville; MeGill 1.25 ing 'thelr ki he ale Wille for a; 4; Commie, ' : teem. Smith opened the scoring #H1or | 7. Belleville: MeGill Kings' pot hd Marcel Bot. I? Toh ul--68, Fouls Woont-of. 24 ; ot the 57 mark snd from here in or CHIPS ~ It will be oh] { hsswiine) 15.46 Hg and Bil Walker took CAY'S -- Jepma, Vi; Boivin, 8; SNOW BIRDS WATCH PIMLICO FINISH MEET oe mark 2, 1, MED, = J, 0 Ue 09 ph. 41, 1 Wh th tyr 5 HOR 0 og ¥on sythe hme thrmgh wi in 2 more then Wkely both clubs willl Vity bh Westfall 1206, Assatine trailing 95 - 28 at the hallway]; MeMitian, 4 Totul--b4 Fouls ace track todey, Track was | which struck the Fest Copst and an Eighth race of quick at the 6.04 and! face fines by the OHA fox thel 822, Mavity (major) 422, Bob Wark Zool 27, ow devs following | Phis view shows horses as they | AP Wirephote P21 mark, The fivet goal of For-geme misconduct handed out bie (major) 14.22, Westlall 14.22. The second bal stared tl Officials ~~ Leo Kelly snd Dow e | ' oythe"s enme with the Hillerests Mavity of Belleville andlBunier (mise) WZ, Mavity | much the same as the first with Seeley; scorer, Tim Ni 2 man short snd the second Just Westioll of the locals were the! Esme mise.) 1422 Westlo!! the Colas sgnin outhustiing Cey's| - Hier the p malized Player hadbad men in this regard Tt gama: mise) 422, Burke 1051, his time 18-13 to inerense their RACE DATES SEV D C just returned to the ice seems & shame thet the clubs cap! Wl (minor and mise.) 18.81 lead to 15 points, Peters and Love LACONIA, NH. (AP) The The Belleville team peared not carb this type of t , pt an " o (eam ap) " ih yp hing rd Period combined thelr grest scoring 0! pug word championship ofa confident Pr tha y led fd ut this Per ups, I the players had to pay! B, Whithy: Tran 5 lead the winners while Chuck! dog races will be held Feb, 24-26 stage of the geme, Burke gob the the fines, they would think twice! Penalties -- Tripp 1921 a Tuscon pnd Walker tried in viln| The events will consist of W George Eastham Proves ls st vo 1 3 1 EO Fa Sr, Sel ge B Just What Arsenal Needs Lon Lean, downiclosely ehallenging ne 7 Spectators stand atop ' banks near the ral during vu - | clon oF wing of second race at Pimlico ' Bunday's heavy snow Orin | passed sands GUNBE the nh By M. McINTYRE HOOD ward us sidelined by njuries, |that the lowly Pre Special Lepdon, Fngland, Had this sharp-shooter been on! pear the hotlom of the leRgue, ers Corvespondent to ad (0 use the slide-rule passes held the Bpurs to a 10 Z0all The fourth division race re Ww The Oshawa Times served up by Eastham, Avsenal's|score, and deserved al least #8 mains close, Crystal Palace stay LONDON One brilliant ball: count might have reached Aounie dray { in the! and Burnley all won thelr games, hui Peterborough came a crop the so the league positions are Whiner ai Barrow and lost 2-1, Dar was the conclusion | rejched after game Eastham @ worth changed, with Spurs eight points lingion, in third place could only seeing George Fastha\n boughllevery penny of | um! ahead of Everton and Wolve draw st Accrington, 22 allowing by Arsenal from Newedstie Unit-| Arsenal paid foi 0 Seeing sheffield United's lead in Ue Novihampton, whe heal Mans ed for $126,400, make + ret his first ¢ n the top second division is being whittled! field 10, to come up on level } team debut for his new elub.' Hidivision for nes) hE months, | swWal ( h are on theee {erm Ls Shead of Liverpool, who : he 01 our neceni saie a Everion, Wolves, Bhetfield| ed on top with a 20 win at York player can make a emMendous ingore Genera! comme difference to & whole Yeam, That| Highbury pre hox af was not alone the fact that Ar-lhis form was a. ' ¢ o games in hand, United UP IN SCOTLAND Jenal oo" Fra Wahderon bY ISFURS HATE MUD mexpectedly dropped their game! Ranges are forging ahead in p 8 a uni ply rod Use tan Resta ie, rf, pen, continuing demand for.our merchandise, we have goals, that made his debul a sped There 16 no dou ahuu t,/to Derby 5 tacular one. He was the link thatimuddy conditions might well send were DEaLNE Swansea 440 and 1p- deen helped them hy heating sed ' transformed what has been a|Totienham Hotspurs topping from swich winning #1 from Ply-lond place Klimarock is wivle decided fo hold ANOTHER SPECIAL SA mediocre forward line into a win-| thelr lofly perch. The Spurs are month, Norwieh's eity dropped iniihe leader vere heating Hiher ning . combination, His ball con-[jusi not good mudder ¢ play-lthe standing by losing 21 atinlans #2, The Seottish first divi i" oy trol. bis masterly intuition in|ers know it and the pyschological | Beunthorpe ion table has a strange look, Be Just in lime for CHRISTMAS GIFT BUYING making passes to just the right disadvantage It imposes on ine Mird division leader Bu hind Rangers LA Kilmarnos kK, In » Ld LJ spot and his linking up with the!is plain to see, It hecause of came back to winning form fo order, are Pairick, Thistle, Moih ewport 4:1, hii second erwell Airdrie Aberdeen and half-backs made this the best heavy rain and mud that Burn-idefeal N Arsenal performance | have seen|ley, alter being four gi als down Grimshy could on draw! Dundee Utilted, Down in the hot IMPORTED HI | 9 | ST R former lop al ' 1 hat d ove Southend and are now tom hall are ueh in the last two seasons IG Bp roa ack { The viclory was all the move whelmed the Tottenham team Lo Three point hehind., Queen's teams ag Hes arts, Celtle, Dundee RA 1 A i Rangers th & meritorious | and Clyde, with Hibernians al the | - APH 8. RECORD PLAYERS And Park aly Rah arin A nside for Was id muddy field at Presion'8:0 win at Wationd wre oy! Bl. of rH | : AND TAPE RECORDERS ' . fo Prices on these WORLD-FAMOUS QUALITY-BUILT GOODS Dairymen Hold Lead; Blac awks| J 01 LOW AS 309-40% OFF thelr Retail Selling Prices. EACH UNIT | IS COMPLETELY GUARANTEED FOR SIX MONTHS AND IS Blank Blues I DELIVERED "FREE OF CHARGE", Kassingers Eke Win By THE CANADIAN PRESS More defensive lapses and mors For Example -- Here's Just A Few of the Real Bargains problems face New York | Rangers coach Alf Pike -- -- ae Bowmanville Arena Tuesday, Kellington for Kassinger's, on|Welsh who then went right in to night, was the scene where the a play with Weight and Dineen, heat Courtney Kassinger Construction Hockey cooled ITU Hghtty when he ted the 8 eric . The Rangers have a potentially ssinge [cool § In the nd period the Dairy:| C0" DLE oIAY, Pike was Say -- AM SHORTWAVE RADIOS TAPE RECORDERS 5 00 , LJ Club came out a winner over the score at 7.85, Then Dineen men went hog wild, While the | | ITU by an exciting 84 score inlfrom Sinclair and Weight put the Fipemen were busy ecolleeting Hy oh the present National "Clearance" From the first game of a Civil Berv:|Kassinger Club ahead with his|penalties, thelr specially, the ockey League season gol under -- Price . a M 0 FINAL CLEARANCE ce Double Header while the Fire: goal at 19.80 Dalry were busy scoring goals way, "But we're giving away | fighters were humbled to the tune! To make matters worse for the McKee from Feeney and Fry at| that puck much foo often Wien " of 6:0 by the League leading|pU Kassinger's Dineen passed 6.10, Duro with Huzminsid and| HOSE 0 controlling 1. 1t's con RADIO RECORD Dairymen the puck to Sinclair, whe flred if |} t 10,06, then MoKee again hE we puck to 0 ry a ! g PLAYER Combinations . LIQUOR CABINETS, Only . . past J, Phillips to make soorelat 18.00 with Bugminskl drawing] The seript was repeated in Chi : Wg vi Ri va om " read 6-3, in Kassinger's favor his second assist, The score at Rhee Wednesday night and 4 fol 5 only 46 Loft. Reg, 50,007 JUSY ike Banks opens $eOring ; g - r | this point read 6 to 0, leaving| the Hangers a chance to close wi for Kassinger's Consiruction at| L. Durno for ITU put them i ul PAVINEL 0 the fourth-place Black Hawks TH ANY OTHER PURCHASE ] ank 20.80 when |the ~ Firemen unorganized and | * 0 of the fivst period with Walte/Dack In the game al 4.40 of the Hirst period he seored his second goal of the lemperamenta he defensive lapse eame in| and Gutsole sharing his honors Wi | t Mok i} i ol the first period hen Haw Pp mous 0 / to take the Witial lead. They night th less than A minutes Kee scored his fourth goal a awl F M German AM/FM RADIOS | WITH woop 60 00 Only OU, pl lay ITU wens all out tol|28 15 thus ending the scoring li{reckie Reggle Fleming stole the strengthened thelr lead to 2-0 at)left to pla 5 nis. dani hy a Bg other | DUCK from Andy Bathgate] ory family should have an FM Radio, the greatest seurse of pleasure for Phipher|#et the equalizer, but were denied | the game, His four goals together, | BW ' bd Apt Rg 4 te adie the granten surge o Mu ABINET in the ITU net on a solo perform. (88 Wiltshire stayed steady in thelwith Fry's four assists deserve) SNated i alone and scored his | FaNiLy one Vor enna! ¥ Your -) ] Kassinger nei, until the end of special mention for the Dalry fivsl goa! to start Chicago on 1s | ance | Way to a 40 triumph Toa Dale} ab 2 Diss HNMR Daug|the fame thus giving the Kas: [men " the A vin aver the nd Ad aos JRIRO pm te 5 h te - " Cole put some spivit back Wn the singer Club their 54 win place irelighters . . Ha a Sy us aly tn lack = ee t e amous rechargeable ELECTROSHAVER' ITU's elub at 13.80 when hel "DAIRYMEN BLANK RUA Ah Ames No Battery - No Cord - Shave Anywhere ' aE ening y Kassing NH Welsh, Dalry dg 14 18 20 fund ah Spenig in the Kasuinger in FIRE 1GHTERS refight Dene Dairy 13 10 23 Fleming, who earlier this sea [ " s § kovits assisting e od dh Hie HEHE SRY hn aor | Hubile, F, I 18: 5 18 [son established an NHL record | oe. Manhoviia assisting evened iors were na match for the Leave kylgi, ¥. § 10 10 [for the mos minutewin-penaities a THIS WAREHOUSE SALE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 10 A.M, FRIDAY, DEC, ¢ Heading alrvinen as they we a ot" a} ; 4 ' fo period ed with a beautiful rounced by 4 0 10 0 sore neil; HL § 33 ier dn o eltgle done | on UNTIL 6 P.M, SATURDAY, DEC, 17th, BE SURE TO COME EARLY R i | the only thing that the Fire fogg K, ( 7 5 12 leentre ioe while the Rangers had po, Le | FOR BEST SELECTION, OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 10 AM, -6 P.M, wl ung Mie ok di vow rig ghters had over he Daleymen Garrard, 7. § 11 [a ene man advantage with & i ¢ J 0 © @ eella hot was th enallies he received vs N " / nthe Lea @ ne standing, (11 M of the 9 8 pid by relerees Mel W nt. K ( ma t Lud Hig Wharpam a Se OOK FOR OUR SALF SIGNS AT , , , pressed to pull ahead, and atiguddard and Paul Kawzenuk . elgl L40 of the seoond period The game appeared as if Bl ne i hf El puek Gor my Duo eifled the puek past WHE ight be close. threughout until i Ranger goalle Lome (Gump) | shire In the Kassinger cage 10/\oKee with Feeney and Fry as LEAGUE STANDINGS Worsley managed to gel one of \J give ITU the edge for the first|gisiing at- 19.48, fram WETF A Pis, his pads "in front of Fleming's | vg 8 cored time Wn the game whieh point the Dalrymen domi: Dairy mer 0 4 14 (shot, Hut the puck trickled be ted { MBps refigh i 33% [hind him and in the nel 637 SIMCOE ST, § (Corner Simcoe and Bloor) OSHAWA Wiltshire, far the next § min pated the play Prefighters 1) utes was brilliant tn the Kassin Welsh closed the scoring in the Kassinger 0 i Murvay Balfour, Tod Sloan and ger net on a dozen saves as ITU fivst period at 10.50 when Fry Imperials 9 i 842 6 (Stan Mikita added goals in the) * . - ER WR OW We iy CER RR hand OW. hn a A A] cy GR i . pressed to inerease thelr lead, 'passed the puck up centre to! ITU, Hid 1] seoand period - wa 9.80 when Hancox heat J three-way play at the 23.08 marl | OSHAWA MAJORS Goal, | | Cirka; defence, Copeland, Ed! Shamrocks Stop i "is Gea & 4 rds, Maclean, Reaniek, West fall, Myles, Tran, Lawson, Mills, Homanuk and Garvard | Oshawa Majors mie" i we Mosier Ist Peripd he fyvegame wingin sliefik nigh sho finally led the Majors! 1 Oshawa: Romanuk of the Oshawa Malors Therm the woods SOOINE on af Copeland, Garvan) 3 15 alate A hookey club, came atvup ty-foot solo effort Penaltie Pollard 6.08 W ost ly to an end last night at Bow Far the-final five minutes of the fall, 6.28; Romanuk, 7.85; Olinski, manville Arena, al the hands of al ame Oshawa put on a final last 10.08; Crossey, 14.57 hardsskating, fiero ohecking dito ifort but fine detensive od Period Bowmanville Shamrock squad [Work hy Whitey Preston and| 2 Bowmanville: Lane who handed them a 4-2 setback. spune fine saves hy goalle Vinee D. Masters, Cowl) The home team were full value! Vanstone kept the final soore at] §& Bowmanville: Lane : Bb i x tor Thy win pi. BEY RAO AR D. Masters, Covle) 110 OW--two Was s to smok m Myles, 430 ; i e and outhumped the Oshawa erew Avion HIGHLIGHTS he Penalties wr at every aceasion. Only in thei yighary conld prove costly to Bow. | #5Ki- 8 3: Olinski, 8348; Olinskl, opening stansa did Bowmanville! gy, agville as they lost Terry Mas 14.12; Mackean, 18.00 hi take & back seat to the Malors. ters' midway through the second) Ard Perit . N But from the drop of the puek I peripd with a possible broken! 4 Bowmanville: Marjerrison : : the second frame, they took flllgrml Ht was & tough break fo Richards, Pollard 180 | : so command of the vontes! Masters. for it was he wha ve! 3 Bowmanville: Sheridan alg Handy Hank Lane led the argamised the Shamrocks this sea Falvey, Burgess) 13.13 Ha Shamrock assault, scoring hisison 6 Oshawa: Romanuk L team's rst two goals on pretty] Jim! Olinsk « strangely | Penalties Pollard, 7.08; Ash $ 1 three - Way passing plays With! snoueh toiled fo s Matars last] 100, 13.838; Olinski, 12.35 Westiall a R 5 PLAI SRuck" Cowle and Don Masters. | se \son\ was a hig factor in the 1835 B. Masters 18.33 i ; Lane's twa goals came early in Bowmanville win, acting as 3 : Ld the second after Eddie Romanuk|nalicen ad keeping the Osh > ig Zug ) : So } he frst per al ee NHL LEADERS Today's lighter, smoother smoke is Simon's Cigariliog= Moyhig ing pn RR . het se Fe yin wi nt ARABIAN re. now available With an exclusive new flexible tip or plain. x for ¢ utes, and after only ome minuieithe Linda Regents provid lost 7. fed 4. points 40 3 3 ; ) and thirty seconds of play, Bobihe apposition Points -- Gealtrion" Montreal . Take your choice of smoking pleasure, Pick up Marjerrison was Johaay-onihe! BROWMANVILLE SHAMROCK» 45 ano 10 rap In & relay fram Mort Goal, \anstoune of @, Pre Goaals- Mahovli ante, 3 0 ! k f Id d il Qi \ 3 3 | : Richards and Ron Pollard, Ted|ton, Olingil, T. Masters, Palla Assists -- Belive 3 a ) ¢ a ¢ : ; N Riehatvs ant Ron Futiand. Tedion, Olin, T. Masters, Aw i your pack of mild and mellow Simon's Cigarillos today! vue fe the New Look in Banata's Finest oan 41 before the Oshawa eolub conldigess, Farah Mares Shinbone: got untracked, 1 was Ed Rome sey, Rickar Sheridan, - Cow Penalties sank with his second tallF of theland Lyle © minutes

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