The Oshawa Times, 14 Dec 1960, p. 4

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We A mg PH Avoids Question On Handsome Gift [] Che FOR STRIKING POWER ) ated Writ gel Signa to Wgh, Named the "Python, #lter course of miss € transmitted by operator slong | WEAPOR 18 being developed by a thin wire #ttached to wing | 8 British firm tip, Accuracy Is raled very i ~(AP Wirephoto) Battery of three antitank guided missiles mounted on wheels is among latest wen pons of British Army, Control of rockets is by a simple hand: | Ladies' Would you like # ""Menning-Bowmen"' Hand Miser for only ' i 4 LD 4 LJ I - ear Probation ty To Aid Museum [Tariffs BOWMASYVIALE (Staff moh in 5 Wmile rome on Man . Robert 4, lrwin and Larry Mon (UNDER AGE i Questioned Be ' Lseded question from 1 a 1 : Maw of New Wilding B mien wman the Lions Centre, | thowght, why | oer" (°° devs, ah of Kendal, were Jointly) dames K, McNid, 19, of New Nite, wah onde by Yrs, Borahinct put the 10 14 Row Hud, Yomir dif ' ial fon Tuesday, while inder noe service station on 115 Wghwey, ihe TER own comet, talk The for youths were accused, On Oct, 25, Conslables T0ek| oo conte ox o crown witness in Monday might property there! (ige A OR would win 4 Mr, Chevrier wanted cession, Clarke Township, owned) vere called to a disturhance in Gerry, Orons, In AISITAle's | og purchased counitl, at 8 8 aww by Thomas Teibie of Hamilton | Meweastie, They found McNiel 18 court Tustday, Gorry Is aoensed cost of 415000, for this project, 4 Ll | ente rT. 2, "raise the tariff and raise Me ! that whet | have done erime wes punishaie by I | ed on 115 Highway Helloween mode my wil leaving 1 to the Sd | hore (at mast Gener lions, profits snd. #4. the soe years in Jal, but (elt that proba p e might, which resulted in the denth| OY, 10 her lentning as 10 BOW ONE! ot contravene tion was the answer to becoming lof 13venr-oid Nancy Martin, RE! y first thought of the mu said Nancy walter she had heen struck Piiey nl oh » Ision they not communicate with! Ged Bites Nia pal Deen : Aire thet ARROIRE leneh other for reasons other than By GRACE MILLA hy 6 vehicle, and It was hie whe pa P Indians Will Run |. sees when #0 relatives and friends the fatal ares weve brought to make whalever EPROURE ville, was fined 835 and $2 costs Mmiral reed, to help celebrate aliomeys, . / : their Both wedding anniversary.| Mr, MeCoy said that he had wn airs Lig his part. Mr. Somvhel {The party had heen areenged Bipot seen the. accident but that| u " of to Wr. and Yor. Earrian wate He pdded thet he had "men 7 wf oneiler Ipassed, the Moravien Indian| of income over expenditure, The) med what had alrendy heen the Holy Name Roman Catholic noted that sith i I Church, New (las ed that aithouh the weather! gaenly toward & second In its! items as $750 for relief, $1,000 for I ner insgow, NOV 8 was dirty the three service sta-| chil MIC R (Cl, Minder | vonds, $1600 for hand propriy, | sovare miles--sold for ging BOWMANVILLE (laff) A Dennis and Lester, of Ajax, Ron J BO eounterfelt Canadian tendollar! 5 Vi of Wo. | PESO driving to see a pedestrian ship department decided that the for such agricultural assistance dians receive the interest on WANTS TITLE BOUT DEFENCE CHAMP NAMED TWO PLAYERS DIE | em 4 n tendo Id of Oshawa and Vernon of To walking, ig rpm Indias rr er A any nth VOOF, Heh soccer players dled Tuesday ipy "the Bowmanville branch of i h Ww many Wh vine World ative of light-heavywelght Erich! UCLA's single wig offence, of injuries suffered In Saturday's! the Bank of Montreal, in the sn fea in Word War Hud? the type of clothing the wirl was! sp mathility in their financial al: eral governments for road wih have heen iravelled and revs Bchoeppner of Germany, said Tuesday became the official to wearing and the conditions in! fairs, The next milestone comes sidies, hand loans of 8500 and tion of an old sehoolhons for use another player and was| Chief Barnard BR, Kitney. noted) Mr, and Mrs, Carrigan resided . of Bchoeppner would he available); Final statistics from the Knocked out, He revived and fin-|that the difference In the eouniin Nova Seotf until 1950, when! Jen, 10, omoiis financing, | The money at Oftaws comes for a tournament fo deiermine y world ehampion, The NBA re- resu showed Kilmer van for 808i coll, 22, also suffered a head In<|plancheties (small colored dots) | m0 ya an as well as cards and telegrams) (own--10 miles northeast of Chat-|than 100 years ago, says Cephas cently Ratio recognition of yards and passed for 1066 in 10 jury He slammed into a brick] As yet there is no description) They have #3 grandchildren and of congratulations and good ham In southwestern Ontario Snake, secretary-treasurer of the | & IF Youth | Get Death Scene Francis FE. Bylsma, Campbell | vers rosd Nov, 13 i BOWMANYIAE (Bt (1) ~A collections of oid places of furnt OFTAWA (CP) Esl, along with Vuvid F. Foster | $59.09 ois (ov the purpose of lure and equipment diaglayed In [7 | Tiielenbaker } ound guilty of arson when they| Costie, was fined 515 and B35 'osts| BOWMANVILLE, (8iaff) ad Ps i ; : . aining mleshaiie ori ord Me" Melo . Willisms, 7% Temperance and see (he reswils, | appered In magistrnte's cont for iaining wechotic beverage Exford Met" WeCoy, owner of Bil oer "ot mesiing of Wy connie approsched me oo bv Ade with the ides VA hilig the Jury Combet], orogrerave pe of setting five Hallows en might Ww Crriwright and Murray Joymt, of : qh y or Blormont, Lan woused home on the put won| the Ontarie Provincial Police the ease against Wiliam Bruce yu ii By ogi A Mirs| Whether the government to : "Hintroduce leg - Magistrate B, B, Banter point. impaired condition, -- remain at the scene) "I had the money," sald WI%|" un ne 69 nest ¥ - ed out (0 the four, thet such of an ecient, and cardless driy.| Willems, "so | went shed Ms 4 areas boos Hved," BETARGETIENLS A better eitizens . lseum come to me during the Pers Lh ' The youths w t on one On Bnniversa ' Hewiastte, mi. | Bowmanvilie Centennial, I Council also approved the pur: Mr, Diefanhaker wvern year's prohation, with the provi IY| Mr, McCoy was first (0 reach som how the crowds enjoyed the' chase of & new grader for WH, made by eabinet ministers, He i y ) called the ambulance and police added; in the line of work, AMA Mr, and Mrs, Daniel SPEEDER Carrigdn were surprised recently, Questions as to the lighting of Robert Netten,-RR 1, Bowman. gotheved at thelr home at 45 the altention of the court by both are lo be mide they wil he members of the family 0 honor! Manes en In his coffee sho vate member is In 8 1 (ihelr parents on (his occasion, mite ta friends post mince MORAVIANTOWN, Ont, (CP)(budget Is a modest one, hut ft APnonree government lesislstion with two friends Just minutes ' } ; oun e el 'With one milestone already Includes a significant $60 surplus married November 15, 1010, in| y N : Bill P d h A pilgagst | Attorney Harry RB, Deyman io appenrs to be moving eon $6400 in expenses Includes such stated 1 asse Beotin, They were blessed with) [i / h : 5 Lo 0 "ag < [Hans in the area tended to Nght pendence and responsibility, |insurance and maintenance of $150.000 and the hand sti '] ight ehildren, six sons, James, up the highway so as to allow &|' nen isi psi the citizen: community buildings, end $100: about $66.000 tn rust, The In WET , : ' ; -- of. |i hearing the numbers G/Divonto, Their oth ; ) f NEW YORK (AF)--Andy Nel! NEW YORK (ep) Bil Kh GLASGOW. (AP) = Two Book rom aa dasarered Toa sday did ay ied Daniel Defence counsel BR. D, Hum-\the Moraviantown® band were, Income Includes a $500 grant; Under the gounetl's Ari, year derrelter, American represent: mer, the triple-threat tallback of phreys questioned Mr, McCoy onl capable of assuming more ve: shared hy the provinelal and fed-| of operation, seven miles of road matches, Roy Hughes, a 17-year- Monday night receipts of Ricka: (Mary), Toronto, and Mrs, Robe 4 " A Tuesday he has notified the US. tal offence champion of major|old sehoolhoy, humped heads| Y's stationery store ert Bearley (Teresa) of Ajax which he had found her Hareh ol Moen Ld hand capital interest on money held In as A community hall has hegun, National Boxing Association the! United States college foothall for| With The hearing was adjourned tol OMpIetes is first year of auton: trust at Ditawa, y ished the mateh before heing|lerfelt bill was the coarseness of they came Vi " oh | 5 " Chief Omar Peters and the from he sale of nearly three the successor to Archie Moore as National Collegiate Athletic Bu- {Aken to hospital, Jimmy MeN the material and the lack of fey Spe, Ag ehh four-man councll at Moravien-| quarters of the reservation more| : / y wil i 121 great-grandehildren wishes, includi ef d a | y Mis ; , ame \ t ful sed f the person who passed the hill wishes, Including one from (he are involved In an experiment Moraviantown council, a retired Moore M champion, w-- £ames for # tote) of 1809 yards, wa LLL) speed -- the person wha passe Tie B | The happy couple were pre- Prime Minister, John Diefen [rlad previously hy only two of | hincksmith and veteran of hath sented with a Duncan Phyfe din- haker and one from Lahor Min-|the 2.700 Indian reservations In| world wars, I ing room set from thelr family, ister Michael Starr, MP for On-|Canada, - Mr, Snake sald the land -all| and numerous gifts from [riends, tario riding, The Moravian band's 1060) but 8,600 acres of the original 64) 'For Furniture Value That Is Hard To Beat . .. Try The Largest Store On The One-Way Sireel Royal House Furniture Kaufman Bedroom Suite Seafoam mahogany triple dresser, chest, bookcase bed, plate mirror, 249 00 ; ( Reg, 349,00 , BEDROOM GROUP Double dresser, chest, book: case bed, slat spring, smooth top mattress, 1 pr, boudoir lamps, | pr, airs 195 00 LJ foam pillows . , 2 ANNIVERSARY SALE eo FTIVS AAVSAIAINNY eo STEAKS ROASTS FULL ROUND, BOTTOM _ ROUND or RUMP 4 [9 FRESH PORK TOR QUALITY SPARE RIBS 59 Veal Cutlets ™r,, 59¢ SAUSAGES eiviess 1 49¢ Halibut Steaks uw 49¢ LIVING ROOMS CHE TERFIELD UTE 100% hard-wearing COVERI 4414 FORMICA Top 52000 HILDREN'S [4 " DESKS MATOHING OHAIR 2% Two Only * DELICATE FLAVOUR, MELLOWED UNDER IDEAL TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS IB, [10 is, ih, |] soikne sd ie sain 2bilio shit 55:09 | 59 |q3 |]7 ORCHARD KING 28 0%, TIN FRUIT COCKTAIL 39 0% 1 DESSERT PEAR: "Rn, GOLD REEF SLICER PINEAPPLE *1,8* 200 TASTY PICKLES AND OLIVES OLIVE: § Mare ade LURONA TION PLAIN QUEEN OLIVES ree 200 ORCHARD KING SWEET MIXED PICKLES ees 25¢ msso-- FTIVS AYVSAEIAINNY eo foam cushioned, modern 2.pIKcH 4-SEATER CHESTERFIELD 100% foam cushioned, modem | on nin: 195.00 14-PIECE LIVING ROOM and KITCHEN GROUP Your ghoice: 2-pe. Chesterfield, 2:pe, Davenport, 2 Arborite Step Tables, | Arborite Coffee Tahle, 2 Table Lamps, 2 Decorator Cush ans, S-pe 9 00 ' Kitchen Suite GRADE "A" MERIUM SPECIAL ~~ DOZ, 33: QUALITY MIXED NUTS IN SHELL WAREO MIXED NUTS 1 4fn RED DIARBND WALNUTS 69¢ WAICO 69¢ ORCHARD KING TWEET vw Qc GHERKINS 'ee 300 PECANS WALCO FILBERTS 450 Fol WHAP ¥'ié!, 380 ERVING COLOURE 8. oF 63¢ ® ANNIVERSARY SALE } SUN ORANGES + 690 OCEAN SPRAY CAPE COP CRANBERRIES ib. 19¢ 118, WALNUT CEDAR CHESTS With Tray, Reg. 69,00, e BEDDING eo 39" SMOOTH TOP CON- TINENTAL BED MANDARI 9 Lb, hOX ORANGES 2a $179 CANADIAN GROW 2 FANCY STOOL HASSOCKS 5249 Limited Quantity FORM PILLOWS Flake, 2 to a customer, Limited Quantity 115, 1", ® ANNIVERSARY SALE FIVS AYVSEIAINNY eo " 10P QUALI Smoked Fillets 3% Walco NAPKINS " HAVOURIT ES! ORCHARD KING = FROZEN FROZEN ALMONDS . _ FOOD BRAZILS 4 1 BTo 8 * ORANGE JUICE EGETAnLe 1 4% 02, 366 6 ""* 1.00 ils vou. 280 e DINETTES eo 6:PC, CHROME KITCHEN SUITE Ingludes 9 00 . Step Stoel NESTING STOOLS PURE SPRING | INSTANT ssorted ' Assortec COFFEE SALE ; SNACK TIME S TINS (es ® ANNIVERSARY SALE IVERSARY SALE 3 §:PC, CHROME KITCHEN SUITE Your choice of 9 00 , colors 3.PC, CHROME KITCHEN SET. Drop-leat Table "and 24 95 . 2 Chairs, | Only CHROME HI-CHAIRS Padded sides, adjustable foot rest, §]295 $55 METAL CARD TABLES SPECIAL 595 Limited Quantity with Headboard 59.00 36" SMOOTH TOP CON- TINENTAL BED 55 00 n with Headboard Royal House Furniture 19 CELINA ST. Phone RA 5.5432 FTIVS AUVSHIAINNY +o FTIVS AAVSEIAINNY oo ¥ SEABROOK FARMS ~~ FROZEN STRAWBERRIES 15.0%, 29 PKG, OPEN THURS, & FRI, TO 9 PM, NorTH pLaza AJAX punpas st, WHITBY urls Spriey FARIS ANCHOVIES's 5+'d/a1e 4 PLUS REFRESHING, DELICIOUS! HORS D'OEUVRES! DEPOSIT on 2/210 ) ¢ 45¢ NE " A 73: $1.15 \& \ GOFFEE . 67¢ TEA BAGS HET prt \Y |STIE YZ CRACKERS & 28¢ HALE wage UL JIG ORCHARD KING -- PANGY TOMATO JUICE" 100 GOLDEN DEW (TWIN BAR) MARGARINE ~~ « (90 rt EXTRA FREE PINKY « STAMPS ASE VEG COVIOM Aud nai bl hau A To wan ¢ PF ais) With A COM aN 0 Tu aide A dnions EXTRA PINKY MEL LS EXTRA PINKY NEL PRY a PATA or Instant Milk

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