on ns Tr Yogg on age 0 oo " Gifts she'll cherish i by Elizabeth Arde | by rden Special Purchase! Ordinarily much higherpriced! Come and see the wide range of gift sets in our cosmetic 2 | ; | COMFY AND STURDY . . . department , , , of prices to suit your requirements, Rugged little overalls, made from washable cotton cords | uroy, and styled with dome-fastener crotch for easy chang = ing. Bib front, simulated cuff effect ot ankles; colours of blue or red, Sizes medium, large and%-large, to fit 9 months to 12 years, EATON § Price, enc - BLUE GRASS PERFUME MIST IE PERFUME DELUXE Memoire Cherie, My 5.00 Love, On Dit, 3 #, ox, Distinctive ond unforget wl 50 able, 8/16 H ox, ,, A cherished souvenir . , . ot moderate cost | Bie Gros Soo | G. ik gr vo 250 .. 4,00 a IE 2 Your Child's MERRY-GO-ROUND 1 | P hotograph armen ve 300 Xe "8 : ' ; 1 With Santa Claus Specially priced gift idea . . . ASIN ea of : Bring the kiddies to See Senta in i his Winter Wonderland , . and - | S f , j 3 \ j "ae : Open Neck S ag wea er : A o\ Gifts for kiddies , . have each one photographed in A wear-with-everything pullover, featuring a pert collar on a py \ rl cd hd 4 . . & beautiful colour, . i Vineckline, Deep shaggy finish wool in Purple heather, Blue Z Wi o - 00 - 00 ing ippe rs 59 A | ve You Tessie the heather, Brown heathe; sizes small, medium and large ' A Lp meer? 21 JEP : {rips 1 picture, 374 x 472" size, In @ shiny Much below usual price, , , buy for a friend or for you! % i | pi 8 / MN fe die a Santa brings the toys , , , you thoughtfully give them the cosy slippers deluxe folder the colour of gold, i : to wear while they open their other presents! Iustrated are two from EATON Special +] BW oh: z PYRAMID # the interesting selection now at EATON'S, 1 PRINT 1 00 Price, each . bd yd ) ) Flutty Milk Bath A. Jester , , , colourful corduroy B. Romeo, ,, especially favoured : Te * uppers with turn-down cuff at in- by boys; in wine or blue smooth 50 SPORTSWEAR, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 246 2 i fot fi leather, with flexible leather SN f heel, tiny tinkling bel / T : step and heel, tiny tinkling bell soles, rubber heels, 3 PRINTS ..... Flower Pot--Puff-Puff Dusting 8 ip 9 indonn, ? a8 Sizes 6 to 12, izes 6 to oir , Ld Pair . Boucle Sweaters ; gbigahiirbinsl A Jai, iy Ha 3.49 6 PRINTS ..... 4.50 Imported from Scotland Pair Lovely sweaters in pretty stylings , , . soft boucle-knit wool | bi NONE RA S373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEFT. 239 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL with short sleeves, square and round necklines; some with neat collars, Colours include Lilac, Sea green, Grey, Black, Rose, Blue and White, Sizes 36 to 42, a=» 3 Pa : Vie YO) kde NW | Wh " tach 95 ana T-95 & EN LTNDT oF bhp fil) 81mp. Gal. Aquarium, Sot and Accessories \ , \ | A / Bo ie A Family Christmas Gift , . . An Interesting Hobby [ SPORTSWEAR, RATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 246 PHONE RA 5.7373 4 i -- agen CASCO |] Ready to be installed , , , starter set, with everything but the fish! i i or ' Introduce your youngster to this interesting educational hobby this Christe mas! Set includes: B imp. gal, stainless steel aquarium, 20" reflector with power card, water pump, water filter with 1-0z, glass wool and Va-Ib, carbon charcoal, 10° plastic tubing with 3-way valve, 5-Ibs, natural colour gravel, 3" dip net with Sefton mesh and metal handle, handy booklet 'Beginning the AgUarium", 1-pkg. Nutra-Vitalizer for healthier fish and plants, 1-0z, Tropical Fish Food, f pkg, Aqua Aid 2 5 to help remedy fish 4liseases, EATON Special Price, set . .,. } AQUARIUM ACCESSORIES (not illustrated) EATON SPECIAL PRICES: Heater, Gravel Gravel Pump each yh 1.1 5b, colored » 5b, naturel . AB each dai 8.99 Waterwheel, All Plant, A 26 to 30 2 each |. tran ay 0 Eh rire EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 254 ! PHONE RA 5.7373 SPECIALS On sale at 6:30 p.m. Thursday and only while quantities last, PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS a J UPPER LEVEL oN 3 Cd Sluinlots Steel MISSES' "ORLON" SHAG SWEATERS -- End-of-line, reduced le, ; | ' : N ¢ \ Egg Beaters to.clear, Sizes small, medium and large in the group. Each ...: A fine auality #9 beater.ot BUDGET FASHIONS, DEPT, 345 i 3 } : : ; yo cri, YOR very low. price! With nyo PETER PAN "LITTLE X" GIRDLES -- Criss-cross nylon 'Power d : . TIAN : " 4 a "oz 2 y P y Net'; red only, Sizes small and medium uN I S\N AS - A he gears for smooth, easy beats in the group. Each Saha ' : i : ee) fing; black composition side MALL LEVEL : ; - AN. FN Z "handle; heat-resistant, finger f wl - CN A / ZN : grooved. Stainless steel blades 35mm SLIDE MAGAZINES BY 'BELL AND HOQWELL' -- At § ANE BS 4 8 hd Lp. " i , v resist aly taches to 'Bell and Howell' slide projector; takes > : AP b 4 fn. Cdl Lo g 30 slides. Much bel | price! Each mY =~ | | 4 A i i an. | (fe | EATON Special Price, each WOMEN'S RAYON.SATIN 'SCUFFIES' -- Pretty slippers in 4 ; : & ix) y Special Selling! Much below usual price! Teco" 'Zoom-A-Lon' assorted colours; sizes small, medium 'and large 84 a | 1} " to itd to 914. Pair | uh Bud i Teco" Bathroom Scales . pygiing Mops gs . : i 4 ; WE For people who are watching their weight-= § -- r cially low priced, Thursday! 2 ONLY iy' SvinDsNI LD WASHER a Eo ® juatalk : ' +4, (and everyone should!) a quality Qn ey fl Moy poh to oay shouldn't mat, handy safety measure in slushy weather, - g a | . structed scale that weighs up ta 250 Ibs, is Magna-static action picks up and holds dust, Fits any make of car. Each ) : : i Steel construction, bright ehromium-plated ipa IRR LU 100 BOYS' HOCKEY PANTS == Away below usual price! Small - - : N K trim, With magnified, easwlo-adiust dial, EATON Special Price, each be d ths' e the lot; be / J I : _ convenient handle. White, 1 44 Refills ys' sizes an ou s' sizes in the lo : "@ ' : EATON Special Price, each , , Special, oaeh iyi ivi RIEL LEE) red or blue, w LOWER LEVEL : * { | Insulated 6-cup Ga N ; Swe Ladder 4 i) ) turdily constructed, de- Y STOCK FARM AND EQUIPMENT -- Heavy gauge metal 3 i 4 1 hi Mh plastic fencing; 2 iy 2 cows An excellent quality table saw -- at a low special price that Tea Pots UO } gli uy Ree. Reduced to clear, 2 means savings! Features. include: A good family size pot in 3 J $ 8 infarced woud sonstruc: - white earthenware; © with | tion, corrugated 'nen slip! : oo Powerful 14 hp : " 4 "SUPER VALSPAR" QUICK-DRYING ENAMEL -- © Bara Fo : Scaled Ul 72 Ip, mato ® Double 54" shaft chromium-plated (Suminum ) steps; fold out paint tray. paint -- excellent for undercoating; painting Chrishmas dec cosy J 3 orations; many other odd jobs. ® Capacitor start 8 @® Sturdy steel stand 3 styling, foi lined to help | : EATON Special Price, Quart 19 EATON Special Price, ; 99 99 VRE. Keep lea hot, sach Cad complete . ml i . kh BATON satel 1.49 ¥ arn rsvon 3.99 Ji RUBBER AND-PLASTIC MATS -- Approx, 15 x 30"; rubber Price, each fs . k hable pl f ; Sow and Stand "Makar only i : 3 non-skid backing with good- Llooking washable: plastic 'surface. hui 69. 50 Mure ' 30.49 E : en 4.99 / PHONE RA 5.7373 i Turquoise, white, grey and dark green in the group, Bach ..,... Srrriasas ne SIE EATON'S LOWER LEVEL; DEPT, 253 PHONE RA 5.7373