The Oshawa Times, 14 Dec 1960, p. 2

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~ i 4 Paul, 18monthold son of Mrs, Jacqueline Cox, Is shown with his mother at Oxford, England, ioday, after It was } learned that his pencil marks 7 HIS FARTHING WENT on coupon for a British soccer pool had won 43285 pounds ($121,192), "The entry In his mother's neme wes for a farthing, » quarter of 8 cent, FAR The pool elaims the win Is » world record for & farthing | ~{AF Wirephoto) Champion Of Jobless Won't Drive 'Battleship' TORONTO (CP) The CCF gepresentation got some ribbing during an unemployment dele in the Ontario legislature Tues day when it was noted that one of Its members drives a small European cap Kenneth Bryden Woodbine) pretends ehampion of the worker, sald Arthur Resume (I Essex North), vet he drives to work in a ear made hy German workers, Mr, Bryden stood his ground He refused to he dieiated to hy Detroit, he sald, and wanted no part of Yan overstuffed, over grown battleship," This Interchange prompted Leo Troy (1, Nipissing) to re pame the Co-operative Common:| wealth Federation the Compact | Car Federation Mr, Resume, whose constitu ents Include many Windsor auto mobile workers, eoptended the (Toronto to he a Canadian| crease the United States econ tents of new ears. Liberal Leader Wintermeyer eriticized the department of econ omies for failing to conduct sta tistical studies in the vital areas of unemployment, automation industrial hydro rates and com-| hines, Provincial Treasurer Allan] sold it would he uneconomical 10] duplicate work done hy the fed-| eral government's hureau of sta-| tistics Government bills were intro duced to reconstitute and re name the department of econ omies, the department of plan ning and development, and the department of provincial secre tary and registrar, GET NEW NAMES The departments will become the department of economics and federal and provinelpl relations the department of commerce and auto industry should consult the government hefore moving le acllities to another area, He re ferred to the Ford Motor Com pany which moved its assembly plan out of Windsor to Oakville, near Toronto, TREATED LIKE COWS "I don't think we can freat eople like a bunch of cows," | HH Reaume sald, "They work a man 86 years then throw him out on to the street." He urged Premier Frost to have a long talk with the auto mobile industry and explain its bility to a community Speaking in a discussion of es. timates for the department of economies, Mr, Reaume sald eit. fes like Windsor, Hamilton, Bt Catharines and Oshawa would uifer further economic sethacks i manufacturers continued to In Fired Gas | development and the department Sarnia Digs Out SARNIA (CP)~Traffle was he flnning to recover late Tuesday) rom an overnight storm which dumped 25 Inches of snow on this western Ontario elty and Brought traffic to a standstill amid drifts five feet deep, No new snow had fallen since morning and traffle was moving on maln streets, Most slde streets still were blocked with snow and stalled cars, The snow closed down the alr port and delayed publi frans portation. The storm was eaused w a eold wind blowing aver| warm water in Lake Huron, Bar nia works commissioner Don Sil liman sald streets would likely be clear today. The temperature dropped to 10 degrees early Tuesday but rose At Vandals TORONTO (CP) Police sald Tuesday night no charges will be laid against a shopkeeper whol fired a tear gas pistol at. four men outside his store early Tues: day, sending two of them to hos pital, Herman Reichert, §9, told po lee he believed it was neces sary to five the gun to proteet himself and his property from the men He sald he fired one shot when he discoversd men smashing a gum machine outside the shop and two mare shots when one of the men kicked in his shop door Brian Hanlon, 20, and Patrick Kerruish, 24, were treated at hospital for burns and later ve leased. They told police they shook the gum machine when it did not work after they put a to 20 in the afternoon, 3 'CAR FIVE TO HOWDY DOODY' SUDRURY (CP) = Provine elal police here are amused and confused over freak In tertuptions of the hroadeast ing band that carries their radio messages between Sudbury, Blind River and North-Hay as well as to some of their cars, A children's television pro gram has heen eutfing in on thelr wave frequeney, The provincial police radio tower 1s only 80 feet from the television transmitting an» tenae, The TV audio signal is picked up and transmitied aver the police band, oent into it, LAYTON, N.C (AP) = Five ungsters returned Tuesday to © orphanage they ran away from 24 hours hefore--apparently| Hitle the worse for a night they nt huddled In the woods In| iter cold weather Several of the nearly 1500 vol wateers wha had searched for the ehildren through mast of the night felt they were lucky to be Ve, 1 don't see why they dida™t freeze to death," sald Kenneth Johnson, who found the children ~three #itls and two bovs huddled together for warmth in the 1hdegree weather One of the girls, Shirley Pear son, 13, sald they had ran away from the Kalghts of Pythias home because they had heen mistreated, She said a matron Mad whipped her 1lyear + oid her, Jimmie, asd hit him ovdr the head She Said she had no thought of leaving until Twila Fave Tester! 1, another of the Tanaways | came 1 the house abdul a week| 8 Runaways Found Safe And Well "She started talking about it." lof transport, will of the provineisl secretary and registrar, Development Minister Nickle will head the reconstituted com: merce and development depart ment, Mr, Allan will head the {new economics department and John Yaremko, former minister he provincial INTERPRETING THE NEWS Bill Meets Opposition TORONTO (CP) --~ A govern ment il to provide (restment justend of Jail sentences fox comolias was referred hack 19 the standing committer on legal Wks Yuesdoy weht when # tered opposition tn the ture t ol who spoke In support of the bill for fined reading, seid his legal siplf wold review MH to see whether there should be changes in the penalty section of the Ill, |* : The Will, sending the penaity . Kinnes section of the Liquor Contre Aet Gopmplion ofeuthority next provides for a fine wp to $50 or ones, d % days tn Jak oF Lite, for first] The uncertainty extends 19) ollence; compulsory detention in some vite topics, These include] 8 reclamation centre for wp to Western policy on Ching, 8 Pos 9 deys for & second offence and sible East-West summit meeting voluniary treatment to 99 end the NATO ministerial talks dus tot tise ont Wenees, in Paris P Tory Bracondale) seid the amending CHINA PROBLEM bill gave power to a magistrate, The etest indication that Brit: to send a first offender to Jolllein is "waiting for Kennedy' for drunkenness, A present, & came Monday in » Parliementary first offender may he fined from debate on Ching, Joseph Godher; $10 to 9 or given 9 days In Jol foreign undersecretary, (old the in Yew of payment, {Commons that & country as large "This piece of legislation oc chine was hetter inside the makes no distinction Delween Biiiuiced Nations then outside i, By ALAN BARVEY Canadian Press Soll Wriker encoun Three little words -- "Waiting legife- for Kennedy' --are emerging #s 'May, lor instance, i would World Waits For Kennedy ie so (rety, Prime Winister Wa and Russia's Nikita Khrushehey (66h the wnusially ( porsilie SumInerAime summil in mind, Macmillan eppesrs to have eho early i such 8 mesting look place conveniently timed for advance de dd IF YOU HAVE first offender and B repenter,"| "yo said the new American ad w. Gontd suid, adang thal o ministration would take office In end up In # treatment centre, Mr, Roberts said he study Mr. Gould's suggest that the bill stipulate only 8 fine for a first offender or JF on 2) the! sé - Yon ot "yoymens 9] The Some observers interpret the Premier Prost said i the new reference as indicating that Brit program proved useful (real ain expects & softening in the ment centres might be bo U8, attitude to Ching, lished in various parts of On| dS tario for the ehronie drunkenness SUMMIT PROSPECTS : offender, | "Phe possibility of another Hum. hut we hope to discuss this ques with them st mm early 9" LaMarsh Speaks | On Productivity OPPAWA (CP) ~~ The lady|the "ordenl" of his maiden member for Niagara Falls made| speech 20 years 8go. her maiden speech in the Com-| Miss LaMarsh, # 85-year-old mons Tuesday and got verhal|lawyer, sald layoffs are acceler: clap on the hack from veteran ating in her riding and that many MP H, W, Herridge and Prime homes there won't find any Minister Diefenhaker. [Christmas cheer in the produc: In a sure voice and without |Hvity council legislation secretary and registrar John White (PC - London South), speaking in the throne debate, sald winter unemploy {ment would he stopped forever| minutes if the fedefsl government de creased corporation tax hy five per cent from Dee, 1 to Mareh al, Lower winter rates would in crease the total national product which would Ineresse tax rev enue and offset the suggested de crease, Mr, While said, Like A Child DURHAM, England (Reuters) A woman who. said she was foreed 'hy her husband to apolo- glze hefore her ehildren when she offended him, was granted a divoree in court here Monday after 84 years of marriage Mrs, Ellen Elizabeth Shack lock also was made to write down apologies te her hushand Ceell, the court was told, Twice ihe was forced to "write out 80 lines in the manner of a small schoolboy," her counsel sald, Shacklock, a eollege principal, "eould hear no eontradiction," the counsel told the court, "At times the children would he sum- moned to hear the mother's apology, solemnly assembled like a public hanging," Shackloek denied the charges The four Shacklock children now gre adults, THEATRE GUIDE Wite Treated reading 8 word, Judy LaMarsh,| The impression had heen cre p 4 oonld v the Liberals in an|Ated that the council cou 4 Won Joy the pit for 15 create more jobs, But it could do do eh thing on the government's bill|na. such fa : p tivity coun. Miss LaMarsh sald the inten po establish a productivity eoun tion of the bill was Jo ironts | ' _-- hetter means of production fe Me Norge, © Pen hes whieh would result in more auto: | ie ? 1] ' mation which would in turn re- [LaMarsh 1s 8 eolostel addition 101 gut in more unemployment, Wn oy I 4 4 Al : She asked what carrot would @ sald her speec showed he held before the industrial throrough preparation, thought-|"mule" to get industry partici ful assessment and concern for pation in the council, which could her constituents who were unem-| lead to the emergency of an toyed, of industrial power hloe, At the night sitting, Mr.) Die-| She asked whether the council fenhaker also eongratulated Miss woud reiilate he Jocation of LaMarsh, and sald she had made| RTIVale Industry, Bie also sal a speech In keeping with the best the bill won't do what the gov: el ernment claims i will do, traditions of the Commons, He meailed the ™exeruclating expe: "In the name of the jobless, rience' he went through before |W) |0ct don't look fo it to put Canadians hack to work now," ; 'Political Weaseling' Charged By Jobless OTTAWA (CP)=A Job-hungry| Later, Mr, Gopelle sald his re- group of Windsor workers ac {mark about sabotage was made cused the federal government as a constructive eritielsm In an Tuesday of "weaseling" on prom: | effort to encourage support for ises to help the unemployed in/the plight of the unemployed Canada from labor, farmers and others After a morning meeting with| Who back the New Party, five federal cabinet ministers,| Ie told a reporter he had the the 100-man delegation conferved | Windsor Labor Counell in mind with the Liberals and then with|specifically when he mentioned the CCF-New Party. caueus, lack of support, [Bhout six weeks, | would! "We do not know what the pa {on icy of that administration will he, | CHRISTMAS GIFT ITEMS 10 SELL USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CHRISTMAS GIFT CENTRE PUBLISHED IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION PHONE RA 3-3492 "Z| OPEN TONIGHT " bel consultation within the family Serge Gopelle, 80, an unem ployed Windsor auto worker and a leader of the delegation, told the CCF and one New Party MPs that "the higgest political weaseling In a long time" hap pened during the talks with gov Broek (Whithy) = "Macumber Love", 665 and 10,18 pm "Nights of Lueretia Borgia" #25 p.m, Last complete show at 8.20 pm, Regent = "Soa Wife" 1.80, 4.40 7.50 pm, "Desire in the Dust" 2.55, 6.08, 9.18 p.m, Last com plete show at 8.35 p.m, Marks = "Odds Against Tomor raw", 1,00, 4.00, 7.08, 10.15 pm Y"Horlzons West", 2.88, §,35, 8.50 Hy Last complete show at 80 p.m, Biltmore += "First - Travelling Saleslady", 1.08, 4.00 7.13, 10.20 m, "The Young Stranger, 42, 5.40, 8.53 pm, Last com: plete show at 8.47 pm, CURANS MISSING TORONTO (CP) Cubans, here on a trade mission, checked out of thelr hotel Tues day leaving no word as where they intended to or oould be reached, Livestock dealers had expected the Cubans to look at cattle, sheep and swine, sald Shirley, "and 1 got it in my head." > "1 got homesick," sald Tula Faye. "1 sald 1 wanted to go home, and she (Shirley) sald she wanted to go home, too" Jimmie Pearson told reporters the spanking he received at Thanksgiving had nothing te do For Your Workshop! Tubular Steel Hammer Only 1,00 See Page 16 Four | ermment officials, He charged that the cabinet ministers passed the unemploy- ment buek ta provineial and mu nleipal governments APPEALED FOR SUPPORT He also appealed for CCF\New | Party support for an organized front for jobless workers, elaim:| ng the Windsor motorcade to Ottawa was "sabotaged" hy some who profess support for the New Party, | "I think you have people like that in every party," sald CCF| Leader Hazen Argue, | TALLY-HO ROOM A good Place To Meet and Relax NOTEL LANCASTER MADE SEVERAL PROPOSALS The brief made a series of proposals aimed at helping out of-work men and women, One request was for distribution of government-owned food surpluses to unemployed and needy people ASPHALT SHINGLES (CMMHE Aseopted) FIRST GRADER CASH & CARRY 6 [1] per square L} (2 colon) Tg McOULLOUGH | LUMBER 1270 SIMCOE ST, N, RA 8.4688 with his leaving, He sald he had virtually forgotten about it, "They (the girls) wanted me to go with them." he sail, "I didn't want to leave." The other two runaways were Dennis Walker, 8 and Nina Wal | ker, § hall hrother and sister of the Tester girl Instead of returning from sohoal in Clayton on a school bus as usual, the ehikiren walked off and wandered inte a thickly wooded area, Miss Alma Sasser, a house mather al the home far 33 years sail she "slapped and spanked' the Pearson bay about three WEEK-END SPECIAL it TILDEN RENT-A-CAR NEW MODELS § PM, FRIDAY TO ? AM, MONDAY AHN ph ie ' ©" -- Pa RA 5-033) FARE FROM: Cobourg + Port Hope. » CANADIAN PARIRID SATURDAY EXCURSIONS "TORONTO Good going and returning same Saturday only, Belleville : $4.80 Bowmanville : $1.90 3.00 Oshawa 27s Whitby LI Corresponding fares from intermediate points FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS Ro 1.45 1.30 LE BE | CANADIAN NATIONAL weeks ago for falling to Bis shores Ia > Christmas BONUS SALE ore wndersiond to be seger 19 re Asume Wigh - level talks, ] ss 4A 4 CORNER KING AT RITSON WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14th ond every night till Christmas AMERICA DRY GINGER ALE ws 10° Plus Pepcr's TOMATO 34% 78° 1502, Tins | PEAS™ 6 "= 1.00 2. 49° AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS o Gift Suggestions e | BLACK DIAMOND IMPORTED FANCY OLD CHEESE | BISCUITS IN TINS ATTRACTIVELY iis 2.09 A FOOD HAMPERS ATTRACTIVELY MADE UP KEILLERS DUNDES IMPORTED 80¢c yu SPROULES' HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF HAMS FOR _ : THE HOLIDAY SEASON SPROULE'S BEEF is red brand beef--~Canada's finest grade -- juicy, tender, full of flavor, BLADE ROAST "oo RED BRAND SHORT RIB ROAST RED BRAND BONELESS STEWING BEEF GROUND FROM RED BRAND BEEF MINCED BEEF Ib, 39° . BLADE BONE REMOVED (A TE ---- 1b. 49¢ Ih. 59¢ YSTERS UND SUET E CHICKENS RIAL OCI Ny Kole C RESERVE FOR ME a plump, tender turkey welghing approx,.lbs. My Name Address 1 Will Call LULL CLT] Copy Advertisers Exchange Ins 1940 Sproule's will have the famous 'Butterball Turkeys Conada's Best Known Brand in All Sizes at Attractive Prices, ROBINHOOD FRUIT Cake Mix 2% phe, 69° BOWES ALMOND ling "Wx 83° REYNOLDS ALUMINUM Foil a le KLEENEX TABLE Napkins 10" 29¢ CUT MIXED Peel 3g SAICO MADARIN Oranges 22" 39° SWEET MIXED Rose PICKLES 33° a i Hockey Sticks 69° NEW SEASON Mixed Nuls , 489¢ ® GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES * NO, 1 GRADE FRESH CRANBERRIES ..« 19° ICY FRESH CALIFORNIA BROCCOLI NEW CROP FINEST CALIFORNIA \ 1-48, BUNCH. 29° SWEET NUTRITIOUS "® ORANGES ;.. .., 79° Parsnips 24-08, Colla Bag YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STORE - FOR FOODS THAT Q ROULE ARLULGINERL SFY T SATI

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