The Oshawa Times, 14 Dec 1960, p. 17

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wy r PEPPY PTY Yr NT YN RYE Y PY Y YY Yr rE TY A Tye Osharoa Times PAGE SEVENTEEN Parks Plan OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDRESAY, DECEMBER 14,1960 OF OSHAWA ROTARY CLUB party, They are, from left: Jack ( and J. W. Lowry, president of Ovens, chairman for the even | ww. nous Rotary Club ing; J. Smith, president of the he Oshawa Rotary Club Golden Age Club, Mrs, Smith i GOLDEN AGE CLUB GUEST More than 120 members of | The prly was spimsored by the | the Golden Age Club attended | Oshawa Rotary Club, Bome of # Christmas Party held at | those present are shown ps Hotel Genosha Tuesday night, | they song carols during the Oshawa Driver Wins Acquittal LINDSAY (Special) A 28-year Dr. ¥, E. Griffith gave evi old Oshawa contractor, William dence that Mr, and Mrs, How Tonno, 116 Cromwell avenue, was, suffered severe injuries in the ac aequitied of a charge of erimin-| cident 81 negligence at a special sitting] Mr. Towne and Ws wife sald! of the Victoria County Court, atlthat on coming to the curve the Lindsay, on Monday, Dee, 12, he-| How vehicle was cutting the cor-| fore Magisirate W. Lane of Pic-iner and Tonne moved to the ton wrong side of the road to avoid a The charge arose from an aec- head-on collision but the How cident, Aug. 14 on- Highway #5 vehicle moved hack to its own ahout 25 miles north of Minden. side and the eollision occurred Mr, Tonno's vehicle collided with Mr. Tonno said he was travelling! # car driven hy W. Glen How, al2 miles per hour . | prominent Toronto lawyer (who, Mrs, Jutta Gunther, of Osh-| BE frequently acts as council for the awa, testified that Tonno had Jehovah Witness religious seet.)| left Algonquin Park just before . she had and (hat they had HIGH SPEED CLAIMED made two stops on the oy She Evidence given hy Mr aid that Mr, Tonno was in ne ap Mrs, How at the hearing was| parent hurry to get back to Osh- that he was proceeding north onl 3ua Highway 35 on Bunday afternoon,| pictures were also produced p Aug. 14 and, on reaching a Sharp hy the defence showing the posi- bend in the road, saw the Tonno| tions of the cars and showing the vehicle coming south at a8 highileft rear wheel of the How ve rate of speed, It had failed to ne wicle over the centre line, They gotiate the turn and collided with weve taken hy Mr, Tonno an hour the How vehicle on How's side of| 436tor the accident ' the road On cross examination by Ter- AGREES WITH ARGUMENT ence Kelly, Oshawa, counsel for] Judge Lane, in judgment, said Oshawa Times Photo to date The Oshaws WPienning Bowrd voied Tuesday mam to recom SECOND SECTION Lj posed Oshaws P Plan be Rbopied as an AGING segment! The hoard was notified by the : it is "impressed by the Parks be ari eg Is $193, rban Redevelopmen full co-operation when the plan] i i : has heen approved and put into] The Great Oshawa Commun It was suggested the ho rd morning that $193.507 40 has heen I f d the 1666 city council heeanselof $128 over the total reported urvey 4 1 use i of this eonnell will ne in Tuesday's issue. Following is > § wh viously acknowledged Because the Central Morigage A yi i pl Willem Fach 250 and Housing Corporation has re ning survey, having # well planned city Joni to recommend to the eity| work snd Bids Sup 16 TW fused an shan redevelopment "council property committee that] E. Wet 300 Survey oF Uniava M tT Lions that this was the first "abso said not. only is heing Ter it set meide an mdditionsl wo) bee Fore ' ime le turn down" in Ontario and fused the planning survey dis district park which is included ip, Tre Kenner" bu Bord to Hon, Michael Starr, fed: there has only heen one other a were being " the pois plan, ion} 109 eral minister of lahor Canada," {garden path" Norm Wawra Instead of approving the pro. AR Lg 20 scile for an when redevelop: or Mid {area ratepayers, led by alder cll "Ent 14d. Empoveesi pon "ICN Huds submitied by the ated the hoard on the wey Osh. ning 7 1] ! 149 # AWE has heen ned, "4 sitting member from Oshaws, ad | 5t an earlier council meeting, re: Geos Detoeer ia down & "full planning study" / 7 fol Capea, {quested the additional (wo acres; Frenes CEBes Lo. Bonid Jet things slip around 4 « 4 The de Th 4 V : the hoard id indicate is dis nied Sa Ar io 5 Ti A SE, Sr i Be Ee Ls Gs ay | e proposed par § v7 40 FEDTESENLALIVES hesrd their pro- Members complained, Another member added: "We of way to the proposed park Total $193.57 40 posal "it was never talked across! Ald, Walter Branch, one of the ih Mies shoul Feuommien 5 we om vince from now on," mend to eny connec (hat the pro to the official Plan of the city Chest Total BOARD TO PROTEST Bosrd of Park Management thet the proposed plan and give ifs effect by city council," ty Chest Office reporied his sitempt to have the plan passed contributed, This is an Increase] , i i om ritnitions, not pre- derstand the pian he ist of sontrity down on its request for a plan- ed down is tke being Wamed for f / fone members expressed . Wiltwiek Wading Emon est eo haws ond Te. one pressed opin- LED DOWN GARDEN par ha i secres for # proposed Apple Hill Lk White il he sent by the Planning | appointing, "but It w ou | d seem doe Riles led down the an # +1 pi 4 ov | "A delegation of Apple Will] W 3m The CMHC refused a revised ) Branch suggested the posed survey, CMHC congrati- pos } ment study submitted by the ee oh, ahtng (rat manic candidate, A. H. Gleeoff,| Wikierd D. Fowers 8 d ¢ 4 Y mem p 8 it Eto Brenda Brocey 149 proposal made by the Planning bers complained y a ' 4 0 p ' He said, since th estudy Is be included in the park ares, | Linde Borrmphe 14% NO INDICATION shape sre the ones Who ean get : we He dt the ares could he used as @ right Jones nd Greer 0 Tuesday night that. when CMHC government," planning bo 8 7 ditesling of heing misled, Ww 4 a y : Ww"! think twice shout racommen- the table, There was no indica two city council representatives) tion Oshawa would be turned on the hoard, said: "Being furn- 'HIT STONES Dismiss Damage Case With Costs Ruling that the plaintiff had|the plaintiff's rate of speed had not exercised the alertness re-| been excessive in the light of pre {wired hy the prevailing foggy|valing conditions |eonditions, Hig Honor Judge A, K.| In his testimony Mr. Ford {Willmaott, of "Cohourg, Tuesday said he had heen advised to turn | dismissed an action for $200 dam-| west from Bimeoe street slong Re [ages brought by Frank William) Adelaide street hy one of his ' tym yord, of Aja, Again Jhe| three Passengers He od he wis ty of Oshawa, The ac riving at between 25 an ! (heard in the Oshawa Division miles an hour and that it was so ! [Court {foggy he did-not see the-"stop' i The action arose out of an acel-| sign at Stevenson road and con: | dent in the early hours of Sunday (tinued on, He emphasized Shas May 22, 1960, when an auto, driving conditions were so bad, |driven by the plaintiff, struck a/due to a thick fog, that he could [twofoot pile of stones on Ade-| see nothing, He also testified he! {lalde street, west of FElizabethihad heen unable to detect a road |street, d - surface change shortly before q 3 1 He | | In his Ju gment, is oor the accident, ruled the municipality was Tel concianle Ross of the Oshawa sponsible for the eircumstances| police Department, who investi: od Ho qamivaed the. action with fated the accident, told His Hanor ' p oe ble to see the costs, asking that the plaintiff he Jd Youn "" B Adelaide: not he asked for Vivbiod due to the Stevenson intersection before pro actual circumstances surround. ceeding west to the Elizabeth New Film Is Available Here Mr, and Mrs, ¥, J, Grindley have returned to Oshawa from Tarpon Springs. Florida, where Mr, Grindley presided st the an- nual general meeting of the Am- erican Sponge and Chamois Insti- {tute, They were accompanied hy John Houghton, a director of W. and J, Sagar (Canada) Lim- |ited, who alse represented the in dustry at the sessions, A year ago Mr, Grindley was elected president of the Institute for his second term, This year he was elected a member of the executive. body, It is to be noted that the industry is now an ore ganization of international scope covering Holland, the United Kingdom, France, Greece, Cane ada and the United States, A highlight of the program was the premier showing of a color film which the industry is spon. soring In_co-operation with the United States Department Fisheries, Mustrating the fishing and processing of sponges, this film "Treasure of the Sea" will hecome immediately available through 150 film libraries p HELP IL Uni mint FIGHI Tow Jops x po! LL rr PT i TH Pring t', tik a tel Hin 5 il B . i Wh wi al Jo's (Lu we MM wii whl wi al Ellul Lig A, and| 4 Gain ' Je the aceused, Mr. How admitted that he was prepared to ac that the Tonno vehicle was in hisjcept Mr, How's evidence that he view for only two seconds and it|was on the right side of the road would be difficult to estimate it's! all the time but agreed with the speed in that time submission of the defence coun Consable John Eastwood, oflsel, Mr, Kelly, who argued that the Minden Detachment of the|there was not sufficient evidence OFP, sald that when he arrived of prior speed to substantiate a at the scene of the accident he|wanton disregard for human Jife, saw both ears on the east side of which, Mr, Kelly sald was neces: the highway, They had to belsary to convict led apart by two tow-rueks.| Judge Lane said that he felt fe estimated the damage to the there was reasonable doubt and Tonno vehicle at $800 and to the was prepared to give the doubt How vehicle at $700, lo the accused. Candidates Say Thanks For Sunport Several candidates in the re- cent Oshawa municipal election who were endorsed hy the Osh awa and District Labor Zouncil, expressed thanks to the council al Its regular meeting in fhe Steclworker's' Hall, Tuesday night Letters of thanks were receiy ed from Roy Fleming, success ful candidate 1a the Publie Util ities Commission; Mrs; T, D,| Thomas, successful candidate for mayor of Oshawa; Mary G.| Budai, unsuccessful candidate for Darlineton Township Council Fred Whalley, unsuccessful can didate for the Oshawa Board of Education; Harry Oyler, success: | ful candidate for the Dartington) Schon! Roard | Other candidates the meetin who thanks to the list | Arp, unsuccessful candidate 'of the 'PUC, Mrs. Alice Reardon | unsuccessful candidate for City| Connell, Vietor Ayling, unsiueees-| stul candidate to the Oshayal Hoard of Education Many passed remarks of featulation to the Labor Counell for the public forum held at the Steelworker's hall before the election, Special eongratulatons went to Sid Burgess, chairman of Thompson, rector of the Church the Political Action "Committee, oe ho" Acoonsion, Don Mills, at a and Tom Edwards, viee-president| given "mooting preceding the of the Labor Council, for thed final meeting of Lebanon Lodge, work, 'Mrs, Burgess was also) yg aan Sor the current vear y y Aa REV, G, R, THOMPSON Don Mills * Rector Spok To Lodge An inspiring address theme "Where Does a Stand in These Changing Days? was delivered hy Rev. George R resent al added thelr were Leonard] "on ai the Mason praised in the Masonic Temple Tuesday | night $1115 Damage [ Mr. Thompson, being a Past of Nova Scotia and a high rank ing mason in all branches of masonry was particularly well "a equipped to discuss the subjeet In Collision He was introduced by Rev. C, D, 'e. Anglican Church, The thanks of § damage ve. pl timated 3131 ware invarv. Uhe gathering was tendered by| ed in a collision on Wentworth| Wor Beis Walter C. Famme, streot West at 7.08 p.m. Tuesday, [Master of Lebanon Lodge. Guests No one was reported injured, [Oshawa Ministerial Association Mast ¢' the damage was dave ta] Later ii the evening a mémor- the last two ears in line, There!ial service was held to honor the was 8500 damage to each of these memary of members of the lodge) sas who passed away during the vear.| ville' J. Greer, RR 2 Oshawa. field,. Vernon Irwin, Bro. Roy Wesley T. Gimblett, RR 3 Wellington Graham, Bro. William Rowmanville, was the driver of H. Seilley, War, Bro. Roy Frank the second car. The driver of the lin Lick and Bro, Frank E. Hal third car was G, A. McGee, of lett The fourth ear was driv en bY Christmas message which has be Fred Willis, RR 5 Bowmanville, same an #onual tradition in The Hfth ear was dviven We Lahanan Ladge Martin Tescior. of 29% A p augh avenue, 9 » age Grand Master of the Grand Lodge As Five Cars Cross, rector of St. George's All cars were travelling west | asia the members of the The first car was driven hy Or. Those honored were HRro, Scho. 45 Ritson road north Rev. M, A. Bury delivered a dent occurred in front 0 ww 1081 ware elected 7 hy the | hey will be in Wentworth street west, {stalled in January, a A delegation of unemployed from Windsor and Peterbor ough, parade on Parliament Club Honors Its Kiddies UNEMPLOYED ASK DI The happy sounds of children enjoying themselves were heard in the Simcoe Hall gymnasium| on Saturday afternoon STRIBUTION OF SURPL asked for distribution of govern ment-owned food surpluses lo Hill in Ottawa. The 100-strong delegation went to Ottawa in a 24-car motorcade to meet with | the unemployed and needy, fed Change In Zoning Favored By Board The mendment hoard suggested the read that Mr, The Oshawa Planning Board voled Tuesday night to recom. mend to city council the zoning hylaw he amended (0 permit ness in a C1 area and that he be a Perry he permitted to operate his busi 4 eral help with hospital and med: ical plans for the unemployed and an increase in family allow: ances, ~(CP Wirephota) Cartage Firm Signs Pact With Drivers ing the accident, James MeDonald, counsel for the plaintiff, contended that his street intersection where he ob served a "no thoroughfare' sign, throughout the United Btates for use by schools, television sta« tions and other organizations, = point out that it was ineumbent Joseph Wood, superintendent of the Oshawa Board of Works, ae. knowledged the presence of the stones but denied his department had placed them there, He sald a sewer connection had been ex- cavated on the south side of the street and a barricade had been erected, Under cross examination, Mr, client's lack of vision, in not stop ping at the Btevenson road inter. section, was in no way a con tributing factor, He went on to One copy of the film has been purchased hy Mr, Grindley and will be available for showing by clubs and other groups Flay Board For Payment on the eity to erect Jomts and a sign somewhere In the area to indicate danger to motorists, John Greer, who acted for the city, sald that proof had not been| p adduced that the pile of stones| Wood said the cily exercised Jur was the responsibility of the|isdiction over that section of municipality, He said no evidence| Adelaide street only to a point had been given as to how long| half a block west of Elizabeth the stones had been on the road, street and that the pile of stones Mr, Greer voiced the opinion that! was 200 feet west of this point, - Of Architect permitted "indoor storage' motoreyeles property [APPLIC ATION TABLED Decem-| {her 10, as the 'many children of| J, Perry to establish a motor members of the Oshawa and Dis |eyele repair shop In an area [trict Old Country Club held theirizoned C1 annual Christmas party Mr, Perry applied to the hoard After eating the excellent party fo have a location he intends to , oH aE fare prepared by the ladies sec {purchase either rezoned C2 in| Anothe: Abplcation for hod tion of the club, traditional gamesiorder that he may establish his|\ié: su a oy ui office rop were played hy the children, ably shop, or to have the bylaw a" arose, Io be © is 0 he Jrop directed hy Bill Exley "and Tony mended to permit him to operate HY Rl te i « Re wa (ahi Haylock his business in an area zoned C1 Fernnel bid 4 oa hb 8 " ' of or BCU i] J One of the older children, David| The applicant said he has had hoard meeting Riley, entertained on (he planojreal esiate men looking for a sie thio RY is aceordian in a musical interlude/where he could operate his busi y Hijet Murdosh, » ad with "Tango of the Rosess" and|ness and the only one he was able MAro0sia, ara | lip ' | i 8i y street |doctor wants to develop the res { Colonel Bogey' which heralded|!in iy Rat meoe ) of hs property 3 i f th ar the Nuon roa | ; ' [the arrival of Santa Claus amid{north, nea f [dentists offices the rousing cheers everyone ME present, Banta his usual MEYOND HI§ MEAN Mr, Murdoch sald the former two other|tenant in Dr ; 5 2 | He said he found jovial self and miraculously found| e 5a ; I ' just the right number of gifts in|C« sites vacant in the eily, hut had a lifetime interest in the | financial home, but has | are hey 8 qd He {his bag to satisfy all the children, [Poth were beyond hi a moved it . With the floor strewn®with gay means, He pointed out one was said Dr, Maroosis ows the prop. e i 5 3 i 4 6 y hehind the Brewer's Retail store erty to the north and the four Christmas wrapping paper some King street west of the children entertained hy was too big for his shop {Dr, Maraosis' [singing Christmas over all desirous . of {the microphone and somy ery weet voices were heard, notably of on hi wa of was carol | the change | very un mas Kye Would Expand Mr, Perry sald he requires! a those of John Foot, Debbie Rog.(l0 operate his business. He sid he intends to repair and sell mo 0 ary 0S ley and Josephine MeKeever Ald. Finley Dafoe moved (he This brought the party 10 apoard recommend to council that lake the tired but very happy permit Mr Perry to operate his children home (ao awall yet an busing ina Cl "i overworked "Santa Christ | CELEBRATING 'Age Liu store front-type building in whieh ers, Philip Rogers, Madeline Kx toreyeles tlase as the parents arrived 10 ha zoning hylaw he amended "To Golden ane ther visit fram the meh The Oshawa Rotary Club spon and sored a Christmas Party for the members of the Oshawa Golden Congratulations hest display and representing Maroosis' building and the other |property owners to the north of| Paid previously," he said, fwo properties are Cuba Trade The Oshawa and Distriet Labor Council, Tuesday night, decided) ta send a letter to the Canadian Lahor Congress to say the counell| 1s In favor of expanding Canal divn trade with Cuba The letter will ask the CLC ta supnart this position, William Rutherford, of Local 202, UAW, elaimed the CLC has never come out in the open on the fight for the unemployed, He said: "If the United States wants to throw trade out the win-| dow, we should pick it up. The trade union movement should get in there and back up the Pro gressive Conservatives on this de Cision." The Oshawa and District Labor He said: "If the United States trade union movement should gel Mr. Rutherford, who is a mem her of the executive committee for the Labor Council, suggested putting Canadian Labor Congress executives on unemployment for a few weeks to make them fight harder' for the unemployed He said the executives should Io mare than travel the | TRE irenit. "Maybe it would decrease hed hut would pat them in the forefront against un employment," he sald, wa wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and district who are celebfating their hirthdays today Hart, 72 Errol Shane, 740 avenue; John Hall, Howmanville; Joh Pipher, 142 Patricia avenue; Russell Pleau, 768 Chesterton; Jaes queline Griffin, 493 Lowell avenue; Mrs, Nora Perron, 78 MeMillan drive; Ruth Blakely, 771 King street east; Dennis Scott, 400 Kendal wood; Mrs, O. Heard, 61 Mus koka avenue; Marie Zarowny 24 Rosehill boulevard; Mrs Lloyd Wager, 596 Finucane Sharon Vaillancourt, 408 Nip gon; Mrs, K, J MeRae,. 403 Wooderest avenue and Philo mena Jangemi 808 Simeoe street south Age Club at Hotel Genosha Tues [day night | The. party attended hy {about 120 members of the Golden Age club whose membership is now ahout 140. Entertainment was provided by a group of 20 musi clans of the Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute, The group was conducted hy Frank Francis, Was Chadburn Lakeview RR § party included: Vice-President and Mrs, C, Lancaster; President of Golden Age Club J, Smith; Dr Barry Woods; Rev, Dr, George Telford; Chairman Jack Ovens; President of Rotary, J. W, and Mrs. Lowry and Douglas Johns he 20 members of the senior band of OCVI played Christmas carols including Silent Night Come All Ye Faithful, Hark the {Herald Angels Sing, The First Neel, Oh Little Town of Bethle- hem and Joy to the World, They also played several marches and the Carnival King Overture by royler, The entertainment lasted i bout I'he first five persons to in farm The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a fouraveek period, The current attraction is "Desire in The Dust," alsa "Sea Wie" Reports on birthdays received onl of & am RA 334A wil en the and 10 he hoty hours an hour Phone Am : I'he {singing of "Auld Lang Sywe", Head table guests at the dinner An angry teamster . official branded the cartage Industry as a "blight to Oshawa," during the | Tuesday night meeting of the Othawa and District Labor Coun el Hyd McAfee, business repre «| Sentative for the International ,| Brotherhood of Teamsters, was (reporting a contract signed he- t/tween Galt Cartage and Local 419, Warehouse and Miscellaneous Drivers' Union, He said the employees signed the agreement, "at the peril of M for doctors' or| thelr livelihood," He said there isjany of the six wa no protection for them in the eity, "There is no cartage licens: ing and no parity rates," Mr, Mecfee said the drivers y|were only able to get a 'top wage" of $1.50 per hour, "This o[15 40 cents more than they were | Teamster MeAfee sald he was not proud of the contract, but he was proud the employees had the courage to sign a contract, "like that," | He charged it was a shame | that union members would toler ate such a situation, Mr, Mefee | #ald it was good to be concerned ahout government and foreign affairs, "but it's time to look in | your own back yard." | The Local 419 contract includes |elght statutory holidays and free {niforms, as well as the pay in |oveises, It also includes two |weeks' vacation after two years {of service, or 4 per cent of the yearly wage, and the right to usual 'government grievance pro | cedure, | The contract was signed, Dec |, hy Roy H, McLean, owner of (Gall Cartage, and Jack Robinson | president of Loeal 419, This union | 1s affiliated with the International Tealmstes Galt Cartage is the first organ ized cartage company in Osh awa VOTE ANALYSIS Although Ald, Gordon Atters. (ley led the aldermanie poll with {#520 votes, he failed to head rds, . Ald, John nl took that honor, heading three of the six, He was very strong in Oshawa's south side, taking Cedardale, the south-east and south-west wards in gathering his. 8360 votes for third place, Ald. Walter Branch was a good second, heading both the north wards on his. way to 8462 voles, Just 68 behind Ald, Attersley, Ex-alderman Walter Lane fin ished fourth, did well in all wards particularly the Annexed Area which he headed with 9520 | votes, Here, Mr, Lane amassed more votes than either mayoralty candidate, His vole total was| Hola, As did Walter Branch in both {north wards. These were the only ly, two Mayor Lyman Gifford led in| his losing race with Mrs, Thom. as, However, in each case, Branch got more votes, John Brady bowed to Mrs, Thomas in the three south wards, where high totals were concerned 3 Wards Were Topped By Brady Clifford Pilkey, president of the Oshawa and District Labor Couns cll, Tuesday night accused the Oshawa Board of Education of using double standards for the spending of money; "one for their own money; one for the public's money", He sald he couldn't understand £53,000 architect's fees, to be paid by the board, Payment of this fee was approved Monday night, The hoard was advised, at that time, the fee would have to he paid, even If the plans were not used, 'Mr, Pilkey said: "no% wonder some of the members of the board were defeated in the recent eleps tion, If that's the way they do business, ~'We like them to have initiative and foresight," he said, "but they should take it easy on other peo- ple's money, It could he used effectively in other areas," Oppose Cut In Cecil Bint was fourth, fifth and Bus Services sixth In the south-west, south-east] The Oshawa and District Labor and north-east wards: respective: Council Tuesday night, voiced op position to curtailing ty bus Ifinley Dafoe finished third in|Services, "it survey reveals rea: the south-west ward and-sixth in aonable usage of huses in the hath Cedardale the north. &rea boyy i the pov Sid Burgess, chairman of the Hayward Murdoch's 622 totalpolitical action committee, read in the north-west ward was good |!o the council a recommendation south-east ward, was fifth In Cedardale and sixth In the south west ward, In addition to his top three firsts, John Brady was third in the north-west ward, dropped fo fourth in both the north-west ward and the Annexed Area, Walter Lane, besides his con crete lead in the Annexed Area, came third in the north-east ward, fourth next door in the north-west ward, fourth in Cedar: dale and fifth in both the south wards, Mentioned above was "Ab" Walker's third place tie in the south-east ward with Walter Branch, Walker was fifth in the Annexed Area and sixth in the north-east ward, enough for fifth position as he|that a letter be sent ta the Publi edged his committee colleague(Utilities Commission announcing Walter hy one vote, this opinion, ! . Potent as ever in his home| "We don't intend the buses in ward was John Wacko, with a/be used this way," he said, "They econd place finish to John Brady, | hould he used reasonably and wel: Norman Down grabbed sixth|made to pay," he sald, "But there spot in the Annexed Area. ['hould be no curtailment if a sur HOW WARDS WENT [vey shows the service is needed." Looking at the wards individu. The Labor Council approved ond unsuccessful attempt, ly, He, in turn, polled more in these| wards than did Mayor Gifford, Aldermen Albert Walker (7468) and his committee member Ceeil Rint (7184) were fifth and sixth The first six places in each|® ward, 3 positions in all, were! captured by eight incumbent al dermen, one ex-alderman and a candidate who chalked up his see- la 'Tree Lights | Are Stolen The Oshawa Police Departme reported the theft Tuesday Christmas tree lights from front of two Oshawa. homes. Police Chief Herbert Flintoff ald It Was a dirty contemptible trie "The lights were. put there to beautify the homes for the ehild. ren at Christmas time", he said.| The Chief said if anyone is caught at this, they will certainly be taken to court Eight lights and a 20oot ex. tension cord were taken from in front of the home of Lorne Carey 1333 Lakemount street wo sels of lights were taken nt of) in party concluded with thesfrom the lawn at the hame of [third in the (David Kemdo, of 30 Royal street. | \ the recommendation, Only Attersley, Branch, Brady| NORTH-WEST WARD-Walter and Lane placed among the first| Branch led with 691 votes, Right (Brady was first with a 1687 total, six in all six wards, Walker, Rint| behind was Attersley with 685. [Attersley was second with 1620 and Finley Dafoe... made the Brady had 676 for third place. (votes, Tying for thind were ton six in thive-wards each Lane came next with 635, Murs|Branch and Walker, each res Hayward Murdoch and Nowr|'och had 622 for fifth spot with|cording 1569 votes, Fifth was Lane man Down were in the top six in| Walker one behind, hin 621 tak-|with 1443 and then Bint with 1428, one wand each, as was John ME the sixth position CEDARDALE Brady was Wacko who made a strong bid] South-West ward: John Rrady|fivst with 437, followed closely by to lead Cedardile, his bailiewlok, had 732 votes, 20 more than seo-|John Wacko with 44. Good Mr, Wacko finished second 0nd place Attersley with 708 {enough for third was Attersley's here with 444 votes, just 13 he. Dafoe was right behind with 702. [417 total, Lane was next with [hind John Brady who took the/Bint polled 6% votes here for/408, then Branch with 403 and ward with 457 votes, fourth, Lane was close with LE Dafoe with 398, Wacko headed Codardale in his and Branch sixth with 649. With only a 89 vote span be 1958 try, although he came 17th! North-East Ward: the lead: tween first and 'sixth spots, this in the total vote, ers here were well spread oul. was probably the closest ward Ald, Attersley came second in Bransh was first with 1689 votes; [race five polls, finishing third in Ce then came Attersley with 1336] Walter Lane took the Annexed dardale, It was this consistency and Lane with 1437 giving a/Avea with 3320 votes. Attersley whieh gave him the first place ®32 vote span between first and/was a good second, only 13 be. among the aldermen hinkplace finishers, Rrady washing with 8317, Branch came third Hesides his two firsts in the next with 1409, Bint eame in} ith 3301, Next was Brady at north wards, Walter Branch was! fith with 1304, leaving sixth spot3873, followed by ~ Walker with Annexed Area, tied(to Dafoe and his 1382 votes, [3024, Last in the first six was Albert Walker for third in the SOUTH-EAST WARD -- Again Down with 2056 voles, \

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