The Oshawa Times, 13 Dec 1960, p. 2

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2 Tm OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdoy, Dessmber 18, 1960 GOOD EVENING "By JACK GEARIN -- DOWNTOWN BUSINESSMEN ON SCHOOL BOARD Three new members of the Bogrd of Education have #t least two things in common They're members of the Oshawa Downtown Busi nessmen's Association, They were elected in their first bosrd with little or no camprigning They ware Edward A, "Ted" Beasseit, who ran seventh with 482%; Robert H. Stroud, eighth with 4619; and Leo G. Glover, ninth with 4488 votes "Ted" Bassett and Leo Glover each sre of three ~~ and members of Rotary Club "Bok" has been & member of Kiwanis for 13 years snd helped organize the Westmount Club, He is also governor of the Onterio-Quebec-Maritimes district of Kiwanis, which includes 189 clubs and 9600 members, He is also chairman of the Oshawa Blood Donors' Clinie try for the school the father I f | ! For Otta . or wa TORONTO (CP) Education! We seid 2 new institute may be Minisier Roberts Monday an Wilh st Windsor afier 1958 WH the wounced piens 1s blid a SLA 'edersl program is exiended 99 Eastern Opiario Institsie of . Teshaology st Wawa ond pre- VERS COURSES 3 dicted on eneoiment of 190 stu BY wey of FEI IRE he WE dents within sx years Employed Wr, Bobarts seid spe sking in # Aebete on wpem. OF YOCRONS Wiig Mr, Roberts td the TRIBE CoMses Row oe i» iegisiature the school would have eration in Windsor, Cormw 19 he completed helore March 7). 195 to be eligible for feders Wo | rants pimowning 19 75 per cent PIE Investigal of capial costs A westahi The new institute will on Ottawa Traming Scho which POF has operated in remied quarters uid torthe last four yerrs, There pre institutes of technology wise in "EP of the cost of these cowrses Windsor, Bamion and Toros, WH March 3, 1964, The courses Tonal enroiment the four in TW Wp 16 12 months, stitutes is 3009 students, Peter Manley (1, ~ Stormont) ' [oid Cornwall Is "the city of idle PLANS IN NORTH men" and should be dered we the possibiity Like, Special COMmNILERs, fu reghace Akin and Deloro mn the fierce th The Under a federid phan, the gov "Moody will pay # to 7 per edge oR INTERPRETING THE NEWS ' De Gaulle Trip Failed Badly By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Stott Wikker FF The Witter weeds of racial Wate many of them as PRA (RCOMER hove spromiid sind Gen, G6 omy hope now He % | Galles peice min Ww AF LER $4, Catharines, Brantiord and Bhi A Sourpey conceived In Wak eating & rough press in Bika, drism--and walghed The Sunday Times, i Conseryae ROW SEINE (ie REW ishing soiler courses tl centam to leave a legacy of settlers wpe end with Aeep lorehoting RA festering Tesen' ment rigs ond shooting of, the Wosiem and thet hes raged on and oll since the A conquest of Algeria in ARMY 18 THE KEY ash of ld avi i" he What hep ow on the discipiine of 1 wy purpose, $i from he wane of Sunday's ighing que poring thelr s 8 wing erie Abas' rebels The European extremists sre spaper, relers fo the Bs A many of them have fr the Moslems around them with a put & sharper the comtemps of an WRderprivi- leged white wan lor 5 Bll more underprivileged mative race," Donsld Edgar of The Evening Slandord, n » # from Miers, says Sunday's riots have "changed the destiny of ovr time," "Bo ome cay oar whe is sponsihie ; something Frensh i oSoettently, kieruel seems to have come nie Lguestion mark bros a Ja a he ows) Trench character, He suggested the legislature oper shed 19 discuss the Cornwall situation arisen Faire ons, Achi oo P li arliament At-A-Glance He said the depariment plans as depressed ps the WaPIm|iergely 10 establish # similar institute at centre of Eliot Lake, Kirkland Lake as soon Rs ac commodation can be found, It is WANTS DISCUSSED i the school can he in oper ation by the pext fall, Accommodation Is being ex panded pt Toronto and Windsor in line with the government's i policy of training persons for # unemployed, an increase of shout place in the changing technologi- #9 since October, cal world, Mr, Roberts seid | "What can he more degrading! ng de Galles and 8 member of the advisory commitiee of the Prove ince of Ontario Blood Donors' Association, He hes six children, RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION NEEDED The following letter from an Oshawa reduced to meet space requirements; Dear Mr, Gesrin: * An advertisement appeared The Oshawa it did Elliott Lake last session In) mies # full-scale debete, The ig denger Is that they, He said Cornwall now had 3500, may come out openly on the side of the right-wing European set| tiers, who sre vocierously defy:| forts fo give Moslems # faupays Wis mn Times recently regarding the proposed organiza~ tion of a taxpayers' association -- I snswered this ad, but received no reply = no have I seen any follow-up in the paper I firmly believe that part of the answer to the problems confronting ecivie officigldom and the voting public (in the esanomie, political and oeial aspe cts of civic administration) is better liason and organization between civie officials L Th os y' My A $6,000 000 expansion program than a man having to spply for at Ryerson Institute of Technol- wellare for Wis family?" Mr, uly, 'Toromtn, during the next Manley seid ! five years will result in the! He asked thet the goverment handling of 4.000 students a-year essist local groups in Dinding ney in addition to night courses industry for the city, Algeria's 10.000 0H yolee in their own affnirs De Gaulle gambled thet his visit would pave the wey lor # reconciliation between (he (wo communities, Traglienlly, i seems ceripin to produce the op posite effect Heartened by de Gavlle's pres ence, many Moslems have dis carded their careful newirality to By THE. CANADIAN PRESS Mordpy, Dee, 12, 1968 Third and final reading was given 151 to 0 lo government legislation to inciense federsl pid for vocational training purposes A government propossl to es (ablish a national productivity eonmmell was given first reading efter lengthy debate at the reso Debate On Unemploymeri Ends In Stalemate f pe sd ] YUKON SKY United States and improve tele graph and telephone communi in the Canadian north TRAMWAY IN THE of sites where Canadian Nations) Teleg microwave LOwers | on going up, When completed late in 1661 the 1200-mile nel thet they sympathize lution stage, [rahi 1 vy fui that, it has! Lionel Chevrier (1--~Montresl heen # short step to proclaiming Laurier) ¢ hal lenged Conserve | thelr solidarity with the Nations! tive MPs to trim their speeches Liberation Front, the rebel force in praise on government propos: thet has been fighting the French als and keep anti-unemployment and the tax-paying public There has been a sad lack of the latter » it is to that end = that is why I am anxious to help found # ratepayers' association, The need for an organis The sted framework an aerial tramway lower juts from a Yukon mountain penk The "tramway" hoists men hs cations west zation which would provide leadership guidance and knowledge, both to eivie officials and to the citizens, is of importance, especially in times when there seems to be no end in the tax burdens, Such an association can improve public rela- tions, provide a check on excessive expenditures and improve people's understanding of the prob= lems of civie administration, It may also provide sound, 'sane, responsible eivie government, somes thing which has been at a premium of late The tendency in the post-war years of increas~ ed general tax, to the point of exce with little regard for the hardships imposed on the many who can ill afford even the previous tax rate These, and other problems can be solved by a better informed and mare ecivie-minded public, which would essentially be the of such _association and to evoke a civic pride and con~ sciousness that would inevitably result in a ecivig worthy of the name aim an administration Sincerely Dmytro (Peter) Chryk, 784 Oxford street, Oshawa, Ont SHORT BRIEFS FROM HERE AND THERE Some Toronto papers have been getting kicks out of the fact that Oshawa's new alderman, Cephas Gay, the father of 17, was listed an the election ballot recents ly as a "erib attendant", This had no reference to Mr, Gay's domestic duties, but rather to his duties at GM Oshawa where he works in a tool erib , , , Fred Whalley is having more luck with his basketball team, the Hotel Genosha Hawks, than he did with his recent bid to get elected to the Board of Education, The Hawks defeated the St, Thomas Barnes, 62-42, last Saturday at the Donevan Collegiate gym, They stand third in the Ontario Big Beven Senior League, Their opposition next Saturday will be the Tillsonburg Livingstones, 1060 Senior "A" champions of Canada, This will be played in the Donevan Collegiate gym When Alderman Christine Thomas recently defeated Lyman Gifford in the mayoralty by 8,460 to 7,675, it recalled to many the heavy vote in the 1052 mayoralty when John Naylor defeated Frank MeCallum by 6,668 to 4,200, Norman Down headed the aldermanie race that year with 6,868 as compared with 8,620 for Alderman Gordon Attersley this year, Dr, Claude Vipond headed the board of education race in 1062 with 7,638 votes as compared with Trustee A, E, O'Neill's 7219 this year, PLAYS SANTA ROLE FOR 27 YEARS Remember Dave Savage, the manager of the Plaza Theatre, the genial man who has heen playing the role of Santa Claus for the past 27 years? Dave was sidelined with a illness for five months earlier this year, but he's getting ready to res sume his Santa role again, This will be good news for hundreds of kiddies in schools, orphanages and hospitals in such places as Toronto, Bowmanville, Whithy, Orono and Oshawa many of them know him from the past as a kind and humane man Dave will need a new costume this year he lost 50 pounds convaleseing but, like the grand old trouper that he is, he won't let this deter him any way An the old ehautaugua where had an afternoon program ("Reading from Canadian authors"), he also served VEeAr af an actor 'with the old Vaughan Glaser stock company in Taranto, The things he values most are the letters he gels and the "whispered confidences" from children awaiting the hig day He must be one of Oshawa's best known Santas, Ferious ex-performer on eireuit he one THAT'S THE GIRL, MERT! «~~ KEEP IT CLEAN "I never heard Mert say a word against me That's what 1 like a good, clean campaign and that's what we've had in this Township of Whithy Race. HERER DOWN, newly-elected reeve of Whithy Township Council, in commending Myrtle Lovelock, his defeated opponent, after last Saturday's election, Threw Acid In Face Of Wife's Lover ST. CATHARINES (CP) plant owner, on Oct, 37 year Swedburg testified when married his wife on Oot 140, he thought her a { held | wal. had in high esteem been involved intimately apartment owner, pleaded guilty said Monday to throwing acid In a man's face because he had se duced Swedburg's wife elght years hefore he married her POLITICALLY MINDED woman I had ever loved," Swed. in 1933 burg testified, He was charged with" assault with intent to dis figure after throwing nitrile acid int ace of Harold Harris, 42 a Sif Catharines dry cleaning p PENN, MINER Nie Adams of TV's The was born Niphalas Adamshock son of a Penfisylvania miner, last he Gagne, 46, both of, Ottawa weve NM, chaste | Highway {and pure country girl whom he here Monday night One day, shortly after the wedding, In altawa, is in hospital with serious fit of remorse she told him she!internal injuries v ! floecupants of the same car ter Swedhurg 4, a Regina with Harris in Yorkton, Sask, he Desi Arnaz's father was mayer of Santiage, Cuba, for eight years He put a brand on the only until his appeintment to Congress Rebel Stockholm (CP Wirepho Chinese Tells How He Sold 'Paner Sons' TORONTO (Cp A Thy old Chinese, Lam Poy, of onto, testified Monday that w gel elderly We are turned made food and fuel to mountaindop | work will link Alasks and the Ad. Firms Told 'Must Testify' TORONTO (CP)-Two adver- ing men would face a tising associations who offered the Inquiries Act "not for publication" Informa ne . 7 . tion to the royal commission on MAE me MEANS ow publications have heen ordered thik oh doy a nes J 2 it without strings or Ad edd 0 Pridhies He a } invested with certain powers ace legal activ dd i Bu | Re Grattan O'Leary, head of the hd advenisers brief ws ne three-man commission inquiring pi We iy NIH Sunng ; CATING into the Canadian periodical hus ds ie commission § hearing iness, issued the order Monday|\P +OFORLGO ere to the Association of Canadian|freelance writes Ralph Allen, ing false affidavits and con | Ad he dd x ornorated, a n.d/former editor of Maclean's Mag: ing to facilitate the jlleg th 'e Mo As poracat, Ad. Azine; Arthurs-Franklin Publica: | of Chinese to Cadada ] S008 8 Canad tions Limited; Canadian Cireula antry of ail hyd | vertising Agencies tion Audit Board Incorporated int i § of the agency nto Warren Reynolds of the ag AK Tinnada' Track and Trait PL into group and Allan presi . i "y of the advertisers' hody Magaing ion i sald the two groups made a con iH Jenates sald memh fidential survey of memberships polled "indicated a considerable of the overseas Chinese nee to determine current attitudes disparity of viewpoint," George papers, and all the old men ' 1 the problems of he Johnston of Toronto, whi sits oniturned to China and made t AoW WA m lusts the commission with Claude or two more 'papers' (0 he periodical pu Hiahing iy ual Yoo Tg SOs ap de\or twa mote and actions iat might be be O'Leary asked for a breakdown! "Phat is why 1 said remedy them," i to remedy of the views three sons instead! of one information on that basis, and if plove possibilities of making I The two are scheduled to ap 4 ales sé he was 4 Ph ' 0. ues Jud ho» but nol Phe advertisers' Joint brief op The case Is continuing Boy Carri fuced the advertis:|€Lonomis ally more desirable for oy arries I was nol produce publications accepting Canadian | 'BEHAN CRUSADE pear again Friday Bl H John Rose, president of Can azing ome bh A Hon under to Chinese homeland fietit expatriate to thelr money hy son elling one!' paper [1 hearin Lum Poy Himinary tified al the al eo Explaining th ons of Ching Lum Poy sald land China for Yenles, in m 1 the Suggest § x the commission would nol accept Wi ed fommission Canada (CP) h a Mrs, Kenneth six children clothes as their two-slke Canadian Heads W. German Counci SOKST (Reuters) Donald C, Cameron of Alexan dria, Ont, Monday night he came the first non-elected per on in the 1000-year history of (Neighbors, Mi Rrigadier| {hoy in A of travel agent were from George Chan, charged with mak utes Canada, | stood with them so there could several years on my third trip, AL that time, most yew," Premier Frost shouted, old hoy early Nipl netghbors al Rohert this North German eity to pre { Renaud, and later hy the nearhy under | was By DON BENEY { Provincial Trewsurer Allan TORONTO (CP)~"The wunem- said that more then half of the ployment debate. ended in a stale: $10,000,000 offered by the federal mate Monday in the Ontario leg- government to municipalities for! islature when all three parties new sewage works would he used) attempted to gain a political ad in Ontario {vantage and outsmarted them: The Onlario Walter Resources selves, Commission has approved muni-| The debate originated with gs cipal plans for $3,000 000 worth resolution moved by Richard Sul-lof sewerage projects since the ton (PC--"Poronto YorkBearhor-| federal announcement bast month ough) who urged that govern. and plans for another $6,000,000 CAT ment and industry work together of work are now heing pre Yor-\to incresse production and ex- prepared, Mr, Allan said WY port trade . : Te" The Liberals and CCP moved PREAM COMING TRUE and Attorney-General Roberts said lous the government was asleep, there was a "$50,000,000. dream coming true" in govemment 90 min Pans to expand services during curfew| the winter months in thal cop | amount Albert Wren (1 urged the government to adopt & LL 20-point program to best unem- ployment in northern Ontario, be a recorded vole He called for more highways "Yow've lost your amendment|And access roads in the North and a reduction of corporation ded taxes so that resources industries re; AMENDMENT DEFEATED would not pay more taxes than one| The CCF. amendment, calling other industries, He urged also sold for short and long-term propos-|the removal of the logging tax, als to combat unemployment, the tax on diesel fuel and the had was defeated 50-17, tax on alreraft fuel, | The Liberal amendment should] Mr, Wren called Northern On- have heen voted on next, but|tario "a vietim of economic geo: Allan Grossman, minister with-(graphy in between the western out portfolio, jumped up to move and eastern economy," a sub-amendment which, in ef-| "We are actually a province fect, would delete most of the Within a province and as such Liberal amendment {6hould be entitled to special ats The sub » amendment praised tention in any Dominion-provin: the government for taking meas-|clal conference on fiscal mat {ures to assist agriculture and in- ters," he added, dustry (0 market (help goods ABKE GRANTS ahroad, to further economic and A Ram : dual reteur to mpemn , 418 Norther, Cntr wa | Joh-creating programs and de velop Ontario's human resources,| In the same manner as the Mari. {times and the "have not" prov. "You're trying to embarrass|"" 5" Mr, Wintermeyer shouted #8 | "It is somewhat ridiculous that ALT : a have-not province such as Al: HALTH CELEBRATION _ |berta would receive upwards of Kenneth Bryden (CCF Tor $20,000,000 in equalization grants se: onto Woodbine) halted "the jubl:|while Northern Ontario starves The lant Progressive Conservative economically In its need for un:-members when he reminded the | voads and basic development legislature that the sub-amend a he said, Irv: | ment reopened debate Mr, Frost) Thomad D. Thomas (CCF 08: agreed reluctantly that it did, |Oshawa) said the winter works fire] "I've been taken by surprise," | npogram was a failure because wey Mr, Frost sald, explaining his {he municipalities could not af: confusion, "I've never seen wi i, ford to participate, Was opposition vole against its own {municipalities must pay 85 per { | He sald the "overburdened" his amendment," He adjourned the debate until gent of labor costs of any winter Inthe next half of the session, | works project when already the be: which will be reconvened some: munioipal debenture debt has {time in late January, The debate oaned the danger mark of 20 per the was to have ended Monday night,| gant above taxable assessment, un Mr, Bryden, speaking 10 the "Ni "Fhamas said in the boom COP amendment, sald if nem: year of 1050 outstanding taxes of ployment rose in the same PIO Lraperty owners in Ontario portion as last year there Would amounted to $16,221,000, but last ho as many as 800,000 out Offyeqr gutstanding taxes - totalled work in Canada by next. March | y LL and 930,000 unemployed in On , the figures the gov» the [#10 : ernment should bear in mind He said labor logislation should wren" it asks the municipalitis he amended to reduce the maxl-| ihe home owners = to accept mum work week from 48 hours| ware and more of the financial (0 40 hours a week without any pusden which properly belongs io) amendments to the resolution and the legislature spent two long days and nights debating Pre the package, Monday night, past 'the normal IF time of 1080 pm. the MY amendment came to a vote, With only four CCF members present wed Liberal Leader Wiltermeyer ahout an are the rry:| igh: had the Ww | Arrests Eight Lab --~Kenora) | for six years END MODERATION Tha show of defiance caused mueh of the bloodshed, It | is bound to eonvinge many Arabs that moderation no longer serves Morality Squad LONDON, Ont, (CP) Fight persons arrested Bundsy In # raid by morality squad officers on a city home were rema Monday to Dee, 19 on charges under the liquor laws { ninth person, Paul Elmer Martin of London, was fined #25 {and costs for illegal possession of beer which he said he bought t the house, Ronald Fdwin McLennan, of London, was remanded in cus tody on a charge of keeping liquor for sale, Kighteen cases of heer and wine were seized in the raid, Warrender rose fo defend the winter works program but oppo- ition members shouted him down, The Speaker sided with the opposition, reminding Mr, War: render that he had already poken In the pl de: bate, Ross. Whicher (1, Bruce) urged the government to apply pressure on the federal govern ment for the freezing of wages and prices of manufactured goods, "Are you speaking for your party on this?" asked Attorney General Roberts, "I'm speaking for mysell," Mr Whicher replied, He sald the controls could be lifted when labor and Indusir + men and work together to manufac: ture goods that could eompete In price with foreign competitors, NEEDS HARD BELL Charles MacNaughton (PC Huron) sald part of the answer to increased employment . was "hard selling" In foreign mar kets, Reform Institutions Minister Wardrope charged the opposition with spreading 'uncertainty and alarm" in the public mind and causing further unemployment, "This temporary recession and unemployment Is helng used by prophets of gloom for political agreed to reduce thelr demands) legislation rolling, - Prime Minister Diefenbaker said the government has no in tention of encouraging the "boot. legging" of American goods io Cuba but expects other nations fo respect Canadas views oh relations with the Castro govern: ment Justice Minister Pulton said Ottawa will continue (0 negotiate with the United States toward a Columbia River treaty despite an impasse in federal - British Co- {lumbis views financing the development, Tuesday, Dee, 13 | The Commons meeis al 2:50 pm, EST to discuss government legislation setting wp # national productivity council, The Sensis meets at 3 pm, a PC Calls For Coyne To Quit OTTAWA (CP)=A Progressive y Conservative MP called night for the resignation of James Coyne, governor of the Bank of Canada, saying he has lost the confidence of the Cana: dian people, wu oseph Hiden a Cll, e « L'Assomption » told the [mili ois A national interest and In the in. terests of the Canadian economy that Mr, Coyne step down, Oherwise, he SUgRested, there might be a march on Ottawa to force the governor's resignation, The Quebec member was called fo order by Depuly Speaker Jacques Flynn, who said It was possible that Mr, Pigeon's remarks were relevant, "but I ke him to show us how," | | KEEP TAB ON CUBANS MEXICO CITY (AP) = Two special agents and a Jratogha. p er have been posted at the nternational airport here to cheek, fingerprint and photo. graph Cubans arriving in Mex. leo and sift out undesirables, Did You Know , , « In the main Pining Reem ef the GENOSHA HOTEL you cen have o Fullscourse Dinner for ONLY 956, purposes,' he added, Directed by Mr SIMOOE STREET reduction in pay, [to the twa senior levels of gov: NEED TO LOOK ernment," he said, i Planning and Development| Municipal Affairs Minister Heli Minister Nickel sald the time] m-- "AM had come for a look at the wage structure with a view to making Canadian goods. more competi: [tive with other countries He sald his department had established a products research division to encourage foreign in| dustry\ to locate in Ontario and ew de | Girls Just Think! A 20.P¢, Set Wedgewood Dishware ave ace] the| to Tickets $1.00 ond $1.50 (re Henderson's ond Helden wg 1,00 manufieture goods from raw ma See age 4 terials, traffio accident on five miles south of killed in a 16, Earl Lachance, 37, also of Of Al three were Police investigating the "acel dent say the ear was headed south when it went out of con trol on a curve and struck ree a SALVAGE OLD WARSHIP STOCKHOLM (AM Final plans have heen made ta salvage a Wdyearhil Swedish man-of war fram the hottom of the auter harboy where the oaken-hulled ship was sunk on her maiden voyage in 1628, dan Behan's high-flying bid [and wanted no artificial restric footed 10 - yem 2 whisper lishers giving bargain rates to/INE hs hahy sister to tell pe the second of his two sched: suggested -Canadian publications Kenneith Irving was in a tactifully hushed volee ans (not offer means to this end, |Seven-month-old hahy was . | |Ing, and her Behan's next publle ap. [necesary for Canada's economic [frame house Tuesday night or Wednes i ister and run to fore the fire started . Post ice derwear sakl he bought a post office key years in whieh Cameron com |Mamed for the fire {years in penitentiary for 'heft/Infantry Rrigade Group Rar! Little, 84, of Toronto told hefore Columbus discovered! Ci H 1 ] oouneil for | ity a Files antiary { lee keys. | ( M 9 , tentiary for two post office Keys. |Cameron for the harmony pal files were loaded into ¢ Kingston penitentiary Warden| At. the same time, the Soest spay eily hall Monday {in the prison persons in the area alse gavelducts sparked a hlage in | be Aritain to attend a course at the!the 100.vear-old struoture OTTAWA (OM Wallace Gil { ou LER] Re-Electing Me for publication, Mr, O'Leary sald! Pe ed a tax on advertising and advertising to he published in Sister From 'ENDS IN FAILURE | /o | ada Track apd Traffic, said his| to drink Montreal dry has (tions, He sald, however, (here Monday walked through The hard-living Trish play. Canadian advertisers Hots Jin family nome wled lectures in Montreal he: [he placed on a more even level BON Hospital suffering from nounced from Behan's hotel [The Audit Board sald a strong | "Armed odiShates | Sune "ellare ecaped in night Tue Kenneth, the oldest ehild, quarter-mile away, Mr, Irv The hoy walked through The family was housed hy Goes To Pen ilde at a local council meeting n fish hatchery made in Kingston penitentiary manded Canada's NATO troops orion is 50 miles east of {from the malls and possession ofl At a special ceremony in the Magistrate €, A. Thorburn last America, the eity thanks to} One opened street mail hoxes, tween Germans and Canadians and trucks and the staff eva David Maclean sald an investiga: County Council representing 20 The five, believed to hh ils thanks hasement, was hrought | . "Two Killed Jmperial Defence College, estimated at $35,000, het Knight, 32, and Roland For Your To The Oshawa HENRY F. MONTREAL (CP) Bren magazine welcomed competition DORION, Ont ended, not with a hang, but [should he a control on U.K, pub now in 16-helow weather ca ) hurned wright was forced to cancel I'he Arthurs Franklin brief cause of "medical reasons," (with US, publications, hut did Vere frosthite to the feet room Monday Canadian business press was His mother, | i { when he departs either | The hearings continue today [wept through told hy his mother to take Had Key For | 1 in ior whi i mine snow wearing only his long and Mrs | TORONTO (CPA man wha The tribute eame after three defective ehimney was sentenced Monday to four in the area--the 4th Canadian akehead Fire Th burglar tools Soest town hall, built 200 years ire reatens week that he paid $3 in the penl- mally recorded its oH! RELLEVILLE (CP) Nur the other apartment house boxes. [during his command BC Yiioks AHN ive Haid ov tion showed no trace of the keys villages and more than 120,000 started wien overheated fur Cameron leaves next week for control in an hour Damage In Accid | n Accident | 8 KING ST, EAST [T==" OSHAWA CONTACT LENSES COMPLETE RA 5.0444 OPTICAL SERVICE Largest Eyewear Selection Convenient Credit LEWIS OPTOMETRISTS ' JOHN A, DUTCHAK, B.A, RO, : OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED OLASSES FITTED | by doctors' observations, | 'while gently |. And most amasing of All=thia CHRISTMAC "POP" CONCERT OSHAWA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA DECEMBER 14th-8 P.M, ok Store, Wilson and Les, Alte Music Store LA [] ted by UNITED CHURON served) may be obtained of VY TRA wae w----. Science Now Shrinks Piles Without: Pain Or Discomfort Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids Toronto, Ont, (Special) Foy the first time science has found a now healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pein and ftehing, Thousands have heen relieved with this inexpensive substance right in the privacy of their own ome without any' discomiprt or noonvenienoe, Pn one hemorrhoid asd after another, 'very striking improves mnt" wan reported and verified Pain was promptly relieved, And Toh es notion or retraction (shrinkin took place, . ¥ nt was n oases where doctors' abservations were continued ver a period of many months! In fact, results were so thorough that sufferers were able to make such statements as 'Piles have cond to be a problem!" And amoify these sufferers were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid cons ditions, some of even 10 to 20 years' standing, 4 AlLthisg without the use of nars ootios, anesthetios or astringents of any kind, The secre is a new heals ing substance (Rio-Dyne)=the disoavery of a famous solentifio ine stitute, Already, RigsDyne is in . wide use for healin injured tissue on all parts of the bedy, This new healing substance is offered: in suppository or ointment form called Preparation H, Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation H Suppositories or Preparation H ointment wit special applicator, Preparation in sold at all drug stores, Satisfaction guaran or money refunded,

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